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ANDERSON and POSPAHALA (1970) investigated the estimation of wildlife population size using the belt or line transect sampling method and devised a correction for bias, thus leading to an estimator with interesting characteristics. This work was given a uniform mathematical framework in BURNHAM and ANDERSON (1976). In this paper we show that the ANDERSON-POSPAHALA estimator is optimal in the sense of being the (unique) best linear unbiased estimator within the class of estimators which are linear combinations of cell frequencies, provided certain assumptions are met.  相似文献   

The Sanje mangabey (Cercocebus sanjei) is endemic to the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania, and is classified as Endangered due to its putatively declining population size, habitat degradation and fragmentation. Previous population size estimates have ranged from 1,350 to 3,500 individuals, with the last direct survey being conducted 15 years before the present study. Previous estimates are now thought to have underestimated the population due to a limited knowledge of group and habitat size, nonsystematic approaches and the use of visual methods that are not suitable for surveying the Sanje mangabey with its semi-terrestrial and elusive behaviors. We used an acoustic survey method with observers recording the distinctive “whoop-gobble” vocalization produced by mangabeys and point transect distance sampling to model a detection function and estimate abundance. Twenty-eight surveys were conducted throughout the two forests where Sanje mangabeys are found: Mwanihana forest in the Udzungwa Mountains National Park (n = 13), and the Uzungwa Scarp Nature Reserve (n = 15). Group density was found to be significantly lower in the relatively unprotected Uzungwa Scarp forest (0.15 groups/km2; 95% CI: 0.08–0.27) compared to the well-protected Mwanihana forest (0.29 groups/km2; 95% CI: 0.19–0.43; p = .03). We estimate that there are 1,712 (95% CI: 1,141–2,567) individuals in Mwanihana and 1,455 (95% CI: 783–2,702) in the Uzungwa Scarp, resulting in a total population size of 3,167 (95% CI: 2,181–4,596) individuals. The difference in group density between sites is likely a result of the differing protection status and levels of enforcement between the forests, suggesting that protection of the Uzungwa Scarp should be increased to encourage recovery of the population, and reduce the threat of degradation and hunting. Our results contribute to the reassessment of the species' IUCN Red List status and informing management and conservation action planning.  相似文献   

The occurrence of the actiniarian Alicia mirabilis in the Aegean Sea is documented for the first time from five sites in the Saronikos Gulf. The density of A. mirabilis was assessed in one site (Lychnari bay) with line transects (underwater distance sampling with SCUBA). Its density ranged between 0 and 4.3 individuals are-1 (1 are=100 m2) with a mean of 1.1±0.5 individuals are-1. The species was found in a variety of substrates (sandy bottoms, weeds, seagrass beds, rocks, litter) and its distribution was aggregated. Distance sampling was an efficient way to estimate the density of A. mirabillis and is proposed as a good choice for density estimations of actiniarians and other benthic fauna.  相似文献   

