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Eelgrass (Zostera marina) populations supply substantial amounts of organic materials to food webs in shallow coastal environments, provide habitat for many fishes and their larvae and abate erosion. The characterisation of eelgrass biomass dynamics is an important input for the assessment of the function and values for this important seagrass species. We here present original allometric methods for the non‐destructive estimation of above‐ground biomass of eelgrass. These assessments are based on measurements of lengths and areas of leaves and sheaths and mathematical models that can be identified by means of standard regression procedures. The models were validated by using data obtained from Z. marina meadows in the Punta Banda estuary B.C., Mexico, and in Jindong Bay, Korea. Using available data and concordance correlation index criteria we show that the values projected thorough the presented allometric paradigm reproduces observed values in a consistent way. The annual average value for observed above‐ground biomass was 1.46 ± 0.15 g shoot?1, while the corresponding calculated value was 1.40 ± 0.13 g shoot?1. We suggest that our method can be applied to other studies in which the architecture and growth form of leaves and sheaths are similar to those of eelgrass. This would provide reliable and simplified estimations of biomass while eliminating tedious laboratory processing and avoiding destructive sampling.  相似文献   

Abstract. Livestock overgrazing and stream incision in the western USA often result in encroachment and dominance of Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata (Big sagebrush) in riparian areas that formerly supported meadows. To define the alternative states and thresholds for these ecosystems, we conducted a restoration experiment that included sites with high, intermediate or low water tables. We used a paired‐plot approach in which one plot on each site was burned and seeded with native grasses and forbs typical of naturally occurring dry meadow and Artemisia/Leymus cinereus ecological types, while adjacent unburned plots served as controls. Sites with high and intermediate water tables had greater initial abundances of perennial grasses typical of dry meadows, such as Leymus triticoides and Poa secunda ssp. juncifolia, and these species increased after the burn. In contrast, sites with low water tables were dominated by annual forbs such as Chenopo‐dium album and Descurainia pinnata after the burn. Biomass increased progressively from 1997 to 1999 on burned plots, while controls showed little change. Burning effects were microsite specific, with former Artemisia microsites exhibiting lower biomass than interspaces initially, but similar or higher biomass by the third year. Establishment of seeded species was low and species composition was determined largely by pre‐burn vegetation. Artemisia dominated sites with high water tables appear to represent an alternative state of the dry meadow ecological type, while sites with low water table sites have crossed an abiotic threshold governed by water tables and represent a new ecological type. Burning is an effective tool for restoring relatively high water table sites, but low water table sites will require burning and seeding with species adapted to more xeric conditions.  相似文献   

Question: What characteristics of local biotic neighbourhood is the best proxy of competitive effects experienced by plants in a herbaceous community: (1) total above‐ground biomass, (2) root mass or (3) relative above‐ground abundance of selected species? Location: Grassland at ca. 1100 m a.s.l. in the Krkono?e Mts., northern Czech Republic. Methods: We implanted two phytometer species, Antho‐xanthum alpinum and Festuca rubra, into a mountain grassland, and examined their response to local variation in (1) total above‐ground biomass, (2) root mass at three soil depths, and (3) relative abundance of individual species above‐ground. Results : Performance of both phytometer species was determined much more consistently by the mass of neighbouring roots and by species composition of neighbours than by the total above‐ground biomass. The two phytometer species showed different responses to these parameters. The most important relationships were (1) negative relationship between performance of Anthoxanthum and mass of neighbouring roots at 0–3 cm, (2) positive relationship between performance of Festuca and mass of neighbouring roots at 3–6 cm, and (3) negative relationship between performance of Festuca and relative abundance of Festuca in the neighbourhood. Conclusions: Neighbouring root mass and above‐ground species composition are better determinants of biotic interactions than total above‐ground biomass of neighbours in the studied mountain grassland. However, the relationships found are not necessarily due to variation in competitive intensity but can be due to other hidden factors as well, e.g. local availability of resources.  相似文献   

