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Variation at 18 allozyme loci was assayed among representatives of the geographically widespread, triploid parthenogenetic form of Heteronotia binoei. A minimum of 52 different genotypes were observed among 143 individuals. Virtually all localities sampled had multiple genotypes among the unisexuals. This represents unusually high genotypic diversity for a unisexual vertebrate. Heterozygosity in the triploids was higher than in diploid bisexual populations of H. binoei. Comparison with the alleles present in the diploid bisexuals confirms that the parthenogens are hybrids and indicates that most of the genotypic diversity stems from repetitive hybrid origins. However, the presence of some alleles unique to the parthenogens suggests that mutation adds to their genetic diversity. The genetic structure of this geographically widespread parthenogen suggests the hypothesis that the persistence and spread of the unisexual lineages is facilitated by genotypic diversity.  相似文献   

The relative influence of Neogene geomorphological events and Quaternary climatic changes as causal mechanisms on Neotropical diversification remains largely speculative, as most divergence timing inferences are based on a single locus and have limited taxonomic or geographic sampling. To investigate these influences, we use a multilocus (two mitochondrial and 11 nuclear genes) range‐wide sampling of Phyllopezus pollicaris, a gecko complex widely distributed across the poorly studied South American ‘dry diagonal’ biomes. Our approach couples traditional and model‐based phylogeography with geospatial methods, and demonstrates Miocene diversification and limited influence of Pleistocene climatic fluctuations on P. pollicaris. Phylogeographic structure and distribution models highlight that persistence across multiple isolated regions shaped the diversification of this species complex. Approximate Bayesian computation supports hypotheses of allopatric and ecological/sympatric speciation between lineages that largely coincide with genetic clusters associated with Chaco, Cerrado, and Caatinga, standing for complex diversification between the ‘dry diagonal’ biomes. We recover extremely high genetic diversity and suggest that eight well‐supported clades may be valid species, with direct implications for taxonomy and conservation assessments. These patterns exemplify how low‐vagility species complexes, characterized by strong genetic structure and pre‐Pleistocene divergence histories, represent ideal radiations to investigate broad biogeographic histories of associated biomes.  相似文献   

Two recently diverged northeastern Pacific sibling snail species, Nucella ostrina and N. emarginata, currently inhabit adjacent zoogeographic provinces. Their distributions overlap in central California to the north of a major faunal boundary at Point Conception, California (PC). To test the hypothesis that modern sympatry is due to a recent northward range expansion by N. emarginata, I analyzed the population structures of both species with nuclear (allozyme) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers. Populations of N. emarginata in the region of overlap exhibit significantly lower heterozygosity and allelic diversity than either populations to the south of PC or populations of N. ostrina. A single mtDNA haplotype characterizes all but one population of N. emarginata sampled in this region, but no haplotype to the south of PC is found at more than one locality. MtDNA haplotypes and allozyme allele frequencies also indicate monophyly of central California populations of N. emarginata. Sharp differences in allelic diversity over small geographic distances may reflect the action of natural selection, but because both nuclear and mtDNA markers display concordant patterns, a range expansion across PC best explains patterns of genetic variation in N. emarginata. Allozymes and mtDNA also reveal that the geologically older N. ostrina is paraphyletic with respect to N. emarginata. This pattern is consistent with, but not indicative of, a peripheral isolation model of speciation. Low genetic diversity is also expected if a significant bottleneck occurred at speciation. However, low allelic diversity is not universal throughout the geographic range of N. emarginata; high allelic diversity at the southern end of the distribution of N. emarginata suggests that in the past N. emarginata has been geographically restricted much further south than PC. A northward range expansion across PC by N. emarginata may thus represent only the most recent postglacial movement by the species. The thermal and oceanographic discontinuities found at PC may not have been directly involved in geographic isolation if N. emarginata originated much further south of this modern boundary. Despite uncertainty regarding the exact spatial distribution of populations at speciation, genetic data indicate that even though N. ostrina and N. emarginata currently exhibit a broad range of geographic overlap, speciation was likely allopatric and was initiated by physical isolation of populations in different zoogeographic provinces.  相似文献   

