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Ergosterol is an evolutionary precursor of cholesterol and is the major sterol present in lower eukaryotes. Although detailed biophysical characterization of the effect of cholesterol on membranes is well documented, the effect of ergosterol on the organization and dynamics of membranes is still at a very early stage. We have monitored the effect of cholesterol and ergosterol on the dynamic properties of both fluid (POPC) and gel (DPPC) phase membranes utilizing fluorescent reporter probes pyrene and TMA-DPH. These results show, for the first time, the important differences on the effect of cholesterol and ergosterol in short-range ordering (reported by TMA-DPH) and long-range dynamics (reported by pyrene). In addition, pyrene vibronic peak intensity ratio provides information on polarity of the microenvironment experienced by the probe. These novel results are relevant in the context of membrane domains in ergosterol-containing organisms such as Drosophila which maintain a low level of sterol compared to higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The ternary system palmitoylsphingomyelin (PSM)/palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine (POPC)/cholesterol is used to model lipid rafts. The phase behavior of the three binary systems PSM/POPC, PSM/cholesterol, and POPC/cholesterol is first experimentally determined. Phase coexistence boundaries are then determined for ternary mixtures at room temperature (23 degrees C) and the ternary phase diagram at that temperature is obtained. From the diagram at 23 degrees C and the binary phase diagrams, a reasonable expectation is drawn for the ternary phase diagram at 37 degrees C. Several photophysical methodologies are employed that do not involve detergent extraction, in addition to literature data (e.g., differential scanning calorimetry) and thermodynamic rules. For the ternary phase diagrams, some tie-lines are calculated, including the one that contains the PSM/POPC/ cholesterol 1:1:1 mixture, which is often used in model raft studies. The diagrams here described are used to rationalize literature results, some of them apparently discrepant, and to discuss lipid rafts within the framework of liquid-ordered/liquid-disordered phase coexistence.  相似文献   

The properties of the membrane of intact, metabolically active, human persmatozoa have been studied by the use of 1-anilino-8-napthalene sulfonate (ANS). By fluorescence microscopy it was found that at neutral pH ANS is bound exclusively to the membrane of the entire sperm with some preferential binding to the midpiece, while at low pH some preferential binding to the aerosome was observed. By spectrofluorimetry, fluorescence was found to be enhanced 48-fold on binding of ANS to the spermatozoal membrane, with a 50-nm shift in the emission spectrum of the bound dye. 2.47 ± 0.02 nmoles of ANS were bound per 106 spermatozoa (K=2.3–10?5M). Scatchard plots indicate that all the binding sites on the spermatozoal membrane have similar binding characteristics with aZ value of 84.8. Energy transfer with an efficiency of 7% was found for recently ejaculated spermatozoa. The fluorescence of bound ANS depends on the pH of the medium and possibly on the metabolic state of the cell, since addition of succinate or fructose produces an enhancement of fluorescence, while addition of glucose results in a decrease of this parameter. These changes are inhibited by the presence of cyanide.  相似文献   

The trafficking and function of cell surface proteins in eukaryotic cells may require association with detergent-resistant sphingolipid- and sterol-rich membrane domains. The aim of this work was to obtain evidence for lipid domain phenomena in plant membranes. A protocol to prepare Triton X-100 detergent-resistant membranes (DRMs) was developed using Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) callus membranes. A comparative proteomics approach using two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry revealed that the DRMs were highly enriched in specific proteins. They included eight glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins, several plasma membrane (PM) ATPases, multidrug resistance proteins, and proteins of the stomatin/prohibitin/hypersensitive response family, suggesting that the DRMs originated from PM domains. We also identified a plant homolog of flotillin, a major mammalian DRM protein, suggesting a conserved role for this protein in lipid domain phenomena in eukaryotic cells. Lipid analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry showed that the DRMs had a 4-fold higher sterol-to-protein content than the average for Arabidopsis membranes. The DRMs were also 5-fold increased in sphingolipid-to-protein ratio. Our results indicate that the preparation of DRMs can yield a very specific set of membrane proteins and suggest that the PM contains phytosterol and sphingolipid-rich lipid domains with a specialized protein composition. Our results also suggest a conserved role of lipid modification in targeting proteins to both the intracellular and extracellular leaflet of these domains. The proteins associated with these domains provide important new experimental avenues into understanding plant cell polarity and cell surface processes.  相似文献   

