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Recent reports have suggested that leprosy originated in Africa, extended to Asia and Europe, and arrived in the Americas during European colonization and the African slave trade. Due to colonization, the contemporary Colombian population is an admixture of Native-American, European and African ancestries. Because microorganisms are known to accompany humans during migrations, patterns of human migration can be traced by examining genomic changes in associated microbes. The current study analyzed 118 leprosy cases and 116 unrelated controls from two Colombian regions endemic for leprosy (Atlantic and Andean) in order to determine possible associations of leprosy with patient ancestral background (determined using 36 ancestry informative markers), Mycobacterium leprae genotype and/or patient geographical origin. We found significant differences between ancestral genetic composition. European components were predominant in Andean populations. In contrast, African components were higher in the Atlantic region. M. leprae genotypes were then analyzed for cluster associations and compared with the ancestral composition of leprosy patients. Two M. leprae principal clusters were found: haplotypes C54 and T45. Haplotype C54 associated with African origin and was more frequent in patients from the Atlantic region with a high African component. In contrast, haplotype T45 associated with European origin and was more frequent in Andean patients with a higher European component. These results suggest that the human and M. leprae genomes have co-existed since the African and European origins of the disease, with leprosy ultimately arriving in Colombia during colonization. Distinct M. leprae strains followed European and African settlement in the country and can be detected in contemporary Colombian populations.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation is a reversible regulatory process catalyzed by the opposing reactions of protein kinases and phosphatases, which are central to the proper functioning of the cell. Dysfunction of members in either the protein kinase or phosphatase family can have wide-ranging deleterious effects in both metazoans and plants alike. Previously, three bacterial-like phosphoprotein phosphatase classes were uncovered in eukaryotes and named according to the bacterial sequences with which they have the greatest similarity: Shewanella-like (SLP), Rhizobiales-like (RLPH), and ApaH-like (ALPH) phosphatases. Utilizing the wealth of data resulting from recently sequenced complete eukaryotic genomes, we conducted database searching by hidden Markov models, multiple sequence alignment, and phylogenetic tree inference with Bayesian and maximum likelihood methods to elucidate the pattern of evolution of eukaryotic bacterial-like phosphoprotein phosphatase sequences, which are predominantly distributed in photosynthetic eukaryotes. We uncovered a pattern of ancestral mitochondrial (SLP and RLPH) or archaeal (ALPH) gene entry into eukaryotes, supplemented by possible instances of lateral gene transfer between bacteria and eukaryotes. In addition to the previously known green algal and plant SLP1 and SLP2 protein forms, a more ancestral third form (SLP3) was found in green algae. Data from in silico subcellular localization predictions revealed class-specific differences in plants likely to result in distinct functions, and for SLP sequences, distinctive and possibly functionally significant differences between plants and nonphotosynthetic eukaryotes. Conserved carboxyl-terminal sequence motifs with class-specific patterns of residue substitutions, most prominent in photosynthetic organisms, raise the possibility of complex interactions with regulatory proteins.Reversible protein phosphorylation is a posttranslational mechanism central to the proper function of living organisms (Brautigan, 2013). Governed by two large groups of enzymes, protein kinases and protein phosphatases, this mechanism has been suggested to regulate upwards of 70% of all eukaryotic proteins (Olsen et al., 2010). Protein phosphatases represent one-half of this dynamic regulatory system and have been shown to be highly regulated proteins themselves (Roy and Cyert, 2009; Shi, 2009; Uhrig et al., 2013). Classically, protein phosphatases have been placed into four families defined by a combination of their catalytic mechanisms, metal ion requirements, and phosphorylated amino acid targets (Kerk et al., 2008). These four families are the phosphoprotein phosphatases (PPPs), metallo-dependent protein phosphatases, protein Tyr phosphatases, and Asp-based phosphatases. The PPP protein phosphatases, best known to include PP1, PP2A, PP2B, and PP4 to PP7 (Kerk et al., 2008; Shi, 2009), have been found to regulate a diverse number of biological processes in plants ranging from cell signaling (Ahn et al., 2011; Di Rubbo et al., 2011; Tran et al., 2012) to metabolism (Heidari et al., 2011; Leivar et al., 2011) and hormone biosynthesis (Skottke et al., 2011). The classical PPP protein phosphatase family has been expanded to include three novel classes that show greatest similarity to PPP-like protein phosphatases of prokaryotic origin (Andreeva and Kutuzov, 2004; Uhrig and Moorhead, 2011a; Uhrig et al., 2013). These bacterial-like phosphatase classes were annotated as Shewanella-like (SLP) phosphatases, Rhizobiales-like (RLPH) phosphatases, and ApaH-like (ALPH) phosphatases based on their similarity to prokaryotic sequences from these respective sources (Andreeva and Kutuzov, 2004). Recent characterization of the SLP phosphatases from Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) provided biochemical evidence of insensitivity to the classic PPP protein phosphatase inhibitors okadaic acid and microcystin in addition to revealing a lack of genetic redundancy across sequenced plant genomes (Uhrig and Moorhead, 2011a).The characterization of eukaryotic protein evolution can provide insight into individual protein or protein class conservation across the domains of life for biotechnological applications in addition to furthering our understanding of how multicellular life evolved. In particular, investigation into the evolution of key signaling proteins, such as protein kinases and phosphatases from plants, can have wide-ranging agribiotechnological and medical potential. This can include the development of healthier, disease- or stress-resistant crops in addition to treatments for parasitic organisms such as Plasmodium spp. (malaria; Patzewitz et al., 2013) and other chromoalveolates (Kutuzov and Andreeva, 2008; Uhrig and Moorhead, 2011b) that are derived from photosynthetic eukaryotes and maintain a remnant chloroplast (apicoplast; Le Corguillé et al., 2009; Janouskovec et al., 2010; Kalanon and McFadden, 2010; Walker et al., 2011). The existence of proteins that are conserved across diverse eukaryotic phyla but absent in metazoa, such as the majority of bacterial-like PPP protein phosphatases described here, presents unique research opportunities.Conventional understanding of the acquisition by eukaryotes of prokaryotic genes and proteins largely involves ancient endosymbiotic gene transfer events stemming from primary endosymbiosis of α-Proteobacteria and Cyanobacteria to form eukaryotic mitochondria and chloroplasts, respectively (Keeling and Palmer, 2008; Dorrell and Smith, 2011; Tirichine and Bowler, 2011). Over time, however, it has become apparent that alternative modes of eukaryotic gene and protein acquisition exist, such as independent horizontal or lateral gene transfer (LGT) events (Keeling and Palmer, 2008; Keeling, 2009). Targeted studies of protein evolution have seen a steady rise in documented LGT events across a wide variety of eukaryotic organisms, including photosynthetic eukaryotes (Derelle et al., 2006; Raymond and Kim, 2012; Schönknecht et al., 2013), nematodes (Mayer et al., 2011), arthropods (Acuña et al., 2012), fungi (Wenzl et al., 2005), amoebozoa (Clarke et al., 2013), and oomycetes (Belbahri et al., 2008). Each instance documents the integration of a bacterial gene(s) into a eukaryotic organism, seemingly resulting in an adaptive advantage(s) important to organism survival.Utilizing a number of in silico bioinformatic techniques and available sequenced genomes, the molecular evolution of three bacterial-like PPP classes found in eukaryotes is revealed to involve ancient mitochondrial or archaeal origin plus additional possible LGT events. A third, more ancient group of SLP phosphatases (SLP3 phosphatases) is defined in green algae. Subcellular localization predictions reveal distinctive subsets of bacterial-like PPPs, which may correlate with altered functions. In addition, the large sequence collections compiled here have allowed the elucidation of two highly conserved C-terminal domain motifs, which are specific to each bacterial-like PPP class and whose differences are particularly pronounced in photosynthetic eukaryotes. Together, these findings substantially expand our knowledge of the molecular evolution of the bacterial-like PPPs and point the way toward attractive future research avenues.  相似文献   

