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Ecological and physiological factors such as breeding density, breeding synchrony, and adult body condition can all affect extra‐pair mating behavior, but the relative importance of these factors may vary among species. White‐rumped Swallows (Tachycineta leucorrhoa) nesting in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, exhibit high rates of extra‐pair paternity, with 77% of nests having extra‐pair young. Our objective was to determine the extent to which extra‐pair paternity in this species is explained by breeding synchrony, breeding density, and adult body condition. Our study of a population of White‐rumped Swallows breeding in nest boxes was conducted during two consecutive breeding seasons (September – early January 2006–2008). We found that neither breeding synchrony nor density of neighbors predicted levels of extra‐pair paternity in our study population. Leaner females were more likely to engage in extra‐pair behavior and fledged more nestlings, but did not differ in structural size from females that did not engage in extra‐pair behavior, suggesting that female mass is an important predictor of mating decisions and fitness for these aerial insectivores. Male body condition was not related to male extra‐pair behavior. The mass of female White‐rumped Swallows may affect their flying ability such that, during their fertile period, they are exposed to more potential extra‐pair mates during longer foraging flights. Being lighter may also improve the ability of females to provision nestlings later in the breeding cycle.  相似文献   

Incubation is an energetically costly parental task of breeding birds. Incubating parents respond to environmental variation and nest‐site features to adjust the balance between the time spent incubating (i.e. nest attentiveness) and foraging to supply their own needs. Non‐natural nesting substrates such as human buildings impose new environmental contexts that may affect time allocation of incubating birds but this topic remains little studied. Here, we tested whether nesting substrate type (buildings vs. trees) affects the temperature inside the incubation chamber (hereafter ‘nest temperature’) in the Pale‐breasted Thrush Turdus leucomelas, either during ‘day’ (with incubation recesses) or ‘night’ periods (representing uninterrupted female presence at the nest). We also tested whether nesting substrate type affects the incubation time budget using air temperature and the day of the incubation cycle as covariates. Nest temperature, when controlled for microhabitat temperature, was higher at night and in nests in buildings but did not differ between daytime and night for nests in buildings, indicating that buildings partially compensate for incubation recesses by females with regard to nest temperature stability. Females from nests placed in buildings exhibited lower nest attentiveness (the overall percentage of time spent incubating) and had longer bouts off the nest. Higher air temperatures were significantly correlated with shorter bouts on the nest and longer bouts off the nest, but without affecting nest attentiveness. We suggest that the longer bouts off the nest taken by females of nests in buildings is a consequence of higher nest temperatures promoted by man‐made structures around these nests. Use of buildings as nesting substrate may therefore increase parental fitness due to a relaxed incubation budget, and potentially drive the evolution of incubation behaviour in certain urban bird populations.  相似文献   

Investigating the reproductive ecology of naturalized species provides insights into the role of the source population's characteristics vs. post‐release adaptation that influence the success of introduction programmes. Introduced and naturalized Mallards Anas platyrhynchos are widely established in New Zealand (NZ), but little is known regarding their reproductive ecology. We evaluated the nesting ecology of female Mallards at two study sites in NZ (Southland and Waikato) in 2014–15. We radiotagged 241 pre‐breeding females with abdominal‐implant transmitters and measured breeding incidence, nesting chronology and re‐nesting propensity. We monitored 271 nests to evaluate nest survival, clutch and egg size, egg hatchability and partial clutch depredation. Breeding incidence averaged (mean ± se) 0.91 ± 0.03, clutch size averaged 9.9 ± 0.1 eggs, 94 ± 2% of eggs hatched in successful nests, partial depredation affected 6 ± 1% of eggs in clutches that were not fully destroyed by predators, and re‐nesting propensity following failure of nests or broods was 0.50 ± 0.003. Nesting season (first nest initiated to last nest hatched) lasted 4.5 months and mean initiation date of first detected nest attempts was 28 August ± 3.3 days. Smaller females were less likely to nest, but older, larger or better condition females nested earlier, re‐nested more often and laid larger clutches than did younger, smaller or poorer condition females. Younger females in Southland had higher nest survival; cumulative nest survival ranged from 0.25 ± 0.007 for adult females in Waikato to 0.50 ± 0.007 for yearling females in Southland. Compared with Mallards in their native range, the nesting season in NZ was longer, clutches and eggs were larger, and nest survival was generally greater. Different predators and climate, introgression with native heterospecifics and/or the sedentary nature of Mallards in NZ may have contributed to these differences.  相似文献   

