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In seasonal environments with limited time and energy resources, double‐brooded birds face trade‐offs in the timing of their two reproductive attempts and in the effort allocated to the first and the second broods. In the Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica a long care period for the first brood enhances the survival of first‐brood chicks, but also delays the start of the second brood, which in turn reduces the survival prospects of second‐brood chicks. Probably as a response to this trade‐off, double‐brooded Barn Swallows reduce the period of post‐fledging care for first‐brood fledglings. By radiotracking whole families, we investigated the determinants of this behaviour and its consequences for the survival of the first‐brood fledglings. The end of the females’ investment in post‐fledging care of the first brood was related to the beginning of egg synthesis for the second clutch. With the start of egg synthesis, females significantly reduced provisioning rates to the first‐brood fledglings to less than one‐fifth of the previous rates, while the proportion of time they spent foraging remained high. Assuming that the females’ foraging success was constant, we conclude that their energy income was allocated to egg production rather than fledgling provision. Males did not compensate for the females’ reduced feeding rates. Thus the start of egg production for the second clutch had a marked effect on the quantity of food received by first‐brood fledglings. In parallel with the changes in parental behaviour and provisioning rates, we observed a marked drop in the daily survival rate of first‐brood chicks. These results support the hypothesis that females face a strong trade‐off in the allocation of energy to subsequent broods. Energy allocation to a second clutch involves a cost in terms of reduced provisioning, and as a result the survival of first‐brood chicks is compromised. This is probably outweighed by the improved success of an early second brood.  相似文献   

The behavior of young songbirds after fledging is one of the least understood phases of the breeding cycle, although parental provisioning rates and movement of fledglings are key to understanding life history evolution. We studied Cordilleran Flycatchers (Empidonax occidentalis) at two sites in southwestern Colorado, USA, from 2012 to 2017. We banded and sexed breeding adults to determine the relative contributions of males and females to nestling and fledgling care, and attached radio‐transmitters to nestlings to facilitate observations of brood behavior after fledging. Females made 60% and 78% of total observed feedings of nestlings and fledglings, respectively. Parental provisioning rates increased with nestling age, and per‐nestling provisioning rates increased with brood size. Parental provisioning rates declined just before fledging, then increased just after fledging. Fledging times of individuals in broods were asynchronous and concentrated during the late afternoon and early evening. Males stopped caring for fledglings before females even though this species is single‐brooded, with some late‐season broods being abandoned by males. Broods spent the first three weeks after fledging within 400 m of nests, after which they began to disperse. Most aspects of the breeding biology of Cordilleran Flycatchers in our study, including the duration of nestling and fledging periods, female‐dominated provisioning, and movement patterns of fledglings, were similar to those of other Empidonax species. However, the times when young fledged were not concentrated in the morning as reported in most other songbirds, and this result warrants additional study of the timing of fledging in ecologically and taxonomically similar species. The increased per‐nestling provisioning rate with increasing brood size was unexpected, and additional study is needed to determine if this increase results from a trade‐off between adult annual survival and productivity favoring increased provisioning of young in larger broods, or from the existence of high‐quality individuals where larger clutches and higher provisioning rates are linked.  相似文献   

Urban environments impose novel selection pressures with varying impacts across species and life history stages. The post‐fledging stage for migratory passerines, defined as the period of time from when hatch‐year birds fledge until their first migration, is a poorly understood component of annual productivity that potentially limits population growth. We studied two migratory passerines with positive and negative population responses to urbanization, respectively: gray catbird Dumetella carolinensis and wood thrush Hylocichla mustelina. Our goals were to estimate post‐fledging survival rates for urban bird populations and determine which features of the urban landscape impact mortality risk during the post‐fledging stage. From 2012–2014, we tracked 127 fledglings (60 gray catbirds and 67 wood thrushes). Over 55 d after fledging, cumulative survival of gray catbirds (0.32 [95% CI: 0.22–0.47]) was approximately half that of wood thrushes (0.63 [95% CI: 0.52–0.75]). Thus, survival rates during the post‐fledging stage, taken in isolation, do not explain differential trajectories of gray catbird and wood thrush populations in urban environments. Most mortality (86%) for both species was due to predation. However, after reaching independence from parental care, 6 birds (9.4% of mortalities) died of anthropogenic causes (e.g. building, car strikes). Crossing roads significantly increased mortality risk, but increasing daily movement distance decreased mortality risk. Our results raise the question of whether anthropogenic sources of mortality are compensatory or additive to natural mortality; we emphasize the need to monitor fledgling survival beyond the parental‐dependence stage in order to fully understand the impacts of anthropogenic hazards on juvenile birds.  相似文献   

