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Sorbus aucuparia L.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Water-soluble polysaccharide fractions were extracted from the fruit of rowan Sorbus aucuparia L. by water and 0.7% ammonium oxalate water solution. The total yield was 4.2%. It is demonstrated that these fractions are pectin polysaccharides, and their carbon chains are primarily composed of galactunoric acid residue (up to 68%), arabinose and galactose. Sephacryl S-500 gelfiltration of rowan fruit pectin polysaccharides proved their relative homogeneity pertaining to their molecular weights, whereas endo-polygalacturonase enzymatic hydrolysis gives evidence of the presence of extended galacturonan (rhamnogalacturonan) ranges in their carbohydrate chains. Methylation of rowan pectin polysaccharides shows that their carbohydrate pendants are formed by 1,5-linked arabinofuranose residue, 1,4-linked glucopyranose residue, 1,6-linked galactopyranose residue, 1,3,6-linked mannopyranose residue and 1,3,6-linked galactopyranose residue. Glucopyranose residue is identified at non reducible ends of these pendants. It was demonstrated that antioxidant activity of water solutions of pectin polysaccharides extracted from rowan S. aucuparia L. (0.5 mg/mL) is 37?C53% of trolox activity, which is 100%.  相似文献   

Due to its nutritive and medicinal properties, berries of some Sorbus species are used for the preparation of jams and jelly as well as in traditional medicine. On the other hand, their chemical composition is not much studied especially of those grown in Balkan Peninsula. We have analyzed individual phenolics, tocopherols, carotenoids and chlorophylls using HPLC in berries from Sorbus aucuparia and Sorbus aria collected in different localities in Serbia and Montenegro together with the amounts of total phenolics and proanthocyanidins as well as their radical scavenging activity against DPPH radical. Berries of S. aucuparia were richer source of polyphenolics in comparision with S. aria and, regardless the species and locality, caffeoylquinic acids such as neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acid were the most abundant compounds. Among analyzed tocopherols the most abundant in all samples was α‐tocopherol (0.48 – 19.85 μg/g dw) as it was β‐carotene among carotenoids (mean concentration of 0.98 μg/g dw in S. aucuparia and 0.40 μg/g dw in S. aria, respectively). Correlation between total phenolics and DPPH radical scavenging activity was noticed. Our study represents comprehensive report on chemical composition of S. aucuparia and S. aria which could contribute to a better understanding of their quality.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) inheritance was investigated in Sorbus aucuparia using progenies obtained from six controlled crosses between individuals of known haplotype. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification, followed by restriction analysis, was used to characterize 248 offspring for either of two polymorphic cpDNA fragments. All offspring exhibited the maternal haplotype, which indicates maternal inheritance of chloroplasts in S. aucuparia. Power analysis of the test showed that the frequency of paternal transmission of chloroplasts, if any, should not exceed 1.84% (with 99% confidence).  相似文献   

Polysaccharide fractions SAcI and SAcII were isolated from callus tissues of rowan tree stems. The SAcI fraction was shown to contain compounds belonging to the arabinogalactan II group. The SAcII fraction, called sorban, comprised pectic polysaccharides composing the protopectin complex of the cell wall callus. The SAcII fraction was found to contain a large amount of galacturonic acid residues and a set of neutral sugars characteristic of rhamnogalacturonan I. The composition and properties allowed a suggestion that the sorban backbone is mainly formed by 1,4-α-D-galactopyranosyluronic acid residues, while the neutral sugars are represented by 1,4-linked glucopyranose and xylopyranose residues, 1,5-linked arabinofuranose, 1,6-linked galactopyranose and mannofuranose residues as well as terminal glucopyranose and xylopyranose residues. The callus growth was shown to be associated with nearly a constant content of galacturonic acid and neutral sugar residues in sorban (fraction SAcII).  相似文献   

