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A fluorometric method for the automated determination of the imino acids proline and hydroxyproline has been developed. The assay is based on the postcolumn reaction of the imino acids with alkaline sodium hypochlorite, which yields oxidation products amenable to detection with fluorogenic amine reagents. The method is simple and can be adapted readily to high-sensitivity amino acid analyzers which use o-phthalaldehyde for detection. As little as 10 pmol proline and 20 pmol hydroxyproline can be determined accurately. Thus the full array of natural imino and amino acids can now be determined on a high-sensitivity amino acid analyzer using o-phthalaldehyde.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic absorption and velocity dispersion curves have been measured in the temperature induced helix-coil transition range of poly-N5-(3-hydroxypropyl)-L-glutamine in a methanol/water mixture. The results clearly reflect an effect due to the kinetics of the conformational conversion. A practically single relaxation time is observed which passes through a maximum when plotted versus the degree of transition. This maximum occurs at definitely less than 50% helix as predicted for by the theory for the comparatively short chain length involved here. The results are discussed in relation to previous theoretical and experimental findings.  相似文献   

The influence of the synthetic corticosteroid dexamethasone sodium phosphate (DEXA) upon the immunoglobulin (Ig)-secreting cells was studied in not intentionally immunized BALB/c mice. This was done for IgM-, IgG-, and IgA-secreting cells in spleen, mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN), and bone marrow (BM). A single injection of DEXA (16 to 144 mg/kg body wt) markedly reduced the number of Ig-secreting cells in spleen and MLN within 1 day, but hardly affected their number in the BM. The decrease was immediately followed by a recovery and, at the highest doses and especially in MLN, by an overshoot. Two weeks after the initial decrease a second decrease was found. When mice were subjected to daily treatment with DEXA during 1 week, initially a recovery pattern was found in spleen and MLN similar to that found after a single injection of a high dose. In this case, however, the effects were less dose dependent, and the overshoot reaction was followed by a period of subnormal numbers of Ig-secreting cells which lasted at least 1 week. This late effect of DEXA not only occurred in spleen and MLN, but also in the BM. The most prominent effect of daily treatment with DEXA was the long-lasting decrease of the number of IgG-secreting cells starting 1 week after withdrawal of treatment. This decrease was associated with a severely decreased serum IgG level.  相似文献   

Peritoneal exudate macrophages were removed from animals sensitized to horse cytochrome c and from similar animals which had been desensitized with this antigen. The ability of lymphokine to induce migration inhibition and also alterations of the level of glucose oxidation in these cells has been examined. It was found that for a transient period after the desensitization, macrophages removed from the peritoneum were unresponsive to lymphokine in the migration inhibition assay. At the same time, culturing these cells with lymphokine for 1 hr caused a significant rise in their glucose oxidation activity. It is suggested from these results that desensitization may result in macrophage activation in vivo. This is discussed in relation to current concepts of the mechanisms of desensitization.  相似文献   

Proteins in cerebrospinal fluid and plasma of fetal rats during development   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Rat mammary epithelial tumor cells from the line Rama 25 can grow into three-dimensional, multicellular structures when cultured on floating collagen gels. These structures include branching tubules reminiscent of ducts in glands, and the production of the tubules is studied here as a model of glandular morphogenesis. The cell line contains cells of two types which can be cloned and grown separately. Tubules are formed by neither cell type alone, but by combinations. The behavior of the two cell types suggests a mechanism for the growth of glands.  相似文献   

The roles of type I binding and NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase in ethylmorphine demethylation were investigated in two strains of mice, using sex differences in these activities as a tool. In the CPB-SE strain, females metabolize ethylmorphine faster than males. Sex differences in cytochrome P-450 content and endogenous NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase activity were too small to account for this. On the other hand, the differences in the magnitudes of type I spectra and ethylmorphine-induced enhancement of cytochrome P-450 reduction were considerable larger than those in the rates of demethylation. All parameters, except endogenous cytochrome P-450 reduction, were modified in a similar way by testosterone pretreatment: in females they were depressed to the male level, whereas in males they remained unchanged. Castration had no effect in females and enhanced the activities in males. The CPB-V strain exhibited little or no sex differences in ethylmorphine demethylation, cytochrome P-450 content and endogenous cytochrome P-450 reduction. Testosterone pretreatment had little or no influence on these activities. Type I binding and reductase stimulation, however, showed sex differences, comparable to those observed in the CPB-SE strain, which were also abolished by testosterone. A relationship between reductase stimulation and type I binding was observed, which was, apparently, independent of sex or strain. It is concluded that androgen primarily influences the amount of cytochrome P-450-substrate complex formed, but that the reduction of this complex is not rate-limiting in the demethylation of ethylmorphine.  相似文献   