Andean uplift and the collision of North and South America are thought to have major implications for the diversification of the Neotropical biota. However, few studies have investigated how these geological events may have influenced diversification. We present a multilocus phylogeny of 102 Protieae taxa (73% of published species), sampled pantropically, to test hypotheses about the relative importance of dispersal, vicariance, habitat specialization, and biotic factors in the diversification of this ecologically dominant tribe of Neotropical trees. Bayesian fossil‐calibrated analyses date the Protieae stem at 55 Mya. Biogeographic analyses reconstruct an initial late Oligocene/early Miocene radiation in Amazonia for Neotropical Protieae, with several subsequent late Miocene dispersal events to Central America, the Caribbean, Brazil's Atlantic Forest, and the Chocó. Regional phylogenetic structure results indicate frequent dispersal among regions throughout the Miocene and many instances of more recent regional in situ speciation. Habitat specialization to white sand or flooded soils was common, especially in Amazonia. There was one significant increase in diversification rate coincident with colonization of the Neotropics, followed by a gradual decrease consistent with models of diversity‐dependent cladogenesis. Dispersal, biotic interactions, and habitat specialization are thus hypothesized to be the most important processes underlying the diversification of the Protieae.  相似文献   

Studies on the influence of Pleistocene climatic fluctuations and associated habitat changes on arid‐adapted bird species living in the Holarctic region are comparatively rare. In contrast to temperate species, the populations of arid‐adapted avian species might be characterized by low genetic differentiation because periods of population isolation were associated with the short interglacial periods, while population expansion events might have occurred during the longer glacial periods when steppe‐like vegetation might have been prevalent. In this study, we tested this hypothesis in a widespread arid‐adapted taxon of the Palaearctic desert belt, the Houbara–Macqueen's bustard complex. The later includes the Houbara bustard Chlamydotis undulata, comprising the North African subspecies Chlamydotis u. undulata and Chlamydotis u. fuertaventurae from the Canary Islands, and the Asian Macqueen's bustard Chlamydotis macqueenii. A long fragment (1042 bp) of the Cyt‐b gene was investigated in 39 representatives of the two species to assess phylogenetic and phylogeographic patterns, and demographic history and to compute divergence time estimates using a Bayesian relaxed molecular clock approach based on different coalescent priors. While the two species are genetically distinct, we found little intraspecific genetic differentiation. The divergence time of the two species falls within a period of extreme aridity at around 0.9 million years ago, which most likely resulted in an east–west vicariance along the Arabo‐Saharan deserts. Differentiation within Houbara and Macqueen's bustard occurred later during the Middle to Upper Pleistocene, and as we have predicted, periods of range expansion were associated to the last glacial period at least in the Macqueen's bustard.  相似文献   

Pleistocene climate cycles and glaciations had profound impacts on taxon diversification in the Boreal Forest Biome. Using population genetic analyses with multilocus data, we examined diversification, isolation, and hybridization in two sibling species of tree squirrels (Tamiasciurus douglasii and Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) with special attention to the geographically and genetically enigmatic population of T. hudsonicus on Vancouver Island, Canada. The two species differentiated only about 500,000 years ago, in the Late Pleistocene. The island population is phylogenetically nested within T. hudsonicus according to our nuclear analysis but within T. douglasii according to mitochondrial DNA. This conflict is more likely due to historical hybridization than to incomplete lineage sorting, and it appears that bidirectional gene flow occurred between the island population and both species on the mainland. This interpretation of our genetic analyses is consistent with our bioclimatic modeling, which demonstrates that both species were able to occupy this region throughout the Late Pleistocene. The divergence of the island population 40,000 years ago suggests that tree squirrels persisted in a refugium on Vancouver Island at the last glacial maximum, 20,000 years ago. Our observations demonstrate how Pleistocene climate change and habitat shifts have created incipient divergence in the presence of gene flow.  相似文献   