Southern Hemisphere passerines are generally thought to have long breeding seasons and high annual survivorship, but this may reflect a bias resulting from a disproportionate concentration on sedentary species. This study presents a detailed examination of the breeding biology and social organization of a migratory population of a passerine from the Southern Hemisphere – the Yellow‐faced Honeyeater Lichenostomus chrysops. It took place between 1997 and 2000 in the Coranderrk Reserve, Healesville, Australia. Following the birds’ return from migration, breeding commenced in mid‐November, roughly 2 months after arrival. The breeding season was short (3.5–4 months) compared with sedentary honeyeaters occupying the same habitat. Territories (0.19 ± 0.11 ha) were established by males but defended by both sexes against conspecific and heterospecific intruders. Within a breeding season, pairs were multibrooded (mean no. of clutches per season 2.14 ± 0.76, range 1–3) and always re‐nested within the same territory with the same partner. However, only 12.5% of pairs bred together in a subsequent breeding season despite, on many occasions, their partner from the previous season being alive (divorce rate of 75% for males and 66% for females). Females alone built the nest, incubated the eggs and brooded the nestlings. However, males contributed 44.5% of feeding visits to nestlings. The breeding cycle of Yellow‐faced Honeyeaters (clutch size 1–3 eggs, mean 2.4 ± 0.6, n = 84, incubation period 14.4 ± 0.7 days, n = 11, nestling period 13.0 ± 1.7 days, n = 6) was similar to that of sedentary honeyeaters (and Southern Hemisphere Corvidae in general), except that fledglings only remained on the parental territory for 2–3 weeks post‐fledging. At least one young fledged from 32.1% of nests (n = 156). Predation was the major cause of nest failure (74.5% of 106 failed nests). Only 4.4% of nestlings (n = 136) were observed on the study site in subsequent seasons (five males and one female). None of those males was observed on the study site until their second year of life. Adult annual survivorship (ignoring losses due to dispersal) was 43% for females and 51% for males. Our study suggests that if more data were available for the numerous migratory species from the Southern Hemisphere, some apparent differences from northern hemisphere passerines might disappear.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Incubation feeding, where males feed their mates, is a common behavior in birds and may improve female condition, nest attentiveness, and nesting success. We used behavioral observations and a temporary mate removal experiment to test the female nutrition hypothesis for incubation feeding by male Scarlet Tanagers (Piranga olivacea). All males (N= 20) were observed incubation feeding and fed females both at the nest (x? 1.36 trips/h) and away from the nest (x? 20.1 trips/h). Male feeding rate off‐nest was negatively correlated with the duration of female foraging bouts and positively correlated with the total time females spent incubating per hour. Eggs were predated at seven of 19 (37%) nests, but nest survival during incubation was not related to either female incubation behavior or male feeding rate. During temporary removal experiments (N= 12), female Scarlet Tanagers remained on the nest significantly longer and did not have longer foraging bouts. An unexpected outcome of the removal experiments was a dramatic change in female vocal behavior. All 12 experimental females gave chik‐burr calls during the male‐removal experiments (x? bout length = 11.7 min), but during normal observation periods only six of 20 females at the incubation stage gave chik‐burr calls (x? bout length = 0.7 min, N= 20). Our results suggest that female tanagers likely gain nutritional benefits from incubation feeding, but male feeding may not improve immediate reproductive success. Nine of 54 (17%) nestlings in five of 17 broods (29%) were extra‐pair young (EPY), indicating that males could potentially benefit from incubation feeding via mate retention and fidelity as well as, or instead of, through immediate gains in reproductive success. Our study indicates that females benefit from incubation feeding and do not simply passively accept food from their mates, but instead may influence male feeding rates through direct (e.g., mate following and vocalizing) and indirect (the threat of mate abandonment or cuckoldry) means.