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测定并分析了霍乱弧菌噬菌体VP2基因组序列,为VP2生物学特性和功能研究提供分子遗传学基础。为此构建了VP2DNA随机文库,鸟枪法(shot-gun)测定其全基因组序列。测序结果用软件Phrad-Prap拼接成最小重叠群(contig),引物步移法测定contigs问的缝隙(gap)序列,拼接后获得VP2全基因组序列。利用生物信息学技术分析’VP2基因组,最后对VP2和相关噬菌体做DNA聚合酶(DNA pol)基因的进化树分析。结果:VP2属短尾噬菌体科,基因组全长39853bp,为环状双链DNA,G C含量为50.56%,较高于霍乱弧菌测序菌株N16961基因组G C含量;VP2的基因组有碱基使用偏性;预测和注释了45个开放读码框(ORF),分析了DNA复制基因、衣壳蛋白和DNA包装基因、侵染相关基因。DNA pol进化树比较结果,VP2与链球菌噬菌体Cp-1和芽孢杆菌噬菌体GA-1分为一群。根据对VP2基因组序列的测定和分析预测了VP2的ORF,并分析了其中的功能基因,推测VP2在进化关系上属于噬菌体phi29样噬菌体。  相似文献   

测定和分析霍乱弧菌分型噬菌体VP3基因组序列,并为ElTor型霍乱弧菌两类菌株的分型方法原理提供研究基础。鸟枪法构建VP3噬菌体全基因组随机文库;测序拼接成最小重叠群,引物步移法填补缝隙序列,拼接后获得VP3全基因组序列。PCR随机扩增噬菌体DNA片段并酶切鉴定;预测可能存在的开放读码框(ORF);对VP3和相关噬菌体的DNA聚合酶基因作进化树分析,协助判定VP3的分类;对预测的部分启动子区利用报道基因进行活性分析。VP3全基因组为环状双链DNA,长度39504bp;酶切鉴定结果与序列一致。确定了49个ORF,注释了27个ORF的编码产物,其中有20个基因产物与T7样噬菌体同源,包括RNA聚合酶(RNAP)、参与DNA复制的蛋白、衣壳蛋白、尾管及尾丝蛋白、DNA包装蛋白等。DNA聚合酶(DNAP)进化树分析表明VP3与T7样噬菌体有同源性。将预测的10个启动子序列克隆到lacZ融合质粒pRS1274上,经检测均具有启动子活性。测定和分析VP3的基因组序列,基因组结构与进化树分析提示VP3属于T7噬菌体家族。  相似文献   

VP1为感染并裂解霍乱弧菌的噬菌体,全基因组为环状双链DNA。通过测定该基因组序列,预测出15个可能的启动子区,利用报告基因质粒转化及全噬菌体共感染的策略分析了这些推测启动子在霍乱弧菌中的活性,将预测的启动子区分别克隆到启动子探测lacZ融合质粒载体pRS1274,在转化于大肠埃希氏菌受体菌株JM109中时,所有克隆子均呈现兰斑。同时将质粒电击到缺失了lacZ基因的霍乱弧菌菌株7743△Z,然后用噬菌体VP1感染转化菌株。在转化成功的13个含预测启动子片段的重组质粒中,通过检测β_半乳糖苷酶活性表达随感染后时间的变化,提示P17为早期启动子,P2、P3、P9等为中期启动子,P18为晚期启动子。  相似文献   

霍乱弧菌分型噬菌体VP3蛋白的双向电泳分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:噬菌体-生物分型方案具有区分霍乱弧菌潜在致病力的作用,VP3是5个霍乱弧菌分型噬菌体之一。对VP3成熟颗粒的蛋白组成进行测定和分析,以补充基因组注释信息。方法:在全基因组测序及生物信息学分析的基础上,利用双向电泳技术及质谱鉴定,对纯化的成熟VP3噬菌体的结构蛋白进行分离及鉴定。结果:双向电泳分离得到近20个蛋白点,质谱鉴定出了其中的10个,对应于4个VP3蛋白和4个霍乱弧菌蛋白。结论:VP3结构蛋白的组成和T7具有很高的相似性。与噬菌体颗粒一起被纯化分离的宿主蛋白可能在VP3的转染过程中起作用。  相似文献   

