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The identification and characterization of proteins in complex biological samples such as body fluids, require powerful and reliable tools. Mass spectrometry is today one of the most important methods in such research. This paper reports on the results from the first experiment where a tryptic digest of cerebrospinal fluid was analyzed applying reversed phase liquid chromatography coupled on-line to a 9.4 T Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer. In total, 70 204 peaks were detected, which originated from 16 296 isotopic clusters corresponding to 6551 unique peptide masses. From these masses, 39 proteins were identified in the sample. The amount of sample required for one experiment corresponds to 32 microL of cerebrospinal fluid.  相似文献   

Ihling C  Sinz A 《Proteomics》2005,5(8):2029-2042
The basic problem of complexity poses a significant challenge for proteomic studies. To date two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) followed by enzymatic in-gel digestion of the peptides, and subsequent identification by mass spectrometry (MS) is the most commonly used method to analyze complex protein mixtures. However, 2-DE is a slow and labor-intensive technique, which is not able to resolve all proteins of a proteome. To overcome these limitations gel-free approaches are developed based on high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS). The high resolution and excellent mass accuracy of FT-ICR MS provides a basis for simultaneous analysis of numerous compounds. In the present study, a small protein subfraction of an Escherichia coli cell lysate was prepared by size-exclusion chromatography and proteins were analyzed using C4 reversed phase (RP)-HPLC for pre-separation followed by C18 RP nanoHPLC/nanoESI FT-ICR MS for analysis of the peptide mixtures after tryptic digestion of the protein fractions. We identified 231 proteins and thus demonstrated that a combination of two RP separation steps - one on the protein and one on the peptide level - in combination with high-resolution FT-ICR MS has the potential to become a powerful method for global proteomics studies.  相似文献   

A microelectrospray ionization tandem Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI FT-ICR MS(n)) approach for structural characterization of protein phosphorylation is described. Identification of proteolytic peptides is based solely upon mass measurement by high field (9.4 Tesla) FT-ICR MS. The location of the modification within any phosphopeptide is then established by FT-ICR MS(2) and MS(3) experiments. Structural information is maximized by use of electron capture dissociation (ECD) and/or infrared multiphoton dissociation (IRMPD). The analytical utility of the method is demonstrated by characterization of protein kinase A (PKA) phosphorylation. In a single FT-ICR MS experiment, 30 PKA tryptic peptides (including three phosphopeptides) were mass measured by internal calibration to within an absolute mean error of |0.7 ppm|. The location of each of the three sites of phosphorylation was then determined by MS(2) and MS(3) experiments, in which ECD and IRMPD provide complementary peptide sequence information. In two out of three cases, electron irradiation of a phosphopeptide [M + nH](n+) ion produced an abundant charge-reduced [M + nH]((n-1)+*) ion, but few sequence-specific c and z(*) fragment ions. Subsequent IRMPD (MS(3)) of the charge-reduced radical ion resulted in the detection of a large number of ECD-type ion products (c and z ions), but no b or y type ions. The utility of activated ion ECD for the characterization of tryptic phosphopeptides was then demonstrated.  相似文献   

The advent of high-throughput proteomic technologies for global detection and quantitation of proteins creates new opportunities and challenges for those seeking to gain greater understanding of the cellular machinery. Here, recent advances in high-resolution capillary liquid chromatography coupled to Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry are reviewed along with its potential application to high-throughput proteomics. These technological advances combined with quantitative stable isotope labeling methodologies provide powerful tools for expanding our understanding of biology at the system level.  相似文献   

Nakamura T  Dohmae N  Takio K 《Proteomics》2004,4(9):2558-2566
We describe a new approach for the characterization of a digested protein complex with quantitative aspects. Accurate masses of tryptic peptides in the digested complex were acquired by nano-liquid chromatography Fourier transform-ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (MS). The conditions of the electrospray ion source were alternated to acquire normal and fragment-ion-rich mass spectra concurrently. This, alternating-scan method, which includes no tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS), allowed us to retain the integrity of the mass chromatograms and averted missed peptides due to MS and MS/MS switching. Tentative assignments of accurate peptide masses were verified with the concurrently acquired fragment-ion-rich spectra, and the identities of the protein components were established. For each identified protein component, mass chromatograms attributable to the validated accurate peptide masses were extracted, and the peak areas of multiple mass chromatograms were standardized. The standardized peak areas appeared to reasonably reflect the molar ratio of the protein components in standard mixtures. This new approach was successfully applied to the characterization of a cyanobacterial photosystem II complex preparation. A clear difference in the standardized peak areas was observed between the two groups of identified components, namely eight stoichiometric photosystem II proteins and two minor copurified phycobiliproteins.  相似文献   

