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The two-state folding reaction of the cold shock protein from Bacillus caldolyticus (Bc-Csp) is preceded by a rapid chain collapse. A fast shortening of intra-protein distances was revealed by F?rster resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements with protein variants that carried individual pairs of donor and acceptor chromophores at various positions along the polypeptide chain. Here we investigated the specificity of this rapid compaction. Energy transfer experiments that probed the stretching of strand beta2 and the close approach between the strands beta1 and beta2 revealed that the beta1-beta2 hairpin is barely formed in the collapsed form, although it is native-like in the folding transition state of Bc-Csp. The time course of the collapse could not be resolved by pressure or temperature jump experiments, indicating that the collapsed and extended forms are not separated by an energy barrier. The co-solute (NH4)2SO4 stabilizes both native Bc-Csp and the collapsed form, which suggests that the large hydrated SO4(2-) ions are excluded from the surface of the collapsed form in a similar fashion as they are excluded from folded Bc-Csp. Ethylene glycol increases the stability of proteins because it is excluded preferentially from the backbone, which is accessible in the unfolded state. The collapsed form of Bc-Csp resembles the unfolded form in its interaction with ethylene glycol, suggesting that in the collapsed form the backbone is still accessible to water and small molecules. Our results thus rule out that the collapsed form is a folding intermediate with native-like chain topology. It is better described as a mixture of compact conformations that belong to the unfolded state ensemble. However, some of its structural elements are reminiscent of the native protein.  相似文献   

The development of electrostatic interactions during the folding of the N-terminal domain of the ribosomal protein L9 (NTL9) is investigated by pH-dependent rate equilibrium free energy relationships. We show that Asp8, among six acidic residues, is involved in non-native, electrostatic interactions with K12 in the transition state for folding as well as in the denatured state. The perturbed native state pK(a) of D8 (pK(a) = 3.0) appears to be maintained through non-native interactions in both the transition state and the denatured state. Mutational effects on the stability of the transition state for protein (un)folding are often analyzed in respect to change in ground states. Thus, the interpretation of transition state analysis critically depends on an understanding of mutational effects on both the native and denatured state. Increasing evidence for structurally biased denatured states under physiological conditions raises concerns about possible denatured state effects on folding studies. We show that the structural interpretation of transition state analysis can be altered dramatically by denatured state effects.  相似文献   

An in-vitro selection strategy was used to obtain strongly stabilized variants of the beta1 domain of protein G (Gbeta1). In a two-step approach, first candidate positions with a high potential for stabilization were identified in Gbeta1 libraries that were created by error-prone PCR, and then, after randomization of these positions by saturation mutagenesis, strongly stabilized variants were selected. For both steps the in-vitro selection method Proside was employed. Proside links the stability of a protein with the infectivity of a filamentous phage. Ultimately, residues from the two best selected variants were combined in a single Gbeta1 molecule. This variant with the four mutations E15V, T16L, T18I, and N37L showed an increase of 35.1 degrees C in the transition midpoint and of 28.5 kJ mol(-1) (at 70 degrees C) in the Gibbs free energy of stabilization. It was considerably more stable than the best variant from a previous Proside selection, in which positions were randomized that had originally been identified by computational design. Only a single substitution (T18I) was found in both selections. The best variants from the present selection showed a higher cooperativity of thermal unfolding, as indicated by an increase in the enthalpy of unfolding by about 60 kJ mol(-1). This increase is apparently correlated with the presence of Leu residues that were selected at the positions 16 and 37.  相似文献   

A point mutation of a small globular protein, the C-terminal domain of L9 destabilizes the protein and leads to observable cold-denaturation at temperatures above zero. The cold denatured state is in slow exchange with the native state on the NMR time scale, and this allows the hydrodynamic properties of the cold unfolded state and the native state to be measured under identical conditions using pulsed-field gradient NMR diffusion measurements. This provides the first experimental measurement of the hydrodynamic properties of a cold unfolded protein and its folded form under identical conditions. Hydrodynamic radii of the cold-induced unfolded states were measured for a set of temperatures ranging from 2 °C to 25 °C at pD 6.6 in the absence of denaturant. The cold unfolded state is compact compared to the urea or acid unfolded state and a trend of increasing radii of hydration is observed as the temperature is lowered. These observations are confirmed by experiments on the same protein at pD 8.0, where it is more stable, in the presence of a modest concentration of urea. The expansion of the cold-denatured state at lower temperatures is consistent with the temperature dependence of hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