Raspé O  Kohn JR 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(6):1315-1325
Low sequence divergence within functional alleles is predicted for the self-incompatibility locus because of strong negative frequency-dependent selection. Nevertheless, sequence variation within functional alleles is essential for current models of the evolution of new mating types. We genotyped the stylar self-incompatibility RNase of 20 Sorbus aucuparia from a population in the Pyrenees mountains of France in order to compare alleles found there to those previously sampled in a Belgian population. Both populations returned 20 different alleles from samples of 20 individuals, providing maximum-likelihood estimates of 24.4 (95% CI 20-34) alleles in each. Ten alleles occurred in both samples. The maximum likelihood (ML) estimate of the overlap in the alleles present in both populations was 16, meaning that an estimated eight alleles are private to each population, and a total of 32 alleles occur across the two populations examined. We used Fisher's (1961) missing plot method to estimate that 40 alleles occur in the species. In accord with population genetics theory, we observed at most one synonymous sequence difference between copies of alleles sampled from the different populations and no variation within populations. Phylogenetic analysis shows that nearly every allele in S. aucuparia arose prior to divergence of this species from members of three different genera of the Rosaceae subfamily, Maloideae. Lack of observable sequence variation within alleles, coupled with the slow pace of allelic relative to taxonomic diversification, implies that finding intermediate stages in the process of new allele creation will be difficult in this group.  相似文献   

BARNETT  J. R. 《Annals of botany》1987,59(3):269-279
The distribution of plasmodesmata in cambial pit fields anddeveloping fibre-tracheid pit membranes in Sorbus aucupariaL. has been studied using conventional and high voltage transmissionelectron microscopy. In cambial pit fields, plasmodesmata arewidely separated while, during cell enlargement and the stageof secondary wall formation, they occur exclusively in a denselypacked cluster, eccentrically located on the pit membrane ina thickening of primary wall material. It is not clear at themoment whether the cluster arises by aggregation of the cambialpit field plasmodesmata, or by de novo formation in a localizedregion coupled with loss of plasmodesmata outside this region.The significance of these changes is discussed. Sorbus aucuparia L., plasmodesmata, pit membranes, xylem differentiation  相似文献   

Ulf Sperens 《Oecologia》1997,109(3):368-373
Variation in fruit production and pre-dispersal seed predation by Argyresthia conjugella was studied in␣four populations of Sorbus aucuparia in northern Sweden.␣The number of infructescences, fruits per infructescence, consumed seeds and developed unattacked seeds per fruit were scored in marked trees from 1984 to 1990. The results showed that the number of fruits produced in each population determined the number of seed predators occurring in the host population, as the yearly number of seed predators was significantly and positively correlated with yearly number of fruits, in all but one population. The seed predators showed a delay in response to variation in number of fruits produced. This lag in response resulted in a large proportion of fruits being attacked and seeds consumed in a bad fruiting year that followed a good fruiting year, and vice versa. The proportion of fruits attacked and seeds consumed was largest in the population showing the greatest between-year variation in fruit production and lowest in the population showing the lowest between-year variation in fruit production. Furthermore, the individuals within the former population were synchronised, while they were not in the latter population. These results contradict one of the possible explanations of mast-seeding, where large synchronised between-year variation is supposed to reduce pre-dispersal seed predation. Instead, differences in attraction of the seed predator to differences in fruit crop size could explain the observed difference in seed predation between the two populations with opposite fruiting patterns. Within each population, irrespective of year, the proportion of fruits attacked and seeds consumed was independent of a tree's fruiting display. Therefore, trees with high fruit production, despite harbouring the largest number of seed predators, produced the largest number of developed seeds in absolute numbers, compared to trees that produced few fruits. Received: 25 February 1996 / Accepted: 30 November 1996  相似文献   

