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Development of modern agriculture and biotechnology is closely connected with the use of novel and effective genetic engineering methods. Presently, non-viral nanoparticle-mediated plant transformation methods gain more attention because of their stability, safety, and convenience of performance. In this work, new polymeric dimethylaminoethyl metacrylate (DMAEM)-based polymers were synthesized and investigated for their properties in gene delivery. Formation of stable complexes between TN 83/6, TN 84/5, DLM-9-DM and LM-8-DM polymers and plasmid DNA, as well as the DNA protection by the PDMAEM polymers against nuclease degradation were confirmed by electrophoresis in agarose gel. In addition, model organisms Allium cepa and Nicotiana tabacum L. were studied to evaluate cytotoxic effect of the PDMAEM carriers. The created PDMAEM-based carriers were effective in delivery of plasmid DNA into moss and tabacco protoplasts (obtaining stable transformants of Ceratodon purpureus moss, as well as in transient expression of the reporter yfp gene product in N. tabacum protoplasts). Thus, novel PDMAEM-based polymers were shown to be promising carriers for delivery of DNA into plant cells, and carriers possess high potential for further applications in this field.  相似文献   

A binary vector system inA. tumefaciens for the introduction of foreign genes into the plant genome was developed. The first component is the Ri plasmid and the second component is a small vector plasmid, replicating inAgrobacterium, which carries the 25 bp terminal sequence of the Ti plasmid, theNos gene as the selectable marker and neighbouring sequences of the Ti plasmid. Functions necessary for integration are providedin trans by the virulence region of the Ri plasmid. Transformed cells are selected on the basis of hairy root tumor proliferation and agropine synthesis. They also showNos activity coded by the gene on the small part of Ti T-DNA.  相似文献   

This report describes the delivery of plasmid DNA containing either the β-glucuronidase (GUS) or the green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene into intact plant cells of bamboo callus, lilium scales, and Nicotiana benthamiana suspension culture cells. By first plasmolyzing the tissues or cells with 0.4 m sucrose in the presence of plasmid DNA, electroporation effectively delivers plasmid DNA into the intact plant cells. Transient expression of the GUS gene, as revealed by histochemical assays, showed the presence of blue-staining areas in the electroporated tissues. A short exposure of cells to 2% DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) prior to plasmolysis elevated the level of transient GUS activity. When plasmid DNA containing a synthetic GFP gene was used, a strong green fluorescence was observed in N. benthamiana suspension culture cells that were subjected to plasmolysis and electroporation. These results suggest that plasmolysis brings the plasmid DNA into the void space that is in close vicinity to the plasmalemma, allowing electroporation to efficiently deliver the plasmid DNA into intact plant cells. Received: 15 June 1998 / Revision received: 18 August 1998 / Accepted: 28 August 1998  相似文献   

Abstract Efficient transformation of strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Agrobacterium rhizogenes by electroporation with binary Ti plasmid vector is reported. This procedure yields rates of transformation of 106-103 per μg DNA, which is several orders of magnitude greater than previously published procedures for this genus, the efficiency of transformation varies with the bacterial strain used. This procedure will be useful for the construction of plant DNA libraries directly in Agrobacterium .  相似文献   

We have screened strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens for spontaneous mutants showing constitutive transfer of the nopaline Ti plasmid pTiC58 during conjugation. The Ti plasmid derivatives obtained could be transferred not only to A. tumefaciens but also to E. coli cells. The Ti plasmid cannot survive as a freely replicating plasmid in E. coli, but it can occasionally integrate into the E. coli chromosome. However, insertion in tandem of plasmids carrying fd replication origins (pfd plasmids) into the T-DNA provides an indicator for all transfer events into E. coli cells, providing fd gene 2 protein is present in these cells. This viral protein causes the excision of one copy of the pfd plasmid and allows its propagation in the host cell. By using this specially designed Ti plasmid, which was also made constitutive in transfer functions, we found plasmid exchange among A. tumefaciens strains and between A. tumefaciens and E. coli cells to be equally efficient. A Ti plasmid with repressed transfer functions was transferred to E. coli with a rate similar to the low frequency at which it was transferred to A. tumefaciens. The expression of transfer functions of plasmid RP4 either in A. tumefaciens or in E. coli did not increase the transfer of the Ti plasmid into E. coli cells, nor did the addition of acetosyringone, an inducer of T-DNA transfer to plant cells. The results show that A. tumefaciens can transfer the Ti plasmid to E. coli with the same efficiency as within its own species. Conjugational transmission of extrachromosomal DNA like the narrow-host-range Ti plasmid may often not only occur among partners allowing propagation of the plasmid, but also on a 'try-all' basis including hosts which do not replicate the transferred DNA.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that crown gall tumors are caused by the incorporation of part of a virulence plasmid carried by the inciting bacterium, Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The rate of reassociation of labeled plasmid DNA was slightly accelerated in the presence of tobacco crown gall tumor DNA, but not normal tobacco DNA. Treatment of tumor DNA with DNAase abolished the acceleration. To determine whether all plasmid sequences are represented in tumor DNA, the labeled plasmid DNA was separated into specific fragments after digestion with restriction endonuclease Sma I. Renaturation rates for DNA from bands 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 12 and 14 were not affected by tumor DNA. DNA from band 3 showed a slight rate increase in the presence of tumor DNA, indicating 21–27 copies of 14–18% of the DNA sequences in this (doublet) band. The band 3 doublet was separated by electrophoresis into bands 3a and 3b. Tumor DNA had little effect on the rate of reassociation of labeled band 3a DNA. Band 3b DNA renatured rapidly in the presence of tumor DNA, and its rate increase indicated that approximately 18 copies of 40% of band 3b DNA sequences are present per diploid tumor cell. This amounts to 3.7 × 106 daltons of foreign genetic information and represents a contribution of 0.0011% to the DNA content of the tumor cell. The relationship between this plant tumor and virally induced animal tumor systems is discussed.  相似文献   