Uniparental offspring desertion occurs in a wide variety of avian taxa and usually reflects sexual conflict over parental care. In many species, desertion yields immediate reproductive benefits for deserters if they can re‐mate and breed again during the same nesting season; in such cases desertion may be selectively advantageous even if it significantly reduces the fitness of the current brood. However, in many other species, parents desert late‐season offspring when opportunities to re‐nest are absent. In these cases, any reproductive benefits of desertion are delayed, and desertion is unlikely to be advantageous unless the deserted parent can compensate for the loss of its partner and minimize costs to the current brood. We tested this parental compensation hypothesis in Hooded Warblers Setophaga citrina, a species in which males regularly desert late‐season nestlings and fledglings during moult. Females from deserted nests effectively doubled their provisioning efforts, and nestlings from deserted nests received just as much food, gained mass at the same rate, and were no more likely to die from either complete nest predation or brood reduction as young from biparental nests. The female provisioning response, however, was significantly related to nestling age; females undercompensated for male desertion when the nestlings were young, but overcompensated as nestlings approached fledging age, probably because of time constraints that brooding imposed on females with young nestlings. Overall, our results indicate that female Hooded Warblers completely compensate for male moult‐associated nest desertion, and that deserting males pay no reproductive cost for desertion, at least up to the point of fledging. Along with other studies, our findings support the general conclusion that late‐season offspring desertion is likely to evolve only when parental compensation by the deserted partner can minimize costs to the current brood.  相似文献   

For altricial young, fledging is an abrupt step into an unknown environment. Despite increasing numbers of studies addressing the post‐fledging period, our current knowledge of the causes and consequences of post‐fledging survival remains fragmentary. Here, we review the literature on post‐fledging survival of juvenile altricial birds, addressing the following main questions: Is low post‐fledging survival a bottleneck in the altricial reproductive cycle? What is known of proximate and ultimate causal factors such as trophic relations (food and predation), habitat conditions, or abiotic factors acting in the post‐fledging period? We analyzed weekly survival estimates from 123 data series based on studies of 65 species, covering weeks 1–13 post‐fledging. As a general pattern, survival of fledglings was low during the first week post‐fledging (median rate = 0.83), and improved rapidly with time post‐fledging (week 4 median rate = 0.96). For ground‐nesting species, survival immediately after leaving nests was similar to egg‐to‐fledging survival. For species breeding above‐ground, survival during the first week post‐fledging was substantially lower than during both the nestling period and later post‐fledging stages. Thus, the early post‐fledging period is a bottleneck of markedly elevated mortality for most altricial species. Predation was the main proximate cause of mortality. Various factors such as habitat, annual and seasonal variation in the environment, and the physical condition of fledglings have been found to affect post‐fledging survival. Individual survival depended strongly on physical traits such as mass and wing length, which likely influence the ability of fledglings to escape predation. Trophic relationships at various levels are the main ultimate driver of adaptation of traits relevant to survival during the pre‐ and post‐fledging periods. Spatiotemporal dynamics of food resources determine the physical development of juveniles and, in turn, their performance after fledging. However, predators can cause quick and efficient selection for fledgling traits and adult breeding decisions. Parental strategies related to clutch size and timing of breeding, and the age and developmental stage at which young fledge have substantial effects on post‐fledging survival. The intensity and duration of post‐fledging parental investment also influences fledgling survival. Post‐fledging mortality is therefore not a random and inevitable loss. Traits and strategies related to fledging and the post‐fledging stage create large fitness differentials and, therefore, are integral, yet poorly understood, parts of the altricial reproductive strategy.  相似文献   