Allometric biomass allocation theory predicts that leaf biomass (ML) scaled isometrically with stem (MS) and root (MR) biomass, and thus above‐ground biomass (leaf and stem) (MA) and root (MR) scaled nearly isometrically with below‐ground biomass (root) for tree seedlings across a wide diversity of taxa. Furthermore, prior studies also imply that scaling constant should vary with species. However, litter is known about whether such invariant isometric scaling exponents hold for intraspecific biomass allocation, and how variation in scaling constants influences the interspecific scaling relationship between above‐ and below‐ground biomass. Biomass data of seedlings from five evergreen species were examined to test scaling relationships among biomass components across and within species. Model Type II regression was used to compare the numerical values of scaling exponents and constants among leaf, stem, root, and above‐ to below‐ground biomass. The results indicated that ML and MS scaled in an isometric or a nearly isometric manner with MR, as well as MA to MR for five woody species. Significant variation was observed in the Y‐intercepts of the biomass scaling curves, resulting in the divergence for intraspecific scaling and interspecific scaling relationships for ML versus MS and ML versus MR, but not for MS versus MR and MA versus MR. We conclude, therefore, that a nearly isometric scaling relationship of MA versus MR holds true within each of the studied woody species and across them irrespective the negative scaling relationship between leaf and stem.  相似文献   

This study set out to generate estimates of the standing perennial biomass for six different vegetation types, and associated upland and lowland habitats, across the altitudinal gradient presented by the Kamiesberg mountain range in the Namaqualand region of the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. Volume-biomass regressions, established for 94 perennial species accounting for 70–80% of the plant cover, were used to generate these estimations. Comparisons to other studies give similar findings, corroborating the method adopted. Biomass was found to vary significantly in relation to the altitudinal, and associated rainfall, gradient, as well as by habitat type where the rocky uplands have considerably more biomass that the sandy lowland habitats. An examination of the impact of sustained heavy grazing associated with a communal rangeland on this standing perennial biomass, showed a significant decrease in on the lowland habitats. This loss in biomass is principally of palatable species, with no evidence of a response in terms of perennial biomass. These findings point to degradation on the lowland habitats of the communal rangeland, with negative consequences for livestock farmers in the region.  相似文献   

We provide new information on changes in tundra plant sexual reproduction in response to long‐term (12 years) experimental warming in the High Arctic. Open‐top chambers (OTCs) were used to increase growing season temperatures by 1–2 °C across a range of vascular plant communities. The warming enhanced reproductive effort and success in most species; shrubs and graminoids appeared to be more responsive than forbs. We found that the measured effects of warming on sexual reproduction were more consistently positive and to a greater degree in polar oasis compared with polar semidesert vascular plant communities. Our findings support predictions that long‐term warming in the High Arctic will likely enhance sexual reproduction in tundra plants, which could lead to an increase in plant cover. Greater abundance of vegetation has implications for primary consumers – via increased forage availability, and the global carbon budget – as a function of changes in permafrost and vegetation acting as a carbon sink. Enhanced sexual reproduction in Arctic vascular plants may lead to increased genetic variability of offspring, and consequently improved chances of survival in a changing environment. Our findings also indicate that with future warming, polar oases may play an important role as a seed source to the surrounding polar desert landscape.  相似文献   

Mean annual precipitation accounts for a large proportion of the variation in mean above‐ground net primary production (ANPP) of grasslands worldwide. However, the inter‐annual variation in production in any grassland site is only loosely correlated with precipitation. The longest record of variation in production and precipitation for a site corresponds to a shortgrass steppe in Colorado, USA. A previous study of this record showed that current‐year precipitation accounted for 39% of the inter‐annual variation in ANPP. In this note, we show that ca. one third of the unexplained variation is related to previous‐year ANPP: ANPP per mm of precipitation was higher in years preceded by wet, more productive years than in years preceded by average years; similarly, ANPP per mm of precipitation was lower in years preceded by dry, less productive years than in years preceded by average years. Since previous‐year ANPP was, in turn, associated with precipitation of a year before, current‐year ANPP was also explained by precipitation of two previous years. Our finding not only increases our predictive ability, but it also changes our understanding of how ANPP responds to fluctuations in precipitation. If ANPP is thought to vary according to current‐year precipitation only, it will simply track annual precipitation in time. According to this new result, however, ANPP fluctuations are buffered if wet, more productive years alternate with dry, less productive years, and they are amplified if wet or dry sequences of several years take place.  相似文献   