Comparison of survey methods for wintering grassland birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT Although investigators have evaluated the efficacy of survey methods for assessing densities of breeding birds, few comparisons have been made of survey methods for wintering birds, especially in grasslands. In winter, social behavior and spatial distributions often differ from those in the breeding season. We evaluated the degree of correspondence between density estimates based on different survey methods. Surveys were conducted during two winters (2001–2002 and 2002–2003) on 16 grassland sites in southwestern Oklahoma. Line‐transect (using a detection function to account for birds present but not detected) and area‐search (where density was based on the total count within a given area) methods were employed. Observations on line transects were also analyzed as strip transects, where density was based on total count within a given strip width and no detection function was used. Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis), LeConte's Sparrows (Ammodramus leconteii), Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia), Smith's Longspurs (Calcarius pictus), Chestnut‐collared Longspurs (C. ornatus), and Eastern Meadowlarks (Sturnella magna) were sufficiently abundant to allow comparison. Area‐search density estimates tended to be higher than line‐transect estimates for Savannah Sparrows, Song Sparrows, and Eastern Meadowlarks, suggesting that some individuals initially located close to the transect line were not detected on line transects. The area‐search and line‐transect methods gave similar density estimates for Chestnut‐collared and Smith's longspurs. Area‐search estimates of Eastern Meadowlarks were significantly higher in the second year of the study only. For this species, area‐search estimates did not differ from those of strip transects covering an equal area, so the reason for the differing meadowlark estimates is not clear. Higher density estimates using the area‐search method likely resulted from: (1) birds that might escape detection by hiding were more likely detected (flushed) during area searches because of the repeated passes through the area, and (2) birds close to the line in line transects escape detection by hiding, biasing those estimates low. We also evaluated the correspondence of density rankings for the six species as determined by the different survey methods and for the same species across survey sites. Correlations among the six species of the area‐search results with those of line transects and strip transects generally were high, increasing in 2002–2003 when densities of birds were greater. All three methods provided similar density rankings among species. Density rankings within species across sites for the four non‐longspur species generally were concordant for the three methods, suggesting that any of them will adequately reflect among‐site differences, especially when densities vary greatly across sites. Further research is needed to determine the extent to which grassland birds are missed on line transects. We suggest that workers using line transects to study these species give careful consideration and make additional efforts to satisfy the distance‐sampling assumption that all birds on or near the line are detected. If density is measured as a total count in a fixed area, we recommend that observers pass within <10 m of all points in the area.  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate the performance of the Salmonella National Control Programme (NCP) sampling/testing methods in laying flocks of domestic fowl. Methods and Results: Eighty‐five visits were made to 69 flocks representative of the main production systems (cage, barn and free‐range) infected with Salmonella. In each visit, three methodologies were compared: (i) the European Union (EU) baseline survey method (five faeces and two dust samples); (ii) an in‐house (Veterinary Laboratories Agency, VLA) ‘wet’ method that involved collecting 10 dust and 10 faeces samples into jars with buffered peptone water; and (iii) a method involving two samples of pooled faeces and one of dust (cultured as one sample of each type), which has been adopted for the NCP for laying flocks across the EU. Conclusions: The ‘wet’ method was the most sensitive, and the NCP the least, although individual NCP samples were the most sensitive ones. Significance and Impact of the Study: The apparent lower sensitivity of the NCP method may be compensated by repeated sampling of flocks (twice during rear and several times during lay). Sampling using VLA methodology should be advocated for farms aiming to disclose low‐level Salmonella before restrictions on the sale of eggs from Salmonella Enteritidis or Salmonella Typhimurium‐infected flocks are in place.  相似文献   

The copulatory behavior of a social group of 18 stumptail macaques was observed for 171 hours over a period of 5 months. The occurrence of copulation and several quantitative measures of copulation were compared using sampling periods of 2 hours daily and continuous dawn-to-dusk observation. In this environment copulation was found to occur in brief bouts of relatively short duration. Copulation was detected on 34% of the days observed with 2 hr sampling and 100% of the days with DTD sampling. Thus, brief limited-time samples of behavior are not adequate for reliably detecting copulation in this species under social group-living conditions.  相似文献   

This paper compares the distribution, sampling and estimation of abundance for two animal species in an African ecosystem by means of an intensive simulation of the sampling process under a geographical information system (GIS) environment. It focuses on systematic and random sampling designs, commonly used in wildlife surveys, comparing their performance to an adaptive design at three increasing sampling intensities, using the root mean square errors (RMSE). It further assesses the impact of sampling designs and intensities on estimates of population parameters. The simulation is based on data collected during a prior survey, in which geographical locations of all observed animals were recorded. This provides more detailed data than that usually available from transect surveys. The results show precision of estimates to increase with increasing sampling intensity, while no significant differences are observed between estimates obtained under random and systematic designs. An increase in precision is observed for the adaptive design, thereby validating the use of this design for sampling clustered populations. The study illustrates the benefits of combining statistical methods with GIS techniques to increase insight into wildlife population dynamics.  相似文献   

