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The fate of the embryonic endoderm (generally called visceral embryonic endoderm) of prestreak and early primitive streak stages of the mouse embryo was studied in vitro by microinjecting horseradish peroxidase into single axial endoderm cells of 6.7-day-old embryos and tracing the labelled descendants either through gastrulation (1 day of culture) or to early somite stages (2 days of culture). Descendants of endoderm cells from the anterior half of the axis were found at the extreme cranial end of the embryo after 1 day and in the visceral yolk sac endoderm after 2 days, i.e. they were displaced anteriorly and anterolaterally. Descendants of cells originating over and near the anterior end of the early primitive streak, i.e. posterior to the distal tip of the egg cylinder, were found after 1 day over the entire embryonic axis and after 2 days in the embryonic endoderm at the anterior intestinal portal, in the foregut, along the trunk and postnodally, as well as anteriorly and posteriorly in the visceral yolk sac. Endoderm covering the posterior half of the early primitive streak contributed to postnodal endoderm after 1 day (at the late streak stage) and mainly to posterior visceral yolk sac endoderm after 2 days. Clonal descendants of axial endoderm were located after 2 days either over the embryo or in the yolk sac; the few exceptions spanned the caudal end of the embryo and the posterior yolk sac. The clonal analysis also showed that the endoderm layer along the posterior half of the axis of prestreak- and early-streak-stage embryos is heterogeneous in its germ layer fate. Whereas the germ layer location of descendants from anterior sites did not differ after 1 day from that expected from the initial controls (approx. 90% exclusively in endoderm), only 62% of the successfully injected posterior sites resulted in labelled cells exclusively in endoderm; the remainder contributed partially or entirely to ectoderm and mesoderm. This loss from the endoderm layer was compensated by posterior-derived cells that remained in endoderm having more surviving descendants (8.4 h population doubling time) than did anterior-derived cells (10.5 h population doubling time). There was no indication of cell death at the prestreak and early streak stages; at least 93% of the cells were proliferating and more than half of the total axial population were in, or had completed, a third cell cycle after 22 h culture.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The fate of cells in the epiblast at prestreak and early primitive streak stages has been studied by injecting horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into single cells in situ of 6.7-day mouse embryos and identifying the labelled descendants at midstreak to neural plate stages after one day of culture. Ectoderm was composed of descendants of epiblast progenitors that had been located in the embryonic axis anterior to the primitive streak. Embryonic mesoderm was derived from all areas of the epiblast except the distal tip and the adjacent region anterior to it: the most anterior mesoderm cells originated posteriorly, traversing the primitive streak early; labelled cells in the posterior part of the streak at the neural plate stage were derived from extreme anterior axial and paraxial epiblast progenitors; head process cells were derived from epiblast at or near the anterior end of the primitive streak. Endoderm descendants were most frequently derived from a region that included, but extended beyond, the region producing the head process: descendants of epiblast were present in endoderm by the midstreak stage, as well as at later stages. Yolk sac and amnion mesoderm developed from posterolateral and posterior epiblast. The resulting fate map is essentially the same as those of the chick and urodele and indicates that, despite geometrical differences, topological fate relationships are conserved among these vertebrates. Clonal descendants were not necessarily confined to a single germ layer or to extraembryonic mesoderm, indicating that these lineages are not separated at the beginning of gastrulation. The embryonic axis lengthened up to the neural plate stage by (1) elongation of the primitive streak through progressive incorporation of the expanding lateral and initially more anterior regions of epiblast and, (2) expansion of the region of epiblast immediately cranial to the anterior end of the primitive streak. The population doubling time of labelled cells was 7.5 h; a calculated 43% were in, or had completed, a 4th cell cycle, and no statistically significant regional differences in the number of descendants were found. This clonal analysis also showed that (1) growth in the epiblast was noncoherent and in most regions anisotropic and directed towards the primitive streak and (2) the midline did not act as a barrier to clonal spread, either in the epiblast in the anterior half of the axis or in the primitive streak. These results taken together with the fate map indicate that, while individual cells in the epiblast sheet behave independently with respect to their neighbours, morphogenetic movement during germ layer formation is coordinated in the population as a whole.  相似文献   