The potent tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate causes a 2-fold increase in 1,2-diacylglycerol levels within 15–30 min in cultured chick embryo differentiated myoblasts. The weak tumor promoter 12-O-decanoylphorbol 13-acetate was 250 times less effective and the non-promoter 4-α-phorbol 12,13 didecanoate was ineffective at producing this response. During subcellular fractionation, the stimulated portion of the diacylglycerol was distributed similarly to the plasma membrane fraction. Evidence is presented that this diacylglycerol originates from pre-existing lipid rather than from denovo synthesis. Possible implications of these findings with regard to the inhibition of myoblast fusion by the tumor promoter are discussed.  相似文献   

The selective modification of cytidine, uridine, guanosine and dihydrouridine residues in 32P-labelled yeast phenylalanine transfer RNA has been studied by the use of specific reagents.The selective modification of cytidine residues with the reagent methoxyamine is described. Of the six cytidines in the single-stranded regions of the cloverleaf formula, only two are completely reactive, C74 and C75 at the 3′-terminus. Cm32 in the anticodon loop is reactive to only a small extent.The selective modifications of uridine and guanosine residues with 1-cyclohexyl 3-[2-morpholino(4)-ethyl] carbodiimide methotosylate, is described. The reagent is also shown to be reactive with dihydrouridine. In the single-stranded regions of the secondary structure of yeast phenylalanine transfer RNA there are 16 base residues which this reagent could be specific for. However, only G20, Gm34 and U47 are extensively modified, whilst U33 and D16 are partially modified. G18 is modified to a very small extent.The results obtained in this study are also in good agreement with previous chemical modification studied by other workers, carried out on unlabelled yeast phenylalanine transfer RNA using different reagents to the ones described here.The pattern of chemical modification is compared with the three-dimensional structure obtained by an X-ray crystallographic analysis of the same tRNA species. The correlation between exposed regions of the model and the regions of chemical reactivity are everywhere consistent.  相似文献   

A simple procedure for obtaining useful narrow-pH-range ampholytes from inexpensive laboratory-synthesized ampholytes by preparative isoelectric focusing in Pevikon is described. The narrow range ampholytes prepared in this way are comparable to commercial ampholyte preparation as judged by conductivity, buffer capacity, pH gradient formation, and resolving power. These inexpensive narrow-range ampholytes are particularly well suited to preparative isoelectric focusing applications requiring large quantities of ampholytes.  相似文献   

The changing status of peritoneal macrophages in guinea pigs infected with Leishmania enriettii has been examined. It was possible to demonstrate that, at certain times during a primary infection and following attempted reinfection of immune animals, the response of peritoneal macrophages to lymphokine contact in vitro was altered. At these times the harvested cells appeared to behave in vitro as if they had been at least partially activated in vivo before removal. They were unresponsive to lymphokine in the migration inhibition assay, and contact with lymphokine in culture caused a rapid increase in the level of glucose oxidation in these cells. It is suggested that changes in the response of macrophages to lymphokine in vitro may be one way of monitoring activation in vivo.  相似文献   

The activity of the lysosomal marker enzyme acid phosphatase in the larval fat body of Calliphora erythrocephala increases during development, but not at the same rate throughout the tissue. During the feeding stage, the posterior region has a higher acid phosphatase activity than the anterior region. When the larvae cease feeding on the 5th day of development, the acid phosphatase activity of the inactive anterior lobe increases rapidly in a mosaic-cell pattern. When 4-day-old feeding stage larvae are starved, this increase occurs one day earlier than normally. After the emptying of the gut, the acid phosphatase activity of all the anterior cells both in normal and in starved larvae exceeds that of those in the posterior region.Transplantation experiments indicate that the induction of acid phosphatase activity in the fat body during normal development, especially in the anterior region, is caused by a change in the internal environment when the larvae cease feeding. Both RNA and protein synthesis are involved in this induction process. Inductive factors are present in 5-day-old larvae as well as during formation of the puparium. The competence of the feeding-stage fat cells to develop high acid phosphatase activity is acquired before the actual induction takes place.  相似文献   

