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We studied flexibility of life history tactics, in terms of habitat-dependent survival and reproduction, in a pulsed resource consumer, the edible dormouse (Glis glis). We compared capture–mark–recapture data from three subpopulations of dormice: one in a homogeneous beech forest (Forest), and two in patches of woodland (Grove/Hedge), with more constant but less energy-rich food availability (e.g., fleshy fruits), over a period of 5 years. The general seasonal pattern of hibernation and reproduction was similar in all three subpopulations. Juveniles were born in only 3 out of 5 years at all study sites, which was paralleled by the occurrence of strong seed production in beech. Reproductive output (number of juveniles/female) was lower at the two sites with low seed tree abundance (Grove: 1.3; Hedge: 2.0) than in the Forest (4.4). Yearly survival probability of adults was significantly lower in the Forest (0.57, CI = 0.42–0.70) than in the areas Grove and Hedge (0.83, CI = 0.70–0.91). Despite their shortened lifespan, estimated lifetime reproductive success of females in the Forest was higher (6.2 young) than in the areas Grove/Hedge (4.8 young). Together, these data indicate that, in more constant habitats (Grove/Hedge), lower reproductive investment was associated with increased longevity. However, dormice apparently maximise lifetime reproductive success by a ‘sit tight’ strategy that synchronises reproduction with energy rich seed pulses in deciduous forests. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorised users.  相似文献   

Highly seasonal breeding has been considered one of the keys to understanding Malagasy primate socioecology. Strict seasonal breeding may be particularly critical for Malagasy primates because they live in such energetically challenging seasonal environments. Lemurs also live in highly unpredictable environments, and there is growing evidence that reproductive timing may be mediated by additional factors, suggesting that more relaxed breeding seasonality is adaptive in some cases. I tested the adaptive breadth of the birth peak in Eulemur rubriventer, which breed in several different months. I describe reproduction in the species by determining the timing and extent of the birth season (period in which all births occur) and birth peak (period in which the majority of births occur); test whether relaxed reproductive seasonality might increase reproductive success by comparing infant mortality within and outside the birth peak; and model the extent to which fruit availability has an influence on the timing of reproduction. I collected birth data on 5 groups in 2003–2005, which I combined with demographic data that D. Overdorff collected from 5 focal groups and additional censused groups between 1988 and 1996. Thirty births occurred in 8 different months. Births were significantly seasonal, with a unimodal birth peak in late August/September/October, and a mean birth date of October 11. Twenty-three births (76.7%) occurred within 54 d (14.79%) of the year. No births occurred May–July, indicating that conceptions did not occur from late December through late February, and cycling (estimated using gestation length) did not occur until ca. 101 d after the austral summer solstice (December 21). Of 22 infants followed regularly, 18 were born in the birth peak, of which 2 died (11%). All 4 infants born out of season died. Based on fruit availability, I calculated a Theoretical Overlap index (T), which indicated a 3-mo window with optimal food conditions for reproduction. This window corresponded to the timing and breadth of the birth peak in Eulemur rubriventer. These results indicate that a breeding season >3 mo within a given year is not adaptive in the species, likely due in large part to the availability of fruit during key reproductive stages, particularly before breeding.  相似文献   

We found in an earlier study that mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis and G. holbrooki) ceased reproduction in the late summer, long before the end of warm weather, stored fat, then utilized reserves to survive the winter and initiate reproduction the following spring. We hypothesized that this pattern of fat utilization was a life history adaptation that enabled the fish to acquire food resources in the autumn then allocate them to reproduction the following spring when the fitness of the young would be greater. Here we evaluate one aspect of this hypothesis by evaluating the probability of survival to maturity and fecundity of young as a function of date of birth. We placed cohorts comprising eight to ten litters of young born early‐, mid‐ or late in the reproductive season in replicate field enclosures. The entire experiment was repeated in two different years. Early‐born young had a significantly higher probability of survival to maturity but did not differ in fecundity relative to the last cohort of the season. Early‐born young also attained maturity early enough to reproduce in their year of birth while late‐born young had to overwinter before reproduction. The fitness consequences to the mother of either producing one more litter of young at the end of the season, versus instead storing fat and reproducing the following spring are not as determinate as are the effects of date of birth on offspring fitness. Females most often gain fitness by not producing one last litter and instead over‐wintering. If, however, the overwinter survival of offspring is not influenced by their size at the end of the season, then a female's fitness could be enhanced by producing one more litter late in the season. If instead the probability of overwinter survival is strongly influenced by the size of offspring at the end of the season, then our results suggest that a female gains more by deferring reproduction and storing for overwinter survival and reproduction the following spring.  相似文献   