A technique has been developed for monitoring the interaction of charged phospholipid vesicles with planar bilayer lipid membranes (BLM) by use of the antibiotics Valinomycin, Nonactin, and Monazomycin as surface-charge probes. Anionic phosphatidylserine vesicles, when added to one aqueous compartment of a BLM, are shown to impart negative surface charge to zwitterionic phosphatidylocholine and phosphatidylethanolamine bilayers. The surface charge is distributed asymmertically, mainly on the vesicular side of the BLM, and is not removed by exchange of the vesicular aqueous solution. Possible mechanisms for the vesicle-BLM interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

Sterol molecules are essential for maintaining the proper structure and function of eukaryotic cell membranes. The influence of cholesterol (the principal sterol of higher animals) on the lipid bilayer properties was extensively studied by both experimental and simulation methods. In contrast, the effect of ergosterol (the principal fungal sterol) on the membrane structure and dynamics is much less recognized. This work presents the results of comparative molecular dynamics simulation of the hydrated dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer containing approximately 25 mol % of cholesterol or ergosterol. A detailed analysis of the molecular properties (e.g., bilayer thickness, lipid order, diffusion, intermolecular interactions, etc.) of both sterol-induced liquid-ordered membrane phases is presented. Presence of sterols in the membrane significantly changes its property, especially fluidity and molecular packing. Moreover, in accordance with the experiments, our calculations show that, compared to cholesterol, ergosterol has higher ordering effect on the phospholipid acyl chains. This different influence on the properties of the lipid bilayer stems from differences in conformational freedom of sterol side chains. Additionally, obtained models of lipid membranes containing human and fungal sterols, constituting the result of our work, can be also utilized in other chemotherapeutic studies on interaction of selected ligands (e.g., antifungal compounds) with membranes.  相似文献   

The fluorescence properties of dehydroergosterol and cholesta-5,7,9-trien-3 beta-ol have been studied in organic solution, in aqueous dispersions and incorporated into aqueous lipid dispersions. The absorption spectra of aqueous dispersions of the probes are very different to those in organic solution, and aqueous dispersions are non-fluorescent. This can be attributed to micelle formation with dimerisation and/or aggregation in the micelles. Concentration quenching also occurs when sterols are incorporated into lipid bilayers, but relatively high fluorescence is observed even at a 1 : 1 steroid:lipid molar ratio. Further, the fluorescence is still polarized at these high molar ratios. We attribute this to the formation of ordered arrays of sterol molecules in the lipid bilayers. In these arrays the sterol molecules are organised in an end-to-end fashion, and face-to-face overlap of the sterols is prevented by the lipid molecules. Possible structures for 1 : 1 mixtures are presented.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors compared and evaluated 4 membrane potential probes in the same cellular assay: the oxonol dye DiBAC(4)(3), the FLIPR membrane potential (FMP) dye (Molecular Devices), and 2 novel fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) dye systems from PanVera [CC2-DMPE/DiSBAC(2)(3)] and Axiom [DiSBAC(1)(3)/DiSBAC(1)(5)]. The kinetic parameters of each membrane probe were investigated in RBL-2H3 cells expressing an endogenous inward rectifier potassium channel (IRK1). The FMP dye presented the highest signal over background ratio whereas the FRET dyes from PanVera gave the fastest response. The determination of IC(50) values for 8 different channel modulators indicated a good correlation between the 4 membrane probe systems. The compound-dye interaction was evaluated in the presence of compounds at 10 muM and clearly indicated no effect on the FMP or the PanVera donor dye, whereas some major interference with the oxonol probes was observed. Using a cell permeabilization assay in the presence of gramicidin, the authors concluded that the FRET dyes from PanVera and the FMP dye are unable to measure the gramicidin-induced cell membrane hyperpolarizations. The 4 dye systems were investigated under high-throughput screening (HTS) conditions, and their respective Z' parameter was determined. The characteristics of each dye system and its potential use in HTS assays is discussed.  相似文献   