Retrofitting YACs for direct DNA transfer into plant cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The utility of plant YAC libraries prepared in conventional YAC vectors would be dramatically increased if these YACs could be used directly for plant transformation. A pair of vectors that allow clones from YAC libraries to be modified (retrofitted) for plant transformation by direct DNA transfer methods, such as particle bombardment or electroporation, has been developed. Modification of the YAC is achieved in two sequential yeast transformation steps by taking advantage of the homologous recombination system in yeast. Using this approach, two plant-selectable marker genes and DNA sequence elements required for copy number amplification in yeast can be introduced into YACs present in yeast strain AB1380. The utility of these vectors is demonstrated by retrofitting YACs that contain inserts ranging in size from 80 to 700 kb. The 6- to 12-fold increase in copy number of these modified YACs facilitates the isolation of YAC DNA for direct DNA transformation methods. Retrofitted YACs were used for particle bombardment to examine the efficiency with which their large DNA inserts are transferred into plant cells. The availability of these retrofitting vectors should facilitate the transfer of YAC DNA inserts into plant cells and thus help bridge the gap between existing mapping techniques and plant transformation procedures.  相似文献   

Chen CP  Chou JC  Liu BR  Chang M  Lee HJ 《FEBS letters》2007,581(9):1891-1897
The delivery and expression of exogenous genes in plant cells have been of particular interest for plant research and biotechnology. Here, we present results demonstrating a simple DNA transfection system in plants. Short arginine-rich intracellular delivery peptide, a protein transduction domain, was capable of delivering plasmid DNA into living plant cells non-covalently. This peptide-mediated DNA delivery conferred several advantages, such as nuclear targeting, non-toxic effect, and ease of preparation without protoplast formulation. Thus, this novel technology shall provide a powerful tool to investigate gene function in vivo, and lay the foundation for the production of transgenic plants in future.  相似文献   

A minute hole upon a cultured cell, perforated with a finely focused laser beam, was found to repair itself within a short period of time. The procedure constitutes a new way of introducing exogenous gene materials dissolved in medium into cells. The 'laser-aided' DNA transfection is better than the existing methods because it allows the treatment of a large number of cells in a shorter time, and an improved success rate.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although nuclear transport of therapeutic genes is an essential requirement of human gene therapy, factors required for nuclear entry of DNA remain to be elucidated. Non-viral vector systems have led to numerous improvements in the efficiency of delivery of exogenous DNA into cells. However, nuclear transport of plasmid is difficult to achieve. METHODS: We examined nuclear translocation efficiency of Cy3-labeled plasmid DNA (Cy3-pDNA) delivered by the hemagglutinating virus of Japan envelope (HVJ-E) vector, Lipofectamine or microinjection. We also examined the effect of actin depolymerization on nuclear transport of Cy3-pDNA. RESULTS: Cy3-pDNA reached the nucleus, particularly in the nucleolus, in 30 min after fusion-mediated delivery using the HVJ-E vector, while the DNA was retained in the cytoplasm during the observed period after the delivery by cationic liposomes. HVJ-E treatment transiently depolymerized actin filaments, and acceleration of nucleolar entry of microinjected DNA was achieved when treated with either empty HVJ-E or cytochalasin D, an inhibitor of actin depolymerization, prior to microinjection. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that plasmid DNA can be transported rapidly from the cytoplasm to the nucleolus when actin filaments are depolymerized. Thus, the HVJ-E vector can accelerate the transport of DNA to the nucleolus by actin depolymerization.  相似文献   

A hybrid temperature-sensitive plasmid capable of integration into the Bacillus subtilis genome was constructed. By using this vector, we inserted a 3.2-kb fragment of eukaryotic DNA (wheat 'Chinese Spring') into the bacterial genome. The fragment of wheat DNA was stably retained and replicated as a part of the bacterial genome. The position of the integrated plasmid in the B. subtilis genome was mapped, as was the site in wheat DNA insert on plasmid at which the integration occurred.  相似文献   

Lecithin and lecithin/cholesterol liposomes formed in aqueous solutions of DNA entrap covalently closed circular, open circular and linear DNA molecules of size up to at least 13 kilobases. The sequestered DNA molecules are efficiently protected against exogenous deoxyribonuclease action although nicking and linearization of circular DNA can be observed. The size of these liposomes ranges from approximately 0.5 to 7.5 mu with an average of 2.5--4 mu. DNA filled liposomes strongly interact with plant protoplasts under conditions inducing protoplast fusion. Results suggest that sequestered plasmid DNA can be transferred to protoplast nuclei.  相似文献   

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