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Intraspecific variation in body size is common in animals and plants. Body size affects trophic interactions like foraging ability and vulnerability to predation, which in turn affect individual fitness as well as population stability and extinction risk. Experimental and theoretical work has shown that the size distribution of individuals within cohorts is strongly influenced by intraspecific competition for resources, often leading to skewed frequency distributions. However, little is known about the effects of environmental factors such as climate and eutrophication on the cohort size‐structure of natural populations. We use a long‐term time series of scientific monitoring of a freshwater fish (European perch Perca fluviatilis) to investigate the effects of density dependence, predation, nutrient availability, climate and the timing of spawning on the cohort size distributions. We find that the mean length of the fish is best predicted by the extrinsic factors phosphorus concentration and summer temperature, and the densities of the different age‐classes, whereas the skewness of the length distribution is best predicted by phosphorus concentration, summer temperature, abundance of small fish, and the timing of spawning. Higher nutrient levels, temperatures and densities of small fish increase food availability and thus reduce competition, which is reflected in increased mean length and decreased skewness. The timing of spawning affects skewness presumably through changes in the initial size variation of the cohort and the length of the first growth season. Our results indicate that higher temperatures increase the mean length and decrease skewness due to the concurrent eutrophication of the lake. The study thereby highlights the potential impact of human‐induced environmental change on the size structure of fish populations. More studies are needed to understand better the complex mechanisms through which these factors alter the intensity of intraspecific competition in fish communities.  相似文献   

Robust critical systems are characterized by power laws which occur over a broad range of conditions. Their robust behaviour has been explained by local interactions. While such systems could be widespread in nature, their properties are not well understood. Here, we study three robust critical ecosystem models and a null model that lacks spatial interactions. In all these models, individuals aggregate in patches whose size distributions follow power laws which melt down under increasing external stress. We propose that this power-law decay associated with the connectivity of the system can be used to evaluate the level of stress exerted on the ecosystem. We identify several indicators along the transition to extinction. These indicators give us a relative measure of the distance to extinction, and have therefore potential application to conservation biology, especially for ecosystems with self-organization and critical transitions.  相似文献   

Species abundance distributions are an essential tool in describing the biodiversity of ecological communities. We now know that their shape changes as a function of the size of area sampled. Here we analyze the scaling properties of species abundance distributions by using the moments of the logarithmically transformed number of individuals. We find that the moments as a function of area size are well fitted by power laws and we use this pattern to estimate the species abundance distribution for areas larger than those sampled. To reconstruct the species abundance distribution from its moments, we use discrete Tchebichef polynomials. We exemplify the method with data on tree and shrub species from a 50 ha plot of tropical rain forest on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. We test the method within the 50 ha plot, and then we extrapolate the species abundance distribution for areas up to 5 km2. Our results project that for areas above 50 ha the species abundance distributions have a bimodal shape with a local maximum occurring for the singleton classes and that this maximum increases with sampled area size.  相似文献   

Cassini G.H., Flores D.A. and Vizcaíno S.F. 2012. Postnatal ontogenetic scaling of Nesodontine (Notoungulata, Toxodontidae) cranial morphology. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 93 : 249–259. Toxodontidae is a clade of endemic South American ungulates that comprises medium to very large animals, including strict megammamals, i.e., 1000 kg or more. Adinotherium at approximately 120 kg and Nesodon at 550 kg are, respectively, the smallest and the largest Nesodontinae of Santacrucian age (early Miocene). The large number of specimens recorded and the quality of preservation (including very young animals) permit a morphometric study of cranial ontogeny. We measured 17 cranial variables on an ontogenetic series of 23 specimens of Adinotherium ovinum and 11 of Nesodon imbricatus. Bivariate analysis (standardized major axis) was performed to obtain the coefficients of allometry using skull length as the independent variable. Results indicate that eight of 16 variables show an isometric trend, seven exhibit positive allometry, and only the height of the orbit in N. imbricatus exhibits negative allometry. Contrary to expectation, neurocranial variables are positively allometric or isometric. With respect to the splanchnocranium, most variables related to the rostrum, palate, and masticatory muscles show positive allometry, suggesting a strengthening of masticatory system in adults of both taxa. The splanchnocranial allometric trends fail to support previous inferences of specialized herbivory, suggesting generalized herbivory in nesodontines.  相似文献   

