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The medulla of the unconstricted notochords of the shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostratus, and African lungfish, Protopterus annectens, and the cellular component of the intervertebral joint tissue of the teleost fish, Perca flavescens, are comprised of cells with a large central vacuole. Previous studies on the fine structure of this tissue revealed that the cytoplasm surrounding these vacuoles consists of 10-nm-diameter intermediate filaments. Since in mammals there are a large number of tissue-specific types of intermediate filaments, this study uses antibodies to mammalian intermediate filaments to determine the type of filaments present in the notochord cells of bony fishes. Positive labeling using a polyclonal antibody to human skin keratins is observed in the cytoplasm of the notochord cells in the intervertebral tissues of Perca. These tissues are also probed with the AE series antibodies that label keratins found in mammalian epithelial cells. In both Protopterus and Acipenser the peripheral cytoplasm of the notochord cells is labeled with all three AE antibodies. In Perca only the AE3 antibody probe produces positive staining. These staining patterns are consistent with previous studies on the localization of cytokeratins in fish tissues and indicate that the intermediate filaments in the notochord cells of bony fishes are immunologically similar to the mammalian keratins. J. Morphol. 236:105–116, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The morphology of extracellular matrix (ECM) components and of the cell organelles, particularly the Golgi complex and its derived structures, implicated in the production of ECM in the chick embryonic notochord have been studied by transmission electron microscopy. Isolated notochordal fragments were cultured in suspension in liquid medium. Native striated collagen fibrils with a period of 540 A were observed in the perinotochordal sheath. Fine granular and filamentous materials suggestive of proteoglycans have been observed in intercellular spaces and under the basal lamina of the notochordal sheath. Golgi mature vesicles with structures resembling the previously described segment-long-spacing (SLS)-like aggregates and secretory vesicles probably containing proteoglycans or condensed collagen precursors have also been observed.  相似文献   

Proteoglycans (PGs) were isolated from yolk sac tumor and chondroitin sulfate large PG (core molecule with a molecular weight congruent to 200,000) and small PG (core molecule with a molecular weight congruent to 50,000) were detected. Immunohistochemical localization of PGs in three yolk sac tumors was investigated using monoclonal antibodies raised against both small and large PGs, which were purified from human ovarian fibroma capsule and a yolk sac tumor, respectively. The localization of large PG was observed to be distinct from that of small PG. A markedly positive reaction for antibody against large PG was observed in myxomatous areas, perivascular and perivesicular portions; hyaline globules were the most intensely reactive. In the areas showing a polyvesicular vitelline tumor pattern, the compact connective tissue stroma consisted of small PGs. It is conceivable that large PGs are synthesized by immature mesenchymal cells and also by epithelial-like cells as a basement membrane component, whereas small PGs are synthesized by mature fibroblastic cells synthesizing collagen. Immunohistochemical localization of other extracellular matrix components (laminin, fibronectin, type I-IV collagen) was also studied in relation to PG localization.  相似文献   

The notochord and notochordal sheath of 10 adult amphioxus were investigated ultrastructurally and histochemically. The notochord in amphioxus consists of parallel notochordal cells (plates) and each plate consists of parallel thicker and thinner fibrils and numerous profiles of smooth endoplasmic reticulum situated just beneath the cell membrane. Histochemical staining shows that the notochordal plates resemble neither the connective tissue notochordal sheath nor the typical muscular structure myotomes. The notochordal sheath has a complex three-layered organization with the outer, middle and inner layer The outer and middle layer are composed of collagen fibers of different thickness and course, that correspond to collagen type I and collagen type III in vertebrates, respectively, and the inner layer is amorphous, resembles basal lamina, and is closely attached to the notochord by hemidesmosome junctions. These results confirm the presence of collagen fibers and absence of elastic fibers in amphioxus.  相似文献   

