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Breeding colonies of the antarctic fur seal Arctocephalus gazella on Heard Island (53°10'S, 73°30'E) are situated on the sheltered northern and eastern coasts on flat vegetated terrain near streams and pools. Pupping in the 1987/88 summer began on 21 November, with 90% of births in 26 d. The median birth date was 11 December. Pup counts at Heard Island made in seven breeding seasons from 1962/63 to 1987/88 show an exponential rate of increase of 21%, which may be inflated due to undercounting in early years. The total of 248 births in 1987/88 represents an exponential increase of 37% since the previous year, but pups may have been undercounted then. Based on the number of pups born, the breeding population is estimated at 870–1,120. During the breeding season, the largest number of animals ashore was 835. Many non-breeding fur seals began hauling out from early January and 15,000 animals were estimated to be ashore by late February, a fat larger number than expected from the size of the breeding population. Both the breeding and non-breeding components of the population may be augmented by immigration. The source of immigrants may be undiscovered breeding colonies of this species in the northwestern sector of the Kerguelen Archipelago or the concentration at South Georgia. Further censuses are required at Heard Island to monitor the population growth. 相似文献
This study describes a method for extracting post-canine or incisor teeth from live antarctic fur seals ( Arctocephalus gazella ) and southern elephant seals ( Mirounga leonina ) respectively and their use to determine age in a field situation. Dental elevators were used to loosen the teeth from the alveolus and periodental ligament. Most teeth were removed within l-2 min and a total of 214 and 81 teeth were collected by this method from antarctic fur seals and southern elephant seals respectively. No seal recaptured at intervals up to a year after a tooth was extracted showed signs of infection or distress related to removal of the tooth. Teeth were thin-sectioned for the purpose of aging. In both species cementum growth layer groups were a more satisfactory indicator of age than dentinal growth layer groups. Estimates of age from cementum growth layers were confirmed for Antarctic fur seals using seals which had been tagged as pups up to 16 yr before sampling. 相似文献
Sascha K. Hooker Ian L. Boyd Mark Jessopp Oliver Cox John Blackwell Peter L. Boveng John L. Bengtson 《Marine Mammal Science》2002,18(3):680-697
There is increasing interest in the diving behavior of marine mammals. However, identifying foraging among recorded dives often requires several assumptions. The simultaneous acquisition of images of the prey encountered, together with records of diving behavior will allow researchers to more fully investigate the nature of subsurface behavior. We tested a novel digital camera linked to a time-depth recorder on Antarctic fur seals ( Arctocephalus gazella ). During the austral summer 2000–2001, this system was deployed on six lactating female fur seals at Bird Island, South Georgia, each for a single foraging trip. The camera was triggered at depths greater than 10 m. Five deployments recorded still images (640 × 480 pixels) at 3-sec intervals (total 8,288 images), the other recorded movie images at 0.2-sec intervals (total 7,598 frames). Memory limitation (64 MB) restricted sampling to approximately 1.5 d of 5–7 d foraging trips. An average of 8.5% of still pictures (2.4%-11.6%) showed krill ( Euphausia sulperba ) distinctly, while at least half the images in each deployment were empty, the remainder containing blurred or indistinct prey. In one deployment krill images were recorded within 2.5 h (16 km, assuming 1.8 m/sec travel speed) of leaving the beach. Five of the six deployments also showed other fur seals foraging in conjunction with the study animal. This system is likely to generate exciting new avenues for interpretation of diving behavior. 相似文献
An attempt was made to develop simple, inexpensive, rapid means of determining body composition in Antarctic fur seals ( Arctocephalus gazella ). Measurements of total body water ( TBW ) and total body lipid ( TBL ), obtained by hydrogen isotope dilution, were compared to the results of bioelectrical impedance analysis ( BIA ) and morphometric indices of body condition in 52 adult females. TBW was weakly correlated with BIA measurements of resistance ( v = -0.30, P < 0.03). Conductor volume (length2/resistance) was more highly correlated with TBW ( r = 0.75, P < 0.0001) and the inclusion of mass into the predictive equation improved the correlation further ( r = 0.95, P < 0.0001). A body condition index (mass/length) previously used in pinniped studies was positively correlated to TBL ( r = 0.77, P < 0.0001) validating its use as a relative index of condition. However, body mass alone was highly correlated to TBW ( r = 0.94, P < 0.0001) and appears to provide a simple, rapid means of estimating body composition in adult females. This technique may also be applicable to juvenile male Antarctic fur seals. 相似文献
This study reports some of the first foraging behavior data collected for male fur seals. A nonbreeding male Australian fur seal, Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus , captured at a commercial salmon farm in southern Tasmania, Australia, was relocated 450 km from the site of capture. The animal was equipped with a geolocating time-depth recorder that recorded diving behavior and approximate location for the 14.4 d that it took the seal to travel down the east coast of Tasmania and be recaptured at the salmon farm. During its time at sea, the seal spent most of its time over the relatively shallow shelf waters. It spent 30% of its time ashore on a number of different haul-out sites. The deepest dive was 102 m and the maximum duration was 6.8 min. "Foraging" type dives made up 31.2% of the time at sea and had a median duration of 2.5 min and a median depth of 14 m. The seal performed these dives more commonly during the latter part of its time at sea, while it was on the east coast. Unlike other fur seal species studied to date, there was no evidence of a diurnal foraging pattern; it made dives at all times of the day and night. 相似文献
We studied the ontogeny of hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit and erythrocyte counts in the Galapagos fur seal ( Arctocephalus galapagoensis , Heller 1904). Two hundred and fifty-three animals were sampled between the ages of 22 d and > 8 yr, of which 46 were adult females. Body mass increased steadily with age from 6.1 ± 1.2 kg in 1-mo-old pups ( n = 27) to 28.5 ± 3.3 kg in adult females. Even adult females increased in mass with age. Hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Hct), and red blood cell (RBC) values all increased in a logarithmic fashion with age up to 2 yr. Blood values for pups were Hct: 35.5 ± 4.1%; Hb: 12.9 ± 1.3 g/dl; RBC: 4.1 ± 0.3·106 /μl. Half-year-old fur seals (Hct: 42.1 ± 3.2%; Hb: 15.7 ± 1.3 g/dl; RBC: 4.9 ± 0.5·106 /μl; n = 50) were the oldest age group to show significantly lower blood values than adult females ( P < 0.001 for all three parameters). Yearling blood values (Hct: 47.2 ± 3.6%; Hb: 17.3 ± 1.6 g/dl; RBC: 5.6 ± 0.4·106 /μl; n = 56) did not differ significantly from those of adult females ( P < 0.32; P < 0.26; P < 0.23, respectively). Blood values of adult females were lower than those of 2-yr-olds (Hct: 49.6 ± 2.4%; Hb: 18.5 ± 1.2 g/dl; RBC: 5.7 ± 0.3·106 /μl; n = 31). These differences were significant only for RBCs ( P < 0.003). Up to the age of 1 yr, age was the best predictor for blood values, thereafter mass tended to be a better predictor. Female juveniles between the ages of 150 and 600 d had higher blood values than same-age males. The relationship of blood value development to diving activity is briefly described and the results are compared to values of other marine mammals. Ontogeny is discussed in relation to the development of these blood values in terrestrial mammals. 相似文献