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钙对吸胀的绿豆种子脱水耐性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以绿豆种子为材料,研究了预吸胀种子脱水耐性的变化,以及Ca^2 处理对种子脱水耐性的影响。结果表明:绿豆种子的脱水耐性随预吸胀时间的延长而下降;Ca^2 预吸胀处理能提高种子的脱水耐性,适宜的Ca^2 浓度为20mmol/L;Ca^2 能修复预吸胀种子的脱水伤害,适宜的Ca^2 浓度为2.5~5mmol/L。  相似文献   

研究了豌豆种子吸胀过程中脱水耐性的变化模式。种子在吸胀初期迅速吸收水分,然后缓慢吸收直到平台期。电解质渗漏速率在吸胀初期增加直到11h,然后随着吸胀下降。在吸胀过程中,种子的萌发率逐渐增加,种子和胚轴的脱水耐性逐渐丧失,10%和50%的种子和胚轴被脱水致死的含水量明显增加。赤霉素和脱落酸处理改变豌豆种子的萌发特性,提高胚轴的脱水耐性。研究结果表明,吸胀的豌豆种子脱水耐性的丧失是一种数量性状,正常性种子吸胀后脱水耐性的变化能够作为种子顽拗性研究的模式系统。  相似文献   

对板栗种子发育期间胚轴和子叶中部分生理指标的变化以及它们与板栗种子脱水耐性的相关性进行研究.结果表明:随着板栗种子不断发育,在花后80 d胚轴和子叶中ABA、淀粉、可溶性蛋白质量分数同步达到最大值,可溶性糖质量分数达到最低,此时板栗种子的脱水耐性最强,可确定为板栗的最佳采收期.另外,通过相关分析可知,板栗种子在发育期间...  相似文献   

对热带植物小芸木的种子和胚在整个发育阶段的形态学特征、含水量、萌发率和电导率进行了研究。结果显示:(1)小芸木种子在发育过程中形态学特征、电导率、萌发率和胚的脱水耐性有明显的变化;(2)在55~80 d种子鲜重和干重逐渐增加,随后又稍微降低,整个发育过程未经历明显的成熟脱水阶段;种子萌发率从55~85 d逐渐达到最大,随后又稍微降低;(3)胚的脱水耐性从55~90 d逐渐增加,于85~90 d达到最大,在95~103 d时又有所下降。表明小芸木胚的最大脱水耐性的获得时间与种子干物质积累达到最大的时间一致。  相似文献   

不同发育时期黄皮种子脱水敏感性的研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
自花后46d到88d果实成熟.黄皮种子的发芽率由0升至100%.而活力指数逐渐上升,到花后74d达到最大值,之后略有下降.每粒种子的呼吸强度在花后46-67d持续增加,此后则渐渐减弱,但湿藏2d后又回升.黄皮种子的发育明显超前于果实.花后74d时.每粒种子的干重已接近最大值,这时种子活力最大.而果实的鲜重虽然已接近最大值.但其干重却只有成熟时的73%。花后46-53d的种子,其发芽率小于100%,轻微脱水能提高种子的发芽率及活力指数,花后60d至果实成熟.种子发芽率均为100%.这时任何程度的脱水都会引起活力指数的下降,但不同发育时期的黄皮种子耐脱水力有差别.其中以花后67d的耐脱水力最强.花后88d果实成熟时种子的耐脱水力最弱。  相似文献   

为测定不同脱水程度金丝李(Garcinia paucinervis)种子的萌发情况及其复水后的吸水率、脱水过程中抗性生理指标的变化以及不同贮藏方式下种子的萌发情况,该文研究了金丝李种子的脱水敏感性和储藏特性。结果表明:(1)金丝李种子初始含水量为45.29%,室内通风处放置35 d失水率即达45%。(2)种子失水率低于18%时,萌发率和复水后的吸水率变化不显著;失水率超过18%时,萌发率和复水后吸水率均显著下降,失水率为42%时萌发率为0。其种子的临界含水量为27.29%,半致死含水量为12.72%。(3)随着种子脱水程度的加深,相对电导率、可溶性糖及脯氨酸含量逐步上升;丙二醛含量在失水率低于24%时变化不大,高于24%时显著提高; SOD和POD的活性均呈波动性变化,失水率为18%时活性均最高。(4)室温干藏1个月和-1、-20℃下湿藏1个月的种子均不能萌发;水浸贮藏1个月的种子萌发率显著降低; 4℃湿藏1、3和6个月均显著延缓种子萌发,但对萌发率无显著影响。表明金丝李种子在失水率低于18%时,种子可通过抗性调节维持细胞的正常代谢,能忍受一定程度的脱水和低温;当失水率超过18%时,种子代谢失衡发生劣变直至死亡,属于低度的顽拗性种子。4℃湿沙藏(含水量7.5%)是短期贮藏其种子的较好方法。  相似文献   

