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Wan YH  Jian Z  Wang WT  Xu H  Hu SJ  Ju G 《Neuro-Signals》2006,15(2):74-90
Short-term plasticity (STP) is an important element of information processing in neuronal networks. As the first synaptic relay between primary afferent fibers (PAFs) and central neurons, primary afferent synapses in spinal dorsal horn (DH) are essential to the initial processing of somatosensory information. In this research, we examined the STP between Adelta-PAFs and spinal DH neurons by patch-clamp recording. Our results showed that depression dominated the STP at primary afferent synapses. The curves of STP had no significant changes in the presence of bicuculline, CTZ or AP-5. Lowering extracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](o)) from 2.4 to 0.8 mM reduced the depression of synaptic responses at all stimulus rates, while raising [Ca(2+)](o) from 2.4 to 4.0 mM increased the synaptic depression. Increasing the bath temperature from 24 to 32 degrees C clearly reduced the depression of all responses. These results indicate that the observed STP is of presynaptic origin and depends on transmitter release. By fitting the experimental data recorded under different conditions, a model of STP was used to quantitatively characterize the observed STP and to analyze the possible mechanisms underlying the effects of [Ca(2+)](o) and temperature. Furthermore, using a model neuron receiving synaptic inputs, we found that with this form of STP, postsynaptic DH neurons could detect rate changes in both rapidly- and slowly-firing afferents with equal sensitivity. The present study links the intrinsic STP properties of primary afferent synapses with their role in processing neural information, and provides a basis for further research on the STP in spinal DH and its biological function under in vivo conditions.  相似文献   

1. Two in vitro spinal cord preparations obtained from young rats (10-16 days), the transverse slice and the hemisected cord, have been utilized to examine the properties of deep dorsal horn neurones. 2. Several features have emerged: neurones respond to direct current injection with repetitive firing which is characteristically tonic in nature with little adaptation. Over the current intensities tested, no secondary firing range was apparent. 3. Graded afferent fibre stimulation produces a variety of sub- and suprathreshold postsynaptic excitatory potentials. The latencies of these potentials range from tens of milliseconds to hundreds of milliseconds, with the former predominating. 4. The majority of neurones are strongly excited by all three agonists: glutamate, quisqualate and N-methyl-D-aspartate but in addition a subpopulation of neurones with low sensitivity to glutamate and N-methyl-D-aspartate exists. 5. The implications of such properties for sensory processing within the dorsal horn are discussed.  相似文献   

Wan YH  Wang YY  Dai F  Hu SJ 《生理学报》2004,56(4):550-557
本文描述了用明胶半包埋法制备带背根脊髓薄片的实验步骤,和在脊髓背角记录由初级传入纤维介导的突触后电流的可视膜片钳法。手术制备一段带背根的脊髓标本,并用20%的明胶包埋在琼脂块上,再用振动切片机切片获得带背根的脊髓薄片。通过红外线可视的引导,在脊髓背角神经元上建立全细胞封接模式。在钳制电压为-70mV条件下,记录自发的和背根刺激引起的兴奋性突触后电流。以传入纤维的传导速度与刺激阈值为指标,可以区分A样纤维与C样纤维兴奋性突触后电流。在钳制电压为0mV条件下,记录自发的和背根刺激引起的抑制性突触后电流。用5μmol/L的士宁或20μmol/L的荷包牡丹碱分离出γ-氨基丁酸能或甘氨酸能的抑制性突触后电流。用可视膜片钳方法可以准确测量脊髓背角神经元的突触后电流,从而研究初级传入突触的传递过程。更重要的是,在红外线可视观察的帮助下,建立膜片钳封接的成功率显著提高,同时也使记录研究脊髓背角深层神经元变得更加容易。本研究为探索初级传入突触传递过程提供了一个有效的方法。  相似文献   