G. Zhou  Y. Wang  S. Wang 《植被学杂志》2002,13(3):361-368
Abstracts. The Northeast China Transect (NECT) has been used to study how water availability influences the composition of plant functional types, soil organic matter, net primary production, trace gas flux, and land‐use patterns. We discuss relations of plant species number, soil C and N and above‐ground biomass with a precipitation gradient and interactions with land‐use practices (grassland fencing, mowing and grazing), on the basis of data from the west part of NECT. The results indicate: 1. The above‐ground biomass of grassland communities has a linear relationship with precipitation under three land‐use practices, while plant species number, soil C, and total soil N have linear relationships with precipitation under fencing and mowing; under grazing the relationships are non‐linear. 2. Plant species number, soil C and total soil N have strong linear relationships with above‐ground biomass under both fencing and mowing, while they seem to have nonlinear relationships under grazing. 3. Land‐use practices along the precipitation gradient result not only in changes in grassland communities but also in qualitative changes of their structure and function. 4. Grasslands are more vulnerable to changes in climate under mowing than under fencing, and are more capable to store C in soil and plants. 5. At a given precipitation level, number of plant species, above‐ground biomass, and soil C are higher under low to medium intensity of human activities (mowing and grazing). A better understanding of how different intensities of human activities will affect the structure and function of grassland will require further research.  相似文献   

As Earth's atmosphere accumulates carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases, Earth's climate is expected to warm and precipitation patterns will likely change. The manner in which terrestrial ecosystems respond to climatic changes will in turn affect the rate of climate change. Here we describe responses of an old‐field herbaceous community to a factorial combination of four levels of warming (up to 4 °C) and three precipitation regimes (drought, ambient and rain addition) over 2 years. Warming suppressed total production, shoot production, and species richness, but only in the drought treatment. Root production did not respond to warming, but drought stimulated the growth of deeper (> 10 cm) roots by 121% in 1 year. Warming and precipitation treatments both affected functional group composition, with C4 grasses and other annual and biennial species entering the C3 perennial‐dominated community in ambient rainfall and rain addition treatments as well as in warmed treatments. Our results suggest that, in this mesic system, expected changes in temperature or large changes in precipitation alone can alter functional composition, but they have little effect on total herbaceous plant growth. However, drought limits the capacity of the entire system to withstand warming. The relative insensitivity of our study system to climate suggests that the herbaceous component of old‐field communities will not dramatically increase production in response to warming or precipitation change, and so it is unlikely to provide either substantial increases in forage production or a meaningful negative feedback to climate change later this century.  相似文献   

Climate change affects peatlands directly through increased air temperatures and indirectly through changes in water‐table level (WL). The interactions of these two still remain poorly known. We determined experimentally the separate and interactive effects of temperature and WL regime on factors of relevance for the inputs to the carbon cycle: plant community composition, phenology, biomass production, and shoot:root allocation in two wet boreal sedge‐dominated fens, “southern” at 62°N and “northern” at 68°Ν. Warming (1.5°C higher average daily air temperature) was induced with open‐top chambers and WL drawdown (WLD; 3–7 cm on average) by shallow ditches. Total biomass production varied from 250 to 520 g/m2, with belowground production comprising 25%–63%. Warming was associated with minor effects on phenology and negligible effects on community composition, biomass production, and allocation. WLD clearly affected the contribution of different plant functional types (PFTs) in the community and the biomass they produced: shrubs benefited while forbs and mosses suffered. These responses did not depend on the warming treatment. Following WLD, aboveground biomass production decreased mainly due to reduced growth of mosses in the southern fen. Aboveground vascular plant biomass production remained unchanged but the contribution of different PFTs changed. The observed changes were also reflected in plant phenology, with different PFTs showing different responses. Belowground production increased following WLD in the northern fen only, but an increase in the contributions of shrubs and forbs was observed in both sites, while sedge contribution decreased. Moderate warming alone seems not able to drive significant changes in plant productivity or community composition in these wet ecosystems. However, if warming is accompanied by even modest WL drawdown, changes should be expected in the relative contribution of PFTs, which could lead to profound changes in the function of fens. Consequently, hydrological scenarios are of utmost importance when estimating their future function.  相似文献   

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