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K-selective voltage-gated channels (Kv) are multi-conformation bilayer-embedded proteins whose mechanosensitive (MS) Popen(V) implies that at least one conformational transition requires the restructuring of the channel-bilayer interface. Unlike Morris and colleagues, who attributed MS-Kv responses to a cooperative V-dependent closed-closed expansion↔compaction transition near the open state, Mackinnon and colleagues invoke expansion during a V-independent closed↔open transition. With increasing membrane tension, they suggest, the closed↔open equilibrium constant, L, can increase >100-fold, thereby taking steady-state Popen from 0→1; “exquisite sensitivity to small…mechanical perturbations”, they state, makes a Kv “as much a mechanosensitive…as…a voltage-dependent channel”. Devised to explain successive gK(V) curves in excised patches where tension spontaneously increased until lysis, their L-based model falters in part because of an overlooked IK feature; with recovery from slow inactivation factored in, their g(V) datasets are fully explained by the earlier model (a MS V-dependent closed-closed transition, invariant L≥4). An L-based MS-Kv predicts neither known Kv time courses nor the distinctive MS responses of Kv-ILT. It predicts Kv densities (hence gating charge per V-sensor) several-fold different from established values. If opening depended on elevated tension (L-based model), standard gK(V) operation would be compromised by animal cells’ membrane flaccidity. A MS V-dependent transition is, by contrast, unproblematic on all counts. Since these issues bear directly on recent findings that mechanically-modulated Kv channels subtly tune pain-related excitability in peripheral mechanoreceptor neurons we undertook excitability modeling (evoked action potentials). Kvs with MS V-dependent closed-closed transitions produce nuanced mechanically-modulated excitability whereas an L-based MS-Kv yields extreme, possibly excessive (physiologically-speaking) inhibition.  相似文献   

The role of glycosylation on voltage-dependent channel gating for the cloned human cardiac sodium channel (hH1a) and the adult rat skeletal muscle isoform (μl) was investigated in HEK293 cells transiently transfected with either hH1a or μl cDNA. The contribution of sugar residues to channel gating was examined in transfected cells pretreated with various glycosidase and enzyme inhibitors to deglycosylate channel proteins. Pretreating transfected cells with enzyme inhibitors castanospermine and swainsonine, or exo-glycosidase neuroaminidase caused 7 to 9 mV depolarizing shifts of V 1/2 for steady-state activation of hH1a, while deglycosylation with corresponding drugs elicited about the same amount of depolarizing shifts (8 to 9 mV) of V 1/2 for steady-state activation of μl. Elevated concentrations of extracellular Mg2+ significantly masked the castanospermine-elicited depolarizing shifts of V 1/2 for steady-state activation in both transfected hH1a and μl. For steady-state activation, deglycosylation induced depolarizing shifts of V 1/2 for hH1a (10.6 to 12 mV), but hyperpolarizing shifts for μl (3.6 to 4.4 mV). Pretreatment with neuraminidase had no significant effects on single-channel conductance, the mean open time, and the open probability. These data suggest that glycosylation differentially regulates Na channel function in heart and skeletal muscle myocytes. Received: 8 April 1999/Revised: 18 June 1999  相似文献   