Information on basic reproductive parameters and life-history traits is crucial for the understanding of primate evolution, ecology, social behavior, and reproductive strategies. Here, we report 4 yr of data on reproductive and life-history traits for wild female Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis) at Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary, northeastern Thailand. During 2 consecutive reproductive seasons, we investigated reproductive behavior and sexual swelling size in 16 females and collected 1832 fecal samples. Using enzyme immunoassays, we measured fecal estrogen and progesterone metabolites to assess ovarian activity and timing of ovulation and to ascertain conceptions and pregnancies. Timing of reproduction was strictly seasonal (births: April–July, 86% in April–June, 4 yr, n = 29; conceptions: October–February, 65% in December–January, 2 yr, n = 17). Females showed no cyclic ovarian activity outside the mating season and conceived in their first or second cycle (mean: 1.2 cycles to conception, n = 13). Gestation length was on average 164.2 d (range: 158–170, n = 10), and females had their first infant at an age of 5 yr (n = 4). Interbirth intervals were bimodally distributed, with females giving birth on average every 13.9 or 23.2 mo. Shorter interbirth intervals were linked to early parturition within the birth season. Most females displayed subcaudal sexual swellings which, however, did not reliably indicate female reproductive status or fertility. Overall, our results fall within the range of findings reported for other macaque species. These results thus add to the growing body of information available for wild macaques, facilitating comparative studies for a better understanding of interspecific differences in social and reproductive patterns.  相似文献   

In many species of mammals, adults play an important role in influencing the survival and/or reproduction of juveniles. Adult males could have a negative effect on population density when their absence becomes a limiting factor in female fertilization. We tested the hypotheses that the absence of overwintering males (adult males) reduces the population growth rate through a delay in the onset of reproductive activity of Cohort 1 females in Calomys venustus populations. The study was carried out in two control and two experimental enclosures (0.25 ha). Adult males were removed after their offspring were born. Weekly trapping sessions were carried out from spring to autumn. To estimate population growth rates (λ), apparent survival (ϕ) and seniority probability (γ) were estimated using capture–mark-recapture models. Models were constructed with these two parameters and recapture probability (p) constrained to vary as a function of time, enclosure and/or treatment. We derived estimates of population growth rates through the estimates of ϕ and γ. The best models for ϕ and γ did not show a treatment effect. Variability between the four enclosures was greater than between control and experimental enclosures. Enclosures had different growth rates at the beginning of the study but were equaled at the end. Temporal variation in population growth rates was a result of temporal variation of γ. The two controls showed the highest growth rates earlier in time. The results did not support the hypothesis tested in this study. It seems that the number of overwintering males do not affect the population growth rate.  相似文献   

Animal populations are becoming increasingly exposed to human activity as human populations expand and demand for energy resources (e.g., coal, oil and natural gas) increases. We initiated this study to document survival and cause-specific mortality patterns of female Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus) exposed to increasing levels of human activity. We fitted 184 females with VHF or GPS collars over 4 years and used the Kaplan–Meier survival estimator to calculate annual survival rates. We used multinomial logistic regression to assess differences in cause-specific mortality and generalized linear mixed models to determine how probability of survival was structured during hunting season; both analyses examined a suite of 5 covariates (i.e., age, year, extent of space use, cover, and human footprint) as potentially influencing cause-specific mortality and survival probability. Annual probability of survival averaged 0.8 (±0.02 SE) over 4 years but averaged 0.91 (±0.03 SE) when harvest mortality was excluded, which was the most significant source of mortality in most years ( [`(x)] = 0.13 ±0.02 \textSE \bar{x} = 0.13 \pm 0.02\,{\text{SE}} ). We found no difference between cause-specific mortality sources relative to elk that survived during the hunting season (χ 102 = 5.79, P = 0.832). The probability of a female surviving during hunting season was negatively influenced by age, year, extent of space use, cover, and human footprint. We found evidence that human activity may have influenced annual rates of natural survival (i.e., exclusive of hunting mortality) and probability of survival during the hunting season. We note that this study occurred largely on privately owned and managed residential and ranch land and focused on female elk; we acknowledge that survival rate and cause-specific patterns of mortality may vary as a function of land ownership (private vs. public), demographic status, and management and harvest practices. While temporal and spatial scales of 1 week may be sufficient to describe patterns of direct mortality during hunting season, broad temporal or spatial scale analyses may be needed to address natural mortality during other seasons.  相似文献   

