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Myosin VI,an actin motor for membrane traffic and cell migration   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The actin cytoskeleton and associated myosin motor proteins are essential for the transport and steady-state localization of vesicles and organelles and for the dynamic remodeling of the plasma membrane as well as for the maintenance of differentiated cell-surface structures. Myosin VI may be expected to have unique cellular functions, because it moves, unlike almost all other myosins, towards the minus end of actin filaments. Localization and functional studies indicate that myosin VI plays a role in a variety of different intracellular processes, such as endocytosis and secretion as well as cell migration. These diverse functions of myosin VI are mediated by interaction with a range of different binding partners .  相似文献   

Nucleoporin Nup62 localizes at the central channel of the nuclear pore complex and is essential for nucleocytoplasmic transport. Through its FG-repeat domain, Nup62 regulates nuclear pore permeability and binds nuclear transport receptors. Here, we report that Nup62 interacts directly with Exo70 and colocalizes with Exo70 at the leading edge of migrating cells. Nup62 binds the N-terminal domain of Exo70 through its coiled-coil domain but not through its FG-repeat domain. Selective inhibition of leading edge Nup62 using RNA interference significantly reduces cell migration. Furthermore, Exo70 recruits Nup62 at the plasma membrane and at filopodia. Removal of the Exo70-binding domain of Nup62 prevents leading edge localization of Nup62. Analogous to Exo70, Nup62 cycles between the plasma membrane and the perinuclear recycling compartment. Altogether, we propose that Nup62 not solely regulates access to the cell nucleus, but additionally functions in conjunction with Exo70, a key regulator of exocytosis and actin dynamics, at the leading edge of migrating cells.  相似文献   

Myosins have diverse mechanical properties reflecting a range of cellular roles. A major challenge is to understand the structural basis for generating novel functions from a common motor core. Myosin VI (M6) is specialized for processive motion toward the (−) end of actin filaments. We have used engineered M6 motors to test and refine the “redirected power stroke” model for (−) end directionality and to explore poorly understood structural requirements for processive stepping. Guided by crystal structures and molecular modeling, we fused artificial lever arms to the catalytic head of M6 at several positions, retaining varying amounts of native structure. We found that an 18-residue α-helical insert is sufficient to reverse the directionality of the motor, with no requirement for any calmodulin light chains. Further, we observed robust processive stepping of motors with artificial lever arms, demonstrating that processivity can arise without optimizing lever arm composition or mechanics.  相似文献   

在应用肌球蛋白轻链激酶特异抑制剂ML-7抑制了肌球蛋白轻链磷酸化后,花生四烯酸(arachidonic acid,AA)仍可诱导兔血管平滑肌细胞(SM3)发生迁移.为了进一步阐明其信号传导途径,应用多种信号抑制剂,采用免疫印迹、Boyden小室和提取细胞膜蛋白等实验方法,对上述迁移作用的信号传导途径进行了深入的研究.结果显示,PTX(Gi蛋白抑制剂)、U73122(PLC抑制剂)、staurosporine (PKC抑制剂)、PD98059(ERK1/2抑制剂)和SB203580(p38抑制剂)分别可拮抗上述AA诱导的SM3细胞迁移作用,而SP600125(JNK抑制剂)的作用较弱.免疫印迹结果显示,AA可提高SM3细胞中PKC(ε)、ERK1/2、p38和JNK信号的磷酸化水平,呈时间依赖性, PTX或U73122可抑制上述作用;staurosporine可抑制由AA 引起的ERK1/2和JNK的磷酸化水平增强,但对p38的磷酸化水平无影响.还发现AA可促进PLCβ2的细胞膜移位, PTX可抑制其作用.上述结果表明,当肌球蛋白轻链的磷酸化被抑制后, AA可通过Gi蛋白的活化促进PLCβ2向细胞膜移位,进而通过激活PKC(ε)、ERK1/2、p38和JNK等信号转导途径而诱导SM3细胞发生迁移  相似文献   

Myosin VI has an unexpectedly large swing of its lever arm (powerstroke) that optimizes its unique reverse direction movement. The basis for this is an unprecedented rearrangement of the subdomain to which the lever arm is attached, referred to as the converter. It is unclear at what point(s) in the myosin VI ATPase cycle rearrangements in the converter occur, and how this would effect lever arm position. We solved the structure of myosin VI with an ATP analogue (ADP.BeF3) bound in its nucleotide-binding pocket. The structure reveals that no rearrangement in the converter occur upon ATP binding. Based on previously solved myosin structures, our structure suggests that no reversal of the powerstroke occurs during detachment of myosin VI from actin. The structure also reveals novel features of the myosin VI motor that may be important in maintaining the converter conformation during detachment from actin, and other features that may promote rapid rearrangements in the structure following actin detachment that enable hydrolysis of ATP.  相似文献   

