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Guppies were sampled from eight populations representing four river drainage basins in northern Trinidad, and from one population on the nearby island of Tobago. For each individual, a 465 base pair (bp) segment of the control region of the mitochondrial genome was sequenced. The resulting DNA sequences were subjected to sequence divergence calculations and the populations were linked by maximum parsimony analysis to determine their phylogenetic relationships. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation was found both within and between river drainages, correlated with the geographic features of northern Trinidad. The variation observed exists primarily between drainages, particularly between the Oropuche drainage and all other Trinidad drainages examined. Estimates of time of divergence between guppy populations of different drainages, based on mtDNA sequence variation, ranged from 100,000 to 200,000 for the most recently separated populations and from 600,000 to 1.2 million years between the Oropuche populations and all others examined. Examination of fish from northeastern South America will be required to determine whether these populations differentiated in their present locations or were the result of separate invasions of Trinidad from different Venezuelan sources. However, genetic isolation of these populations appears to predate the current physical separation of the island of Trinidad from the Venezuelan mainland.  相似文献   

There are many theoretical and empirical studies explaining variation in offspring sex ratio but relatively few that explain variation in adult sex ratio. Adult sex ratios are important because biased sex ratios can be a driver of sexual selection and will reduce effective population size, affecting population persistence and shapes how populations respond to natural selection. Previous work on guppies (Poecilia reticulata) gives mixed results, usually showing a female‐biased adult sex ratio. However, a detailed analysis showed that this bias varied dramatically throughout a year and with no consistent sex bias. We used a mark‐recapture approach to examine the origin and consistency of female‐biased sex ratio in four replicated introductions. We show that female‐biased sex ratio arises predictably and is a consequence of higher male mortality and longer female life spans with little effect of offspring sex ratio. Inconsistencies with previous studies are likely due to sampling methods and sampling design, which should be less of an issue with mark‐recapture techniques. Together with other long‐term mark‐recapture studies, our study suggests that bias in offspring sex ratio rarely contributes to adult sex ratio in vertebrates. Rather, sex differences in adult survival rates and longevity determine vertebrate adult sex ratio.  相似文献   

We conducted 10 mark–recapture experiments in natural populations of Trinidadian guppies to test hypotheses concerning the role of viability selection in geographic patterns of male color variation. Previous work has reported that male guppies are more colorful in low‐predation sites than in high‐predation sites. This pattern of phenotypic variation has been theorized to reflect differences in the balance between natural (viability) selection that disfavors bright male color (owing to predation) and sexual selection that favors bright color (owing to female choice). Our results support the prediction that male color is disfavored by viability selection in both predation regimes. However, it does not support the prediction that viability selection against male color is weaker in low‐predation experiments. Instead, some of the most intense bouts of selection against color occurred in low‐predation experiments. Our results illustrate considerable spatiotemporal variation in selection among experiments, but such variation was not generally correlated with local patterns of color diversity. More complex selective interactions, possibly including the indirect effects of predators on variation in mating behavior, as well as other environmental factors, might be required to more fully explain patterns of secondary sexual trait variation in this system.  相似文献   

Divergent selection pressures across environments can result in phenotypic differentiation that is due to local adaptation, phenotypic plasticity, or both. Trinidadian guppies exhibit local adaptation to the presence or absence of predators, but the degree to which predator‐induced plasticity contributes to population differentiation is less clear. We conducted common garden experiments on guppies obtained from two drainages containing populations adapted to high‐ and low‐predation environments. We reared full‐siblings from all populations in treatments simulating the presumed ancestral (predator cues present) and derived (predator cues absent) conditions and measured water column use, head morphology, and size at maturity. When reared in presence of predator cues, all populations had phenotypes that were typical of a high‐predation ecotype. However, when reared in the absence of predator cues, guppies from high‐ and low‐predation regimes differed in head morphology and size at maturity; the qualitative nature of these differences corresponded to those that characterize adaptive phenotypes in high‐ versus low‐predation environments. Thus, divergence in plasticity is due to phenotypic differences between high‐ and low‐predation populations when reared in the absence of predator cues. These results suggest that plasticity might initially play an important role during colonization of novel environments, and then evolve as a by‐product of adaptation to the derived environment.  相似文献   

