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plsB mutants of Escherichia coli are sn-glycerol 3-phosphate auxotrophs which owe their requirement to a K(m) defect in sn-glycerol 3-phosphate acyltransferase, the first enzyme in the phospholipid biosynthetic pathway. We have located the plsB gene at minute 69 of the E. coli genetic map, far removed from the gene defined by mutants with a temperature-sensitive sn-glycerol 3-phosphate acyltransferase. The plsB gene was cotransduced with the dctA locus, and the transduction data indicated that the clockwise gene order is asd, plsB, dctA, xyl. plsB(-) is recessive to plsB(+) and all acyltransferase K(m) mutants tested lie very close to the plsB locus. Effective supplementation of plsB mutants was shown not to require a defective glpD gene.  相似文献   

Five clostridial species were found to ferment gluconate via 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate which subsequently is phosphorylated to yield 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate (KDPG). This compound is then cleaved by KDPG aldolase.  相似文献   

A gene for the constitutive ribosephosphate isomerase (rpiA) is highly cotransducible with serA at 56.2 min on the genetic linkage map of Escherichia coli K-12. Suppression of ribosephosphate isomerase A-negative mutants can occur by a regulator gene mutation permitting constitutive synthesis of the normally inducible ribosephosphate isomerase B.  相似文献   

The loci on the Escherichia coli genome of mutations affecting the constitutive enzymes glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (zwf) and gluconate-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (gnd), and the inducible enzyme gluconate-6-phosphate dehydrase (edd), were determined by conjugation and transduction experiments, chiefly by three-factor crosses. They are in the same region of the chromosome, and their order is gnd-his-(edd, zwf)-aroD; gnd and his are cotransduceable, as are zwf and edd. The position of gnd in Salmonella typhimurium was shown to be similar to that in E. coli.  相似文献   

3-Phosphoserine Transaminase Mutants of Escherichia coli B   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
Mutants lacking 3-phosphoserine:oxoglutarate transaminase require pyridoxine and serine for growth.  相似文献   

A heptose-deficient mutant of Escherichia coli has been isolated and from it a glycolipid, consisting of lipid A and 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate (KDO), has been extracted with diisobutylketone-acetic acid-water. Based on beta-hydroxymyristic acid, the extractable glycolipid accounts for a major portion of the total lipid A in this mutant. A glycolipid, purified from the lipid extract by a combination of silicic acid and Sephadex LH-60 chromatography, contains glucosamine, phosphate, KDO, acetyl groups, and fatty acids in the following molar ratios: 1:2:2:1.7:5. These components account for over 80% of the lipid by weight. The fatty acid pattern of the glycolipid is typical of lipid A, the major component being beta-hydroxymyristic acid. The lipid also contains an amino sugar which appears to be 4-amino-4-deoxyarabinose. With the use of an ion-exchange paper chromatographic technique, gram-negative bacteria can be rapidly screened for the presence of this glycolipid. The mutant is believed to have a leaky defect in either biosynthesis of heptose or its incorporation into lipopolysaccharide. The lipopolysaccharide from the mutant contains only about a third as much heptose, glucose, and galactose as the parent CR34, a K-12 derivative. Chemical analysis and phage typing suggest that CR34 contains an incomplete core polysaccharide devoid of glucosamine.  相似文献   

d-Glucose 6-phosphate cycloaldolase is inhibited 83% by 0.66 mm EDTA and stimulated 1.7-fold by 0.6 mm KCl. Dihydroxyacetone phosphate, an analog of the last three carbons in the proposed intermediate, d-xylo-5-hexulose 6-phosphate, acts as a partially competitive inhibitor. Treatment with NaBH4 in the presence of dihydroxyacetone phosphate does not cause permanent inactivation as would be expected if a Schiff base were being formed. In these properties it resembles a type II, metal-containing aldolase. Photooxidation in the presence of Rose Bengal inactivates this enzyme. NAD+ partially protects against this photooxidation. Cells grown on medium lacking myoinositol had four times as much enzyme activity as cells grown on medium containing 100 mg of myoinositol per liter.  相似文献   