Kv4 potassium channels undergo rapid inactivation but do not seem to exhibit the classical N-type and C-type mechanisms present in other Kv channels. We have previously hypothesized that Kv4 channels preferentially inactivate from the preopen closed state, which involves regions of the channel that contribute to the internal vestibule of the pore. To further test this hypothesis, we have examined the effects of permeant ions on gating of three Kv4 channels (Kv4.1, Kv4.2, and Kv4.3) expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Rb+ is an excellent tool for this purpose because its prolonged residency time in the pore delays K+ channel closing. The data showed that, only when Rb+ carried the current, both channel closing and the development of macroscopic inactivation are slowed (1.5- to 4-fold, relative to the K+ current). Furthermore, macroscopic Rb+ currents were larger than K+ currents (1.2- to 3-fold) as the result of a more stable open state, which increases the maximum open probability. These results demonstrate that pore occupancy can influence inactivation gating in a manner that depends on how channel closing impacts inactivation from the preopen closed state. By examining possible changes in ionic selectivity and the influence of elevating the external K+ concentration, additional experiments did not support the presence of C-type inactivation in Kv4 channels.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent calcium channels couple electrical signals to cellular responses in excitable cells. Calcium channels are crucial for excitation–secretion coupling in neurons and endocrine cells, and excitation–contraction coupling in muscle. Several pharmacologically and kinetically distinct calcium channel types have been identified at the electrophysiological and molecular levels. This review summarizes the basic properties of voltage-dependent calcium channels, including mechanisms of ion permeation and block, gating kinetics, and modulation by G proteins and second messengers.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning of calcium channel subunit genes has identified an unexpectedly large number of genes and splicing variants, and a central problem of calcium channel biology is to now understand the functional significance of this genetic complexity. While electrophyisological, pharmacological, and molecular cloning techniques are providing one level of understanding, a complete understanding will require many additional kinds of studies, including genetic studies done in intact animals. In this regard, an intriguing variety of episodic diseases have recently been identified that result from defects in calcium channel genes. A study of these diseases illustrates the kind of insights into calcium channel function that can be expected from this method of inquiry.  相似文献   

The molecular cloning of calcium channel subunits has identified an unexpectedly large number of genes and splicing variants, many of whichhave complex expression patterns: a central problem of calcium channel biology is to understand the functional significance of this genetic complexity. The genetic analysis of voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCCs) provides an approach to defining channel function that is complimentary to pharmacological, electrophysiological, and other molecular methods. By discovering or creating alleles of VDCC genes, one can gain an understanding of the VDCC function at the whole animal level. Of particular interest are mutations in the alpha1 genes that encode the pore forming subunits, as they define the specific channel subtypes. In fact, a variety of calcium channelopathies and targeted mutations have been described for these genes in the last 6 years. The mutant alleles described below illustrate how phenotype analysis of these alleles has uncovered very specific functional roles that can be localized to specific synapses or cells.  相似文献   

The recently determined crystal structure of a chimeric Kv1.2-Kv2.1 Kv channel at 2.4 Å resolution motivated this molecular-dynamics simulation study of the chimeric channel and its mutants embedded in a DPPC membrane. For the channel protein, we used two types of C-terminus: E+ and Eo. E+ contains, and Eo lacks, the EGEE residue quartet located distal to the S6 helix. For both E+ and Eo, the following trend was observed: When S4 helices were restrained at the same position as in the x-ray structure (S4high), the S6 gate remained open for 12 ns. The results were similar when the S4 helices were pulled downward 7 Å (S4low). However, S4middle (or S4low) facilitated the S6 gate-narrowing for the following mutated channels (shown in order of increasing effect): 1), E395W; 2), E395W-F401A-F402A; and 3), E395W-F401A-F402A-V478W. The amino acid numbering system is that used for the Shaker channel. Even though all four subunits were set at S4low, S6 gate-narrowing was often brought about by movements of only two opposing S6 helices toward the central axis of the pore, resulting in a twofold symmetry-like structure. A free-energy profile analysis over the ion conduction pathway shows that the two opposing S6 helices whose peptide backbones are ∼10.4 Å distant from each other lead to an energetic barrier of ∼25 kJ/mol. S6 movement was coupled with translocation of the S4-S5 linker toward the central axis of the same subunit, and the coupling was mediated by salt bridges formed between the inner (intracellular side) end of S4 and that of S6. Simulations in which S4 of only one subunit was pulled down to S4low showed that a weak intersubunit coordination is present for S5 movement, whereas the coupling between the S4-S5 linker and S6 is largely an intrasubunit one. In general, whereas subunit-based behavior appears to be dominant and to permit heteromeric conformations of the pore domain, direct intersubunit coupling of S5 or S6 is weak. Therefore, the “concerted transition” of the pore domain that has been predicted based on electrophysiological analyses is likely to be mediated mainly by the dual effects of S4 and the S4-S5 linker; these segments of one subunit can interact with both S5 of the same subunit and that of the adjacent subunit.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent H+ (Hv) channels mediate proton conduction into and out of cells under the control of membrane voltage. Hv channels are unusual compared to voltage-dependent K+, Na+, and Ca2+ channels in that Hv channel genes encode a voltage sensor domain (VSD) without a pore domain. The H+ currents observed when Hv channels are expressed heterologously suggest that the VSD itself provides the pathway for proton conduction. In order to exclude the possibility that the Hv channel VSD assembles with an as yet unknown protein in the cell membrane as a requirement for H+ conduction, we have purified Hv channels to homogeneity and reconstituted them into synthetic lipid liposomes. The Hv channel VSD by itself supports H+ flux.  相似文献   

