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Nella famiglia delle Lauraceae è stata fino ad oggi riconosciuta la formazione di un vero periplasmodio nei due generi Sassafras e Cinnamomum. Il periodo e le modalità di sviluppo fanno riferire il primo al tipo che si osserva nelle Monocotiledoni, il secondo a quello delle Dicotiledoni. Nei due tipi alcune particolarità morfologiche permettono induzioni sul significato fisiologico del periplasmodio.  相似文献   

《Plant biosystems》2013,147(2-4):441-584

The A. mentions an exemplar of Cannabis indica of the Botanical Garden at Portici (Neaples), which has the habit of a pistilliferous plant but bears staminiferous flowers only.  相似文献   

Read at the First Congress of the International Society for Tropical Dermatology, Naples, June 8–13, 1964.  相似文献   


The use of life-forms in phytosociological classifications: an example with data from xerophilous pastures.—The classification power of life-forms connecting to phytosociological data processing for xerophilous pastures of Central Southern Apennine (ecological classification) is discussed. Saturejo montanae-Brometum erecti Avena, Blasi 1979 and Seslerio nitidae-Brometum Bruno 1968 are compared on the basis of their weighted life-forms spectra. The high correlation between classification obtained by floristic data and classifications by life-forms is stressed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Vorliegende Untersuchungen wurden nach demselben Programm durchgeführt wie die schon veröffentlichten über hyalinen Knorpel. Eine genaue Analyse der Struktur des Ohrknorpels und der Epiglottis bei einem großen menschlichen Materiale (81 bzw. 84 Individuen verschiedenen Alters) ließ uns beweisen, daß im Gegensatz zu den elastischen Fasern, die sich sehr frühzeitig während des fetalen Lebens differenzieren, und bei denen die territoriale Gliederung schon nach der Geburt wahrnehmbar ist und sich mit einem weit rascheren Rhythmus als bei dem hyalinen Knorpel vervollkomment, merkwürdigerweise die elastischen Knorpelelemente erst in späterem Alter eine hochkomplizierte Struktur erreichen, in dem Sinne, daß die elastischen Fasern während des ganzen Lebens an Zahl zunehmen und sich in dicke elastische Platten umwandeln. Gleichzeitig wurden kataplastische Erscheinungen beobachtet, die bei weitem nicht so erheblich sind wie bei dem hyalinen Knorpel. Zum ersten Male wurde von uns eine besondere Entartungsform (bei der Epiglottis) beobachtet, die manche Analogie mit der Asbestmetamorphose des hyalinen Knorpels hat. Es findet auch eine Zersplitterung der elastischen Fasern statt. Beim elastischen Knorpel, wie wir selbst bei hyalinem Knorpel beobachtet haben, schließen sich die kataplastischen Erscheinungen an die progressiven direkt an. Wir halten es für sehr wahrscheinlich, daß die Zunahme der elastischen Substanz dazu bestimmt ist, die Verminderung der elastischen Fähigkeit des elastischen Knorpels, welche wieder mit den auftretenden kataplastischen Erscheinungen zusammenhängt, zu ersetzen.  相似文献   


«Pinus mugo» Turra and «Pinus uncinata» Miller in Piedmont. Critical notes and distribution. — The Authors have carried on a research on the distribution of Pinus mugo Turra (sensu Fl. Eur.) and Pinus uncinata Miller in all Piedmont Alpes and, having observed the extreme variability of the characters which are employed in the keys of determination to differentiate these two species, they suggest other and more constant characters. These are:

Table  相似文献   


The author describes the vegetation and phenology of a Quercus Ilex wood in the Comprensorio dell'Arneo, betwen Taranto and Gallipoli along the eastern shore of the Ionian Sea (Golfo di Taranto). The wood consists partly of a degraded bushy vegetation.

The wood was visited eleven times during the year and each time species found flowering were noted (Table at pp 296–301): the greatest number of them, many being therothytes, was found on April 21rst (fig. 2) with about a month's delay in comparison with Palestine (Gindel). In May there is a considerable i decrease in number of species flowering. In summer and winter, because of drought and low temperature very few species, mostly geophytes, were found flowering, and only slightly but markedly more in Autum.  相似文献   


Embryo suspensor in Cruciferae. I. Morphology and structure. — Embryo suspensors in seven species of Cruciferae (Alyssum argenteum All., Brassica nigra (L.) Koch, Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medicus, Diplotaxis erucoides (L.) DC., Eruca sativa Miller, Lepidium graminifolium L., Matthiola tricuspidata (L.) R. Br.) were morphologically investigated. These species have significant differences in their seeds, so that probable differences could be found in the structure of their ovules and therefore of their suspensors. Results indicate that it is impossible to generalize on the suspensor morphology and structure even in the same family. In Eruca sativa and Brassica nigra polyploidy and polyteny were found, suggesting a probably important metabolic function of their suspensors. In the other species polyteny was not present; a various degree of polyploidy could probably be assumed, suggesting a less active function of suspensors, maybe absorption and transport of nutritive material from the integuments to the developing embryo. The development of the endosperm is almost the same in all species, so that seems to be improbable a negative correlation with the suspensor and endosperm function in the early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

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