Benzylaminopurine and thidiazuron stimulated shoot proliferation ofTilia, Sorbus andRobinia. Low concentration of BAP (0.2—1.0 mg I?1) promoted axillary bud formation and shoot elongation. Thidiazuron displayed high cytokinin activity at very low concentrations (0.002—0.05 mg I?1). Shoot number induced on media containing thidiazuron was large. Numerous shoots were produced on the media containing BAP together with thidiazuron. Shoots produced on media containing thidiazuron or BAP together with thidiazuron rooted after transfer to medium supplemented with low concentration of auxin (IBA or NAA).  相似文献   

Intra-specific chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variation was studied in Sorbus aucuparia L., an entomophilous, mid-or early successional tree producing fleshy fruits. Eight PCR-amplified fragments of the chloroplast genome were screened for restriction fragment length polymorphisms, using one or two 4 bp-cutter restriction endonucleases. cpDNA variation was investigated on two geographical scales: (1) among four regions in France and Belgium; and (2) within the Belgian region. A total of 150 individuals from six populations were analysed. Fourteen polymorphisms were detected in six of the cpDNA fragments. All polymorphisms probably resulted from insertions or deletions, and allowed the identification of 12 haplotypes. The level of genetic differentiation computed on the basis of haplotype frequencies was similar on the two geographical scales considered (G(STc) = 0.286 among regions, G(STc) = 0.259 among populations within the Belgian region). These values are much lower than those obtained in nine previously studied temperate tree species, which are all wind-pollinated, late-successional species producing dry fruits. These results might primarily be accounted for by the contrasting life history traits of S. aucuparia. In order to obtain insights into the relative contribution of pollen and seeds to gene flow, G(STc) was also compared with previously obtained G(ST) estimates based on allozyme data.  相似文献   


During winter 1973–4 beef cattle removed bark selectively and extensively from rowan growing in two Aberdeenshire woods. Some bark was also taken from Norway spruce and willow, but damage to all other species, including ash, beech, birch, gean, larch, Scots pine and sycamore, was negligible. In other woodlands utilised by cattle in this area bark-stripping was either less severe or absent. Possible causes for the bark-stripping are discussed. The rowan bark was not distinctive in cover, species of epiphytic lichen or inorganic composition, except perhaps for magnesium.  相似文献   

Differences in the seasonal variation in stem water potential between the two shrub species Sorbus aucuparia and Sambucus nigra were related with their vulnerability to xylem cavitation. It was also demonstrated indirectly that the two species differ in the extent to which they reverse cavitation. Seasonal variation in stem water potential was investigated during three growing seasons with in situ stem psychrometers. Sorbus experienced wide water potential variations and reached a minimum of -4.2 MPa during drought. Under the same microclimatic conditions, Sambucus experienced consistent stem water potentials with a minimum of -1.7 MPa. The relationship between percentage loss in hydraulic conductivity (PLC) and water potential (hydraulic vulnerability curve) of the two species differed in shape: a flat curve with nearly total loss of conductivity at -6 MPa was found for SORBUS: Sambucus showed a steep vulnerability curve with 90% loss conductivity at -2.2 MPa. Thus, Sambucus is extremely vulnerable to cavitation, but Sorbus is an almost invulnerable species. This different cavitation resistance adjusted the ranges of field stem water potential that the species experienced. Finally, seasonal courses of naturally occurring (native) embolism were compared with calculated PLC courses. This comparison indicates that Sorbus did not refill embolized xylem vessels whereas Sambucus reversed embolism. It was concluded that species which are highly vulnerable to cavitation and drought-induced embolism need refilling of embolized vessels as well as isohydric water potential patterns as two strategies of survival.  相似文献   


Key Message

Synchrony and fluctuation in reproductive output was not associated in individual trees.