N-type Inactivation Features of Kv4.2 Channel Gating   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
We examined whether the N-terminus of Kv4.2 A-type channels (4.2NT) possesses an autoinhibitory N-terminal peptide domain, which, similar to the one of Shaker, mediates inactivation of the open state. We found that chimeric Kv2.1(4.2NT) channels, where the cytoplasmic Kv2.1 N-terminus had been replaced by corresponding Kv4.2 domains, inactivated relatively fast, with a mean time constant of 120 ms as compared to 3.4 s in Kv2.1 wild-type. Notably, Kv2.1(4.2NT) showed features typically observed for Shaker N-type inactivation: fast inactivation of Kv2.1(4.2NT) channels was slowed by intracellular tetraethylammonium and removed by N-terminal truncation (Δ40). Kv2.1(4.2NT) channels reopened during recovery from inactivation, and recovery was accelerated in high external K+. Moreover, the application of synthetic N-terminal Kv4.2 and ShB peptides to inside-out patches containing slowly inactivating Kv2.1 channels mimicked N-type inactivation. Kv4.2 channels, after fractional inactivation, mediated tail currents with biphasic decay, indicative of passage through the open state during recovery from inactivation. Biphasic tail current kinetics were less prominent in Kv4.2/KChIP2.1 channel complexes and virtually absent in Kv4.2Δ40 channels. N-type inactivation features of Kv4.2 open-state inactivation, which may be suppressed by KChIP association, were also revealed by the finding that application of Kv4.2 N-terminal peptide accelerated the decay kinetics of both Kv4.2Δ40 and Kv4.2/KChIP2.1 patch currents. However, double mutant cycle analysis of N-terminal inactivating and pore domains indicated differences in the energetics and structural determinants between Kv4.2 and Shaker N-type inactivation.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, cilia on the olfactory receptor neurons have a high density of cyclic-nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels. During transduction of odorous stimuli, cyclic AMP is formed. cAMP gates the CNG channels and this initiates the neuronal depolarization. Here it is shown that the ciliary CNG channels also open spontaneously. In the absence of odorants and second messengers, olfactory cilia have a small basal conductance to cations. Part of this conductance is similar to the cAMP-activated conductance in its sensitivity to channel inhibitors and divalent cations. The basal conductance may help to stabilize the neuronal membrane potential while limiting the sensitivity of odorant detection. Received: 30 May 2000/Revised: 8 August 2000  相似文献   

Certain COOH-terminus mutants of connexin32 (Cx32) were previously shown to form channels with unusual transjuctional voltage (V j ) sensitivity when tested heterotypically in oocytes against Cx32 wild type. Junctional conductance (G j ) slowly increased by severalfold or decreases to nearly zero with V j positive or negative, respectively, at mutant side, and V j positive at mutant side reversed CO2-induced uncoupling. This suggested that the CO2-sensitive gate might be a V j -sensitive slow gate. Based on previous data for calmodulin (CaM) involvement in gap junction function, we have hypothesized that the slow gate could be a CaM-like pore plugging molecule (cork gating model). This study describes a similar behavior in heterotypic channels between Cx32 and each of four new Cx32 mutants modified in cytoplasmic-loop and/or COOH-terminus residues. The mutants are: ML/NN+3R/N, 3R/N, ML/NN and ML/EE; in these mutants, N or E replace M105 and L106, and N replace R215, R219 and R220. This study also reports that inhibition of CaM expression strongly reduces V j and CO2 sensitivities of two of the most effective mutants, suggesting a CaM role in slow and chemical gating. Received: 19 April 2000/Revised: 11 August 2000  相似文献   