Among the range of determinants of post‐fledging survival in altricial birds, the energy supply to the growing juveniles is likely to play a central role. However, the exact mechanisms shaping post‐fledging survival are poorly understood. Using a food supplementation experiment, we determined the effect of variation in food supply on the survival of juvenile Little Owls Athene noctua from hatching to 2 months post‐fledging. Experimental broods were food‐supplemented for 36 days during the nestling and the early post‐fledging period. The fate of 307 juveniles (95 of them provided with extra food) was determined by nest monitoring and radiotelemetry. In unsupplemented birds, the rates of survival measured at 5‐day intervals were lowest during the nestling stage, remained low during the early post‐fledging stage and steadily increased after about 2 weeks post‐fledging. Food supplementation substantially increased nestling survival, but we detected no direct treatment effect on post‐fledging survival. Instead, we found a strong indirect effect of food supplementation, in that fledglings of good physical condition had markedly higher chances of surviving the post‐fledging period compared with those in poor condition. Experimental food supplementation increased survival over the first 3 months from 45% to 64.6%. This suggests that energy reserves built up during the nestling stage influence post‐fledging survival and ultimately parental reproductive output. The low nestling and post‐fledging survival shows that the early life‐history stages constitute a crucial bottleneck of reproductive ecology in Little Owls. The strong treatment effects on the number of independent offspring indicate that natural variation in food supply is an important determinant of spatio‐temporal patterns in Little Owl demography.  相似文献   

In species with biparental care, a conflict of interest can arise if one mate tries to maximize its own reproductive success at the expense of the other's. One of the mates can desert the brood to accrue a number of benefits to enhance its own fitness, leaving parental care to the remaining parent. This study is the first to describe the desertion pattern in a tern species (Sternidae). We investigated offspring desertion in the Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida, a species with semi‐precocial chicks. Offspring desertion was recorded in 52% of nests prior to fledging (n = 131 nests). Females also deserted during the post‐fledging period. Of the deserters, 97% were females. Desertions started when chicks were 5 days old and no longer required intense brooding. Desertions before fledging did not affect fledging success. Provisioning rates between pair members differed, and females supplied much less food than males. Female provisioning rate affected the chances of nest desertion significantly: daily desertion rates were lower when females supplied more food. After females had deserted, males increased their provisioning rates but compensated for the loss of female care only partly in two‐ and three‐chick broods. Only in small (one‐chick) broods was compensation full. We conclude that male and female Whiskered Terns adopt different reproductive strategies in the population studied here. Females invest much less in parental care than males, providing less food and deserting more frequently. Given the ready availability of food and low predation pressure, benefits appear to accrue to females that desert; selection forces may therefore not be acting against female desertion.  相似文献   

Hoover JP  Reetz MJ 《Oecologia》2006,149(1):165-173
Interspecific brood parasitism in birds presents a special problem for the host because the parasitic offspring exploit their foster parents, causing them to invest more energy in their current reproductive effort. Nestling brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) are a burden to relatively small hosts and may reduce fledgling quality and adult survival. We documented food-provisioning rates of one small host, the prothonotary warbler (Protonotaria citrea), at broods that were similar in age (containing nestlings 8–9 days old), but that varied in composition (number of warbler and cowbird nestlings) and mass, and measured the effect of brood parasitism on offspring recruitment and adult returns in the host. The rate of food provisioning increased with brood mass, and males and females contributed equally to feeding nestlings. Controlling for brood mass, the provisioning rate was higher for nests with cowbirds than those without. Recruitment of warbler fledglings from unparasitized nests was 1.6 and 3.7 times higher than that of fledglings from nests containing one or two cowbirds, respectively. Returns of double-brooded adult male and female warblers decreased with an increase in the number of cowbirds raised, but the decrease was more pronounced in males. Reduced returns of warbler adults and recruitment of warbler fledglings with increased cowbird parasitism was likely a result of reduced survival. Cowbird parasitism increased the warblers’ investment in current reproductive effort, while exerting additional costs to current reproduction and residual reproductive value. Our study provides the strongest evidence to date for negative effects of cowbird parasitism on recruitment of host fledglings and survival of host adults.  相似文献   

