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Total RNAs from the livers of rats treated with clofibrate and partially hydrogenated marine oil (PHMO) were translated in a reticulocyte-lysate cell-free protein-synthesizing system. In clofibrate-treated rats, mRNA activity for acyl-CoA oxidase (AO), the rate-limiting enzyme of the peroxisomal beta-oxidation system, was increased markedly compared with the control, whereas the increase was less than 2-fold in PHMO-treated rats. When rats were treated with both clofibrate and PHMO in vivo, an additional increase in the hepatic AO activity was observed compared with either treatment alone, suggesting that increases in the activities of peroxisomal beta-oxidation in the rats treated with clofibrate and PHMO are based on two distinct mechanisms.  相似文献   

Hepatic metabolism of long-chain fatty acids were studied in young male rats fed a semisynthetic diet containing 20% (w/w) partially hydrogenated fish oil (PHFO)2, with or without 2% (w/w) linoleic acid. The enzymic activities involved in the formation and breakdown of long-chain acyl-CoA were both increased in the animals fed the semisynthetic diet, compared to pellet-fed control animals. Thus, the specific palmitoyl-CoA synthetase activity increased slightly in both the mitochondrial (1.4-fold) and the microsomal (1.6-fold) fractions. In the peroxisome-enriched fraction the activity was increased (about 2.6-fold) only on addition of linoleic acid to the diet. The data are consistent with an increased catabolism of long-chain fatty acids by a peroxisomal and a mitochondrial pathway. Thus, the total carnitine palmitoyltransferase activity increased 2-fold in the mitochondrial fraction, and was partly prevented by added linoleic acid. Peroxisomal beta-oxidation activity was also increased (about 7-fold) in livers of PHFO-fed rats, but did not change when linoleic acid was added. The PHFO-fed rats also revealed elevated capacity for hydrolysis of palmitoyl-CoA in both the mitochondrial (2.4-fold) and the cytosolic (2.0-fold) fractions and the latter was almost completely and selectively prevented by added linoleic acid. The s values of mitochondria and peroxisomes varied with the dietary regime, and some of the observed changes in the specific activities of the fatty acid metabolizing enzymes with multiple subcellular localization can be explained as an effect of changes in the s values of the organelles. Thus, the s value of mitochondria increased 1.8-fold as a result of PHFO feeding, but was fully prevented by linoleic acid in the diet. On the other hand, the s values of peroxisomes decreased by about 50% on feeding a PHFO diet, and by about 25% with added linoleic acid.  相似文献   

Administration of clofibric acid, 2,2'-(decamethylenedithio)diethanol, di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate or perfluorooctanoic acid to male rates increased markedly microsomal 1-acylglycerophosphocholine (a-acyl-GPC) acyltransferase in a dose-dependent manner in liver. Simultaneous administration of actinomycin D or cycloheximide completely abolished the increase in the enzyme activity. The treatment of rats with clofibric acid did not affect the rate of decay of 1-acyl-GPC acyltransferase. Regardless of a great difference in the chemical structures of the peroxisome proliferators, high correlation was observed between the induced activities of microsomal 1-acyl-GPC acyltransferase and peroxisomal beta-oxidation. Stearoyl-CoA desaturase was induced by peroxisome proliferators in a dose-dependent manner; nevertheless, high correlation was not seen between the induced activities of desaturase and peroxisomal beta-oxidation. Hormonal (adrenalectomy, diabetes, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism) and nutritional (starvation, starvation-refeeding, fat-free diet feeding and high-fat diet feeding) alterations hardly affected the activity of 1-acyl-GPC acyltransferase. The present results indicate that microsomal 1-acyl-GPC acyltransferase is a useful parameter responsive to the challenges by peroxisome proliferators and suggest that a similar regulatory mechanism operates for the inductions of microsomal 1-acyl-GPC acyltransferase and peroxisomal beta-oxidation.  相似文献   