In variable environments, selection should favor generalists that maintain fitness across a range of conditions. However, costs of adaptation may generate fitness trade‐offs and lead to some compromise between specialization and generalization that maximizes fitness. Here, we evaluate the evolution of specialization and generalization in 20 populations of Drosophila melanogaster experimentally evolved in constant and variable thermal environments for 3 years. We developed genotypes from each population at two temperatures after which we measured fecundity across eight temperatures. We predicted that constant environments would select for thermal specialists and that variable environments would select for thermal generalists. Contrary to our predictions, specialists and generalists did not evolve in constant and spatially variable environments, respectively. However, temporal variation produced a type of generalist that has rarely been considered by theoretical models of developmental plasticity. Specifically, genotypes from the temporally variable selective environment were more fecund across all temperatures than were genotypes from other environments. These patterns suggest certain allelic effects and should inspire new directions for modeling adaptation to fluctuating environments.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The ornamentation and displays on which sexual attractiveness and thus mating success are based may be complex and comprise several traits. Predicting the outcome of sexual selection on such complex phenotypes requires an understanding of both the direct operation of selection on each trait and the indirect consequences of selection operating directly on genetically correlated traits. Here we report the results of a quantitative genetic analysis of the ornamentation, sexual attractiveness, and mating success of male guppies (Poecilia reticulata). We analyze male ornamentation both from the point of view of single ornamental traits (e.g., the area of each color) and of composite measures of the way the entire pattern is likely to be perceived by females (e.g., the mean and contrast in chroma). We demonstrate that there is substantial additive genetic variation in almost all measures of male ornamentation and that much of this variation may be Y linked. Attractiveness and mating success are positively correlated at the phenotypic and genetic level. Orange area and chroma, the area of a male's tail, and the color contrast of his pattern overall are positively correlated with attractiveness and/or mating success at the phenotypic and genetic levels. Using attractiveness and mating success as measures of fitness, we estimate gradients of linear directional sexual selection operating on each male trait and use equations of multivariate evolutionary change to predict the response of male ornamentation to this sexual selection. From these analyses, we predict that indirect selection may have important effects on the evolution of male guppy color patterns.  相似文献   

近年来,随着休闲渔业的兴起,观赏鱼养殖业蓬勃发展,目前我国出口的观赏鱼类已达120多种,产品远销东南亚、日本、欧洲、美国等,年出口创汇约达2亿美元。其中孔雀鱼、剑尾鱼等小型热带观赏鱼深受养殖爱好者青睐,其贸易量约占淡水观赏鱼总贸易量的30%以上。但  相似文献   

草鱼野生与选育群体线粒体DNA控制区D-loop遗传变异分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探究经过2个选育世代后选育群体遗传多样性和遗传结构的变化, 研究对4个野生群体(邗江、九江、石首和吴江)和2个选育世代(F1和F2)进行了线粒体DNA控制区(D-loop)序列的遗传变异分析。实验结果表明, 4个野生群体在单倍型数目(H)、单倍型多样性(Hd)、核苷酸多样性(π)、平均核苷酸差异数(K)水平上均高于2个选育世代, 在2个选育世代内表现为F1代群体的核苷酸多样性(π)和平均核苷酸差异数(K)大于F2代群体, 但单倍型多样性(Hd)小于F2代群体; 单倍型分析结果表明, 6个群体间无共享单倍型, 4个野生群体间共发现2种共享单倍型(Hap1和Hap3), 石首群体和2个选育世代共享1种单倍型(Hap15); 遗传分化指数(Fst)分析结果表明, 邗江、九江、吴江3个野生群体和2个选育世代间存在较大的遗传分化(Fst范围为0.41475—0.55128), 石首群体与F1代群体之间存在较小的遗传分化, 与F2代群体之间存在中等水平的遗传分化, 同时F1代群体与F2代群体之间存在较小的遗传分化; 基于6个群体276个个体构建的邻接(Neighbor-Joining, NJ)进化树和基于27种单倍型构建的单倍型网络图也得到了相似的结论, 即邗江、九江、吴江3个野生群体和2个选育世代间的亲缘关系较远, 石首群体和2个选育世代两两之间的亲缘关系较近。以上结果表明, 经过2个世代的选择育种, 选育群体的遗传结构已发生了变化, 并且随着选育的进行, 选育世代的遗传多样性下降的较为明显, 这警示着我们在今后的育种工作中应适当改变现有的选育方案, 并实时监测选育群体的遗传多样性, 以便为今后进一步的选育工作打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

