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The hydrogen-oxidizing “Knallgas” bacterium Ralstonia eutropha can thrive in aerobic and anaerobic environments and readily switches between heterotrophic and autotrophic metabolism, making it an attractive host for biotechnological applications including the sustainable H2-driven production of hydrocarbons. The soluble hydrogenase (SH), one out of four different [NiFe]-hydrogenases in R. eutropha, mediates H2 oxidation even in the presence of O2, thus providing an ideal model system for biological hydrogen production and utilization. The SH reversibly couples H2 oxidation with the reduction of NAD+ to NADH, thereby enabling the sustainable regeneration of this biotechnologically important nicotinamide cofactor. Thus, understanding the interaction of the SH with the cellular NADH/NAD+ pool is of high interest. Here, we applied the fluorescent biosensor Frex to measure changes in cytoplasmic [NADH] in R. eutropha cells under different gas supply conditions. The results show that Frex is well-suited to distinguish SH-mediated changes in the cytoplasmic redox status from effects of general anaerobiosis of the respiratory chain. Upon H2 supply, the Frex reporter reveals a robust fluorescence response and allows for monitoring rapid changes in cellular [NADH]. Compared to the Peredox fluorescence reporter, Frex displays a diminished NADH affinity, which prevents the saturation of the sensor under typical bacterial [NADH] levels. Thus, Frex is a valuable reporter for on-line monitoring of the [NADH]/[NAD+] redox state in living cells of R. eutropha and other proteobacteria. Based on these results, strategies for a rational optimization of fluorescent NADH sensors are discussed.  相似文献   

A large number of transmembrane proteins form aqueous pores or channels in the phospholipid bilayer, but the structural bases of pore formation and assembly have been determined experimentally for only a few of the proteins and protein complexes. The polypeptide segments that form the transmembrane pore and the secondary structure that creates the aqueous-lipid interface can be identified using multiple independent fluorescence techniques (MIFT). The information obtained from several different, but complementary, fluorescence analyses, including measurements of emission intensity, fluorescence lifetime, accessibility to aqueous and to lipophilic quenching agents, and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) can be combined to characterize the nature of the protein-membrane interaction directly and unambiguously. The assembly pathway can also be determined by measuring the kinetics of the spectral changes that occur upon pore formation. The MIFT approach therefore allows one to obtain structural information that cannot be obtained easily using alternative techniques such as crystallography. This review briefly outlines how MIFT can reveal the identity, location, conformation, and topography of the polypeptide sequences that interact with the membrane.  相似文献   



The ratio of NAD+/NADH is a key indicator that reflects the overall redox state of the cells. Until recently, there were no methods for real time NAD+/NADH monitoring in living cells. Genetically encoded fluorescent probes for NAD+/NADH are fundamentally new approach for studying the NAD+/NADH dynamics.


We developed a genetically encoded probe for the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, NAD(H), redox state changes by inserting circularly permuted YFP into redox sensor T-REX from Thermus aquaticus. We characterized the sensor in vitro using spectrofluorometry and in cultured mammalian cells using confocal fluorescent microscopy.


The sensor, named RexYFP, reports changes in the NAD+/NADH ratio in different compartments of living cells. Using RexYFP, we were able to track changes in NAD+/NADH in cytoplasm and mitochondrial matrix of cells under a variety of conditions. The affinity of the probe enables comparison of NAD+/NADH in compartments with low (cytoplasm) and high (mitochondria) NADH concentration. We developed a method of eliminating pH-driven artifacts by normalizing the signal to the signal of the pH sensor with the same chromophore.


RexYFP is suitable for detecting the NAD(H) redox state in different cellular compartments.

General significance

RexYFP has several advantages over existing NAD+/NADH sensors such as smallest size and optimal affinity for different compartments. Our results show that normalizing the signal of the sensor to the pH changes is a good strategy for overcoming pH-induced artifacts in imaging.  相似文献   