种子的吸胀冷害和吸胀伤害   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
概述了喜温植物种子吸胀冷害和吸胀伤害的表现及其在细胞溶质渗漏、呼吸代谢和细胞结构等方面的特点,并讨论和了吸胀冷害的机理。  相似文献   

种子脱水耐性与LEA蛋白   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
就正常性种子的发育产物LEA蛋白的产生,LEA蛋白的共同特征、可能作用,ABA对LEA蛋白基因表达的调节以及正常性种子和顽拗性种子的脱水耐性与类脱水素蛋白之间的关系等问题的研究现状进行了综述。  相似文献   

种子顽拗性的形成机理及其保存技术   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
根据种子的脱水行为将种子分为正常性种子、顽拗性种子和中间性种子。顽拗性种子在发育的末期不经历成熟脱水.脱落时有相对高的含水量,并且对低温和脱水干燥非常敏感。在自然界,顽拗性种子存在一个连续群,即低度、中度和高度顽拗性种子,其差异在于对脱水伤害的敏感程度。影响种子顽拗性的因素,既有种子本身的生理生化物质基础,也有种子在母株上发育过程中所经受的外界环境的影响。目前,对种子脱水耐性的分子机制及其保存技术研究得较多。本文综述了有关顽拗性种子研究的近期进展。  相似文献   

脱水速率对非洲柚种子脱水耐性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过脱水速率对不同发育阶段的非洲柚种子脱水耐性影响的研究,其结果表明:花后130 d,190 d,245 d和275 d的非洲柚种子在慢速脱水的条件下具有比快速脱水更强的脱水耐性,而且差异显著(P0.05)。但对于花后155 d和220 d的非洲柚种子,快速脱水和慢速脱水条件下脱水耐性差别变小,未达到显著性水平;脱水速率对非洲柚种子脱水耐性的影响与种子的发育阶段有关。这样的结果与前人以正常性大豆种子和玉米胚为材料得到的结果相类似。研究认为,脱水速率对中间型非洲柚种子脱水耐性的影响,可能主要在于慢速脱水能够诱导某些与脱水耐性相关的蛋白的表达和积累。慢速脱水诱导脱水耐性必需以种子具有相应的遗传基础为前提,而且需要选择合适的时机。  相似文献   

芦丁对绿豆幼苗营养生长的影响及其与IAA的相互作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
观察了植物体内的天然黄酮芦丁和吲哚乙酸(IAA)对绿豆幼苗营养生长的影响并测定胚轴中的芦丁和IAA含量.光照条件下芦丁(60μg/mL以下)处理对绿豆幼苗生长有一定促进作用,表现为胚轴和主根伸长加快、侧根数目增多、鲜重或干重增加;而光照条件下更高浓度芦丁(80μg/mL以上)处理及黑暗条件下芦丁(20~100μg/mL)处理对绿豆幼苗生长有抑制作用.当培养基中的芦丁浓度为60~80 μg/mL时,光照下的幼苗比暗处理的幼苗在胚轴中积累更多的芦丁;而芦丁浓度为40μg/mL以下和接近100μg/mL时幼苗在光照下累积的芦丁较暗处理的幼苗更少.0.1μg/mL以上的IAA促进芦丁的累积而进一步抑制幼苗胚轴和主根的伸长.当培养基中含有40 μg/mL的芦丁和0.5μg/mL的IAA时,胚轴中累积的芦丁达到高峰.芦丁降低黄化幼苗内源性IAA在胚轴中的累积,并抑制幼苗对IAA的吸收.  相似文献   

Abstract. Water stress created by withholding irrigation in mung bean resulted in decreased leaf water potential and nodule moisture content. Decreased leaf water potential was associated with decreased activity of nitrogenase, glutamine synthetase (GS), asparagine synthetase (AS), aspartate amino transferase (AAT), xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) and uricase. However, the activity of glutamate dehydrogenase increased three-fold under severe stress. The activity of allantoinase and allantoicase was not affected by moderate stress but decreased under severe stress. The in vitro production of allantoic acid from allantoin and uric acid in the cytosol fraction decreased more than its production from xanthine and hypoxanthine. The production of NADH also decreased under stress.
During recovery from severe stress, the activity of XDH and uricase further decreased, whilst that of allantoinase and allantoicase increased compared to the control. This corresponded with the higher content of ureides during recovery. The recovery in other enzymes was not complete although leaf water potential and nodule moisture content recovered fully within 24 h.  相似文献   

The present work reports the isolation and characterization of new polymorphic microsatellites in mung bean (Vigna radiata L.). Of 93 designed primer pairs, seven were found to amplify polymorphic microsatellite loci, which were then characterized using 34 mung bean accessions. The number of alleles ranged from two to five alleles per locus with an average of three alleles. Observed and expected heterozygosity values ranged from 0 to 0.088 and from 0.275 to 0.683, respectively. All seven loci showed significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, whereas only one pairwise combination (GBssr‐MB77 and GBssr‐MB91) exhibited significant departure from linkage disequilibrium. These newly developed markers are currently being utilized for diversity assessment within the mung bean germplasm collection of the Korean Gene Bank.  相似文献   