An organizer population has been identified in the anterior end of the primitive streak of the mid-streak stage embryo, by the expression of Hnf3beta, Gsc(lacZ) and Chrd, and the ability of these cells to induce a second neural axis in the host embryo. This cell population can therefore be regarded as the mid-gastrula organizer and, together with the early-gastrula organizer and the node, constitute the organizer of the mouse embryo at successive stages of development. The profile of genetic activity and the tissue contribution by cells in the organizer change during gastrulation, suggesting that the organizer may be populated by a succession of cell populations with different fates. Fine mapping of the epiblast in the posterior region of the early-streak stage embryo reveals that although the early-gastrula organizer contains cells that give rise to the axial mesoderm, the bulk of the progenitors of the head process and the notochord are localized outside the early gastrula organizer. In the mid-gastrula organizer, early gastrula organizer derived cells that are fated for the prechordal mesoderm are joined by the progenitors of the head process that are recruited from the epiblast previously anterior to the early gastrula organizer. Cells that are fated for the head process move anteriorly from the mid-gastrula organizer in a tight column along the midline of the embryo. Other mid-gastrula organizer cells join the expanding mesodermal layer and colonize the cranial and heart mesoderm. Progenitors of the trunk notochord that are localized in the anterior primitive streak of the mid-streak stage embryo are later incorporated into the node. The gastrula organizer is therefore composed of a constantly changing population of cells that are allocated to different parts of the axial mesoderm.  相似文献   

Differentiation of the principal body axes in the early vertebrate embryo is based on a specific blueprint of gene expression and a series of transient axial structures such as Hensen's node and the notochord of the late gastrulation phase. Prior to gastrulation, the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) of the mouse egg-cylinder or the anterior marginal crescent (AMC) of the rabbit embryonic disc marks the anterior pole of the embryo. For phylogenetic and functional reasons both these entities are addressed here as the mammalian anterior pregastrulation differentiation (APD). However, mouse and rabbit show distinct structural differences in APD and the molecular blueprint, making the search of general rules for axial differentiation in mammals difficult. Therefore, the pig was analysed here as a further species with a mammotypical flat embryonic disc. Using light and electron microscopy and in situ hybridisation for three key genes involved in early development (sox17, nodal and brachyury), two axial structures of early gastrulation in the pig were identified: (1) the anterior hypoblast (AHB) characterised by increased cellular height and density and by sox17 expression, and (2) the early primitive streak characterised by a high pseudostratified epithelium with an almost continuous but unusually thick basement membrane, by localised epithelial–mesenchymal transition, and by brachyury expression in the epiblast. The stepwise appearance of these two axial structures was used to define three stages typical for mammals at the start of gastrulation. Intriguingly, the round shape and gradual posterior displacement of the APD in the pig appear to be species-specific (differing from all other mammals studied in detail to date) but correlate with ensuing specific primitive streak and extraembryonic mesoderm development. APD and, hence, the earliest axial structure presently known in the mammalian embryo may thus be functionally involved in shaping extraembryonic membranes and, possibly, the specific adult body form.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence suggest that the extraembryonic endoderm of vertebrate embryos plays an important role in the development of rostral neural structures. In mice, neural inductive signals are thought to reside in an area of visceral endoderm that expresses the Hex gene. Here, we have conducted a morphological and lineage analysis of visceral endoderm cells spanning pre- and postprimitive streak stages. Our results show that Hex-expressing cells have a tall, columnar epithelial morphology, which distinguishes them from other visceral endoderm cells. This region of visceral endoderm thickening (VET) is found overlying first the distal and then one side of the epiblast at stages between 5.5 and 5.75 days post coitum (d.p.c.). In addition, we show that the epiblast has an anteroposterior-compressed appearance that is aligned with the position of the VET. Intracellular labeling of VET/Hex-expressing cells reveals an anterior and anterolateral shift from their distal epiblast position. VET/Hex-expressing cells are first localized to the anterior side of the epiblast by 5.75 d.p.c. and form a crescent on the anterior half of the embryo at the onset of gastrulation. Subsequently, VET descendants are distributed along the embryonic/extraembryonic boundary by headfold stages at 7.5 d.p.c. The morphological characteristics and position of VET/Hex-expressing cells distinguishes the future anteroposterior axis of the embryo and provide landmarks to stage mouse embryos at preprimitive streak stages. Moreover, the morphological characteristics of pregastrulation mouse embryos together with the stereotyped shift in the position of visceral endoderm cells reveal similarities among amniote embryos that suggest an evolutionary conservation of the mechanisms that pattern the rostral neurectoderm at pregastrula stages.  相似文献   

