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Chen H  Emura S  Yao XF  Shoumura S 《Tissue & cell》2004,36(6):409-415
SAMP6, a substrain of senescence-accelerated mouse, was developed as an animal model for senile osteoporosis. We investigated the morphology of the parathyroid gland and thyroid C cell, together with the serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitonin (CT) in SAMP6 and age-matched normal mice SAMR1. We did not find any significant differences between SAMR1 and SAMP6 at 1 month of age with regard to the serum PTH level and the morphology of the parathyroid glands. As compared with SAMR1, the serum PTH level was significantly higher in SAMP6 at 2, 5 and 12 months of age. In the parathyroid chief cells of SAMP6 at 2, 5 and 12 months of age, the Golgi complexes and the cisternae of the granular endoplasmic reticulum were well developed. Numerous secretory granules were located near the plasma membranes and mitoses were sometimes observed. There was no marked difference between SAMR1 and SAMP6 regarding the morphology of the thyroid C cells and the serum CT level. These findings suggest that the secretory activity of the parathyroid gland is stimulated in SAMP6 at 2, 5 and 12 months of age. The parathyroid follicle was sometimes found in SAMP6, and the significance of this structure was also discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry for the demonstration of parathormone in parathyroid chief cells was performed in adult male rats, gerbils, mice, and dogs, using the protein A-gold technique. Protein A-gold particles were detected over both large and small secretory granules in all the animals examined. In the former, they were concentrated not only over type-I granules with a large core, but also over type-II granules with a small core. They were also located over atypical granules, including heterogeneously dense granules, granules having vesicles in a finely particulate core, and distorted granules. All labelled secretory granules were characterized by the presence of a clear halo of varying width around the core. Occasionally, Golgi cisternae as well as Golgi vacuoles with a finely particular content were also labelled. The labelling of the secretory granules was strong in dogs, moderate in rats and gerbils, and weak in mice. In addition, it was more intense in the non-osmicated preparations than in the osmicated preparations. The frequency of both types of large granules showed species differences. The possible factors involved in these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of a low calcium diet on the ultrastructure of the parathyroid gland in the chick was examined. Two-week-old White Leghorn chicks were fed a low calcium diet (calcium content 0.63%) for two weeks. In these chicks, the parathyroid glands are grossly enlarged. Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the chief cells are evident. The plasma membranes between adjacent cells are relatively straight but interdigitate in some places. Chief cells contain occasional membrane-limited secretory granules (150–350 m in diameter) and with contents of variable electron density. Secretory granules are distributed randomly but some are closely applied to the plasma membrane. There is an increase in the development of the rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum. The Golgi complex is enlarged and consists of cisternae arranged in concentric layers, smooth-surfaced and coated vesicles and condensing vacuoles. Dilatations of the cisternae at several points are observed. Mitochondria and filaments are also encountered. These morphological features suggest that low calcium intake stimulates the synthetic activity of the chief cells of the chick parathyroid.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the polymorphic vesicular component of the ultimobranchial gland of the domestic fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus) has been described in detail, together with the structure of the cell strands interconnecting the vesicles and the parathyroid nodules lying within the ultimobranchial stroma. The vesicles frequently appear to arise from the nodules by way of the cell strands. The strands show a structure of their component cells intermediate between that of the parathyroid and the vesicular cells, although the position at which the strand changes from an essentially parathyroid structure to an essentially vesicular structure is very variable. The degree and kind of secretory activity within different cell types has been described. A review of the structure of ultimobranchial glands throughout the vertebrates shows that similar tissue with a similar secretory potential has been observed in all vertebrate classes, suggesting a functional significance for this part of the gland.  相似文献   

Summary The parathyroid glands of young male rats given 150 ppm fluoride in their drinking water for 10 weeks were examined by transmission electron microscopy. As a result of fluoride ingestion, the parathyroid chief cells of the experimental animals accumulated glycogen in excess of that seen in control animals given distilled drinking water for the same time period. In the majority of active chief cells, glycogen granules were diffusely spread throughout the cytoplasm as single granules or in small deposits. Large aggregations of glycogen granules were also seen within intercellular spaces. Accompanying the increase in glycogen was a rise in the number and development of the organelles associated with protein synthesis and secretion. The accumulation of glycogen is similar to that in hyperparathyroidism caused by chronic stimulation and prolonged secretory activity of the parathyroid gland. The results of this study suggest that increased amounts of glycogen occur in hyperactive chief cells of the parathyroid in response to the ingestion of large doses of fluoride.  相似文献   

