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Question : This paper studies the establishment and performance of Cortaderia selloana (Pampas grass), an alien South American ornamental species that is invading many parts of the world. We asked whether (1) early successional stages were the most susceptible to C. selloana invasion; (2) soil microdisturbances increased invasion at any point of succession, and (3) C. selloana invasion of later successional stages was modulated by vegetation type Location : Delta del Llobregat (Catalonia, NE Spain). Methods : We monitored survival and growth of transplanted C. selloana seedlings in disturbed and non‐disturbed plots throughout a successional gradient with an age range of < 1 to > 10 years in different vegetation types and within the area of influence of coexisting species with similar growth form. Results : Although seedling survival was extremely low in all treatments, our results revealed that early successional stages were not the most easily invaded since we found no significant differences in the percentage survival of C. selloana along the successional gradient. However, survival and seedling bio‐mass were enhanced by soil disturbance at any seral stage. This result suggested that inhibition ruled C. selloana invasion. Invasibility neither depended on the invaded vegetation type nor on the co‐existing species with similar growth form. Finally, C. selloana invasion was not enhanced by decreasing competition with Phragmites australis, a native coexisting species because survival rates after a year were not significantly different. However, Phragmites increased C. selloana leaf length probably due to shading. Conclusions : C. selloana recruitment appears to be positively affected by soil disturbance but it is independent of successional stage or vegetation type.  相似文献   

Questions: What influence do management practices and previous tree and shrub stand structure have on the occurrence and development of natural regeneration of Pinus sylvestris in Mediterranean mountain forests? How are the fine‐scale and environmental patterns of resources affected and what impact does this have on the distribution of the regeneration? Location: A Pinus sylvestris Mediterranean mountain forest in central Spain. Methods: Upperstory trees and regeneration (seedlings and saplings) were mapped in four 0.5‐ha plots located in two types of stand with different management intensities (even‐aged and uneven‐aged stands). Environmental variables were recorded at the nodes of a grid within the plots. The relationships between the upperstory and regeneration were evaluated by bivariate point pattern analysis; redundancy analysis ordination and variation partitioning were performed to characterize regeneration niches and the importance of the spatial component. Results: Seedlings and saplings presented a clumped structure under both types of management and their distribution was found to be related to the spatial distribution of favourable microsites. Regeneration was positively related to conditions of partial cover with high soil water content during the summer. More than half of the explained variance was spatially structured in both types of stand. This percentage was particularly high in the even‐aged stands where the pattern of regeneration was highly influenced by the gaps created by harvesting. Conclusions: The spatial distribution of the tree and shrub upperstory strongly influences regeneration patterns of P. sylvestris. Current management practices, promoting small gaps, partial canopy cover and moderate shade in even‐aged stands, or favouring tree and shrub cover in the case of uneven‐aged stands, appears to provide suitable conditions for the natural regeneration of P. sylvestris in a Mediterranean climate.  相似文献   

Question: Which is the response of the evergreen Quercus ilex and the deciduous Q. cerrioides to repeated disturbances? Location: central Catalonia (northeastern Spain), in the areas affected by two of the largest historically recorded wildfires in NE Spain: the Bages‐Berguedà fire (24 300 ha forested area burned in July 1994), and the Solsonès fire (14 300 ha burned in 1998). Methods: Survival and growth of individuals of Quercus ilex and Q. cerrioides were evaluated in plants subjected to different fire histories and experimental disturbances (burning, cutting or clipping) applied either before or after summer. Results: Survival was high (> 99%), with both species showing a similar high resistance to disturbances. Growth after experimental disturbance was positively related to the size of the individual before the latest forest fire occurred. Fire history had a large effect on resprout growth, as the repeated incidence of disturbances lowered the capacity of individuals to grow. The type and season of experimental disturbance experienced by plants had a large effect. Individuals that experienced total above‐ground loss had lower growth rates than those with partial loss. A similar pattern was observed in individuals disturbed after the summer in relation to those disturbed before summer. Conclusions: The larger growth rates recorded in Q. cerrioides across all fire histories and experimental treatments, and the higher vulnerability of Q. ilex to increased fire frequency, intensity of experimental disturbance, and disturbance season, provide evidence for the relatively high susceptibility of the latter to repeated disturbances. This view disagrees with the larger resilience of this species compared to co‐existing deciduous oaks, as reported.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Mediterranean Basin harbours paleo‐endemic species with a highly restricted and fragmented distribution. Many of them might also be of the remnant type, for which the regional dynamics depends on the persistence of extant populations. Therefore, a key issue for the long‐term persistence of these species is to assess the variability and effects of ecological factors determining plant performance. We investigated the spatio‐temporal variability in plant traits and ecological factors of Ramonda myconi, a preglacial relict species with remnant dynamics, in 5 populations over 4–7 yr. Ecological factors contributing to fecundity showed a high degree of between‐year variability. Pre‐dispersal fruit predation had a minor influence on total reproductive output, and most of the variability was found among individuals within populations and years. Spatio‐temporal variability in growth and survival was rather low but significant, whereas recruitment showed important between‐population variability. Among‐year variability in fecundity and growth was related to climatic fluctuations on a regional scale, notably rainfall and temperature in a particular period, while the spatial variability in survival and recruitment was explained by within‐population (patch) habitat quality. Although R. myconi is able to withstand repeated periods of drought, water availability seems to be the most important factor affecting plant performance in all the study populations. These findings suggest that the long‐term persistence of species showing remnant population dynamics in habitats under the influence of Mediterranean climate might be threatened by increased aridity as a result of climate change.  相似文献   