Ralstonia eutropha H16 is an H2‐oxidizing, facultative chemolithoautotroph. Using 2‐DE in conjunction with peptide mass spectrometry we have cataloged the soluble proteins of this bacterium during growth on different substrates: (i) H2 and CO2, (ii) succinate and (iii) glycerol. The first and second conditions represent purely lithoautotrophic and purely organoheterotrophic nutrition, respectively. The third growth regime permits formation of the H2‐oxidizing and CO2‐fixing systems concomitant to utilization of an organic substrate, thus enabling mixotrophic growth. The latter type of nutrition is probably the relevant one with respect to the situation faced by the organism in its natural habitats, i.e. soil and mud. Aside from the hydrogenase and Calvin‐cycle enzymes, the protein inventories of the H2‐CO2‐ and succinate‐grown cells did not reveal major qualitative differences. The protein complement of the glycerol‐grown cells resembled that of the lithoautotrophic cells. Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxykinase was present under all three growth conditions, whereas PEP carboxylase was not detectable, supporting earlier findings that PEP carboxykinase is alone responsible for the anaplerotic production of oxaloacetate from PEP. The elevated levels of oxidative stress proteins in the glycerol‐grown cells point to a significant challenge by ROS under these conditions. The results reported here are in agreement with earlier physiological and enzymological studies indicating that R. eutropha H16 has a heterotrophic core metabolism onto which the functions of lithoautotrophy have been grafted.  相似文献   

We have used pulsed field gel electrophoresis and megabase DNA techniques to investigate the basic genomic organization of Ralstonia eutropha H16, and to construct a physical map of its indigenous megaplasmid pHG1. This Gram-negative, soil-dwelling bacterium is a facultative chemolithoautotroph and a denitrifier. In the absence of organic substrates it can grow on H2 as its sole energy source and CO2 as its sole source of carbon. Under anaerobic conditions it can utilize nitrate as a terminal electron acceptor, whereby dinitrogen is released. Essential genetic determinants of the enzyme systems responsible for these metabolic processes are linked to the 0.44-Mb conjugative megaplasmid pHG1. Aside from pHG1, the genome of R. eutropha H16 is comprised of two circular chromosomes measuring 4.1 and 2.9 Mb, adding up to a total genome size of 7.1 Mb. An estimated five copies of rDNA are distributed on the two chromosomes. A macrorestriction map of pHG1 was derived for the endonucleases DraI and XbaI. Hybridization studies showed that genes for anaerobic metabolism are located on all three genomic replicons.  相似文献   

The coenzyme NAD plays a major role in metabolism as a key redox carrier and signaling molecule but current measurement techniques cannot distinguish between different compartment pools, between free and protein-bound forms and/or between NAD(H) and NADP(H). Local free NAD/NADH ratios can be determined from product/substrate ratios of suitable near-equilibrium redox reactions but the application of this principle is often precluded by uncertainties regarding enzyme activity, localization and coenzyme specificity of dehydrogenases. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we circumvented these issues by expressing a bacterial mannitol-1-phosphate 5-dehydrogenase and determining the cytosolic free NAD/NADH ratio from the measured [fructose-6-phosphate]/[mannitol-1-phosphate] ratio. Under aerobic glucose-limited conditions we estimated a cytosolic free NAD/NADH ratio between 101(+/-14) and 320(+/-45), assuming the cytosolic pH is between 7.0 and 6.5, respectively. These values are more than 10-fold higher than the measured whole-cell total NAD/NADH ratio of 7.5(+/-2.5). Using a thermodynamic analysis of central glycolysis we demonstrate that the former are thermodynamically feasible, while the latter is not. Furthermore, we applied this novel system to study the short-term metabolic responses to perturbations. We found that the cytosolic free NAD-NADH couple became more reduced rapidly (timescale of seconds) upon a pulse of glucose (electron-donor) and that this could be reversed by the addition of acetaldehyde (electron-acceptor). In addition, these dynamics occurred without significant changes in whole-cell total NAD and NADH. This approach provides a new experimental tool for quantitative physiology and opens new possibilities in the study of energy and redox metabolism in S. cerevisiae. The same strategy should also be applicable to other microorganisms.  相似文献   

We have previously reported the development of a novel protein expression system based on Ralstonia eutropha. In this study we report on the influence of gene copynumber on recombinant protein expression in R. eutropha. We compare recombinant gene stability and expression levels of chromosomal integration with a plasmid-based expression system. Single, double, and triple copies of a gene encoding organophosphohydrolase (OPH), an enzyme prone to inclusion-body formation in E. coli, were integrated into the R. eutropha chromosome. A linear increase between the concentration of soluble, active OPH and gene copynumber was found. Using a triple-copy integrant, we were able to produce approximately 4.3 g/L of OPH in a high-cell-density fermentation. This represents the highest titer reported to date for this enzyme, and is approximately 30 times greater than expression levels reported in E. coli.  相似文献   

