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Abstract. Attempts to restore species‐rich flood‐plain meadows from abandoned arable fields in the valley of the river Meuse, NE France, were studied. The study area was sown with a commercial seed mixture, composed of Phleumpratense, Festuca pratensis, Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens. The above‐ground vegetation in the study area 1, 2 and 3 yr after restoration was compared to (1) the vegetation present during the previous 5‐yr fallow stage and (2) target flood‐plain meadows. Before restoration, the above‐ground fallow vegetation was dominated by ruderal and annual species, while only very few meadow species were present. Sowing led to tall, dense vegetation, mainly dominated by the sown species. Ruderal and annual species had decreased 3 yr after restoration, but target species were still poorly represented. Species richness was significantly lower in the sown site than in the semi‐natural target meadows and the vegetation had a different composition. Analysis of the soil seed bank of the restored meadow showed that only a few meadow species were present and that it was dominated by a few ruderal species. Three years after sowing, the vegetation of our experimental site is moving slowly towards the target communities but impoverished seed sources seem to limit the success of this restoration operation and will lead to under‐saturated communities.  相似文献   

Abstract. In previous studies, limited dispersal was revealed to be the main obstacle to restoration of species‐rich flood‐meadows along the northern Upper Rhine in Germany. To overcome dispersal limitation we transferred freshly mown plant material from species‐rich sources to a restoration site on a former arable field. Before plant material application, topsoil was removed to accelerate nutrient impoverishment and create favourable conditions for seedling recruitment. Topsoil removal led to a drastic reduction in organic matter and essential mineral nutrients to the level of target communities (P) or even below (N, K). At a removal depth of 30 cm content of the soil seed bank that comprised exclusively of annual arable weeds, ruderals and some common grassland species, declined by 60 ‐ 80%, while at a removal depth of 50 cm the seed bank was almost completely eliminated. With few exceptions, all species recorded in source plant material were found established at the restoration site. However, the overall correlation between seed content in plant material and establishment success was not very high. Vegetation development at the restoration site was characterized by a rapid decline in arable weeds and ruderals, while resident grassland species and species transferred with plant material increased rapidly from the third year onwards. After four years as many as 102 species were established that could be exclusively attributed to plant material transfer, among them many rare and highly endangered plants. Establishment of species from plant material was most successful in regularly flooded plots, due to the suppression of competitors as well as the creation of favourable moisture conditions for seedling emergence. Diaspore transfer with plant material proved to be an extremely successful method in restoring species‐rich grassland. However, high quality of plant material and suitable site conditions with low competition in early stages of succession seem to be essential prerequisites.  相似文献   

Question: Do above‐ and belowground insects differentially impact plant community structure and function in a diverse native grassland? Location: Rough fescue prairie in Alberta, Canada. Methods: Above‐ and belowground insects were suppressed with insecticides for 5 years using a randomised block design. During this experiment, a severe drought began in 2001 and ended in 2003. Aboveground plant growth was measured as cover and biomass from 2001 to 2005. Root demography was measured in 2002 using a minirhizotron. Mixed models and repeated measures ANOVA were used to determine treatment effects on a number of response variables. MRBP were used to test for treatment effects on community composition. Results: Five years of insect suppression had few significant effects on plant growth, species richness or community composition, and were limited primarily to the severe drought in 2002. During the drought, insect attack increased root mortality, reduced plant cover, and altered community composition. Following the drought, plant responses were unaffected by insecticide application for the remainder of the experiment. Conclusions: Five years of insect suppression had only minor effects on community structure and function in this diverse native grassland. There was no indication that these effects increased over time. The results are counter to studies conducted in productive old‐field communities that revealed large effects of insects on community structure. We suggest that the unique features of this system, such as high species evenness, abundance of generalist herbivores, and a lack of competition for light among plants, limited the potential for insects to greatly impact community‐level processes.  相似文献   

Abstract. Wooded meadows on the Baltic Island of Öland result from traditional agricultural management over centuries which has led to a species‐rich vegetation with high species diversity. Today, nearly all of these meadows have been abandoned and became rapidly overgrown by deciduous shrub and tree species forming a closed canopy which resulted in a rapid and strong decrease in species numbers of the herb layer. Recent efforts aim to restore overgrown wooded meadows by cutting single shrubs and trees to open the canopy. However, the effects of abandonment as well as of any restoration management in wooded meadows have rarely been documented until now. Mechanisms driving succession after restoration such as the dispersal potential of the respective species over time and space have not been analysed yet. Therefore, a chronosequence was studied which included a traditionally managed wooded meadow, an overgrown meadow which has been abandoned for more than 100 yr and a meadow which was restored 36 yr ago by cutting and is now grazed. We analysed the soil seed bank of the 3 meadows in comparison with the established vegetation and endozoochorous seed dispersal by cattle and sheep. After abandonment 87% of the typical grassland species vanished from the established vegetation and were replaced by species characteristic of woodland and disturbed grassland communities. The mean number of species decreased from 52 species per plot (4 m2) to 18 species. Mean species number and number of seeds in the seed bank declined significantly from the traditionally managed to the overgrown meadow. Most of the grassland species were assigned to a transient seed bank type while only 1/3 could be classified as having a short‐term persistent seed bank. Thus, restoration of wooded meadows cannot rely on the soil seed bank. Endozoochorous seed dispersal by cattle and sheep was shown for 15% of the species with seed densities per 100 g air dried dung of 737 and 767, respectively. Movement of animals between ancient and restored wooded meadows is recommended since many of the species only occurred in low densities and therefore, will probably not be found in the dung samples.  相似文献   