Neutral DNA polymorphisms from an 8-kb segment of the dystrophin gene, previously ascertained in a worldwide sample (n= 250 chromosomes), were used to characterize the population ancestral to the present-day human groups. The ancestral state of each polymorphic site was determined by comparing human variants with their orthologous sites in the great apes. The ``age before fixation' of the underlying mutations was estimated from the frequencies of the new alleles and analyzed in the context of these polymorphisms' distribution among 13 populations from Africa, Europe, Asia, New Guinea, and the Americas (n= 860 chromosomes in total). Seventeen polymorphisms older tan 100,000–200,000 years, which contributed ∼90% to the overall nucleotide diversity, were common to all human groups. Polymorphisms endemic to human groups or continentally restricted were younger than 100,000–200,000 years. Africans (six populations) with 13 such sites stood out from the rest of the world (seven populations), where only 2 population-specific variants were observed. The similarity of the frequencies of the old polymorphisms in Africans and non-Africans suggested a similar profile of genetic variability in the population before the modern human's divergence. This ancestral population was characterized by an effective size of about 10,000 as estimated from the nucleotide diversity; this size may describe the number of breeding individuals over a long time during the Middle Pleistocene or reflect a speciation bottleneck from an initially larger population at the end of this period. Received: 3 February 1998 / Accepted: 9 February 1998  相似文献   