不携带霍乱毒素基因的CTXΦ类前噬菌体基因组克隆与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
霍乱弧菌的霍乱毒素基因ctxAB由其溶原性噬菌体CTXΦ编码,由此携带毒素基因在产毒株与非产毒株间水平转移。从无ctxAB的El Tor型菌株中,发现不同时间、地点来源的部分菌株仍带有CTXΦ基因组的其它基因,在研究菌株染色体上呈双拷贝串联排列。克隆后测序发现基因组全长5708bp,其抑制基因rstR却与古典型菌株来源CTXΦ的相同,因此从E1 Tor菌株中发现整合有古典型来源的这类噬菌体。其它各基因与CTXΦ序列基本一致,但nctCTXΦ的zot基因末端及下游间隔区与CTXΦ的相差很大,进一步的序列测定与比较表明nctCTXΦ中无ctxAB应是其固有结构,而不是ctxAB丢失所形成的。将这种独特的前噬菌体命名为nctCTXclassΦ。研究菌株染色体上nctCTXΦ基因组上下游也各存在TLC因子和RTX毒力基因簇的同源序列,揭示它们与nctCTXΦ基因组有与CTXΦ相同的联系。从序列分析上认为nctCTXΦ与CTXΦ在遗传分化上有不同,可能是CTXΦ的前体形式,这对CTXΦ的来源、分化以及新病原产生的研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

噬菌体是地球上数量最丰富的有机体,其在自然生态系统的塑造和细菌进化驱动中发挥着至关重要的作用。在与宿主的相互斗争中,噬菌体可以选择以下2种方式决定其与宿主的命运:(1)裂解:通过裂解宿主细胞最终大量释放噬菌体颗粒;(2)溶源:将其染色体整合到宿主细胞基因组中,与宿主建立一种潜在的互存关系。对于一些温和的噬菌体,这种倾向进一步受到感染多样性的调节,其中单一感染主要是裂解性的,而多重感染则多是溶源性的。溶源性的噬菌体不仅可以根据外界环境的理化因子,还可以通过细菌自身的群体感应系统来启动裂解-溶源开关,进而决定其宿主菌的命运。与此同时,宿主细菌在与噬菌体长时间的斗争中也进化出了针对噬菌体的手段。总而言之,噬菌体深刻影响着细菌的群落动态、基因组进化和生态系统等,而这一切都取决于噬菌体与宿主间的斗争模式(裂解/溶源性感染)。本文探讨了导致温和噬菌体对宿主菌进行裂解-溶源命运抉择的影响因素并系统性总结了细菌在面对噬菌体侵染时的应对策略的最新研究进展,以期能为噬菌体与宿主的研究提供建议和帮助。  相似文献   

随着抗生素耐药问题的日益加重,使得致病菌的生物防治愈发困难,新型抗菌剂的研发迫在眉睫.使用噬菌体控制致病菌重新获得了极大关注.为获取具有防治沙门氏菌潜力的噬菌体,采用双层琼脂平板法从河水中分离出一株烈性噬菌体PSM6,在肠炎沙门氏菌的菌苔可形成直径约1.5 mm-2 mm的透亮均匀的噬菌斑;具有宽裂解谱,可裂解多种血清...  相似文献   

深圳赤潮中霍乱弧菌噬菌体的分离筛选及生物学特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以从鲍鱼肠道中分离出的霍乱弧菌SWBC-a为宿主菌,采用双层平板法从2004年夏季深圳大梅沙海域赤潮海水样品中分离得到10株噬菌体。通过对分离出的噬菌体效价、RTD值的测定、形态特征的观察及对属内外细菌的交叉裂解谱的研究,筛选出3株裂解谱较宽的强效噬菌体。选取其中2株高效裂解噬菌体PsaA和PsaH做生物学特性分析,证明除镁离子有利于噬菌体裂解外,温度、pH值、紫外照射、柠檬酸钠对噬菌体裂解都有不同程度的抑制。本研究结果为进一步利用噬菌体研发用于消除霍乱弧菌的微生态制剂和诊断食源性霍乱弧菌提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

