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Assembly of DNA into chromatin allows for the formation of a barrier that protects naked DNA from protein and chemical agents geared to degrade or metabolize DNA. Chromatin assembly occurs whenever a length of DNA becomes exposed to the cellular elements, whether during DNA synthesis or repair. This report describes tools to study chromatin assembly in the model systemSaccharomyces cerevisiae. Modifications to anin vitro chromatin assembly assay are described that allowed a brute force screen of temperature sensitive (ts) yeast strains in order to identify chromatin assembly defective extracts. This screen yielded mutations in genes encoding two ubiquitin protein ligases (E3s):RSP5, and a subunit of the Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC),APC5. Additional modifications are described that allow for a rapid analysis and anin vivo characterization of yeast chromatin assembly mutants, as well as any other mutant of interest. Our analysis suggests that thein vitro andin vivo chromatin assembly assays are responsive to different cellular signals, including cell cycle cues that involve different molecular networks. Published: July 3, 2003  相似文献   

A new body of evidence challenges the original consolidated theory of Pasteur on the natural (vineyard) origin of wine strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and instead indicates a local, winery-restricted life cycle. The findings open novel biotechnological perspectives for obtaining autochthonous selected starters for the wine industry. A local, individual, and specific fermenting yeast flora, mass selected year after year through many generations of S. cerevisiae in grape must, is present on the surfaces of every winery. These yeast strains are endowed with exceptional enological properties and capable of producing an assortment of volatile compounds apparently contributing to the specific bouquet of locally produced wines.  相似文献   

The autolysis of yeast cells has practical implications in the production of fermented foods and beverages and flavourants for food processing. Protein and RNA degradation during yeast autolysis are well described but the fate of DNA is unclear. Yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) were autolysed by incubating suspensions at 30–60°C (pH 7.0), and at pH 4.0–7.0 (40°C) for 10–14 days. Up to 55% of total DNA was degraded, with consequent leakage into the extracellular environment of mainly 3′- and 5′-deoxyribonucleotides, and lesser amounts of polynucleotides. The rate and extent of DNA degradation, composition of the DNA degradation products and DNase activity were affected by temperature and pH. The highest amount of DNA degradation occurred at 40°C and pH 7.0, where the highest DNase activity was recorded. DNase activity was lowest at 60°C and pH 4.0, where the proportion of polynucleotides in the degradation products was higher. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The upstream region of the isocitrate lyase gene (UPR-ICL) from the n-alkane-utilizing yeast Candida tropicalis serves as a useful promoter of gene expression in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The production of rat metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 (mGluR1), which belongs to the G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) family, was tested under the control of UPR-ICL. Expression of mGluR1 was found in recombinant clones and enhanced by replacing the signal sequence of mGluR1 with the corresponding region of the -factor receptor (Ste2), which is a GPCR found in S. cerevisiae. Moreover, the membrane fraction from a recombinant clone associated with Vesl-1S/Homer-1a protein binds the mGluR1 in rat cerebellum. These results suggest that the UPR-ICL-controlled gene expression system is useful for heterologous GPCRs in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The effect of colony density on the dimorphic switch was determined in natural strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In some strains invasiveness and pseudohyphal (PH) growth were highly sensitive to colony density; moreover, strains constitutively able to invade the substrate with PH formation positively influenced the invasiveness but not the PH growth of a different strain less prone to the dimorphic switch.  相似文献   

The evolutionarily conserved Ras proteins function as a point of convergence for different signaling pathways in eukaryotes and have been implicated in both aging and cancer development. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the plasma membrane proteins Ras1 and Ras2 are sensing the nutritional status of the environments, e.g., the abundance and quality of available carbon sources. The cAMP-protein kinase A pathway is the most explored signaling pathway controlled by Ras proteins; it affects a large number of genes, some of which are important to defend the cell against oxidative stress. In addition, recent analysis has shown that the Ras system of yeast is involved in the development of mitochondria and in regulating their activity. As a sensor of environmental status and an effector of mitochondrial activity, Ras serves as a Rosetta stone of cellular energy transduction. This review summarizes the physical and functional involvement of Ras proteins and Ras-dependent signaling pathways in mitochondrial function in S. cerevisiae. Since mitochondria produce harmful reactive oxygen species as an inevitable byproduct and are partly under control of Ras, illuminating these regulatory interactions may improve our understanding of both cancer and aging.  相似文献   

The genetic control and heritability of Agrobacterium tumefaciens susceptibility was investigated using a doubled haploid (DH) mapping population of Brassica oleracea and the associated RFLP map. Preliminary studies were carried out by analysis of an 8×8 diallel, for which the parental lines were selected to include a range of susceptibilities to A. tumefaciens. The variation observed within the diallel was attributed to both additive and dominant gene effects, with additive gene effects being more important. A broad sense heritability value of 0.95 suggested that 95% of the observed variation was due to genetic effects, with just 5% attributed to non-genetic or environmental effects. A high narrow-sense heritibility value of 0.79 suggested that 79% of this trait was controlled by additive gene effects and, therefore, the potential to introduce this trait into breeding material is high. Fifty-nine DH lines from the mapping population were screened for susceptibility towards A. tumefaciens. Variation in susceptibility was observed across the population. The results of the DH screen were entered into the mapping programme MAPQTL and a highly significant quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with susceptibility to A. tumefaciens was identified on linkage group 09. The use of substitution lines covering this region confirmed the location of this QTL. This work shows that susceptibility to A. tumefaciens is a heritable trait, and the transfer of susceptibility into resistant lines is demonstrated. These findings may help to overcome genotype restrictions to genetic transformation.Communicated by G. Wenzel  相似文献   