Feeding male rats a high cal% partially hydrogenated fish oil diet induced morphological and biochemical changes in hepatocytes at the mitochondrial and peroxisomal level. At the mitochondrial level, formation of megamitochondria was related to the development of an essential fatty acid deficiency, as measured by a high 20:3/20:4 fatty acid ratio. These mitochondrial changes were fully prevented by adding linoleic acid to the partially hydrogenated fish oil diet. The megamitochondria revealed a normal specific content of respiratory chain pigments, normal specific respiratory rates and a normal energy coupling. At the peroxisomal level, feeding of the partially hydrogenated fish oil diet caused a considerable proliferation, which was unrelated to essential fatty acid deficiency. The total number of peroxisomes increased 1.9-fold, and 2.6-fold in the presence of added linoleic acid. Essential fatty acid deficiency seemed to result in an inhibition of peroxisomal biogenesis. It was concluded that the induction of megamitochondria by partially hydrogenated fish oil was fully attributable to essential fatty acid deficiency, whereas peroxisomal proliferation must be attributed to other factors in the diet.  相似文献   

Liver peroxisomes were prepared by using a Percoll gradient in a vertical rotor. beta-Oxidation was measured in peroxisomes isolated from livers of rats fed on either high-(15% by wt.) or low- (5% by wt.) fat diets. The feeding of high-fat diets gave a 1.4-2.4-fold increase in total liver peroxisomal beta-oxidation, and a similar increase in specific activity. A 1.5-4.5-fold increase was seen in the specific activity of purified peroxisomal preparations. The reasons for these increases are discussed.  相似文献   

Induction of microsomal 1-acyl-glycerophosphocholine (GPC) acyltransferase in rat tissues by four peroxisome proliferators, clofibric acid, tiadenol, DEHP and PFOA, was examined. Among the nine tissues examined, kidney, liver and intestinal mucosa responded to the challenges by the peroxisome proliferators to induce the enzyme. The treatment of rats with various dose of clofibric acid, tiadenol, DEHP or PFOA resulted in an induction of kidney microsomal 1-acyl-GPC acyltransferase in a dose-dependent manner. Despite the structural dissimilarity of peroxisome proliferators, the induction of microsomal 1-acyl-GPC acyltransferase was highly correlated with the induction of peroxisomal beta-oxidation. The activity of microsomal 1-acyl-GPC acyltransferase was not affected by changes in hormonal (adrenalectomy, diabetes, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism) and nutritional (starvation, starvation-refeeding, fat-free-diet feeding and high-fat-diet feeding) states. The induction of renal microsomal 1-acyl-GPC acyltransferase was seen in mice subsequent to the administration of clofibric acid and tiadenol and in guinea pigs subsequent to the administration of tiadenol. These results may indicate that kidney microsomal 1-acyl-GPC acyltransferase is a highly specific parameter responsive to the challenges by peroxisome proliferators and may suggest that the possibility that the inductions by peroxisome proliferators of microsomal 1-acyl-GPC acyltransferase and peroxisomal beta-oxidation in kidney are co-regulated.  相似文献   

1. The effect on rat liver peroxisomal beta-oxidation of feeding diets containing various amounts of dietary oils was investigated. With increasing amounts (5-25%, w/w) of soya-bean oil an apparent, but not statistically significant, increase of 1.5-fold was found both in specific activity, and in total liver activity. Increasing amounts of partially hydrogenated marine oil revealed a sigmoidal dose-response-curve, giving a 4-6-fold increase in the peroxisomal beta-oxidation activity at 20% or more of this oil in the diet. 2. Addition of small amounts of soya-bean oil to the marine-oil diet had no effect on the peroxisomal beta-oxidation activity, but decreased the C20:3(5,8,11) fatty acid/C20:4(5,8,11,14) fatty acid ratio in liver phospholipids from 0.74 to 0.01. 3. Starvation for 2 days led to a 1.5-1.8-fold increase in the peroxisomal beta-oxidation activity in rats previously fed on a standard pelleted diet, but had no effect in rats given high-fat diets. 4. Feeding partially hydrogenated marine oil or partially hydrogenated rape-seed oil resulted in higher activities than the corresponding unhydrogenated oils. 5. No significant differences in the effect on peroxisomal beta-oxidation could be detected between diets containing rape-seed oils with 15 or 45% erucic acid respectively. 6. These findings are discussed in relation to the possible effects of C22:1 and trans fatty acids in the process leading to increased peroxisomal beta-oxidation activity in the liver.  相似文献   

