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本文报道仙人掌类花卉播种育苗技术。初步探明,仙人掌类花卉成苗率的高低除了种子品质外,还与不、肥、光、热以及种子消毒、基质配方、病虫防治等关系密切。  相似文献   

本文介绍仙人掌类嫁接技术的具体操作方法,指出影响嫁接成活率的主要因素,认为嫁接是仙人掌类繁殖的重要手段。  相似文献   

在众多室内盆栽花卉中,佛串珠别具一格,虽为肉质植物却不属于景天科、仙人掌科……它不但叶形奇特,很耐观赏,而且只要养护得当,就能三季有花,常开常新。  相似文献   

漫话仙人掌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全世界肉质植物中的仙人掌类,有2000余种,其中墨西哥就有100O多种,真是名副其实的“仙人掌之国”。仙人掌是墨西哥的象征,被定为“国花”,此外,墨西哥的国旗、国徽和货币上的图案都有仙人掌。仙人掌大多分布在热带、亚热带的沙漠地区,那里缺乏水分和有机质,土壤常盐渍化,因此演变成了耐旱的生理结构:叶退化成刺以减少水分的蒸腾;茎肥厚多计,贮藏了大量的水分,并代替叶行使光合作用;气孔少而下陷,白天关闭。他人掌类植物中的仙人掌扁平如掌,仙人球浑圆象球,仙人鞭细长似鞭,仙人山叠垒成山。此外还有仙人柱、仙人棒等等。…  相似文献   

为了研究胭脂虫Dactylopius coccus Costa寄生前后梨果仙人掌(Opuntia ficus-indica Mill)挥发性物质的变化,以动态顶空密闭循环吸附捕集法捕集胭脂虫寄生前后梨果仙人掌的挥发物,并运用全自动热脱附-气相色谱/质谱(ATD-GC/MS)联用技术进行分析检测,用峰面积归一化法测定其相对含量。结果表明,无虫梨果仙人掌的挥发物中共检测到8种化合物,有虫的梨果仙人掌中共检测到9种化合物,化合物的种类和含量都有一定的变化;萜烯类是植食昆虫诱导的植物挥发性次生物质中的主要成分,本试验中,萜烯类在胭脂虫寄生前后的含量由23.12%降为6.98%。在无虫仙人掌的挥发物中检测出苯甲醛,含量约占1.73%,有虫的仙人掌中则未检测到;同样在有虫仙人掌挥发物中检出的其他物质如酯类(21.15%)、醇类(1.79%)和卤代芳烃类(1.51%)物质在无虫仙人掌植株中都未检测出。  相似文献   

为了研究胭脂虫Dactylopius coccus Costa寄生前后梨果仙人掌(Opuntia ficus-indica Mill)挥发性物质的变化,以动态顶空密闭循环吸附捕集法捕集胭脂虫寄生前后梨果仙人掌的挥发物,并运用全自动热脱附-气相色谱/质谱(ATD-GC/MS)联用技术进行分析检测,用峰面积归一化法测定其相对含量.结果表明,无虫梨果仙人掌的挥发物中共检测到8种化合物,有虫的梨果仙人掌中共检测到9种化合物,化合物的种类和含量都有一定的变化;萜烯类是植食昆虫诱导的植物挥发性次生物质中的主要成分,本试验中,萜烯类在胭脂虫寄生前后的含量由23.12%降为6.98%.在无虫仙人掌的挥发物中检测出苯甲醛,含量约占1.73%,有虫的仙人掌中则未检测到;同样在有虫仙人掌挥发物中检出的其他物质如酯类(21.15%)、醇类(1.79%)和卤代芳烃类(1.51%)物质在无虫仙人掌植株中都未检测出.  相似文献   

仙人掌茎有效成份分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
我国民间有食用、药用仙人掌的传统,但对其有效成分等尚未进行系统的分析报道。本文对仙人掌茎甲醇提取液、石油醚提取液和氯仿提取液进行了生物碱、甾体、强心甙、皂甙和匝类等有效成分的系统分析。结果表明,仙人掌的甲醇提取液、石油醚提取液和氯仿提取液中含有生物碱、黄酮甙、强心甙、皂甙以及三萜和甾体等,而未检出香豆精甙。  相似文献   