The pharmaceutical industry’s interest in monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and their derivatives has spurred rapid growth in the commercial and clinical pipeline of these effective therapeutics. The complex micro-heterogeneity of mAbs requires in-depth structural characterization for critical quality attribute assessment and quality assurance. Currently, mass spectrometry (MS)-based methods are the gold standard in mAb analysis, primarily with a bottom-up approach in which immunoglobulins G (IgGs) and their variants are digested into peptides to facilitate the analysis. Comprehensive characterization of IgGs and the micro-variants remains challenging at the proteoform level. Here, we used both top-down and middle-down MS for in-depth characterization of a human IgG1 using ultra-high resolution Fourier transform MS. Our top-down MS analysis provided characteristic fingerprinting of the IgG1 proteoforms at unit mass resolution. Subsequently, the tandem MS analysis of intact IgG1 enabled the detailed sequence characterization of a representative IgG1 proteoform at the intact protein level. Moreover, we used the middle-down MS analysis to characterize the primary glycoforms and micro-variants. Micro-variants such as low-abundance glycoforms, C-terminal glycine clipping, and C-terminal proline amidation were characterized with bond cleavages higher than 44% at the subunit level. By combining top-down and middle-down analysis, 76% of bond cleavage (509/666 amino acid bond cleaved) of IgG1 was achieved. Taken together, we demonstrated the combination of top-down and middle-down MS as powerful tools in the comprehensive characterization of mAbs.  相似文献   

The search for biomarkers is driven by the increasing clinical importance of early diagnosis. Reliable biomarkers can also assist in directing therapy, monitoring disease activity and the efficacy of treatment. In addition, the discovery of novel biomarkers might provide clues to the pathogenesis of a disease. The dynamic range of protein concentrations in body fluids exceeds 10 orders of magnitude. These huge differences in concentrations complicate the detection of proteins with low expression levels. Since all classical biomarkers have low expression levels (e.g., prostate-specific antigen: 2–4 µg/l; and CA125: 20–35 U/ml), new developments with respect to identification and validation techniques of the low-abundance proteins are required. This review will discuss the current status of profiling cerebrospinal fluid using mass spectrometry-based techniques, and new developments in this area.  相似文献   

Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) is a heavily N-glycosylated transmembrane protein comprising five extracellular Ig-like domains. The soluble isoform of ICAM-1 (sICAM-1), consisting of its extracellular part, is elevated in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with severe brain trauma. In mouse astrocytes, recombinant mouse sICAM-1 induces the production of the CXC chemokine macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2). MIP-2 induction is glycosylation dependent, as it is strongly enhanced when sICAM-1 carries sialylated, complex-type N-glycans as synthesized by wild-type Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. The present study was aimed at elucidating the N-glycosylation of mouse sICAM-1 expressed in wild-type CHO cells with regard to sialylation, N-glycan profile, and N-glycosylation sites. Ion-exchange chromatography and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) of the released N-glycans showed that sICAM-1 mostly carried di- and trisialylated complex-type N-glycans with or without one fucose. In some sialylated N-glycans, one N-acetylneuraminic acid was replaced by N-glycolylneuraminic acid, and approximately 4% carried a higher number of sialic acid residues than of antennae. The N-glycosylation sites of mouse sICAM-1 were analyzed by MALDI-Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR)-MS and nanoLC-ESI-FTICR-MS of tryptic digests of mouse sICAM-1 expressed in the Lec1 mutant of CHO cells. All nine consensus sequences for N-glycosylation were found to be glycosylated. These results show that the N-glycans that enhance the MIP-2-inducing activity of mouse sICAM-1 are mostly di- and trisialylated complex-type N-glycans including a small fraction carrying more sialic acid residues than antennae and that the nine N-glycosylation sites of mouse sICAM-1 are all glycosylated.  相似文献   