In folded proteins, prolyl peptide bonds are usually thought to be either trans or cis because only one of the isomers can be accommodated in the native folded protein. For the N-terminal domain of the gene-3 protein of the filamentous phage fd (N2 domain), Pro161 resides at the tip of a beta hairpin and was found to be cis in the crystal structure of this protein. Here we show that Pro161 exists in both the cis and the trans conformations in the folded form of the N2 domain. We investigated how conformational folding and prolyl isomerization are coupled in the unfolding and refolding of N2 domain. A combination of single-mixing and double-mixing unfolding and refolding experiments showed that, in unfolded N2 domain, 7% of the molecules contain a cis-Pro161 and 93% of the molecules contain a trans-Pro161. During refolding, the fraction of molecules with a cis-Pro161 increases to 85%. This implies that 10.3 kJ mol(-1) of the folding free energy was used to drive this 75-fold change in the Pro161 cis/trans equilibrium constant during folding. The stabilities of the forms with the cis and the trans isomers of Pro161 and their folding kinetics could be determined separately because their conformational folding is much faster than the prolyl isomerization reactions in the native and the unfolded proteins. The energetic coupling between conformational folding and Pro161 isomerization is already fully established in the transition state of folding, and the two isomeric forms are thus truly native forms. The folding kinetics are well described by a four-species box model, in which the N2 molecules with either isomer of Pro161 can fold to the native state and in which cis/trans isomerization occurs in both the unfolded and the folded proteins.  相似文献   

Our present understanding of the nature of the transition state for protein folding depends predominantly on studies where individual side-chain contributions are mapped out by mutational analysis (phi value analysis). This approach, although extremely powerful, does not in general provide direct information about the formation of backbone hydrogen bonds. Here, we report the results of amide H/D isotope effect studies that probe the development of hydrogen bonded interactions in the transition state for the folding of a small alpha-beta protein, the N-terminal domain of L9. Replacement of amide protons by deuterons in a solvent of constant isotopic composition destabilized the domain, decreasing both its T(m) and Delta G(0) of unfolding. The folding rate also decreased. The parameter Phi(H/D), defined as the ratio of the effect of isotopic substitution upon the activation free energy to the equilibrium free energy was determined to be 0.6 in a D(2)O background and 0.75 in a H(2)O background, indicating that significant intraprotein hydrogen bond interactions are developed in the transition state for the folding of NTL9. The value is in remarkably good agreement with more traditional measures of the position of the transition state, which report on the relative burial of surface area. The results provide a picture of a compact folding transition state containing significant secondary structure. Indirect analysis argues that the bulk of the kinetic isotope effect arises from the beta-sheet-rich region of the protein, and suggests that the development of intraprotein hydrogen bonds in this region plays a critical role in the folding of NTL9.  相似文献   

In vitro selections of stabilized proteins lead to more robust enzymes and, at the same time, yield novel insights into the principles of protein stability. We employed Proside, a method of in vitro selection, to find stabilized variants of TEM-1 β-lactamase from Escherichia coli. Proside links the increased protease resistance of stabilized proteins to the infectivity of a filamentous phage. Several libraries of TEM-1 β-lactamase variants were generated by error-prone PCR, and variants with increased protease resistance were obtained by raising temperature or guanidinium chloride concentration during proteolytic selections. Despite the small size of phage libraries, several strongly stabilizing mutations could be obtained, and a manual combination of the best shifted the profiles for thermal unfolding and temperature-dependent inactivation of β-lactamase by almost 20 °C to a higher temperature. The wild-type protein unfolds in two stages: from the native state via an intermediate of the molten-globule type to the unfolded form. In the course of the selections, the native protein was stabilized by 27 kJ mol− 1 relative to the intermediate and the cooperativity of unfolding was strongly increased. Three of our stabilizing replacements (M182T, A224V, and R275L) had been identified independently in naturally occurring β-lactamase variants with extended substrate spectrum. In these variants, they acted as global suppressors of destabilizations caused by the mutations in the active site. The comparison between the crystal structure of our best variant and the crystal structure of the wild-type protein indicates that most of the selected mutations optimize helices and their packing. The stabilization by the E147G substitution is remarkable. It removes steric strain that originates from an overly tight packing of two helices in the wild-type protein. Such unfavorable van der Waals repulsions are not easily identified in crystal structures or by computational approaches, but they strongly reduce the conformational stability of a protein.  相似文献   

