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Previously we have shown that during in vivo muscle regeneration differentiating rat primary myoblasts transiently upregulate connexin43 (Cx43) gap junctions and leave cell cycle synchronously. Here, we studied the temporal regulation of Cx expression in relation to functional dye coupling in allogenic primary myoblast cultures using western blotting, immuno-confocal microscopy and dye transfer assays. As in vivo, Cx43 was the only Cx isotype out of Cx26, 32, 37, 40, 43 and 45 found in cultured rat myoblasts by immunostaining. Cultured myoblasts showed similar temporal regulation of Cx43 expression and phenotypic maturation to those regenerating in vivo. Cx43 protein was progressively upregulated in prefusion myoblasts, first by the cytoplasmic assembly in sparse myoblast meshworks and then in cell membrane particles in aligned cells. Dye injection using either Lucifer Yellow alone, Cascade Blue with a non-junction permeant FITC-dextran revealed an extensive gap junction coupling between the sparse interacting myoblasts and a reduced communication between the aligned, but still prefused cells. The aligned myoblasts, uniformly upregulate p21waf1/cip1 and p27kip1 cell cycle control proteins. Taken together, in prefusion myoblasts less membrane-bound Cx43 was found to mediate substantially more efficient dye coupling in the growing cell fraction than those in the aligned post-mitotic myoblasts. These and our in vivo results in early muscle differentiation are consistent with the role of Cx43 gap junctions in synchronizing cell cycle control of myoblasts to make them competent for a coordinated syncytial fusion.  相似文献   


q-stimulation reduces intercellular coupling within 10 min via a decrease in the membrane lipid phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2), but the mechanism is unknown. Here we show that uncoupling in rat cardiomyocytes after stimulation of α-adrenergic Gαq-coupled receptors with norepinephrine is prevented by proteasomal and lysosomal inhibitors, suggesting that internalization and possibly degradation of connexin43 (Cx43) is involved. Uncoupling was accompanied by increased Triton X-100 solubility of Cx43, which is considered a measure of the non-junctional pool of Cx43. However, inhibition of the proteasome and lysosome further increased solubility while preserving coupling, suggesting that communicating gap junctions can be part of the soluble fraction. Ubiquitination of Cx43 was also increased, and Cx43 co-immunoprecipitated with the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4. Conclusions: Norepinephrine increases ubiquitination of Cx43 in cardiomyocytes, possibly via Nedd4. We suggest that Cx43 is subsequently internalized, which is preceded by acquired solubility in Triton X-100, which does not lead to uncoupling per se.  相似文献   

The smooth muscle cell is the predominant cell type of the arterial media. In the adult vascular system, smooth muscle cells are found primarily in the contractile phenotype, but following injury or during atherosclerotic plaque formation the secretory synthetic phenotype is expressed. Recently it has been shown that gap junction connexin43 messenger RNA levels are six times higher in cultured smooth muscle cells in the synthetic phenotype than in intact aorta. We have modulated rabbit aortic smooth muscle cells in culture between the synthetic phenotype and one resembling the contractile phenotype, and correlated gap junction expression with phenotype. A dual labelling technique with antibodies against smooth muscle myosin and a synthetic peptide constructed to match a portion of the connexin43 gap junction protein was used for these experiments. Gap junctions are numerous between synthetic phenotype cells but few are observed between contractile cells. Rat aortic smooth muscle cells were also cultured and the growth and structure of gap junctions followed in the synthetic phenotype by use of freeze-fracture electron microscopy and immunohistochemical techniques. Junctional plaques are similar in structure to those observed in cardiac muscle, their size and number increasing with time in culture. The increased numbers of gap junctions between synthetic phenotype smooth muscle cells may be important during vessel development, following injury, or in atherosclerotic plaque formation.  相似文献   