It has been thought that spinal dorsal horn neurons receive convergent inputs from not only somatosensory but also visceral pathways. For instance, the referred pain is presumed to be due to the convergence of sensory inputs from cardiac and shoulder receptive fields. However, precise investigation has not been made from dorsal horn neurons yet, because of difficulty in studying the pathways from those regions by means of conventional electrophysiology. The purpose of this study is to clarify the convergent inputs to single dorsal horn neurons from wide receptive fields using an in vivo patch-clamp recording technique from the superficial spinal dorsal horn and an intracellular recording from dorsal root ganglion neurons that keep physiological connections with the peripheral sites. Identified dorsal root ganglion neurons received an input from a quite small area, about 1 x 1 mm in width of the skin. In contrast, substantia gelatinosa neurons in the spinal cord received inputs from an unexpectedly wide area of the skin. Previous extracellular recordings have, however, revealed that substantia gelatinosa neurons have small receptive field. This discrepancy is probably due mainly to an availability of the in vivo patch-clamp method to analyze sub-threshold synaptic responses. In contrast, the extracellular recording technique allows us to analyze predominantly the firing frequency of neurons. Thus, the in vivo patch-clamp recordings from dorsal horn neurons and the intracellular recordings from DRG neurons will be useful for well understanding the sensory processing in the spinal cord.  相似文献   

In decerebrate paralyzed cats, we examined the effects of two central motor commands (fictive locomotion and scratching) on the discharge of dorsal horn neurons receiving input from group III and IV tibial nerve afferents. We recorded the impulse activity of 74 dorsal horn neurons, each of which received group III input from the tibial nerve. Electrical stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR), which evoked fictive static contraction or fictive locomotion, inhibited the discharge of 44 of the 64 dorsal horn neurons tested. The mean depth from the dorsal surface of the spinal cord of the 44 neurons whose discharge was inhibited by MLR stimulation was 1.77 +/- 0.04 mm. Fictive scratching, evoked by topical application of bicuculline to the cervical spinal cord and irritation of the ear, inhibited the discharge of 22 of the 29 dorsal horn neurons tested. Fourteen of the twenty-two neurons whose discharge was inhibited by fictive scratching were found to be inhibited by MLR stimulation as well. The mean depth from the dorsal surface of the cord of the 22 neurons whose discharge was inhibited by fictive scratching was 1.77 +/- 0.06 mm. Stimulation of the MLR or the elicitation of fictive scratching had no effect on the activity of 22 dorsal horn neurons receiving input from group III and IV tibial nerve afferents. The mean depth from the dorsal surface of the cord was 1.17 +/- 0.07 mm, a value that was significantly (P < 0.05) less than that for the neurons whose discharge was inhibited by either MLR stimulation or fictive scratching. We conclude that centrally evoked motor commands can inhibit the discharge of dorsal horn neurons receiving thin fiber input from the periphery.  相似文献   

The distribution and ultrastructure of primary afferent terminals in the gray matter of the cervical and lumbar regions of the cat spinal cord were studied by the experimental degeneration method of Fink and Heimer. Most preterminals of primary afferents were shown to be concentrated in the region of the intermediate nucleus of Cajal (central part of Rexed's laminae VI–VII), in the substantial gelatinosa (laminae II–III), and in the nucleus proprius of the dorsal horn (central and medial parts of lamina IV). Fewer are found in the region of the motor nuclei. The number of degenerating axon terminals in the lateral parts of laminae IV and V differed: 31.5 and 0.4% respectively of all axon terminals. Many terminals of primary afferents in lamina IV contribute to the formation of glomerular structures in which they exist as terminals of S-type forming axo-axonal connections with other terminals. These results are in agreement with electrophysiological data to show that interneurons in different parts of the base of the dorsal horn differ significantly in the relative numbers of synaptic inputs formed by peripheral afferents and descending systems.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 406–414, July–August, 1973.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of the effect of stimulation of afferent fibers in ventral roots on dorsal horn interneurons were investigated in experiments on anesthetized cats. Dorsal horn interneurons on which such fibers project were shown to exist. In particular, some dorsal horn interneurons can exert an inhibitory influence on effects of dorsal root fiber activation.Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, Alma-Ata. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 300–305, May–June, 1985.  相似文献   

