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Geographical patterns of morphological variation have been useful in addressing hypotheses about environmental adaptation. In particular, latitudinal clines in phenotypes have been studied in a number of Drosophila species. Some environmental conditions along latitudinal clines—for example, temperature—also vary along altitudinal clines, but these have been studied infrequently and it remains unclear whether these environmental factors are similar enough for convergence or parallel evolution. Most clinal studies in Drosophila have dealt exclusively with univariate phenotypes, allowing for the detection of clinal relationships, but not for estimating the directions of covariation between them. We measured variation in wing shape and size in D. melanogaster derived from populations at varying altitudes and latitudes across sub‐Saharan Africa. Geometric morphometrics allows us to compare shape changes associated with latitude and altitude, and manipulating rearing temperature allows us to quantify the extent to which thermal plasticity recapitulates clinal effects. Comparing effect vectors demonstrates that altitude, latitude, and temperature are only partly associated, and that the altitudinal shape effect may differ between Eastern and Western Africa. Our results suggest that selection responsible for these phenotypic clines may be more complex than just thermal adaptation.  相似文献   

The desaturase-2 (desat2) locus of Drosophila melanogaster has two alleles whose frequencies vary geographically: one (the "Z" allele) is found primarily in east Africa and the Caribbean, and the other (the "M" allele) occurs in other parts of the world. It has been suggested that these alleles not only cause sexual isolation between races, but that their distribution reflects differential adaptation to climate: Z alleles are supposedly adapted to tropical conditions and M alleles to temperate ones. This has thus been viewed as a case of reproductive isolation evolving as a pleiotropic byproduct of adaptation. Here we reinvestigate this presumed climatic adaptation, using transgenic lines differing in the nature of their desat2 alleles. We were unable to replicate earlier results showing that carriers of M alleles are uniformly more cold resistant and less starvation resistant than carriers of Z alleles. It is thus doubtful whether the distribution of these alleles reflects natural selection involving climate. Mating studies of transgenic lines show some evidence for sexual isolation due to desat2. However, work on other, wild-type lines, as well as observations on the nature of sexual isolation, suggest that this conclusion--and thus the relationship between this locus and mating discrimination between races of D. melanogaster--may also be doubtful.  相似文献   

Wolbachia popcorn ( w MelPop), a life-shortening strain of Wolbachia, has been proposed as an agent for suppressing transmission of dengue fever following infection of the vectoring mosquito Aedes aegypti . However, evolutionary changes in the host and Wolbachia genomes might attenuate any life span effects mediated by w MelPop. Here we test for attenuation by selecting strains of Drosophila melanogaster infected with w MelPop for early and late reproduction in three independent outcrossed populations. Selection caused divergence among the lines in longevity. This divergence was mostly associated with the host genetic background rather than the Wolbachia infection, although there were also interactions between the host and Wolbachia genomes. Development time, viability, and productivity were not altered by selection. The implications of these results are discussed in light of the intended use of w MelPop for suppressing disease transmission.  相似文献   

A study was conducted using small effective population size as an experimental design to test selective neutrality of seven isozyme polymorphisms. Loci varied as to the degree to which the decay of heterozygosity over 21 generations was retarded. Selection for heterozygotes, overdominance, is implicated for at least four of seven loci. Of these ADH gave the largest heterozygote excess in the presence of inbreeding. An interaction between the small population size treatment and excess heterozygosity suggests that (1) the loci studied may be selectively neutral and linked to other loci which are under the influence of selection or (2) the selection coefficients for the loci studied are not independent of the background genotype. In either case four of the seven enzymes studied are signaling the operation of selection. The problem of distinguishing the effect of a single marker from that of a chromosome segment is emphasized. The identification of the genetic unit of selection is crucial to any interpretation of the meaning of enzyme polymorphisms.  相似文献   

Recent studies with Drosophila have suggested that there is extensive genetic variability for phenotypic plasticity of body size versus food level. If true, we expect that the outcome of evolution at very different food levels should yield genotypes whose adult size show different patterns of phenotypic plasticity. We have tested this prediction with six independent populations of Drosophila melanogaster kept at extreme densities for 125 generations. We found that the phenotypic plasticity of body size versus food level is not affected by selection or the presence of competitors of a different genotype. However, we document increasing among population variation in phenotypic plasticity due to random genetic drift. Several reasons are explored to explain these results including the possibility that the use of highly inbred lines to make inferences about the evolution of genetically variable populations may be misleading.  相似文献   