sn-Glycerol 3-phosphate (G3P) auxotrophs of Escherichia coli have been selected from a strain which cannot aerobically catabolize G3P. The auxotrophy resulted from loss of the biosynthetic G3P dehydrogenase (EC or from a defective membranous G3P acyltransferase. The apparent K(m) of the acyltransferase for G3P was 11- to 14-fold higher (from about 90 mum to 1,000 to 1,250 mum) in membrane preparations from the mutants than those of the parent. All extracts prepared from revertants of the G3P dehydrogenase mutants showed G3P dehydrogenase activity, but most contained less than 10% of the wild-type level. Membrane preparations from revertants of the acyltransferase mutants had apparent K(m)'s for G3P similar to that of the parent. Strains have been derived in which the G3P requirement can be satisfied with glycerol in the presence of glucose, presumably because the glycerol kinase was desensitized to inhibition by fructose 1,6-diphosphate. Investigations on the growth and macromolecular synthesis in a G3P acyltransferase K(m) mutant revealed that upon glycerol deprivation, net phospholipid synthesis stopped immediately; growth continued for about one doubling; net ribonucleic acid (RNA), deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and protein nearly doubled paralleling the growth curve; the rate of phospholipid synthesis assessed by labeling cells with (32)P-phosphate, (14)C-acetate, or (3)H-serine was reduced greater than 90%; the rates of RNA and DNA synthesis increased as the cells grew and then decreased as the cells stopped growing; the rate of protein synthesis showed no increase and declined more slowly than the rates of RNA and DNA synthesis when the cells stopped growing. The cells retained and gained in the capacity to synthesize phospholipids upon glycerol deprivation. These data indicate that net phospholipid synthesis is not required for continued macromolecular synthesis for about one doubling, and that the rates of these processes are not coupled during this time period.  相似文献   

Nonchemotactic Mutants of Escherichia coli   总被引:73,自引:41,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
We have isolated 40 mutants of Escherichia coli which are nonchemotactic as judged by their failure to swarm on semisolid tryptone plates or to make bands in capillary tubes containing tryptone broth. All the mutants have normal flagella, a fact shown by their shape and reaction with antiflagella serum. All are fully motile under the microscope and all are sensitive to the phage chi. Unlike its parent, one of the mutants, studied in greater detail, failed to show chemotaxis toward oxygen, glucose, serine, threonine, or aspartic acid. The failure to exhibit chemotaxis does not result from a failure to use the chemicals. The swimming of this mutant was shown to be random. The growth rate was normal under several conditions, and the growth requirements were unchanged.  相似文献   

Transketolase Mutants of Escherichia coli   总被引:14,自引:9,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Transketolase mutants have been selected after ethyl methane sulfonate mutagenesis of Escherichia coli. These strains are unable to grow on any pentose and, in addition, require a supplement of aromatic amino acids or shikimic acid for normal growth on any other carbon source. Revertants are normal in both respects and also contain transketolase. Transketolase mutants do not require exogenous pentose for growth. Preliminary genetic mapping of the locus is presented.  相似文献   

Porphyrin-Accumulating Mutants of Escherichia coli   总被引:17,自引:9,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Four mutants (pop-1, pop-6, pop-10, and pop-14) which accumulate a red water-insoluble pigment were obtained in Escherichia coli K-12 AB1621. For each mutant, the red pigment was shown to be protoporphyrin IX, a late precursor of heme. Mutagenic treatment of mutant pop-1 yielded a secondary mutant, pop-1 sec-20, which accumulated a brown water-soluble pigment. The brown pigment was shown to be coproporphyrin III. Mutant pop-1 resembled the parental strain in its cytochrome absorption spectrum, catalase activity, and ability to grow on nonfermentable carbon and energy sources; therefore, its ability to produce and utilize heme was unimpaired. Judged on the same criteria, the secondary mutant, pop-1 sec-20, was partially heme and respiratory deficient. Growth in anaerobic conditions decreased by 25% the accumulation of protoporphyrin by pop-1; under the same conditions, pop-1 sec-20 did not accumulate coproporphyrin or coproporphyrinogen. The mutations causing protoporphyrin accumulation in all four pop mutants were found to map in the lac to purE (10-13 min) region of the E. coli chromosome. In the case of mutant pop-1, the mutation was shown to be strongly linked to the tsx locus (12 min). In mutant pop-1 sec-20, the second mutation causing coproporphyrin accumulation was co-transducible with the gal locus at a frequency of 88 to 96%. The mechanism of porphyrin accumulation by the mutants is discussed.  相似文献   