Alpine environments are unique systems to examine variation in life-history strategies because temperature and seasonality are similar across broad latitudinal gradients. We studied the life-history strategies, demography and population growth of white-tailed ptarmigan Lagopus leucura, an alpine specialist, at the latitudinal extremes of the range in the Yukon (YK, studied from 2004 to 2008) and Colorado (CO, 1987–1996). The two populations were separated by 2,400 km of latitude, and the Yukon site was approximately 2,000 m lower in elevation than the Colorado site. Yukon females bred on average 9 days earlier than those in Colorado, but the latter study was conducted 15 years earlier and breeding dates may have advanced over this period. The length of the breeding season was similar between the two populations, and females had comparable probabilities of re-nesting after failure. The two populations differed in how they allocated effort to the first clutch as Yukon females laid larger clutches (7.1 vs. 5.9 eggs) but smaller eggs (18.8 vs. 20.5 g) than those in Colorado. Demographic rates also differed; nest survival was higher in the Yukon (0.40) than in Colorado (0.24), and the resultant annual fecundity was nearly twice as high in the Yukon (3.92 vs. 1.77 chicks/female). In contrast, annual adult survival was higher in Colorado although the confidence intervals overlapped (females: YK = 0.35, CO = 0.44; males: YK = 0.48, CO = 0.59). Estimates of annual population growth (λ) indicated both populations were declining, especially in Colorado (λ YK = 0.83, λ CO = 0.66), and thus, dispersal movements are likely key to long-term persistence in both cases. Our findings suggest that breeding-season temperature and seasonality affect measures related to timing of reproduction, but not the costs and benefits of clutch and egg size.  相似文献   

The humpback red snapper Lutjanus gibbus (Lutjanidae) is an important species for fisheries in the Kagoshima and Okinawan region of Japan. The present study estimated the age, growth and reproduction of this lutjanid species in the waters around Ishigaki Island, southern part of Okinawa. An opaque zone was formed on the otolith every year, and this formation correlated with their spawning season; these zones were identified as annual rings. Maximum ages of 21 and 24 years were observed for males and females, respectively. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters clarifying the age–fork length relationship were as follows: L  = 390.5 mm, K = 0.210 year−1 and t 0 = −1.88 year for males, and L  = 303.4, K = 0.256 year−1 and t 0 = −3.05 year for females. The main spawning season was estimated as between May and October, since greater values of gonadosomatic index for females as well as maturation oocytes and/or postovulatory follicles were observed during those six months.  相似文献   

Among most species of birds, survival from hatching throughout the first year of life is generally lower than subsequent survival rates. Survival of young birds during their first year may depend on a combination of selection, learning, unpredictable resources, and environmental events (i.e., post‐fledging factors). However, knowledge about post‐fledging development in long‐lived species is usually limited due to a lengthy immature stage when individuals are generally unobservable. Therefore, pre‐fledging characteristics are often used to predict the survival of young birds. We assessed effects of nestling growth rates, hatching date, hatching asynchrony, brood size and rank order after brood reduction, and sex on first‐year survival of 137 fledglings using a mark‐resighting analysis. We found that the survival probability (Φ1yr = 0.39) of first‐year Herring Gulls (Larus argentatus) in our study colony located at the outer port of Zeebrugge (Belgium) was lower than that of older individuals (Φ>1yr = 0.75). All 10 models best supported by our data included nestling growth rate, suggesting that variability in first‐year survival may be linked primarily to individual variation in growth. First‐year survival was negatively correlated with hatching date and rank order after brood reduction. Hence, carry‐over effects of breeding season events such as timing of breeding, early development, and social status had an influence on survival of Herring Gulls after fledging. Furthermore, we found sex‐biased mortality in first‐year Herring Gulls, with females (Φ1yr = 0.45) surviving better than males (Φ1yr = 0.38). Although adult survival is generally regarded as the key parameter driving population trajectories in long‐lived species, juvenile survival has recently been acknowledged as an important source of variability in population growth rates. Thus, increasing our knowledge of factors affecting age‐specific survival rates is necessary to improve our understanding of population dynamics and ultimately life‐history variation.  相似文献   