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT As tropical habitats continue to be cleared or degraded, obtaining basic information about the ecology of birds in intact habitats is essential for understanding their life histories. We studied the breeding biology of Orange‐breasted Trogons (Harpactes oreskios) and Red‐headed Trogons (H. erythrocephalus) in Khao Yai National Park in Thailand from 2003 to 2009. Nests were in excavated cavities in well‐rotted stumps or other tree parts. Mean cavity heights were 2.1 m (N= 19) for Orange‐breasted Trogons and 2.0 m (N= 49) for Red‐headed Trogons. Eggs were laid every other day. For Orange‐breasted Trogons, the mean clutch size was 2.4 ± 0.1 (SE) eggs (N= 17); incubation periods for two nests were 17 and 18 d, respectively, and the nestling period ranged from 12 to at least 14 d (N= 4). For Red‐headed Trogons, the mean clutch size was 2.6 ± 0.1 eggs (N= 48), the mean incubation period was 18 d (N= 9), and the mean nestling period was 13.4 d (N= 5). In both species, both males and females excavated nest sites, incubated eggs, and brooded and provisioned nestlings. Only females incubated and brooded at night, and males provisioned nestlings more than females. Breeding seasons lasted from January to March for Orange‐breasted Trogons, and from late February to July for Red‐headed Trogons. Mayfield estimates of nest success were 8% and 9% for Orange‐breasted and Red‐headed trogons, respectively. Unusual for cavity nesters, nest failure due to predation was high and nestling periods short. The low nesting success is typical of many other tropical species, but considerably lower than reported for some Neotropical trogons, possibly due to the unenclosed structure of the nests of these Asian trogons.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Red‐faced Cormorants (Phalacrocorax urile) are North Pacific endemics recognized as a vulnerable species, but little is known about their breeding ecology. We studied Red‐faced Cormorants on St. Paul Island, Alaska, from 1975 to 2009, with more detailed data collected in 2004 and 2005. Mean clutch sizes in 2004 (3.2 ± 0.8 [SD] eggs) and 2005 (3.1 ± 0.8 eggs) were similar to the long‐term average (2.9 ± 0.3 eggs from 1976 to 2009). The mean laying interval in 2004 and 2005 was 2.15 ± 0.80 d (N= 407), and the mean egg period (number of days between laying of an egg and hatching) was 31.1 ± 1.4 d (N= 158). Approximately 64 ± 17% of eggs hatched during the period from 1975 to 2009. The mean number of chicks per nest in 2004 and 2005 was 2.8 ± 0.8 (N= 232), and the mean number of fledglings per initiated nest in all years was 1.22 ± 0.52. Chicks fledged 46 to 66 d posthatching. In 2004 and 2005, the primary causes of egg loss were predation by Arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus) and destruction of eggs and abandonment of nests due to storms. Starvation was the primary cause of nestling mortality in both years. Because chicks are dependent on parents to provide food for over 45 d, consistent near‐shore foraging opportunities must be available. From 1975 to 2009, Red‐faced Cormorants experienced only 1 yr of complete reproductive failure (1984). The consistent reproductive success of Red‐faced Cormorants suggests that conditions may be relatively stable for this species on St. Paul Island, or that the variability in their breeding ecology (e.g., phenology, clutch sizes, and incubation strategies) provides the flexibility needed to successfully fledge some chicks nearly every year.  相似文献   

