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Mononuclear phagocytes participate in host immunological defense against tumors. We have investigated the role of selected recombinant cytokines on human macrophage-mediated tumor cytotoxicity in vitro utilizing a human colon cancer cell line target, SW1116, and murine monoclonal antibody 17-1A. Blood monocytes were kept in continuous culture to allow differentiation into macrophages. Maximum antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) as measured in a 3H-thymidine release assay occurred after culturing the monocytes for 5-7 days. Human recombinant macrophage colony stimulating factor (CSF) (1,000 U/ml) did not increase ADCC above control levels whereas recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor, interleukin 4, and interleukin 3 were all capable of increasing ADCC. Antibodies to the CD11/CD18 integrin receptors did not significantly inhibit ADCC. When the ADCC incubation occurred in the presence of antibodies to the human Fc receptors, ADCC was inhibited significantly only by anti-FcRIII (3G8). A role for tumor necrosis factor alpha or other soluble mediators of cytotoxicity was not demonstrable in this system. These studies suggest avenues for manipulation and augmentation of macrophage-mediated antitumor ADCC.  相似文献   

The ability of the central nervous system to modulate immune responsiveness has received increasing attention. A potential mechanism that would allow the central nervous system to alter the immune system is the release of neuroendocrine and neurotransmitter polypeptides into the peripheral circulation with subsequent modulation of immunocyte function. In this report, we demonstrate that the neuropeptide, beta-[D-ALA2]-endorphin augments natural cytotoxicity but does not effect antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity. The observations are discussed in relation to the mechanisms for natural cytotoxicity and antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

The cellular events accompanying neutrophil-mediated antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) directed against YAC erythroleukemic target cells have been studied by time-lapse fluorescence-intensified microscopy. The YAC plasma membrane and cytosol were labeled with the fluorescent probes diC18Icc and eosin Y, respectively. Fluorescently labeled and IgG-opsonized YAC cells were incubated at 37 degrees C while observed by optical microscopy. During temporal studies of neutrophil-YAC conjugates, the cytosol of YAC cells accumulated in tubular and spherical compartments of the neutrophils' vacuolar apparatuses. To distinguish between several possible mechanisms of target cytosol uptake, diC18Icc-labeled YAC cells were observed during identical conditions. The membrane label diC18Icc was found to accumulate within neutrophils in an identical fashion. At roughly 30 min, 25 and 38% of neutrophils in apparent conjugates had internalized tumor cell cytosol or plasma membrane, respectively, within a vesicular compartment. The IgG-dependent uptake of eosin Y and diC18Icc by neutrophils was diminished by exposure to 2.5 mM sodium azide. When cells were exposed to 5.5 mM sodium azide, 1 mM iodoacetamide, or 4 degrees C, conjugate formation and uptake of eosin Y or diC18Icc were abolished. An artifactual accumulation of eosin Y or diC18Icc in neutrophils was further ruled out by control studies. Non-specific exchanges of eosin Y and diC18Icc labels of YAC cells with tannic acid-treated red blood cells (RBCs) and normal neutrophils were studied. Since hemoglobin binds tightly to eosin Y, RBCs can easily detect eosin Y leakage. No exchange of eosin Y or diC18Icc from YAC cells into bound tannic acid-treated erythrocytes was found.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody KuFc79 binds to a determinant on the Fc receptors (Fc gamma R) of human leukocytes. We examined the biologic effects of the interaction of this antibody with Fc gamma R on human neutrophils (PMNL). The univalent Fab fragment of KuFc79 inhibits the formation of rosettes with IgG-sensitized sheep erythrocytes by as much as 91.7%. In other experiments in which PMNL were washed after exposure to Fab of KuFc79, phagocytosis of IgG-sensitized sheep erythrocytes was inhibited by 36%. Fab fragments of other mouse IgG2b monoclonal proteins did not have these effects. When PMNL are exposed to coverslips coated with univalent Fab fragments of this antibody, the Fc gamma R are removed from the surface of the PMNL. Under these conditions, rosetting could be inhibited by 85.4%. We examined cross-linking of receptor bound monoclonal antibody or its Fab fragment by either Protein A or F(ab')2 of an anti-mouse Ig. As much as 31.7% of beta-glucuronidase, a marker for lysosomal enzymes, is specifically released by cross-linking the Fc gamma R on PMNL. The generation of O2- is also induced by specifically cross-linking Fc gamma R with Fab and anti-Fab. The data constitute the first formal demonstration that cross-linking of Fc gamma R on PMNL leads to enzyme release and superoxide generation.  相似文献   