Parental care should be selected to respond to honest cues that increase offspring survival. When offspring are parasitised, the parental food compensation hypothesis predicts that parents can provision extra food to compensate for energy loss due to parasitism. Chick begging behaviour is a possible mechanism to solicit increased feeding from attending parents. We experimentally manipulated parasite intensity from Philornis downsi in nests of Darwin's small ground finch (Geospiza fuliginosa) to test its effects on chick begging intensity and parental food provisioning. We used in‐nest video recordings of individually marked chicks to quantify nocturnal parasite feeding on chicks, subsequent diurnal chick begging intensity and parental feeding care. Our video analysis showed that one chick per brood had the highest parasite intensity during the night (supporting the tasty chick hypothesis) and weakest begging intensity during the day, which correlated with low parental care and rapid death. We observed sequential chick death on different days rather than total brood loss on a given day. Our within‐nest video images showed that (1) high nocturnal larval feeding correlated with low diurnal begging intensity and (2) parent birds ignored weakly begging chicks and provisioned strongly begging chicks. Excluding predation, all parasite‐free chicks survived (100% survival) and all parasitised chicks died in the nest (100% mortality). Weak begging intensity in parasitised chicks, which honestly signalled recent parasite attack, was not used as a cue for parental provisioning. Parents consistently responded to the strongest chick in both parasitised and parasite‐free nests.  相似文献   

Biparental care is common in birds, with the allocation of effort being highly variable between the sexes. In most songbird species, the female typically provides the most care early in the breeding cycle with both parents providing care when provisioning young. Food provisioning should be directly related to offspring quality; however, the relative influence each parent has on offspring quality has rarely been assessed at the nest level. Consequently, we were interested in assessing the relative influence male and female provisioning has on one measurement of offspring quality, nestling mass, in the black‐throated blue warbler Dendroica caerulescens. Over a six year period, 2003–2008, we collected information on average nestling mass per brood on day 6 of the nestling cycle and parental provisioning rates on day 7 of the nestling cycle from 182 first brood nests on three different study plots. We found that average nestling mass was directly related to male provisioning rate, while it was not related to female provisioning rate. On the other hand, estimated biomass provisioned had little influence on average nestling mass, calling into question its utility in assessing parental quality. Finally, there was some indication that parental influence on average nestling mass was dependent on the other parent's provisioning rate, suggesting that parents work in concert to influence nestling quality.  相似文献   

Altricial birds show enormous intraspecific diversity in their provisioning strategies, in terms of both the provisioning rate and the amount of food delivered per feeding bout. Extra-pair copulations (EPCs), which result in either extra-pair paternity (EPP) or maternity (EPM), provide an opportunity to demonstrate why provisioning strategies vary among individuals. Because EPP-cuckolded males and EPM-cuckolded females must raise unrelated young, whereas EPM-cuckolded males and EPP-cuckolded females need not, we hypothesized that the first two categories of breeders would reduce parental effort, whereas the latter two categories of breeders would increase parental effort. We tested this hypothesis in the Azure-winged Magpie Cyanopica cyanus by comparing the number and body mass of fledglings, provisioning rates and food amount delivered per feeding bout between EPP- and EPM-cuckolded breeders and faithful breeders. We found that (1) the number of fledglings did not differ significantly between cuckolded and faithful breeders, and (2) fledglings raised by EPM-cuckolded males and EPP-cuckolded females did not differ from faithful breeders, whereas fledglings raised by EPP-cuckolded males and EPM-cuckolded females were significantly smaller than those raised by faithful breeders. Compared with faithful breeders, cuckolded breeders increased parental efforts in nests that contained no unrelated young; hence, their loss in parentage may be compensated for by the enhanced quality of fledglings. In nests that contained unrelated young, cuckolded breeders did not reduce parental efforts; hence, their own offspring would not starve and could survive in competition with mixed brood-mates. Our findings suggest that the differences in parentage created by EPP and EPM scenarios and the potential fitness return of raising a brood for the cuckolded breeders can explain the intraspecific variation in provisioning strategies of altricial birds.  相似文献   

