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We previously reported experiments which led us to conclude that DNA synthesis in HeLa cells occurs in association with the nuclear membrane. Subsequent experiments which are reported here provide evidence that DNA synthesis occurs both in proximity to and at sites removed from the nuclear membrane.  相似文献   

In vitro HeLa cell DNA synthesis similarity to in vivo replication   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An in vitro DNA synthesizing system, consisting of a HeLa cell lysate which incorporated dNTPs into an acid-insoluble, DNase-labile product, was optimized for incorporation per nucleus. Synthesis depended on the presence of all four dNTPs and was linear for about 15 minutes, then slowed and finally stopped after one to two hours at 37 °C. The DNA synthesized in vitro was found to be preferentially attached by covalent linkage to sites which had just been replicated in vivo. DNA fiber autoradiography of DNA labeled in vitro suggests that synthesis occurs by the replicon mechanism proposed for in vivo replication, but at a fork movement rate 50 to 60% of that in vivo.When analyzed on alkaline sucrose gradients, dNTPs appeared to be incorporated by a semidiscontinuous mechanism, with label after brief pulses (10 to 20 s) distributed about equally between a peak of Okazaki fragments and a very heterogeneous distribution of longer DNA strands. Okazaki fragments, which can be initiated in vitro, sedimented in a broad peak averaging 180 nucleotides in length.  相似文献   

Exposure of suspension-cultured HeLa cells to a 45° thermal shock resulted in cell inactivation and inhibition of both protein and DNA synthesis. DNA synthesis was inhibited in a biphasic manner with a more sensitive (D0 = 7 min) and a less sensitive (D0 = 20 min) phase. The less sensitive process was demonstrated to be DNA chain elongation. Transport of thymidine into intracellular pools was significantly less sensitive to thermal shock (D0 in excess of 200 min). When HeLa cells were heated at 45° for 15 min there was an 80% inhibition of incorporation of precursors into both DNA and protein with little effect on precursor transport into cellular pools. While the rate of synthesis of whole cell and histone protein (H2a, H2b, H3, and H4) and DNA chain elongation recovered by 6 h after cell heating, total precursor incorporation into DNA was only 0.4 of control levels. The long-term depression of the DNA synthetic rate could not be explained by a cell cycle redistribution, a depression in the total fraction of S phase cells synthesizing DNA, or by a depression in the rate of DNA chain elongation. We conclude that thermal shock results in a long-term depression in the fraction of cell replicons involved in DNA replication.  相似文献   

The dependence of DNA synthesis on protein synthesis in HeLa S3 cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The rate of DNA synthesis in HeLa S3 cells, as measured by incorporation of C14-labeled thymidine, is strongly dependent on protein synthesis at all times during the S phase. The relation between the rate of DNA synthesis and the rate of protein synthesis is linear when measured two or three hours after reducing the rate of protein synthesis with either puromycin or cycloheximide. The effect is manifested rapidly, is found in both random and synchronized cultures, and is independent of the method of synchronization.  相似文献   

The replication protein A (RPA)–ssDNA complex formed at arrested replication forks recruits key proteins to activate the ATR-CHK1 signalling cascade. When CHK1 is inhibited during DNA replication stress, RPA2 is extensively hyperphosphorylated. Here, we investigated the role of RPA2 hyperphosphorylation in the fate of cells when CHK1 is inhibited. We show that proteins normally involved in DNA repair (RAD51) or control of RPA phosphorylation (the PP4 protein phosphatase complex) are not recruited to the genome after treatment with CHK1 and DNA synthesis inhibitors. This is not due to RPA2 hyperphosphorylation as suppression of this response does not restore loading suggesting that recruitment requires active CHK1. To determine whether RPA2 hyperphosphorylation protects stalled forks from collapse or induction of apoptosis in CHK1 inhibited cells during replication stress, cells expressing RPA2 genes mutated at key phosphorylation sites were characterized. Mutant RPA2 rescued cells from RPA2 depletion and reduced the level of apoptosis induced by treatment with CHK1 and replication inhibitors however the incidence of double strand breaks was not affected. Our data indicate that RPA2 hyperphosphorylation promotes cell death during replication stress when CHK1 function is compromised but does not appear to be essential for replication fork integrity.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial protein synthesis in HeLa cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Incubation of HeLa cells for 24 h with either hydroxyurea (HU), aphidicolin (APHI), thymidine (T) or butyrate (BU), substances used to inhibit replication and accumulate cells at the G1/S interphase, followed by the elimination of the inhibitor and the addition of iron to the growth medium, results in an immediate (HU, APHI, T) or slightly delayed (BU) increased accumulation (18-24-fold higher than the basal level) of ferritin. Under the same experimental circumstances, 5-azacytidine is without effect. As a result of the action of these inhibitors on the structure of DNA, it is proposed that ferritin genes remain accessible to RNA polymerase allowing the accumulation in the cytoplasm of mature ferritin mRNA ready to be mobilized by iron for the production of ferritin molecules.  相似文献   