Until now no 'early-methionine-labelled' (Em) proteins have been reported in the Fabaceae. To check whether a previously isolated low-molecular mass albumin from dry mung bean embryonic axes possibly corresponded to an Em-like protein, the protein was purified, sequenced and its cDNA clone isolated and characterized. N-terminal sequencing of cyanogen bromide cleavage products of the protein revealed homology with previously described Em-like proteins from other species. Analysis of cDNA clones encoding the mung bean Em protein revealed the presence of two classes of Em proteins and confirmed their homology to the previously characterized Em-like proteins. In vivo labelling and northern blot analysis further demonstrated that the mung bean protein is synthesized during early germination of the axes and that abscisic acid (ABA) extends its synthesis. It appears, therefore, that legumes also contain maturation-specific, ABA-responsive Em-like proteins.  相似文献   

AIMS: This study assessed the plant growth-promoting ability of the bacterial strains Ochrobactrum intermedium (isolate CrT-1) and Bacillus cereus (isolate S-6). METHODS AND RESULTS: Two chromium resistant bacterial strains isolated from chromium-contaminated wastewater and soils were identified as O. intermedium CrT-1 and B. cereus S-6. These strains were inoculated on seeds of mungbean Vigna radiata var NM-92, which were germinated and grown under chromate salts (300 microg ml(-1) of CrCl(3)or K(2)CrO(4)). The data show that Cr(VI) was more toxic because of its better availability to plants roots when compared with Cr(III). The major part of Cr(VI) supplied to the seedlings was reduced to Cr(III) in the rhizosphere by the bacterial strains, thus lowering the toxicity of chromium to seedlings. CONCLUSIONS: Strains have significant Cr(VI) resistance and reduction potential and have ability to enhance mungbean plant growth under chromium stress. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: These strains could be utilized for the growth of economically important cash crops as well as for the bioremediation of chromium-polluted soils.  相似文献   

Increased cadmium (Cd) contamination of soils resulting from industrial activities is critical to crop production. The objective of this study was to find varietal differences for foliar chlorosis and necrosis, growth and Cd accumulation in mungbean (Vigna radiata). Despite substantial varietal differences, increased Cd levels reduced the shoot and root dry weight and the number and area of leaves at different growth stages. Applied Cd stress produced the foliar symptoms such as marginal and intervein chlorosis and scattered necrotic spots on younger leaves while accelerating the senescence of older leaves. Slope of regression equation and correlations of shoot Cd content with foliar Cd toxicity revealed that leaf chlorosis was more damaging than necrosis. At maturity, number of pods per plant and seeds per pod were maximally reduced to 37% and 26%, while 100‐seed weight, seed yield and harvest index showed 61%, 79% and 54% reduction, respectively, as a result of Cd toxicity. Results suggested that although varietal difference exists, the accumulated Cd is mainly toxic to the mesophyll tissue, most probably by interfering with the uptake of essential nutrients, thereby reducing growth and yield at various stages. Therefore, selection programmes based on foliar toxicity criteria may be beneficial for better utilisation of Cd‐polluted soils.  相似文献   

The crop plants Vigna mungo (urid, urd or black gram) and V. radiata (mung bean or green gram: and related taxa have been studied by seed protein electrophoresis, leaf phenolics chromatography, vegetative morphology, and seed testa patterns. The results disprove the theory that these species are very closely related and have evolved from a single wild taxon. The present evidence shows that V. mungo var. mungo and I. radiata var. radiata have independent lineages and were domesticated from two very distinct taxa. namely V. mungo var. silvestris and V. radoata var. sublobata respectively.  相似文献   

毛决明种子发芽力在花后39d后逐渐上升,发芽率和发芽指数在花后53d,活力指数在花的67d最大值,而后有所降低,花后39-74d,含水量逐渐下降,但下降速度不等,花后67d种子干重达到最大值,花后67-74d含水量显著下降,花后39-74d,含水量逐渐下降,但下降速度不等,花后67d种子干重达到最大值,花后67-74d含水量显著下降。种子存在明显的成熟脱水阶段。种子的脱水耐性在花后46-60d逐渐增强,60d达到最大值,后有所下降,轻微脱水可显著提高花后46d和67d的种子的发芽率,花后60-67d的种子能忍耐10%含水量,毛决明种子极可能是正常性种子。  相似文献   

Vigna mungo seeds. SEP activity was separated into two isoforms by CM-cellulose column chromatography. These forms, termed SEP-1 and SEP-II, showed endopeptidase activities even at acidic pH, suggesting that SEPs are unique serine endopeptidases, since most serine proteases are optimum at neutral pH. Received 14 December 1998/ Accepted in revised form 22 February 1999  相似文献   

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