RNA编辑被认为是生命体一种新的基因加工与修饰现象,是指DNA转录成RNA后除RNA剪切外的其他加工过程,以核苷酸的删除、插入或替换等方式改变遗传信息,揭示生物进化过程中基因修饰和调控的另一个重要途径,是对中心法则的重要补充.而RNAi是一种由dsRNA介导的,在转录水平、转录后水平和翻译水平上阻断基因表达的基因调节途径.着重介绍 RNA编辑功能、RNA编辑与RNA干扰关系.  相似文献   

RNA Ligation and the Origin of tRNA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A straightforward origin of transfer RNA,(tRNA), is difficult to envision because of the apparentlycomplex idiosyncratic interaction between the D-loop and T-loop. Recently, multiple examples of the T-loop structuralmotif have been identified in ribosomal RNA. These examplesshow that the long-range interactions between the T-loop andD-loops seen in tRNA are not an essential part of the motifbut rather are facilitated by it. Thus, the core T-loopstructure could already have existed in a small RNA prior tothe emergence of the tRNA. The tRNA might then have arisenby expansion of an RNA that carried the motif. With thisidea in mind, Di Giulio's earlier hypothesis that tRNAevolved by a simple duplication or ligation of a minihelixRNA was re-examined. It is shown that an essentially moderntRNA structure can in fact be generated by the ligation oftwo 38-nucleotide RNA minihelices of appropriate sequence.Although rare, such sequences occur with sufficientfrequency, (1 in 3 × 107), that they could be found in astandard in vitro RNA selection experiment. Theresults demonstrate that a series of RNA duplications, aspreviously proposed, can in principal account for the originof tRNA. More generally, the results point out that RNAligation can be a powerful driving force for increasedcomplexity in the RNA World.  相似文献   

N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷内切酶(endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase,ENGase)广泛分布于各种生物中,主要通过降解错误折叠的糖蛋白,参与细胞和生命的调控。ENGase也是糖链编辑的有效工具酶,可专一性水解游离寡糖链及糖肽或糖蛋白上核心五糖的N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖(GlcNAc)之间的β-1,4糖苷键。其水解产物是寡糖链和一个GlcNAc,或带有一个GlcNAc的糖肽或糖蛋白。本文对ENGase的发现、分布、蛋白质结构、酶学反应及生物学功能进行阐述,为ENGase的生物学研究提供思路,为糖生物学与糖组学的应用研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

Origin of transfer RNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Oral history and oral genealogies are mechanisms of collective memory and a main cultural heritage of many populations without a writing system. In the effort to analytically address the correspondence between genetic data and historical genealogies, anthropologists hypothesised that genealogies evolve through time, ultimately containing three parts: literal – where the most recent ancestry is truthfully represented; intended – where ancestry is inferred and reflects political relations among groups; and mythical – that does not represent current social reality. While numerous studies discuss oral genealogies, to our knowledge no genetic studies have been able to investigate to what extent genetic relatedness corresponds to the literal and intended parts of oral genealogies. We report on the correspondence between genetic data and oral genealogies among Bimoba males in a single village in North-Eastern Ghana. We compared the pairwise mismatch distribution of Y chromosome short tandem repeat (Y-STR) haplotypes among all lineages present in this village to the self-reported (oral) relatedness. We found that Bimoba are able to correctly identify unrelated individuals in 92% of the cases. In contrast, they are able to correctly identify related individuals only in 38% of the cases, which can be explained by three processes: (1) the compression of genealogies, leading to increasing inaccuracy with increasing genealogical distance, (2) inclusions into the lineage from intended relations such as clan co-option or adoptions, and (3) false paternities, which in this study were found to have a minor effect on the correspondence between genetic data and oral genealogies. In addition, we observed that 70% of unrelated pairs have from six to eight Y-STR differences, a diversification peak which we attribute to an ancient West African expansion dating around 9454 years ago. We conclude that, despite all caveats, oral genealogies are reflecting ancient lineages more accurately than previously thought.  相似文献   