Pentameric ligand-gated ion channels are an important family of membrane proteins and play key roles in physiological processes, including signal transduction at chemical synapses. Here, we study the conformational changes associated with the opening and closing of the channel pore. Based on recent crystal structures of two prokaryotic members of the family in open and closed states, respectively, mixed elastic network models are constructed for the transmembrane domain. To explore the conformational changes in the gating transition, a coarse-grained transition path is computed that smoothly connects the closed and open conformations of the channel. We find that the conformational transition involves no major rotations of the transmembrane helices, and is instead characterized by a concerted tilting of helices M2 and M3. In addition, helix M2 changes its bending state, which results in an early closure of the pore during the open-to-closed transition.  相似文献   

The Kv7 family (Kv7.1–7.5) of voltage-activated potassium channels contributes to the maintenance of resting membrane potential in excitable cells. Previously, we provided pharmacological and electrophysiological evidence that Kv7.4 and Kv7.5 form predominantly heteromeric channels and that Kv7 activity is regulated by protein kinase C (PKC) in response to vasoconstrictors in vascular smooth muscle cells. Direct evidence for Kv7.4/7.5 heteromer formation, however, is lacking. Furthermore, it remains to be determined whether both subunits are regulated by PKC. Utilizing proximity ligation assays to visualize single molecule interactions, we now show that Kv7.4/Kv.7.5 heteromers are endogenously expressed in vascular smooth muscle cells. Introduction of dominant-negative Kv7.4 and Kv7.5 subunits in mesenteric artery myocytes reduced endogenous Kv7 currents by 84 and 76%, respectively. Expression of an inducible protein kinase Cα (PKCα) translocation system revealed that PKCα activation is sufficient to suppress endogenous Kv7 currents in A7r5 rat aortic and mesenteric artery smooth muscle cells. Arginine vasopressin (100 and 500 pm) and the PKC activator phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (1 nm) each inhibited human (h) Kv7.5 and hKv7.4/7.5, but not hKv7.4 channels expressed in A7r5 cells. A decrease in hKv7.5 and hKv7.4/7.5 current densities was associated with an increase in PKC-dependent phosphorylation of the channel proteins. These findings provide further evidence for a differential regulation of Kv7.4 and Kv7.5 channel subunits by PKC-dependent phosphorylation and new mechanistic insights into the role of heteromeric subunit assembly for regulation of vascular Kv7 channels.  相似文献   

The atomic models of the Kv1.2 potassium channel in the active and resting state, originally presented elsewhere, are here refined using molecular dynamics simulations in an explicit membrane-solvent environment. With a minor adjustment of the orientation of the first arginine along the S4 segment, the total gating charge of the channel determined from >0.5 μs of molecular dynamics simulation is ∼12-12.7 e, in good accord with experimental estimates for the Shaker potassium channel, indicating that the final models offer a realistic depiction of voltage-gating. In the resting state of Kv1.2, the S4 segment in the voltage-sensing domain (VSD) spontaneously converts into a 310 helix over a stretch of 10 residues. The 310 helical conformation orients the gating arginines on S4 toward a water-filled crevice within the VSD and allows salt-bridge interactions with negatively charged residues along S2 and S3. Free energy calculations of the fractional transmembrane potential, acting upon key charged residues of the VSD, reveals that the applied field varies rapidly over a narrow region of 10-15 Å corresponding to the outer leaflet of the bilayer. The focused field allows the transfer of a large gating charge without translocation of S4 across the membrane.  相似文献   