Kamleh MA  Hobani Y  Dow JA  Watson DG 《FEBS letters》2008,582(19):2916-2922
Hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) interfaced with an Orbitrap Fourier transform mass spectrometer (FT-MS) was used to carry out metabolomic profiling of the classical Drosophila mutation, rosy (ry). This gene encodes a xanthine oxidase/dehydrogenase. In addition to validating the technology by detecting the same changes in xanthine, hypoxanthine, urate and allantoin that have been reported classically, completely unsuspected changes were detected in each of the tryptophan, arginine, pyrimidine and glycerophospholipid metabolism pathways. The rosy mutation thus ramifies far more widely than previously detected.  相似文献   

A total of 164 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples taken from neurological patients were classed into four groups according to the clinical diagnosis: multiple sclerosis (MScl, n = 44), clinically isolated syndrome of demyelination (CIS, n = 40), other inflammatory neurological disease (OIND, n = 26) and other neurological disease (OND, n = 54). After tryptic digestion, the samples were measured by MALDI-TOF MS. Spectra were analyzed using the R-project software package, in which a peak detection algorithm was developed. Subsequently, the peak lists were compared based on ranked data (non-parametric). Significant differences were observed in the comparisons of MScl vs. OND and CIS vs. OND. The comparisons of MScl vs. OIND, and CIS vs. OIND showed fewer significant differences. No significant differences were found in comparisons MScl vs. CIS and OIND vs. OND. MScl and CIS had strikingly similar profiles, probably a reflection of common pathological mechanisms. Three differentially expressed proteins in the comparison of MScl vs. OND were identified: chromogranin A, a potential marker for neurodegeneration; and two important factors in complement-mediated inflammatory reaction, clusterin and complement C3. CSF chromogranin A levels were confirmed to be significantly elevated in the MScl group using an ELISA.  相似文献   

An ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC™–MS/MS) assay was developed for the simultaneous analysis of histamine, its major metabolite tele-methylhistamine, and an internal standard (N-tele-(R)-α-dimethylhistamine) from human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples. The method involves derivatization of primary amines with 4-bromobenzenesulfonyl chloride and subsequent analysis by reversed phase liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry detection and positive electrospray ionization. The separation of derivatized biogenic amines was achieved within 3.5 min on an Acquity® BEH C18 column by elution with a linear gradient of acetonitrile/water/formic acid (0.1%). The assay was linear in the concentration range of 50–5000 pM for each amine (5.5–555 pg/ml for histamine and 6.25–625 pg/ml for tele-methylhistamine). For repeatability and precision determination, coefficients of variation (CVs) were less than 11.0% over the tested concentration ranges, within acceptance criteria. Thus, the developed method provides the rapid, easy, highly sensitive, and selective requirement to quantify these amines in human CSF. No significant difference was found in the mean ± standard error levels of these amines between a group of narcoleptic patients (histamine = 392 ± 64 pM, tele-methylhistamine = 2431 ± 461 pM, n = 7) and of neurological control subjects (histamine = 402 ± 72 pM, tele-methylhistamine = 2209 ± 463 pM, n = 32).  相似文献   

Papaver alkaloids play a major role in medicine and pharmacy. In this study, [ring-(13)C(6)]-tyramine as a biogenetic precursor of these alkaloids was fed to Papaver somniferum seedlings. The alkaloid pattern was elucidated both by direct infusion high-resolution ESI-FT-ICR mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography/electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Thus, based on this procedure, the structure of about 20 alkaloids displaying an incorporation of the labeled tyramine could be elucidated. These alkaloids belong to different classes, e.g. morphinan, benzylisoquinoline, protoberberine, benzo[c]phenanthridine, phthalide isoquinoline and protopine. The valuable information gained from the alkaloid profile demonstrates that the combination of these two spectrometric methods represents a powerful tool for evaluating biochemical pathways and facilitates the study of the flux of distant precursors into these natural products.  相似文献   

Introduction: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive degenerative motor neuron disease, which usually leads to death within a few years. The diagnosis is mainly based on clinical symptoms and there is a need for ALS-specific biomarkers to make an early and precise diagnosis, for development of disease-modifying drugs and to gain new insights into pathophysiology.

