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Activation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway is a key factor in the regulation of cell proliferation by growth factors. Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)-induced cell cycle arrest in the human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HepG2 requires strong activation of the ERK pathway. In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanism of the activation. We constructed a chimeric receptor composed of the extracellular domain of the NGF receptor and the cytoplasmic domain of the HGF receptor (c-Met) and introduced a point mutation (N1358H) into the chimeric receptor, which specifically abrogates the direct binding of Grb2 to c-Met. The mutant chimeric receptor failed to mediate the strong activation of ERK, up-regulation of the expression of a Cdk inhibitor p16(INK4a) and inhibition of HepG2 cell proliferation by ligand stimulation. Moreover, the mutant receptor did not induce tyrosine phosphorylation of the docking protein Gab1. Knockdown of Gab1 using siRNA suppressed the HGF-induced strong activation of ERK and inhibition of HepG2 cell proliferation. These results suggest that coupling of Grb2 to Gab1 mediates the HGF-induced strong activation of the ERK pathway, which is required for the inhibition of HepG2 cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) induces growth stimulation of a variety of cell types, but it also induces growth inhibition of several types of tumor cell lines. The molecular mechanism of the HGF-induced growth inhibition of tumor cells remains obscure. We have investigated the intracellular signaling pathway involved in the antiproliferative effect of HGF on the human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HepG2. HGF induced strong activation of ERK in HepG2 cells. Although the serum-dependent proliferation of HepG2 cells was inhibited by the MEK inhibitor PD98059 in a dose-dependent manner, 10 microM PD98059 reduced the HGF-induced strong activation of ERK to a weak activation; and as a result, the proliferation inhibited by HGF was completely restored. Above or below this specific concentration, the restoration was incomplete. Expression of constitutively activated Ha-Ras, which induces strong activation of ERK, led to the proliferation inhibition of HepG2 cells, as was observed in HGF-treated HepG2 cells. This inhibition was suppressed by the MEK inhibitor. Furthermore, HGF treatment and expression of constitutively activated Ha-Ras changed the hyperphosphorylated form of the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor gene product pRb to the hypophosphorylated form. This change was inhibited by the same concentration of MEK inhibitor needed to suppress the proliferation inhibition. These results suggest that ERK activity is required for both the stimulation and inhibition of proliferation of HepG2 cells; that the level of ERK activity determines the opposing proliferation responses; and that HGF-induced proliferation inhibition is caused by cell cycle arrest, which results from pRb being maintained in its active hypophosphorylated form via a high-intensity ERK signal in HepG2 cells.  相似文献   

We conducted a study concerning the suppressive mechanism of KAI1/CD82 on hepatoma cell metastasis. Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) induces the migration of hepatoma cells through activation of cellular sphingosine kinase 1 (SphK1). Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer of KAI1 (Ad-KAI1) downregulates the SphK1 expression and suppresses the HGF-induced migration of SMMC-7721 human hepatocellcular carcinoma cells. Overexpression of KAI1/CD82 significantly elevates Sprouty2 at the protein level. Ablation of Sprouty2 with RNA interference can block the KAI1/CD82-induced suppression of hepatoma cell migration and downregulation of SphK1 expression. It is demonstrated that KAI1/CD82 suppresses HGF-induced migration of hepatoma cells via upregulation of Sprouty2.  相似文献   