We used various anti-collagen antibodies to perform indirect immunofluorescent staining of cartilage sections from cuttlefish (S. officinalis). On ultrathin sections and collagen fibril preparations from the same tissue, we performed immunostaining with colloidal gold. The extracellular matrix (ECM) of S. officinalis cartilage reacted intensely and homogeneously with an antibody directed against type I-like collagen isolated from the cartilage of cuttlefish and with anti-rat type V collagen antibody. A weak reaction was observed with anti-fish and anti-chicken type I collagen antibodies, while no reaction was observed with anti-rat type I and anti calf type II collagen antibodies. Anti-chicken type II, anti calf type IX and type XI collagen antibodies reacted weakly with ECM, while stained cell bodies and cell processes reacted more intensely. A similar pattern of reaction was observed on cartilage section and isolated collagen fibrils prepared for electron microscopy. These findings suggest that ECM of cuttlefish cartilage may be composed of molecules similar to the type I, type V, type IX and type XI collagen molecules of vertebrates. Cephalopods have evolved a cartilage of structure and macromolecular organisation similar to that of vertebrate cartilage. However, the main molecular components of S. officinalis cartilage--type I-like and type V collagens--differ from those of vertebrate cartilage. We suggest that this type I-like collagen can be considered an initial step toward the evolution of type II collagen typical of vertebrates.  相似文献   

The notochord cell of the cephalochordate amphioxus adult is unique due to the occurrence of myofilaments in the cytoplasm. The present EST (expressed sequence tag) analysis targeted mRNAs of the amphioxus notochord to determine genes that are expressed there. Notochord cells were isolated from Branchiostoma belcheri adults, from which a cDNA library was constructed. Analysis of a set of 257 ESTs (both 5' and 3' ends) showed that about 11% of the cDNAs are related to muscle genes, while 9% of them are genes for extracellular matrix proteins associated with formation of the notochordal sheath. The muscle-related genes included actin, tropomyosin, troponin I, myosin regulatory light chain, myosin light chain kinase, myosin heavy chain, calmodulin, calponin, calcium vector protein, creatine kinase, muscle LIM protein, and SH3-binding glutamate-rich protein, suggesting that vertebrate skeletal and smooth muscle-type genes are simultaneously expressed in the amphioxus notochord. Nucleotide sequences of cDNAs for actin, tropomyosin, troponin I, and a few others were completely determined to substantiate the conclusions. The chordate muscle-type actin is distinguishable from the cytoplasmic-type actin by the usage of amino acid residues at 20 diagnostic positions. Interestingly, analysis of the usage of amino acid residues at these positions showed that the "amphioxus notochord actin" is a unique intermediate between muscle-type and cytoplasmic-type actins. These results strongly suggest that the notochord of adult amphioxus is a mechanical swimming organ and its role is quite different from the role of the vertebrate embryonic notochord, which functions as a source of signals required for body plan formation.  相似文献   

Summary A combination of direct fluorescence and indirect immunofluorescence microscopy has been used to compare the distribution of the acetylcholine receptor with the distribution of major cytoskeletal and extracellular matrix components during electrocyte differentiation in the electric organs of Torpedo marmorata. Laminin, fibronectin and extracellular matrix proteoglycan are always more extensively distributed around the differentiating cell than the acetylcholine receptor-rich patch that forms on the ventral surface of the cell. The distribution of acetylcholinesterase within the ventral surface of the differentiating electrocyte closely resembles the distribution of the acetylcholine receptor. Areas of apparently high acetylcholine receptor density within the ventrally forming acetylcholine receptor-rich patch are always areas of apparently high extracellular matrix proteoglycan density but are not always areas of high laminin or fibronectin density. Desmin levels appear to increase at the onset of differentiation and desmin initially accumulates in the ventral pole of each myotube as it begins to form an electrocyte. During differentiation F-actin-positive filament bundles are observed that extend from the nuclei down to the ventrally forming acetylcholine receptorrich patch. Most filament bundles terminate in the acetylcholine receptor-rich region of the cell membrane. Electronmicroscopic autoradiography suggests that the filament bundles attach to the membrane at sites where small acetylcholine receptor clusters are found. The results of this study suggest that, out of the four extracellular matrix components studied, only the distribution of acetylcholinesterase (which may be both matrix- and membrane-bound at this stage) closely parallels that of the acetylcholine receptor, and that F-actin filament bundles terminate in a region of the cell that is becoming an area of high acetylcholine receptor density.Abbreviations ACHR nicotinic acetylcholine receptor - ACHE acetylcholinesterase - BSA bovine serum albumin - EMPG extracellular matrix proteoglycan fraction - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - FN fibronectin - LN laminin - TBS Tris-HCl-buffered saline - SDS PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical localization of the large proteoglycan, PG-M/versican, was studied in 36 breast tumours, including infiltrating ductal carcinomas, benign tumours and fibrocystic diseases. The relation between the proteoglycan and the other extracellular matrix components was also investigated. In the carcinoma tissues, the interstitial elements of the ‘specific stroma’, consisting of fibroblastic cells and fine fibrils, were reactive to antibody 2B1, which specifically recognizes the large proteoglycan, PG-M/versican. In the peripheral invasive areas of infiltrating ductal carcinoma, the most intense 2B1-positive reaction was visualized in mesenchymal tissues between carcinoma cell clumps and the surrounding tissues, where hyaluronic acid could be demonstrated histochemically. The 2B1-positive elements were not reactive to antibody 6B6, which specifically recognizes small proteoglycan. In the central sclerotic areas, where antibody 6B6 was reactive, a 2B1-positive reaction was detected only in elastosis masses, which also bound antibodies to type IV collagen and laminin, and to some extent antibody raised against chondroitin 6-sulphate proteoglycan. Elastic tissues of blood vessel walls and perivascular elements became reactive to antibody 2B1 when they were involved in carcinoma invasion. The present results have shown that PG-M/versican was localized in the proliferating interstitial tissues, in particular in hyaluronic acid-rich portions, in association with carcinoma cell growth, and also that PG-M/versican accumulated in vascular and perivascular elastic tissues involved in carcinoma invasion. The biological significance of PG-M/versican was briefly discussed  相似文献   