Areas covered: In the present review, we summarize studies using mass spectrometric (MS) approaches to identify protein alterations in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of ALS patients. In total, we identified 11 studies fulfilling our criteria by searching in the PubMed database using the keywords ‘ALS’ and ‘CSF’ combined with ‘proteome’, ‘proteomic’, ‘mass spectrometry’ or ‘protein biomarker’. Ten proteins were differently regulated in ALS CSF compared to controls in at least 2 studies. We will discuss the relevance of the identified proteins regarding the frequency of identification, extent of alteration and brain-specificity.

Expert commentary: Most of the identified CSF biomarker candidates are irreproducible or mainly blood-derived. We assign the missing success of CSF proteomic studies in biomarker discovery to a lack of sensitivity, unsuitable normalization, low quality assurance and variations originating from sample preparation. These issues must be improved in future proteomic studies in CSF.  相似文献   

Several neuropeptide FF (NPFF)-related peptides, known as modulators of the opioid system, have been previously characterized in bovine and rodent brain. Reverse-phase high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) fractions of a human with normal pressure hydrocephalus cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), co-migrating with NPFF-related synthetic peptides, were characterized by capillary HPLC coupled on-line to nanospray ion trap tandem mass spectrometry. Two peptides present in the pro-NPFF(A) precursor, NPAF (AGEGLNSQFWSLAAPQRF-NH2) and NPSF (SLAAPQRF-NH2), were identified. The monitoring of NPFF-related peptides in human CSF can be helpful to understand their roles in pain sensitivity.  相似文献   

This work aims to combine chromatographic retention, high mass resolution and accuracy, MS/MS spectra, and a package for automated identification and quantitation of lipid species in one platform for lipidomic analysis. The instrumental setup elaborated comprises reversed-phase HPLC coupled to a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer (LTQ-FT), and Lipid Data Analyzer (LDA) software. Data analysis for lipid species quantification in this platform is based on retention time, mass resolution of 200,000, and mass accuracy below 2 ppm. In addition, automatically generated MS/MS spectra provide structural information at molecular level. This LC/MS technology allows analyzing complex biological samples in a quantitative manner as shown here paradigmatically for murine lipid droplets having a huge surplus of triacylglycerol species. Chromatographic preseparation of the bulk lipid class alleviates the problem of ion suppression of lipid species from other classes. Extension of 1D to 2D chromatography is possible, yet time consuming. The platform affords unambiguous detection of lipid species as low as 0.1‰ within major lipid classes. Taken together, a novel lipidomic LC/MS platform based on chromatographic retention, high mass resolution and accuracy, MS/MS analysis, and quantitation software enables analysis of complex samples as demonstrated for lipid droplets.  相似文献   

Whereas the bearing of mass measurement error on protein identification is sometimes underestimated, uncertainty in observed peptide masses unavoidably translates to ambiguity in subsequent protein identifications. Although ongoing instrumental advances continue to make high accuracy mass spectrometry (MS) increasingly accessible, many proteomics experiments are still conducted with rather large mass error tolerances. In addition, the ranking schemes of most protein identification algorithms do not include a meaningful incorporation of mass measurement error. This article provides a critical evaluation of mass error tolerance as it pertains to false positive peptide and protein associations resulting from peptide mass fingerprint (PMF) database searching. High accuracy, high resolution PMFs of several model proteins were obtained using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (MALDI-FTICR-MS). Varying levels of mass accuracy were simulated by systematically modulating the mass error tolerance of the PMF query and monitoring the effect on figures of merit indicating the PMF quality. Importantly, the benefits of decreased mass error tolerance are not manifest in Mowse scores when operating at tolerances in the low parts-per-million range but become apparent with the consideration of additional metrics that are often overlooked. Furthermore, the outcomes of these experiments support the concept that false discovery is closely tied to mass measurement error in PMF analysis. Clear establishment of this relation demonstrates the need for mass error-aware protein identification routines and argues for a more prominent contribution of high accuracy mass measurement to proteomic science.  相似文献   