Human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) express two classes of Fc gamma R: Fc gamma RII the 42-kDa receptor with a traditional membrane spanning domain and cytoplasmic tail and Fc gamma RIIIPMN the 50- to 80-kDa receptor with a glycosyl-phatidylinositol membrane anchor expressed on PMN. To explore the capacity of Fc gamma RIIIPMN to generate intracellular signals, we have analyzed the ability of Fab and F(ab')2 anti-Fc gamma R mAb to induce actin filament assembly, a prerequisite for motile behaviors. Multivalent ligation of Fc gamma RIIIPMN, independent of Fc gamma RII, results in an increase in F-actin content that is [Ca2+]i dependent. Multivalent ligation of Fc gamma RII also initiates actin polymerization but uses a [Ca2+]i-independent initial pathway. In addition to providing a mechanism for Fc gamma RIIIPMN triggered effector functions, the increase in F-actin and [Ca2+]i generated by Fc gamma RIIIPMN ligation also serves as a "priming" signal to modify PMN responses to other stimuli. Experiments using erythrocytes specifically coated with anti-Fc gamma RII Fab demonstrate that cross-linking of Fc gamma RIIIPMN with anti-Fc gamma RIII F(ab')2 enhances phagocytosis mediated by Fc gamma RII. Thus, Fc gamma RIIIPMN, a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol anchored protein, may contribute directly to an intracellular program of actin assembly that may trigger and prime neutrophil effector functions.  相似文献   

Human neutrophils to which monospecific Fab' or F(ab')2 anti-C3b receptor had been bound at 0 degrees C were incubated for timed intervals at temperatures ranging from 0 degrees C to 37 degrees C, after which the cells were labeled with TRITC -conjugated second antibody. Neutrophils bearing Fab' anti-C3b receptor and incubated for up to 30 min at 37 degrees C, and cells bearing F(ab')2 anti-C3b receptor and incubated at 0 degrees C, exhibited diffusely distributed punctate clusters of receptors. Neutrophils bearing the bivalent anti-receptor and incubated at 30 degrees C or 37 degrees C for 5 min had redistributed C3b receptors into caps and patches that were associated with subplasmalemmal accumulations of myosin. The redistribution of cross-linked C3b receptors was inhibited by pretreatment of the neutrophils with either cytochalasin D or chlorpromazine. On approximately one-half of the cells demonstrating capped C3b receptors there was a corresponding redistribution of Fc receptors, as demonstrated by subsequent binding of FITC-aggregated IgG (FITC agg-IgG). In contrast, capping of C3b receptors did not alter the diffuse distribution of HLA-A on these cells. Cross-linking of Fc receptors on neutrophils by FITC agg-IgG also induced temperature-dependent capping of these receptors that was inhibited by cytochalasin D and chlorpromazine. In approximately one-half of the cells demonstrating capped Fc receptors, subsequent labeling of C3b receptors revealed a similar redistribution of these receptors. Thus, the neutrophil responds to cross-linking of either C3b receptors or Fc receptors by a cytoskeletal-dependent rearrangement of both receptors that causes their overlapping topographic distribution, demonstrating a form of cooperative interaction between these two types of receptors that are involved in the phagocytic reactions of these cells.  相似文献   

To explore the molecular basis for the ability of aggregated IgG to block the phagocytosis by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes of Con A-opsonized E and of nonopsonized Escherichia coli with mannose-binding adhesins, we examined specific aspects of the glycoprotein structure of both the 40- to 43-kDa receptor for the Fc portion of IgG (Fc gamma RII) and the 50- to 78-kDa receptor for the Fc portion of IgG (Fc gamma RIIIPMN) from human polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Fc gamma RIIIPMN isolated by both mAb and ligand affinity chromatography, but not Fc gamma RII, binds Con A in Western blots. This binding is specifically inhibitable by alpha-methylmannoside. Digestion of Fc gamma RIIIPMN by recombinant endoglycosidase H, which is specific for high mannose-type (Con A-binding) oligosaccharides, alters the epitope recognized by mAb 3G8 in or near the IgG ligand-binding site of the receptor. Similarly, the ability of Fc gamma RIIIPMN to bind human IgG ligand is sensitive to endoglycosidase H digestion. Our data indicate that ligands other than the classical IgG opsonins can bind to human Fc gamma RIIIPMN per se through lectin-carbohydrate interactions. Furthermore, Fc gamma RIIIPMN contains a high mannose type oligosaccharide chain which contributes importantly to the integrity of the classical IgG ligand-binding site. Thus, specific glycosylations of the receptor are important for both classical and nonclassical engagement of Fc gamma RIII and may play a role in determining the properties of the ligand-binding site.  相似文献   