2-Keto-3-deoxy-gluconate (KDG), an intermediate of the hexuronate pathway in Escherichia coli K-12, is utilized as the sole carbon source only in strains derepressed for the specific KDG-uptake system. KDG is metabolized to pyruvate and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate via the inducible enzymes KDG-kinase and 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphate-gluconate (KDPG) aldolase. However, another inducible pathway, where the KDG is the branch point, has been demonstrated. Genetic studies of the KDG degradative pathway reported in this paper led to the location of KDG kinase-negative and pleiotropic constitutive mutations. The kdgK locus, presumably the structural gene of the kinase, occurs at min 69 and is co-transducible with xyl. The mutants, simultaneously constitutive for the uptake, kinase, and aldolase, define a kdgR locus at min 36 between the co-transducible markers kdgA and oldD. As to the nature of the control exerted by the kdgR product, we have shown the following. (i) Thermosensitive mutants of the kdgR locus are inducible at low temperature but derepressed at 42 C for the three operons—kdgT (transport system), kdgK, and kdgA (KDPG aldolase). (ii) The kdgR+ allele is dominant to the kdgR constitutive allele. (iii) A deletion in kdgA extending into the regulatory gene, kdgR, leads to a constitutive expression of the nondeleted operons—kdgT and kdgK. These properties demonstrate that the kdg regulon is negatively controlled by the kdgR product. It is presumed that differences in operator and in promotor structures could explain the strong decoordination, respectively, in the induction and catabolic repression, of these three enzymes activities.  相似文献   

Trehalose is a disaccharide with potential applications in the biotechnology and food industries. We propose a method for industrial production of trehalose, based on improved strains of Corynebacterium glutamicum. This paper describes the heterologous expression of Escherichia coli trehalose-synthesizing enzymes trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (OtsA) and trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase (OtsB) in C. glutamicum, as well as its impact on the trehalose biosynthetic rate and metabolic-flux distributions, during growth in a defined culture medium. The new recombinant strain showed a five- to sixfold increase in the activity of OtsAB pathway enzymes, compared to a control strain, as well as an almost fourfold increase in the trehalose excretion rate during the exponential growth phase and a twofold increase in the final titer of trehalose. The heterologous expression described resulted in a reduced specific glucose uptake rate and Krebs cycle flux, as well as reduced pentose pathway flux, a consequence of downregulated glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase. The results proved the suitability of using the heterologous expression of Ots proteins in C. glutamicum to increase the trehalose biosynthetic rate and yield and suggest critical points for further improvement of trehalose overproduction in C. glutamicum.  相似文献   

Pfk lies between rha and glpK.  相似文献   

A map location of the gluconate-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (gnd) marker was estimated in Escherichia coli C at approximately 46 min by P1 transduction. The gnd locus appears to lie between the co-transducible histidine and prophage P2 location I markers.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the exogenous induction of the hexose-phosphate transport system by glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) was investigated. The induction of this system by extracellular but not intracellular G6P was confirmed. The differential rate of synthesis was linear, a function of the extracellular concentration of G6P and independent of the previous induction history of the culture. Neither maintenance nor autocatalysis, phenomena described in the induction of the lac operon, were observed in the exogenous induction of hexose-phosphate transport. Fructose-6-phosphate, a potent competitive inhibitor of G6P influx, had no effect on the induction of the system by G6P, indicating that the transport of inducer was not involved in the induction process.  相似文献   

Mutants of Escherichia coli Sensitive to Antibiotics   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Mutants of Escherichia coli sensitive to the antibiotic synergistin A, an inhibitor of protein synthesis, were isolated. These mutants were pleiotropic, being also sensitive to a large number of unrelated antibiotics and to lysis by detergents. These pleiotropic responses indicated that the mutations affected cell wall or membrane synthesis. Consequently, selection for antibiotic-sensitive mutants constitutes a useful means for isolating cell wall or membrane mutants.  相似文献   

Temperature-Sensitive Osmotic Remedial Mutants of Escherichia coli   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
A collection of temperature-sensitive mutants of Escherichia coli K-12 was examined for ability to grow at the restrictive temperature when the osmotic pressure of the medium was increased. Five of the fourteen mutants were found to be osmotic remedial. Four strains containing temperature-sensitive, osmotic-remedial mutations affecting aminoacyl-transfer ribonucleic acid synthetases were found to have altered permeability characteristics which may be attributable to changes in the lipopolysaccharide layer of the cell envelope at restrictive temperatures.  相似文献   

