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The prolonged brood care model rests on the assumption thatretaining an offspring through the winter months in the faceof a limited food supply should have a cost for parents. Wetested this idea with a New World permanent-resident bird,the tufted titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor). Using DNA fingerprinting,we assessed the degree of relatedness between adult and juvenilebirds in 17 winter groups, finding that in 8 of the groups no young bird was the offspring of the territorial pair. We comparedthe nutritional condition of territorial adult birds in smallforest fragments from which their own offspring and other younghad been removed with the nutritional condition of controlbirds from unmanipulated fragments. Contrary to the model'sassumption, the nutritional condition of adults in treatment groups (young removed) appeared to be worse, not better, thanin groups where a related juvenile was present. These resultssuggest that the prolonged brood care model may not be universalin its application and that under some ecological conditions,retaining offspring through the winter can result in a netbenefit for territorial adults despite the necessity of sharing resources.  相似文献   

1. In a laboratory batch culture experiment, a diapause response of Daphnia magna to a simulated threat of fish predation was tested at various light intensities, which under natural conditions determine potential vulnerability of Daphnia to visual planktivorous fish. 2. Under moderate light intensity (1.4 μmol m?2 s?1) that allows effective predation by fish, the proportion of females producing dormant eggs was significantly higher than under dim light conditions (0.001 μmol m?2 s?1) that are not favourable for visual detection of prey. Production of dormant eggs was not observed in complete darkness or in treatments missing fish kairomones, irrespective of tested light conditions. 3. The observed phenomenon is interpreted as a flexible response of prey to the conditional risk of predation assessed by Daphnia according to the presence of fish‐derived cues on the one hand and the presence of dark refugia on the other. Irrespective of the presence of fish kairomones, Daphnia may not produce resting eggs as long as a safe, dark, bottom zone is accessible.  相似文献   

Since ancient times the Mediterranean island of Sardinia has been known for harboring a population with an average body height shorter than almost every other ethnic group in Europe. After over a century of investigations, the cause(s) at the origin of this uniqueness are not yet clear. The shorter stature of Sardinians appears to have been documented since prehistoric times, as revealed by the analysis of skeletal remains discovered in archaeological sites on the island. Recently, a number of genetic, hormonal, environmental, infective and nutritional factors have been put forward to explain this unique anthropometric feature, which persisted for a long time, even when environmental and living conditions improved around 1960. Although some of the putative factors are supported by sound empirical evidence, weaker support is available for others. The recent advent of whole genome analysis techniques shed new light on specific variants at the origin of this short stature. However, the marked geographical variability of stature across time and space within the island, and the well‐known presence of pockets of short height in the population of the southern districts, are still puzzling findings that have attracted the interest of anthropologists and geneticists. The purpose of this review is to focus on the state‐of‐the‐art research on stature, as well as the factors that made Sardinians the shortest among Europeans.  相似文献   

Aim Our study aimed to determine priority areas for conservation investment with explicit consideration of the impacts of multiple threatening processes, and the dependencies that exist between actions required to abate these threats. Location Australia. Methods We analysed the return on investment for two different management actions aimed at reducing the impact of invasive species on the native fauna and flora of Australia. We focussed on the management of the European red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) at two spatial scales: across 72 biogeographic regions of Australia and within one high‐priority biogeographic region. We considered each action independently and also explicitly accounted for the option of an integrated fox and rabbit management action. We accounted for the spatial distributions of the threatened species within our analysis and determined how this refined spatial information influenced both the priority areas and the timing of this investment. Results Integrated fox and rabbit management was identified as a higher priority than singular threat abatement in most bioregions, whereas rabbit control alone was the most frequent priority if dependencies between actions were ignored. At the regional scale, funding was entirely directed to integrated action when seven or more species within the priority region were impacted by more than one threat. The total allocation of funding and timing of initial investment remained relatively insensitive to differences in the spatial overlap of species distributions. Main conclusions Our findings indicate that prioritizing conservation actions without explicit consideration of the impacts of multiple threats can reduce the cost‐effectiveness of investments. The benefits expected from investment in abating one threat alone may be overestimated where other processes continue to threaten species persistence. We conclude that future attention should be directed to refining our understanding of the cost‐efficiencies delivered through integrated actions and institutional mechanisms to achieve their delivery.  相似文献   