上海地区花卉节肢动物群落组成调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年2月至2007年1月对上海地区60余种花卉生境中节肢动物群落组成进行了调查,把采集的节肢动物按营养关系分为植食类、捕食类、寄生类、其它类等4个功能团。根据鉴定结果,植食类共121种,捕食类22种,寄生类12科,其它类13科。其中,16种节肢动物为上海地区首次报道。植食类、捕食类、寄生类和其它类的相对丰富度分别为78.10%、5.61%、2.44%和13.85%。保护花卉生境中的捕食性和寄生性天敌种类是花卉生产生态化管理的重要任务之一。  相似文献   

研究表明,长沙市2004年春季时尚花卉有79种,涉及45科52属.其中主要种类有蝴蝶兰、巴西铁、金琥、红星果子蔓、圣诞花、金桔等30种,涉及15个科,28个属,包含观花、观叶、观茎、观果和观赏苞片类等5大类,其中以观叶类和观花类花卉占大多数,二者分别占38.7%和32.2%.对重要花卉种类的形态特征、栽培要点及观赏特点等进行了描述,分析了其中15种重要时尚花卉的观赏特色和人气指数,对近年来大众花卉消费观念的变化进行了分析,预测了未来花卉的消费趋势.对我省花卉消费市场及花卉产业发展等问题进行了讨论,提出了有益的建议.  相似文献   

繁殖仙人掌类植物,一般采用扦插和嫁接方法,但对缺少叶绿素的类型,由于本身不能进行光合作用,必须用嫁接法繁殖,依靠砧木提供充足养分,才能正常生长发育。嫁接时:对于球形和圆筒形品种,采用平接;茎节扁平类型则用劈接。为了提高观赏价值,也可在一株较大的山影、有叶仙人掌(木股群)的各分枝顶端,接上若干个体型不一、色泽各异的品种、类型,植物则更加绚丽多姿。如(图,封三左)山影上接了14个(12个类型)球体;(图,封三右)木映群上接了11个(10个类型)仙人掌。仙人掌的嫁接@米玉芹$河北省廊坊师范学校!102800…  相似文献   

新疆干旱区植物藜的种子异型性及其萌发机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新疆干旱区分布的植物藜(Chenopodium album)的种子有黑色和褐色两种类型。对藜的异型性种子从形态结构、不同环境因素及激素或化学物质对萌发的影响以及同工酶谱等方面进行了研究,并对其萌发及适应异质环境的机理进行了讨论。结果表明:(1)藜的异型性种子在形态结构、萌发休眠特性等方面都存在明显差异:黑色种子种皮厚且硬,休眠,萌发慢,萌发率低;褐色种子种皮薄而软,不休眠,萌发快且萌发率高;(2)黑色种子的休眠可通过切除胚根外缘种皮得以完全解除;(3)赤霉素、乙烯利对黑色种子的萌发无明显促进作用;KNO3可较显著促进黑色种子的萌发;协同使用乙烯利和KNO3时,可显著提高黑种子萌发率,完全打破休眠;(4)黑色种子和褐色种子的酯酶、过氧化物酶及过氧化氢酶同工酶谱带存在差异;(5)黑色种子的萌发需要光照,而褐色种子则对光不敏感;低温贮藏对二者的萌发均无显著影响,尽管黑色种子的萌发率有波动。研究结果初步显示黑色种子的休眠是内源(胚)和外源(种皮)因素共同所致。藜的种子异型性及其萌发机理的形成是其对新疆干旱区异质化环境的高度适应。  相似文献   