The bacterial cold shock proteins (Csp) are widely used as models for the experimental and computational analysis of protein stability. In a previous study, in vitro evolution was employed to identify strongly stabilizing mutations in Bs-CspB from Bacillus subtilis. The best variant found by this approach contained the mutations M1R, E3K and K65I, which raised the midpoint of thermal unfolding of Bs-CspB from 53.8 degrees C to 83.7 degrees C, and increased the Gibbs free energy of stabilization by 20.9 kJ mol(-1). Another selected variant with the two mutations A46K and S48R was stabilized by 11.1 kJ mol(-1). To elucidate the molecular basis of these stabilizations, we determined the crystal structures of these two Bs-CspB variants. The mutated residues are generally well ordered and provide additional stabilizing interactions, such as charge interactions, additional hydrogen bonds and improved side-chain packing. Several mutations improve the electrostatic interactions, either by the removal of unfavorable charges (E3K) or by compensating their destabilizing interactions (A46K, S48R). The stabilizing mutations are clustered at a contiguous surface area of Bs-CspB, which apparently is critically important for the stability of the beta-barrel structure but not well optimized in the wild-type protein.  相似文献   

Prolyl cis/trans isomerizations determine the rates of many protein-folding reactions, and they can serve as molecular switches and timers. The energy required to shift the prolyl cis/trans equilibrium during these processes originates from conformational reactions that are linked structurally and energetically with prolyl isomerization. We used the N2 domain of the gene-3-protein of phage fd to elucidate how such an energetic linkage develops in the course of folding. The Asp160-Pro161 bond at the tip of a β hairpin of N2 is cis in the crystal structure, but in fact, it exists as a mixture of conformers in folded N2. During refolding, about 10 kJ mol− 1 of conformational energy becomes available for a 75-fold shift of the cis/trans equilibrium constant at Pro161, from 7/93 in the unfolded to 90/10 in the folded form. We combined single- and double-mixing kinetic experiments with a mutational analysis to identify the structural origin of this proline shift energy and to elucidate the molecular path for the transfer of this energy to Pro161. It originates largely, if not entirely, from the two-stranded β sheet at the base of the Pro161 hairpin. The two strands improve their stabilizing interactions when Pro161 is cis, and this stabilization is propagated to Pro161, because the connector peptides between the β strands and Pro161 are native-like folded when Pro161 is cis. In the presence of a trans-Pro161, the connector peptides are locally unfolded, and thus, Pro161 is structurally and energetically uncoupled from the β sheet. Such interrelations between local folding and prolyl isomerization and the potential modulation by prolyl isomerases might also be used to break and reestablish slow communication pathways in proteins.  相似文献   

Energetics of protein folding   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The energetics of protein folding determine the 3D structure of a folded protein. Knowledge of the energetics is needed to predict the 3D structure from the amino acid sequence or to modify the structure by protein engineering. Recent developments are discussed: major factors are reviewed and auxiliary factors are discussed briefly. Major factors include the hydrophobic factor (burial of non-polar surface area) and van der Waals interactions together with peptide hydrogen bonds and peptide solvation. The long-standing model for the hydrophobic factor (free energy change proportional to buried non-polar surface area) is contrasted with the packing-desolvation model and the approximate nature of the proportionality between free energy and apolar surface area is discussed. Recent energetic studies of forming peptide hydrogen bonds (gas phase) are reviewed together with studies of peptide solvation in solution. Closer agreement is achieved between the 1995 values for protein unfolding enthalpies in vacuum given by Lazaridis-Archontis-Karplus and Makhatadze-Privalov when the solvation enthalpy of the peptide group is taken from electrostatic calculations. Auxiliary factors in folding energetics include salt bridges and side-chain hydrogen bonds, disulfide bridges, and propensities to form alpha-helices and beta-structure. Backbone conformational entropy is a major energetic factor which is discussed only briefly for lack of knowledge.  相似文献   

TI I27, a beta-sandwich domain from the human muscle protein titin, has been shown to fold via two alternative pathways, which correspond to a change in the folding mechanism. Under physiological conditions, TI I27 folds by a classical nucleation-condensation mechanism (diffuse transition state), whereas at extreme conditions of temperature and denaturant it switches to having a polarized transition state. We have used experimental Phi-values as restraints in ensemble-averaged molecular dynamics simulations to determine the ensembles of structures representing the two transition states. The comparison of these ensembles indicates that when native interactions are substantially weakened, a protein may still be able to fold if it can access an alternative transition state characterized by a much larger entropic contribution. Analysis of the probability distribution of Phi-values derived from ensemble averaged simulations, enables us to identify residues that form contacts in some members of the ensemble but not in others illustrating that many interactions present in transition states are not strictly required for the successful completion of the folding process.  相似文献   