The enzyme targets for chlorpromazine inhibition of rat liver peroxisomal and mitochondrial oxidations of fatty acids were studied. Effects of chlorpromazine on total fatty acyl-CoA synthetase activity, on both the first and the third steps of peroxisomal beta-oxidation, on the entry of fatty acyl-CoA esters into the peroxisome and on catalase activity, which allows breakdown of the H2O2 generated during the acyl-CoA oxidase step, were analysed. On all these metabolic processes, chlorpromazine was found to have no inhibitory action. Conversely, peroxisomal carnitine octanoyltransferase activity was depressed by 0.2-1 mM-chlorpromazine, which also inhibits mitochondrial carnitine palmitoyltransferase activity in all conditions in which these enzyme reactions are assayed. Different patterns of inhibition by the drug were, however, demonstrated for both these enzyme activities. Inhibitory effects of chlorpromazine on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase activity were also described. Inhibitions of both cytochrome c oxidase and carnitine palmitoyltransferase are proposed to explain the decreased mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation with 0.4-1.0 mM-chlorpromazine reported by Leighton, Persico & Necochea [(1984) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 120, 505-511], whereas depression by the drug of carnitine octanoyltransferase activity is presented as the factor responsible for the decreased peroxisomal beta-oxidizing activity described by the above workers.  相似文献   

In a study of the endocrine control of peroxisomes, the effects of acute glucagon treatment and fasting on hepatic peroxisomal beta-oxidation in rats have been investigated. The activity of the rate-limiting peroxisomal beta-oxidation enzyme, fatty acyl-CoA oxidase, was measured to determine whether activation of peroxisomal beta-oxidation could account for the increase in total hepatic fatty acid oxidation following acute glucagon exposure. Catalase, a peroxisomal enzyme not directly involved in beta-oxidation, was also measured as a control for total peroxisomal activity. No changes with acute glucagon treatment of intact animals were observed with either activity as measured in liver homogenates or partially purified peroxisomal fractions. These observations indicate the lack of acute control by glucagon of peroxisomal function at the level of total enzyme activity. Previous work on the effects of fasting on hepatic fatty acid beta-oxidation [H. Ishii, S. Horie, and T. Suga (1980) J. Biochem. 87, 1855-1858] suggested an enhanced role for the peroxisomal beta-oxidation pathway during starvation. It was found that the peroxisomal beta-oxidation system, as measured by fatty acyl-CoA oxidase activity, does increase with duration of fast when expressed on a per gram wet weight liver basis. However, when this activity is expressed as total liver capacity, a decline in activity with increasing duration of fast is observed. Furthermore, this decline in peroxisomal capacity parallels the decline in total liver capacity for citrate synthase, a mitochondrial matrix enzyme, and total liver protein. These data indicate that peroxisomal beta-oxidation activity is neither stimulated nor even preferentially spared from proteolysis during fasting.  相似文献   