银杏种子的生物学特性及贮藏   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银杏种子是典型的生理后熟种子,种子含水量高,种皮通透性大,具有不耐脱水的特性,是非典型性顽拗性种子。银杏种子贮藏的关键是在保持种子活力的前提下,降低种子的呼吸强度,因此贮藏过程中温度、湿度和气体的调节是关键。涂膜处理、化学试剂处理、辐射处理和逆境处理等技术可有效提高银杏种子的贮藏品质。  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that seedlings from large seeds are more tolerant to defoliation than those from small seeds due to the additional metabolic reserves present in the large seeds. However, information on the effects of amount of seed reserves (cotyledon removal) from seedlings resulting from large vs. small seeds on seedling growth and long‐term survival in the field is limited. Five legume species with different sizes of seeds were sown in the field and none, one, or both cotyledons removed 7 days after seedling emergence. Seedling biomass, relative growth rate (RGR) and survival were determined at different time. Cotyledon removal, species, and their interaction had significant effects on seedling growth and survival. During the period between 33 and 70 days, seedlings from large seeds had a significantly lower RGR than those from small seeds. Biomass, RGR, and survival of seedlings from large seeds were significantly reduced by removal one or both cotyledons, whereas those of seedlings from small seeds were not affected. Seed energy reserves are more important for the early growth of seedlings from large seeds than for those from small seeds. The overall effect of cotyledon removal on growth and survival varies with seed size (i.e., energy reserves) with seedlings from small seeds being less sensitive than those from large seeds under field conditions.  相似文献   

水稻的根、茎、叶、种子等器官存在大量对植株生长和产量、品质、抗性等有重要作用的共生和伴生微生物,其中内生菌是种子共生和伴生微生物中的一个代表类群.水稻种子中普遍存在种类丰富且结构复杂的内生菌群落,会直接或间接地影响种子的萌发、生长和群体的产量特性.从水稻种子内生细菌的多样性、水稻种子与其内生细菌分布的相关性、水稻种子内...  相似文献   

种子顽拗性的形成机理及其保存技术   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
根据种子的脱水行为将种子分为正常性种子、顽拗性种子和中间性种子。顽拗性种子在发育的末期不经历成熟脱水.脱落时有相对高的含水量,并且对低温和脱水干燥非常敏感。在自然界,顽拗性种子存在一个连续群,即低度、中度和高度顽拗性种子,其差异在于对脱水伤害的敏感程度。影响种子顽拗性的因素,既有种子本身的生理生化物质基础,也有种子在母株上发育过程中所经受的外界环境的影响。目前,对种子脱水耐性的分子机制及其保存技术研究得较多。本文综述了有关顽拗性种子研究的近期进展。  相似文献   

啮齿动物的贮藏行为与植物种子的扩散   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
绝大多数啮齿动物一方面取食大量的植物种子和果实,另一方面通过其贮食行为将植物种子和果实搬运到远离母树的地点,即扩散,并将它们分散埋藏在落叶下或浅表的土层中,从而影响种子和果实的时空分布,最后导致幼苗在有利的条件下发生和建成,实现植物更新。啮齿动物与植物种子和果实之间已广泛形成了互惠或协同进化的关系。啮齿动物的贮食行为主要通过以下几个过程对植物种子和果实的扩散产生影响:选择、搬运和埋藏以及随后对种子和幼苗存活和死亡的影响等。本综述了啮齿动物对植物种子和果实贮藏的研究结果,以期为进一步开展啮齿动物的贮食行为在植物种子和果实的扩散中的作用的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