Water-clear cells and transitional forms between the chief cells and water-clear cells were observed in the parathyroid gland of the golden hamster. Their ultrastructure is described, and the origin of the water-clear cell is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the interstitial gland of the ovary was studied in hypophysectomized rats and in hypophysectomized rats after denervation of the ovary or stimulation of the ovarian plexus. Hypophysectomized rats were used to eliminate gonadotropic influences on interstitial cells. In hypophysectomized rats, there was a large amount of intercellular space and cells had irregularly shaped nuclei and a large nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio. Prominent cytoplasmic features included small mitochondria with an electron-dense matrix, rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, polysomes and large osmiophilic lipid droplets. Interstitial cells from stimulated ovaries had reduced intercellular space and a reduced nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio. Mitochondria had tubular cristae; smooth endoplasmic reticulum-surrounded lipid droplets, and large polysomes were present. After section of the ovarian plexus, intercellular space was increased and filopodia were numerous. Cytoplasmic features included mitochondria with a dense matrix and indistinct cristae, large electronlucent lipid droplets, and variously sized multivesicular structures. These observations suggest that stimulation of the ovarian plexus in hypophysectomized rats causes regressed cells to assume the fine structural features of active steroidogenic cells. In contrast, interruption of the ovarian nerve supply causes a qualitative and quantitative increase in ultrastructural features characteristic of regressed steroidogenic cells. These responses of interstitial gland cells to denervation and stimulation provide morphological evidence for a functional role for the adrenergic nerves to this ovarian compartment.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the interstitial gland of the rat ovary was studied at estrus and on Days 4, 6, 10, 14 and 18 of pregnancy. At estrus, ovarian interstitial cells have small nuclei with dense irregular clumps of heterochromatin. Mitochondria are small and rod-shaped and have predominantely lamellar cristae. Numerous osmiophilic lipid droplets are present. At Days 4 and 6, nuclear heterochromatin is reduced, and nucleoli are larger and complex. Mitochondria are enlarged and often bizarre-shaped and have tubular cristae. Golgi and smooth endoplasmic reticulum are more conspicuous. At Day 10, prominent ultrastructural features include nuclei with conspicuous heterochromatin, smaller mitochondria with both lamellar and tubular cristae, numerous ribosomes and lipid droplets with decreased osmiophilia. At Days 14 and 18, nuclei have increased heterochromatin, mitochondria are small and have lamellated cristae and an increase in the size and number of lipid droplets occurs. These observations suggest that steroidogenic activity of interstitial cells is highest during the first half of pregnancy and regresses during the last half. It is suggested that the interstitial gland is an important ovarian source of pregnancy hormone(s) during the first half of gestation and that LH may modulate steroidogenic activity in this ovarian component.  相似文献   

We investigated some effects of prostaglandin E1 on the metabolism of rat parathyroid glands using a culture system containing basal Eagle's medium supplemented with 5–10% heat-inactivated rat serum. Rat parathyroid glands incorporate [3H]fucose and 14C-labeled amino acids into cellular glycoproteins and secrete some of these into the culture medium. Gel filtration chromatography separates these glycoproteins into three classes, the smallest of which (peak 3) is secreted with immunoreactive parathyroid hormone. In cultures of 48 h, prostaglandin E1 (1 μg/ml) specifically inhibits the secretion of peak 3 and of parathyroid hormone but has no effect on the incorporation of [3H]-fucose, 14C-labeled amino acids, or [3H]uridine into parathyroid glands. Cytochalasin B inhibits the secretion of parathyroid hormone and the incroporation of isotopic fucose and amino acids. Cortisol stimulates incorporation of [3H]fucose and the secretion of parathyroid hormone even in the presence of inhibitory doses of prostaglandin E1. It is concluded that, in organ culture, prostaglandin E1 inhibits the secretion of parathyroid hormone and of a specific glycoprotein the function of which may be related to the secretion of the hormone.  相似文献   