Following allergen challenge of sensitized mice, neutrophils are the first inflammatory cells found in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid. To determine the underlying mechanism for their accumulation, mice were sensitized to OVA on days 0 and 14, and received, on day 28, a single intranasal challenge (s.i.n.) with either OVA or ragweed. Eight hours after the s.i.n., BAL fluid was obtained. BALB/c mice sensitized and challenged with OVA showed significantly higher total cell counts and numbers of neutrophils in BAL fluid compared to the OVA-sensitized and ragweed-challenged or nonsensitized mice. Levels of neutrophil chemokines in BAL fluid supernatants were markedly elevated in the sensitized and OVA-challenged mice; Fc epsilon RI-deficient mice showed comparable numbers of neutrophils and neutrophil chemokines in BAL fluid after s.i.n. But in sensitized mice lacking the Fc common gamma-chain and B cell-deficient mice, the number of neutrophils and levels of neutrophil chemokines in BAL fluid were significantly lower. Further, mice lacking the FcgammaRIII did not develop this early neutrophil influx. Neutrophil infiltration could be induced in naive mice following intranasal instillation of allergen combined with allergen-specific IgG1. In addition, macrophages from sensitized mice were stimulated with allergen and activated to produce neutrophil chemokines. These results demonstrate that neutrophil influx after allergen challenge requires prior sensitization, is allergen-specific, is mediated through FcgammaRIII, and is dependent on the presence of Ab.  相似文献   

Interactions between antimicrobial agents and phagocytic cells, especially neutrophils, have a potential role in the treatment of infections. The in vitro effects of cefmetazole, a novel beta-lactam antibiotic, at a therapeutic concentration reached in plasma (50 micrograms/ml) on phagocytic and cytotoxic functions of human neutrophils have been studied. In human neutrophils, adherence capacity to nylon fiber and to substrate, chemotaxis, attachment to and ingestion of Candida albicans (with serum, with decomplemented serum and without serum), ingestion of inert particles (latex beads), candidicidal activity and superoxide anion production were all stimulated by cefmetazole. Cefmetazole at this dose was a chemotactic agent for neutrophils. Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) was also increased by this anti-microbial agent.  相似文献   

The binding and ultrastructural features of antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) mediated by human peripheral blood lymphocytes were studied in herpes simplex virus type I (HSV-1) infected Chang liver (CL) cells plus human anti-HSV-1 serum, and in uninfected CL cells plus guinea pig anti-CL antiserum. Non-cytolytic controls included target cells treated with normal serum in place of sensitized targets and heat shocked lymphocytes instead of normal lymphocytes. By transmission electron microscopy, target cell membranes were either broadly indented by effector cells or locally invaginated by means of effector cell filopodia. In neither case did the indentation appear to break the plasma membrane of the target. Control preparations showed only non-indented areas of simple membrane contact. By scanning electron microscopy, the effector lymphocytes in both the active ADCC and normal serum control preparations had a sparse distribution of short microvilli over their surfaces. The majority of heat shock control lymphocytes appeared normal, but 12-20% demonstrated surface patches devoid of microvilli. The hypothesis that ADCC may involve a three-step process is discussed.  相似文献   