The effect of antitumor antibiotic neocarzinostatin on DNA replication in HeLa cells was studied by pulse-labeling of DNA with [3H]thymidine and sedimentation analysis of the DNA with alkaline sucrose gradients. The drug, which produced DNA damage, primarily inhibited the replicon initiation in the cells at low doses (less than or equal to 0.1 microgram/ml), and at high doses (greater than or equal to 0.5 microgram/ml) inhibited the DNA chain elongation. An analysis of the number of single-strand breaks of parental DNA, induced by neocarzinostatin, indicated that inhibition of the initiation occurred with introduction of single-strand breaks of less than 1.5 . 10(4)/cell, while inhibition of the elongation occurred with introduction of single-strand breaks of more than 7.5 . 10(4)/cell. Assuming that the relative molecular mass of DNA/HeLa cell was about 10(13) Da, the target size of DNA for inhibition of replicon initiation was calculated to be about 10(9) Da, such being close to an average size of loop DNA in the cell and for inhibition of chain elongation, 1-2 . 10(8) Da which was of the same order of magnitude as the size of replicons. Recovery of inhibited DNA replication by neocarzinostatin occurred during post-incubation of the cells and seemed to correlate with the degree of rejoining of the single-strand breaks of parental DNA. Caffeine and theophylline enhanced the recovery of the inhibited replicon initiation, but did not aid in the repair of the breaks in parental DNA.  相似文献   

The effects of fresh medium and serum on protein synthesis in suspension-cultured HeLa cells after growth to high cell density (>5 × 105 cells/ml) were studied. Cells which were resuspended in fresh medium plus serum and grown for 24 hours (control) were compared with cells grown for 2 hours after resuspension (stimulated). The spectrum of proteins being synthesized by control and stimulated cells does not appear to be grossly different; that is, the weight and number average molecular weights of newly synthesized whole-cell protein are about the same in both cultures. Also, no significant differences were observed in the number of ribosomes per polysome or in the fraction of total ribosomes in polysomes. However, the transit times (combined elongation and termination times) were found to differ significantly; the average transit time for control cells was 2.24 minutes, while the average transit time for stimulated cells was 1.26 minutes. (An appendex evaluating the methodology involved in measuring the transit time is included.) In agreement with the difference in transit time, the absolute rate of protein synthesis in stimulated cells was approximately 1.8 times the rate measured in control cells. These data are taken as evidence that under certain conditions, the rate of elongtion and/or termination of polypeptide chains limits the overall rate of translation, and that cells can respond to growth conditions by changing the elongation and/or termination rate of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Cells of a suspension HeLa culture at the logarithmic phase of growth were exposed to 60Co-gamma-rays (5 Gy), incubated in the nutritious medium, and in 4 h subjected to repeated irradiation: the dose-response function and the dynamics of DNA synthesis inhibition were determined. It was shown that DNA synthesis was inhibited to a lesser extent after preirradiation, in other words, DNA synthesis was radioresistant. A correlation between this synthesis and reproductive cell death is discussed.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of an orthorhombic form of 2′-0-methyl cytidine was determined from three dimensional X-ray diffraction data. The two molecules in each asymmetric unit have C2-endo C3-exo puckered furanose rings. This differs from the C3-endo puckering observed for cytidine (1) and it may have some relevance to the kinks that appear at the two 2′-0-methylated nucleotides in the anticodon phosphate ester backbone of the phe tRNA structure (2). This work and other studies (3,4) show that the presence of a 2′-0-methyl group does not prevent the furanose moiety from adopting its most commonly observed configurations. 2′-0-methyl nucleotides make up a small percentage of the residues in HnRNA, rRNA, tRNA and mRNA and therefore their conformational nuances are of interest.  相似文献   

For the whole cell cycle the methylation of DNA was studied in synchronized HeLa cells and in nuclei isolated from them. In the intact cells the methylation of DNA cytosine runs parallel to DNA synthesis. The pattern of DNA cytosine methylation by the isolated nuclei is almost identical to that obtained with the whole cells. Since the isolated nuclei do not synthesize DNA, it is shown that DNA methylation continues for at least 30 min after DNA synthesis is over. No DNA minor thymine is found in the isolated nuclei.  相似文献   

Although histone synthesis and DNA synthesis are normally very well coordinated in HeLa cells, their histone synthesis proved relatively resistant to inhibition by ionizing radiation. During the first 24 h after 1 000 R the rate of cellular DNA synthesis progressively fell to small fractions of control values while histone synthesis continued with much less relative reduction. Acrylamide gel electropherograms of the acid soluble nuclear histones synthesized by irradiated HeLa cells were qualitatively normal.  相似文献   

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