Cannibalistic interactions generally depend on the size relationship between cannibals and victims. In many populations, a large enough size variation to allow for cannibalism may not only develop among age‐cohorts but also within cohorts. We studied the implications of variation in hatching period length and initial cohort size for the emergence of cannibalism and bimodal size distributions within animal cohorts using a physiologically structured population model. We found that the development of size bimodality was critically dependent on hatching period length, victim density and the presence of a feedback via shared resources. Cannibals only gained enough energy from cannibalism to accelerate in growth when victim density was high relative to cannibal density at the onset of cannibalism. Furthermore, we found that the opportunity for early hatchers to initially feed on an unexploited resource increases the likelihood both for cannibalism to occur and size bimodality to develop. Once cannibals accelerated in growth relative to victims size bimodality, reduced victim numbers and relaxed resource competition resulted. Thus, in addition to that cannibals profited from cannibalism through energy extraction, their potential victims also benefited as the resource recovered due to cannibal thinning. To ensure recruitment success, it can be critical that a few individuals can accelerate in growth and reach a size large enough to escape size‐dependent predation and winter starvation. Hence, within‐cohort cannibalism may be a potentially important mechanism to explain recruitment variation especially for cannibalistic species in temperate climates with strong seasonality. However, the scope for size bimodality to develop as a result of cannibalism may be limited by low victim densities and size and food‐dependent growth rates.  相似文献   

Non-random (aggregated) species distributions arise from habitat heterogeneity and nonlinear biotic processes. A comprehensive understanding of the concept of aggregation, as well as its measurement, is pivotal to our understanding of species distributions and macroecological patterns. Here, using an individual-based model, we analyzed opinions on the concept of aggregation from the public and experts (trained ecologists), in addition to those calculated from a variety of aggregation indices. Three forms of scaling patterns (logarithmic, power-law and lognormal) and four groups of scaling trajectories emerged. The experts showed no significant difference from the public, although with a much lower deviation. The public opinion was partially influenced by the abundance of individuals in the spatial map, which was not found in the experts. With the increase of resolution (decrease of grain), aggregation indices showed a general trend from significantly different to significantly similar to the expert opinion. The over-dispersion index (i.e. the clumping parameter k in the negative binomial distribution) performed, at certain scales, as the closest index to the expert opinion. Examining performance of aggregation measures from different groups of scaling patterns was proposed as a practical way of analyzing spatial structures. The categorization of the scaling patterns of aggregation measures, as well as their over- and in-sensitivity towards spatial structures, thus not only provides a potential solution to the modifiable areal unit problem, but also unveils the interrelationship among the concept, measures and perceptions of aggregated species distributions.  相似文献   

