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Eleven focal colors are named by basic color terms in many languages. The most salient colors (black, white, and perhaps red) are named in all languages; the least salient of the set are named in fewer languages. Salience correlates with earliness of introduction, as measured by a scale of social evolution; with brevity of expression, as measured by phonemic length of basic color terms; with frequency of use, as measured by frequency of basic color terms in literary languages; and with frequency of mention in ethnographic literature. None of these correlations are established in the pioneer study of Berlin and Kay (1969), a study whose defects are well exposed by Durbin (1972) and Wescott (1970). The first two were documented respectively in Naroll (1970) and Durbin (1972); the last two are documented here. These four correlations independently support the Berlin-Kay color salience theory. They furnish a sound basis for further research on color term salience in particular and indeed on salience phenomena in general. We speculate that salience may be an important general principle of cultural evolution.  相似文献   

Frey S  Petrides M 《Neuron》2002,36(1):171-176
Which one of the many regions of the anatomically heterogeneous prefrontal cortex is part of the critical core of the neural circuit for encoding? This positron emission tomography (PET) experiment measured changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF) in normal human participants during the presentation of abstract visual information in four conditions that varied in their encoding demands. As encoding increased across the different conditions, there was an increase in activity in the right orbitofrontal cortex and the right parahippocampal region. No significant activation peaks were present in any other region of the frontal or temporal lobe. These findings indicate that the orbitofrontal cortex, which is massively connected to the medial temporal cortex, is a critical frontal region for memory formation.  相似文献   

Orbitofrontal cortex, associative learning, and expectancies   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Schoenbaum G  Roesch M 《Neuron》2005,47(5):633-636
Orbitofrontal cortex is characterized by its unique pattern of connections with subcortical areas, such as basolateral amygdala. Here we distinguish between the critical role of these areas in associative learning and the pivotal contribution of OFC to the manipulation of this information to control behavior. This contribution reflects the ability of OFC to signal the desirability of expected outcomes, which requires the integration of associative information with information concerning internal states and goals in representational memory.  相似文献   

There is limited data in the literature to explicitly support the notion that neurons in OFC are truly action-independent in their coding. We set out to specifically test the hypothesis that OFC value-related neurons in area 13 m of the monkey do not carry information about the action required to obtain that reward – that activity in this area represents reward values in an abstract and action-independent manner. To accomplish that goal we had two monkeys select and execute saccadic eye movements to 81 locations in the visual field for three different kinds of juice rewards. Our detailed analysis of the response fields indicates that these neurons are insensitive to the amplitude or direction of the saccade required to obtain these rewards. Our data thus validate earlier proposals that neurons of 13 m in the OFC encode subjective value independent of the saccadic action required to obtain that reward.  相似文献   

Neurophysiological evidence accumulated in the last twenty years supports Hering€s oppo- nent theory of color vision. In addition, the general, cross-cultural, and universal theoy of color naming for all languages proposed by Berlin and Kay has been corroborated. Hays et al. speculated that color-term salience might be reduced to a neuroanatomical basis. An evaluation of our color-naming tests in German, French, English, Hebrew, Japanese, Quechi, and Misquito, and linguistic tests carried out, together with other linguistic data, show clearly that the linguistics ofcolor terms is corroborated by the oppo- nenl theuy of color vision. [color lexicon, color naming, categorization of color, opponent color theory, psycholinguistics of color terms, cultural influence on color naming]  相似文献   

Incentive salience is a motivational property with ‘magnet-like’ qualities. When attributed to reward-predicting stimuli (cues), incentive salience triggers a pulse of ‘wanting’ and an individual is pulled toward the cues and reward. A key computational question is how incentive salience is generated during a cue re-encounter, which combines both learning and the state of limbic brain mechanisms. Learning processes, such as temporal-difference models, provide one way for stimuli to acquire cached predictive values of rewards. However, empirical data show that subsequent incentive values are also modulated on the fly by dynamic fluctuation in physiological states, altering cached values in ways requiring additional motivation mechanisms. Dynamic modulation of incentive salience for a Pavlovian conditioned stimulus (CS or cue) occurs during certain states, without necessarily requiring (re)learning about the cue. In some cases, dynamic modulation of cue value occurs during states that are quite novel, never having been experienced before, and even prior to experience of the associated unconditioned reward in the new state. Such cases can include novel drug-induced mesolimbic activation and addictive incentive-sensitization, as well as natural appetite states such as salt appetite. Dynamic enhancement specifically raises the incentive salience of an appropriate CS, without necessarily changing that of other CSs. Here we suggest a new computational model that modulates incentive salience by integrating changing physiological states with prior learning. We support the model with behavioral and neurobiological data from empirical tests that demonstrate dynamic elevations in cue-triggered motivation (involving natural salt appetite, and drug-induced intoxication and sensitization). Our data call for a dynamic model of incentive salience, such as presented here. Computational models can adequately capture fluctuations in cue-triggered ‘wanting’ only by incorporating modulation of previously learned values by natural appetite and addiction-related states.  相似文献   

We present a method for training subjects to control activity in a region of their orbitofrontal cortex associated with contamination anxiety using biofeedback of real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (rt-fMRI) data. Increased activity of this region is seen in relationship with contamination anxiety both in control subjects1 and in individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD),2 a relatively common and often debilitating psychiatric disorder involving contamination anxiety. Although many brain regions have been implicated in OCD, abnormality in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is one of the most consistent findings.3, 4 Furthermore, hyperactivity in the OFC has been found to correlate with OCD symptom severity5 and decreases in hyperactivity in this region have been reported to correlate with decreased symptom severity.6 Therefore, the ability to control this brain area may translate into clinical improvements in obsessive-compulsive symptoms including contamination anxiety. Biofeedback of rt-fMRI data is a new technique in which the temporal pattern of activity in a specific region (or associated with a specific distributed pattern of brain activity) in a subject''s brain is provided as a feedback signal to the subject. Recent reports indicate that people are able to develop control over the activity of specific brain areas when provided with rt-fMRI biofeedback.7-12 In particular, several studies using this technique to target brain areas involved in emotion processing have reported success in training subjects to control these regions.13-18 In several cases, rt-fMRI biofeedback training has been reported to induce cognitive, emotional, or clinical changes in subjects.8, 9, 13, 19 Here we illustrate this technique as applied to the treatment of contamination anxiety in healthy subjects. This biofeedback intervention will be a valuable basic research tool: it allows researchers to perturb brain function, measure the resulting changes in brain dynamics and relate those to changes in contamination anxiety or other behavioral measures. In addition, the establishment of this method serves as a first step towards the investigation of fMRI-based biofeedback as a therapeutic intervention for OCD. Given that approximately a quarter of patients with OCD receive little benefit from the currently available forms of treatment,20-22 and that those who do benefit rarely recover completely, new approaches for treating this population are urgently needed.  相似文献   

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