The effect of a 0.25% clofibrate diet for 2 weeks on peroxisomal and mitochondrial beta-oxidation in chicken liver was studied. The activities of antimycin antimycin A-insensitive palmitoyl-CoA oxidation (peroxisomal beta-oxidation) and carnitine acetyltransferase increased about two-fold. The activities of palmitoyl-CoA-dependent O2 consumption (mitochondrial beta-oxidation) and carnitine palmitoyltransferase were also slightly activated by the administration of clofibrate, but not significant. Thus, clofibrate may be a typical drug which activates the peroxisomal beta-oxidation more than the mitochondrial one in various species. The effect of clofibrate on peroxisomal carnitine acetyltransferase was the same as that on the mitochondrial one in chicken liver. Serum lipids were not lowered, but hepatomegaly was observed in the present experiment with chicken.  相似文献   

The influence of 4 weeks treatment with fish oil and coconut oil enriched diets on the chemical composition of rat liver plasma membranes and LDL and on the binding of LDL to liver membranes was investigated. Rats fed fish oil diet showed a total, LDL and HDL plasma cholesterol concentration lower than the values observed in rats fed coconut oil and to a lesser extent lower than those of rats fed standard laboratory diet. LDL of rats on fish oil diet had a relative percentage of cholesterol and phospholipid lower, while that of triacylglycerol was greater. Furthermore, fish oil feeding was associated with a greater concentration of n - 3 fatty acids and a lower arachidonic and linoleic acid content in LDL. Liver plasma membranes isolated from fish oil rats showed a higher percentage of n - 3 fatty acids, while only a trace amount of these fatty acids was found in control and coconut oil fed animals. In binding experiments performed with LDL and liver membranes from fish oil fed rats and control rats, binding affinity (Kd = 3.47 +/- 0.93 and 4.56 +/- 1.27, respectively) was significantly higher (P less than 0.05) as compared to that found using membranes and lipoprotein from coconut oil fed rats (Kd = 6.82 +/- 2.69). In cross-binding experiments performed with fish oil LDL and coconut oil liver plasma membranes or coconut oil LDL and fish oil liver plasma membranes, the LDL binding affinity was comparable and similar to that found in fish oil fed animals. No difference was found in the Bmax among all the groups of binding experiments. Our data seem to indicate that during fish oil diet the higher binding affinity of LDL to liver plasma membranes might be partly responsible of the hypocholesterolemic action of marine oil rich diet as compared to saturated diet. Furthermore, the modifications of binding affinity induced by changes of LDL and membrane source, suggest that lipoprotein and liver plasma membrane composition may be an important variable in binding studies.  相似文献   

We have investigated the pathways involved in the peroxisomal oxidation of palmitate and lignocerate, measured as the cyanide-insensitive formation of acetyl units, in rat-liver homogenates. The peroxisomal beta-oxidation of both fatty acids is dependent on the presence of ATP, coenzyme A, NAD+ and Mg2+. However, there is a striking difference in the dependence of the rate of oxidation of the two substrates on the concentration of the individual cofactors, especially ATP. The peroxisomal beta-oxidation of lignocerate was inhibited to a progressively greater extent by increasing concentrations of palmitate and vice versa. Activation of lignoceric acid to lignoceroyl-CoA, however, was not inhibited by increasing concentrations of palmitate, and vice versa. It can be concluded that the peroxisomal palmitate and lignocerate beta-oxidation pathways differ in at least one enzymic reaction (the synthetase), but that the two pathways share at least one common step.  相似文献   

Inductions by perfluoro-octanoic acid (PFOA) of hepatomegaly, peroxisomal beta-oxidation, microsomal 1-acylglycerophosphocholine acyltransferase and cytosolic long-chain acyl-CoA hydrolase were compared in liver between male and female rats. Marked inductions of these four parameters were seen concurrently in liver of male rats, whereas the inductions in liver of female rats were far less pronounced. The sex-related difference in the response of rat liver to PFOA was much more marked than that seen with p-chlorophenoxyisobutyric acid (clofibric acid) or 2,2'-(decamethylenedithio)diethanol (tiadenol). Hormonal manipulations revealed that this sex-related difference in the inductions is strongly dependent on sex hormones, namely that testosterone is necessary for the inductions, whereas oestradiol prevented the inductions by PFOA.  相似文献   