While there is widespread interest in and admiration of individuals with exceptional talents, surprisingly little is known about the cognitive and neural mechanisms underpinning talent, and indeed how talent relates to expertise. Because many talents are first identified and nurtured in childhood, it can be difficult to determine whether talent is innate, can be acquired through extensive practice or can only be acquired in the presence of the developing brain. We sought to address some of these issues by studying healthy adults who acquired expertise in adulthood. We focused on the domain of memory and used licensed London taxi drivers as a model system. Taxi drivers have to learn the layout of 25 000 streets in London and the locations of thousands of places of interest, and pass stringent examinations in order to obtain an operating licence. Using neuropsychological assessment and structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging, we addressed a range of key questions: in the context of a fully developed brain and an average IQ, can people acquire expertise to an exceptional level; what are the neural signatures, both structural and functional, associated with the use of expertise; does expertise change the brain compared with unskilled control participants; does it confer any cognitive advantages, and similarly, does it come at a cost to other functions? By studying retired taxi drivers, we also consider what happens to their brains and behaviour when experts stop using their skill. Finally, we discuss how the expertise of taxi drivers might relate to the issue of talent and innate abilities. We suggest that exploring talent and expertise in this manner could have implications for education, rehabilitation of patients with cognitive impairments, understanding individual differences and possibly conditions such as autism where exceptional abilities can be a feature.  相似文献   

Numerous attempts have been made to quantify ecological factors that affect the calling range of animal signals. The various processes leading signals to become distorted and embedded in background noise have been described in many habitats (ranging from forest to savannah) and the propagation path in these biomes has thereby been characterized. However, the impact of climatic factors on acoustic communication has been little studied. Surprisingly, to our knowledge, the importance of rain, a regular phenomenon occurring in all habitats except deserts, has never been investigated. Here, we describe a 69-fold advantage in area reached by the call of a territorial bird, the tawny owl (Strix aluco) in dry versus rainy conditions. In support of this, we found a marked reduction in the calling of tawny owls in rainy conditions. Constraints imposed by a rainy propagation path are likely to modify the reliability of acoustic information and thus calling behaviour of many animals.  相似文献   

P. Christe  L. Keller  A. Roulin 《Oikos》2006,114(2):381-384
Evolutionary theory predicts that the rate of extrinsic (i.e. age- and condition-independent) mortality should affect important life history traits such as the rate of ageing and maximum lifespan. Sex-specific differences in mortality rates due to predation may therefore result in the evolution of important differences in life history traits between males and females. However, quantifying the role of predators as a factor of extrinsic mortality is notoriously difficult in natural populations. We took advantage of the unusual prey caching behaviour of the barn owl Tyto alba and the tawny owl Strix aluco to estimate the sex ratio of their five most common preys. For all prey species, there was a significant bias in the sex ratio of remains found in nests of both these owls. A survey of literature revealed that sex-biased predation is a common phenomenon. These results demonstrate that predation, a chief source of extrinsic mortality, was strongly sex-biased. This may select for alternate life history strategies between males and females, and account for a male life span being frequently lower than female lifespan in many animal species.  相似文献   

The investigation of natural variability of metric morphological characters in frog gastrulation revealed that in genetically and environmentally homogeneous samples of embryos their variability is of a higher order of magnitude than that known for quantitative metric characters in adult organisms. Matching the coefficients of variation of characters under consideration to the specific rates of their changes in normal development revealed a strong positive correlation between the rates of morphological change and the amount of morphological variance. The increase in the variance is mainly in characters concerned with shaping of moving embryonic areas and arises as a result of a positive feedback between the movement of a given area and recruitment of cells from surrounding areas into the movement. The account of natural variation suggests a new model of amphibian gastrulation whose essential feature is the intimate connection between the movement and shaping of the dorsal blastopore lip of the gastrula.  相似文献   