Because extended incubation recesses, where incubating songbirds are away from nests for periods much longer than usual, occur infrequently, they have been treated as outliers in most previous studies and thus overlooked. However, egg temperatures can potentially fall below the physiological zero temperature during extended recesses, potentially affecting developing embryos. As such, evaluating extended recesses in an ecological context and identifying their possible fitness effects are important. With this aim, we used iButton data loggers to monitor the incubation behavior of female Blue Tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) and Great Tits (Parus major) during two breeding seasons in central Spain. We classified incubation recesses as extended if they were more than four times the mean recess duration for each species. Extended incubation recesses occurred more frequently in 2012 when females exhibited poorer body condition. Female Blue Tits had more extended incubation recesses than female Great Tits and, for both species, more extended recesses occurred at the beginning of the breeding season. Both nest attentiveness and average minimum nest temperature decreased when at least one extended recess occurred. Incubation periods averaged 4 d longer for nests where females had at least one extended recess, potentially increasing predation risk and resulting in lower‐quality nestlings. Overall, our results suggest that extended recesses may be more common among songbirds than previously thought and that, due to their effects on egg temperatures and attentiveness, they could impose fitness costs.  相似文献   

Knowledge of demographic parameters affecting population dynamics is critical to the formulation of effective conservation strategies. Sooty Falcon Falco concolor is a little‐studied, Near‐threatened species; estimates of global population size and trend for this species are uncertain. They lay eggs during mid‐summer and sometimes nest in colonies. This unusual breeding ecology suggests that demographic parameters driving their population growth rate may differ from those of most other falcons. We studied Sooty Falcon reproduction at breeding aggregations on Fahal Island and the Daymaniyat islands in the Sea of Oman during 2007–2014, modelled population growth and identified important life history parameters using elasticity analysis. The mean (± se) clutch and brood size was 2.83 ± 0.06 and 2.11 ± 0.07, respectively. Overall, 11.7% of nests failed between the egg and nestling stages, and the failure rate differed significantly between Fahal and the Daymaniyats, and across years. The mean proportion of eggs that hatched annually was 0.66 ± 0.02, and broods were significantly smaller on the Daymaniyats than on Fahal. Falcons on Fahal Island had a higher rate of hatching, a higher rate of nests that produced at least one chick, and produced more chicks per nest than on the Daymaniyats. We suggest that Fahal's proximity to the mainland gives breeding Sooty Falcons access to a more plentiful and stable source of food, especially during the period between arrival from the wintering grounds and the onset of the autumn migration of prey birds, resulting in the better reproductive rates for falcons on Fahal Island, relative to those on the Daymaniyat Islands. The annual asymptotic population growth rate (λ) was 0.87 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.75–0.99), suggesting a declining population, although Sooty Falcons enjoyed a slightly higher population growth rate on Fahal than on the Daymaniyats. Because our study population is on the edge of the breeding range and is isolated from other breeding areas, measures to improve reproductive success of Sooty Falcons breeding on the islands in the Sea of Oman could be important for conservation of Sooty Falcons in Oman.  相似文献   

Nest building relates to reproductive effort, sexual selection, intersexual conflict and cooperation and may be linked to individual phenotype and interindividual interactions. In particular, larger individuals having more energy reserves are expected to build more, larger nests, without having to trade intrasexual competition for cooperative nest building. Capture–mark–recapture and nest survey of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus L. 1758) were combined to assess the relationship between individuals and nesting activity on a spawning ground, throughout a breeding season, during which 202 nests were observed and 114 individuals were captured. On average, males and females stayed 8.33 ± 1.02 and 3.57 ± 1.04 days on the spawning ground, visited 2.26 ± 1.72 and 1.67 ± 1.17 nests and encountered 2.33 ± 2.13 mates for males and 2.29 ± 1.32 mates for females, respectively, and the number of mates encountered increased with the number of nests visited. Body size had no effect on the duration of presence on spawning ground, number of nests visited, number of individuals per nest and sex ratio on nest or nest volume. Bigger nests were found at the end of the season and were not necessarily built by more individuals. This work brings insights on the mating system and cooperative nest building in sea lamprey and may inform managers who want to estimate sea lamprey populations via nest surveys.  相似文献   