Meiotic recombination is a critical genetic process as well as a pivotal evolutionary force. Rates of crossing over are highly variable within and between species, due to both genetic and environmental factors. Early studies in Drosophila implicated female genetic background as a major determinant of crossover rate and recent work has highlighted male genetic background as a possible mediator as well. Our study employed classical genetics to address how female and male genetic backgrounds individually and jointly affect crossover rates. We measured rates of crossing over in a 33 cM region of the Drosophila melanogaster X chromosome using a two‐step crossing scheme exploiting visible markers. In total, we measured crossover rates of 10 inbred lines in a full diallel cross. Our experimental design facilitates measuring the contributions of female genetic background, male genetic background, and female by male genetic background interaction effects on rates of crossing over in females. Our results indicate that although female genetic background significantly affects female meiotic crossover rates in Drosophila, male genetic background and the interaction of female and male genetic backgrounds have no significant effect. These findings thus suggest that male‐mediated effects are unlikely to contribute greatly to variation in recombination rates in natural populations of Drosophila.  相似文献   

Reaction norms of wing length, thorax length, and ovariole number were studied according to growth temperature in the circumtropical Drosophila ananassae, and compared to similar data from the cosmopolitan D. melanogaster. In the two species convex reaction norms were observed, but they were not parallel and sometimes exhibited intersections either at high (wing) or at low (thorax) temperature. On average, D. ananassae may be considered as a species with a bigger thorax but shorter wings than D. melanogaster. The shapes of reaction norms were analyzed and compared after quadratic polynomial adjustments. Significant differences were observed, in several cases between polynomial parameters, and in all cases between characteristic points that is, Maximum Value (MV) and Temperature of Maximum Value (TMV). The wing/thorax ratio may also be considered as a specific trait related to wing loading. Major differences were observed between the two species for the mean value and the shape of the response curves of this trait. The main observation of this work was however a shift of TMVs for wing and thorax length and ovariole number in D. ananassae toward higher temperatures. These variations in the reaction norms corresponded to a shift in the species thermal range, suggesting that temperature adaptation was accompanied by a modification of the shape of the response curves.  相似文献   

Highland populations of several Drosophila species in Argentina were active early in the afternoon in the field as opposed to populations from a much warmer lowland site, where flies were mainly active in the early evening prior to sunset. For one of these species, Drosophila buzzatii, we tested for a genetic component of activity differences by carrying out crosses within and between populations and measuring oviposition activity of the progeny in the laboratory. We found that activity in the highland population exceeded that in the lowland one during the midafternoon, whereas activity in the lowland population exceeded that in the highland one prior to the beginning of the dark period. Oviposition activity for the period corresponding to the field observations was regressed on the proportion of the genome derived from the highland population. This variable significantly predicted oviposition activity between 1400 and 1600 and between 2000 and 2200 h. Activity of both reciprocal crosses was intermediate and not significantly different from each other, suggesting that nuclear genetic, rather than cytoplasmic factors contribute to differences in oviposition activity between the populations. Two morphological, one genetic, and one stress resistance trait were also scored to examine whether temperature differences between environments were associated with other differences between populations. Wing length of wild-caught and laboratory-reared flies from the highland population significantly exceeded that in the lowland. Thorax length of laboratory-reared flies from the highland population also significantly exceeded that from the lowland. Chromosomal inversion frequencies differed significantly between the two populations with a fivefold reduction in the frequency of arrangement 2st in the highland as compared to the lowland population. This arrangement is known for its negative dose effect on size, and thus, the highland population has experienced a genetic change, perhaps as a result of adaptation to the colder environment, where body size and the frequency of arrangement 2st have changed in concert. Finally, a heat knockdown test revealed that the lowland population was significantly more resistant to high temperature than the highland one. In conclusion, we suggest that temperature has been an important selective agent causing adaptive differentiation between these two populations. We also suggest that the activity rhythms of the two populations have diverged as a consequence of behavioral evolution, that is, through avoidance of stressful temperatures as a mean of thermal adaptation.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity of abdomen pigmentation was investigated in populations of the sibling species Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans, living in sympatry in two French localities. Ten isofemale lines of each population and species were grown at different constant temperatures spanning their complete thermal range from 12 to 31°C. Genetic variability between isofemale lines was not affected by growth temperature, but was consistently less in D. simulans. For all traits, the dark pigmentation of the abdominal segments decreased according to growth temperature, in agreement with the thermal budget adaptive hypothesis. The shapes of the response curves were different between the abdominal segments, but for a given segment, quite similar in the two species. On average D. simulans was lighter than D. melanogaster, but the difference was mainly expressed at higher temperatures. An interesting result was the difference observed between the two localities: flies from the colder locality (Villeurbanne) were found to be darker than flies from the warmer locality (Bordeaux). Interestingly, this difference was expressed only at low temperatures, 21°C and below, that is, at temperatures encountered in natural conditions. This suggests an adaptive response resulting in a change of the shape of reaction norm and involving genotype-environment interactions. When comparing the genetic structure of geographic populations for quantitative traits, several laboratory environments should be preferred to a single one.  相似文献   