Fluorescence techniques have drawn increasing attention because they provide crucial information about molecular interactions in protein–ligand systems beyond that obtained by other methods. The advantage of fluorescence spectroscopy stems from the fact that the majority of molecules in biological systems do not exhibit fluorescence, making fluorescent probes useful with high sensitivity. Also, the fluorescence emission is highly sensitive to the local environment, providing a valuable tool to investigate the nature of binding sites in macromolecules. In this review, we discuss some of the important applications of a class of molecules that have been used as fluorescent probes in a variety of studies. Hydroxyphenyl benzazoles (HBXs) show distinct spectroscopic features that make them suitable probes for the study of certain biological mechanisms in DNA, protein and lipid. In particular, the complex photophysics of 2‐(2′‐hydroxyphenyl)benzoxazole (HBO) and the distinguished fluorescence signatures of its different tautomeric forms make this molecule a useful probe in several applications. Among these are probing the DNA local environment, study of the flexibility and specificity of protein‐binding sites, and detecting the heterogeneity and ionization ability of the head groups of different lipidic phases. The spectroscopy of HBX molecules and some of their chemically modified structures is also reviewed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

N-Parinaroylceramides and -glucocerebrosides were synthesized and characterized. These fluorescent glycolipids were found to be nonperturbing membrane lipid probes, which partitioned preferentially into fluid-phase phosphatidylcholine (PC) in liposomes containing both fluid and solid-phase PC. N-Parinaroylglucocerebroside, parinaroyl-PC, and free parinaric acid were used to analyze the motion and distribution of glucocerebroside and ganglioside GM1 in liposomes composed of these glycosphingolipids (GSL) and 1-stearoyl-2-oleoyl-PC (SOPC). Steady-state fluorescence anisotropy of these probes indicated that the neutral glucocerebroside formed solid-phase domains in SOPC liposomes; these domains contained little or no PC. In contrast, the negatively charged ganglioside GM1 was miscible with fluid-phase PC. Incorporation of GM1 into SOPC liposomes resulted in an increase in the transition temperature of the mixture; no transition was observed in either of the pure GSL used over the temperature range from 5 to 70 degrees C. These data indicate that the glucocerebroside probes may be specific for sphingolipid domains in mixed PC/GSL membranes.  相似文献   

The chemical and spectroscopic properties of the new fluorescent acids all(E)-8, 10, 12, 14, 16-octadecapentaenoic acid (t-COPA) and its (8Z)-isomer (c-COPA) have been characterized in solvents of different polarity, synthetic lipid bilayers, and lipid/protein systems. These compounds are reasonably photostable in solution, present an intense UV absorption band (epsilon(350 nm) approximately 10(5) M(-1) cm(-1)) strongly overlapped by tryptophan fluorescence and their emission, centered at 470 nm, is strongly polarized (r(O) = 0.385 +/- 0.005) and decays with a major component (85%) of lifetime 23 ns and a faster minor one of lifetime 2 ns (D,L-alpha-dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC), 15 degrees C). Both COPA isomers incorporate readily into vesicles and membranes (K(p) approximately 10(6)) and align parallel to the lipids. t-COPA distributes homogeneously between gel and fluid lipid domains and the changes in polarization accurately reflect the lipid T(m) values. From the decay of the fluorescence anisotropy in spherical bilayers of DMPC and POPC it is shown that t-COPA also correctly reflects the lipid order parameters, determined by 2H NMR techniques. Resonance energy transfer from tryptophan to the bound pentaenoic acid in serum albumin in solution, and from the tryptophan residues of gramicidin in lipid bilayers also containing the pentaenoic acid, show that this probe is a useful acceptor of protein tryptophan excitation, with R(O) values of 30-34 A.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease-associated beta-amyloid peptides (Abeta) are generated by the sequential proteolytic processing of amyloid precursor protein (APP) by beta- and gamma-secretases. There is growing evidence that cholesterol- and sphingolipid-rich membrane microdomains are involved in regulating trafficking and processing of APP. BACE1, the major beta-secretase in neurons is a palmitoylated transmembrane protein that resides in lipid rafts. A subset of APP is subject to amyloidogenic processing by BACE1 in lipid rafts, and this process depends on the integrity of lipid rafts. Here we describe the association of all four components of the gamma-secretase complex, namely presenilin 1 (PS1)-derived fragments, mature nicastrin, APH-1, and PEN-2, with cholesterol-rich detergent insoluble membrane (DIM) domains of non-neuronal cells and neurons that fulfill the criteria of lipid rafts. In PS1(-/-)/PS2(-/-) and NCT(-/-) fibroblasts, gamma-secretase components that still remain fail to become detergent-resistant, suggesting that raft association requires gamma-secretase complex assembly. Biochemical evidence shows that subunits of the gamma-secretase complex and three TGN/endosome-resident SNAREs cofractionate in sucrose density gradients, and show similar solubility or insolubility characteristics in distinct non-ionic and zwitterionic detergents, indicative of their co-residence in membrane microdomains with similar protein-lipid composition. This notion is confirmed using magnetic immunoisolation of PS1- or syntaxin 6-positive membrane patches from a mixture of membranes with similar buoyant densities following Lubrol WX extraction or sonication, and gradient centrifugation. These findings are consistent with the localization of gamma-secretase in lipid raft microdomains of post-Golgi and endosomes, organelles previously implicated in amyloidogenic processing of APP.  相似文献   