In a study conducted at the central Cantabrian Range, northern Iberia, we analyzed the fruiting pattern of 54 rowans (Sorbus aucuparia), a fleshy-fruited tree, over 16 consecutive years. Our objectives were: (a) to assess the covariation between several variables related to the reproductive performance of individual trees; (b) to measure the degree of synchrony shown by individuals; and (c) to address whether the reproductive behavior of individuals changed over the period of study. The fruiting performance of individuals was assessed in terms of the individual coefficient of variation in fruit output (CV i ), synchrony (as the correlation between fruiting patterns), and the frequency of heavy crop years. Mean synchrony (0.52 ± 0.18) and CV i values were large (1.92 ± 0.33) and correlated negatively. The average tree was synchronized with 60 ± 22 % of its conspecifics and about 36 ± 14 % of its fruiting years were heavy crop years. The study population included a distinct and small set of asynchronous trees and the synchrony between individual fruiting patterns was markedly reduced during the second half of the study period.  相似文献   

本新种与黄山花楸(Sorbus amabilis Cheng ex Yü)近缘,区别在于前者羽状小叶6~7对,边缘圆钝锯齿,托叶宽披针形,花部雄蕊20枚,10长,10短,复伞房果序排列紧密,果多达160~195粒。  相似文献   

Willows were rapidly propagated by repeated division of cultured rooted shoots into a larger number of nodal segments. Rapid clonal propagation of mountain-ash and black locust was achieved by induction of shoots from axillary buds and a multiple shoot culture was used for rapid multiplication. Excised shoots were rooted in an agar medium with a low concentration of auxin and rooted plantlets were transplanted to soil.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a decay fungus Chondrostereum purpureum (Pers. ex Fr.) Pouzar to prevent sprouting of two tree species, rowan (Sorbus aucuparia L.) and European aspen (Populus tremula L.) was investigated in a four-growing season study. The efficacy of C. purpureum compared with the control (cutting only) increased during the whole study period indicating that long-term studies are needed to reveal the real effect of the biocontrol treatment. At the end of the study period the mortality of treated rowan stumps was 50 % and that of European aspen 77 %, i.e. clearly higher than in the control with mortality 14 and 52 % respectively. The height of living sprouts was considerably lower in the C. purpureum treatment than in the control. Furthermore, our results indicated that a high number of surrounding conspecific saplings decreased whereas a high number of red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) shoots increased mortality of C. purpureum treated stumps.  相似文献   

Sustainable forest restoration and management practices require a thorough understanding of the influence that habitat fragmentation has on the processes shaping genetic variation and its distribution in tree populations. We quantified genetic variation at isozyme markers and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA), analysed by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) in severely fragmented populations of Sorbus aucuparia (Rosaceae) in a single catchment (Moffat) in southern Scotland. Remnants maintain surprisingly high levels of gene diversity (HE) for isozymes (HE = 0.195) and cpDNA markers (HE = 0.490). Estimates are very similar to those from non-fragmented populations in continental Europe, even though the latter were sampled over a much larger spatial scale. Overall, no genetic bottleneck or departures from random mating were detected in the Moffat fragments. However, genetic differentiation among remnants was detected for both types of marker (isozymes Theta n = 0.043, cpDNA Theta c = 0.131; G-test, P-value < 0.001). In this self-incompatible, insect-pollinated, bird-dispersed tree species, the estimated ratio of pollen flow to seed flow between fragments is close to 1 (r = 1.36). Reduced pollen-mediated gene flow is a likely consequence of habitat fragmentation, but effective seed dispersal by birds is probably helping to maintain high levels of genetic diversity within remnants and reduce genetic differentiation between them.  相似文献   

Fruits along with vegetables are crucial for a balanced diet. These not only have delicious flavors but are also reported to decrease the risk of contracting various chronic diseases. Fruit by-products are produced in huge quantity during industrial processing and constitute a serious issue because they may pose a harmful risk to the environment. The proposal of employing fruit by-products, particularly fruit peels, has gradually attained popularity because scientists found that in many instances peels displayed better biological and pharmacological applications than other sections of the fruit. The aim of this review is to highlight the importance of fruit peel extracts and natural products obtained in food industries along with their other potential biological applications.  相似文献   

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