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ABSTRACT.   Forest fragmentation can create negative edge effects that reduce the reproductive success of birds nesting near the forest/nonforest interface, and threaten bird populations deeper in remnant forest habitats. Negative edge effects may be more pronounced in landscapes that are moderately fragmented, particularly where agriculture is the primary land-use fragmenting forests. Information about the extent and strength of edge effects at a site can help guide conservation actions, and determine their effectiveness. We examined edge effects for birds breeding in a nearly contiguous forest fragmented by relatively narrow agricultural corridors in Illinois (USA). We measured rates of nest predation and brood parasitism for Acadian Flycatchers ( Empidonax virescens ) over a continuum of distances from the edge of an agricultural inholding. Nest predation and brood parasitism were highest near the edge and decreased with increasing distance from the edge. Given the cumulative effects of nest predation and brood parasitism on reproductive success, we determined that forest within 600 m of the inholding was sink habitat. We found, however, that deeper forest interior areas currently serve as source habitat, and that conversion of the entire 205 ha agricultural corridor to forest would add 1350 ha of source habitat for Acadian Flycatchers. Such results provide support for a local conservation strategy of forest consolidation and establish baseline measures necessary to determine the relative effectiveness of any subsequent reforestation efforts.  相似文献   

Dispersal of Amazonian birds in continuous and fragmented forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many ecologists believe birds disappear from tropical forest fragments because they are poor dispersers. We test this idea using a spatially explicit capture data base from the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project near Manaus, Brazil. We measure bird movements directly, over relatively large scales of space and time, both before and after landscape fragmentation. We found that species which disappear from fragments move extensively between plots before isolation, but not after, and often disperse to longer distances in continuous forest than in fragmented forest. Such species also preferentially emigrate from smaller to larger fragments, showing no preference in continuous forest. In contrast, species that persist in fragments are generally less mobile, do not cross gaps as often, yet disperse further after fragmentation than before. 'Heavy tailed' probability models usually explain dispersal kernels better than exponential or Gaussian models, suggesting tropical forest birds may be better dispersers than assumed with some individuals moving very long distances.  相似文献   

Abstract Fragmented habitats are a common occurrence in many marine systems, but remain poorly studied in comparison to their terrestrial counterparts. Here, I show that crustaceans inhabiting fragmented Zostera seagrass meadows show a dramatic response (change in abundance) to patch edges, with 11 out of 12 tests showing greatest abundance at the boundary between sand and seagrass. These patterns occurred on a scale of 0.25–1 m around the patch edge. Changes in seagrass biomass are unlikely to explain this pattern, as seagrass biomass increased smoothly at the patch edge, and did not decline towards patch interiors. In contrast to crustaceans, only a few polychaete taxa responded to the patch edge (9 of 25 tests), and bivalves generally did not show a response (1 of 5 tests). These latter groups are predominantly infaunal, and their lack of response may be partly due to the presence of substantial quantities of seagrass root and rhizome material in the sand habitat, which was defined visually based on the lack of above‐ground seagrass components only.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation are recognized as primary drivers of biodiversity loss worldwide. To understand the functional effects of habitat fragmentation on bird populations, data on movement across gaps in habitat cover are necessary, although rarely available. In this study, we used call playback to simulate a conspecific territorial intruder to entice birds to move through the landscape in a predictable and directional manner. We then quantified the probability of movement in continuous forest and across cleared gaps for two forest‐dependent species, the grey shrike‐thrush (Colluricincla harmonica) and the white‐throated treecreeper (Cormobates leucophaeus). Fifty‐four playback trials were conducted for each species across distances ranging from 25 to 480 m in continuous forest and 15–260 m across gaps in a forest‐agricultural landscape in southern Victoria, Australia. The probability of movement was significantly reduced by gaps in forest cover for both species. Shrike‐thrushes were six times more likely to move 170 m in continuous forest than to cross 170‐m gaps. The mean probability that treecreepers would cross any gap at all was less than 0.5, and they were three times less likely to move 50 m across a gap than through continuous forest. Both species displayed non‐linear responses to increasing gap distance: we identified a gap‐tolerance threshold of 85 m for the shrike‐thrush and 65 m for the treecreeper beyond which individuals were most unlikely to cross. The presence of scattered paddock trees increased functional connectivity for the shrike‐thrush, with individuals crossing up to 260 m when scattered trees were present. We conclude that gaps in habitat cover are barriers to movement, and that characteristics of the intervening matrix influence landscape permeability.  相似文献   