Abstract. Eleven years of abandonment of a species‐rich fen‐meadow under undisturbed environmental conditions resulted in transformation into areas with tall herb‐, sedge‐ and rush‐dominated communities and areas with Alnus thicket. Species cover was measured in permanent plots in both community types and succession was monitored during 14 yr of restoration following reintroduction of management. The annual increase in accumulated species number followed a log‐log‐time linear regression during 10 yr of grazing management. The expected number of years taken before this annual rate was equal to annual extinction, i.e. a stable situation according to species density, was up to six. The response of 64 species to management was evaluated through paired statistical tests of changes in cover and frequency over time. In total, 55 species could each be allocated to one unique response model (monotone or non‐monotone, concave models) independently of the importance value used (cover or frequency) and type of management (grazing following felling or mowing and mowing without grazing). Species which increased in response to grazing had the most persistent seed banks and CR‐strategies, while species decreasing in response to grazing had less persistent seed banks and CS‐strategies. Some of the species which increased due to grazing followed a model with a local maximum in cover and frequency. The results are discussed in relation to management of species with high cover value during restoration succession.  相似文献   

Abstract. Secondary succession and seed bank formation was studied in a formerly grazed, abandoned, eastern Hungarian sandy steppe‐meadow (Pulsatillo‐Festucetum). The vegetation was sampled at different elevations of a sand dune which became partly invaded by the tree Robinia pseudo‐acacia ca. 10 yr ago. Pre‐abandonment vegetation records were used as historic references. Though composition of the non‐invaded grassland only changed moderately, dominance of tall grasses (Elymus hispidus, Poa angustifolia) increased significantly at the cost of annuals and low stature perennials. In the stand invaded by Robinia most grassland species were lost and replaced by nitrophytes. Vertical position influenced species abundance, but affected the composition only moderately. Fine‐scale zonation of the vegetation also changed with time. Species richness of the above‐ground vegetation and the seed density of soil samples at the lower elevation were slightly greater than at the higher sites. Seed banks of sensitive grassland specialists (e.g. Pulsatilla pratensis subsp. hungarica) disappeared during grass encroachment. Following extinction from above‐ground vegetation, restoration must rely on dispersal from adjacent areas. In contrast, several annuals and perennials, which survived this degradation stage in the above‐ground vegetation, possessed seed banks. Many of these species became extinct from the vegetation during the Robinia invasion but left viable persistent seeds. This fact is promising for restoration of the Potentillo‐Festucetum sandy pasture. Competitive weedy species and sprouting Robinia can, however, limit seedling establishment.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper describes the effects of re‐establishing seasonal cattle grazing by 0.7 animal.ha‐1 on vegetation in a long‐term abandoned, and partly degraded, semi‐natural mountain pasture in the ?umava National Park, Czech Republic. There was very uneven grazing intensity inside the locality, and grazing preference changed during the season: cattle grazed most of the time in productive but species‐poor Deschampsia cespitosa swards, but changed to a species‐rich Violion caninae stand in the middle of the summer. A species‐rich Carex rostrata community was only grazed at the end of the season. Species‐poor swards dominated by Nardus stricta and Carex brizoides were mainly used as resting areas. Both grazing and excluding from grazing had a negative effect on species diversity of the Deschampsia cespitosa swards. The soil seed bank contained only few species that are characteristic of mountain grassland communities, and seed dispersal of the target species by cattle dung was also found to be very limited. Thus both grazing and exclusion from grazing are probably of limited value for the restoration of species‐rich grasslands from species‐poor Deschampsia cespitosa swards in this case.  相似文献   