我国草鱼野生群体D-Loop序列遗传变异分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用线粒体DNA的D-Loop区序列, 对来自长江水系(邗江、吴江、九江、石首、木洞和万州)、珠江水系(肇庆)和黑龙江水系(嫩江)的8个草鱼野生群体开展了遗传变异分析。在424尾鱼中检测到34个变异位点, 34个单倍型, 单倍型多样性介于0.4740.708。群体间Kimura双参数遗传距离介于0.00200.0049。长江下游3个群体间遗传距离最近, 遗传分化不显著(P0.05); 肇庆群体与长江上游3个群体遗传距离较近, 与九江群体遗传分化不显著(P0.05); 嫩江群体与长江上游2个群体遗传距离较近, 与万州群体遗传分化不显著(P0.05)。遗传距离与地理距离存在极显著正相关(R=0.61, P0.01)。分子方差分析显示, 不同流域间遗传变异占总变异26.24%, 差异极显著(P0.01)。34个单倍型分为2个分支, 分化极显著(FST=0.644, P0.01), 推测分化时间为第四纪更新世纪晚期。    相似文献   

To understand how organisms adapt to novel habitats, which involves both demographic and selective events, we require knowledge of the evolutionary history of populations and also selected alleles. There are still few cases in which the precise mutations (and hence, defined alleles) that contribute to adaptive change have been identified in nature; one exception is the genetic basis of camouflaging pigmentation of oldfield mice (Peromyscus polionotus) that have colonized the sandy dunes of Florida's Gulf Coast. To quantify the genomic impact of colonization as well as the signature of selection, we resequenced 5000 1.5‐kb noncoding loci as well as a 160‐kb genomic region surrounding the melanocortin‐1 receptor (Mc1r), a gene that contributes to pigmentation differences, in beach and mainland populations. Using a genome‐wide phylogenetic approach, we recovered a single monophyletic group comprised of beach mice, consistent with a single colonization event of the Gulf Coast. We also found evidence of a severe founder event, estimated to have occurred less than 3000 years ago. In this demographic context, we show that all beach subspecies share a single derived light Mc1r allele, which was likely selected from standing genetic variation that originated in the mainland. Surprisingly, we were unable to identify a clear signature of selection in the Mc1r region, despite independent evidence that this locus contributes to adaptive coloration. Nonetheless, these data allow us to reconstruct and compare the evolutionary history of populations and alleles to better understand how adaptive evolution, following the colonization of a novel habitat, proceeds in nature.  相似文献   