Edge effects in fragmented forests: implications for conservation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Edges are presumed to have deleterious consequences for the organisms that remain in forest fragments. However, there is substantial discrepancy among recent studies about the existence and intensity of edge effects. Most studies have focused on seeking simplistic and static patterns. Very few have tested mechanistic hypotheses or explored the factors that modulate edge effects. Consequently,studies are very site-specifci and their results cannot be generalized to produce a universal theory of edges. Although estimates of the intensity and impact of edge effects in fragmented forests are urgently required, little can be done to ameliorate edge effects unless their mechanics are better understood.  相似文献   

The breeding avifauna of 25 woodland fragments (0.85–280 ha) was studied between 1996 and 2004 in Córdoba, Argentina. A distinctive feature of the avifauna of the fragments studied is the low area requirement of most of the species. Of the 54 woodland species recorded, 32 (59.3%) require c . 1 ha and 43 (79.6%) needed no more than 3 ha. Also noticeable is the relatively high number of individuals of most of the species. Both characteristics suggest a good tolerance to fragmentation. However, nine species (16.7%), the area-sensitive species, need fragments of 80 ha or larger. Moreover, eight resident species have apparently become extinct in the fragments that were studied, including the five large species that originally inhabited the area. Proportional odds and log linear models were fitted to relate the minimum area requirements of these species to various ecological characteristics (body size, diet, habitat use, migratory status, and nest type). Closed nesters, resident, woodland exterior, and medium-size species were the groups requiring larger areas. No apparent pattern was observed between area requirements and diet. A recent law prohibits woodland removal, which is a positive step towards the conservation of the fragments. The results suggest that as long as the present amount of woodland is maintained, the situation of the avifauna of the fragments is relatively secure, at least in the short term.  相似文献   

Most endangered plant species in a fragmented forest behave as a unique source population, with a high dependence on frugivorous birds for recruitment and persistence. In this study, we combined field data of dispersal behavior of birds and GIS information of patch attributes to estimate how frugivorous birds could affect the effective dispersal pattern of Chinese yew (Taxus chinensis) in a fragmented and disturbed forest. Nine bird species were observed to visit T. chinensis trees, with Urocissa erythrorhyncha, Zoothera dauma and Picus canus being the most common dispersers. After foraging, six disperser species exhibited different perching patterns. Three specialist species, P. canus, Turdus hortulorum, and Z. dauma stayed in the source patch, while three generalist species, U. erythrorhyncha, Hypsipetes mcclellandii, and H. castanonotus, could perch in bamboo patches and varied in movement ability due to body size. As a consequence of perching, dispersers significantly contributed to the seed bank, but indirectly affected seedling recruitment. Moreover, the recruitment of T. chinensis was also affected by patch attributes in a fragmented forest (distances to source patch, patch type, size). Our results highlighted the ability of unique source population regeneration of T. chinensis in a fragmented forest, with high dependence on both frugivorous birds and patch attributes, which should be considered in future planning for forest management and conservation.  相似文献   

Loss and fragmentation of natural ecosystems are widely recognized as the most important threats to biodiversity conservation, with Neotropical dry forests among the most endangered ecosystems. Area and edge effects are major factors in fragmented landscapes. Here, we examine area and edge effects and their interaction, on ensembles of arthropods associated to native vegetation in a fragmented Chaco Serrano forest. We analyzed family richness and community composition of herbivores, predators, and parasitoids on three native plant species in 12 fragments of varying size and at edge/interior positions. We also looked for indicator families by using Indicator Species Analysis. Loss of family richness with the reduction of forest fragment area was observed for the three functional groups, with similar magnitude. Herbivores were richer at the edges without interaction between edge and area effects, whereas predators were not affected by edge/interior position and parasitoid richness showed an interaction between area and position, with a steeper area slope at the edges. Family composition of herbivore, predator, and parasitoid assemblages was also affected by forest area and/or edge/interior situation. We found three indicator families for large remnants and five for edges. Our results support the key role of forest area for conservation of arthropods taxonomic and functional diversity in a highly threatened region, and emphasize the need to understand the interactions between area and edge effects on such diversity.  相似文献   