To identify the mechanisms underlying the faster activation kinetics in Kv1.2 channels compared to Kv2.1 channels, ionic and gating currents were studied in rat Kv1.2 and human Kv2.1 channels heterologously expressed in mammalian cells. At all voltages the time course of the ionic currents could be described by an initial sigmoidal and a subsequent exponential component and both components were faster in Kv1.2 than in Kv2.1 channels. In Kv1.2 channels, the activation time course was more sigmoid at more depolarized potentials, whereas in Kv2.1 channels it was somewhat less sigmoid at more depolarized potentials. In contrast to the ionic currents, the ON gating currents were similarly fast for both channels. The main portion of the measured ON gating charge moved before the ionic currents were activated. The equivalent gating charge of Kv1.2 ionic currents was twice that of Kv2.1 ionic currents, whereas that of Kv1.2 ON gating currents was smaller than that of Kv2.1 ON gating currents. In conclusion, the different activation kinetics of Kv1.2 and Kv2.1 channels are caused by rate-limiting reactions that follow the charge movement recorded from the gating currents. In Kv1.2 channels, the reaction coupling the voltage-sensor movement to the pore opening contributes to rate limitation in a voltage-dependent fashion, whereas in Kv2.1 channels, activation is additionally rate-limited by a slow reaction in the subunit gating.  相似文献   

Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels are pacemakers in cardiac myocytes and neurons. Although their membrane topology closely resembles that of voltage-gated K+ channels, the mechanism of their unique gating behavior in response to hyperpolarization is still poorly understood. We have identified a highly conserved leucine zipper motif in the S5 segment of HCN family members. In order to study the role of this motif for channel function, the leucine residues of the zipper were individually mutated to alanine, arginine, or glutamine residues. Leucine zipper mutants traffic to the plasma membrane, but the channels lose their sensitivity to open upon hyperpolarization. Thus, our data indicate that the leucine zipper is an important molecular determinant for hyperpolarization-activated channel gating. Residues of the leucine zipper interact with the adjacent S6 segment of the channel. This interaction is essential for voltage-dependent gating of the channel. The lower part of the leucine zipper, at the intracellular mouth of the channel, is important for stabilizing the closed state. Mutations at these sites increase current amplitudes or result in channels with deficient closing and increased min-Po. Our data are further supported by homology models of the open and closed state of the HCN2 channel pore. Thus, we conclude that the leucine zipper of HCN channels is a major determinant for hyperpolarization-activated channel gating.  相似文献   

Gap junction channels contain two hemichannels (connexons), each being a connexin (Cx) hexamer. In cells expressing multiple connexins, heteromeric connexons are believed to form, whereas cell pairs expressing different connexins generate heterotypic channels. To define gating behavior of heteromeric and heterotypic channels, CO2-induced gating was tested in Xenopus oocyte pairs expressing Cx32, or 5R/N (Cx32 mutant), as well as in pairs in which one oocyte (mx) expressed a 50/50 mixture of Cx32 and 5R/N and the other either the mixture (mx), Cx32 (32) or 5R/N (R/N). In 5R/N, replacement of 5 C-terminus arginines with asparagines greatly increased CO2 sensitivity. In response to 3 and 15 min CO2 exposures, junctional conductance (G j ) decreased to 85% and 47%, in 32–32 pairs, and to 7% and 0.9%, in R/N-R/N pairs, respectively. In mx-mx and mix-32 pairs, G j decreased to similar values (33% and 35%, respectively) with 15 min CO2. The sensitivity of mx-R/N pairs was similar to that of heterotypic 32-R/N pairs, as G j dropped to 36% and 38%, respectively, with 3 min CO2. Monoheteromeric (mx-32 and mx-R/N) and biheteromeric (mx-mx) channels behaved as if Cx32 were dominant, suggesting that hemichannel sensitivity is not an average of the sensitivities of its connexin monomers. In contrast, heterotypic channels behaved as if the two hemichannels of a cell-cell channel had no influence on each other. Received: 15 May 1997/Revised: 8 December 1997  相似文献   

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