Myosin VI, an actin-based motor protein, and Disabled 2 (Dab2), a molecule involved in endocytosis and cell signalling, have been found to bind together using yeast and mammalian two-hybrid screens. In polarised epithelial cells, myosin VI is known to be associated with apical clathrin-coated vesicles and is believed to move them towards the minus end of actin filaments, away from the plasma membrane and into the cell. Dab2 belongs to a group of signal transduction proteins that bind in vitro to the FXNPXY sequence found in the cytosolic tails of members of the low-density lipoprotein receptor family. The central region of Dab2, containing two DPF motifs, binds to the clathrin adaptor protein AP-2, whereas a C-terminal region contains the binding site for myosin VI. This site is conserved in Dab1, the neuronal counterpart of Dab2. The interaction between Dab2 and myosin VI was confirmed by in vitro binding assays and coimmunoprecipitation and by their colocalisation in clathrin-coated pits/vesicles concentrated at the apical domain of polarised cells. These results suggest that the myosin VI–Dab2 interaction may be one link between the actin cytoskeleton and receptors undergoing endocytosis.  相似文献   

The scratch or wound-healing assay is used ubiquitously for investigating re-epithelialisation and has already revealed the importance of cells comprising the leading edge of healing epithelial wounds. However it is currently limited to studying the effect of known biochemical agents on the tissue of choice. Here we present an adaptation that extends the utility of this model to encompass the collection of cells from the leading edge of migrating epithelial sheets making available explorative biochemical analyses. The method is scalable and does not require expensive apparatus, making it suitable for large and small laboratories alike. We detail the application of our method and exemplify proof of principle data derived from primary human keratinocyte cultures.  相似文献   

Cr(VI) is a characteristic soil and groundwater contaminant in the chromite ore processing residue (COPR) disposal regions. Investigation of Cr(VI) adsorption and migration characteristics in topsoils has great significance for the supervision of contaminated sites. The methods of adsorption and soil column leaching experiments were used to study Cr(VI) migration characteristics in this research, and a Cr(VI) contaminated site in Hanqingba region of Baotou was chosen as the study area. Based on the adsorption experiment results, the soil adsorption properties of Cr(VI) were interpreted by the Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherm, and the saturation adsorption capacity of the soil sample for Cr(VI) was 70.4 mg/kg. Cr(VI) migration characteristic in the soils was studied through the tracer and migration experiments. The permeability coefficient of the soil sample was 0.059 m/d, and the dispersion coefficient was 0.0371 cm2/s. The breakthrough curves of Br and Cr(VI) showed that the retardation effect of Cr(VI) in the soil was not obvious, and the computed retardation factor was 2.39. Under the circumstances of precipitation or irrigation, Cr(VI) in the COPR could be leached out, and the groundwater may be polluted for the weak soil adsorption capacity of Cr(VI). The research results could provide scientific support for the soil and groundwater pollution prevention and control plan of local government.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2020,52(6):764-778.e4
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Cell migration involves dynamic regulation of the actin cytoskeleton, which exhibits rapid actin polymerization at the leading edge of migrating cells. This process relies on regulated recruitment of actin nucleators and actin-binding proteins to the leading edge to polymerize new actin filaments. Many of these proteins have been identified, including the actin-related protein (Arp) 2/3 complex, which has emerged as the core player in the initiation of actin polymerization. However, the functional coordination of these proteins is unclear. Previously, we have demonstrated that the 14-kDa phosphohistidine phosphatase (PHP14) is involved in cell migration regulation and affects actin cytoskeleton reorganization. Here, we show that PHP14 may regulate actin remodeling directly and play an important role in dynamic regulation of the actin cytoskeleton. We observed a colocalization of PHP14 with Arp3 and F-actin at the leading edge of migrating cells. Moreover, PHP14 was recruited to the actin remodeling sites in parallel with Arp3 during lamellipodia formation. Furthermore, PHP14 knockdown impaired Arp3 localization at the leading edge of lamellipodia, as well as lamellipodia formation. Most importantly, we found that PHP14 was a novel F-actin-binding protein, displaying an Arp2/3-dependent localization to the leading edge. Collectively, our results indicated a crucial role for PHP14 in the dynamic regulation of the actin cytoskeleton and cell migration.  相似文献   

Autophagy plays a key role during Salmonella infection, by eliminating these pathogens following escape into the cytosol. In this process, selective autophagy receptors, including the myosin VI adaptor proteins optineurin and NDP52, have been shown to recognize cytosolic pathogens. Here, we demonstrate that myosin VI and TAX1BP1 are recruited to ubiquitylated Salmonella and play a key role in xenophagy. The absence of TAX1BP1 causes an accumulation of ubiquitin-positive Salmonella, whereas loss of myosin VI leads to an increase in ubiquitylated and LC3-positive bacteria. Our structural studies demonstrate that the ubiquitin-binding site of TAX1BP1 overlaps with the myosin VI binding site and point mutations in the TAX1BP1 zinc finger domains that affect ubiquitin binding also ablate binding to myosin VI. This mutually exclusive binding and the association of TAX1BP1 with LC3 on the outer limiting membrane of autophagosomes may suggest a molecular mechanism for recruitment of this motor to autophagosomes. The predominant role of TAX1BP1, a paralogue of NDP52, in xenophagy is supported by our evolutionary analysis, which demonstrates that functionally intact NDP52 is missing in Xenopus and mice, whereas TAX1BP1 is expressed in all vertebrates analysed. In summary, this work highlights the importance of TAX1BP1 as a novel autophagy receptor in myosin VI-mediated xenophagy. Our study identifies essential new machinery for the autophagy-dependent clearance of Salmonella typhimurium and suggests modulation of myosin VI motor activity as a potential therapeutic target in cellular immunity.  相似文献   