We examine the hypothesis that organochlorine pesticide use in the 1950s and 1960s caused population declines and local extinctions in two endemic Mauritian birds, the Mauritius kestrel, Falco punctatus, and Mauritius cuckoo-shrike, Coracina typica. This hypothesis was suggested in the 1980s but is dismissed by authorities in Mauritius. The declines and subsequent increases in the populations and range areas of both species, the timing and location of the use of organochlorines for malaria control and in food crop production, the diets of the species, and the known mechanisms for transfer of organochlorine residues into organisms are all consistent with the hypothesis. No alternative explanation can at present account for these population changes. Organochlorine pesticide use cannot therefore be rejected as a reason for the declines and local extinctions of the kestrel and cuckoo-shrike.  相似文献   

边缘效应对山地湿性常绿阔叶林附生植物的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为热带、亚热带地区森林生态系统中重要组成成分之一的附生植物,对环境变化尤为敏感。为了解附生植物对森林生境破碎化的响应,本研究选择哀牢山北段徐家坝山地湿性常绿阔叶林因人为干扰而形成的四处森林边缘为研究对象,分别在距离林缘10、20、40和80m的位置设立样带,采用树干取样法调查各样带内距地面0-2m范围附生植物的物种组成、生物量和附生苔藓植物的生活型特征。结果显示:边缘效应对单位面积附生植物的生物量和附生苔藓植物盖度均具有极显著的影响(P〈0.001),其中附生苔藓比附生蕨类对边缘效应更为敏感。边缘效应对附生苔藓植物的作用强度在各生活型之间存在着差异,其中对丛集型(P=0.014)和交织型(P=0.030)的附生苔藓植物的影响最显著。综合附生植物在各样带的分布特征,我们认为单位面积上附生植物的生物量和附生苔藓植物的盖度可作为指示森林边缘生境的重要指标。黄牛毛藓(Ditrichum pallidum)、角状刺枝藓(Wijkia hornschuchi)和格氏剪叶苔(Herbertus giraldianus)的分布具有指示林缘生境的意义,而尖叶羽藓(Thuidium philibertii)、大羽藓(zcymbifolium)、多疣麻羽藓(Claopodium pellucinerve)、波叶金枝藓(Pseudotrismegistia undulata)和扭叶藓(Trachypus bicolor)的分布局限于林内,具有一定的保护价值。  相似文献   

South American subtropical dry forests are highly threatened by fragmentation. Despite considerable research efforts aimed at predicting ecosystem alterations due to this driver of global change, we still need to deal with general principles to improve our ability to predict the impact of fragmentation. Our work is one of the few studies that analyse the relationship between forest fragmentation and decomposition. In 12 remnants of Chaco Serrano forest in Central Argentina we tested if decomposition rates of a common leaf-litter substrate varied with fragment size and between the forest edge and interior. Decomposition declined with fragment size, with no significant effects of location (edge/interior) or interaction between the two components of fragmentation. Our results suggest that in situ conditions for decomposition may change as a consequence of forest fragmentation, specifically as a result fragment size. This may lead to impaired nutrient recycling in smaller forest remnants.  相似文献   

We tested whether species-specific behavioral traits could explain patterns of habitat patch occupancy by five different squirrel species in Ontario, Canada: the northern and southern flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus and Glaucomys volans), the North American red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), the eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus), and the eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis). Flying squirrel species exhibit group nesting in winter, which may put them at risk of extirpation in small patches with few individuals to contribute to group nests. Flying squirrels are also volant, potentially making non-treed matrix a barrier. Our surveys revealed that G. sabrinus was most likely to occur in large patches that were embedded in landscapes with low connectivity, and least likely to occur in small patches in highly connected landscapes. Conversely, G. volans was most likely to occur in large, well-connected patches and least likely to occur in small, unconnected patches. Patch occupancy by the cursorial squirrels was not strongly influenced by patch area or isolation. These findings reinforce previous studies suggesting that an understanding of species-specific traits such as behavior is an important consideration when interpreting habitat fragmentation effects.  相似文献   