为了克隆与分析霍乱弧菌O1E1Tor流行株与非流行株两类菌株基因组差异片段 ,采用抑制差减杂交技术 (suppressionsubtractivehybridization ,SSH)分别以国内保留的流行株Wujiang 2及非流行株Js 32一株作为被检菌 ,另一株作为参考菌进行基因组差异研究 .在进行的差减杂交实验中 ,流行株Wujiang 2共检出 34个特异差异片段 ,经同源检索共代表 35个基因片段 ,其中包括许多重要的霍乱弧菌毒力相关基因如CTX遗传单元、TLC因子及可移动外来成分如霍乱弧菌整合子RVC序列及Tn10转位酶 .非流行株Js 32共检出 14个特异差异片段 ,经同源检索未能检出同源片段 ,可能代表新基因序列 .研究表明 ,霍乱弧菌流行株与非流行株基因组存在较多差异基因 ,表现在毒力、毒力相关基因、代谢以及其它噬菌体等可转移的基因成分  相似文献   

目的:分离鉴定一株沙门菌的烈性噬菌体,观察其形态大小,完成全基因组测序,分析其基因组结构和进化关系,为治疗沙门菌感染提供新的策略和实验依据。方法:以沙门菌SAL95作为指示菌从医院废水中分离噬菌体,分离到的噬菌体经浓缩和纯化后采用透射电镜观察其形态大小,提取噬菌体的基因核酸并完成全基因组高通量测序,分析其全基因组的结构特征,通过比较基因组分析研究其进化关系。结果:从解放军307医院未经消毒处理的废水中分离到一株烈性沙门菌噬菌体。电镜观察显示,该噬菌体头部呈立体对称,有一不收缩的长尾。其基因组全长113 183 bp,比较基因组分析确定该噬菌体为一株新的沙门菌噬菌体,命名为IME-SAL1。结论:从医院废水中分离到一株烈性沙门菌噬菌体IME-SAL1,研究了该噬菌体的分类、基因组结构、进化关系,可为其实际应用提供参考。  相似文献   

The organization and distribution of the genes responsible for O antigen biosynthesis in various serogroups of Vibrio cholerae were investigated using several DNA probes derived from various regions of the genes responsible for O1 antigen biosynthesis. Based on the reactivity pattern of the probes against the various serogroups, the cluster of genes responsible for the O1 antigen biosynthesis could be broadly divided into six groups, designated as class 1-6. The class 3 cluster of genes corresponding to gmd to wbeO, wbeT and a part of wbeU was specific for only the O1 serogroup. The other cluster of genes (class 1, 2, 4-6) reacted with other serogroups of V. cholerae. These data indicate that serotype conversion in V. cholerae does not depend on a simple mutational event but may involve horizontal gene transfer not only between V. cholerae strains but also between V. cholerae and species other than V. cholerae.  相似文献   

Abstract Haemaglutinin/protease (HA/P) is one of the virulence factors of Vibrio cholerae O1 and pathogenic strains of V. cholerae non-O1. In this study, we examined protease activity of a new serogroup of Vibrio cholerae recently designated as O139 synonym Bengal. The protease activity was produced by all eight isolates of V. cholerae O139 from Bangladeshi patients. Purification and partial characterization of the protease from V. cholerae O139 demonstrated the purified protease (O139-P) was indistinguishable from that previously reported for HA/P of V. cholerae non-O1 (NAG-HA/P) and V. cholerae O1 (Vc-HA/P). These results prove that V. cholerae O139 produces a protease belonging to solHA/P, and suggest that the protease is another virulence factor found in newly emerged V. cholerae O139, as in V. cholerae O1.  相似文献   

霍乱弧菌是引起人和动物烈性肠道传染病霍乱的病原体。在霍乱弧菌的200多个血清群中,只有O1群和O139群霍乱弧菌能引起霍乱。快速准确检测O1群和O139群霍乱弧菌是霍乱防治的关键。表面抗原在O1群和O139群霍乱弧菌检测中发挥着重要作用。简要综述了O1群和O139群霍乱弧菌的脂多糖、霍乱肠毒素、外膜蛋白W、毒素共调菌毛和甘露糖敏感血凝素等5种主要抗原的研究进展。  相似文献   