The node of the mouse gastrula is the major source of the progenitor cells of the notochord, the floor plate, and the gut endoderm. The node may also play a morphogenetic role since it can induce a partial body axis following heterotopic transplantation. The impact of losing these progenitor cells and the morphogenetic activity on the development of the body axes was studied by the ablation of the node at late gastrulation. In the ablated embryo, an apparently intact anterior-posterior body axis with morphologically normal head folds, neural tube, and primitive streak developed during early organogenesis. Cell fate analysis revealed that the loss of the node elicits de novo recruitment of neural ectoderm and somitic mesoderm from the surrounding germ-layer tissues. This leads to the restoration of the neural tube and the paraxial mesoderm. However, the body axis of the embryo was foreshortened and somite formation was retarded. Histological and gene expression studies reveal that in most of the node-ablated embryos, the notochord in the trunk was either absent or interrupted, and the floor plate was absent in the ventral region of the reconstituted neural tube. The loss of the node did not affect the differentiation of the gut endoderm or the formation of the mid- and hindgut. In the node-ablated embryo, expression of the Pitx2 gene in the lateral plate mesoderm was no longer restricted to the left side but was found on both sides of the body or was completely absent from the lateral plate mesoderm. Therefore, the loss of the node results in the failure to delineate the laterality of the body axis. The node and its derivatives therefore play a critical role in the patterning of the ventral neural tube and lateral body axis but not of the anterior-posterior axis during early organogenesis.  相似文献   

Growth and Differentiation Factor 1 (GDF-1) has been implicated in left-right patterning of the mouse embryo but has no other known function. Here, we demonstrate a genetic interaction between Gdf1 and Nodal during anterior axis development. Gdf1-/-;Nodal+/- mutants displayed several abnormalities that were not present in either Gdf1-/- or Nodal+/- single mutants, including absence of notochord and prechordal plate, and malformation of the foregut; organizing centers implicated in the development of the anterior head and branchial arches, respectively. Consistent with these deficits, Gdf1-/-;Nodal+/- mutant embryos displayed a number of axial midline abnormalities, including holoprosencephaly, anterior head truncation, cleft lip, fused nasal cavity, and lack of jaws and tongue. The absence of these defects in single mutants indicated a synergistic interaction between Nodal and GDF-1 in the node, from which the axial mesendoderm that gives rise to the notochord, prechordal plate, and foregut endoderm originates, and where the two factors are co-expressed. This notion was supported by a severe downregulation of FoxA2 and goosecoid in the anterior primitive streak of double mutant embryos. Unlike that in the lateral plate mesoderm, Nodal expression in the node was independent of GDF-1, indicating that both factors act in parallel to control the development of mesendodermal precursors. Receptor reconstitution experiments indicated that GDF-1, like Nodal, can signal through the type I receptors ALK4 and ALK7. However, analysis of compound mutants indicated that ALK4, but not ALK7, was responsible for the effects of GDF-1 and Nodal during anterior axis development. These results indicate that GDF-1 and Nodal converge on ALK4 in the anterior primitive streak to control the formation of organizing centers that are necessary for normal forebrain and branchial arch development.  相似文献   