The senescence-accelerated mouse (SAM) was developed by selective breeding of the AKR/J strain, based on a graded score for senescence, which led to the development of both senescence-accelerated prone (SAMP), and senescence-accelerated resistant (SAMR) strains. Among the SAMP strains, SAMP6 is well characterized as a model of senile osteoporosis, but its brain and neuronal functions have not been well studied. We therefore decided to characterize the central nervous system of SAMP6, in combination with different behavioral tests and analysis of its biochemical and pharmacological properties. Multiple behavioral tests revealed higher motor activity, reduced anxiety, anti-depressant activity, motor coordination deficits, and enhanced learning and memory in SAMP6 compared with SAMR1. Biochemical and pharmacological analyses revealed several alterations in the dopamine and serotonin systems, and in long-term potentiation (LTP)-related molecules. In this review, we discuss the possibility of using SAMP6 as a model of brain function.  相似文献   

Summary The ultimobranchial gland of the laying chicken consists of groups of C cells interspersed among a collection of intercommunicating follicles and ducts of variable size and shape. The epithelium lining this system ranges from squamous to columnar and includes stratified squamous and pseudostratified columnar elements. Four cell types are distinguished in this epithelium: F, mucous, C, and basal cells. F cells show microvilli and microfilaments. Pinocytotic activity and images of fusion of coated vesicles with the plasma membrane are evident. The rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and the Golgi complex are moderately developed. Dense bodies are encountered apically in some cells. Mucous cells possess microvilli and secretory material in the typical form of partially fused droplets. C cells contain secretory granules and are invariably separated from the follicular lumen by other cell types. The smaller, pyramidal basal cells contain filaments, RER, small Golgi complexes, free ribosomes and hemidesmosomes. The lumina contain flocculent or granular material, cellular debris and desquamated cells. Morphological evidence demonstrates that features of the pharyngeal epithelium are retained and that the majority of the cell types, with the exception of C cells, are presumably nonendocrine.Supported by grant HES 75-09030 from the National Science FoundationThe technical assistance of Quan Nguyen is gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

The thread cells in the slime gland of Japanese hagfishes, Paramyxine atami and Eptatretus burgeri were studied by light and electron microscopy. The mature thread cells are large elements (180 times 80 mu) filled with an intricately coiled thread, approximately 2 mu in diameter. The protein nature of the thread has been confirmed by histochemical examination. In the initial stage of growth, the thread consists of a bundle of distinctly parallel filaments approximately 90-120 A in diameter and a centrally located tubular component approximately 230-260 A in diameter which occurs singly or occasionally as a double and triple structure. The developing thread displays thin filaments, approximately 30-60 A in diameter. The thin filaments are composed of fine fibrous structures, subfilaments, approximately 10-30 A in diameter. On the outer surface of the thread a coating is apparent, giving it a fluffy appearance. Polysomal clusters consisting of five or six ribosomes are predominant. Fine fibrous structures are also found among the threads; they seem to have a spatial relationship with the polysomes and resemble the subfilament constituents of the thin filaments. From these results, it may be suggested that the fine fibrous structures synthesized by polysomes, twist together and coalesce into a thread. The problem of the polysome size and the molecular weight of the fibrous protein synthesized is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The secretory mechanism of the parathyroid glands of fluoride treated rats is evaluated ultrastructurally and compared to that of control rats. The principal difference between the two groups of rats concerns the rate of activity of the chief cells of the gland. In the control animals, these cells are predominantly inactive. In the fluoride-treated rats, they exhibit a more active stage of the secretory cycle. The active chief cells in rats treated with fluoride contain increased numbers of secretory granules. These granules are released into the perivascular spaces within cytoplasmic projections suggesting an apocrine-like mechanism for the secretion of parathyroid hormone. Secretory granules are observed free in the perivascular spaces and within the cytoplasm of capillary endothelial cells in the parathyroid glands.  相似文献   