The oncogenic tyrosine kinase, v-Src, phosphorylates connexin43 (Cx43) on Y247 and Y265 and inhibits Cx43 gap junctional communication (GJC), the process of intercellular exchange of ions and metabolites. To test the role of a negative charge on Cx43 induced by tyrosine phosphorylation, we expressed Cx43 with glutamic acid substitutions at Y247 or Y265. The Cx43Y247E or Cx43Y265E channels were functional in Cx43 knockout fibroblasts, indicating that introducing a negative charge on Cx43 was not likely the mechanism for v-Src disruption of GJC. Cells coexpressing v-Src and the triple serine to alanine mutant, Cx43S255/279/282A, confirmed that mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase phosphorylation of Cx43 was not required for v-Src-induced disruption of GJC and that tyrosine phosphorylation was sufficient. In addition, v-Src cells containing v-Src-resistant gap junctions, Cx43Y247/265F, displayed properties of cell migration, adhesion, and proliferation similar to Cx43wt/v-Src cells, suggesting that Cx43 tyrosine phosphorylation and disruption of GJC are not involved in these transformed cell properties.  相似文献   

Summary Fusion of cytotrophoblast cells in the guinea-pig placenta occurs at regions of plasma membrane interdigitation where the cells are attached to one another by complex arrays of gap junctions and desmosomes. Fusion begins at the gap junctions, which are lost in this process. The desmosomes play no obvious part in the fusion mechanism and remain after fusion as sites of attachment of syncytiotrophoblast membrane to itself. It is proposed that a major role of gap junctions in placental development is to bring trophoblast plasma membranes into a close relationship which may act as a starting point for cell fusion.  相似文献   

Connexins (Cxs) and gap junction (GJ)‐mediated communication have been linked with the regulation of cell cycle traverse. However, it is not clear whether Cx expression or GJ channel function are the key mediators in this process or at what stage this regulation may occur. We therefore tested the hypothesis that enhanced Cx expression could alter the rate of cell cycle traverse independently of GJ channel function. Sodium butyrate (NaBu) or anti‐arrhythmic peptide (AAP10) were used to enhance Cx expression in HeLa cells stably expressing Cx43 (HeLa‐43) and primary cultures of human fibroblasts (HFF) that predominantly express Cx43. To reduce GJ‐mediated communication, 18‐α‐glycyrrhetinic acid (GA) was used. In HeLa‐43 and HFF cells, NaBu and AAP10 enhanced Cx43 expression and increased channel function, while GA reduced GJ‐mediated communication but did not significantly alter Cx43 expression levels. Timelapse microscopy and flow cytometry of HeLa‐WT (wild‐type, Cx deficient) and HeLa‐43 cells dissected cell cycle traverse and enabled measurements of intra‐mitotic time and determined levels of G1 arrest. Enhanced Cx43 expression increased mitotic durations corresponding with a G1 delay in cell cycle, which was linked to an increase in expression of the cell cycle inhibitor p21waf1/cip1 in both HeLa‐43 and HFF cells. Reductions in Cx43 channel function did not abrogate these responses, indicating that GJ channel function was not a critical factor in reducing cell proliferation in either cell type. We conclude that enhanced Cx43 expression and not GJ‐mediated communication, is involved in regulating cell cycle traverse. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 772–782, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

There is general agreement that the connexin43 gap junction protein is a substrate for phosphorylation by protein kinase C but there is no similar consensus regarding the action of protein kinase A. Our previous studies demonstrated that channels formed by connexin43 were reversibly gated in response to microinjected protein kinase A and protein kinase C, but we did not determine whether these effects involved direct action on the connexin43 protein. Using a combination of in vivo metabolic labeling and in vitro phosphorylation of recombinant protein and synthetic peptides, we now find that connexin43 is a relatively poor substrate for purified protein kinase A compared to protein kinase C, but that phosphorylation can be accelerated by 8-Br-cAMP (8-bromoadenosine 3,5-cyclic monophosphate) which also enhances connexin43 synthesis but at a much slower rate than phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of a critical amino acid, Ser364, by protein kinase A, appears to be necessary for subsequent multiple phosphorylations by protein kinase C. However, protein kinase C can phosphorylate connexin43 at a reduced level in the absence of prior phosphorylation. The results suggest that the correct regulation of channels formed by connexin43 may require sequential phosphorylations of this protein by protein kinase A and protein kinase C.  相似文献   