A fluorescence and absorption chemosensor (SAAT) based on 5-(hydroxymethyl)-salicylaldehyde (SA) and o-aminothiophenol (AT) was designed and synthesized. SAAT in DMSO–HEPES (20.0 mM, v/v, 1:99, pH = 7.0) solution shows a highly selective and sensitive absorption and an ‘on–off’ fluorescence response to Cu2+ ions in aqueous solutions over all other competitive metal ions including Na+, Ag+, Ba2+, Ca2+, Cd2+, Mg2+, Zn2+, Cr3+, Al3+, Hg2+, K+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Sr2+, Tb3+ and Co2+. SAAT exhibits ratiometric absorption sensing ability for Cu2+ ions. Importantly, SAAT also can sense Cu2+ ions using fluorescence quenching, the fluorescence intensity of SAAT showed a good linear relationship with Cu2+ concentration, and the detection limit of Cu2+ was 0.34 μM. The results of Job's plot, Benesi–Hildebrand plot, mass spectra, and density functional theory calculations confirmed that the selective absorption and fluorescence response were attributed to the formation of a 1:1 complex between SAAT and Cu2+. SAAT in test film could identify Cu2+ in water samples using the intuitive fluorescence colour change under a UV lamp. SAAT has great application value as a selective and sensitive chemosensor to discriminate and detect Cu2+ ions.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana glycine-rich RNA binding protein 7 (AtGRP7) is part of a negative feedback loop through which it regulates alternative splicing and steady-state abundance of its pre-mRNA. Here we use fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to investigate the requirements for AtGRP7 binding to its intron using fluorescently-labelled synthetic oligonucleotides. By systematically introducing point mutations we identify three nucleotides that lead to an increased Kd value when mutated and thus are critical for AtGRP7 binding. Simultaneous mutation of all three residues abrogates binding. The paralogue AtGRP8 binds to an overlapping motif but with a different sequence preference, in line with overlapping but not identical functions of this protein pair. Truncation of the glycine-rich domain reduces the binding affinity of AtGRP7, showing for the first time that the glycine-rich stretch of a plant hnRNP-like protein contributes to binding. Mutation of the conserved R49 that is crucial for AtGRP7 function in pathogen defence and splicing abolishes binding.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli (E. coli) maintains its total NADH/NAD+ intracellular pool by synthesizing NAD through the de novo pathway and the pyridine nucleotide salvage pathway. The salvage pathway recycles intracellular NAD breakdown products and preformed pyridine compounds from the environment, such as nicotinic acid (NA). The enzyme nicotinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase (NAPRTase; EC, encoded by the pncB gene, catalyzes the formation of nicotinate mononucleotide (NAMN), a direct precursor of NAD, from NA. This reaction is believed to be the rate-limiting step in the NAD salvage pathway. The current study investigates the effect of overexpressing the pncB gene from Salmonella typhimurium on the total levels of NAD, the NADH/NAD+ ratio, and the production of different metabolites in E. coli under anaerobic chemostat conditions and anaerobic tube experiments. In addition, this paper studies the effect of combining the overexpression of the pncB gene with an NADH regeneration strategy that increases intracellular NADH availability, as we have previously shown. (The effect of increasing NADH availability on the redistribution of metabolic fluxes in Escherichia coli chemostat cultures, Metabolic Eng. 4, 230-237; Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli: Increase of NADH availability by overexpressing an NAD(+)-dependent formate dehydrogenase, Metabolic Eng. 4, 217-229.) Overexpression of the pncB gene in chemostat experiments increased the total NAD levels, decreased the NADH/NAD+ ratio, and did not significantly redistribute the metabolic fluxes. However, under anaerobic tube conditions, overexpression of the pncB gene led to a significant shift in the metabolic patterns as evidenced by a decrease in lactate production and an increase as high as two-fold in the ethanol-to-acetate (Et/Ac) ratio. These results suggest that under chemostat conditions the total level of NAD is not limiting and the metabolic rates are fixed by the system at steady state. On the other hand, under transient conditions (such as those in batch cultivation) the increase in the total level of NAD can increase the rate of NADH-dependent pathways (ethanol) and therefore change the final distribution of metabolites. The effect of combining overexpression of the pncB gene with the substitution of the native cofactor-independent formate dehydrogenase (FDH) with an NAD(+)-dependent FDH was also investigated under anaerobic tube conditions. This manipulation produced a metabolic pattern that combines a high Et/Ac ratio similar to that obtained with the new FDH with an intermediate lactate level similar to that obtained with the overexpression of the pncB gene. It was found that addition of the pncB gene to the FDH system does not increase further the production of reduced metabolites because the system for NADH regeneration already reached the maximum theoretical yield of approximately 4 mol NADH/mol of glucose.  相似文献   