Strong activation of the ERK signal is required for hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) to inhibit proliferation of the human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HepG2. However, it is still to be elucidated whether the activation alone is sufficient to induce the inhibitory effect. In this study, we constructed HepG2 cell clones expressing a high level of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), and examined the effect of the strong activation of ERK on the proliferation of the cell clones. EGF treatment of the cell clones induced strong activation of ERK similar to HGF treatment, but did not inhibit cell proliferation. HGF treatment of the cell clones up-regulated the expression of a Cdk inhibitor p16(INK4a), which has previously been shown to be required to inhibit the proliferation of HepG2 cells, but EGF treatment did not. Furthermore, EGF treatment of the cell clones did not induce the up-regulation of another Cdk inhibitor p21(CIP1), whereas HGF treatment did. Knockdown of p21 by siRNA restored the proliferation of HepG2 cells inhibited by HGF, and restored Cdk2 activity suppressed in HGF-treated HepG2 cells. These results suggest that strong activation of ERK alone is not sufficient, and some other pathway(s), which is activated through the HGF receptor but not through EGFR, is also required to induce the up-regulation of p16 and p21 expression, and also suggest that in addition to the up-regulated expression of p16, that of p21 contributes to the suppression of Cdk2 activity leading to the inhibition of proliferation of HGF-treated HepG2 cells.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF) and its receptor tyrosine kinase Met are key regulators of epithelial motility and morphogenesis. Recent studies indicate that the HGF/Met pathway also plays a role in B cell differentiation, whereas uncontrolled Met signaling may lead to B cell neoplasia. These observations prompted us to explore HGF/Met signaling in B cells. In this study, we demonstrate that HGF induces strong tyrosine phosphorylation of the proto-oncogene product c-Cbl in B cells and increases Cbl association with the Src family tyrosine kinases Fyn and Lyn, as well as with phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase and CrkL. In addition, we demonstrate that c-Cbl mediates HGF-induced ubiquitination of Met. This requires the juxtamembrane tyrosine Y1001 (Y2) of Met, but not the multifunctional docking site (Y14/15) or any additional C-terminal tyrosine residues (Y13-16). In contrast to wild-type c-Cbl, the transforming mutants v-Cbl and 70Z/3 Cbl, which lack the ubiquitin ligase RING finger domain, suppress Met ubiquitination. Our findings identify c-Cbl as a negative regulator of HGF/Met signaling in B cells, mediating ubiquitination and, consequently, proteosomal degradation of Met, and suggest a role for Cbl in Met-mediated tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

目的:阐明鞘氨醇激酶(SPK)在肝细胞生长因子(HGF)诱导的内皮细胞迁移中的调节作用。方法:构建携带野生型SPK(SPK^WT)及负显性SPK(SPKDN)基因的重组腺病毒载体并包装获得重组腺病毒;用重组腺病毒感染ECV304细胞,检测感染效率及目的基因的表达;以^32P标记产物S1P测定细胞内SPK酶活性;用扩散盒技术观察高表达SPK^WT及SPK^ND对HGF诱导的内皮细胞迁移的影响。结果:野生型SPK基因表达可明显增强细胞内SPK的活性,并促进HGF诱导的内皮细胞迁移;而SPK负显性基因则显著抑制HGF诱导的内皮细胞迁移。结论:HGF通过SPK调控内皮细胞的迁移。  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) has multiple biological effects such as participating in inflammation, apoptosis, and cell proliferation, but the mechanisms of its effects on epithelial cell proliferation have not been examined in detail. At the early stages of liver regeneration, TNF functions as a priming agent for hepatocyte replication and increases the sensitivity of hepatocytes to growth factors such as transforming growth factor alpha (TGFalpha); however, the mechanisms by which TNF interacts with growth factors and enhances hepatocyte replication are not known. Using the AML-12 hepatocyte cell line, we show that TNF stimulates proliferation of these cells through transactivation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). The transactivation mechanism involves the release of TGFalpha into the medium through activation of the metalloproteinase TNFalpha-converting enzyme (also known as ADAM 17). Binding of the ligand to EGFR initiates a mitogenic cascade through extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 and the partial involvement of protein kinase B. TNF-induced release of TGFalpha and activation of EGFR signaling were inhibited by TNFalpha protease inhibitor-1, an agent that interferes with TNFalpha-converting enzyme activity. We suggest that TNF-induced transactivation of EGFR may provide an early signal for the entry of hepatocytes into the cell cycle and may integrate proliferative and survival pathways at the start of liver regeneration.  相似文献   