For the reason that adult Sertoli cell specific connexin 43 knockout (SCCx43KO) mice show arrested spermatogenesis at spermatogonial level or Sertoli cell only tubules and significantly reduced germ cell (GC) numbers, the aims of the present study were (1) to characterize the remaining GC population and (2) to elucidate possible mechanisms of their fading. Apoptosis was analyzed in both, KO and wild type (WT) male littermates during postnatal development and in adulthood using TUNEL. Although GC numbers were significantly reduced in KO at 2 and 8 days postpartum (dpp) when compared to WT, no differences were found concerning apoptotic incidence between genotypes. From 10 dpp, the substantial GC deficiency became more obvious. However, significantly higher apoptotic GC numbers were seen in WT during this period, possibly related to the first wave of spermatogenesis, a known phenomenon in normal pubertal testes associated with increased apoptosis. Characterization of residual spermatogonia in postnatal to adult KO and WT mice was performed by immunohistochemical reaction against VASA (marker of GCs in general), Lin28 and Fox01 (markers for undifferentiated spermatogonia) and Stra8 (marker for differentiating spermatogonia and early spermatocytes). During puberty, the GC component in SCCx43KO mice consisted likely of undifferentiated spermatogonia, few differentiating spermatogonia and very few early spermatocytes, which seemed to be rapidly cleared by apoptosis. In adult KOs, spermatogenesis was arrested at the level of undifferentiated spermatogonia. Overall, our data indicate that Cx43 gap junctions in SCs influence male GC development and differentiation rather than their survival.  相似文献   

Gap junctions form channels that allow exchange of materials between cells and are composed of transmembrane protein subunits called connexins. While connexins are believed to mediate cellular signaling by permitting intercellular communication to occur, there is also increasing evidence that suggest connexins may mediate growth control via a junction-independent mechanism. Connexin43 (Cx43) is the most abundant gap junction protein found in astrocytes, and gliomas exhibit reduced Cx43 expression. We have previously observed that restoration of Cx43 levels in glioma cells led to increased expression of CCN3 (NOV) proteins. We now report that overexpression of Cx43 in C6-glioma cells (C6-Cx43) also upregulates the expression of CCN1 (Cyr61). Both CCN1 and CCN3 belong to the Cyr61/Connective tissue growth factor/Nephroblastoma-overexpressed (CCN) family of secretory proteins. The CCN proteins are tightly associated with the extracellular matrix and have important roles in cell proliferation and migration. CCN1 promotes growth in glioma cells, as shown by the increased proliferation rate of CCN1-overexpressing C6 cells. In addition to its effect on cell growth, CCN1 also increased the motility of glioma cells in the presence of extracellular substrates such as fibronectin. Gliomas expressing high levels of Cx43 preferentially upregulated CCN3 which resulted in reduced growth rate. CCN3 could also be observed in Cx43 gap junction plaques in confluent C6-Cx43H culture at the stationary phase of their growth. Our results suggest that the dissimilar growth characteristics between high and low Cx43 expressors may be due to differential regulation of CCN3 by varying levels of Cx43.  相似文献   

Histological analysis revealed that Sertoli cell specific knockout of the predominant testicular gap junction protein connexin 43 results in a spermatogenic arrest at the level of spermatogonia or Sertoli cell-only syndrome, intratubular cell clusters and still proliferating adult Sertoli cells, implying an important role for connexin 43 in the Sertoli and germ cell development. This study aimed to determine the (1) Sertoli cell maturation state, (2) time of occurrence and (3) composition, differentiation and fate of clustered cells in knockout mice. Using immunohistochemistry connexin 43 deficient Sertoli cells showed an accurate start of the mature markers androgen receptor and GATA-1 during puberty and a vimentin expression from neonatal to adult. Expression of anti-Muellerian hormone, as a marker of Sertoli cell immaturity, was finally down-regulated during puberty, but its disappearance was delayed. This observed extended anti-Müllerian hormone synthesis during puberty was confirmed by western blot and Real-Time PCR and suggests a partial alteration in the Sertoli cell differentiation program. Additionally, Sertoli cells of adult knockouts showed a permanent and uniform expression of GATA-1 at protein and mRNA level, maybe caused by the lack of maturing germ cells and missing negative feedback signals. At ultrastructural level, basally located adult Sertoli cells obtained their mature appearance, demonstrated by the tripartite nucleolus as a typical feature of differentiated Sertoli cells. Intratubular clustered cells were mainly formed by abnormal Sertoli cells and single attached apoptotic germ cells, verified by immunohistochemistry, TUNEL staining and transmission electron microscopy. Clusters first appeared during puberty and became more numerous in adulthood with increasing cell numbers per cluster suggesting an age-related process. In conclusion, adult connexin 43 deficient Sertoli cells seem to proliferate while maintaining expression of mature markers and their adult morphology, indicating a unique and abnormal intermediate phenotype with characteristics common to both undifferentiated and differentiated Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