Extended post-fledging parental care is an important aspect of parental care in birds, although little studied due to logistic difficulties. Commonly, the brood is split physically (brood division) and/or preferential care is given to a subset of the brood by one parent or the other (care division). Among gulls and tern (Laridae), males and females generally share parental activities during the pre-fledging period, but the allocation of parental care after fledging is little documented. This study examined the behaviour of male and female roseate terns (Sterna dougallii) during the late chick-rearing and early post-fledging periods, and in particular the amount of feeds and the time spent in attendance given to individual chicks/fledglings. Pre-fledging parental care was biparental in all cases. Post-fledging parental care was dependent on the number of fledglings in the brood. Males and females continued biparental care in clutches with one surviving fledgling, while in two-fledgling clutches, males fed the A-fledgling while females fed the B-fledgling. Overall, there was no difference in attendance, only in feeds. This division of care may be influenced by the male only being certain of the paternity of the A-chick but not by chick sex.  相似文献   

Parent–offspring conflict over parental care is predicted to become most pronounced during offspring transition to independence when offspring are predicted to attempt to extend care for longer than parents are selected to provide it. However, on the proximate level, it is difficult to determine who plays the most important role in this process, parents or offspring. For several vertebrate taxa, it has been documented that parents end brood care by abandoning offspring after a fixed period or else show high flexibility in the duration of care, but teasing apart the role of offspring and parents underlying this flexibility has been difficult. Here, we studied the decision to fledge in captive zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata), an altricial songbird. We experimentally delayed the time of fledging to determine who decides about the end of feeding inside the nest, parents or offspring. The experiment indicates that parents do not primarily rely on phenotypic offspring traits in their decision to feed offspring in the nest, but appear to adjust the duration of parental care as long as offspring are in the nest which parents may take as an indicator of offspring need and locomotor abilities. Delayed‐fledging offspring appeared not to suffer a disadvantage in terms of age at the onset of independent feeding. Our study suggests that, in zebra finches, offspring play a major role in determining the time of fledging and leave the nest on their own, possibly to reduce the risk of nest predation, or to evade sibling competition in the nest.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(6):1601-1618
Recent studies of typically monogamous passerine birds have suggested that the fitness benefits males derive by caring for their young may not be as great as was previously thought. This study was conducted to determine whether parental care by male dark-eyed juncos, Junco hyemalis, serves to increase either the quantity or quality of young that they produce. Over a 4-year period, males were caught at the time their eggs hatched, and the subsequent growth and survival of the young of unaided females and control pairs were compared. Broods raised by unaided females gained body mass more slowly and fledged at slightly lower mass than those raised by two parents. However, fledging mass was not correlated with survival to independence. There were no differences in tarsus growth between the two treatment groups. Entire brood loss to predators occurred as often among females without male help as it did among those with male help. However, partial brood loss was more common among female-only broods than among controls; this difference was largely attributable to higher rates of starvation and exposure in female-only broods. There appeared to be an interaction between growth and predation. Female-only broods that were below the median mass of combined treatment groups at 5 days of age were more likely than all other broods to experience partial or complete predation. Male impact on offspring survival varied with age of the offspring. When years were combined, males tended to increase survival during the first half of the nestling period, but their impact at the time of nest-leaving was minimal. In all years, from nest-leaving to independence (ca. 2 weeks), broods without male help survived only about half as well as did those with male help. Independent young raised by one parent were as likely to return the following spring as were young raised by two parents. Thus, paternal care benefits males by improving the survivorship of their fledglings, and may also act as a buffer against poor female parental quality and inclement weather. However, the magnitude of these benefits is such that bigamous males might achieve greater reproductive success than monogamous males. Various possible male strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

