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Action of insulin on chick embryo heart   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

1. The accumulation of [1-(14)C]glycine and the uptake, accumulation, incorporation (into protein, lipid, glycogen) and oxidation of l-[1-(14)C]leucine in 5-day-old chick embryo hearts were investigated in vitro, and the effects of insulin, puromycin and 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoic acid on these processes were studied. 2. With glycine, the ratio of concentration of the labelled amino acid in the cell water to that in medium markedly exceeded unity. Insulin significantly increased this ratio. Puromycin did not prevent the insulin effect. 3. With leucine, the concentration ratio of the labelled amino acid between intracellular and extracellular water approached unity in the absence of puromycin and was doubled by its presence. In neither case did insulin substantially alter this ratio. The addition of 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoic acid had no effect in the absence of insulin, but produced a significant increase of the concentration ratio in the presence of the hormone. 4. Leucine uptake was increased slightly by insulin in all experimental conditions except in the presence of puromycin, where a more pronounced stimulation was observed. The hormone had no effect on the incorporation of the labelled amino acid into protein, but accelerated its oxidation to carbon dioxide; the latter effect was particularly evident in the presence of puromycin and disappeared after the addition of 4-methyl-2-oxopentanoic acid.  相似文献   

Scorpion toxins, the basic miniprotiens of scorpion venom, stimulated the passive uptake of Na+ and Ca2+ in chick ermbryo heart cells. Half-maximum stimulation was obtained for 20–30 nM Na+ and 40–50 nM Ca2+. Scorpion toxin-activated Na+ and Ca2+ uptakes were fully inhibited by tetrodotoxin, a specific inhibitor of the action potential Na+ ionophore in excitable membranes. Half-maximum inhibition was obtained with the same concentration of tetrodotoxin (10 nm) for both Na+ and Ca2+. Scorpion toxin-stimulated Ca2+ uptake was dependent on extracellular Na+ concentration and was not inhibited by Ca2+ channel blocking drugs which are inactive on heart cell action potential. Thus, in heart cells scorpion toxin affects the passive Ca2+ transport, which is coupled to passive Na+ ionphore. Other results suggest that (1) tetrodotoxin and scorpion toxin bind to different sites of the sarcolemma and (2) binding of scorpion toxin to its specific sites may unmask latent tetrodotoxin — sensitive fast channels.  相似文献   

Scorpion toxins, the basic miniproteins of scorpion venom, stimulated the passive uptake of Na+ and Ca2+ in chick embryo heart cells. Half-maximum stimulation was obtained for 20-30 nM Na+ and 40-50 nM Ca2+. Scorpion toxin-activated Na+ and Ca2+ uptakes were fully inhibited by tetrodotoxin, a specific inhibitor of the action potential Na+ ionophore in excitable membranes. Half-maximum inhibition was obtained with the same concentration of tetrodotoxin (10 nM) for both Na+ and Ca2+. Scorpion toxin-stimulated Ca2+ uptake was dependent on extracellular Na+ concentration and was not inhibited by Ca2+ channel blocking drugs which are inactive on heart cell action potential. Thus, in heart cells scorpion toxin affects the passive Ca2+ transport, which is coupled to passive Na+ ionphore. Other results suggest that (1) tetrodotoxin and scorpion toxin bind to different sites of the sarcolemma and (2) binding of scorpion toxin to its specific sites may unmask latent tetrodotoxin - sensitive fast channels.  相似文献   

L-leucine uptake into full-grown oocytes of Xenopus laevis is a saturable process which is Na+ dependent and presumably coupled to Na+ gradient. Our results indicate that progesterone (10(-6) M) Blocks abruptly, around the germinal vesicle breakdown, the saturable transport of L-leucine. p-Chloromercuribenzoate (10(-4) M) induces maturation and after a short lag of time strongly inhibits L-leucine uptake. Cycloheximide prevents progesterone-induced maturation and permeability changes.  相似文献   