The persistence of the notochord into the skeletally mature life stage is characteristic of gekkotans, but is otherwise of rare occurrence among amniotes. The taxonomic diversity of Gekkota affords the opportunity to investigate the structure and development of this phylogenetically ancestral component of the skeleton, and to determine its basic characteristics. The gekkotan notochord spans almost the entire postcranial long axis and is characterized by a moniliform morphology with regularly alternating zones of chordoid and chondroid tissue. Chordoid tissue persists in the region of intervertebral articulations and occupies the cavitations that lie between the centra of the amphicoelous vertebrae. Chondroid tissue is restricted to zones in which the diameter of the notochord is reduced, corresponding to mid‐vertebral locations. In the tail, these zones of chondroid tissue are associated with the autotomic fracture planes. Chondroid tissue first manifests during late embryogenesis, appears to differentiate from pre‐existing chordoid tissue, and has the histological and histochemical characteristics of cartilage. Our observations lend support to the hypothesis that cartilage can be derived directly from notochordal tissue, and suggest that the latter may be an evolutionary and developmental precursor to chordate cartilage. The persistence of chordoid tissue in the intervertebral regions of amphicoelous vertebrae is consistent with a suite of paedomorphic traits exhibited by gekkotans and suggests that the typical hydrostatic nature of notochordal tissue may play a role in mechanically governing patterns of displacement between adjacent amphicoelous vertebrae that lack extensive centrum‐to‐centrum contact. Morphol., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

F9 embryonal carcinoma cells treated with 5 X 10(-8) M retinoic acid and cultured in suspension for 8 days form aggregates consisting of an outer epithelial layer of alpha-fetoprotein-producing visceral endoderm cells. We have previously shown (Grover, A., Oshima, R. G., and Adamson, E. D. (1983) J. Cell Biol. 96, 1690-1696) that the differentiation of F9 cells to visceral endoderm is accompanied by the activation of several genes, and increased laminin synthesis is one of the earliest events. Here we analyze in detail the syntheses and secretion of fibronectin, type IV collagen, and laminin during the 8-day process. Employing immunoprecipitation and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, we show that the levels of all three components change with different patterns. Unstimulated F9 cells synthesize and secrete relatively high levels of fibronectin and low levels of type IV collagen. Fibronectin synthesis and secretion decreases to 10% of its original level whereas type IV collagen synthesis rises approximately 3-fold during the differentiation process. Laminin synthesis also rises at least 2-fold, and the proportions of its subunits change as the syntheses of B1 and A accelerate starting on day 2. However, unlike fibronectin and type IV collagen, laminin is largely accumulated in the aggregates. The data suggest that fibronectin has a role in aggregation whereas laminin is important in the differentiation process.  相似文献   

Interaction of Campylobacter jejuni with extracellular matrix components   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The adhesion of three strains of Campylobacter jejuni to coverslips and microwells coated with isolated extracellular matrix components, fibronectin, laminin and types I, III, IV and V collagens was studied. Fibronectin mediated the adherence of C. jejuni, but there were differences in the binding capacities of the strains. Type I, III and V collagens mediated very strongly the attachment of two strains of C. jejuni. All three strains attached weakly to basement membrane-specific type IV collagen. Laminin was capable of mediating the adhesion only when present at a higher concentration. The observations indicate that extracellular matrix components may serve as anchor molecules for C. jejuni adhesion and that several attachment mechanisms occur simultaneously.  相似文献   