Abstract: Distance sampling has been identified as a reliable and well-suited method for estimating northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) density. However, distance sampling using walked transects requires intense sampling to obtain precise estimates, thus making the technique impractical for large acreages. Researchers have addressed this limitation by either resorting to the use of indices (e.g., morning covey-call surveys) or incorporating the use of aerial surveys with distance sampling. Both approaches remain relatively untested. Our objectives were to 1) compare density estimates among morning covey-call surveys, helicopter transects, and walked transects; 2) test a critical assumption of distance sampling pertinent to helicopter surveys (i.e., all objects on line are detected); and 3) evaluate the underlying premise of morning covey-call surveys (i.e., that the no. of calling coveys correlates with bobwhite density). Our study was conducted on 3 study sites in Brooks County, Texas, USA, during October to December, 2001 to 2005. Comparisons between walked transects and morning covey-call surveys involved the entire 5-year data set, whereas helicopter transects involved only the latter 2 years. Density estimates obtained from helicopter transects were similar to walked transect estimates for both years. We documented a detection probability on the helicopter transect line of 70 ± 10.2% (% ± SE; n = 20 coveys). Morning covey-call surveys yielded similar density estimates to walked transect estimates during only 2 of 5 years, when walked transect estimates were the least accurate and precise. We detected a positive relationship (R2 = 0.51; 95% CI for slope: 29.5–53.1; n = 63 observations) between covey density and number of coveys heard calling. We conclude that helicopter transects appear to be a viable alternative to walked transects for estimating density of bobwhites. Morning covey-call surveys appear to be a poor method to estimate absolute abundance and to depict general population trajectories.  相似文献   

A large rotary trap designed to measure aerial spider density is described. A comparison of the rotary trap catch and a suction trap catch of spiders and other invertebrate groups showed that the rotary trap was operating at a greater efficiency for most groups. For spiders and non-staphylinid beetles the two traps caught equal numbers. There were no differences in the species composition of spiders between the rotary and suction trap catch.  相似文献   

Line transect methods for plant surveys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interest in surveys for monitoring plant abundance is increasing, due in part to the need to quantify the rate of loss of biodiversity. Line transect sampling offers an efficient way to monitor many species. However, the method does not work well in some circumstances, for example on small survey plots, when the plant species has a strongly aggregated distribution, or when plants that are on the line are not easily detected. We develop a crossed design, together with methods that exploit the additional information from such a design, to address these problems. The methods are illustrated using data on a colony of cowslips.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Clark's Nutcrackers (Nucifraga columbiana) disperse seeds of whitebark pines (Pinus albicaulis) in western North America by their scatter‐hoarding behavior. Because of declines in whitebark pine, resource managers are seeking an effective means of monitoring nutcracker population trends and the probability of seed dispersal by nutcrackers. We tested the reliability of four survey techniques (standard point counts, playback point counts, line transects, and Breeding Bird Survey routes) for estimating population size by conducting surveys at sites where a portion of the nutcracker population was marked with radio transmitters. The efficacy of distance sampling, based on detection rates from our unadjusted surveys, was also assessed. We conducted counts of whitebark pine cones within stands and related the probability of seed dispersal within stands to cone production and nutcracker abundance. We conducted 70 h of surveys for Clark's Nutcrackers at eight sites from July through November in 2007 and 2009 and estimated cone densities at six of these sites. Detection rates for all survey techniques were low and variable and we detected an average of 5.6 nutcrackers per 30 min of survey time. We also found no difference in detection rates among survey types, although significantly more nutcrackers were detected during surveys conducted during the peak of whitebark pine cone harvest (P < 0.0001). Nutcracker abundance was not correlated with cone density (P= 0.29) and we observed nutcrackers pouching seeds at all sites. Thus, cone density did not provide reliable information on whether seed dispersal was likely to occur. We suggest that alternate methods be considered for monitoring populations and assessing seed dispersal probability because we did not reliably detect nutcrackers using conventional survey techniques and because nutcracker abundance was not correlated with cone density.  相似文献   