The Spotted Barbtail (Premnoplex brunnescens) inhabits the understory of humid montane forests in Central and South America. Apart from basic information on eggs and nest form, little has been published on its breeding ecology. Using temperature sensors in nest cups, I have collected data on the diurnal patterns of egg-coverage from three nests in eastern Ecuador and reveal a remarkable incubation rhythm. After providing near-constant coverage during the morning, adults leave the eggs unattended for most of the afternoon, returning to the nest only in the late afternoon. The mean duration (±standard deviation) of this period of absence, across the entire incubation period at three nests, was 6.4 ± 1.9 h. These results are discussed in relation to their physiological and ecological significance.  相似文献   

The role played by abandoned nests of leaf‐cutting ants (Atta spp.) as a small‐scale disturbance regime that affects plant recruitment, species coexistence and forest regeneration remains poorly investigated. Here we examine whether abandoned nests of Atta cephalotes serve as regeneration niches and operate as particular plant recruitment habitats, favouring forest regeneration after ant activities cease and leading to the establishment of taxonomically/ecologically distinct plant assemblages. Soil properties, canopy openness, light availability and regenerating plant assemblages were evaluated across 18 nests and adjacent control plots in a large remnant of Atlantic Forest in north‐east Brazil from December 2004 to December 2005. Surprisingly, nests and control plots exhibited very similar light environments irrespective of nest age, but nest soils exhibited substantial reductions in carbon content (1.45 ± 0.24 vs. 1.79 ± 0.13%) and organic matter (2.50 ± 0.41 vs. 3.08 ± 0.23%), and proved to be much more resistant to penetration (30.57 ± 6.08 vs. 39.48 ± 7.53 mm). Functional signature of regenerating plant assemblages exhibited little variation across both habitat types, as they were dominated by pioneer, small‐seeded and vertebrate‐dispersed species. However, abandoned nests exhibited less dense, impoverished and more homogeneous regenerating plant assemblages at local and landscape scale; they clearly lacked nest‐dependent plant species and represented floristic subsets of the flora inhabiting the undisturbed forest. This recruitment bottleneck was transient in the long term because nest‐related effects ameliorated in older nests. Our results suggest that, unlike treefall gaps, abandoned nests represent temporary (relatively long‐lasting) islands of unsuitable substrate that reduce plant recruitment, retard forest regeneration, and fail in providing a special regeneration niche able to promote species coexistence and plant diversity.  相似文献   

N. PICOZZI 《Ibis》1978,120(4):498-509
Hen Harriers were studied on a grouse moor in northeastern Scotland from 1970-74. Numbers in spring were fairly stable, and the 24 nesting territories occupied in 1974 were regularly dispersed with a mean nearest neighbour distance of 1.52 ± s. e. 0.09 km. Many pairs apparently failed to breed and left the area. The mean clutch size of those remaining was 4.70 ± s. e. 0.24 (n= 27) and the mean number of young fledged per successful nest was 3.11 ± s. e. 0.26 (n= 19). Young males were more likely to disperse far from the study area than young females. The variety of prey species observed from hides at five nests was very limited, and comprised mainly pipits, grouse chicks and lagomorphs. Estimates by weight suggest that grouse and lagomorphs accounted for 89% of all prey. Males brought more small items and fewer large items to nests than females, and on average provided 72% of all prey items seen during watches from the hides. On the basis of studies of prey at three nests in 1974, and counts of grouse in spring and late summer, harrier predation was estimated to have reduced the number of grouse which might otherwise have survived to late July that year by a maximum of 7.4%.  相似文献   

