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Chicken definitive erythrocyte haemoglobins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Chromatin and inner layer nuclear envelope were isolated from chicken erythrocyte nuclei. Two antisera against dehistonized chromatin and nuclear envelope of chicken erythrocytes were obtained. Using the antiserum against dehistonized chromatin of erythrocytes we found: the presence of the antigens at approximate mol. wts of 56,000 and 77,000 tightly bound with DNA and characteristic of only erythrocyte chromatin; localized antigens at approximate mol. wts of 63,000, 68,000 and 92,000 tightly bound with DNA and common only for chromatin and nuclear envelope of chicken erythrocytes; heterogeneity of the antigens tightly bound with DNA. Using the antiserum against inner layer nuclear envelope we did not find antigens specific only for nuclear envelope and absent in erythrocyte chromatin. Some of the antigens were present in the control preparations of chicken liver chromatin and may be regarded as being species specific.  相似文献   

Nuclear membranes and plasma membranes of chicken erythrocytes were tested for some enzyme activities and polypeptide content. Both membranes show ATPase and NADH cytochrome c reductase activities, which were higher for nuclear membrane preparations; besides the nuclear membrane ATPase is not stimulated by Na + K + ions. SDS solubilization of these membranes followed by separation using SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis yields about 25 bands. Nuclear membranes and plasma membranes possess specific bands; some differences were seen when adult and embryonic membranes were compared.  相似文献   

The direct splenic anti-sheep erythrocyte (anti-SRBC) responses as well as the serum IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b, and IgG3 anti-SRBC responses of CBA/CaJ mice were monitored 4-35 days after immunization with: (1) a suboptimal dose of SRBC, (2) a suboptimal dose of SRBC plus monoclonal IgM anti-SRBC, or (3) a high dose of SRBC. The direct plaque-forming cell (PFC) responses of mice in treatment group 2 were significantly higher than those in group 1 but similar to the responses in group 3. The serum anti-SRBC antibody responses of all IgG subclasses were significantly enhanced by IgM anti-SRBC and were generally even higher than the responses obtained with high doses of SRBC. The relative proportions of each serum IgG subclass were similar in all three groups. These data suggest that the enhancement of suboptimal anti-SRBC antibody responses by IgM anti-SRBC extends through IgM and all of the IgG subclasses and, further, that the isotype profile in antibody-enhanced responses is similar to that obtained with high doses of SRBC.  相似文献   

These experiments were designed to determine whether the migration of RNA molecules from an implanted nucleus to the host cytoplasm and from there into the host cell nucleus against a concentration gradient might reflect an artefact induced by the process of nuclear transplantation. That is, are RNA molecules, as previously shown for certain nuclear proteins, caused to artefactually leave a manipulated nucleus and then move into the host cell nucleus (as well as return to the grafted nucleus) during the recovery period?A variety of experiments involving different kinds of manipulative sequences and different numbers of nuclear transplantations suggest—but do not prove—that no artefact is involved in the migration of RNA from one nucleus to another but two experiments strongly support the view that the shuttling activity is a normal physiological process. One of the latter involved a determination of the rate of egress of 3H-RNA from an implanted nucleus and reveals that that rate, in contrast with the equivalent rate of egress for labeled proteins which is clearly abnormal after micromanipulation, is totally consonant with the rate of movement of RNA from nucleus to cytoplasm established from experiments that do not involve micromanipulation. The other experiment involves comparison of (1) the amount of radioactivity acquired by an unlabeled nucleus present in the cell at the time a labeled nucleus is implanted with (2) the amount of radioactivity acquired by an unlabeled nucleus implanted after a labeled nucleus had been implanted and had time to recover from any possible operation-induced trauma. With 3H-protein nuclei the host nuclei of (1) acquired much more label than the host nuclei of (2) because in (1) the host nuclei were able to acquire much of the artefactually-released 3H-protein. For the 3H-RNA experiments, however, little difference was found between (1) and (2) in the amount of label acquired by the host cell nuclei. It can be concluded that little, if any, of the non-random shuttling activity of RNA molecules can be a reflection of an artefact.  相似文献   