During mouse gastrulation, the primitive streak is formed on the posterior side of the embryo. Cells migrate out of the primitive streak to form the future mesoderm and endoderm. Fate mapping studies revealed a group of cell migrate through the proximal end of the primitive streak and give rise to the extraembryonic mesoderm tissues such as the yolk sac blood islands and allantois. However, it is not clear whether the formation of a morphological primitive streak is required for the development of these extraembryonic mesodermal tissues. Loss of the Cripto gene in mice dramatically reduces, but does not completely abolish, Nodal activity leading to the absence of a morphological primitive streak. However, embryonic erythrocytes are still formed and assembled into the blood islands. In addition, Cripto mutant embryos form allantoic buds. However, Drap1 mutant embryos have excessive Nodal activity in the epiblast cells before gastrulation and form an expanded primitive streak, but no yolk sac blood islands or allantoic bud formation. Lefty2 embryos also have elevated levels of Nodal activity in the primitive streak during gastrulation, and undergo normal blood island and allantois formation. We therefore speculate that low level of Nodal activity disrupts the formation of morphological primitive streak on the posterior side, but still allows the formation of primitive streak cells on the proximal side, which give rise to the extraembryonic mesodermal tissues formation. Excessive Nodal activity in the epiblast at pre‐gastrulation stage, but not in the primitive streak cells during gastrulation, disrupts extraembryonic mesoderm development.  相似文献   

The regionalisation of cell fate in the embryonic ectoderm was studied by analyzing the distribution of graft-derived cells in the chimaeric embryo following grafting of wheat germ agglutinin--gold-labelled cells and culturing primitive-streak-stage mouse embryos. Embryonic ectoderm in the anterior region of the egg cylinder contributes to the neuroectoderm of the prosencephalon and mesencephalon. Cells in the distal lateral region give rise to the neuroectoderm of the rhombencephalon and the spinal cord. Embryonic ectoderm at the archenteron and adjacent to the middle region of the primitive streak contributes to the neuroepithelium of the spinal cord. The proximal-lateral ectoderm and the ectodermal cells adjacent to the posterior region of the primitive streak produce the surface ectoderm, the epidermal placodes and the cranial neural crest cells. Some labelled cells grafted to the anterior midline are found in the oral ectodermal lining, whereas cells from the archenteron are found in the notochord. With respect to mesodermal tissues, ectoderm at the archenteron and the distal-lateral region of the egg cylinder gives rise to rhombencephalic somitomeres, and the embryonic ectoderm adjacent to the primitive streak contributes to the somitic mesoderm and the lateral mesoderm. Based upon results of this and other grafting studies, a map of prospective ectodermal tissues in the embryonic ectoderm of the full-streak-stage mouse embryo is constructed.  相似文献   

Prior to gastrulation the mouse embryo exists as a symmetrical cylinder consisting of three tissue layers. Positioning of the future anterior-posterior axis of the embryo occurs through coordinated cell movements that rotate a pre-existing proximal-distal (P-D) axis. Overt axis formation becomes evident when a discrete population of proximal epiblast cells become induced to form mesoderm, initiating primitive streak formation and marking the posterior side of the embryo. Over the next 12-24 h the primitive streak gradually elongates along the posterior side of the epiblast to reach the distal tip. The most anterior streak cells comprise the 'organizer' region and include the precursors of the so-called 'axial mesendoderm', namely the anterior definitive endoderm and prechordal plate mesoderm, as well as those cells that give rise to the morphologically patent node. Signalling pathways controlled by the transforming growth factor-beta ligand nodal are involved in orchestrating the process of axis formation. Embryos lacking nodal activity arrest development before gastrulation, reflecting an essential role for nodal in establishing P-D polarity by generating and maintaining the molecular pattern within the epiblast, extraembryonic ectoderm and the visceral endoderm. Using a genetic strategy to manipulate temporal and spatial domains of nodal expression reveals that the nodal pathway is also instrumental in controlling both the morphogenetic movements required for orientation of the final axis and for specification of the axial mesendoderm progenitors.  相似文献   

During mouse gastrulation, endoderm cells of the dorsal foregut are recruited ahead of the ventral foregut and move to the anterior region of the embryo via different routes. Precursors of the anterior-most part of the foregut and those of the mid- and hind-gut are allocated to the endoderm of the mid-streak-stage embryo, whereas the precursors of the rest of the foregut are recruited at later stages of gastrulation. Loss of Mixl1 function results in reduced recruitment of the definitive endoderm, and causes cells in the endoderm to remain stationary during gastrulation. The observation that the endoderm cells are inherently unable to move despite the expansion of the mesoderm in the Mixl1-null mutant suggests that the movement of the endoderm and the mesoderm is driven independently of one another.  相似文献   