Parental behaviour and nest site are supposed to affect nest predation in birds. Few nest visits and high nest attentiveness are assumed to lead to low predation rates. Poorly concealed nests are thought to be more likely to be preyed upon than well concealed nests. Studies on the relationship between parental behaviour, nest site, and nest predation are rare and none have, so far, been conducted in the Afrotropics. We studied the effect of nest site, nest visitation rate, and nest attentiveness on the nest predation rate of the two tropical warblers Sylvia boehmi and Sylvia lugens in Kenya. Parental behaviour and predation on nests of 13 breeding pairs of both species were observed daily in two consecutive breeding seasons. In both species, parental activity at the nest was low [0.9 trips to the nest in 30 min during incubation, maximum 4.6 (S. boehmi) and 5.8 (S. lugens) trips to the nest in the nestling stage]. Predation rates in both species were high (Mayfield nest success 19.4 and 33.2%). Our analysis revealed only weak evidence for an effect of nest site, nest visitation rate, and nest attentiveness on the predation rate. It is suggested that smaller clutches of tropical in comparison to northern temperate birds result from lower feeding rates in tropical ecosystems with high predation rates (Skutchs hypothesis). The underlying mechanism could not be proven in this study.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The nocturnal activity of burrow‐nesting seabirds, such as storm‐petrels and shearwaters, makes it difficult to study their incubation behavior. In particular, little is known about possible differences in the incubation behavior of adults at successful and unsuccessful nests. We combined the use of passive integrated transponder (PIT) technology and nest‐temperature data loggers to monitor the incubation behavior of 10 pairs of Leach's Storm‐Petrels (Oceanodroma leucorhoa). The mean incubation bout length was 3.31 ± 0.59 (SD) days for individual adults at successful nests (N= 4) and 1.84 ± 1.16 d for individuals at unsuccessful nests (N= 6). Mean bout length for pairs in successful burrows (3.51 ± 0.56 d) did not differ significantly (P= 0.07) from that for pairs in unsuccessful burrows (1.80 ± 1.20 d), perhaps due to one failed nest with a high mean bout length (4.15 d). The total number of incubation bouts per parent (4.3 ± 1.9 bouts) did not differ with hatching success. Adults whose nests failed repeatedly exhibited truncated incubation bouts (< 12 h) prior to complete nest failure and were more likely than successful parents to make brief visits to nearby, occupied nesting burrows. Our results suggest that the decision by Leach's Storm‐Petrels to abandon a nest is not an abrupt one. Rather, failed nesting attempts may be characterized by truncated incubation bouts where individuals pay the energetic cost of travel to and from the burrow, but do not remain long enough to successfully incubate the egg.  相似文献   

We studied the breeding ecology of the Chestnut-backed Sparrowlark Eremopterix leucotis over three years between 2008 and 2010. The breeding season was bimodal with a main peak in laying in autumn (March–April) and another smaller peak in spring (September–October). Nest microhabitat analyses showed they prefer nesting in open areas with lots of bare ground (median 67.5%). Nest entrance directions were biased towards the south (mean vector (µ) = 186.44°). The majority of nests (78.2%) had an apron at the nest entrance. The mean clutch size was 1.88 but there was geographic variation in clutch size between northern and southern races of the species. The mean incubation and nestling periods were 10.33 d (range 10–11 d) and 9.20 d (range 8–10 d), respectively. The results suggest that parental contributions during incubation are almost equal, but females made significantly more food deliveries during the nestling period compared to males. The diet of nestlings comprised mainly of invertebrates (50.2%), seeds (34.4%) and unidentified food items (15.4%). Breeding success was low, averaging 16.1% (range 8.1–20.6%), and the average number of fledged young per pair was 0.36 ± 0.71. Replacement broods were common and we also recorded repeat brooding attempts.  相似文献   

Blue Swallows Hirundo atrocaerulea are Critically Endangered within South Africa. They nest in natural underground holes in mist-belt grasslands. Temperature dataloggers were used to record ground cavity nest (Tn) and ambient temperature (Ta) for one artificial and 11 natural Blue Swallow nests. Mean ground cavity Tn was significantly different to mean Ta. Tn ranged from 17.0 ± 0.1 °C to 28.5 ± 0.3 °C and varied less than Ta (14.0 ± 0.2 to 47.7 ± 0.4 °C). Mean ground cavity Tn averaged 3.3 ± 0.9 °C warmer than mean Ta for 58% of nests, and mean Ta averaged 2.6 ± 0.5 °C warmer than mean ground cavity Tn for 42% of nests. There was no significant difference in mean ground cavity Tn for the aardvark-excavated holes (22.7 ± 1.6 °C) and sinkholes (21.5 ± 1.2 °C). Blue Swallows also nest in man-made holes, potentially a way to increase nesting sites. Mean aardvark-excavated Tn (19.2 ± 0.1 °C) was significantly warmer than mean artificial cavity Tn (18.5 ± 0.2 °C). Further investigation of breeding success of Blue Swallows in relation to Tn, incubation strategies and predation risk needs to be addressed in future studies for a better understanding of their reproductive ecology.  相似文献   