The RNA World is generally thought to have been an important link between purely prebiotic (>3.7 Ga) chemistry and modern DNA/protein biochemistry. One concern about the RNA World hypothesis is the geochemical stability of ribose, the sugar moiety of RNA. Prebiotic stabilization of ribose by solutions associated with borate minerals, notably colemanite, ulexite, and kernite, has been proposed as one resolution to this difficulty. However, a critical unresolved issue is whether borate minerals existed in sufficient quantities on the primitive Earth, especially in the period when prebiotic synthesis processes leading to RNA took place. Although the oldest reported colemanite and ulexite are 330 Ma, and the oldest reported kernite, 19 Ma, boron isotope data and geologic context are consistent with an evaporitic borate precursor to 2400-2100 Ma borate deposits in the Liaoning and Jilin Provinces, China, as well as to tourmaline-group minerals at 3300–3450 Ma in the Barberton belt, South Africa. The oldest boron minerals for which the age of crystallization could be determined are the metamorphic tourmaline species schorl and dravite in the Isua complex (metamorphism between ca. 3650 and ca. 3600 Ma). Whether borates such as colemanite, ulexite and kernite were present in the Hadean (>4000 Ma) at the critical juncture when prebiotic molecules such as ribose required stabilization depends on whether a granitic continental crust had yet differentiated, because in its absence we see no means for boron to be sufficiently concentrated for borates to be precipitated.  相似文献   

The rapid increase of wealth inequality in the past few decades is a most disturbing social and economic issue of our time. In order to control, and even reverse that surge, its origin and underlying mechanisms should be revealed. One of the challenges in studying these mechanisms is to incorporate realistic individual dynamics in the population level in a self-consistent manner. Our theoretical approach meets the challenge by using interacting multi-agent master-equations to model the dynamics of wealth inequality. The model is solved using stochastic multi-agent iterated maps. Taking into account growth rate, return on capital, private savings and economic mobility, we were able to capture the historical dynamics of wealth inequality in the United States during the course of the 20th century. We show that the fraction of capital income in the national income and the fraction of private savings are the critical factors that govern the wealth inequality dynamics. In addition, we found that economic mobility plays a crucial role in wealth accumulation. Notably, we found that the major decrease in private savings since the 1980s could be associated primarily with the recent surge in wealth inequality and if nothing changes in this respect we predict further increase in wealth inequality in the future. However, the 2007–08 financial crisis brought an opportunity to restrain the wealth inequality surge by increasing private savings. If this trend continues, it may lead to prevention, and even reversing, of the ongoing inequality surge.  相似文献   

The demonstration that ribosomal peptide synthesis is a ribozyme-catalyzed reaction makes it almost certain that there was once an RNA World. The central problem for origin-of-life studies, therefore, is to understand how a protein-free RNA World became established on the primitive Earth. We first review the literature on the prebiotic synthesis of the nucleotides, the nonenzymatic synthesis and copying of polynucleotides, and the selection of ribozyme catalysts of a kind that might have facilitated polynucleotide replication. This leads to a brief outline of the Molecular Biologists' Dream, an optimistic scenario for the origin of the RNA World. In the second part of the review we point out the many unresolved problems presented by the Molecular Biologists' Dream. This in turn leads to a discussion of genetic systems simpler than RNA that might have “invented” RNA. Finally, we review studies of prebiotic membrane formation.  相似文献   

RNA病毒一般传播迅速,给人类和自然造成巨大危害和威胁.许多RNA病毒的结构蛋白在基础研究和应用方面已日趋完善.相比之下,就非结构蛋白(NS)所做的研究较少,存在许多未知问题.在这些非结构蛋白中,病毒自身编码的RNA依赖的RNA聚合酶(RNA-dependent RNA polymerase,RdRP)对病毒的复制起关键作用.对RdRP的研究不仅使对病毒RNA复制的机制更精细明了,且有可能提供新的抗病毒靶标和诊断试剂.本文对RdRP特别是动物RNA病毒RdRP的结果与功能作一综述.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The sequence variation within the group I intron in five Naegleria spp. was studied and compared with the sequence variation within the flanking small subunit ribosomal DNA. Considerable sequence divergence was observed in the introns as well as in the rDNA. In the intron deletions and insertions are only detected in the sequence contributing to the secondary structure, not in the open reading frame. Most of the sequence variation is detected in the unpaired loops. In the case of nucleotide substitution in helices, compensating base pair changes were observed. The sequence variation does not induce variation in the secondary structure model. The phylogenetic tree based on the intron sequences is similar to the tree based on the flanking rDNA sequences. This observation indicates that the intron might have been acquired at an early stage in evolution, and lost in the majority of Naegleria spp.  相似文献   