The relative insolubility of lipid rafts in cold non-ionic detergents is the most widely used method to purify these fascinating membrane domains from intact cells or membranes. Most of what we know about lipid raft function has been derived from experiments utilising detergent insolubility as the basis for raft purification. Recently, a wider range of detergents have been used to purify 'rafts', and rafts have been subclassified based on their differential solubility in different detergents. This minireview critically examines the use of detergents as tools for raft isolation and for the subclassification of rafts.  相似文献   

Lipid structure critically dictates the molecular interactions of drugs with membranes influencing passive diffusion, drug partitioning and accumulation, thereby underpinning a lipid-composition specific interplay. Spurring selective passive drug diffusion and uptake through membranes is an obvious solution to combat growing antibiotic resistance with minimized toxicities. However, the spectrum of complex mycobacterial lipids and lack thereof of suitable membrane platforms limits the understanding of mechanisms underlying drug-membrane interactions in tuberculosis. Herein, we developed membrane scaffolds specific to mycobacterial outer membrane and demonstrate them as improvised research platforms for investigating anti-tubercular drug interactions. Combined spectroscopy and microscopy results reveal an enhanced partitioning of model drug Rifabutin in trehalose dimycolate-containing mycobacterial membrane systems. These effects are apportioned to specific changes in membrane structure, order and fluidity leading to enhanced drug interaction. These findings on the membrane biophysical consequences of drug interactions will offer valuable insights for guiding the design of more effective antibiotic drugs coupled with tuned toxicity profiles.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylcholine (PC) is an abundant membrane lipid component in most eukaryotes, including yeast, and has been assigned multiple functions in addition to acting as building block of the lipid bilayer. Here, by isolating S. cerevisiae suppressor mutants that exhibit robust growth in the absence of PC, we show that PC essentiality is subject to cellular evolvability in yeast. The requirement for PC is suppressed by monosomy of chromosome XV or by a point mutation in the ACC1 gene encoding acetyl‐CoA carboxylase. Although these two genetic adaptations rewire lipid biosynthesis in different ways, both decrease Acc1 activity, thereby reducing average acyl chain length. Consistently, soraphen A, a specific inhibitor of Acc1, rescues a yeast mutant with deficient PC synthesis. In the aneuploid suppressor, feedback inhibition of Acc1 through acyl‐CoA produced by fatty acid synthase (FAS) results from upregulation of lipid synthesis. The results show that budding yeast regulates acyl chain length by fine‐tuning the activities of Acc1 and FAS and indicate that PC evolved by benefitting the maintenance of membrane fluidity.  相似文献   