Capsule: The Dupont’s Lark Chersophilus duponti in Iberia has relatively high breeding success in both core and fragmented habitats, so population declines are more likely to be the result of low juvenile or adult survival.

Aims: To measure important aspects of the reproductive biology of one of the most endangered and least known larks: the Dupont’s Lark C. duponti.

Methods: We monitored 36 nests in 2 Spanish shrub-steppes, one holding one of the largest European populations (250 pairs) and one composed by fragmented habitat patches holding a smaller population (50 pairs).

Results: The breeding season went from late-March to early July. Overall mean (±sd) clutch size was 3.47?±?0.56, and the number of fledglings per successful nest was 3.0?±?1.15. Mean nestling period was short (8.2 days). Nests showed similar daily survival rate during the incubation period (0.9750?±?0.0110) as during the nestling period (0.9545?±?0.0168), with a mean breeding success of 50%. Predation was the main cause of complete nest failure (83.3% of failed nests in both localities).

Conclusion: Breeding parameters did show no significant variation between populations. Breeding success in both sites was generally higher than recorded in previous studies of this and most other lark species, which suggests that breeding success does not compromise long-term viability of these populations. The decline of the studied populations should be explained by other causes, such as a general decrease in habitat quality, habitat loss or habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Previous studies of sex roles in the polygynous Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus have shown that males incubate less than females, perhaps suggesting that sexual selection is important in shaping the parental behaviour of this species. The purpose of this study was to (1) examine for the first time the possibility that males compensate for low diurnal nest attentiveness by increasing their nocturnal assistance and (2) evaluate the hypotheses that sexual selection and individual breeding quality determines incubation behaviour in lapwings. Males were never found incubating at night in 19 nests, although median diurnal male attentiveness was 15.3% in 16 of the same pairs. Nor were there any differences among monogamous and polygynous males in the time spent in four categories of behaviour (incubation, guarding, maintenance and mating activities). The time males spent in mating and incubation behaviours was weakly negatively correlated, and the time spent incubating varied considerably among males (0–74%). Further, female body condition was positively related with male nest attentiveness and there was a negative relationship between nest attentiveness and date of arrival to the study area in monogamous, but not in polygynous, males. We argue that sexual selection could not alone explain all sides of Northern Lapwing incubation, and suggest that individual differences in breeding quality may also be important.  相似文献   

Conspecific brood parasitism (CBP) is an important alternative breeding strategy for gaining reproductive output in birds. While interactions between hosts and parasites and consequences of CBP to breeding success of both parties have been studied a lot, the roles of host characteristics and nest site characteristics in CBP have received less attention. We studied the relative importance of host‐related traits, such as female condition and breeding experience, and nest‐site‐related factors, such as overall nest site preference and occupation rate, in explaining the occurrence of CBP in a common goldeneye Bucephala clangula population. We used spatially and temporally extensive data sets, analysed the data with generalized linear mixed models that allowed us to account for the non‐independency of individual nesting attempts across females and nesting sites, and used an information theoretic approach in model selection and inference. About half of the nests were parasitized annually during the seven year study period. The occurrence of CBP decreased with advancement of the breeding season but late nests were also frequently parasitized. We found that the occurrence of CBP was better explained by nest‐site characteristics than host traits, implying that parasitic females target a given nest based on factors related to the nest site itself rather than on the host. Our results suggest that more attention should be paid to factors associated with nest site attractiveness and quality when studying laying decisions of parasites and the occurrence of CBP in general.  相似文献   

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