Midfacial reduction in primates has been explained as a byproduct of other growth patterns, especially the convergent orbits. This is at once an evolutionary and developmental explanation for relatively short snouts in most modern primates. Here, we use histological sections of perinatal nonhuman primates (tamarin, tarsier, loris) to investigate how orbital morphology emerges during ontogeny in selected primates compared to another euarchontan (Tupaia glis). We annotated serial histological sections for location of osteoclasts or osteoblasts, and used these to create three‐dimensional “modeling maps” showing perinatal growth patterns of the facial skeleton. In addition, in one specimen we transferred annotations from histological sections to CT slices, to create a rotatable 3D volume that shows orbital modeling. Our findings suggest that growth in the competing orbital and neurocranial functional matrices differs among species, influencing modeling patterns. Distinctions among species are observed in the frontal bone, at a shared interface between the endocranial fossa and the orbit. The medial orbital wall is extensively resorptive in primates, whereas the medial orbit is generally depositional in Tupaia. As hypothesized, the orbital soft tissues encroach on available interorbital space. However, eye size cannot, by itself, explain the extent of reduction of the olfactory recess. In Loris, the posterior portion of medial orbit differed from the other primates. It showed evidence of outward drift where the olfactory bulb increased in cross‐sectional area. We suggest the olfactory bulbs are significant to orbit position in strepsirrhines, influencing an expanded interorbital breadth at early stages of development. Am J Phys Anthropol 154:424–435, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Understanding evolutionary coordination among different life-history traits is a key challenge for ecology and evolution. Here we develop a general quantitative model predicting how offspring size should scale with adult size by combining a simple model for life-history evolution with a frequency-dependent survivorship model. The key innovation is that larger offspring are afforded three different advantages during ontogeny: higher survivorship per time, a shortened juvenile phase, and advantage during size-competitive growth. In this model, it turns out that size-asymmetric advantage during competition is the factor driving evolution toward larger offspring sizes. For simplified and limiting cases, the model is shown to produce the same predictions as the previously existing theory on which it is founded. The explicit treatment of different survival advantages has biologically important new effects, mainly through an interaction between total maternal investment in reproduction and the duration of competitive growth. This goes on to explain alternative allometries between log offspring size and log adult size, as observed in mammals (slope = 0.95) and plants (slope = 0.54). Further, it suggests how these differences relate quantitatively to specific biological processes during recruitment. In these ways, the model generalizes across previous theory and provides explanations for some differences between major taxa.  相似文献   

Studying the response to drought stress of keystone epiphytes such as tank bromeliads is essential to better understand their resistance capacity to future climate change. The objective was to test whether there is any variation in the carbon, water and nutrient status among different leaf ontogenetic stages in a bromeliad rosette subjected to a gradient of drought stress. We used a semi-controlled experiment consisting in a gradient of water shortage in Aechmea aquilega and Lutheria splendens. For each bromeliad and drought treatment, three leaves were collected based on their position in the rosette and several functional traits related to water and nutrient status, and carbon metabolism were measured. We found that water status traits (relative water content, leaf succulence, osmotic and midday water potentials) and carbon metabolism traits (carbon assimilation, maximum quantum yield of photosystem II, chlorophyll and starch contents) decreased with increasing drought stress, while leaf soluble sugars and carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus contents remained unchanged. The different leaf ontogenetic stages showed only marginal variations when subjected to a gradient of drought. Resources were not reallocated between different leaf ontogenetic stages but we found a reallocation of soluble sugars from leaf starch reserves to the root system. Both species were capable of metabolic and physiological adjustments in response to drought. Overall, this study advances our understanding of the resistance of bromeliads faced with increasing drought stress and paves the way for in-depth reflection on their strategies to cope with water shortage.  相似文献   

Antarctic fellfields present organisms with a heterogeneous habitat characterised by a wide variety of environmental stresses. These include low temperatures, limited moisture availability, frequent and often rapid freeze‐thaw and hydration‐dehydration cycles, exposure to high photosynthetic photon flux density and ultraviolet (uv) irradiance, seasonal snow cover, high winds, cryoturbation and, depending on location south of the Antarctic Circle, considerable daylight in summer. Most of these factors vary both predictably and unpredictably in spatial and temporal planes. In response to this adverse environment, fellfield organisms have developed a variety of strategies to overcome physiological stress and to exploit the limited resources available during the short austral growing season. A high degree of synchronisation exists, so that investment in non‐essential activity and adaptations is minimised. Here, we review the combined suites of co‐adapted traits used by different fellfield taxa to achieve energy acquisition, growth and reproduction under adverse levels of two principal limiting factors: low temperatures and the scarcity of water. To this end, a detailed characterisation of the Antarctic fellfield microenvironment is followed by a synthesis of available data on the morphology, physiology, life history and behaviour of successful Antarctic flora and fauna. Tolerance of low temperatures by fellfield organisms is achieved by elevation of standard metabolism, production and accumulation of cryoprotectants, supercooling, melanic pigmentation, behavioural avoidance, compact growth forms and synchronised reproduction and extended life cycles. Low moisture conditions are overcome by dehydration resistance, anhydrobiosis, development of resting stages and by behavioural avoidance of desiccating conditions. Occupancy of the Antarctic fellfield habitat is considered to require the ability to respond rapidly to ephemeral resources and to tolerate severe environmental stresses. During summer, organisms rely on opportunism to maintain a positive energy balance. During winter, resistance adaptations are used to withstand the potentially lethal climate, especially in habitats not protected by snow cover. This deterministic framework has led to the selection of species that are genetically and physiologically pre‐adapted for resource acquisition yet sufficiently robust to withstand cold and desiccation stresses. Non‐adapted taxa fail to become established. Despite the environmental selection pressures, available evidence suggests that colonisation of the fellfield habitat has not required the evolution of any adaptations, only the refinement of those already possessed to an extent by some temperate forms. This has led to the convergence of survival strategies. It is hypothesised that, in the short term, the majority of Antarctic fellfield biota are able to absorb the predicted effects of a changing climate by their high levels of physiological tolerance and life‐cycle flexibility.  相似文献   