At the end of the larval feeding stage of Calliphora erythrocephala, ecdysteroids are most likely to be responsible for the rapid increase in acid phosphatase activity in the fat body. This is demonstrated by the precocious induction of the enzyme by 20-hydroxyecdysone in ligatured feeding-stage larvae weighing 55–70 mg. The hormone does not influence normal protein accumulation: this is inhibited by the ligature and is not restored by injection of the hormone.  相似文献   

Both internal and external proteins in vesicular stomatitis virus were labeled when intact virions were iodinated with 50 μm iodide; however, only the surface proteins were labeled when the same procedure was carried out at low iodide concentrations (below 0.5 μm). This result together with similar observations reported earlier with another enveloped virus, Rous-associated virus-61 (RAV-61), suggest that viral envelopes provide a barrier to iodination by chloramine-T at low, but not at high, iodide concentrations. By monitoring the permeability of the RAV-61 envelope to successive iodinations and to iodination in the presence of chaotropic thiocyanate ions, it was shown that the permeability of the viral envelope was not altered at the higher concentrations of iodide. Further results support the hypothesis that iodination mediated by chloramine-T inolves two different iodinating species: (a) a membrane impermeable one, possibly “iodamine-T,” which predominates at low iodide concentrations, and (b) a membrane permeable species, possibly molecular iodine, which predominates at high concentrations of iodide. These results reinforce the proposal that the chloramine-T procedure is a useful method for specifically labeling surface proteins of lipid-enveloped structures.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that all conjugative R-plasmids of Clostridium perfringens are closely related to the previously characterized tetracycline resistance plasmid, pCW3. Fourteen conjugative R-plasmids derived from 11 C. perfringens strains isolated in Australia, the United States, France, Belgium, and Japan were analyzed. Eleven of the plasmids encoded tetracycline resistance while three carried both tetracycline and chloramphenicol resistance. Each of these plasmids was compared, by restriction analysis, to the reference plasmid, pCW3. Seven of the tetracycline resistance plasmids had EcoRI, XbaI, and ClaI restriction profiles that were identical to those of the corresponding pCW3 digests. The seven remaining R-plasmids were different from pCW3. Comparison of partial restriction maps of these plasmids with a complete map of pCW3 indicated that they contained at least 17 kb of DNA that also was present in pCW3. Hybridization analysis confirmed that these plasmids shared substantial homology with pCW3. The three tetracycline and chloramphenicol resistance plasmids frequently lost a 6-kb chloramphenicol resistance segment during conjugation. Cloning experiments showed that the chloramphenicol resistance determinant was expressed in Escherichia coli and that the chloramphenicol resistance gene of one of these plasmids, pIP401, was contained within a 1.5-kb region of the 6-kb deletion segment. Hybridization analysis indicated that the deletion segment of pIP401 was related to those of the other two chloramphenicol resistance plasmids. During the course of this study, conjugative R-plasmids which appear to be identical to pCW3 or closely related to pCW3 were identified from C. perfringens strains from human, animal and environmental sources in five countries. It is concluded that C. perfringens strains in humans and animals throughout the world have overlapping gene pools and that all the conjugative C. perfringens R-plasmids examined probably evolved from a pCW3-like element.  相似文献   

Tolerance to the anorexic effect of d-amphetamine was studied in rats with selective dopamine lesions in the forebrain by means of 6-hydroxy dopamine, and measuring the food intake during two consecutive 2 h periods. Lesions placed in the perifornical hypothalamus (PFH) strongly antagonised the anorexic effect, whereas, lesions produced via intraventricular injections affected the anorexia only marginally. Amphetamine anorexia observed in the first 2 h in control and lesioned groups remained persistently, without any evidence of tolerance, up to 2 weeks of treatment. The second 2 h food intake exhibited a progressive increase which contributed to the apparent tolerance seen in total 4 h food intake in the control and lesioned animals. The onset and completion of this apparent tolerance was markedly delayed in the dopamine depleted group; lesions placed in the relatively medial areas delayed the tolerance development more effectively than that of PFH lesions. The stimulant effect of amphetamine on locomotion was abolished in lesioned animals. The results indicate that an apparent tolerance to amphetamine anorexia still developed in animals with forebrain dopamine loss. Although both the beta adrenergic and dopaminergic systems act together in mediating AMPH anorexia, the onset and the rate of completion of tolerance appear to be under the influence of hypothalamic dopaminergic system.  相似文献   

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