Humphries  P.  Growns  J.E.  Serafini  L.G.  Hawking  J.H.  Chick  A. J.  Lake  P. S. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,364(2-3):209-218
The macroinvertebrate communities of large lowlandrivers are little studied, partly because of the lackof suitable collection methods. In this study, fourmacroinvertebrate collecting methods: two artificialsubstrates, snags and onion-bag baskets; air-liftsampling of soft sediments; and sweep net sampling ofedges (including macrophyte stands where theyoccurred) were trialed in four lowland rivers withinthe Murray-Darling Basin in southeastern Australia. The subset of the macroinvertebrate communitycollected by each method was determined and the numberof replicates needed for a given degree of precisionwas estimated. Sweep samples were dominated byhemipterans and were the best method for collectingdecapods and beetles. The other three methodscollected mostly chironomid, caenid mayfly and ecnomidcaddisfly larvae and oligochaetes. The artificialsnag and basket samples had surprisingly similarcompositions but the snag samples did contain sometaxa, such as Dicrotendipes, Paratanytarsus andwood-boring beetles, that basket samples did not. Thedensities of macroinvertebrates collected byartificial snags, sweep and air-lift samples weresimilar. We concluded that each of the methods couldbe used in lowland rivers but for different purposes. For example, if quantitative data are needed, onlyair-lifts and snags would be appropriate, whereas ifa species list is required, snags and sweeps would bemost effective.  相似文献   

Observational sampling methods provide clearly-defined guidelines for collection and analysis of behavioral data. In some situations, use of formal sampling regimes may be impractical or impossible. A case in point is data collection conducted by animal care staff at zoological parks and aquaria. Often, time is sufficiently limited that data collection is perceived as a task that cannot be accomplished given the normal constraints of the day. Here, we explore the efficacy and validity of using more variable and abridged sampling regimes in an effort to identify the appropriateness of such observation schemes for systematic monitoring of behavior. We describe the results of studies on three species (two polar bears, an Atlantic bottlenose dolphin calf, and two brown bears), conducted over a period of several years at the Brookfield Zoo, Brookfield, Illinois, USA. Data collection schemes varied both within and across groups in order to provide a basis of comparison. In all cases, there were significant differences based on sampling regime for rare behaviors (those that individually comprised <15% of the activity budget), but not for common behaviors. Subsampling from larger data sets indicated that data reliability increases with increasing observation number. We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of such sporadic sampling methods, and suggest that, in many instances such limited data collection may yet yield an accurate picture of animal activity and should not be overlooked as a viable management tool.  相似文献   

To effectively manage rare populations, accurate monitoring data are critical. Yet many monitoring programs are initiated without careful consideration of whether chosen sampling designs will provide accurate estimates of population parameters. Obtaining accurate estimates is especially difficult when natural variability is high, or limited budgets determine that only a small fraction of the population can be sampled. The Missouri bladderpod, Lesquerella filiformis Rollins, is a federally threatened winter annual that has an aggregated distribution pattern and exhibits dramatic interannual population fluctuations. Using the simulation program SAMPLE, we evaluated five candidate sampling designs appropriate for rare populations, based on 4 years of field data: (1) simple random sampling, (2) adaptive simple random sampling, (3) grid-based systematic sampling, (4) adaptive grid-based systematic sampling, and (5) GIS-based adaptive sampling. We compared the designs based on the precision of density estimates for fixed sample size, cost, and distance traveled. Sampling fraction and cost were the most important factors determining precision of density estimates, and relative design performance changed across the range of sampling fractions. Adaptive designs did not provide uniformly more precise estimates than conventional designs, in part because the spatial distribution of L. filiformis was relatively widespread within the study site. Adaptive designs tended to perform better as sampling fraction increased and when sampling costs, particularly distance traveled, were taken into account. The rate that units occupied by L. filiformis were encountered was higher for adaptive than for conventional designs. Overall, grid-based systematic designs were more efficient and practically implemented than the others. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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