Diazepam decreased the rate and amplitude of contraction in isolated embryonic chick hearts in a dose-dependent manner in both the noninnervated hearts obtained from 4-day-old embryos and the innervated hearts from 7-day-old embryos. The concentration of diazepam necessary to reduce the heart rate and contractile amplitude to 50% of the control values was about 1 X 10(-4) M. Concentrations less than 1.0 X 10(-5) M had no detectable depressant effects. Prior administration of atropine did not alter the depression induced by diazepam. Norepinephrine was able to stimulate the amplitude of contraction in the diazepam-depressed heart while atropine was without effect. The vehicle used in the clinical injectable preparation of diazepam had no depressant effects. The mechanism of action of the diazepam-induced depression on the isolated embryonic chick heart may be a direct depression of the myocardium.  相似文献   

l-leucine uptake into full-grown oocytes of Xenopus laevis is a saturable process which is Na+ dependent and presumably coupled to Na+ gradient. Our results indicate that progesterone (10?6 M) blocks abruptly, around the germinal vesicle breakdown, the saturable transport of l-leucine. p-Chloromercuribenzoate (10?4 M) induces maturation and after a short lag of time strongly inhibits l-leucine uptake. Cycloheximide prevents progesterone-induced maturation and permeability changes.  相似文献   

Addition of insulin to nonproliferating serum-free cultures of secondary chicken embryo (CE) cells caused a 30% to 50% increase in cell number. Addition of any one of several glucocorticoids (dexamethasone, cortisol, or corticosterone) to the cultures two days before insulin addition increased the mitogenic effect of insulin by about twofold at each insulin concentration tested. This glucocorticoid stimulation of cell proliferation was “permissive” because in the absence of insulin glucocorticoids caused little increase in cell number (usually less than 15%). Glucocorticoids were maximally active at low concentrations (e.g., 10?10 M dexamethasone). Steroids without glucocorticoid activity were inactive over a wide range of concentrations. Glucocorticoids increased the mitogenic response to insulin largely by increasing the percentage of cells that insulin stimulated to synthesize DNA. The maximum mitogenic effect of insulin upon CE cells rapidly decreased after the cells were serially subcultured. After only nine population doublings (4 passages) in culture, the response to insulin was diminished by about 70%. The mitogenic effect of insulin plus dexamethasone declined similarly during serial subculture, and was always about twofold greater than the effect of insulin alone. The cells maintained their mitogenic responsiveness to serum as these responses decreased. In contrast to the growth promoting influence of glucocorticoids in the presence of insulin, glucocorticoids inhibited the mitogenic response of CE cells to serum. This result may resolve our above findings with reports that glucocorticoids inhibit the proliferation of CE cells.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine increased twitch tension in the whole ventricle or in ventricular strips from 2-10-day chick embryos. The effect of acetylcholine was mediated by muscarinic receptors, since it was prevented by atropine, but not by tubocurarine or propranolol. Prostigmine significantly increased the sensitivity to acetylcholine in the strips from 7-day embryos, being almost ineffective in the strips from 3-day embryos. The decrease in acetylcholine sensitivity in the developing chick embryo is presumably associated with the increase in cholinesterase activity of the myocardial tissue.  相似文献   

Three different temperature sensitive mutants derived from the Syrian hamster cell line BHK 21 were found to have greatly reduced DNA synthesis at the non-permissive temperature. These mutants are distinct by complementation analysis and behave at the non-permissive temperature as cell cycle traverse defective mutants. Microfluorometric analysis of mutant populations arrested at the non-permissive temperature shows an accumulation of cells with G1 DNA content. Mutants ts 13 and ts HJ4 synchronized in G1 by serum or isoleucine deprivation and shifted to the non-permissive temperature at the time of release do not enter the S phase, while in the case of mutant ts 11 preincubation at the non-permissive temperature before release is required to completely prevent its entry into S. Ts 13 and ts 11 are able to traverse the S phase at the non-permissive temperature when synchronized at the boundary G1/S; in this case, preincubation of ts 11 at the non-permissive temperature before release does not affect the ability of these cells to perform DNA synthesis. On the other hand, ts HJ4 appears to traverse S only partially when tested under similar conditions. Temperature shift experiments of mutant populations at different times after isoleucine synchronization suggest that ts 13 and ts 11 are blocked at the non-permissive temperature in early G1, whereas ts HJ4 is probably affected near the initiation of DNA synthesis, or in some early S function.  相似文献   

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