Diacylglycerol kinases (Dgk) phosphorylate diacylglycerol (DG) to phosphatidic acid (PA), thus turning off and on, respectively, DG-mediated and PA-mediated signaling pathways. We previously showed that hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), vascular endothelial growth factor, and anaplastic lymphoma kinase activate Dgkalpha in endothelial and leukemia cells through a Src-mediated mechanism and that activation of Dgkalpha is required for chemotactic, proliferative, and angiogenic signaling in vitro. Here, we investigate the downstream events and signaling pathways regulated by Dgkalpha, leading to cell scatter and migration upon HGF treatment and v-Src expression in epithelial cells. We report that specific inhibition of Dgkalpha, obtained either pharmacologically by R59949 treatment, or by expression of Dgkalpha dominant-negative mutant, or by small interfering RNA-mediated down-regulation of endogenous Dgkalpha, impairs 1) HGF- and v-Src-induced cell scatter and migration, without affecting the loss of intercellular adhesions; 2) HGF-induced cell spreading, lamellipodia formation, membrane ruffling, and focal adhesions remodeling; and 3) HGF-induced Rac activation and membrane targeting. In summary, we provide evidence that Dgkalpha, activated downstream of tyrosine kinase receptors and Src, regulates crucial steps directing Rac activation and Rac-dependent remodeling of actin cytoskeleton and focal contacts in migrating epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is known to have a number of biological properties including promoting tumor progression of human carcinomas. Metastasis involves a number of events that are attributed to induction by paracrine factors such as HGF. Identification of natural inhibitors of these events would allow better control of tumor progression. Recently we demonstrated that interleukin 4 (IL-4) can regulate proliferation of various human carcinoma cell lines. In the present study, we used established human colon carcinoma cell lines and primary colon carcinoma cell cultures to determine if IL-4 could regulate HGF-induced cell proliferation and other events of tumor progression such as MMP (matrix metalloproteinases)-1, -2, and -9 production, cell migration and cell-matrix invasive activity. All colon carcinoma cell lines expressed HGF and IL-4 receptors. IL-4 significantly inhibited HGF-induced proliferation of one cell line. Cell-matrix invasion was significantly enhanced by HGF (0.1–10 ng/ml); IL-4 (1–10 U/ml) significantly inhibited HGF-induced invasion in a dose-dependent manner. IL-4 also inhibited HGF-induced cell-matrix invasion of metastatic colon carcinoma cells and HGF-induced cell migration. HGF enhanced MMP-1, -2, and -9 production by cell lines. This effect could be inhibited by IL-4. These findings indicate that IL-4 is a potent inhibitor of HGF-induced invasion and metastasis-related functions of human colon carcinoma cells. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling pathway(s) is activated by a variety of agonists to regulate cell migration. Here, we show that the stimulation of mouse embryonic fibroblasts with platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) induces migration in a PI3K-dependent manner. Cells lacking Akt1/PKBalpha exhibit impaired migration and peripheral ruffling in response to PDGF stimulation, whereas cells lacking Akt2/PKBbeta are normal. In addition, over-expression of Akt1/PKBalpha but not Akt2/PKBbeta is sufficient to restore PDGF-induced cell migration in an Akt1/PKBalpha and Akt2/PKBbeta deficient background. In response to PDGF stimulation, Akt1/PKBalpha selectively translocates to membrane ruffles, however, this localization is abrogated by substituting the linker region of Akt2/PKBbeta. Similarly, expression of an Akt2/PKBalpha chimera containing the linker region of Akt1/PKBalpha restored PDGF-induced migration in cells lacking both Akt1/PKBalpha and Akt2/PKBbeta. Finally, over-expression of constitutively active Rac rescues PDGF-induced migration defects in cells lacking Akt1/PKBalpha. Given these results, we suggest that Akt1/PKBalpha controls cell migration by selectively translocating to the leading edge and activating Rac.  相似文献   