Phosphoglucomutase Mutants of Escherichia coli K-12   总被引:16,自引:11,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Bacteria with strongly depressed phosphoglucomutase (EC activity are found among the mutants of Escherichia coli which, when grown on maltose, accumulate sufficient amylose to be detectable by iodine staining. These pgm mutants grow poorly on galactose but also accumulate amylose on this carbon source. Growth on lactose does not produce high amylose but, instead, results in the induction of the enzymes of maltose metabolism, presumably by accumulation of maltose. These facts suggest that the catabolism of glucose-1-phosphate is strongly depressed in pgm mutants, although not completely abolished. Anabolism of glucose-1-phosphate is also strongly depressed, since amino acid- or glucose-grown pgm mutants are sensitive to phage C21, indicating a deficiency in the biosynthesis of uridine diphosphoglucose or uridine diphosphogalactose, or both. All pgm mutations isolated map at about 16 min on the genetic map, between purE and the gal operon.  相似文献   

The pathway of glucose degradation in the thermoacidophilic euryarchaeon Picrophilus torridus has been studied by in vivo labeling experiments and enzyme analyses. After growth of P. torridus in the presence of [1-13C]- and [3-13C]glucose, the label was found only in the C-1 and C-3 positions, respectively, of the proteinogenic amino acid alanine, indicating the exclusive operation of an Entner-Doudoroff (ED)-type pathway in vivo. Cell extracts of P. torridus contained all enzyme activities of a nonphosphorylative ED pathway, which were not induced by glucose. Two key enzymes, gluconate dehydratase (GAD) and a novel 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate (KDG)-specific aldolase (KDGA), were characterized. GAD is a homooctamer of 44-kDa subunits, encoded by Pto0485. KDG aldolase, KDGA, is a homotetramer of 32-kDa subunits. This enzyme was highly specific for KDG with up to 2,000-fold-higher catalytic efficiency compared to 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate (KDPG) and thus differs from the bifunctional KDG/KDPG aldolase, KD(P)GA of crenarchaea catalyzing the conversion of both KDG and KDPG with a preference for KDPG. The KDGA-encoding gene, kdgA, was identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) as Pto1279, and the correct translation start codon, an ATG 24 bp upstream of the annotated start codon of Pto1279, was determined by N-terminal amino acid analysis. The kdgA gene was functionally overexpressed in Escherichia coli. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that KDGA is only distantly related to KD(P)GA, both enzymes forming separate families within the dihydrodipicolinate synthase superfamily. From the data we conclude that P. torridus degrades glucose via a strictly nonphosphorylative ED pathway with a novel KDG-specific aldolase, thus excluding the operation of the branched ED pathway involving a bifunctional KD(P)GA as a key enzyme.Comparative analyses of sugar-degrading pathways in members of the domain Archaea revealed that all species analyzed so far degrade glucose and glucose polymers to pyruvate via modification of the classical Embden-Meyerhof (EM) and Entner-Doudoroff (ED) pathways found in bacteria and eukarya. Modified EM pathways were reported for hyperthermophilic archaea, including, e.g., the strictly fermentative Thermococcales and Desulfurococcales, the sulfur-reducing Thermoproteus tenax, and the microaerophilic Pyrobaculum aerophilum. These pathways differ from the classical EM pathway by the presence of several novel enzymes and enzyme families, catalyzing, e.g., the phosphorylation of glucose and fructose-6-phosphate, isomerization of glucose-6-phosphate, and oxidation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (18, 22, 25).Modified ED pathways have been proposed for aerobic archaea, including halophiles, and thermoacidophilic crenarchaea, such as Sulfolobus species, and the euryarchaea Thermoplasma acidophilum and Picrophilus torridus. The anaerobic Thermoproteus tenax, which degrades glucose predominantly via a modified EM pathway, also utilizes—to a minor extent (<20%)—a modified ED pathway for glucose degradation. The following ED pathway modifications have been reported in archaea (25). A semiphosphorylative ED pathway was reported in halophilic archaea. Accordingly, glucose is converted to 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-gluconate (KDG) via glucose dehydrogenase and gluconate dehydratase. KDG is then phosphorylated by KDG kinase to 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate (KDPG), which is split by KDPG aldolase to pyruvate and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (GAP). GAP is further converted to form another pyruvate via common reactions of the EM pathway, i.e., phosphorylative GAP