To conserve habitat for disturbance specialist species, ecologists must identify where individuals will likely settle in newly disturbed areas. Habitat suitability models can predict which sites at new disturbances will most likely attract specialists. Without validation data from newly disturbed areas, however, the best approach for maximizing predictive accuracy can be unclear (Northwestern U.S.A.). We predicted habitat suitability for nesting Black‐backed Woodpeckers (Picoides arcticus; a burned‐forest specialist) at 20 recently (≤6 years postwildfire) burned locations in Montana using models calibrated with data from three locations in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. We developed 8 models using three techniques (weighted logistic regression, Maxent, and Mahalanobis D2 models) and various combinations of four environmental variables describing burn severity, the north–south orientation of topographic slope, and prefire canopy cover. After translating model predictions into binary classifications (0 = low suitability to unsuitable, 1 = high to moderate suitability), we compiled “ensemble predictions,” consisting of the number of models (0–8) predicting any given site as highly suitable. The suitability status for 40% of the area burned by eastside Montana wildfires was consistent across models and therefore robust to uncertainty in the relative accuracy of particular models and in alternative ecological hypotheses they described. Ensemble predictions exhibited two desirable properties: (1) a positive relationship with apparent rates of nest occurrence at calibration locations and (2) declining model agreement outside surveyed environments consistent with our reduced confidence in novel (i.e., “no‐analogue”) environments. Areas of disagreement among models suggested where future surveys could help validate and refine models for an improved understanding of Black‐backed Woodpecker nesting habitat relationships. Ensemble predictions presented here can help guide managers attempting to balance salvage logging with habitat conservation in burned‐forest landscapes where black‐backed woodpecker nest location data are not immediately available. Ensemble modeling represents a promising tool for guiding conservation of large‐scale disturbance specialists.  相似文献   

Discrete color polymorphisms represent a fascinating aspect of intraspecific diversity. Color morph ratios often vary clinally, but in some cases, there are no marked clines and mixes of different morphs occur at appreciable frequencies in most populations. This poses the questions of how polymorphisms are maintained. We here study the spatial and temporal distribution of a very conspicuous color polymorphism in the club‐legged grasshopper Gomphocerus sibiricus. The species occurs in a green and a nongreen (predominately brown) morph, a green–brown polymorphism that is common among Orthopteran insects. We sampled color morph ratios at 42 sites across the alpine range of the species and related color morph ratios to local habitat parameters and climatic conditions. Green morphs occurred in both sexes, and their morph ratios were highly correlated among sites, suggesting shared control of the polymorphism in females and males. We found that in at least 40 of 42 sites green and brown morphs co‐occurred with proportions of green ranging from 0% to 70% with significant spatial heterogeneity. The proportion of green individuals tended to increase with decreasing summer and winter precipitations. Nongreen individuals can be further distinguished into brown and pied individuals, and again, this polymorphism is shared with other grasshopper species. We found pied individuals at all sites with proportions ranging from 3% to 75%, with slight, but significant variation between years. Pied morphs show a clinal increase in frequency from east to west and decreased with altitude and lower temperatures and were more common on grazed sites. The results suggest that both small‐scale and large‐scale spatial heterogeneity affects color morph ratios. The almost universal co‐occurrence of all three color morphs argues against strong effects of genetic drift. Instead, the data suggest that small‐scale migration–selection balance and/or local balancing selection maintain populations polymorphic.  相似文献   