Parental care is a behavior that increases the growth and survival of offspring, often at a cost to the parents' own survival and/or future reproduction. In this study, we focused on nest guarding, which is one of the most important types of extended parental care; we studied this behavior in two solitary bee species of the genus Ceratina with social ancestors. We performed the experiment of removing the laying female, who usually guards the nest after completing its provisioning, to test the effects of nest guarding on the offspring survival and nest fate. By dissecting natural nests, we found that Ceratina cucurbitina females always guarded their offspring until the offspring reached adulthood. In addition, the females of this species were able to crawl across the nest partitions and inspect the offspring in the brood cells. In contrast, several Ceratina chalybea females guarded their nests until the offspring reached adulthood, but others closed the nest entrance with a plug and deserted the nest. Nests with a low number of provisioned cells were more likely to be plugged and abandoned than nests with a higher number of cells. The female removal experiment had a significantly negative effect on offspring survival in both species. These nests frequently failed due to the attacks of natural enemies (e.g., ants, chalcidoid wasps, and other competing Ceratina bees). Increased offspring survival is the most important benefit of the guarding strategy. The abandonment of a potentially unsuccessful brood might constitute a benefit of the nest plugging behavior. The facultative nest desertion strategy is a derived behavior in the studied bees and constitutes an example of an evolutionary reduction in the extent of parental care.  相似文献   

According to life‐history theory, the duration of extended parental feeding is determined by the costs and benefits of maximising reproductive success. Therefore, the length of regular parental provisioning should be correlated with the time required for juveniles to acquire the skills that they need to be independent. The relatively few cases of extremely prolonged parental feeding in both land and sea birds appear to be consistent with this prediction because they are associated with learning‐intensive foraging techniques. New Caledonian crows have the most intricate tool manufacture techniques amongst non‐human animals and juveniles take over 1 yr to reach adult‐like proficiency in their tool skills. We investigated the prediction that this species also should have prolonged parental provisioning. We found that these crows have one of the longest known periods of regular extended parental provisioning in birds. Some parents regularly fed juveniles for up to 10 mo post‐fledging. Humans also stand out amongst primates because of their learning‐intensive foraging strategies and an extended period of juvenile dependence. The independently evolved association between a relatively high level of technological skill in foraging and prolonged juvenile provisioning in both humans and New Caledonian crows raises the possibility that these two characteristics might be causally related.  相似文献   

In 1973, Trivers and Willard proposed that offspring sex ratio should be associated with the quality of parental care likely to be provided to the offspring. We tested this hypothesis by comparing fledgling sex ratios in nests of first- and second-mated female house wrens (Troglodytes aedon). In our Wyoming population, second-mated females typically receive little or no male parental assistance and fledge fewer and lower-quality young compared with first-mated females. Assuming that being of lower quality has stronger negative effects on the future reproductive success of males than that of females in this polygynous population, we predicted that fledgling sex ratios in the nests of second-mated females would be female-biased compared with the fledgling sex ratios of first-mated females. Additionally, we asked whether any sex bias at fledging could have resulted from male-biased nestling mortality caused by sex-biased parental provisioning. As predicted, mean fledgling sex ratios in nests of second-mated females were more female-biased than fledgling sex ratios in nests of first-mated females. However, we found no evidence of either sex-biased nestling mortality or sex-biased parental provisioning. These findings suggest that females are responding to their status as second-mated females and to the associated low-quality parental care that their young are likely to receive by producing female-biased clutches rather than manipulating the offspring sex ratio through sex-biased nestling mortality.  相似文献   