Aim Alternative hypotheses concerning genetic structuring of the widespread endemic New Guinean forest pademelons (Thylogale) based on current taxonomy and zoogeography (northern, southern and montane species groupings) and preliminary genetic findings (western and eastern regional groupings) are investigated using mitochondrial sequence data. We examine the relationship between the observed phylogeographical structure and known or inferred geological and historical environmental change during the late Tertiary and Quaternary. Location New Guinea and associated islands. Methods We used primarily museum specimen collections to sample representatives from Thylogale populations across New Guinea and three associated islands. Mitochondrial cytochrome b and control region sequence data were used to construct phylogenies and estimate the timing of population divergence. Results Phylogenetic analyses indicated subdivision of pademelons into ‘eastern’ and ‘western’ regional clades. This was largely due to the genetic distinctiveness of north‐eastern and eastern peninsula populations, as the ‘western’ clade included samples from the northern, southern and central regions of New Guinea. Two tested island groups were closely related to populations north of the Central Cordillera; low genetic differentiation of pademelon populations between north‐eastern New Guinea and islands of the Bismarck Archipelago is consistent with late Pleistocene human‐mediated translocations, while the Aru Islands population showed divergence consistent with cessation of gene flow in the mid Pleistocene. There was relatively limited genetic divergence between currently geographically isolated populations in subalpine and nearby mid‐montane or lowland regions. Main conclusions Phylogeographical structuring does not conform to zoogeographical expectations of a north/south division across the cordillera, nor to current species designations, for this generalist forest species complex. Instead, the observed genetic structuring of Thylogale populations has probably been influenced by geological changes and Pleistocene climatic changes, in particular the recent uplift of the north‐eastern Huon Peninsula and the lowering of tree lines during glacial periods. Low sea levels during glacial maxima also allowed gene flow between the continental Aru Island group and New Guinea. More work is needed, particularly multi‐taxon comparative studies, to further develop and test phylogeographical hypotheses in New Guinea.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors that influence population differentiation in temperate taxa can be difficult because the signatures of both historic and contemporary demographics are often reflected in population genetic patterns. Fortunately, analyses based on coalescent theory can help untangle the relative influence of these historic and contemporary factors. Common murres (Uria aalge) are vagile seabirds that breed in the boreal and low arctic waters of the Northern Hemisphere. Previous analyses revealed that Atlantic and Pacific populations are genetically distinct; however, less is known about population genetic structure within ocean basins. We employed the mitochondrial control region, four microsatellite loci and four intron loci to investigate population genetic structure throughout the range of common murres. As in previous studies, we found that Atlantic and Pacific populations diverged during the Pleistocene and do not currently exchange migrants. Therefore, Atlantic and Pacific murre populations can be used as natural replicates to test mechanisms of population differentiation. While we found little population genetic structure within the Pacific, we detected significant east–west structuring among Atlantic colonies. The degree that population genetic structure reflected contemporary population demographics also differed between ocean basins. Specifically, while the low levels of population differentiation in the Pacific are at least partially due to high levels of contemporary gene flow, the east–west structuring of populations within the Atlantic appears to be the result of historic fragmentation of populations rather than restricted contemporary gene flow. The contrasting results in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans highlight the necessity of carefully considering multilocus nonequilibrium population genetic approaches when reconstructing the demographic history of temperate Northern Hemisphere taxa.  相似文献   