The fluorescence properties of two adenosine analogs, 2-(3-phenylpropyl)adenosine [A-3CPh] and 2-(4-phenylbutyl)adenosine [A-4CPh], are reported. As monomers, the quantum yields and the mean lifetimes are 0.011 and 6.22 ns for A-3CPh and 0.007 and 7.13 ns for A-4CPh, respectively. Surprisingly, the quantum yields of the two probes are enhanced 11- to 82-fold upon incorporation into RNA, while the mean lifetimes decrease 23–40%. The data suggest that a subpopulation of molecules is responsible for the fluorescence characteristics and that the distribution of emitting and non-emitting structures is altered upon incorporation of the probes into RNA. Thus, although both adenosine analogs have low quantum yields as monomers, their fluorescence signals are significantly enhanced in RNA. Thermodenaturation experiments and CD spectroscopy indicate that incorporation of the adenosine analogs into three different RNAs does not alter their global structure or stability. Therefore, these probes should be useful for probing events occurring close to the site of modification.  相似文献   

The soluble NAD+-reducing Ni-Fe hydrogenase (SH) from Ralstonia eutropha H16 is remarkable because it cleaves hydrogen in the presence of dioxygen at a unique Ni-Fe active site (Burgdorf et al. (2005) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 576). By X-ray absorption (XAS), FTIR, and EPR spectroscopy, we monitored the structure and oxidation state of its metal centers during H2 turnover. In NADH-activated protein, a change occurred from the (CN)O2Ni(II)(mu-S)2Fe(II)(CN)3(CO) site dominant in the wild-type SH to a standard-like S2Ni(II)(mu-S)2Fe(II)(CN)2(CO) site as the prevailing species in a specific mutant protein, HoxH-H16L. The wild-type SH primarily was active in H2 cleavage. The nonstandard reaction mechanism does not involve stable EPR-detectable trivalent Ni oxidation states, namely, the Ni-A,B,C states as observed in standard hydrogenases. In the HoxH-mutant protein H16L, H2 oxidation was impaired, but H2 production occurred via a stable Ni-C state (Ni(III)-H(-)-Fe(II)), suggesting a reaction sequence similar to that of standard hydrogenases. It is proposed that reductive activation by NADH of both wild-type and H16L proteins causes the release of an oxygen species from Ni and is initiated by electron transfer from a [2Fe-2S] cluster in the HoxU subunit that at first becomes reduced by electrons from NADH. Electrons derived from H2 cleavage, on the other hand, are transferred to NAD+ via a different pathway involving a [4Fe-4S] cluster in HoxY, which is reducible only in wild-type SH but not in the H16L variant.  相似文献   

The efficiency of the direct electrochemical regeneration of NADH from NAD+ was enhanced by applying a cholesterol-modified gold amalgam electrode. The modified electrode was prepared by immersing gold plate in mercury and casting few drops of cholesteryl oleate solution over the gold amalgam. Coenzymatically active NADH was formed from NAD+ directly at the cholesterol-modified gold amalgam electrode which is supposed to hinder the dimerization of the NAD radicals on its membrane surface. The direct electrochemical NAD+ reduction process was used favorably to drive an enzymatic reduction of pyruvate to d-lactate. d-Lactate of 18.2 mm was obtained from pyruvate of 25.3 mm at 21 h of total reaction time in the electrolysis of 50 cm3 solution with the electrode of 6 cm2area. The turnover number for NAD+ was estimated as 1400.  相似文献   