Avirulence (Avr) genes exist in many fungi that share a gene-for-gene relationship with their host plant. They represent unique genetic determinants that prevent fungi from causing disease on plants that possess matching resistance (R) genes. Interaction between elicitors (primary or secondary products ofAvrgenes) and host receptors in resistant plants causes induction of various defense responses often involving a hypersensitive response.Avrgenes have been successfully isolated by reverse genetics and positional cloning. Five cultivar-specificAvrgenes (Avr4,Avr9, andEcp2 fromCladosporium fulvum; nip1fromRhynchosporium secalis;andAvr2-YAMOfromMagnaporthe grisea) and three species-specificAvrgenes (PWL1andPWL2fromM. griseaandinf1fromPhytophthora infestans) have been cloned. Isolation of additionalAvrgenes from these fungi, but also from other fungi such asUromyces vignae,Melampsora lini, Phytophthora sojae,andLeptosphaeria maculans,is in progress. Molecular analyses of nonfunctionalAvrgene alleles show that these originate from deletions or mutations in the open reading frame or the promoter sequence of anAvrgene. Although intrinsic biological functions of mostAvrgene products are still unknown, recent studies have shown that twoAvrgenes,nip1andEcp2, encode products that are important pathogenicity factors. All fungalAvrgenes cloned so far have been demonstrated or predicted to encode extracellular proteins. Current studies focus on unraveling the mechanisms of perception of avirulence factors by plant receptors. The exploitation ofAvrgenes and the matchingRgenes in engineered resistance is also discussed.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(48):94-98

This paper examines known origin myths and describes how the four Sacred Arrows were utilized by the Cheyenne in time of hunger and battle. By combining the existing folklore with an examination of Cheyenne prehistory, a more precise time and geographical point of origin of the whole Cheyenne Sacred Arrow “complex” is developed.  相似文献   

The brain vasotocinergic system demonstrates clear sexual dimorphism in birds investigated so far. This paper examines the evidence obtained in studies on gallinaceous (domestic fowl, Japanese quail) and passerine (canary, junco, zebra finch) birds. Vasotocin (VT)-immunoreactive parvocellular neurons are present in the nucleus of stria terminalis of males, but they are less abundant or absent in the corresponding structure of females. A similar difference has been observed in the dorsal paraventricular area of domestic fowl. Sex-related differences in VT-gene expression have been confirmed byin situhybridization. Moreover, overall brain content of VT mRNA in cockerels is about twice that of hens, suggesting that VT synthesis may also be sexually dimorphic in other brain areas where morphological sex differences have not yet been revealed. The vasotocinergic system in birds is implicated in body fluid homeostasis, and during ontogeny it starts to respond to osmotic challenges in a sexually dimorphic way. Photoperiod, aging, or castration—all associated with changes in circulating testosterone levels—affect sexually dimorphic VT pathways and cell clusters. Sexually dimorphic vasotocinergic circuits are distributed in regions containing steroid-concentrating cells and are closely intermingled with aromatase-containing neurons that may mediate activational effects of gonadal steroids on this peptidergic system. However, it remains undetermined whether the observed neuroanatomical sex differences are related to sexually dimorphic autonomic and behavioral effects induced by VT. Most likely, VT in birds has a modulatory rather than a specific regulatory function in control of male sexual behavior and vocalization.  相似文献   

Spinocerebellar ataxia type 10 (SCA10) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease characterized by cerebellar ataxia and seizures. The disease is caused by a large ATTCT repeat expansion in the ATXN10 gene. The first families reported with SCA10 were of Mexican origin, but the disease was soon after described in Brazilian families of mixed Portuguese and Amerindian ancestry. The origin of the SCA10 expansion and a possible founder effect that would account for its geographical distribution have been the source of speculation over the last years. To unravel the mutational origin and spread of the SCA10 expansion, we performed an extensive haplotype study, using closely linked STR markers and intragenic SNPs, in families from Brazil and Mexico. Our results showed (1) a shared disease haplotype for all Brazilian and one of the Mexican families, and (2) closely-related haplotypes for the additional SCA10 Mexican families; (3) little or null genetic distance in small normal alleles of different repeat sizes, from the same SNP lineage, indicating that they are being originated by a single step mechanism; and (4) a shared haplotype for pure and interrupted expanded alleles, pointing to a gene conversion model for its generation. In conclusion, we show evidence for an ancestral common origin for SCA10 in Latin America, which might have arisen in an ancestral Amerindian population and later have been spread into the mixed populations of Mexico and Brazil.  相似文献   

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