The effect of the suppression of expression of the actin-binding protein caldesmon on the motility of nonmuscle cells has been studied. A more than a fivefold decrease in the content of this protein in cells by RNA interference led to the disturbance of the formation of actin stress fibers and acceleration of cell migration to the zone of injury of the monolayer. A stimulation of stationary cells by serum induced more than 1,5-fold accumulation of stress fibers only in control cells, but not in caldesmon-deficient cells. Similarly, the accumulation of actin filaments was observed in actively migrating cells of only wild type, but not in the cells with low caldesmon content. These changes occurred mainly at the leading edge of the migrating cell where the distinct structure of actin filaments was not seen in the absence of caldesmon. It was assumed that caldesmon inhibits cell migration due to the stabilization of actin in filaments and a decrease in the dynamics of monomeric actin at the leading edge of the migrating cell.  相似文献   

It is not known which morphological properties of fibroblasts induced by malignant transformation modulate their migration pattern. We studied the changes in the distribution and dynamics of the leading edge of 10(3) mouse fibroblasts after their transformation by oncogene N-RAS asp13 and analyzed the changes in the pattern of cell migration. Transformation proved to increase the leading edge proportion and to considerably redistribute pseudopodial activity along the cell edge. As the result of transformation, small pseudopodia are formed in the stable lateral regions of the cell edge typical of normal fibroblasts, i.e., the lateral edge is no more truly stable. In addition, pseudopodial activity of the leading edge in transformed fibroblasts proved higher compared to normal ones. It is necessary to notice, the leading edge activity is equally high immediately after induction in both normal and transformed fibroblasts; although, it is suppressed with time in normal cells but not in transformed ones where it remains steadily high. These properties promote the random component of malignant cell motility and modify the cell migration pattern after transformation  相似文献   

Chemotaxis, the directed migration of leukocytes towards a chemoattractant gradient, is a key phenomenon in the immune response. During lymphocyte-endothelial and – extracellular matrix interactions, chemokines induce the polarization of T lymphocytes. with generation of specialized cell compartments. The chemokine receptors involved in detection of the chemoattractant gradients concentrate at the leading edge (advancing front or anterior pole) of the cell. The adhesion molecules ICAM- 1, -3, CD44 and CD43 redistribute to the uropod, an appendage at the posterior pole of migrating T lymphocyte that protrudes from the contact area with endothelial or extracellular matrix substrates. Whereas chemokine receptors sense the direction of migration, the uropod is involved in the recruitment of bystander leukocytes through LFA-1/ICAM-dependent cell cell interactions. While β-actin concentrates preferentially at the cell's leading edge, the motor protein myosin II and a microtubule organizing center (MTOC) are packed in the uropod. The actin-binding protein moesin, which belongs to the ERM family of ezrin, radixin and moesin, redistributes to the distal portion of uropods and physically interacts with ICAM-3, CD44 and CD43, thus acting as a physical link between the membrane molecules and the actin cytoskeleton. Moreover, the moesin-ICAM-3 association correlates with the degree of cell polarity. The redistribution of the chemokine receptors and adhesion molecules to opposite poles of the cell in response to a chemoattractant gradient may guide cell migration and cell-cell interactions during lymphoid cell trafficking in immune and inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2023,58(14):1299-1313.e5
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Endogenous electric fields (EFs) occur naturally in vivo and play a critical role during tissue/organ development and regeneration, including that of the central nervous system1,2. These endogenous EFs are generated by cellular regulation of ionic transport combined with the electrical resistance of cells and tissues. It has been reported that applied EF treatment can promote functional repair of spinal cord injuries in animals and humans3,4. In particular, EF-directed cell migration has been demonstrated in a wide variety of cell types5,6, including neural progenitor cells (NPCs)7,8. Application of direct current (DC) EFs is not a commonly available technique in most laboratories. We have described detailed protocols for the application of DC EFs to cell and tissue cultures previously5,11. Here we present a video demonstration of standard methods based on a calculated field strength to set up 2D and 3D environments for NPCs, and to investigate cellular responses to EF stimulation in both single cell growth conditions in 2D, and the organotypic spinal cord slice in 3D. The spinal cordslice is an ideal recipient tissue for studying NPC ex vivo behaviours, post-transplantation, because the cytoarchitectonic tissue organization is well preserved within these cultures9,10. Additionally, this ex vivo model also allows procedures that are not technically feasible to track cells in vivo using time-lapse recording at the single cell level. It is critically essential to evaluate cell behaviours in not only a 2D environment, but also in a 3D organotypic condition which mimicks the in vivo environment. This system will allow high-resolution imaging using cover glass-based dishes in tissue or organ culture with 3D tracking of single cell migration in vitro and ex vivo and can be an intermediate step before moving onto in vivo paradigms.  相似文献   

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