Spontaneous membrane insertion and folding of beta-barrel membrane proteins from an unfolded state into lipid bilayers has been shown previously only for few outer membrane proteins of Gram-negative bacteria. Here we investigated membrane insertion and folding of a human membrane protein, the isoform 1 of the voltage-dependent anion-selective channel (hVDAC1) of mitochondrial outer membranes. Two classes of transmembrane proteins with either alpha-helical or beta-barrel membrane domains are known from the solved high-resolution structures. VDAC forms a transmembrane beta-barrel with an additional N-terminal alpha-helix. We demonstrate that similar to bacterial OmpA, urea-unfolded hVDAC1 spontaneously inserts and folds into lipid bilayers upon denaturant dilution in the absence of folding assistants or energy sources like ATP. Recordings of the voltage-dependence of the single channel conductance confirmed folding of hVDAC1 to its active form. hVDAC1 developed first beta-sheet secondary structure in aqueous solution, while the alpha-helical structure was formed in the presence of lipid or detergent. In stark contrast to bacterial beta-barrel membrane proteins, hVDAC1 formed different structures in detergent micelles and phospholipid bilayers, with higher content of beta-sheet and lower content of alpha-helix when inserted and folded into lipid bilayers. Experiments with mixtures of lipid and detergent indicated that the content of beta-sheet secondary structure in hVDAC1 decreased at increased detergent content. Unlike bacterial beta-barrel membrane proteins, hVDAC1 was not stable even in mild detergents such as LDAO or dodecylmaltoside. Spontaneous folding of outer membrane proteins into lipid bilayers indicates that in cells, the main purpose of membrane-inserted or associated assembly factors may be to select and target beta-barrel membrane proteins towards the outer membrane instead of actively assembling them under consumption of energy as described for the translocons of cytoplasmic membranes.  相似文献   

Jia Y  Liu H  Bao W  Weng M  Chen W  Cai Y  Zheng Z  Zou G 《FEBS letters》2010,584(23):4789-4796
Here, we show that during in vivo folding of the precursor, the propeptide of subtilisin nattokinase functions as an intramolecular chaperone (IMC) that organises the in vivo folding of the subtilisin domain. Two residues belonging to β-strands formed by conserved regions of the IMC are crucial for the folding of the subtilisin domain through direct interactions. An identical protease can fold into different conformations in vivo due to the action of a mutated IMC, resulting in different kinetic parameters. Some interfacial changes involving conserved regions, even those induced by the subtilisin domain, blocked subtilisin folding and altered its conformation. Insight into the interaction between the subtilisin and IMC domains is provided by a three-dimensional structural model.  相似文献   

The B domain of protein A (BdpA) is a popular paradigm for simulating protein folding pathways. The discrepancies between so many simulations and subsequent experimental testing may be attributable to the protein being highly symmetrical: changing experimental conditions could perturb the subtle interplay between the effects of symmetry in the native structure and the effects of asymmetry from specific interactions in a given sequence. If the protein folds via multiple pathways, perturbations, such as temperature, denaturant concentration, and mutation, should change the flux of micro pathways, leading to changes in the bulk properties of the transition state. We tested this hypothesis by conducting a Phi-analysis of BdpA as a function of temperature from 25.0 degrees C to 60.0 degrees C. The Phi-values had no significant dependence on temperature and the values at 55.0 degrees C (denaturing conditions) are very similar to those at 25.0 degrees C (folding conditions), indicating the structure of the transition state does not significantly change although the experimental conditions are considerably altered. The results suggest that BdpA folds via a single dominant folding pathway.  相似文献   

Computational design and in vitro evolution are major strategies for stabilizing proteins. For the four critical positions 16, 18, 25, and 29 of the B domain of the streptococcal protein G (Gbeta1), they identified the same optimal residues at positions 16 and 25, but not at 18 and 29. Here we analyzed the energetic contributions of the residues from these two approaches by single and double mutant analyses and determined crystal structures for a variant from the calculation (I16/L18/E25/K29) and from the selection (I16/I18/E25/F29). The structural analysis explains the observed differences in stabilization. Residues 16, 18, and 29 line an invagination, which results from a packing defect between the helix and the beta-sheet of Gbeta1. In all stabilized variants, residues with larger side-chains occur at these positions and packing is improved. In the selected variant, packing is better optimized than in the computed variant. Such differences in side-chain packing strongly affect stability but are difficult to evaluate by computation.  相似文献   