Long‐distance migratory passerines may exhibit different post‐fledging rearing times between their early and late broods due to limited time and energy resources. This could affect the migratory fuelling behaviour, condition and fitness of juvenile birds. We analysed long‐term (13‐year) biometric data (body mass, fat score) on Barn Swallows ringed at the nest and later recaptured during their initial stages of autumn migration. The return rates of early‐ and late‐born juveniles after overwintering in Africa were further compared to estimate their fitness. We found that juveniles from late broods started migrating south on average 11 days younger compared with juveniles from early broods. Body masses of nestlings did not differ between early and late broods, but juveniles from late broods were in better condition after leaving the nest, possibly due to a longer period of parental care. Having started migration, juveniles from late broods were, however, less efficient in accumulating energy than juveniles from early broods. A younger departure age, together with less efficient fuelling of late brood juveniles, may partly explain the 39% lower return probability and hence lower fitness value of late‐brood juveniles. Our study is the first to show that juveniles from the early and late broods exhibit different fuelling behaviour and departure strategies (in terms of age and timing), which may be reflected in the fitness value of offspring.  相似文献   

Penn Lloyd  Thomas E. Martin 《Ibis》2016,158(1):135-143
Slow life histories are characterized by high adult survival and few offspring, which are thought to allow increased investment per offspring to increase juvenile survival. Consistent with this pattern, south temperate zone birds are commonly longer‐lived and have fewer young than north temperate zone species. However, comparative analyses of juvenile survival, including during the first few weeks of the post‐fledging period when most juvenile mortality occurs, are largely lacking. We combined our measurements of fledgling survival for eight passerines in South Africa with estimates from published studies of 57 north and south temperate zone songbird species to test three predictions: (1) fledgling survival increases with length of development time in the nest; (2) fledgling survival increases with adult survival and reduced brood size controlled for development time; and (3) south temperate zone species, with their higher adult survival and smaller brood sizes, exhibit higher fledgling survival than north temperate zone species controlled for development time. We found that fledgling survival was higher among south temperate zone species and generally increased with development time and adult survival within and between latitudinal regions. Clutch size did not explain additional variation, but was confounded with adult survival. Given the importance of age‐specific mortality to life history evolution, understanding the causes of these geographical patterns of mortality is important.  相似文献   

Species differ strongly in their life histories, including the probability of survival. Annual adult survival was investigated extensively in the past, whereas juvenile survival, and especially survival to independence, received much less attention. Yet, they are critical for our understanding of population demography and life‐history evolution. We investigated post‐fledging survival to independence (i.e. survival upon leaving the nest until nutritional independence) in 74 species of passerine birds worldwide based on 100 population level estimates extracted from published literature. Our comparative analyses revealed that survival to independence increased with the length of nestling period and relative fledging mass (ratio of fledging mass to adult body mass). At the same time, species with higher nest predation rates had shorter nestling periods and lower relative fledging mass. Thus, we identify an important trade‐off in life history strategies: staying longer in the nest may improve post‐fledging survival due to enhanced flight ability and sensory functions, but at the cost of a longer exposure to nest predators and increased mortality due to nest predation. Additionally, post‐fledging survival to independence did not differ between species from the northern temperate zone vs species from the tropics and southern hemisphere. However, analyses of post‐fledging survival curves suggest that 1) daily survival rates are not constant and improve quickly upon leaving the nest, and 2) species in the tropics and southern hemisphere have higher daily post‐fledging survival rates than northern temperate species. Nevertheless, due to the accumulation of mortality risk during their much longer periods of post‐fledging care, overall survival until independence is comparable across latitudes. Obtaining high‐quality demographic data across latitudes to evaluate the generality of these findings and mechanisms underlying them should be a research priority.  相似文献   

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