Summary Lens epithelial cells are physiologically coupled to each other and to the lens fibers by an extensive network of intercellular gap junctions. In the rat, the epithelial-epithelial junctions appear to contain connexin43, a member of the connexin family of gap junction proteins. Limitations on the use of rodent lenses for the study of gap junction formation and regulation led us to examine the expression of connexin43 in embryonic chick lenses. We report here that chick connexin43 is remarkably similar to its rat counterpart in primary amino acid sequence and in several key structural features as deduced by molecular cDNA cloning. The cross-reactivity of an anti-rat connexin43 serum with chick connexin43 permitted definitive immunocytochemical localization of chick connexin43 to lens epithelial gap junctional plaques and examination of the biosynthesis of connexin43 by metabolic radiolabeling and immunoprecipitation. We show that chick lens cells synthesize connexin43 as a single, 42-kD species that is efficiently posttranslationally converted to a 45-kD form. Metabolic labeling of connexin43 with32P-orthophosphate combined with dephosphorylation experiments reveals that this shift in apparent molecular weight is due solely to phosphorylation. These results indicate that embryonic chick lens is an appropriate system for the study of connexin43 biosynthesis and demonstrate for the first time that connexin43 is a phosphoprotein.  相似文献   

Muscles are formed by fusion of individual postmitotic myoblasts to form multinucleated syncytial myotubes. The process requires a well-coordinated transition from proliferation, through migratory alignment and cycle exit, to breakdown of apposed membranes. Connexin43 protein and cell-cycle inhibitor levels are correlated, and gap junction blockers can delay muscle regeneration, so a coordinating role for gap junctions has been proposed. Here, wild-type and dominant-negative connexin43 variants (wtCx43, dnCx43) were introduced into rat myoblasts in primary culture through pIRES-eGFP constructs that made transfected cells fluoresce. GFP-positive cells and vitally-stained nuclei were counted on successive days to reveal differences in proliferation, and myotubes were counted to reveal differences in fusion. Individual transfected cells were injected with Cascade Blue, which permeates gap junctions, mixed with FITC-dextran, which requires cytoplasmic continuity to enter neighbouring cells. Myoblasts transfected with wtCx43 showed more gap-junctional coupling than GFP-only controls, began fusion sooner as judged by the incidence of cytoplasmic coupling, and formed more myotubes. Myoblasts transfected with dnCx43 remained proliferative for longer than either GFP-only or wtCx43 myoblasts, showed less coupling, and underwent little fusion into myotubes. These results highlight the critical role of gap-junctional coupling in myotube formation.  相似文献   

We describe the expression and distribution patterns of nestin, desmin and vimentin in intact and regenerating muscle spindles of the rat hind limb skeletal muscles. Regeneration was induced by intramuscular isotransplantation of extensor digitorum longus (EDL) or soleus muscles from 15-day-old rats into the EDL muscle of adult female inbred Lewis rats. The host muscles with grafts were excised after 7-, 16-, 21- and 29-day survival and immunohistochemically stained. Nestin expression in intact spindles in host muscles was restricted to Schwann cells of sensory and motor nerves. In transplanted muscles, however, nestin expression was also found in regenerating “spindle fibers”, 7 and 16 days after grafting. From the 21st day onwards, the regenerated spindle fibers were devoid of nestin immunoreactivity. Desmin was detected in spindle fibers at all developmental stages in regenerating as well as in intact spindles. Vimentin was expressed in cells of the outer and inner capsules of all muscle spindles and in newly formed myoblasts and myotubes of regenerating spindles 7 days after grafting. Our results show that the expression pattern of these intermediate filaments in regenerating spindle fibers corresponds to that found in regenerating extrafusal fibers, which supports our earlier suggestion that they resemble small-diameter extrafusal fibers.  相似文献   