1. Metaphyton mats typically originate as benthic algal biofilms that experience higher solar radiation and temperatures, and reduced access to nutrients, once they reach the water surface, but the impacts of these physicochemical changes on metaphyton condition and community composition have received little attention. 2. Using microprobes positioned at 0, 2, 4 and 6 cm depth, we recorded small‐scale differences in water chemistry within metaphyton mats constrained in floating nets during an 8‐week period. Concurrent weekly samples of filamentous algae and their diatom epiphytes were collected from the top, middle and bottom of the mats and were analysed for changes in ash‐free dry mass (AFDM) and chlorophyll‐a, nutrient (N, P, C, Si) content and taxonomic composition. 3. Light intensity, temperature and dissolved oxygen declined both with increasing depth in the mat and over the study period. The autotrophic index (=AFDM/chlorophyll‐a) was greatest at the top of the mats and increased over time; samples also had higher C/P and C/N ratios than samples deeper within the mat. 4. Pithophora was consistently the dominant algal filament throughout the study (representing 85% of all filaments averaged over time and depth); epiphytic diatom cover on Pithophora (calculated as epiphyte area index) declined over time, particularly at the top of the mat. 5. Densities of the diatom epiphytes Gomphonema, Cocconeis and Fragilaria increased with increasing depth within the mat, whereas Cymbella/Encyonema was more common in surface samples. 6. Our results indicate that metaphyton mats are highly dynamic communities, spatially organised in part by small‐scale environmental variation and subject to changes in taxonomic composition following their arrival at the water surface.  相似文献   

Questions: How does disturbance and successional age influence richness, size and composition of the soil seed bank? What is the potential contribution of the soil seed bank to the plant community composition on sites differing in their successional age or disturbance intensity? Location: Experimental Botanical Garden of Göttingen University, central Germany. Methods: Above‐ground vegetation and soil seed bank were studied on formerly arable fields in a 36‐year‐old permanent plot study with five disturbance intensities, ranging from yearly ploughing via mowing to long‐term uninterrupted succession. We compared species compositions, seed densities and functional features of the seed bank and above‐ground vegetation by using several methods in parallel. Results: The seed bank was mainly composed of early successional species typical of strongly disturbed habitats. The difference between seed bank composition and above‐ground vegetation decreased with increasing disturbance intensity. The species of greatest quantitative importance in the seed bank was the non‐native forb Solidago canadensis. Conclusions: The ability of a plant community to regenerate from the soil seed bank dramatically decreases with increasing time since abandonment (successional age) and with decreasing disturbance intensity. The present study underlines that plant species typical of grasslands and woodlands are limited by dispersal capacity, owing to low capacity for accumulation of seeds in the soil and the fact that most species do not build up persistent seed banks. Rare and target species were almost absent from the seed bank and will, after local elimination, depend on reintroduction for continuation of their presence.  相似文献   

Plant sexual systems appear to play an important role in community assembly: Dioecious species are found to tend to have a higher propensity to colonize communities in early successional stages. Here, we test two demographic hypotheses to explain this pattern in temperate forests. First, we test demographic differences between hermaphrodite and dioecious species in stressful younger successional stages: Previous theory predicts that hermaphrodite seed production is more harmed in stressful environments than that of dioecious populations leading to an advantage for females of dioecious species. Second, in primary forest, we hypothesized that dioecious species would show demographic advantage over monomorphic ones. We used data from two temperate forest plots in Northeast China surveyed over 10 years to compare the rates of growth and mortality of tree species with contrasting breeding systems in both secondary and primary forests. We assessed the effect of breeding system on the growth‐mortality trade‐off, while controlling for other traits usually considered as correlates of growth and mortality rates. We show that in the secondary forest, dioecious species showed weak advantage in demographic rates compared with monomorphic species; dioecious species showed considerably both lower relative growth and mortality rates compared to the hermaphrodites in the primary forest over 10 years, consistent with a priori predictions. Hermaphrodites showed strong growth‐mortality trade‐offs across forest stages, even when possibly confounding factors had been accounted for. These results suggest that sexual system influences community succession and assembly by acting on the rates of growth and mortality, and the trade‐off between them. As vegetation develops, the demographic differences between breeding systems are much larger. Our results demonstrate the association between breeding system, succession, and community assembly and that this relationship is succession‐stage dependent. Our findings support the suggestion that the demographic advantage of dioecious species facilitates the coexistence of sexual systems in primary forest.  相似文献   