Use of extracellular matrix components for cell culture   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Extracellular matrix components when used as a substratum in vitro can greatly influence cell behavior. The response observed is dependent on the type of cell and matrix used. Cells in vitro usually respond best to the matrix components with which they are normally in contact in vivo. More differentiated phenotypes are observed and cells generally survive longer on such matrices. In some cases, the presence of such matrices allows cells to be cultured in the absence of serum and growth factors. As more investigators try the matrices and matrix components described, as well as new components and combinations of them, it is anticipated that improvement in the culture of many cells can be expected.  相似文献   

The kinetics of activation of Glu-plasminogen (Glu-Pg) and Lys77-Pg by two-chain recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) were determined in the presence of isolated protein components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and compared to activation in the presence of fibrinogen and fibrinogen fragments and in the absence of added protein. Several ECM protein components were as effective as fibrinogen fragments at stimulating Pg activation. Stimulation of Glu-Pg activation resulted from both a decrease in Km and an increase in Vmax, whereas stimulation of Lys77-Pg was due primarily to increases in Vmax. The most effective stimulators of activation were basement membrane type IV collagen and gelatin which resulted in a 21- and 55-fold increase, respectively, in the kcat/Km of Glu-Pg (relative to a 10-fold increase observed with fibrinogen fragments). Amidolytic activity of t-PA was also enhanced up to 12-fold by ECM proteins. However, plasmin amidolytic activity was unaffected by the presence of added proteins. These data suggest that several ECM-associated proteins can enhanced the activation of Pg in the absence of fibrin.  相似文献   

Extracellular vesicles (EV) are small plasma membrane-derived particles released into the extracellular space by virtually all cell types. Recently, EV have received increased interest because of their capability to carry nucleic acids, proteins, lipids and signaling molecules and to transfer their cargo into the target cells. Less attention has been paid to their role in modifying the composition of the extracellular matrix (ECM), either directly or indirectly via regulating the ability of target cells to synthesize or degrade matrix molecules. Based on recent results, EV can be considered one of the structural and functional components of the ECM that participate in matrix organization, regulation of cells within it, and in determining the physical properties of soft connective tissues, bone, cartilage and dentin. This review addresses the relevance of EV as specific modulators of the ECM, such as during the assembly and disassembly of the molecular network, signaling through the ECM and formation of niches suitable for tissue regeneration, inflammation and tumor progression. Finally, we assess the potential of these aspects of EV biology to translational medicine.  相似文献   

Proteins can be extracted from the slime sheath of Dictyostelium discoideum slugs by denaturing agents. A subset of these proteins is also released by cellulase digestion of the sheath, implying that protein-protein and protein-cellulose interactions are involved in sheath protein retention. It seems probable that the cellulose-associated sheath proteins are also associated with the cellulose of mature stalk cells. Monoclonal antibodies directed against sheath demonstrate extensive sharing of antigenic determinants between sheath proteins and a limited degree of antigenic sharing between sheath and slug cell proteins. All of the proteins recognised by these monoclonal antibodies are developmentally regulated. These results are discussed in terms of the structure of the sheath and its possible role(s) in D. discoideum development.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium discoideum has historically served as a model system for cell and developmental biology, but recently it has gained increasing attention as a model for the study of human diseases. The extracellular matrix (ECM) of this eukaryotic microbe serves multiple essential functions during development. It not only provides structural integrity to the moving multicellular pseudoplasmodium, or slug, it also provides components that regulate cell motility and differentiation. An LC/MS/MS analysis of slug ECM revealed the presence of a large number of proteins in two wild‐type strains, NC4 and WS380B. GO annotation identified a large number of proteins involved in some form of binding (e.g. protein, polysaccharide, cellulose, carbohydrate, ATP, cAMP, ion, lipid, vitamin), as well as proteins that modulate metabolic processes, cell movement, and multicellular development. In addition, this proteomic analysis identified numerous expected (e.g. EcmA, EcmD, discoidin I, discoidin II), as well as unexpected (e.g. ribosomal and nuclear proteins) components. These topics are discussed in terms of the structure and function of the ECM during the development of this model amoebozoan and their relevance to ongoing biomedical research.  相似文献   

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