Mancozeb, ethylene(bis)dithiocarbamate fungicides, has been well documented in the literature as a multipotent carcinogen, but the underlying mechanism remains unrevealed. Thus, mancozeb has been selected in this study with the objective to decipher the molecular mechanism that culminates in carcinogenesis. We employed two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry to generate a comparative proteome profile of control and mancozeb (200?mg/kg body weight) exposed mouse skin. Although many differentially expressed proteins were found, among them, two significantly upregulated proteins, namely, S100A6 (Calcyclin) and S100A9 (Calgranulin-B), are known markers of keratinocyte differentiation and proliferation, which suggested their role in mancozeb-induced neoplastic alterations. Therefore, we verified these alterations in the human system by using HaCaT cells as an in vitro model for human skin keratinocyte carcinogenesis. Upregulation of these two proteins upon mancozeb (0.5?μg/mL) exposure in HaCaT cells indicated its neoplastic potential in human skin also. This potential was confirmed by increase in number of colonies in colony formation and anchorage-independent growth assays. Modulation of S100A6/S100A9 targets, elevated phosphorylation of extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK1/2), Elk1, nuclear factor- kappa B and cell division cycle 25 C phosphatase, and cyclin D1 and cyclooxygenase-2 upregulation was seen. In addition, PD98059 (ERK1/2 inhibitor) reduced cell proliferation induced by mancozeb, confirming the involvement of ERK1/2 signaling. Conclusively, we herein present the first report asserting that the mechanism involving S100A6 and S100A9 regulated ERK1/2 signaling underlies the mancozeb-induced neoplastic potential in human skin.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), somatostatin (SOM), bombesin (BOM), and substance P (SP) at the electron microscopic level in lumbar dorsal root axons of normal rats. The highest percentages of labeled axons were for CGRP (14%) and then, in descending order, for SP (8.6%), SOM (6.8%), and BOM (3.1%). The labeled axons were exclusively unmyelinated for SP, SOM, and BOM, and predominantly unmyelinated for CGRP. These data are consistent with the data for labeled sensory cell bodies for these same compounds. We emphasize that these peptides were immunocytochemically visualized in the dorsal roots without experimental manipulation, such as colchicine or dorsal root ligation. Quantitative sampling of this type can be used to assay changes in response to physiological stimuli in numbers of sensory axons that contain identifiable concentrations of these peptides.  相似文献   

Abstract We investigated the physiological properties of mediastinal pleural primary afferent units by recording single nerve fibre activity from the phrenic nerve in an in vitro preparation of rabbit tissue. A total of 41 units with conduction velocities in the group III and IV range were examined for their responsiveness to mechanical, thermal and chemical stimuli. Most receptive fields were adjacent to the phrenic nerve-pericardiacophrenic artery complex. The thresholds to punctate mechanical stimulation (von Frey hairs) were widely scattered around a median of 5.4 mN; all fibres showed slowly adapting responses to mechanical stimulation. Heat sensitivity was observed in 7/41 units (17%), while 17/41 (41%) of the fibres exhibited a spurious transient excitation to strong and rapid cooling. Chemosensitivity was scarce with respect to capsaicin (7/33 (21%) of the units responding) but more common to CO2-saturated synthetic interstitial fluid (pH 6.1, 5/16 (31%) responding). The most effective stimulus was a mixture of bradykinin, serotonin, histamine and prostaglandin E2 ('inflammmatory soup') which evoked stimulus responses in 27/33 (82%) of the afferent fibres challenged. Sensitization to mechanical stimuli occurred in 5/41 (12%) of the units, following the application of heat or inflammatory mediators. The rabbit pleura appears as a tissue mainly innervated by multimodal mechano- and chemosensitive afferent units.  相似文献   

A comparison was made using our work and that reported in the literature of the losses of myelinated and unmyelinated fibres in a variety of nerves and also of losses of nerve cells in dorsal root ganglia, after treatment of neonatal rats with capsaicin. In L3 and L4 dorsal roots 85-93% of unmyelinated fibres and 9-33% of myelinated fibres were lost after 50-100 mg/kg capsaicin neonatally. In rats treated with 85 mg/kg capsaicin, percentage losses of unmyelinated (89%) and myelinated (36%) fibres of L4 dorsal roots were remarkably similar to the calculated losses of small dark (92%) and large light (34%) neurones respectively in these ganglia. Studies with monoclonal antibody RT97 which labels the large light neurones only, confirmed that some RT97 negative cells (i.e. small dark neurones) remain after capsaicin treatment. At present no evidence exists to suggest that the cell death of small dark neurones or C fibres after neonatal capsaicin treatment is completely selective for subgroups of these neurones, either in relation to sensory modality, or in relation to immunocytochemical cell markers and peptide content. However much more data is required to establish whether this cell death is really nonselective as regards immunocytochemical markers.  相似文献   