—We studied the incorporation of radioactivity into individual proteins of myelin by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis after the injection of [3H]tryptophan into the right eye of developing rabbits. We found that the specific activity of basic protein (c.p.m./mg of basic protein) and the specific activity of DM-20 and proteolipid protein (c.p.m./mg total myelin protein applied to the gel) did not approach the ratio predicted by decussation of the fibres of the rabbit optic nerve. The specific activity of Wolfgram protein, however, approached an expected ratio of 15:1. We therefore concluded that myelin basic protein, DM-20 and proteolipid protein were probably not synthesized in retinal ganglion cells.  相似文献   

The Bateman principle, which holds that oocytes are the limiting gamete in reproduction, is violated in a variety of species. Self-fertilizing hermaphrodites of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans provide an example of a system in which sperm number limits lifetime reproductive output, in this species due to the protandrous nature of sperm production that in turn delays the onset of fertilization. This reproductive delay forms the basis of a trade-off between generation time and total fecundity, in which sperm number plays a pivotal role. I use an age-structured population model to describe the number of sperm that maximize fitness, given larval development time and rates of gamete production. The model predicts the evolution of sperm numbers that are consistent with empirical data for C. elegans provided that precocious larval sperm production is taken into account. Several testable hypotheses follow from the model regarding how natural selection and environmental variation may influence patterns of sperm production among populations or species with a similar mode of reproduction.  相似文献   

There is an alleged tension between undue inducement and exploitation in research trials. This paper considers claims that increasing the benefits to research subjects enrolled in international, externally‐sponsored clinical trials should be avoided on the grounds that it may result in the undue inducement of research subjects. It proceeds from the premise that there are good grounds for thinking that, at least some, international research sponsors exploit trial participants because they do not provide the research population with a fair share of the benefits of research. This provides a prima facie argument for increasing the benefits for research participants. Concern over undue inducement is a legitimate moral concern; however, if this concern is to prevent research populations from receiving their fair share of benefits from research there must be sufficient evidence that these benefits will unduly influence patients’ decision‐making regarding trial participation. This article contributes to the debate about exploitation versus undue inducement by introducing an analysis of the available empirical research into research participants’ motivations and the influence of payments on research subjects’ behaviour and risk assessment. Admittedly, the available research in this field is limited, but the research that has been conducted suggests that financial rewards do not distort research subjects’ behaviour or blind them to the risks involved with research. Therefore, I conclude that research sponsors should prioritise the prevention of exploitation in international research by providing greater benefits to research participants.  相似文献   

Length and position of breakpoints are characteristics of inversions that can be precisely determined on the polytene chromosomes of Drosophila species, and they provide crucial information about the processes that govern the origin and evolution of inversions. Eighty-six paracentric inversions described in the Drosophila buzzatii species complex and 18 inversions induced by introgressive hybridization in D. buzzatii were analyzed. In contrast to previous studies, inversion length and breakpoint distribution have been considered simultaneously. We conclude that: (1) inversion length is a selected trait; rare inversions are predominantly small while evolutionarily successful inversions, polymorphic and fixed, are predominantly intermediate in length; a nearly continuous variation in length, from small to medium sized, is found between less and more successful inversions; (2) there exists a significant negative correlation between length and number of polymorphic inversions per species which explains 39% of the inversion length variance; (3) natural selection on inversion length seems the main factor determining the relative position of breakpoints along the chromosomes; (4) the distribution of breakpoints according to their band location is non-random, with chromosomal segments that accumulate up to eight breakpoints.  相似文献   

Correlation of the complementation relationships between the Notch locus alleles fa(g), fa(no), Ax(59d) and nd, with their genetic map order, suggests a tandem repetition within the locus of functionally related sites. This observation is discussed in relation to two hypotheses: (1) that the Notch locus contains a tandem repeat of genetic material; and (2) that the tertiary structure of the Notch locus product has a spiral configuration.  相似文献   