Investigation of the developmental fates of cells in the endodermal layer of the early bud stage mouse embryo revealed a regionalized pattern of distribution of the progenitor cells of the yolk sac endoderm and the embryonic gut. By tracing the site of origin of cells that are allocated to specific regions of the embryonic gut, it was found that by late gastrulation, the respective endodermal progenitors are already spatially organized in anticipation of the prospective mediolateral and anterior-posterior destinations. The fate-mapping data further showed that the endoderm in the embryonic compartment of the early bud stage gastrula still contains cells that will colonize the anterior and lateral parts of the extraembryonic yolk sac. In the Lhx1(Lim1)-null mutant embryo, the progenitors of the embryonic gut are confined to the posterior part of the endoderm. In particular, the prospective anterior endoderm was sequestered to a much smaller distal domain, suggesting that there may be fewer progenitor cells for the anterior gut that is poorly formed in the mutant embryo. The deficiency of gut endoderm is not caused by any restriction in endodermal potency of the mutant epiblast cells but more likely the inadequate allocation of the definitive endoderm. The inefficient movement of the anterior endoderm, and the abnormal differentiation highlighted by the lack of Sox17 and Foxa2 expression, may underpin the malformation of the head of Lhx1 mutant embryos.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, the endoderm is established during gastrulation and gradually becomes regionalized into domains destined for different organs. Here, we present precise fate maps of the gastrulation stage chick endoderm, using a method designed to label cells specifically in the lower layer. We show that the first population of endodermal cells to enter the lower layer contributes only to the midgut and hindgut; the next cells to ingress contribute to the dorsal foregut and followed finally by the presumptive ventral foregut endoderm. Grafting experiments show that some migrating endodermal cells, including the presumptive ventral foregut, ingress from Hensen's node, not directly into the lower layer but rather after migrating some distance within the middle layer. Cell transplantation reveals that cells in the middle layer are already committed to mesoderm or endoderm, whereas cells in the primitive streak are plastic. Based on these results, we present a revised fate map of the locations and movements of prospective definitive endoderm cells during gastrulation.  相似文献   

Catecholamines (dopamine or norepinephrine) injected under the blastoderm of the unincubated chick embryo produced a thickened primitive streak and prevented the migration of axial mesoblast after 24 h. The mesoblastic cells that accumulated in the primitive streak contained many intracytoplasmic yolk granules. After 48 h, neural tube, notochord, and somites were severely affected, and their cells appeared loaded with yolk inclusions. Heart, lateral plates, blood cells, and blood vessels differentiated normally. At the onset of gastrulation, the level of glycogen was fivefold lower in catecholamine-treated embryos than in control embryos. Injection of glucose plus dopamine, at equimolar concentrations resulted in normal development both at 24 h and at 48 h. Because adrenergic stimulation of glycogenolysis in differentiated cells is usually mediated by cAMP and/or by calcium, we attempted to determine whether these substances could reproduce the effects of catecholamines. Only calcium was able to produce, to a limited extent, the same morphogenetic disturbances as those produced by catecholamines, whereas the chelating agent, ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid, when administered with dopamine, partially inhibited the effects of catecholamines. An increase in the number of yolk granules was the only common finding among embryos treated with cAMP and catecholamines. Blood and a well differentiated, gastrular endoderm always developed, independently of the nature of the substance with which the embryos had been treated. Morphogenetic disturbances caused by exogenous catecholamines could be due to depletion of glucose. Alternatively, a different metabolic commitment might exist within the diverse populations of cells that constitute the mesoblastic layer.  相似文献   

The embryonic ectoderm, or epiblast, is the source of the three primary germ layers that form during gastrulation in the mouse embryo. Previous studies have investigated the fate of epiblast cells in early gastrulation stages using clonal analysis of cell lineage and in late gastrulation stages using transplantation of labeled grafts. In this study, we studied the fate of late gastrulation stage epiblast using a clonal analysis based on a retroviral vector encoding the Escherichia coli lacZ gene. We found that by reducing the volume of viral suspension injected into each embryo, it was possible to achieve single infectious events. Our analysis of 20 embryos singly infected at the late streak stage and 21 at the head fold stage revealed clonal descendants in only a single germ layer in each embryo. These results indicate that allocation of epiblast progenitors to a single germ layer fate has occurred by late gastrulation in mouse embryos. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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