Within a group of interbreeding organisms, the balance of gene flow among populations and microevolutionary forces acting within populations is expected to result in clinal transitions in the phenotypes possessed by members of differentiated populations. Discontinuous variation between geographically adjacent populations suggests the presence of a significant barrier to gene flow. Here I present genetic evidence for restricted gene flow between migratory and nonmigratory populations of prairie warblers. The nonmigratory form of this species is restricted to coastal mangroves in Florida and is morphologically distinguishable from the typical, migratory form that occurs across the remainder of the eastern United States. Pairs of migratory populations exhibited little population subdivision (ΦST ? 0.09), whereas pairs of migratory and nonmigratory populations are much more differentiated (ΦST = 0.27–0.42). A phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA haplotypes did not offer evidence of long-term isolation of migratory and nonmigratory populations. Together with the population genetic analysis, the phylogenetic relationship of haplotypes suggests that isolation between these forms must have arisen relatively recently in their history. Evidence for significant population structure is unexpected, given the geographic proximity of migratory and nonmigratory populations, the capacity for long-distance movements (e.g., migration) by prairie warblers, and several previous studies of population structure in North American birds. However, the findings are consistent with the geographic distribution of morphological and behavioral variation and demonstrate that significant boundaries between populations of vagile organisms may be relatively cryptic.  相似文献   

The bigeye chub, Hybopsis amblops, is a member of the Central Highlands ichthyofauna of eastern North America. Phylogenetic analyses of the H. amblops species group based on a 1059 bp fragment of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene did not recover a monophyletic group. The inclusion of Hybopsis hypsinotus in the species complex is questionable. Within H. amblops, five strongly supported clades were identified; two clades containing haplotypes from the Ozark Highlands and three clades containing haplotypes from the Eastern Highlands and previously glaciated regions of the Ohio and Wabash River drainages. Estimates of the timing of divergence indicated that prior to the onset of glaciation, vicariant events separated populations east and west of the Mississippi River. East of the Mississippi River glacial cycles associated with the blocking and rerouting of the Teays River system caused populations to be pushed southward into refugia of the upper Ohio River. Following the most recent Wisconsinan glaciation, populations expanded northward into previously glaciated regions and southward into the Cumberland River drainage. In the Ozarks, west of the Mississippi River, isolation of clades appears to be maintained by the lack of stream capture events between the upper Arkansas and the White River systems and a barrier formed by the Arkansas River.  相似文献   

Peripatric speciation and the importance of founder effects have long been controversial, and multilocus sequence data and coalescent methods now allow hypotheses of peripatric speciation to be tested in a rigorous manner. Using a multilocus phylogeographical data set for two species of salamanders (genus Hydromantes) from the Sierra Nevada of California, hypotheses of recent divergence by peripatric speciation and older, allopatric divergence were tested. Phylogeographical analysis revealed two divergent lineages within Hydromantes platycephalus, which were estimated to have diverged in the Pliocene. By contrast, a low‐elevation species, Hydromantes brunus, diverged from within the northern lineage of H. platycephalus much more recently (mid‐Pleistocene), during a time of major climatic change in the Sierra Nevada. Multilocus species tree estimation and coalescent estimates of divergence time, migration rate, and growth rate reject a scenario of ancient speciation of H. brunus with subsequent gene flow and introgression from H. platycephalus, instead supporting a more recent divergence with population expansion. Although the small, peripheral distribution of H. brunus suggests the possibility of peripatric speciation, the estimated founding population size of the species was too large to have allowed founder effects to be important in its divergence. These results provide evidence for both recent speciation, most likely tied to the climatic changes of the Pleistocene, and older lineage divergence, possibly due to geological events, and add to evidence that Pleistocene glacial cycles were an important driver of diversification in the Sierra Nevada.  相似文献   

Rivers can act as both islands of mesic refugia for terrestrial organisms during times of aridification and barriers to gene flow, though evidence for long-term isolation by rivers is mixed. Understanding the extent to which riverine barrier effects can be heightened for populations trapped in mesic refugia can help explain maintenance and generation of diversity in the face of Pleistocene climate change. Herein, we implement phylogenetic and population genetic approaches to investigate the phylogeographic structure and history of the ground skink, Scincella lateralis , using mtDNA and eight nuclear loci. We then test several predictions of a river–refugia model of diversification. We recover 14 well-resolved mtDNA lineages distributed east–west along the Gulf Coast with a subset of lineages extending northward. In contrast, ncDNA exhibits limited phylogenetic structure or congruence among loci. However, multilocus population structure is broadly congruent with mtDNA patterns and suggests that deep coalescence rather than differential gene flow is responsible for mtDNA–ncDNA discordance. The observed patterns suggest that most lineages originated from population vicariance due to riverine barriers strengthened during the Plio–Pleistocene by a climate-induced coastal distribution. Diversification due to rivers is likely a special case, contingent upon other environmental or biological factors that reinforce riverine barrier effects.  相似文献   