Fuscaldo G 《Bioethics》2006,20(2):64-76
Does genetic relatedness define who is a mother or father and who incurs obligations towards or entitlements over children? While once the answer to this question may have been obvious, advances in reproductive technologies have complicated our understanding of what makes a parent. In a recent publication Bayne and Kolers argue for a pluralistic account of parenthood on the basis that genetic derivation, gestation, extended custody and sometimes intention to parent are sufficient (but not necessary) grounds for parenthood. 1 1 Bayne, T. & Kolers, A. . Toward A Pluralist Account of Parenthood . Bioethics 2003 ; 17 : 221 – 242 .
Bayne and Kolers further suggest that definitions of parenthood are underpinned by the assumption that ‘being causally implicated in the creation of a child is the key basis for being its parent’. 2 2 Ibid. p. 241.
This paper examines the claim that genetic relatedness is sufficient grounds for parenthood based on a causal connection between genetic parents and their offspring. I argue that parental obligations are about moral responsibility and not causal responsibility because we are not morally accountable for every consequence to which we causally contribute. My account includes the conditions generally held to apply to moral responsibility, i.e. freedom and foreseeability. I argue that parental responsibilities are generated whenever the birth of a child is a reasonably foreseeable consequence of voluntary actions. I consider the implications of this account for third parties involved in reproductive technologies. I argue that under some conditions the obligations generated by freely and foreseeably causing a child to exist can be justifiably transferred to others.  相似文献   

Physiological traits that control the uptake of carbon dioxide and loss of water are key determinants of plant growth and reproduction. Variation in these traits is often correlated with environmental gradients of water, light, and nutrients, suggesting that natural selection is the primary evolutionary mechanism responsible for physiological diversification. Responses to selection, however, can be constrained by the amount of standing genetic variation for physiological traits and genetic correlations between these traits. To examine the potential for constraint on adaptive evolution, we estimated the quantitative genetic basis of physiological trait variation in one population of each of two closely related species (Lobelia siphilitica and L. cardinalis). Restricted maximum likelihood analyses of greenhouse-grown half-sib families were used to estimate genetic variances and covariances for seven traits associated with carbon and water relations. We detected significant genetic variation for all traits in L. siphilitica, suggesting that carbon-gain and water-use traits could evolve in response to natural selection in this population. In particular, narrow-sense heritabilities for photosynthetic rate (A), stomatal conductance (gs), and water-use efficiency (WUE) in our L. siphilitica population were high relative to previous studies in other species. Although there was significant narrow-sense heritability for A in L. cardinalis, we detected little genetic variation for traits associated with water use (gs and WUE), suggesting that our population of this species may be unable to adapt to drier environments. Despite being tightly linked functionally, the genetic correlation between A and gs was not strong and significant in either population. Therefore, our L. siphilitica population would not be genetically constrained from evolving high A (and thus fixing more carbon for growth and reproduction) while also decreasing gs to limit water loss. However, a significant negative genetic correlation existed between WUE and plant size in L. siphilitica, suggesting that high WUE may be negatively associated with high fecundity. In contrast, our results suggest that any constraints on the evolution of photosynthetic and stomatal traits of L. cardinalis are caused primarily by a lack of genetic variation, rather than by genetic correlations between these functionally related traits.  相似文献   

Wendler D  Grady C 《Bioethics》2008,22(4):203-208
To give valid informed consent to participate in clinical research, potential participants should understand the risks, potential benefits, procedures, and alternatives. Potential participants also should understand that they are being invited to participate in research. Yet it is unclear what potential participants need to understand to satisfy this particular requirement. As a result, it is unclear what additional information investigators should disclose about the research; and it is also unclear when failures of understanding in this respect undermine the validity of potential participants' informed consent. An analysis of individuals' interests suggests that potential participants need to understand three additional facts to understand that they are being invited to participate in research: 1) research contribution : those who enroll in the study will be contributing to a project designed to gather generalizable knowledge to benefit others in the future; 2) research relationship : the investigators will rely on participants' efforts to gather the generalizable knowledge to benefit others; and 3) research impact : the extent to which participating in the study will alter what participants do and what happens to them.  相似文献   

Reproductive isolation increases with genetic distance between species. Although sexual selection may drive divergence of sexual signals and traits, causing rapid evolution of sexual isolation, quantitative data supporting this idea are rare. We examine the rates of divergence of a species-specific courtship signal, sexual isolation, and postmating isolation in the Drosophila willistoni group. Both types of isolation increase with genetic distance and postmating isolation is the most strongly correlated with genetic divergence, suggesting this has the least variable divergence rate. Song divergence is not correlated with genetic divergence. Homoplasy in song pattern results in poorly resolved phylogenies that are different from molecular phylogenies. Song evolves more quickly than sexual isolation, which evolves more quickly than postmating isolation.  相似文献   

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