J Korn 《Acta anatomica》1992,145(4):307-320
These examinations were based on the discussion whether in demyelinating diseases anti-lipid antibody associated with brain macrophages could have a cytotoxic effect on oligodendrocytes. We used mixed brain cell cultures of newborn rats where, among others, both oligodendrocytes and vacuolated macrophage-like cells were found. On these macrophage-like cells, the presence of Fc-receptors was proven. Besides Fc-receptor-dependent phagocytosis, these cells showed an Fc-receptor-independent type of phagocytosis. The Fc-receptor-bearing cells moved within the culture and adhered to glass fibers. In the cytoplasm of these cells, unspecific esterase, acid phosphatase and peroxidase could be visualized. The vacuolated cells showed strong autofluorescence, expressed a surface marker found on all types of rat leukocytes and were marked by Griffonia simplicifolia lectin. These results definitely characterized the vacuolised cells as macrophages. We saw globular and pleomorphic macrophages. After incubation of anti-GC serum in a highly diluted solution, significantly more macrophages bound to oligodendrocytes than in the controls. In these cases, we found target cell lysis. It could be shown in vitro that anti-GC serum together with macrophages of neonatal brains can induce a cytotoxic effect on oligodendrocytes.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have become an important class of therapeutics, particularly in the realm of anticancer immunotherapy. While the two antigen-binding fragments (Fabs) of an mAb allow for high-avidity binding to molecular targets, the crystallizable fragment (Fc) engages immune effector elements. mAbs of the IgG class are used for the treatment of autoimmune diseases and can elicit antitumor immune functions not only by several mechanisms including direct antigen engagement via their Fab arms but also by Fab binding to tumors combined with Fc engagement of complement component C1q and Fcγ receptors. Additionally, IgG binding to the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) allows for endosomal recycling and prolonged serum half-life. To augment the effector functions or half-life of an IgG1 mAb, we constructed a novel “2Fc” mAb containing two Fc domains in addition to the normal two Fab domains. Structural and functional characterization of this 2Fc mAb demonstrated that it exists in a tetrahedral-like geometry and retains binding capacity via the Fab domains. Furthermore, duplication of the Fc region significantly enhanced avidity for Fc receptors FcγRI, FcγRIIIa, and FcRn, which manifested as a decrease in complex dissociation rate that was more pronounced at higher densities of receptor. At intermediate receptor density, the dissociation rate for Fc receptors was decreased 6- to 130-fold, resulting in apparent affinity increases of 7- to 42-fold. Stoichiometric analysis confirmed that each 2Fc mAb may simultaneously bind two molecules of FcγRI or four molecules of FcRn, which is double the stoichiometry of a wild-type mAb. In summary, duplication of the IgG Fc region allows for increased avidity to Fc receptors that could translate into clinically relevant enhancement of effector functions or pharmacokinetics.  相似文献   

The DNA cleavage produced by 4'-(9-acridinylamino)methanesulfon-m-anisidide (m-AMSA) in mammalian cells is putatively mediated by topoisomerase II. We found that in synchronized HeLa cells the frequency of such cleavage was 4-15-fold greater in mitosis than in S while the DNA of G1 and G2 cells exhibited an intermediate susceptibility to cleavage. The hypersensitivity of mitotic DNA to m-AMSA-induced cleavage was acquired relatively abruptly in late G2 and was lost similarly abruptly in early G1. The susceptibility of mitotic cells to m-AMSA-induced DNA cleavage was not clearly paralleled by an increase in topoisomerase II activity (decatenation of kinetoplast DNA) in 350 mM NaCl extracts from mitotic cells compared to similar extracts from cells in G1, S, or G2. Furthermore, equal amounts of decatenating activity from cells in mitosis and S produced equal amounts of m-AMSA-induced cleavage of simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA; i.e., the interaction between m-AMSA and extractable enzyme was similar in mitosis and S. The DNA of mitotic cells was also hypersensitive to cleavage by 4'-demethylepipodophyllotoxin 4-(4,6-O-ethylidene-beta-D-glucopyranoside) (etoposide), a drug that produces topoisomerase II mediated DNA cleavage without binding to DNA. Thus, alterations in the drug-chromatin interaction during the cell cycle seem an unlikely explanation for results in whole cells. Cell cycle stage dependent fluctuations in m-AMSA-induced DNA cleavage may result from fluctuations in the structure of chromatin per se that occur during the cell cycle.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Plants can provide a cost‐effective and scalable technology for production of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies, with the potential for precise engineering of glycosylation. Glycan structures in the antibody Fc region influence binding properties to Fc receptors, which opens opportunities for modulation of antibody effector functions. To test the impact of glycosylation in detail, on binding to human Fc receptors, different glycovariants of VRC01, a broadly neutralizing HIV monoclonal antibody, were generated in Nicotiana benthamiana and characterized. These include glycovariants lacking plant characteristic α1,3‐fucose and β1,2‐xylose residues and glycans extended with terminal β1,4‐galactose. Surface plasmon resonance‐based assays were established for kinetic/affinity evaluation of antibody–FcγR interactions, and revealed that antibodies with typical plant glycosylation have a limited capacity to engage FcγRI, FcγRIIa, FcγRIIb and FcγRIIIa; however, the binding characteristics can be restored and even improved with targeted glycoengineering. All plant‐made glycovariants had a slightly reduced affinity to the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) compared with HEK cell‐derived antibody. However, this was independent of plant glycosylation, but related to the oxidation status of two methionine residues in the Fc region. This points towards a need for process optimization to control oxidation levels and improve the quality of plant‐produced antibodies.  相似文献   