The occurrence of pyruvate recycling in the rat brain was studied in either pentobarbital anesthetized animals or awake animals receiving a light analgesic dose of morphine, which were infused with either [1-13C]glucose + acetate or glucose + [2-13C]acetate for various periods of time. Metabolite enrichments in the brain, blood and the liver were determined from NMR analyses of tissue extracts. They indicated that: (i) Pyruvate recycling was revealed in the brain of both the anesthetized and awake animals, as well as from lactate and alanine enrichments as from glutamate isotopomer composition, but only after infusion of glucose + [2-13C]acetate. (ii) Brain glucose was labelled from [2-13C]acetate at the same level in anaesthetized and awake rats (approximately 4%). Comparing its enrichment with that of blood and liver glucose indicated that brain glucose labelling resulted from hepatic gluconeogenesis. (iii) Analysing glucose 13C-13C coupling in the brain, blood and the liver confirmed that brain glucose could be labelled in the liver through the activities of both pyruvate recycling and gluconeogenesis. (iv) The rate of appearance and the amount of brain glutamate C4-C5 coupling, a marker of pyruvate recycling when starting from [2-13C]acetate, were lower than those of brain glucose labelling from hepatic metabolism. (v) The evaluation of the contributions of glucose and acetate to glutamate metabolism revealed that more than 60% of brain glutamate was synthesized from glucose whereas only 7% was from acetate and that glutamate C4-C5 coupling was mainly due to the metabolism of glucose labelled through hepatic gluconeogenesis. All these results indicate that, under the present conditions, the pyruvate recycling observed through the labelling of brain metabolites mainly originates from peripheral metabolism.  相似文献   

Nucleotidase activities resembling subclass I and subclass II of human pyrimidine 5'-nucleotidases (P5N) were detected in chicken red blood cells (RBCs). In chicken RBCs from untreated controls, the activity of the subclass II enzyme was about one third of that of subclass I enzyme, whereas that ratio was approximately 5:1 in rat or human RBCs. The subclass I activity in chicken RBCs was increased 5- to 6-fold upon erythropoietic induction by phenylhydrazine administration, but the subclass II activity did not increase under these conditions. The subclass I enzyme was purified to near homogeneity. Its molecular mass was about 35 kDa as estimated by gel filtration and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Its N-terminal 12 amino acids, PEFQKKTVHIKD, were also determined. The catalytic properties of the subclass I enzyme were very similar to those of the human enzyme with regard to substrate (preferential hydrolysis of CMP, dCMP, UMP), Km values, optimum pH, and metal ion requirements. Antibodies against chicken P5N subclass I were raised in rats. The chicken P5N-I as well as the rat P5N-I proteins could be detected by antibodies in Western blot analyses, but not the P5N-II proteins. These findings indicate that P5N subclass I may have an important function in chicken erythropoiesis.  相似文献   

Erythrocytes, which show little or no guanylate or adenylate cyclase activity, take up cyclic nucleotides from blood. Studies were done by incubating human erythrocytes in isotonic medium with the dibutyryl derivatives of cAMP and cGMP and in a hypotonic medium in which the cells are partially hemolyzed and, therefore, freely permeable to cAMP and cGMP. At cAMP and cGMP concentrations of 50 microM and above, the amount of 14CO2 generated from 1-14C-glucose was decreased significantly. This effect was suppressed by 4.6 mM theophylline. Inosine and ribose, which are catabolites of cAMP and cGMP also decreased formation of 14CO2 from 1-14C-glucose. Accordingly, it is postulated that in the absence of theophylline, the activity of phosphodiesterase resulted in AMP and GMP formation. These mononucleotides enter into the purine salvage pathways to form ribose phosphate. Additionally, the production of lactate and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) was measured in human erythrocytes after incubation with the dibutyryl derivatives of cAMP (bt2-cAMP) and cGMP (bt2-cGMP). At a concentration of 0.1 microM, bta2-cGMP inhibits lactate production at 60 min (p less than 0.01). Slight increases in 2,3-DPG were not statistically significant. Catabolism of cyclic nucleotides may prevent diffusion equilibria allowing for the erythrocyte's continuous uptake of cyclic nucleotides and providing a detoxification mechanism that could compensate for conditions in which elevations of these substances are observed.  相似文献   

The physiologic regulation of erythrocyte metabolism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In the course of haematological and biological investigations among Aymara and Quechua populations in Bolivia, an anthropological study of the erythrocytary respiratory function was carried out on the two groups at two altitudes: 3,600 m and 450 m. A difference in the intensity of the biological variations of the two populations is observed at high altitude. In the Quechuas, as in any lowland native, the adaptative phenomena are totally and quickly reversible. In the Aymaras, we detected the existence of more marked haematological and biochemical characters: moderate polycythemia, hyperhaemoglobinemia, microcytosis, metabolical hyperactivity with accumulation of 2-3 di-phosphoglycerate and ATP, and methaemoglobinemia with a drop in the activity of the methaemoglobin reductases. The Aymaras preserve some of those characters (methaemoglobinemia excepted) when they settle in lowlands.  相似文献   

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