Mammals are common predators on bird nests. However, their species identity frequently remains unknown. Here we present long-term data (1975–2005) from a central European woodland on the predatory effect of three dormice species (Rodentia, Gliridae) on cavity-nesting birds. Dormice are mostly frugivorous during the active late-summer season, but shortly after they terminate hibernation, they frequently depredate cavity-nesting-bird nests. The seven bird species studied, lost on average between 2.9 to 18.4% of their broods. MigratoryFicedula flycatchers suffered the highest brood losses, while the residentParus titmice and the nuthatchSitta europaea had much lower brood losses. The three dormice species differed significantly in their predatory effect during different avian breeding stages. The edible dormouseGlis glis (Linnaeus, 1766) depredated both eggs and nestlings equally, while the common dormouseMuscardinus avellanarius (Linnaeus, 1758) and the forest dormouseDryomys nitedula (Pallas, 1778) destroyed more nests during egg laying and the incubation period. Among adult birds, females were taken more frequently by dormice than males. Among avian species, adultFicedula flycatchers were more often depredated than the titmice and nuthatch. Our study provided further evidence, that among the traditional studies on the costs of reproduction, parental mortality at the nests needs to be considered and that incubating or brooding females might be under higher predation risk than the males.  相似文献   

The reproduction of the plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) was investigated in Guoluo District at an elevation of 4,000 m on the Qinghai–Tibetan plateau, China, from April 2007 to August 2008. Reproduction was seasonal, and the breeding season lasted from April to late June/early July. Adults produced two litters in each year, and the mean litter size, estimated by counting the number of embryos in utero, was 3.3 ± 0.1 (n = 52) in 2007 and 3.2 ± 0.1 (n = 66) in 2008. The timing of reproduction showed high inter-annual variation; lower precipitation and the concomitant delay in spring vegetation phenology may have retarded the onset of the breeding season in 2007 compared with 2008. The most frequent litter sizes were 3 and 4, which together comprised 71.2% and 83.3% of litters in May and June of 2007 and 2008, respectively. Compared with previous studies, reproduction was highly variable between geographic areas. Pikas produced between one and five litters per year in different regions of the plateau over different breeding seasons. This geographic and inter-annual variation appeared to be associated with the duration of plant growth at each site, suggesting that plateau pikas adjust the length of their breeding season to match the period when sufficient energy is available to support the high energy demands of reproduction.  相似文献   

Variation in timing of reproduction and subsequent juvenile survival often plays an important role in population dynamics of temperate and boreal ungulates. Tropical ungulates often give birth year round, but survival effects of birth season for tropical ungulate species are unknown. We used a population of giraffe in the Tarangire Ecosystem of northern Tanzania, East Africa to determine whether calf survival varied by season of birth. Variation in juvenile survival according to season of birth was significant, with calves born during the dry season experiencing the highest survival probability. Phenological match may confer a juvenile survival advantage to offspring born during the dry season from greater accumulated maternal energy reserves in mothers who conceive in the long rainy season, high-protein browse in the late dry-early short rainy seasons supplementing maternal and calf resources, reduced predation due to decreased stalking cover, or some combination of these. Asynchrony is believed to be the ancestral state of all ungulates, and this investigation has illustrated how seasonal variation in vegetation can affect juvenile survival and may play a role in the evolution of synchronous births.  相似文献   