Chen H  Yao XF  Emura S  Shoumura S 《Tissue & cell》2006,38(5):325-335
SAMP6, a substrain of senescence-accelerated mouse, was developed as an animal model for senile osteoporosis. Previously we observed age-related changes of the bone in SAMP6. In the present study, we investigated the morphology of the skeletal muscle, tendon and periosteum in SAMP6 and age-matched normal mouse SAMR1. We did not find any significant differences between SAMR1 and SAMP6 at 1 and 2 months of age. As compared with SAMR1, the cross-sectional area of type I and type II muscle fibers of the soleus muscle were significantly low in SAMP6 at 8 months of age. The projections in the interface of the muscle-tendon junctions were significantly decreased in SAMP6 at 8 months of age. The number of fibroblasts and the diameter of the tendon collagen fibers in Achilles fiber were significantly reduced in SAMP6 at 8 months of age. The diameter of Sharpey's fiber reduced in SAMP6 at 5 and 8 months of age. Some chondrocytes in the insertions of Achilles tendon and some osteogenic cells in the periosteum showed degenerative changes in SAMP6 at 5 and 8 months of age. The pronounced degenerative changes were detected in the skeletal muscle, muscle-tendon junction, tendon, tendon-bone interface and periosteum in SAMP6 with age. These findings indicated the atrophy of skeletal muscle, degeneration of tendon and periosteum in SAMP6, which may be involved in the bone loss for senile osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Farr SA  Banks WA  Uezu K  Gaskin FS  Morley JE 《Life sciences》2004,75(23):2775-2785
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) has been reported to improve memory in aged animals and suggested as a treatment for age-related dementias. The SAMP8 mouse, a model of Alzheimer's disease, has an age-related impairment in learning and memory and an increase in brain levels of amyloid precursor protein (APP) and amyloid beta protein (Abeta). Male SAMP8 mice also have a decrease in testosterone, to which DHEA is a precursor. Diabetes has been suggested as a model of aging and to be linked to Alzheimer's disease. Diabetics can have memory deficits and lower DHEAS levels. Here, we examined the effects of chronic oral DHEAS on acquisition and retention for T-maze footshock avoidance in 12 mo male SAMP8 mice and in CD-1 mice with streptozocin-induced diabetes. Learning and memory were improved in aged SAMP8 mice, but not in CD-1 mice with streptozocin-induced diabetes. These findings suggest that DHEAS is more effective in reversing the cognitive impairments associated with overexpression of Abeta than with diabetes.  相似文献   

Brain aging is associated with increased neurodegeneration and reduced neurogenesis. B1/neural stem cells (B1‐NSCs) of the mouse subependymal zone (SEZ) support the ongoing production of olfactory bulb interneurons, but their neurogenic potential is progressively reduced as mice age. Although age‐related changes in B1‐NSCs may result from increased expression of tumor suppressor proteins, accumulation of DNA damage, metabolic alterations, and microenvironmental or systemic changes, the ultimate causes remain unclear. Senescence‐accelerated‐prone mice (SAMP8) relative to senescence‐accelerated‐resistant mice (SAMR1) exhibit signs of hastened senescence and can be used as a model for the study of aging. We have found that the B1‐NSC compartment is transiently expanded in young SAMP8 relative to SAMR1 mice, resulting in disturbed cytoarchitecture of the SEZ, B1‐NSC hyperproliferation, and higher yields of primary neurospheres. These unusual features are, however, accompanied by premature loss of B1‐NSCs. Moreover, SAMP8 neurospheres lack self‐renewal and enter p53‐dependent senescence after only two passages. Interestingly, in vitro senescence of SAMP8 cells could be prevented by inhibition of histone acetyltransferases and mimicked in SAMR1 cells by inhibition of histone deacetylases (HDAC). Our data indicate that expression of the tumor suppressor p19, but not of p16, is increased in SAMP8 neurospheres, as well as in SAMR1 neurospheres upon HDAC inhibition, and suggest that the SAMP8 phenotype may, at least in part, be due to changes in chromatin status. Interestingly, acute HDAC inhibition in vivo resulted in changes in the SEZ of SAMR1 mice that resembled those found in young SAMP8 mice.  相似文献   

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