The study compares the resource utilization of two sympatric Arctic charr morphs over an annual period in a subarctic lake. The two morphs are reproductively isolated in time and place of spawning, and are referred to as the littoral and profundal morphs (L-morph and P-morph) according to their spawning habitats. Fish were sampled monthly (ice-free season) or bimonthly (winter) using gillnets in the main lake habitats. The spatial range of the P-morph was restricted to the profundal zone throughout the whole annual period. The L-morph in contrast utilized all main habitats, exhibiting distinct seasonal and ontogenetic variations in habitat distribution. In the spring, the whole L-morph population was located along the bottom profile of the lake, in profundal and littoral habitats. During summer and autumn, habitat segregation occurred between different life-stages, juveniles mainly utilizing the profundal, pre-adults the pelagic and adult fishes the littoral zone. During winter the whole population was assembled in the littoral habitat. The L-morph also had large seasonal and ontogenetic variations in their feeding ecology, with littoral zoobenthos, zooplankton and surface insects being important prey. The P-morph had a narrower diet niche mainly consisting of chironomid larvae and other profundal zoobenthos. Hence, the two Arctic charr morphs exhibited a consistent resource differentiation during all annual seasons and throughout their life cycles, except for a dietary overlap between P-morph and juvenile L-morph charr in the profundal during summer. The findings are discussed in relation to resource polymorphism and incipient speciation.  相似文献   

大理苍洱自然保护区生物多样性保护及其开发利用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
沈兵 《生物多样性》1998,6(2):151-156
本文论述了苍山洱海自然保护区生物多样性现状及人类不合理的经济开发活动所造成的生物多样性受危情况,探讨了保护区内资源合理开发利用的途径及保护生物多样性的对策,提出了保护管理行动计划。  相似文献   

Estimating functionals of particle size distributions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
WATSON  G. S. 《Biometrika》1971,58(3):483-490

Ant colony size and the scaling of reproductive effort   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) describes divergent body sizes of adult males and females. While SSD has traditionally been explained by sexual and fecundity selection, recent advances in physiology and developmental biology emphasize that SSD would occur proximately because of sexual differences in ontogenetic growth trajectories (i.e., growth rate and duration). Notably, these ontogenetic traits are subject to energetic or time constraints and thus traded off with fitness components (e.g., survival and reproduction). To elucidate the importance of such ontogenetic trade‐offs in the evolution of SSD, we developed a new theoretical framework by extending quantitative genetic models for the evolution of sexual dimorphism in which we reinterpret the trait as body size and reformulate sex‐specific fitness in size‐dependent manners. More specifically, we assume that higher growth rate or longer growth duration leads to larger body size and higher reproductive success but incurs the cost of lower survivorship or shorter reproduction period. We illustrate how two sexes would optimize ontogenetic growth trajectories in sex‐specific ways and exhibit divergent body sizes. The present framework provides new insights into the evolutionary theory of SSD and predictions for empirical testing.  相似文献   

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