Precise measures of phenology are critical to understanding how animals organize their annual cycles and how individuals and populations respond to climate-induced changes in physical and ecological stressors. We show that patterns of core body temperature (T b) can be used to precisely determine the timing of key seasonal events including hibernation, mating and parturition, and immergence and emergence from the hibernacula in free-living arctic ground squirrels (Urocitellus parryii). Using temperature loggers that recorded T b every 20 min for up to 18 months, we monitored core T b from three females that subsequently gave birth in captivity and from 66 female and 57 male ground squirrels free-living in the northern foothills of the Brooks Range Alaska. In addition, dates of emergence from hibernation were visually confirmed for four free-living male squirrels. Average T b in captive females decreased by 0.5–1.0°C during gestation and abruptly increased by 1–1.5°C on the day of parturition. In free-living females, similar shifts in T b were observed in 78% (n = 9) of yearlings and 94% (n = 31) of adults; females without the shift are assumed not to have given birth. Three of four ground squirrels for which dates of emergence from hibernation were visually confirmed did not exhibit obvious diurnal rhythms in T b until they first emerged onto the surface when T b patterns became diurnal. In free-living males undergoing reproductive maturation, this pre-emergence euthermic interval averaged 20.4 days (n = 56). T b-loggers represent a cost-effective and logistically feasible method to precisely investigate the phenology of reproduction and hibernation in ground squirrels.  相似文献   

Lifetime reproductive success may vary considerably with birth date. I measured phenotypic selection on female birth date in a viviparous teleost fish (Embiotocidae: Micrometrus minimus) by sampling birth-date cohorts over time in Tomales Bay, California. Four episodes of selection were measured: survival from birth to first reproduction, reproductive success in the first breeding season, survival to second reproduction, and reproductive success in the second season. Birth date had a significant impact on fitness in the first two episodes. Early born females were more successful in their first breeding season than late born females (directional selection on birth date), but early born females were less likely to survive the period between birth and first reproduction, relative to females born in the middle of the season (stabilizing selection on birth date). The final two episodes of selection had no detectable effect on birth date. Because of the relationship between birth date and survival in the first year, overall selection on female birth date was stabilizing.  相似文献   

Tyrammonium 4-nitrophthalate has been synthesized and its structural and spectroscopic properties elucidated by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, solid-state polarized IR-spectroscopy of oriented colloids in a nematic host, HPLC with tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC ESI-MSMS), and TGV and DSC methods. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic P21/c space group and its structure consists of a 3D network of molecules joined by intermolecular interactions with the participation of cations, anions and two solvent molecules. The tyrammonium cation adopts a T trans configuration with corresponding angles of ϕ 1 = 76.0(4)°, ϕ = 54.8(1)° and ϕ 3 = 63.4(1)°, respectively. In the 4-nitrophthalate anion, the COO and COOH groups are turned off the plane of the benzene ring at angles of τ 1 = 88.1(5)° and τ 2= 22.1(7)°, respectively.  相似文献   

An approach for the efficient implementation of RN n ν symmetry-based pulse schemes that are often employed for recoupling and decoupling of nuclear spin interactions in biological solid state NMR investigations is demonstrated at high magic-angle spinning frequencies. RF pulse sequences belonging to the RN n ν symmetry involve the repeated application of the pulse sandwich {R ϕ R −ϕ}, corresponding to a propagator U RF = exp(−i4ϕI z), where ϕ = πν/N and R is typically a pulse that rotates the nuclear spins through 180° about the x-axis. In this study, broadband, phase-modulated 180° pulses of constant amplitude were employed as the initial ‘R’ element and the phase-modulation profile of this ‘R’ element was numerically optimised for generating RN n ν symmetry-based pulse schemes with satisfactory magnetisation transfer characteristics. At representative MAS frequencies, RF pulse sequences were implemented for achieving 13C–13C double-quantum dipolar recoupling and through bond scalar coupling mediated chemical shift correlation and evaluated via numerical simulations and experimental measurements. The results from these investigations are presented here. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

 We investigated population-based vital records of the seventeenth and eighteenth century French Canadian population to assess the effects of marriage season on the outcome of the first births under natural fertility conditions (n=21,698 marriages). Promptness of the first successful conception after marriage differed according to marriage season; the proportion of marriages with a marriage-first birth interval of 8.0–10.0 months was lowest (34%) for marriages in August–October (P=0.001). Although the male/female sex ratio of the babies born with an interval of 8.0–10.0 months was generally higher (1.10) than those with an interval of 10.0–24.0 months (1.05), the marriages in August–October resulted in a significantly reduced sex ratio (0.96) among only the prompt conceptions (P=0.026). We discuss whether this seasonal reduction of the sex ratio could be partly explained by a clustered pregnancy loss of male zygotes in early pregnancy. Received: 5 January 1998 / Accepted: 9 September 1998  相似文献   