The activities of peroxisomal and mitochondrial beta-oxidation and carnitine acyltransferases changed during the process of development from embryo to adult chicken, and the highest activities of peroxisomal beta-oxidation, palmitoyl-CoA oxidase, and carnitine acetyltransferase were found at the hatching stage of the embryo. The profiles of these alterations were in agreement with those of the contents of triglycerides and free fatty acids in the liver. The highest activities of mitochondrial beta-oxidation and palmitoyl-CoA dehydrogenase were observed at the earlier stages of the embryo; then the activities decreased gradually from embryo to adult chicken. The ratio of activities of carnitine acetyltransferase in peroxisomes and mitochondria (peroxisomes/mitochondria) increased from 0.54 to 0.82 during the development from embryo to adult chicken. The ratio of activities of carnitine palmitoyltransferase decreased from 0.82 to 0.25 during the development. The affinity of fatty acyl-CoA dehydrogenase toward the medium-chain acyl-CoAs (C6 and C8) was high in the embryo and decreased with development, whereas the substrate specificity of fatty acyl-CoA oxidase did not change. The substrate specificity of mitochondrial carnitine acyltransferases did not change with development. The affinity of peroxisomal carnitine acyltransferases toward the long-chain acyl-CoAs (C10 to C16) was high in the embryo, but low in adult chicken.  相似文献   

In this work the microsomal lauric acid omega-hydroxylation, fatty acid peroxisomal beta-oxidation, and the levels of cytochrome P-450 IVA1 were studied in liver tissue from starved rats. Starvation increased the peroxisomal beta-oxidation and the microsomal hydroxylation of fatty acids. The correlation between these activities would support the proposal that both processes are linked, contributing in part to catabolism of fatty acids in liver of starved rats.  相似文献   

The association of liver peroxisomal fatty acyl-CoA beta-oxidizing system (FAOS) with the synthesis of bile acids was investigated. When rats were given clofibrate, a peroxisome proliferator and stimulator of peroxisomal FAOS, the biosynthesis of bile acids was significantly increased. Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, another peroxisome proliferator, also increased the biosynthesis of bile acids. On the other hand, administration of orotate, an inhibitor of mitochondrial FAOS activity, did not affect the biosynthesis. It is known that fatty acyl-CoA oxidase [EC] in peroxisomal FAOS conjugates with catalase [EC]. When the catalase activity of liver peroxisomes was irreversibly inhibited by administration of 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole (amino-triazole), the biosynthesis of bile acids was suppressed to about one-third, and the serum cholesterol level was increased. However, the bile acid components of the bile obtained from aminotriazole-treated rats were not essentially different from those of control rats, and no accumulation of intermediates of bile acid synthesis was found in this experiment. Peroxisomal FAOS activity of the liver from amino-triazole-treated rats was considerably lower than that of control liver. The above results indicate that liver peroxisomes play a role in the biosynthesis of bile acids in vivo.  相似文献   

By using comparisons with a safflower oil diet (15% w/w) and a control, low-fat diet, the ability of a fish oil diet (15% MaxEPA) rich in the (n-3) fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, to alter hepatic activities has been determined in adult, male rats. Compared with the safflower diet, treatment for 2 weeks with the fish oil diet caused significant increases in the ratio of liver weight/body weight and the specific activities in liver homogenates of peroxisomal enzymes fatty acyl-CoA oxidase (263%) and catalase (149%) and caused a significant lowering of plasma triacylglycerol levels. Fish oil diets rich in (n-3) fatty acids should thus be placed in the category of hypotriglyceridemic agents which stimulate peroxisomal beta-oxidation activity. In contrast to the effects seen with the other hypotriglyceridemic, peroxisomal proliferating agents such as clofibrate, hepatic glutathione peroxidase and glutathione S-transferase activities are unchanged or are increased rather than inhibited with the fish oil diet.  相似文献   

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