Flavonoids detected from a model legume plant, Lotus japonicus accessions Miyakojima MG-20 and Gifu B-129, were profiled using liquid chromatography Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (LC-FTICR/MS). Five flavonols and two anthocyanidins were detected as aglycones. LC-FTICR/MS facilitated simultaneous detection of 61 flavonoids including compounds that have not been reported previously. Chemical information of the peaks such as retention time, lambdamax, m/z value of the quasi-molecular ion, m/z value of MS/MS fragment ions, and relative intensity of MS/MS fragments was obtained, along with the molecular formulas and conjugate structures. Fourteen were completely identified by comparison with authentic compounds. The high accuracy of m/z values, being 0.081 ppm between observed and theoretical values, allowed prediction of molecular formulas of unknown compounds with the help of isotope peak information for determination of chemical composition. Based on a predicted elemental composition, the presence of a novel nitrogen-containing flavonoid was proposed. A comparison of flavonoid profiles in flowers, stems, and leaves demonstrated that the flowers yielded the most complex profile, containing 30 flower-specific flavonoids including gossypetin glycosides and isorhamnetin glycosides. A comparison of flavonoid profiles between MG-20 and B-129 grown under the same conditions revealed that the accumulation of anthocyanins was higher in B-129 than MG-20, particularly in the stem. Developmental changes in the flavonoid profiles demonstrated that kaempferol glycosides increased promptly after germination. In contrast, quercetin glycosides, predominant flavonoids in the seeds, were not detectable in growing leaves.  相似文献   

As the number of fully sequenced animal genomes and the performance of advanced mass spectrometry-based proteomics techniques are continuously improving, there is now a great opportunity to increase the knowledge of various animal proteomes. This research area is further stimulated by a growing interest from veterinary medicine and the pharmaceutical industry. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a good source for better understanding of diseases related to the central nervous system, both in humans and other animals.In this study, four high-abundant protein depletion columns, developed for human or rat serum, were evaluated for dog CSF. For the analysis, a shotgun proteomics approach, based on nanoLC-LTQ Orbitrap MS/MS, was applied. All the selected approaches were shown to deplete dog CSF with different success. It was demonstrated that the columns significantly improved the coverage of the detected dog CSF proteome. An antibody-based column showed the best performance, in terms of efficiency, repeatability and the number of proteins detected in the sample. In total 983 proteins were detected. Of those, 801 proteins were stated as uncharacterized in the UniProt database. To the best of our knowledge, this is the so far largest number of proteins reported for dog CSF in one single study.  相似文献   

Lee YS  Chen PW  Tsai PJ  Su SH  Liao PC 《Proteomics》2006,6(7):2236-2250
Exposure to oil mist has been associated with a variety of acute and chronic respiratory effects. Using proteomics approaches to investigate exposure-associated proteins may provide useful information to understand the mechanisms of associated respiratory effects. The aim of this study was to investigate changes in rat bronchoalveolar lavage fluid proteins associated with oil mist exposure using nano-HPLC-ESI-MS/MS. The results revealed that 29 proteins exhibited significant changes after exposure. These proteins included surfactant-associated proteins (SP-A and SP-D), inflammatory proteins (complement component 3, immunoglobulins, lysozyme, etc.), growth factors (e.g., transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha)), calcium-binding proteins (calcyclin, calgranulin A, calreticulin, and calvasculin), and other proteins (e.g., cathepsin D, saposin, and intestinal trefoil factor). To further evaluate changes in protein levels, a simple quantitative strategy was developed in this study. A large decrease in protein levels of SP-A and SP-D (0.24- and 0.38-fold, respectively) following exposure was observed. In contrast, protein levels of TGF-alpha and calcium-binding proteins were significantly increased (4.46- and 1.4-1.8-fold, respectively). Due to the diverse functions of these proteins, the results might contribute to understand the mechanisms involved in lung disorders induced by oil mist exposure.  相似文献   

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