Diacylglycerol kinases are involved in cell signaling, either as regulators of diacylglycerol levels or as intracellular signal-generating enzymes. However, neither their role in signal transduction nor their biochemical regulation has been elucidated. Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), upon binding to its tyrosine kinase receptor, activates multiple signaling pathways stimulating cell motility, scattering, proliferation and branching morphogenesis. Herein we demonstrate that: (i) the enzymatic activity of alpha-diacylglycerol kinase (alphaDgk) is stimulated by HGF in epithelial, endothelial and alphaDgk-transfected COS cells; (ii) cellular expression of an alphaDgk kinase-defective mutant inhibits activation of endogenous alphaDgk acting as dominant negative; (iii) specific inhibition of alphaDgk prevents HGF-induced cell movement of endothelial cells; (iv) HGF induces the association of alphaDgk in a complex with Src, whose tyrosine kinase activity is required for alphaDgk activation by HGF; (v) Src wild type stimulates alphaDgk activity in vitro; and (vi) alphaDgk can be tyrosine phosphorylated in intact cells.  相似文献   

Duan HF  Qu CK  Zhang QW  Yu WM  Wang H  Wu CT  Wang LS 《Cellular signalling》2006,18(11):2049-2055
Shp-2, a ubiquitously expressed protein tyrosine phosphatase containing two Src homology 2 domains, plays an important role in integrating signaling from the cell surface receptors to intracellular signaling mechanisms. Previous studies have demonstrated that the Shp-2 is involved in hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)-induced cell scattering. Here we report that Shp-2 is required for the HGF-induced activation of sphingosine kinase-1 (SPK1), a highly conserved lipid kinase that plays an important role in cell migration. Loss-of-function mutation of Shp-2 did not affect the expression of SPK1, but resulted in its inactivation and the blockage of HGF-induced migration in embryonic fibroblasts. Reintroduction of functional wild type (WT) Shp-2 into the mutant cells partially restored SPK1 activation, and overexpression of SPK1 in these mutant cells enhanced HGF-induced cell migration. Inhibition of expression or activity of SPK1 in WT cells markedly decreased intracellular S1P levels and HGF-induced cell migration. Furthermore, we found that Shp-2 co-immunoprecipitated with SPK1 and c-Met in embryonic fibroblasts. These studies suggest that Shp-2 is an SPK1-interacting protein and that it plays an indispensable role in HGF-induced SPK1 activation.  相似文献   

The dependence of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) induction on endogenous basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) activity during endothelial cell migration was investigated utilizing a combination of wounded endothelial cell monolayers and substrate overlay techniques. Purified polyclonal rabbit immunoglobulin G (IgG) against bFGF blocked the appearance of uPA-dependent lytic activity normally observed at the edge of a wounded bovine aortic endothelial (BAE) cell monolayer. Additionally, the migration of cells into the denuded area was inhibited 30-50% by antibodies either to bFGF or to bovine uPA. Incubation of wounded monolayers with either purified bovine uPA or agents able to induce PA activity, such as phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), vanadate, or bFGF, resulted in enhanced migration of cells (28-50%). Anti-bovine uPA IgG blocked a significant fraction (25%) of BAE cell migration induced by exposure to exogenous bFGF. The role of uPA in migration of wounded BAE cells was not dependent on plasmin generation. Furthermore, the amino terminal fragment (ATF) of human recombinant (hr) uPA, which is enzymatically inactive, stimulated endothelial cell movement in the presence of anti-bFGF IgG. These results suggest that BAE cell migration from the edge of a wounded monolayer is dependent upon local increases of uPA mediated by endogenous bFGF. Moreover, the data support the conclusion that migration is stimulated via a signalling mechanism dependent upon occupancy of the uPA receptor but independent of uPA-mediated proteolysis.