The "lava lizards" ( Microlophus ) are distributed throughout the Galápagos Archipelago, and consist of radiations derived from two independent colonizations. The "Eastern Radiation" includes M. bivittatus and M. habeli endemic to San Cristobal and Marchena Islands. The "Western Radiation" includes five to seven historically recognized species distributed across almost the entire Archipelago. We combine dense geographic sampling and multilocus sequence data to estimate a phylogenetic hypothesis for the Western Radiation, to delimit species boundaries in this radiation, and to estimate a time frame for colonization events. Our phylogenetic hypothesis rejects two earlier topologies for the Western Radiation and paraphyly of M. albemarlensis , while providing strong support for single colonizations on each island. The colonization history implied by our phylogeny is consistent with general expectations of an east-to-west route predicted by the putative age of island groups, and prevailing ocean currents in the Archipelago. Additionally, combined evidence suggests that M. indefatigabilis from Santa Fe should be recognized as a full species. Finally, molecular divergence estimates suggest that the two colonization events likely occurred on the oldest existing islands, and the Western Radiation represents a recent radiation that, in most cases, has produced species that are considerably younger than the islands they inhabit.  相似文献   

Geographic patterns of genetic variation are strongly influenced by historical changes in species habitats. Whether such patterns are common to co‐distributed taxa may depend on the extent to which species vary in ecology and vagility. We investigated whether broad‐scale phylogeographic patterns common to a number of small‐bodied vertebrate and invertebrate species in eastern Australian forests were reflected in the population genetic structure of an Australo‐Papuan forest marsupial, the red‐legged pademelon (Macropodidae: Thylogale stigmatica). Strong genetic structuring of mtDNA haplotypes indicated the persistence of T. stigmatica populations across eastern Australia and southern New Guinea in Pleistocene refugial areas consistent with those inferred from studies of smaller, poorly dispersing species. However, there was limited divergence of haplotypes across two known historical barriers in the northeastern Wet Tropics (Black Mountain Barrier) and coastal mideastern Queensland (Burdekin Gap) regions. Lack of divergence across these barriers may reflect post‐glacial recolonization of forests from a large, central refugium in the Wet Tropics. Additionally, genetic structure is not consistent with the present delimitation of subspecies T. s. wilcoxi and T. s. stigmatica across the Burdekin Gap. Instead, the genetic division occurs further to the south in mideastern Queensland. Thus, while larger‐bodied marsupials such as T. stigmatica did persist in Pleistocene refugia common to a number of other forest‐restricted species, species‐specific local extinction and recolonization events have resulted in cryptic patterns of genetic variation. Our study demonstrates the importance of understanding individualistic responses to historical climate change in order to adequately conserve genetic diversity and the evolutionary potential of species.  相似文献   

Several species of the diatom Pseudo‐nitzschia produce the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA). Consumption of fish and shellfish that have accumulated this potent excitotoxin has resulted in severe illness and even death in humans, marine mammals, and seabirds. Pseudo‐nitzschia pungens (Grunow ex Cleve) Hasle is a cosmopolitan diatom commonly occurring in the waters of the Pacific Northwest (PNW) and the eastern North Atlantic, including the North Sea. However, genetic and physiological relationships among populations throughout this large geographic distribution have not been assessed. Population genetic parameters (e.g., Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, linkage equilibrium, FST) calculated for P. pungens collected from the Juan de Fuca eddy region in the PNW indicated the presence of two distinct groups that were more divergent from each other than either was from a P. pungens sample from the North Sea. Geographic heterogeneity was also detected within each of the two PNW groups. These results suggested that the populations of P. pungens recently mixed in the Juan de Fuca eddy region (a seasonally retentive feature off the coasts of Washington State, USA, and Vancouver Island, Canada) but did not exchange genetic material by sexual reproduction. Alternatively, these two groups may be cryptic (morphologically identical, but reproductively isolated) species. Identifying cryptic diversity in Pseudo‐nitzschia is important for bloom prediction and aiding the identification of molecular markers that can be used for rapid detection assay development.  相似文献   