Psd2 is a pea defensin with 47 amino acid residues that inhibits the growth of fungal species by an uncharacterized mechanism. In this work, Psd2 interactions with model membranes mimicking the lipid compositions of different organisms were evaluated. Protein-lipid overlay assays indicated that Psd2 recognizes Fusarium solani glucosylceramide (GlcCerF.solani) and ergosterol (Erg) in addition to phosphatidylcholine (POPC) and some phosphatidylinositol species, such as PtdIns (3)P, (5)P and (3,5)P2, suggesting that these lipids may play important roles as Psd2 targets. Assays using lipid vesicles were also performed to study the behaviour and dynamics that occur after peptide-membrane interactions. Surface plasmon resonance analysis showed that Psd2 has a higher affinity for pure POPC and POPC-based vesicles containing GlcCer and Erg at a 70:30 proportion than for vesicles containing cholesterol (Chol). Partition experiments by fluorescence spectroscopy showed a decrease in Trp42 quantum yield of Psd2 in the presence of GlcCerF.solani and Erg, individually or in simultaneously enriched membranes. The partition coefficient (Kp) obtained indicated a Psd2 partition preference for this vesicles, confirmed by quenching assays using acrylamide and 5/16-doxyl-stearic acid. Furthermore, we showed that the presence of C8C9 double bonds and a methyl group at position C9 of the sphingoid base backbone of GlcCer was relevant to Psd2 activity against Aspergillus nidulans. These results are consistent with the selectivity of Psd2 against fungi and its lack of toxicity in human erythrocytes. Psd2 represents a promising natural compound for the treatment of fungal infections.  相似文献   

Summary We have synthesized three sets of fluorescent probes which we believe will be useful in studies of asymmetric membranes and have studied their interactions with model lipid bilayers and erythrocyte membranes. The probes were designed to partition preferentially into one face of a lipid bilayer with asymmetrically disposed phospholipids and to report lipid transitions in that monolayer.We synthesized more than twenty probes containing anthroyl-, dansyl-, or pyrene rings with acidic, basic, and neutral functional groups and alkyl spacers of various lengths. The interactions of these probes with liposomes of phosphatidyl choline and with erythrocyte membranes were characterized to determine whether probe insertion was asymmetric, how deeply the probe penetrated the bilayer, and whether the probe reflected thermotropic phase transitions in model membranes. The set of variously charged anthroyl esters, analogs of local anaesthetics, appears to be promising for studies of asymmetric membranes.Fluorescent probes have been used extensively to provide information on the lipid regions of biological membranes. Membrane fluidity, a composite of molecular packing and motion of acyl chains in lipid bilayers, has been assessed with a variety of fluorescent probes, the fluorescence of which undergoes some measurable change at the temperature of the membrane's thermotropic phase transition. A large number of fluorescent probes have been used for this purpose. Bashford, Morgan and Radda (Bashford, C.L., Morgan, C.G., Radda, G.K. 1976;Biochim. Biophys. Acta 426: 157) and Thulborn and Sawyer (Thulborn, K.R., Sawyer, W.H. 1978;Biochim. Biophys. Acta 511: 125) synthesized several fatty acid derivatives in which an anthracene group is attached (in ester linkage) along the acyl chain at various positions, and have shown that this set of probes may be useful in probing membrane fluidity at differentdepths within the bilayer.This report describes the synthesis and properties of several sets of amphipathic fluorescent probes, which may partition unequally into the two faces of an asymmetric lipid bilayer, and may therefore provide information about membranes complementary to that obtainable with existing probes.  相似文献   

High-affinity IgE receptor FcepsilonRI is key molecule in the IgE-mediated allergic reactions. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) has a suppressive effect of the expression of the FcepsilonRI. We show here that EGCG highly associates with plasma membrane microdomains, lipid rafts. The disruption of these lipid rafts caused a reduction of the amount of raft-associated EGCG and the FcepsilonRI -suppressive effect of EGCG. These results suggest that the interaction between EGCG and the lipid rafts is important for EGCG's ability to downregulate FcepsilonRI expression.  相似文献   

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