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a subtype of malignant liver cancer with poor prognosis and limited treatment options. It is noteworthy that mechanical forces in tumor microenvironment play a pivotal role in mediating the behaviors and functions of tumor cells. As an instrumental type of mechanical forces in vivo, fluid shear stress (FSS) has been reported having potent physiologic and pathologic effects on cancer progression. However, the time-dependent mechanochemical transduction in HCC induced by FSS remains unclear. In this study, hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells were exposed to 1.4 dyn/cm2 FSS for transient duration (15s and 30s), short duration (5 min, 15 min and 30 min) and long duration (1h, 2h and 4h), respectively. The expression and translocation of Integrins induced FAK-Rho GTPases signaling events were examined. Our results showed that FSS endowed HepG2 cells with higher migration ability via reorganizing cellular F-actin and disrupting intercellular tight junctions. We further demonstrated that FSS regulated the expression and translocation of Integrins and their downstream signaling cascade in time-dependent patterns. The FSS downregulated focal adhesion components (Paxillin, Vinculin and Talin) while upregulated the expression of Rho GTPases (Cdc42, Rac1 and RhoA) in long durations. These results indicated that FSS enhanced tumor cell migration through Integrins-FAK-Rho GTPases signaling pathway in time-dependent manners. Our in vitro findings shed new light on the role of FSS acting in physiologic and pathological processes during tumor progression, which has emerged as a promising clinical strategy for liver carcinoma.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) are known to stimulate the locomotion of epithelial cells in culture. However, the molecular mechanisms which mediate these important changes are poorly understood. Here we have determined the effects of HGF and EGF on hepatocyte morphology, cytoskeletal organization, and the expression of molecular motor-encoding genes. Primary cultures of hepatocytes were treated with 10 ng/ml of HGF or EGF and observed with phase and fluorescence microscopy at 10, 24, and 48 h after treatment. We found that, over time, treated cells spread and became elongated after 24 h of treatment while forming long processes with dramatic alterations in the microtubule and actin cytoskeletons by 48 h. Quantitative Northern blot analysis was performed to measure expression of cytoskeletal-(β-actin, α-tubulin) and molecular motor-(dynein, kinesin, and myosin Iα and II) encoding genes which may contribute to this change in form. We observed the highest increase in levels of expression for myosin II (3.3-fold), kinesin (2.7-fold), myosin Iα (2.2- fold), and α-tubulin (1.9-fold) after only 2 h of treatment with HGF. In contrast, EGF upregulated the expression of myosin Iα (2.4-fold), kinesin (1.5-fold), and dynein (1.5-fold) at 10 h. The expression of the β-actin gene remained constant in HGF-treated cells, while EGF induced a slight upregulation after 10 h of treatment. These results show for the first time that a selective upregulation of molecular motor-encoding genes correlates with alterations in cell shape and motility induced by HGF and EGF. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle can regenerate repeatedly due to the presence of resident stem cells, called satellite cells. Because satellite cells are usually quiescent, they must be activated before participating in muscle regeneration in response to stimuli such as injury, overloading, and stretch. Although satellite cell activation is a crucial step in muscle regeneration, little is known of the molecular mechanisms controlling this process. Recent work showed that the bioactive lipid sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) plays crucial roles in the activation, proliferation, and differentiation of muscle satellite cells. We investigated the role of growth factors in S1P-mediated satellite cell activation. We found that epidermal growth factor (EGF) in combination with insulin induced proliferation of quiescent undifferentiated mouse myoblast C2C12 cells, which are also known as reserve cells, in serum-free conditions. Sphingosine kinase activity increased when reserve cells were stimulated with EGF. Treatment of reserve cells with the D-erythro-N,N-dimethylsphingosine, Sphingosine Kinase Inhibitor, or siRNA duplexes specific for sphingosine kinase 1, suppressed EGF-induced C2C12 activation. We also present the evidence showing the S1P receptor S1P2 is involved in EGF-induced reserve cell activation. Moreover, we demonstrated a combination of insulin and EGF promoted activation of satellite cells on single myofibers in a manner dependent on SPHK and S1P2. Taken together, our observations show that EGF-induced satellite cell activation is mediated by S1P and its receptor.  相似文献   

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