dehydrogenase, phosphoglycerate kinase, phosphoglycerate mutase, enolase, and pyruvate kinase. The net ATP yield of this pathway is 1 ATP/mol glucose.From initial enzyme studies of the thermoacidophilic archaea Sulfolobus solfataricus, Thermoplasma acidophilum, and Thermoproteus tenax, a nonphosphorylative ED pathway was proposed (25). In this modification of the ED pathway, glucose is converted to KDG via glucose dehydrogenase and gluconate dehydratase, as in the semiphosphorylative pathway, but then the steps differ as follows: KDG is cleaved into pyruvate and glyceraldehyde via 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate-specific aldolase (KDGA). The subsequent oxidation of glyceraldehyde to glycerate involves either NAD(P)+-dependent dehydrogenases or oxidoreductases. Glycerate is then phosphorylated by a specific kinase to 2-phosphoglycerate, which is finally converted to pyruvate via enolase and pyruvate kinase. This modification of the ED pathway was called “nonphosphorylative” since it is not coupled with net ATP synthesis.However, recent comparative genomic studies and refined enzyme analyses suggest that the crenarchaea Sulfolobus and Thermoproteus utilize a so-called branched ED pathway, in which a semiphosphorylated route is simultaneously operative in addition to the nonphosphorylative route (25, 32). Accordingly, the semiphosphorylated route involves—via KDG kinase—the phosphorylation of KDG to KDPG, which is then cleaved to pyruvate and GAP by means of a bifunctional KDG/KDPG aldolase, KD(P)GA. GAP is then converted to another pyruvate via nonphosphorylative GAP dehydrogenase (GAPN), phosphoglycerate mutase, enolase, and pyruvate kinase. The net ATP yield of the branched ED pathway is zero. In support of this pathway, the genes encoding gluconate dehydratase, bifunctional KD(P)GA, KDG kinase, and GAPN were found to be clustered in Sulfolobus solfataricus (see Discussion) and Thermoproteus tenax. The key enzyme of the proposed branched ED pathway is the bifunctional KD(P)GA, which catalyzes the cleavage of KDG to pyruvate and glyceraldehyde and cleavage of KDPG to pyruvate and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate. This bifunctional aldolase, which has been characterized from S. solfataricus, was found to be identical to a previously described KDG aldolase of the same organism; however, its catalytic property to also utilize KDPG as a substrate has been recognized only recently. In fact, the bifunctional KD(P)GA showed a higher catalytic efficiency for KDPG than for KDG (1, 14). Crystal structures of bifunctional KD(P)GAs of S. solfataricus and T. tenax have been reported (16, 27, 30; G. Taylor [United Kingdom], unpublished data).The branched ED pathway in S. solfataricus has been reported to be promiscuous and therefore represents an equivalent degradation route for both glucose and its C-4 epimer, galactose. Accordingly, glucose dehydrogenase, gluconate dehydratase, KDG kinase, and bifunctional KD(P)GA were found to catalyze the conversion of both glucose and galactose and the corresponding subsequent intermediates, i.e., gluconate/galactonate, KDG/KDGal (KDGal stands for 2-keto-3-deoxygalactonate), and KDPG/KDPGal (KDPGal stands for 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogalactonate) (4, 12-14).In contrast to crenarchaea, the modified ED pathway in the thermoacidophilic euryarchaea Thermoplasma acidophilum and Picrophilus torridus has not been studied in detail. Enzyme measurements in cell extracts and the characterization of few enzymes suggest the operation of a nonphosphorylative ED pathway in these organisms (2, 3, 17, 19, 25). However, in vivo evidence for the operation of an ED-type pathway, e.g., by 13C-labeling experiments with growing cultures, has not been provided yet. Furthermore, the KDG aldolase activity measured in cell extracts of P. torridus and T. acidophilum has not been purified and characterized, in particular with respect to substrate specificity, and the genes encoding these enzymes have not been identified. The biochemical analysis of this aldolase is crucial to define the enzyme as a KDG-specific aldolase, indicative of a nonphosphorylative ED pathway, or as bifunctional KD(P)GA, indicative of the branched ED pathway as proposed for the crenarchaea Sulfolobus and Thermoproteus.In this communication we studied the sugar-degrading pathway in P. torridus by in vivo labeling experiments with [13C]glucose, by enzyme measurements, and by characterization of two key enzymes, gluconate dehydratase and KDG aldolase. The data indicate that P. torridus utilizes a strict nonphosphorylative ED pathway, involving a novel KDG-specific aldolase as a key enzyme, and thus exclude the operation of a branched ED pathway, as in crenarchaea involving a bifunctional KD(P)GA as a key enzyme.  相似文献   

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