Geng S  Sun B  Liu S  Wang J 《Cell biology international》2007,31(11):1420-1427
Gap junctions, formed by connexin (Cx) family proteins, permit direct exchange of regulatory ions and small signal molecules between neighbouring cells. Gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) plays an important role in maintaining the homeostasis and preventing cell transformation. Most of the tumour cells feature deficient or aberrant connexin expression and GJIC level, and restoration of connexin expression and GJIC is correlated with cell growth control. Numerous researches has suggested the possibility of connexins as potential anti-tumour targets for chemoprevention and chemotherapy. We investigated the ability of Coleusin Factor (CF, also named FSK88) to regulate the Cx43 expression and GJIC level in rat osteosarcoma UMR106 cells. The results have demonstrated that CF increased the mRNA and protein expression of Cx43 in both in a dose- and timedependent manner, and concomitant with up-regulation of Cx43, CF treatment up-regulated the diminished GJIC level in UMR106 cells as assayed by dye transfer experiments. In addition, Cx43 distribution at the plasma membrane was also enhanced dramatically by CF treatment. Furthermore, we discovered that CF was potent to inhibit the growth and proliferation of UMR106 cells. These results provide the first evidence that CF can regulate connexin and GJIC, indicating that Cx43 may be a target of CF to exert its anti-tumour effects.  相似文献   

The effects of β-carotene and vitamin A administrations were evaluated in an in vivo model of hepatic cell differentiation. For this purpose, male Wistar rats received β-carotene (70 mg/kg of body weight), vitamin A (10 mg/kg of body weight) or corn oil (control group), by gavage and at every other day during the entire experimental period. After 4 consecutive weeks of treatment, the animals were submitted to the AAF/PH model of hepatic cell differentiation (6 × 20 mg of AAF [2-acetylaminofluorene]/kg of body weight and partial hepatectomy) and killed on different days following the surgery (until day 16 after hepatectomy). Liver samples were collected for determination of β-carotene, retinol and retinyl palmitate concentrations, for histopathological (hematoxilin-eosin) examination, for immunohistochemical detection of glutathione S-transferase, as well as for the evaluation of connexin 43 (a structural protein of gap junctions of oval cells) expression by northern blot analysis. Compared to controls, the oval cell proliferation peaks (observed by histopathological examination and immunohistochemistry) and connexin 43 expression peaks, were postponed to later days after hepatectomy, in a similar way in β-carotene and vitamin A treated animals. Compared to the other experimental groups, the vitamin A treated group showed an increase in connexin 43 expression. It was concluded that β-carotene and vitamin A modulated oval cell proliferation and connexin 43 expression, delaying both events. These findings suggest that β-carotene and vitamin A can modulate the hepatic differentiation process in vivo.  相似文献   

The cellular DNA mismatch repair (MMR) pathway, involving the DNA mismatch repair genes MLH1 and MSH2, detects and repairs DNA replication errors. Defects in MSH2 and MLH1 account for most cases of hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer as well as for sporadic colorectal tumors. Additionally, increased expression of MSH2 RNA and/or protein has been reported in various malignancies. Loss of DNA MMR in mammalian cells has been linked to resistance to certain DNA damaging agents including clinically important cytotoxic chemotherapeutics. Due to other functions besides its role in DNA repair, that include regulation of cell proliferation and apoptosis, MSH2 has recently been shown to be of importance for pathogenesis and progression of cancer. This review summarizes our present understanding of the function of MSH2 for DNA repair, cell cycle control, and apoptosis and discusses its importance for pathogenesis, progression and therapy of cancer.  相似文献   

Murakumo Y 《Mutation research》2002,510(1-2):37-44
Translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) is an important damage tolerance system which rescues cells from severe injuries caused by DNA damage. Specialized low fidelity DNA polymerases in this system synthesize DNA past lesions on the template DNA strand, that replicative DNA polymerases are usually unable to pass through. However, in compensation for cell survival, most polymerases in this system are potentially mutagenic and sometimes introduce mutations in the next generation. In yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae), DNA polymerase ζ, which consists of Rev3 and Rev7 proteins, and Rev1 are known to be involved in most damage-induced and spontaneous mutations. The human homologs of S. cerevisiae REV1, REV3, and REV7 were identified, and it is revealed that the human REV proteins have similar functions to their yeast counterparts, however, a large part of the mechanisms of mutagenesis employing REV proteins are still unclear. Recently, the new findings about REV proteins were reported, which showed that REV7 interacts not only with REV3 but also with REV1 in human and that REV7 is involved in cell cycle control in Xenopus. These findings give us a new point of view for further investigation about REV proteins. Recent studies of REV proteins are summarized and several points are discussed.  相似文献   

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