Questions: How do changes in forest management, i.e. in disturbance type and frequency, influence species diversity, abundance and composition of the seed bank? How does the relationship between seed bank and vegetation change? What are the implications for seed bank dynamics? Location: An ancient Quercus petraea — Carpinus betulus forest in conversion from coppice‐with‐standards to regular Quercus high forest near Montargis, France. Methods: Seed bank and vegetation were sampled in six replicated stand types, forming a chronosequence along the conversion pathway. The stand types represented mid‐successional stages of stands in transition from coppice‐with‐standards (to high forest (16 plots) and early‐ and mid‐successional high forest stands (32 plots). Results: Seed bank density and species richness decreased with time since last disturbance. Adjusting for seed density effects obscured species richness differences between stand types, but species of later seres were nested subsets of earlier seres, implying concomitant shifts in species richness and composition with time since disturbance. Later seres were characterized by species with low seed weight and high seed longevity. Seed banks of early seres were more similar to vegetation than to later seres. Conclusions: Abandonment of the coppice‐with‐standards regime altered the seed bank characteristics, as well as its relationship with vegetation. Longer management cycles under high forest yield impoverished seed banks. For their persistence, seed bank species will increasingly rely on management of permanently open areas in the forest landscape. Thus, revegetation at the beginning of new high‐forest cycles may increasingly depend on inflow from seed sources.  相似文献   

Abstract. Question: Does the degree and timing of disturbance contribute significantly to the pattern and process of regeneration in plant communities as a consequence of the availability and number of species of propagules present? Location: Acid grassland at 230 m a.s.l., eastern Scotland, UK. Methods : Plots were surface disturbed or had their soil profile inverted at monthly intervals at 12 dates during a year. Seed bank and seed rain were assessed at each treatment time. The effect of disturbance intensity and timing on the regenerating vegetation was assessed. Results: Removing the seed bank significantly slowed regeneration, as it contributed 43 % of developing cover after one year where it was present. At an individual seed level, seed in the seed rain had a much higher likelihood of contributing to the regenerating vegetation than a seed in the seed bank. Some species showed a reliance on the seed bank for regeneration, and hence there was a significant difference in the vegetation that developed between plots with the seed bank intact and those where it was removed. Winter disturbed plots (little seed rain) had slower rates of re‐vegetation than summer disturbed plots. Timing had little effect on species composition, though a significantly higher cover of perennial forb species developed on the winter disturbed plots. Conclusion: Removing the contribution of the seed bank had a greater effect on the composition of regenerating vegetation than the effect of seasonal variation on the seed rain.  相似文献   

Abstract. In France, most civil engineering and excavation projects are at present accompanied by compensatory measures with the aim of preserving biodiversity. In order to avoid the destruction of a habitat of high conservation interest in NE France, harbouring two legally protected plant species, an experiment of soil translocation was conducted on an area of 1 ha. The donor site was an extensively managed mesophilic meadow and the receiving site was a neighbouring arable land. The vegetation of the translocated meadow was described 8 and 17 months after soil translocation, and compared (1) with vegetation resulting from more classical restoration techniques tested on the arable land (natural regeneration and seed mixture sowing) and (2) with the soil seed bank and vegetation previously present on the donor site. Results showed that the soil translocation technique permitted the development of many meadow species, including two legally protected species, and few ruderal species despite a large area of bare ground. This technique seems effective in terms of number and abundance of meadow species compared to natural regeneration and commercial seed sowing. In the case of the two classical methods, species richness was lower and only widespread species were present. Topsoil translocation provides a good compensatory method to avoid habitat and species destruction. However, the study should be continued, with the aim of assessing the longer term development and stabilization of the vegetation of the translocated meadow.  相似文献   

This paper applies multivariate statistical methods to a data set of weed relevés from arable fields in two different habitat types of coastal and mountainous escarpments in Southern Oman. The objectives were to test the effect of environmental gradients, crop plants and time on weed species composition, to rank the importance of these particular factors, and to describe the patterns of species composition and diversity associated with these factors. Through the application of TWINSPAN, DCA and CCA programs on data relating to 102 species recorded in 28 plots and farms distributed in the study area, six plant communities were identified: I- Dichanthium micranthum, II- Cynodon dactylonD. micranthum, III- Convolvulus arvensis, IV- C. dactylonSonchus oleraceus, V- Amaranthus viridis and VI- Suaeda aegyptiacaAchyranthes aspera. The ordination process (CCA) provided a sequence of plant communities and species diversity that correlated with some anthropogenic factors, physiographic variables and crop types. Therefore, length of time since farm construction, disturbance levels and altitude are the most important factors related to the occurrence of the species. The perennial species correlated with the more degraded mountain areas of new farm stands, whereas most of the annuals correlated with old lowland and less disturbed farms.  相似文献   

Abstract. A local seed mixture from plants growing in a species‐rich, traditionally managed hay meadow site at Varaldsoy, Hardanger, western Norway, where many endangered hay meadow species of the region are growing, was sown in a newly harrowed experimental field 1 km from the source meadow in order to increase the habitat area for the endangered species. Of 25 endangered species recorded in the source meadow, only one (Holcus lanatus) was present in the target meadow. After sowing, 16 of the endangered species in addition to Holcus lanatus were recorded in the new site. Six species were only present in sown plots and seven others were more frequent there, while three species might have arrived by chance or originated from the seed bank. Replacing the traditional management regime, including one late cut and grazing in spring and in autumn, with three cutting times and the creation of gaps in the sward, resulted in a higher number of endangered species in plots which were only cut, possibly because the grazing was too intensive in the small enclosures.  相似文献   