为了从分子水平上评价中国大陆尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)主要引进群体间遗传关系、遗传分化及基因流状况,研究利用12对多态性微卫星引物,以埃及土著群体为对照组,分析中国大陆尼罗罗非鱼9个代表性引进群体的遗传关系。结果显示:①群体间四种遗传距离[DA、DC、DSW和(δμ)2]同时表明,USA群体和EGY群体间的遗传距离最小[DA=0.2174,DC=0.4140,DSW=0.8769,(δμ)2=22.6904];DA和DC表明GD群体和XJF群体间遗传距离最大(DA=0.5851,DC=0.6789);DSW和(δμ)2表明USA群体与XJF群体间遗传距离最大[DSW=4.0907,(δμ)2=138.18]。② EGY群体和GD群体间遗传分化最小(FST=0.0326,RST=0.0337),XJF群体和LY群体间遗传分化最大(FST=0.2098,RST=0.2655)。所有成对群体间均存在显著的遗传分化(P < 0.05)。③群体间系统树显示,WY群体、GD群体、EGY群体和USA群体被聚为一类,BL群体、LY群体和EW群体被聚为一类,JNM群体和GLD群体被聚为一类,XJF群体位于独立的分支;贝叶斯聚类分析将10个群体划分为2类,XJF、BL、LY、EW群体被归入第一类,WY、GD、EGY、USA、GLD和JNM群体被归入第二类。分子方差分析和主成分分析支持了系统树和贝叶斯聚类分析的结果。④根据成对FST值和RST值估算的群体间历史基因流平均值分别为2.4427和2.1983。群体间近期基因流检测结果显示,各群体中发生第一代迁移的个体数在0-7个,占样本数的0-23.3%。总体而言,我国尼罗罗非鱼引进群体间遗传分化显著,群体间存在一定程度的历史基因流和近期基因流。研究结果为开展我国尼罗罗非鱼引进群体的种质资源保护和综合利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Population genetic structure was determined for the planktonic diatom Ditylum brightwellii (West) Grunow in two connected estuaries—Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca (WA, USA). Three genetically distinct populations were detected that were characterized by different microsatellite allele distributions and unique alleles. Isolates from the two most genetically diverged populations displayed identical full‐length 18S rDNA sequences suggesting that either a single or two recently diverged species were sampled. The extent of genetic differentiation between populations was not correlated with distance between water samples or time between sampling. Instead, distinct populations were associated with different estuaries. In Puget Sound waters, one population was detected three times over the course of 28 months. Cells from this population were likely maintained inside Puget Sound over long periods through water recirculation within the Sound. In Strait of Juan de Fuca waters, two additional populations were detected. Maximum growth rates of Puget Sound isolates were significantly different from Strait of Juan de Fuca isolates, indicating that populations were composed of cells with different physiological capabilities. The genetic and physiological differentiation observed between populations from intermixing estuaries suggested that genetic exchange between populations was restricted through differential selection. Despite the potential for widespread dispersal in planktonic organisms, it appears that populations with distinct genetic and physiological characteristics can be maintained over long time periods through a combination of hydrology and differential selection.  相似文献   

We have previously reported a correlation between the life-history patterns of guppies and the types of predators with which they coexist. Guppies from localities with an abundance of large predators (high predation localities) mature at an earlier age and devote more resources to reproduction than those found in localities with only a single, small species of predator (low predation localities). We also found that when guppies were introduced from a high to low predation locality, the guppy life history evolved to resemble what was normally found in this low predation locality. The presumed mechanism of natural selection is differences among localities in age/size-specific mortality (the age/size-specific mortality hypothesis); in high predation localities we assumed that guppies experienced high adult mortality rates while in the low predation localities we assumed that guppies experienced high juvenile mortality rates. These assumptions were based on stomach content analyses of wild-caught predators and on laboratory experiments. Here, we evaluate these assumptions by directly estimating the mortality rates of guppies in natural populations. We found that guppies from high predation localities experience significantly higher mortality rates than their counterparts from low predation localities, but that these higher mortality rates are uniformly distributed across all size classes, rather than being concentrated in the larger size classes. This result appears to contradict the predictions of the age/size-specific predation hypothesis. However, we argue, using additional data on growth rates and the probabilities of survival to maturity in each type of locality, that the age-specific mortality hypothesis remains plausible. This is because the probability of survival to first reproduction is very similar in each type of locality, but the guppies from high predation localities have a much lower probability of survival per unit time after maturity. We also argue for the plausibility of two other mechanisms of natural selection. These results thus reveal mortality patterns that provide a potential cause of natural selection, but expand, rather than narrow, the number of possible mechanisms responsible for life-history evolution in guppies.  相似文献   

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