In order to assess the extent of genomic diversity among Vibrio cholerae O139 strains, restriction fragment length polymorphisms in two genetic loci, rrn and ctx, were studied. Analysis of 144 strains isolated from different regions of Bangladesh and India between 1992 and 1998 revealed the presence of at least six distinct ribotypes (B-I through B-VI) of which three were new ribotypes, and one of these was represented by a nontoxigenic O139 strain. Strains of ribotypes B-I through B-V shared 11 different CTX genotypes (A through K). Antimicrobial resistance patterns of the strains varied independently of their ribotypes and CTX genotypes. Results of this study suggest that V. cholerae O139 is undergoing rapid genetic changes leading to the origination of new variants, and temporal changes in antimicrobial resistance patterns may be contributing to the selection of different variants.  相似文献   

A Vibrio cholerae O1 phage-typing scheme, developed in the USSR, has been used to type 120 strains of V. cholerae O1 isolated in Africa and Asia, and 56 non-O1 V. cholerae isolated in England and Wales from infections contracted abroad. 90.9% of V. cholerae O1 were typable. Phage type 13 predominated among African strains whereas types 11 and 15 were more common among strains from Asia. Only 14.3% of non-O1 V. cholerae reacted with the phages.  相似文献   

Purification and characterization of Vibrio cholerae O139 fimbriae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract A Vibrio cholerae O139 (strain Al-1841) isolated from a patient with a cholera-like disease in Bangladesh predominantly produced new curved, wavy fimbriae (Al-1841 fimbriae) and small numbers of previously reported V. cholerae non-O1 S7-like pili. The former was purified and characterized. The molecular mass of the Al-1841 fimbrial subunit was less than 2.5 kDa, and it was immunologically different from that of V. cholerae non-O1 S7 pili. This novel fimbrial antigen was detected in all 182 Gram-negative strains from five genera tested but was absent from the Gram-positive bacteria tested. The purified Al-1841 fimbriae did not agglutinate human or rabbit erythrocytes.  相似文献   

A cholera-like enterotoxin was purified from Vibrio cholerae O139 strain AI-1841 isolated from a diarrheal patient in Bangladesh. Its characteristics were compared with that of cholera toxins (CTs) of classical strain 569B and El Tor strain KT25. Al-1841 produced as much toxin as O1 strains. The toxins were indistinguishable in terms of their migration profiles in conventional polyacrylamide gel disc electrophoresis, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and isoelectrofocusing as well as their affinity for hydroxyapatite. The skin permeability factor activity and the fluid accumulation induced in rabbit ileal loops of the toxin of AI-1841 were identical to those of the CTs. Three toxins equally reacted against anti-569B CT antiserum in Western blotting, and their B subunits formed a precipitin line against any anti-B subunit antiserum by double gel immunodiffusion. Anti-569B CTB antibody neutralized the three toxins in their PF activities and enterotoxicities. The amino acid sequence of 1841 toxin B subunit was identical with that of KT25 CTB, corresponding to the DNA sequence of ctxB from El Tor strains of the seventh pandemic. We concluded 1841 toxin was identical to CT of the seventh pandemic El Tor vibrios.  相似文献   

Abstract The adhesive capabilities of eight Vibrio cholerae O139 epidemic strains to isolated rabbit intestinal epithelial cells (RIEC) were observed to be high similar to those observed with a Vibrio cholerae O1 strain isolated from patients. Toxin production by the strains, measured by accumulation of fluid in rabbit ileal loop model, was high and the toxin was lethal as the animal expired within 6 h. Culture filtrates of the strains exhibited the presence of vascular permeability factor which produce induration and necrosis in the adult rabbit and guinea pig skin. All the strains showed high to moderate haemagglutinin titres against chicken erythrocytes and produced El Tor-like haemolysin. SDS-PAGE of the outer membrane preparation of the strains showed the presence of major protein component at 38 kDa region. The lethality of the toxin, high adhesive activity, shifting of the major outer membrane protein band and production of thermolabile haemolysin on Wagatsuma agar were the major variations of these epidemic strains from V. cholerae O1 and V. cholerae non-O1 strains isolated previously.  相似文献   

O139霍乱弧菌LPS基因在大肠杆菌中的克隆和表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用粘粒载体pCOS5构建了国内分离的O139霍乱弧菌的基因组文库,并从文库中筛选获得可以表达O139霍乱弧菌脂多糖的重组克隆株E.coliJM109(pMG310)。重组粘粒pMG310经酶切分析,所克隆的外源DNA片段大小为37kb。实验证明:重组克隆株E.coliJM109(pMG310)所表达的脂多糖具有良好的免疫原性及反应原性。  相似文献   

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