In this study we test the hypothesis that reactive oxygen metabolites are delivered from neutrophils to simultaneously both the cell surface and cytosol of opsonized YAC erythroleukemic target cells. Using 5′ (or 6′) carboxyl-2′,7′-dichlorodihy-drofluorescein (H2-CDCF) diacetate as starting material, we synthesized its succinimidyl ester derivative. H2-CDCF-conjugated IgG prepared from the succinimidyl ester derivative was used to opsonize targets. In vitro studies have shown that H2-CDCF becomes fluorescent upon exposure to reactive oxygen metabolites, including hydrogen peroxide. Using video intensified epifluorescence microscopy, we observed that reactive oxygen metabolites are deposited on tumor cell membranes during neutrophil-mediated antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). This deposition process is catalase sensitive. The role of reactive oxygen metabolites produced by neutrophils in triggering the oxidation of H2-CDCF is further supported by the observation that neutrophils from chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) patients did not affect target fluorescence. YAC tumor cells were also labeled with dihydrorhodamine 123 or dihydrotetramethylrosamine. The oxidized forms of these reagents were found within the cytoplasm of YAC cells. During ADCC normal neutrophils, but not neutrophils obtained from CGD patients, triggered the oxidation of dihydrorhodamine 123 and dihydrotetramethyl-rosamine within tumor cells. Using two-color automated epifluorescence micros-copy, we could not detect temporal intermediates with fluorescence in only one compartment, i.e., either solely on the plasma membrane or in the cytoplasm. These observations suggest that reactive oxygen metabolites cross target membranes (<12) sec. These studies show that reactive oxygen metabolites are deposited both onto and into tumor cells during ADCC, wherein both compartments could become vulnerable to oxidant-mediated damage. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A highly purified preparation of lipomodulin, a phospholipase-inhibitory protein from rabbit neutrophils treated with glucocorticoids, inhibited NK and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) activities of human peripheral blood lymphocytes in a dose-dependent manner. The presence of lipomodulin during the early period of the cytotoxicity assay was necessary to obtain maximal inhibition. The inhibition of NK or ADCC activity by lipomodulin was greater when effector cells were treated with lipomodulin than when target cells were incubated with lipomodulin. As lipomodulin did not block binding of effector cells to target cells, our results suggest that lipomodulin inhibits the cytolytic phase of NK and ADCC activities after binding to target cells, and imply that phospholipase(s) may be involved in NK and ADCC activities.  相似文献   

The effect of autologous serum in cellular cytotoxicity was compared with the level of antibody towards the same target cells. In cancer patients, a highly significant correlation (P < 0.001) argues that enhancement of cytotoxicity by autologous serum is due to high antibody levels, and conversely an inhibition of cytotoxicity is associated with low antibody. Moreover, some antibody was detected in virtually all cancer patient and normal donor sera. It is suggested that antibody may be responsible for cytotoxicity conventionally ascribed to “natural killer” cells.  相似文献   

Adoptive transfer of both bone marrow and thymus cells is needed in lethally irradiated syngeneic mice to elicit CICC and CDCC responses against SRBC as assayed by the 51Cr-release cytotoxic test. The contribution of thymocytes to both CDCC and CICC was assessed by limiting dilution assays in BDF1 and CDF1 mice. Irradiated mice were reconstituted with a large number of bone marrow cells and graded limiting numbers of thymocytes, and were then immunized with SRBC. The limiting dilution plots conformed to the Poisson Model for both types of responses and both strains of mice. The numbers of thymocytes required for about 63% of the recipient spleens to be positive (i.e., the inoculum sizes containing one detectable antigen reactive unit) were similar for both CDCC and CICC (11.8 × 107 thymocytes) in both strains. Chi-square tests, at the 0.01 level of significance, were incompatible with the hypothesis that CICC and CDCC are independent of each other. Limiting dilutions of bone marrow cells with larger numbers of thymus cells, using CDF1 mice, showed a non-Poisson curve for both CICC and CDCC. Chi-square values were compatible with the hypothesis of independent assortment of responses, as if the potential of the majority of precursors were restricted to either CICC or CDCC, but not to both. In contrast, BDF1 mice showed a Poisson curve for CDCC and a non-Poisson curve for CICC. Chi-square values were also compatible with independent assortment of responses.  相似文献   

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