Recruitment is an important process in regulating many marine benthic communities and many studies have examined factors controlling the dispersal and distribution of larval immigrants. However, benthic species also have early post-settlement life-stages that are dramatically different from adult and larval stages. Predation on these stages potentially impacts measured recruitment and the benthic populations and communities that ultimately develop.We examined the consequences of post-settlement predation on 1-day-old to 1-month-old recruits of sessile invertebrates at two field sites in southern New England. One site (Breakwater) was in a protected area with few predators and the other (Pine Island) was <1 km away in an open coast area with three different predator guilds: small and large invertebrates and fish. The Breakwater site had been dominated for >10 years by colonial and solitary ascidians. These species were absent from the Pine Island site which was dominated by bryozoans. Our goal was to examine whether post-settlement predation influenced the development and subsequent structure of the epifaunal community.Here we examine long-term changes in community development resulting from post-settlement predation, and contrast these results to those of earlier experiments examining the reductions in observed recruitment by post-settlement predation. Our first long-term experiment examined natural community development at the two sites and whether transplanted communities changed when exposed to the different levels of predation at these sites. The communities that developed at both sites were consistently different from each other and similar to resident communities at their respective sites. On panels transplanted from the Breakwater to Pine Island, solitary ascidians and the colonial ascidian, Botryllus schlosseri, suffered high mortalities on both caged and uncaged treatments, indicative of predation by small predators that could enter cages. Some solitary ascidians did survive inside cages and the colonial ascidian, Botrylloides violaceus, became dominant on all transplanted treatments. On panels transplanted from Pine Island to the Breakwater, ascidians invaded and dominated all treatments except those that were originally caged at Pine Island.In the second long-term experiment, natural communities were allowed to develop on panels exposed at the Breakwater for 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks. Each set was transplanted to three treatments at Pine Island: open uncaged pilings, caged pilings to exclude fish and large invertebrates, and racks suspended above the bottom to exclude all predators. When 1-week-old communities were transplanted, after 2-3 weeks only bryozoans were found on the open and caged pilings, while colonial ascidians dominated the suspended rack treatment. When older 2-week-old communities were transplanted, colonial ascidians also became dominant in the caged piling treatment and when 3- and 4-week-old communities were transplanted colonial ascidians dominated all three treatments. Solitary ascidians were never abundant on open pilings exposed to fish and large benthic invertebrate predators.Post-settlement predator-prey interactions involved newly settled and juvenile life-stages of a variety of prey species and many invertebrate and vertebrate predator species. The effects of these interactions on recruitment did result in differences in the development and eventual species composition of the communities, even though predators had little if any effect on the adults of the prey species.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical models have considered how nutritional status and predation risk affect the decision by an individual to forage. We consider the feeding behaviour of a scavenger under risk of predation. The intertidal gastropod Nassarius dorsatus Röding was used to test the following hypotheses: (1) a damaged conspecific should be a less preferred meal than a damaged predator or another species; (2) a scavenger should be able to discriminate between a damaged conspecific in the presence and one in the absence of its predator, preferring the latter; and (3) the decision by a scavenger to feed should reflect a trade-off between nutritional status and the above preferences. Results from the laboratory and field were consistent with predictions. Two hypotheses are suggested from the work: scavengers may generally be less willing to feed on carcases of conspecifics than on those of other species, and intertidal scavengers may commonly face a relative or absolute shortage of food.  相似文献   

Reactive intermediates derived from nitric oxide ((*)NO) are thought to play a contributing role in disease states associated with inflammation and infection. We show here that glutathione S-transferases (GSTs), principal enzymes responsible for detoxification of endogenous and exogenous electrophiles, are susceptible to inactivation by reactive nitrogen species (RNS). Treatment of isolated GSTs or rat liver homogenates with either peroxynitrite, the myeloperoxidase/hydrogen peroxide/nitrite system, or tetranitromethane, resulted in loss of GST activity with a concomitant increase in the formation of protein-associated 3-nitrotyrosine (NO(2)Tyr). This inactivation was only partially (<25%) reversible by dithiothreitol, and exposure of GSTs to hydrogen peroxide or S-nitrosoglutathione was only partially inhibitory (<25%) and did not result in protein nitration. Thus, irreversible modifications such as tyrosine nitration may have contributed to GST inactivation by RNS. Since all GSTs contain a critical, highly conserved, active-site tyrosine residue, we postulated that this Tyr residue might present a primary target for nitration by RNS, thus leading to enzyme inactivation. To directly investigate this possibility, we analyzed purified mouse liver GST-mu, following nitration by several RNS, by trypsin digestion, HPLC separation, and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight analysis, to determine the degree of tyrosine nitration of individual Tyr residues. Indeed, nitration was found to occur preferentially on several tyrosine residues located in and around the GST active site. However, RNS concentrations that resulted in near complete GST inactivation only caused up to 25% nitration of even preferentially targeted tyrosine residues. Hence, nitration of active-site tyrosine residues may contribute to GST inactivation by RNS, but is unlikely to fully account for enzyme inactivation. Overall, our studies illustrate a potential mechanism by which RNS may promote (oxidative) injury by environmental pollutants in association with inflammation.  相似文献   

The costs imposed by parental care duties on an individual's future survival and reproduction generate conflicts because parents should attempt to minimize their investment in the present brood, and exploit the parental care of the other parent. This conflict is likely to contribute to cases of both polygamy and desertion. Here, we study the costs of polygyny in the tree swallow Tachycineta bicolor , using observations on 52 nests that were attended by polygynous males over 14 y. Both females mated to polygynous males paid reproductive costs at several stages of the nesting cycle. Clutches laid by social mates of polygynous versus monogamous males did not differ in size. However, initial brood sizes for polygynously mated females were lower because a higher proportion of their eggs failed to hatch. Likewise, fledging success was lower and nest predation rates were higher, perhaps reflecting the direct or indirect effects of reduced male attention. These results demonstrate that females pay a productivity cost when breeding with reduced male parental care. In contrast, polygynous males fledge on average more young than monogamous ones and clearly benefit from the association. We suggest that a mate-search cost is leading to the few cases of polygamous males: although females are likely evaluating males for their prospective dedication to the breeding attempt, in a short-lived bird with a short breeding season, the cost to females of searching for a more dedicated male is the risk of not breeding at all.  相似文献   

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