The evolutionary processes that produce adaptive radiations are enigmatic. They can only be studied after the fact, once a radiation has occurred and been recognized, rather than while the processes are ongoing. One way to connect pattern to process is to study the processes driving divergence today among populations of species that belong to an adaptive radiation, and compare the results to patterns observed at a deeper, macroevolutionary level. We tested whether evolution is a deterministic process with similar outcomes during different stages of the adaptive radiation of Anolis lizards. Using a clade of terrestrial–scansorial lizards in the genus Anolis, we inferred the adaptive basis of spatial variation among contemporary populations and tested whether axes of phenotypic differentiation among them mirror known axes of diversification at deeper levels of the anole radiation. Nonparallel change associated with genetic divergence explains the vast majority of geographic variation. However, we found phenotypic variation to be adaptive as confirmed by convergence in populations occurring in similar habitats in different mountain ranges. Morphological diversification among populations recurs deterministically along two axes of diversification previously identified in the anole radiation, but the characters involved differ from those involved in adaptation at higher levels of anole phylogeny.  相似文献   

Comparisons of cytoplasmic and nuclear diversity within and among natural plant populations have the potential to distinguish the relative influences of seed and pollen dispersal on contemporary gene flow, or alternatively, may permit inferences of the colonization history of a species via seed. We examined patterns of cpDNA and allozyme variation in Senecio gallicus, a diploid, annual plant that occurs in both coastal and ruderal inland areas of the Iberian Peninsula and southern France. The species appears to have a strong propensity for long-distance seed dispersal. Five cpDNA haplotypes were found by RFLP analysis among a sample of 111 individuals derived from 11 populations. Differences in haplotype frequencies across populations were most evident with respect to a dramatic increase in the frequency of a derived haplotype from coastal to inland localities. The level of cpDNA differentiation among populations within the inland group (θ0 = 0.07) was significantly less than that seen within the coastal group (θ0 = 0.41). In contrast, for allozymes, no significant difference in population structure was evident between collections from coastal and inland habitats. At the rangewide geographic scale, there was only a very weak association between inferred levels of gene flow and geographic distance for cpDNA, and no such association was found for allozymes. It appears that while seed movement in the species might be sufficiently great to disturb the pattern of isolation by distance for cpDNA, it cannot fully account for the nearly randomized spatial structure at polymorphic allozyme loci. It is suggested that isolation of populations in Atlantic-Mediterranean coastal refugia during previous glacial maxima, and the effects of subsequent colonization events in inland areas, have had an important effect on molding the present genetic structure of the species.  相似文献   

Prior studies of phylogenetic relationships among phocoenids based on morphology and molecular sequence data conflict and yield unresolved relationships among species. This study evaluates a comprehensive set of cranial, postcranial, and soft anatomical characters to infer interrelationships among extant species and several well-known fossil phocoenids, using two different methods to analyze polymorphic data: polymorphic coding and frequency step matrix. Our phylogenetic results confirmed phocoenid monophyly. The division of Phocoenidae into two subfamilies previously proposed was rejected, as well as the alliance of the two extinct genera Salumiphocaena and Piscolithax with Phocoena dioptrica and Phocoenoides dalli . Extinct phocoenids are basal to all extant species. We also examined the origin and distribution of porpoises within the context of this phylogenetic framework. Phocoenid phylogeny together with available geologic evidence suggests that the early history of phocoenids was centered in the North Pacific during the middle Miocene, with subsequent dispersal into the southern hemisphere in the middle Pliocene. A cooling period in the Pleistocene allowed dispersal of the southern ancestor of Phocoena sinus into the North Pacific (Gulf of California).  相似文献   

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