We have recently concluded from the heat-induced denaturation studies that polyols do not affect deltaG(D) degrees (the Gibbs free energy change (deltaG(D)) at 25 degrees C) of ribonuclease-A and lysozyme at physiological pH and temperature, and their stabilizing effect increases with decrease in pH. Since the estimation of deltaG(D) degrees of proteins from heat-induced denaturation curves requires a large extrapolation, the reliability of this procedure for the estimation of deltaG(D) degrees is always questionable, and so are conclusions drawn from such studies. This led us to measure deltaG(D) degrees of ribonuclease-A and lysozyme using a more accurate method, i.e., from their isothermal (25 degrees C) guanidinium chloride (GdmCl)-induced denaturations. We show that our earlier conclusions drawn from heat-induced denaturation studies are correct. Since the extent of unfolding of heat- and GdmCl-induced denatured states of these proteins is not identical, the extent of stabilization of the proteins by polyols against heat and GdmCl denaturations may also differ. We report that in spite of the differences in the structural nature of the heat- and GdmCl-denatured states of each protein, the extent of stabilization by a polyol is same. We also report that the functional dependence of deltaG(D) of proteins in the presence of polyols on denaturant concentration is linear through the full denaturant concentration range. Furthermore, polyols do not affect the secondary and tertiary structures of the native and GdmCl-denatured states.  相似文献   

Flavodoxin (Fld) replaces Ferredoxin (Fd) as electron carrier from Photosystem I (PSI) to Ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase (FNR). A number of Anabaena Fld (AnFld) variants with replacements at the interaction surface with FNR and PSI indicated that neither polar nor hydrophobic residues resulted critical for the interactions, particularly with FNR. This suggests that the solvent exposed benzenoid surface of the Fld FMN cofactor might contribute to it. FMN has been replaced with analogues in which its 7- and/or 8-methyl groups have been replaced by chlorine and/or hydrogen. The oxidised Fld variants accept electrons from reduced FNR more efficiently than Fld, as expected from their less negative midpoint potential. However, processes with PSI (including reduction of Fld semiquinone by PSI, described here for the first time) are impeded at the steps that involve complex re-arrangement and electron transfer (ET). The groups introduced, particularly chlorine, have an electron withdrawal effect on the pyrazine and pyrimidine rings of FMN. These changes are reflected in the magnitude and orientation of the molecular dipole moment of the variants, both factors appearing critical for the re-arrangement of the finely tuned PSI:Fld complex. Processes with FNR are also slightly modulated. Despite the displacements observed, the negative end of the dipole moment points towards the surface that contains the FMN, still allowing formation of complexes competent for efficient ET. This agrees with several alternative binding modes in the FNR:Fld interaction. In conclusion, the FMN in Fld not only contributes to the redox process, but also to attain the competent interaction of Fld with FNR and PSI.  相似文献   

We examined the co-operativity of ultra-fast folding of a protein and whether the Phi-value analysis of its transition state depended on the location of the optical probe. We incorporated in turn a tryptophan residue into each of the three helices of the B domain of Protein A. Each Trp mutant of the three-helix bundle protein was used as a pseudo-wild-type parent for Phi-analysis in which the intrinsic Trp fluorescence probed the formation of each helix during the transition state. Apart from local effects in the immediate vicinity of the probe, the three separate sets of Phi-values were in excellent agreement, demonstrating the overall co-operativity of folding and the robustness of the Phi-analysis. The transition state of folding of Protein A contains the second helix being well formed with many stabilizing tertiary hydrophobic interactions. In contrast, the first and the third helices are more poorly structured in the transition state. The mechanism of folding thus involves the concurrent formation of secondary and tertiary interactions, and is towards the nucleation-condensation extreme in the nucleation-condensation-framework continuum of mechanism, with helix 2 being the nucleus. We provide an error analysis of Phi-values derived purely from the kinetics of two-state chevron plots.  相似文献   

Using small-angle X-ray scattering combined with a continuous-flow mixing device, we monitored the microsecond compaction dynamics in the folding of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase, an alpha/beta-type protein. A significant collapse of the radius of gyration from 30 A to 23.2 A occurs within 300 micros after the initiation of refolding by a urea dilution jump. The subsequent folding after the major chain collapse occurs on a considerably longer time-scale. The protein folding trajectories constructed by comparing the development of the compactness and the secondary structure suggest that the specific hydrophobic collapse model rather than the framework model better explains the experimental observations. The folding trajectory of this alpha/beta-type protein is located between those of alpha-helical and beta-sheet proteins, suggesting that native structure determines the folding landscape.  相似文献   

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