Environmental management has increasingly focused on promoting social engagement in biodiversity and ecosystem services conservation as a way to foster sustainability. However, a critical challenge that still remains is the adequate implementation of strategies of communication, education, and participation (CEPA) oriented to reconnect the social and ecological dimensions in the systems. This study analyzed the main features and types of CEPA implemented by the Colombian Regional Autonomous Corporations in environmental management projects that consider ecosystem services. We found a variety of CEPA focused on a wide range of stakeholders. Communication and education were the most frequently implemented in the projects. Within communication, spreading information about the projects was the most common, while education focused on instrumental training of local communities. Participation, the less frequently implemented, mainly aimed to ensure government and decision-makers involved in the initial phases of the projects. We conclude that there is a need to increase and improve education strategies in conservation projects to make decisions based on critical and reflective thinking, and foster the engagement of a broader set of stakeholders in the processes.  相似文献   

Global warming can potentially influence ecological communities through altered disturbance regimes in addition to increased temperatures. We investigate the response of pine savannas in the southeastern United States to global warming using a simple Lotka‐Volterra competition model together with predicted changes to fire and hurricane disturbance regimes with global climate change. In the southeastern United States, decreased frequency of both fires and hurricanes with global warming will shift pine savannas toward a forested state. A CO2 fertilization effect that increases the growth rate of tree populations will also push southeastern landscapes from open savannas towards closed forests. Transient dynamics associated with climate driven changes in vegetation will last on the order of decades to a century. In our model, the sensitivity of savannas to relative changes in the frequency of fire versus hurricanes is linearly dependent on the growth rate and mortality of trees in fire and hurricane disturbances.  相似文献   

RNA silencing is a complex of mechanisms that regulate gene expression through small RNA molecules. The microRNA (miRNA) pathway is the most common of these in mammals. Genome‐encoded miRNAs suppress translation in a sequence‐specific manner and facilitate shifts in gene expression during developmental transitions. Here, we discuss the role of miRNAs in oocyte‐to‐zygote transition and in the control of pluripotency. Existing data suggest a common principle involving miRNAs in defining pluripotent and differentiated cells. RNA silencing pathways also rapidly evolve, resulting in many unique features of RNA silencing in different taxonomic groups. This is exemplified in the mouse model of oocyte‐to‐zygote transition, in which the endogenous RNA interference pathway has acquired a novel role in regulating protein‐coding genes, while the miRNA pathway has become transiently suppressed.  相似文献   

Question: Are there changes in dispersal patterns in floodplain pioneer vegetation with effects on seedling number, species richness and species composition along a gradient of declining river‐floodplain connectivity? Location: Middle Elbe river floodplain, Germany. Methods: An experiment with five treatments was set up along a gradient of declining river‐floodplain connectivity, partitioning seedlings into three groups: (1) emerging solely from water dispersed seeds, (2) from wind/animal dispersed seeds and (3) from the soil diaspore bank. Two controls were established: without any manipulation and exclusion of all seeds. The results were compared with those of vegetation and soil sampling to evaluate the representativeness of the experimental sites in terms of species composition, diversity, seedling number and soil parameters. Results: Water dispersal and the soil diaspore bank were the major dispersal strategies shaping floodplain pioneer vegetation at the Middle Elbe river. The number of seedlings, species richness and the variation in species composition in these habitats depend on the degree of connectivity. The seedling number and species richness is highest in sites of permanent or almost permanent exchange with the main channel, where water dispersal additionally contributes to the number of seedlings grown from the soil seed bank. Conclusion: The results underline the importance of river‐floodplain ecotones as sink habitats for water‐dispersed seeds. Considering the strongly reduced river‐floodplain interactions due to dykes and other engineering structures, management strategies are necessary to improve connectivity and the renewal of fluvial land forms.  相似文献   

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