The soluble, cytoplasmic NAD+-reducing [NiFe]-hydrogenase from Ralstonia eutropha is a heterotetrameric enzyme (HoxFUYH) and contains two FMN groups. The purified oxidized enzyme is inactive in the H2-NAD+ reaction, but can be activated by catalytic amounts of NADH. It was discovered that one of the FMN groups (FMN-a) is selectively released upon prolonged reduction of the enzyme with NADH. During this process, the enzyme maintained its tetrameric form, with one FMN group (FMN-b) firmly bound, but it lost its physiological activity--the reduction of NAD+ by H2. This activity could be reconstituted by the addition of excess FMN to the reduced enzyme. The rate of reduction of benzyl viologen by H2 was not dependent on the presence of FMN-a. Enzyme devoid of FMN-a could not be activated by NADH. As NADH-dehydrogenase activity was not dependent on the presence of FMN-a, and because FMN-b did not dissociate from the reduced enzyme, we conclude that FMN-b is functional in the NADH-dehydrogenase activity catalyzed by the HoxFU dimer. The possible function of FMN-a as a hydride acceptor in the hydrogenase reaction catalyzed by the HoxHY dimer is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of variations of the NAD+/NADH quotient on the uptake of 86Rb by human red cells loaded by non-disruptive means with the chelator Benz2 and different amounts of 45Ca has been examined. The NAD+/NADH quotient was modified by the addition of pyruvate and/or lactate or xylitol. It was found that the uptake of 86Rb at a given intracellular Ca2+ concentration was faster in the reduced state (lactate or xylitol added). Metabolic changes were associated with variations of the redox state. However, glycolitic intermediates did not significantly modify the apparent affinity for Ca2+ of the Ca2+-dependent K+ channel in one-step inside-out vesicles prepared from the erythrocyte membrane. Taken together, these results suggest that modifications of the cytoplasmic redox potential could modulate the sensitivity to Ca2+ of the Ca2+-dependent K+ channel in the human red cells under physiological conditions. This conclusion is consistent with previous findings in inside-out vesicles of human erythrocytes using artificial electron donors.  相似文献   


The oxygen-tolerant NAD+-reducing soluble hydrogenase (SH) from Ralstonia eutropha H16 has been described as a promising catalyst for cofactor regeneration in biocatalysed reductions. In this study, the actual potential of this enzyme for application in technical synthesis was evaluated. An overproduced, purified version of the enzyme was coupled to the carbonyl reductase from Candida parapsilosis (CPCR), where it allowed an almost quantitative conversion of the model substrate; total turnover numbers (TTN: nproduct/nenzyme) of up to 143,666 were achieved. This was distinctly superior to the commonly used NADH regenerating enzyme formate dehydrogenase (FDH) from Candida boidinii. In a systematic quantitative approach, maximum activity for NAD+ reduction was observed at 35 °C and pH 8, which corresponds to that of native SH. The half-life of the enzyme under these conditions was 5.3 hours. In the presence of sodium salts, distinct inhibitory effects were observed while ammonium and potassium ions increased the enzyme stability. Overall, a high but not unusual sensitivity of SH for changes in temperature, pH and mechanical stress in a reactor was found. Technical application in chemical synthesis can therefore be considered a feasible goal.  相似文献   

Fluorescence-based glucose sensors using glucose-binding protein (GBP) as the receptor have employed fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and environmentally sensitive dyes, but with widely varying sensitivity. We therefore compared signal changes in (a) a FRET system constructed by transglutaminase-mediated N-terminal attachment of Alexa Fluor 488/555 as donor and QSY 7 as acceptor at Cys 152 or 182 mutations with (b) GBP labelled with the environmentally sensitive dye badan at C152 or 182. Both FRET systems had a small maximal fluorescence change at saturating glucose (7% and 16%), badan attached at C152 was associated with a 300% maximal fluorescence increase with glucose, though with badan at C182 there was no change. We conclude that glucose sensing based on GBP and FRET does not produce a larger enough signal change for clinical use; both the nature of the environmentally sensitive dye and its site of conjugation seem important for maximum signal change; badan-GBP152C has a large glucose-induced fluorescence change, suitable for development as a glucose sensor.  相似文献   

During batch growth of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis NCDO 2118 on various sugars, the shift from homolactic to mixed-acid metabolism was directly dependent on the sugar consumption rate. This orientation of pyruvate metabolism was related to the flux-controlling activity of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase under conditions of high glycolytic flux on glucose due to the NADH/NAD+ ratio. The flux limitation at the level of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase led to an increase in the pool concentrations of both glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone-phosphate and inhibition of pyruvate formate lyase activity. Under such conditions, metabolism was homolactic. Lactose and to a lesser extent galactose supported less rapid growth, with a diminished flux through glycolysis, and a lower NADH/NAD+ ratio. Under such conditions, the major pathway bottleneck was most probably at the level of sugar transport rather than glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Consequently, the pool concentrations of phosphorylated glycolytic intermediates upstream of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase decreased. However, the intracellular concentration of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate remained sufficiently high to ensure full activation of lactate dehydrogenase and had no in vivo role in controlling pyruvate metabolism, contrary to the generally accepted opinion. Regulation of pyruvate formate lyase activity by triose phosphates was relaxed, and mixed-acid fermentation occurred (no significant production of lactate on lactose) due mostly to the strong inhibition of lactate dehydrogenase by the in vivo NADH/NAD+ ratio.  相似文献   

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