Recently, oxytocin (OT) has been studied as a potential modulator of endogenous analgesia by acting upon pain circuits at the spinal cord and supraspinal levels. Yet the detailed action mechanisms of OT are still undetermined. The present study aimed to evaluate the action of OT in the spinal cord dorsal horn network under nociceptive-like conditions induced by the activation of the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor and formalin injection, using calcium imaging techniques. Results demonstrate that the spontaneous Ca2+-dependent activity of the dorsal horn cells was scarce, and the coactivity of cells was mainly absent. When NMDA was applied, high rates of activity and coactivity occurred in the dorsal horn cells; these rates of high activity mimicked the activity dynamics evoked by a neuropathic pain condition. In addition, although OT treatment increased activity rates, it was also capable of disrupting the conformation of coordinated activity previously consolidated by NMDA treatment, without showing any effect by itself. Altogether, our results suggest that OT globally prevents the formation of coordinated patterns previously generated by nociceptive-like conditions on dorsal horn cells by NMDA application, which supports previous evidence showing that OT represents a potential therapeutic alternative for the treatment of chronic neuropathic pain.  相似文献   

The participation of different calcium-regulated mechanisms in the generation of cytosolic Ca(2+) transients during neuronal excitation has been compared in isolated large and small primary (dorsal root ganglia (DRG)) and secondary (spinal dorsal horn (DH)) rat sensory neurones. As it was shown before in murine primary sensory neurones the application of mitochondrial protonophore CCCP by itself induced only small elevation of [Ca(2+)](i). However, its preceding application substantially increased the peak amplitude of depolarization-induced transients. Application of CCCP immediately after termination of the depolarizing pulse induced in both types of primary neurones a massive release of Ca(2+) from mitochondria into the cytosol. In secondary neurones application of CCCP by itself induced a substantial release of Ca(2+) from the mitochondria, but its preceding application resulted in only an insignificant increase in the peak amplitude of depolarization-triggered calcium transients. Application of CCCP immediately after termination of depolarization elicited a small release of Ca(2+), which became more pronounced when the application was delayed. Preceding application of CCCP increased the amplitude of the transients induced by caffeine-triggered Ca(2+) release from the endoplasmic reticulum in secondary neurones and did not affect those in large primary neurones. These findings may be explained by substantial differences in the density and distribution of mitochondria in the cytosol of primary and secondary sensory neurones. This suggestion was confirmed electronmicroscopically, showing a much lower density of mitochondria near plasmalemma in secondary sensory neurones and predominant clustered location of mitochondria beneath the plasmalemma in the primary cells. The possible functional importance of these differences is discussed.  相似文献   

Adenosine produces analgesia in the spinal cord and can be formed extracellularly through enzymatic conversion of adenine nucleotides. A transverse push-pull microprobe was developed and characterized to sample extracellular adenosine concentrations of the dorsal horn of the rat spinal cord. Samples collected via this sampling technique reveal that AMP is converted to adenosine in the dorsal horn. This conversion is decreased by the ecto-5'-nucleotidase inhibitor, alpha,beta-methylene ADP. Related behavioral studies demonstrate that AMP administered directly to the spinal cord can reverse the secondary mechanical hyperalgesia characteristic of the intradermal capsaicin model of inflammatory pain. The specific adenosine A(1) receptor antagonist 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dimethylxanthine (CPT) inhibits the antihyperalgesia produced by AMP. This research introduces a novel microprobe that can be used as an adjunct sampling technique to microdialysis and push-pull cannulas. Furthermore, we conclude that AMP is converted to adenosine in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord by ecto-5'-nucleotidase and subsequently may be one source of adenosine, acting through adenosine A(1) receptors in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, which produce antihyperalgesia.  相似文献   

Xiang XY  Zhang HM  Hu NW  Zhou LJ  Zhang T  Liu XG 《生理学报》2004,56(3):397-402
本研究和体视学方法探讨了在C纤维诱发电位长时程增强(long—-term potentiation,LTP)的诱导及维持过程中的脊髓背角Ⅱ板层的突触形念变化。结果显示(1)在LTP形成后30min,Ⅱ板层内的突触后致密物质(postsynaptic density,PSD)增厚,突触间隙增宽;(2)在LTP形成后3h,PSD厚度、突触间隙宽度及突触界面曲率都有明显增加;(3)在LTP诱导和维持全过程中,总突触的数密度比对照组有明显增高。(4)在LTP形成后3h和5h,穿孔性突触的数密度与对照组比较有明显增高。上述结果显示:PSD增厚是LTP诱导阶段的主要形态学变化。突触界面曲率增人及穿孔突触数目增多是LTP维持阶段的主要形态学基础。  相似文献   

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