异子蓬(Borszczowia aralocaspica)为中亚荒漠特有种,在我国仅分布于新疆,其果实具有二型性。对同一生长地2006、2007、2008年异子蓬种子的大小、萌发特性及结实格局进行比较,结果表明:(1)年份和种子类型对种子大小和重量均有显著影响(P<0.05)。(2)2种类型种子具有不同的萌发行为,褐色种子萌发率高(>90%),萌发速度快,而黑色种子萌发率低(2006年的萌发率为31%),萌发速度慢;2种类型种子的萌发指数在不同年际间均差异显著。(3)不同年际间,种子总数、褐色种子数、黑色种子数均具有极显著差异(P<0.001),且随个体的增大黑色种子的比例逐渐减小,褐色种子的比例逐渐增大,并且黑色种子数目均高于褐色种子数目。该研究为深入认识异型种子的生态适应对策提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Artificial seeds offer an important method to assay the bioactivity of natural and synthetic compounds against insect larvae that develop within the cotyledons of seeds. Here, the efficacy of artificial seeds as a mechanism to deliver bioactive compounds to larvae of the bruchid beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus, was compared to that of black-eyed beans that had been imbibed with the same bioactive compounds: malachite green or the methanolic extract of neem (Azadirachta indica). Females laid an equivalent number of eggs on control artificial seeds in comparison with black-eyed beans, although egg-to-adult survival on artificial seeds was reduced. Manipulation of the hardness of artificial seeds influenced female oviposition decisions, with more eggs laid on the harder seeds, although seed hardness had no effect on egg-to-adult survival. Incorporation of neem extract or malachite green into the artificial seeds resulted in 100 % larval mortality, while larval mortality on seeds imbibed with neem extract or malachite green was between 50 and 70 %. This suggests incorporation of toxins into artificial seeds, produces a more sensitive assay of compound toxicity in comparison with the method of imbibing seeds and offers a useful method to study of seed–arthropod interactions.  相似文献   

Using the outcrossing Primula farinosa and its autogamous selfing relatives P. scotica , P. scandinavica and P. stricta , we compared the fitness of light and heavy seeds. Heavy seeds germinated in greater numbers and more quickly. In competition with seedlings grown from lighter seeds, heavy seeds produced larger rosettes. In P. farinosa such seedlings went on to produce more seeds, and in two populations heavier seeds, than plants from lighter seeds. After transplantation to natural populations, seedlings of P. farinosa derived from heavy seeds produced larger rosettes, more flowers and seeds than those from lighter seeds in certain populations so that seedlings born of heavy seeds were much fitter than seedlings from lighter seeds. Average seed weight varied in inverse proportion to seed number per capsule. The autogamous species produced on average about twice as many seeds per capsule as P. farinosa . In P. scotica and P. stricta this difference appears to be due in part to assured fertilization, but this high fecundity did not cause disadvantageously light seeds. As these species produced fewer capsules per scape, their overall seed production was on average no greater than for P. farinosa . P. farinosa traded-off fitness between capsules with large seed numbers, which donated more offspring to the next generation, and those with small seed numbers, whose heavy seeds would be more likely to reproduce themselves in the next generation. We conclude that low fecundity in outcrossing species might at times be advantageous.  相似文献   

Agriophyllum squarrosum Moq. is a dominant annual on sand dunes in the arid regions of central Asia. A high percentage of seeds is retained on dead plants which become covered by moving sand, but little is known about the ecological significance of burial of canopy-stored seeds. We investigated the size and dynamics of the buried canopy-stored seed bank and effects of burial on seed germination. In March (during the windy season), May (beginning of the germination season), and July (middle of the growing season), the number of seeds per square meter in sample plots in the dunes was 623, 223 and 22, respectively, with 54.6, 30.6 and 12.9% of the total seeds retained on buried plant canopies. In a controlled experiment, more seedlings emerged from released (dispersed) than from canopy-stored seeds when burial depth was the same. No viable ungerminated released seeds were found, but 45–80% of the ungerminated canopy-stored seeds were viable. In general, with an increase in applied water germination of released seeds buried at a depth of 1 or 2 cm and of canopy-stored seeds buried at 1 cm increased, but regardless of watering regime few or no released seeds at 4 cm or canopy-stored seeds at 2 or 4 cm germinated. Significantly more seedlings emerged from plants buried in a horizontal than in a vertical position. Seedlings originating from buried canopy-stored seeds on an active dune accounted for only 5.4% of the total seedlings emerging, and most of them emerged later than those from released seeds. Thus, seed release is more effectively postponed in buried than in exposed canopies, and burial of canopy-stored seeds is a mechanism that helps regulate seed germination and seedling emergence of A. squarrosum on active dunes.  相似文献   

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