Question: What are the edge effect responses of epiphytic lichen communities in Mediterranean Quercus pyrenaica forest? Location: Central Spain. Methods: We established ten transects perpendicular to a road dissecting a well conserved remnant of Q. pyrenaica forest into two sections. Transects extended from the forest/road edge to 100 m into the forest. Data were collected from seven plots in each transect at different distances from the edge. Variables were grouped into stand scale variables (distance to edge, number of trees per plot, mean diameter per plot, irradiance) and tree scale variables (diameter and height of sampled trees, aspect of the sampled square and relative height of the square). We used General Mixed Linear Models and constrained ordination techniques to test the hypothesis that the spatio‐temporal heterogeneity of light and water controls the occurrence of lichens and bryophytes along the edge‐interior gradient in the Q. pyrenaica forest. Results: Microclimatic parameters vary in a non‐linear way; edge and interior stands showed the most divergent and extreme values. Although the micro‐environment within Mediterranean forests is heterogeneous, interior conditions are apparently suitable for the performance of some specific forest epiphytes. Consequently, species richness does not show significant differences along the gradient. Total epiphytic cover increases towards the forest interior, but distance to the edge together with other predictors at the tree scale (aspect and height of the square) are the most relevant predictors for the composition and structure of these communities. Conclusions: Composition and structure of epiphytic communities in a Mediterranean semi‐deciduous forest are affected by the edge between the forest and the road constructed. Since some extremely rare lichens only occur at interior stands, the conservation of these threatened elements requires urgent conservation measures because well preserved and unmanaged forests in the Mediterranean region are very rare.  相似文献   

片断化森林的边缘效应与自然保护区的设计管理   总被引:21,自引:6,他引:15  
渠春梅  韩兴国  苏波 《生态学报》2000,20(1):160-167
森林片断化引起了森林边缘物理环境与生物的变化。从森林边缘向林内,光辐射,温度、湿度、风等因素发生改变,这些反过 边缘上和边缘附近的生物产生极其重要的影响。有些研究表明,生物与非生物存在明显的边缘-核心的变化梯度,而有些则没有,除了影响边缘效应的客观因素(如边缘的取向、地势、年龄等)外,主观因素对这缘效应也有影响。边缘对生物与非生物的影响因片断化森林的面积、形状以及与其他森林片连接程度的不同而不同,  相似文献   

At the edges of tropical rain forest fragments, altered abiotic and biotic conditions influence the structure and dynamics of plant communities. In Neotropical rain forests, palms (Arecaceae) are important floristic and ecological elements. Palms’ responses to edge effects appear to be idiosyncratic and to depend on the level of disturbance at edges. This paper explores how variation in forest structure at the edges of two old-growth forest fragments in a tropical rain forest in western Ecuador affects palms of different species, life-forms, and size classes. We investigate (1) how edge effects influence the relative proportion of palm adults and juveniles, (2) how distance from the forest edge affects palm density and species richness, (3) how altered forest structure along edges affects palm density. We found that at edges (1) palm communities had a lower proportion of adults relative to juvenile individuals compared to continuous forests, (2) the density of two species of palms and the overall species richness of the palm community tended to decrease toward the edges within forest fragments, and, (3) altered forest structure decreased the density of adult palms. Hence, edge effects on palms were controlled by the degree of modification of the forest structure, and by species responses to edge-related disturbance.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphisms of mtDNA were used to assess genetic structure at two geographic scales for five species of Neotropical forest‐understory birds. At the local scale (in northeastern Bolivia), I studied populations of each species from six sites within 200 km of one another. At this scale, I studied the effects of forest fragmentation on mtDNA genetic structure: three sites were in natural forest fragments separated by cerrado (savanna), and three sites were in continuous forest. Genetic variation did not appear to have been lost in the forest fragment populations of any species. However, for three antbirds (Thamnophilidae), patterns of haplotype distributions suggest fragmentation affected genetic structure in an unusual way. For these species, numerically dominant haplotypes in forest fragments did not occur in continuous forest, whereas predominant haplotypes in continuous forest are widespread (occurring in fragments and continuous forest). These results suggest that forest fragmentation on a local geographic scale can affect genetic differentiation even in birds, a group that is considered to disperse well. The two other taxa studied were a woodcreeper (Dendrocolaptidae) and a tyrant‐flycatcher (Tyrannidae). These two taxa did not show genetic effects of forest fragmentation, but they possessed notably different numbers of haplotypes per total individuals surveyed. The woodcreeper had few haplotypes (5 in 58 individuals), whereas the flycatcher had many (31 in 34 individuals). The numbers of haplotypes per individuals surveyed for the three antbirds were intermediate. Such variable levels of polymorphism can greatly influence analyses of genetic structure. At the regional geographic scale (across southwestern Amazonia), the flycatcher exhibited lower levels of differentiation than the other taxa. Levels of estimated sequence divergence within the other four taxa are similar to levels of differentiation between species from other avian studies, suggesting that genetic diversity is underestimated by current species‐level taxonomy in these birds.  相似文献   

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