Secondary succession is an increasing phenomenon due to global changes in agriculture policies and practices. The empirical findings are biased towards the temperate zone. Abandonment of agriculture fields is less frequent in the subtropical and tropical zones where agriculture areas are, in general, expanding. But there are exceptions; a rapid rate of abandonment of agricultural fields have taken place in the arid trans-Himalayan region, due to today’s globalization of economy. We analysed agriculture fields that were abandoned between 1950 and 2003 in a large u-valley in central Nepal (3400 m a.s.l.). The potential forest vegetation is dominated by Pinus wallichina and shrubs of junipers and cotoneaster species. We tested the intermediate richness hypothesis in relation to vegetation cover, soil development and whether old-field succession is convergent or divergent with species data from 242 1 m2 plots in 5 age-classes. The main species compositional turnover expressed by Detrended Correspondence Analyses (DCA) correlated, as expected, with time after abandonment. Fields that were abandoned a long time ago are closer to forest at the periphery of the agricultural landscape. Moisture of the soil significantly increased with age of abandonment, but total vegetation cover and pH were negatively related to age. Beta diversity expressed in DCA SD-units showed an increasing trend with age of abandonment, supporting the divergence pattern in old-field succession. The reason why the succession is not converging may be due to browsing by domestic animals that prevent a closed canopy of pines and juniper to develop. There was a significant hump-shaped pattern in species richness along the temporal gradient, which agrees with the intermediate species-richness hypothesis. There was a rapid increase in species richness in plots close to the villages that were used for haymaking which increased the seed input significantly.  相似文献   

Impact of land use changes on mountain vegetation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. In this study the impact of land use changes on vegetation in the sub‐alpine‐alpine belt is analysed. The study sites (4.7 km2) are located in the Passeier Valley (South Tyrol, Italy), at an elevation of 1500–2300 m a.s.l. The whole study area was used for hay‐making ca. 60 yr ago. Today, part of the meadows are more intensively used, while other parts have been converted to pasture or have been abandoned. We analysed the reasons for these land use changes and the effects on vegetation with a Geographical Information System and geostatistical analysis. The result of these analyses are: (1) Current land use is mainly controlled by the degree of accessibility for vehicles. Accessible areas are being used more and more intensively, while poorly accessible areas are being abandoned or used as pasture. (2) Current vegetation is highly determined by current land use. Particular vegetation units can be assigned to each form of land use. (3) Succession starts immediately after abandonment. Depending on altitude, succession proceeds at different speeds and with different numbers of stages. Hence the type of vegetation indicates the time passed since abandonment. (4) Land use changes lead to characteristic changes in vegetation; they are considered to be the most important driving force for vegetation change. (5) Measures of intensification and abandonment of extensively used areas both lead to a decrease in the number of species.  相似文献   



Can drainage ditches in agricultural marsh grassland provide a suitable habitat for the persistence of fen meadow species? How does the ditch margin vegetation develop as a function of regular dredging? Is ornithologically oriented management also beneficial for plant biodiversity?


Riparian marshes, Eider‐Treene‐Sorge lowland, Schleswig‐Holstein, Germany.


We performed vegetation surveys of drainage ditches along with their water body, slope and margin structures annually for 3 years. The data were analysed with respect to date and means of ditch dredging. In addition, we recorded vegetation of the surrounding agricultural grassland, measured nutrient status of the soil and the water body and sampled seed bank of the ditch slopes. We used ANOVA and multivariate methods to describe the development of the ditch vegetation and the persistence of target meadow species.


Vegetation re‐development of ditch margins proceeds quite rapidly after disturbance from dredging. Dominance of mudbank species was observed only in the first year, followed by an increase of reed species and reduction of phytodiversity. Target species of wet meadow communities reach highest abundance in the second and third year and build a significant seed bank before being suppressed by reeds.


In heavily eutrophicated, intensively used marsh grassland, regularly disturbed ditch margins are important secondary habitats for pioneer and subdominant wetland species, which have nearly disappeared in a larger area. Current management cycles of ditch dredging every 3–4 years comply with the successional development, allowing the mudbank and wet meadow species to persist in the vegetation and seed bank. In contrast to the frequency, the form of dredging (ditch profile), which is crucial for bird protection, plays a minor role for plants. We recommend moderate disturbance (mowing of ditch margins) to suppress strong competitors in the years between dredging for additional support to target plant species.  相似文献   

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