The ornate jobfish Pristipomoides argyrogrammicus is an important lutjanid species for fisheries in the Okinawan region of Japan. The present study estimated the size composition and reproduction of this species in the waters around Ishigaki Island, Okinawa Prefecture. The length–frequency distribution indicated that males grow larger than females. The fork length (FL; mm)–whole body weight (BW; g) relationship and FL–total length (TL) relationship were as follows: BW = 1.048 × 10−5 FL3.121 and TL = 1.101 × FL + 2.196, respectively. The main spawning season was estimated as between April and August, since higher gonadosomatic index (GSI) values were found for both sexes, and matured oocytes were observed in females during these months. The developmental stage of ovaries correlated with the GSI of females. Fecundity ranged from 9,530 to 98,260 oocytes in fish of 177.0 to 278.0 mm FL, and the FL–fecundity relationship was as follows: fecundity = 9.525 × 10−8 FL4.903.  相似文献   

Demographic data provide a basis for understanding the life history and ecology of species, factors which are vital for informing conservation efforts; however, little is known regarding the population ecology of most snake species, including the threatened Eastern Indigo Snake (Drymarchon couperi). We used 11 years (1999–2009) of capture-mark-recapture (CMR) and 2.5 years (2003–2005) of radiotelemetry data from southeastern Georgia, USA, in a CMR modeling framework to estimate apparent survival, capture and transition probabilities, and evaluate factors influencing these parameters. The model-averaged estimate of overall apparent annual survival probability was 0.700 (±0.030 SE) and is comparable to that obtained from known fate analysis (radiotelemetry) at the same site. Body size positively influenced survival, regardless of sex. Capture probability differed seasonally by sex, suggesting lower capture probability for females in fall and males in winter. There was no evidence for effect of precipitation or site-specific differences in survival. Model averaged estimate of annual adult survival estimated using multistate CMR models was 0.738 ± 0.030 and 0.515 ± 0.189 for subadults. We estimated population growth rate (λ) and elasticity (proportional sensitivity) of λ to vital rates using a stage-structured matrix population model. Population growth rate ranged from 0.96 to 1.03 depending on the value of the probability of transitioning from subadult to adult stage. The λ was proportionally most sensitive to changes in adult survival rate, followed by subadult survival. Our results suggest that protecting adult snakes and their habitats would result in the highest likelihood of long-term population stability and growth.  相似文献   

Gibbons are among the best-studied Asian primates, but few studies address their demography and life history strategies. We used annual censuses to study the demography of agile gibbons (Hylobates agilis) between 1998 and 2009 in rain forests of Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, Indonesia. The population declined from 22 individuals (9 groups) to 14 individuals (5 groups) over the 12 yr of study. Infant survival to the juvenile age class was 33.3%, and 16.7% of infants survived to the subadult age class. The interbirth interval was 3.83 ± 1.15 yr and birth rate was 0.22–0.28 infants female–1 yr–1. Two groups colonized the study area but subsequently disappeared. We documented 7 immigrations, 17 disappearances, and ≥10 transients in the population. Compared to lar gibbons (Hylobates lar) and Bornean white-bearded gibbons (Hylobates albibarbis), Way Canguk’s agile gibbon population is characterized by slow reproduction, low survival, and high group turnover. We hypothesize that, although the habitat is high in fruit resources, agile gibbons may be displaced or excluded from the best fruit resources by larger and more numerous competitors, incurring costs of decreased opportunities to forage and increased travel, and leading to higher mortality for young agile gibbons. The reproductive potential of this agile gibbon population is insufficient to compensate for high mortality, and the population is unlikely to persist without immigration from outside the area. Given the agile gibbons’ endangered status and limited capacity to respond demographically to change, it is likely that intensive management interventions will be required to conserve this species.  相似文献   

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