In the present work we have characterized for the first time non-lethal nonsense mutations in the essential gene SUP35, which codes for the translation termination factor eRF3 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The screen used was based on selection for simultaneous suppression of two auxotrophic nonsense mutations. Among 48 mutants obtained, sixteen were distinguished by the production of a reduced amount of eRF3, suggesting the appearance of nonsense mutations. Fifteen of the total mutants were sequenced, and the presence of nonsense mutations was confirmed for nine of them. Thus a substantial fraction of the sup35 mutations recovered are nonsense mutations located in different regions of SUP35, and such mutants are easily identified by the fact that they express reduced amounts of eRF3. Nonsense mutations in the SUP35 gene do not lead to a decrease in levels of SUP35 mRNA and do not influence the steady-state level of eRF1. The ability of these mutations to complement SUP35 gene disruption mutations in different genetic backgrounds and in the absence of any tRNA suppressor mutation was demonstrated. The missense mutations studied, unlike nonsense mutations, do not decrease steady-state amounts of eRF3.Communicated by C. P. Hollenberg  相似文献   

We have taken a systematic genetic approach to study the potential role of glutathione metabolism in aluminum (Al) toxicity and resistance, using disruption mutants available in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast disruption mutants defective in phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidases (PHGPX; phgpx1 , phgpx2 , and phgpx3), were tested for their sensitivity to Al. The triple mutant, phgpx1 /2/3, was more sensitive to Al (55% reduction in growth at 300 M Al) than any single phgpx mutant, indicating that the PHGPX genes may collectively contribute to Al resistance. The hypersensitivity of phgpx3 to Al was overcome by complementation with PHGPX3, and all PHGPX genes showed increased expression in response to Al in the wild-type strain (YPH250), with maximum induction of approximately 2.5-fold for PHGPX3. Both phgpx3 and phgpx1/2/3 mutants were sensitive to oxidative stress (exposure to H2O2 or diamide). Lipid peroxidation was also increased in the phgpx1/2/3 mutant compared to the parental strain. Disruption mutants defective in genes for glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) (gtt1 and gtt2), glutathione biosynthesis (gsh1 and gsh2), glutathione reductase (glr1) and a glutathione transporter (opt1) did not show hypersensitivity to Al relative to the parental strain BY4741. Interestingly, a strain deleted for URE2, a gene which encodes a prion precursor with homology to GSTs, also showed hypersensitivity to Al. The hypersensitivity of the ure2 mutant could be overcome by complementation with URE2. Expression of URE2 in the parental strain increased approximately 2-fold in response to exposure to 100 M Al. Intracellular oxidation levels in the ure2 mutant showed a 2-fold (non-stressed) and 3-fold (when exposed-to 2 mM H2O2) increase compared to BY4741; however, the ure2 mutant showed no change in lipid peroxidation compared to the control. The phgpx1/2/3 and ure2 mutants both showed increased accumulation of Al. These findings suggest the involvement of PHGPX genes and a novel role of URE2 in Al toxicity/resistance in S. cerevisiae.Communicated by D.Y. Thomas  相似文献   

The ability to produce extracellular chitosanase (EC was found by plate assays in 18 (23%) out of 77 crystalliferous strains of Bacillus thuringiensis. The best chitosanase producer was selected after the growth chosen in a liquid medium with colloidal chitosan as carbon source. Enzyme production was optimized (a 4-d incubation at 32 degrees C with shaking in a medium of pH 6.5 with 4% colloidal chitosan) and the enzyme was partially characterized. This is the first report on the chitosanase of B. thuringiensis.  相似文献   

Transposable elements might be importantly involved in citrus genetic instability and genome evolution. The presence of gypsy like retrotransposons, their heterogeneity and genomic distribution in Citrus and Poncirus, have been investigated. Eight clones containing part of the POL coding region of gypsy like retrotransposons have been isolated from a commercial variety of Citrus clementina, one of the few sexual species in Citrus. Four of the eight clones might correspond to active elements given that they present all the conserved motifs described in the literature as essential for activity, no in-frame stop codon and no frame-shift mutation. High homology has been found between some of these citrus elements and retroelements within a resistance-gene cluster from potato, another from Poncirus trifoliata and two putative resistance polyproteins from rice. Nested copies of gypsy like elements are scattered along the Citrus and Poncirus genomes. The results on genomic distribution show that these elements were introduced before the divergence of both genera and evolved separately thereafter. IRAPs based on gypsy and copia types of retrotransposons seem to distribute differently, therefore gypsy based IRAPs prove a new, complementary set of molecular markers in Citrus to study and map genetic variability, especially for disease resistance. Similarly to copia-derived IRAPs, the number of copies and heterozygosity values found for gypsy derived IRAPs are lower in Poncirus than in Citrus aurantium, which is less apomictic and the most usual rootstock for clementines until 1970.Communicated by C. Möllers  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis, a Gram-positive bacterium commonly found in soil, is an excellent model organism for the study of basic cell processes, such as cell division and cell differentiation, called sporulation. In B. subtilis the essential genetic information is carried on a single circular chromosome, the correct segregation of which is crucial for both vegetative growth and sporulation. The proper completion of life cycle requires each daughter cell to obtain identical genetic information. The consequences of inaccurate chromosome segregation can lead to formation of anucleate cells, cells with two chromosomes, or cells with incomplete chromosomes. Although bacteria miss the classical eukaryotic mitotic apparatus, the chromosome segregation is undeniably an active process tightly connected to other cell processes as DNA replication and compaction. To fully understand the chromosome segregation, it is necessary to study this process in a wider context and to examine the role of different proteins at various cell life cycle stages. The life cycle of B. subtilis is characteristic by its specific cell differentiation process where, two slightly different segregation mechanisms exist, specialized in vegetative growth and in sporulation.  相似文献   

It is generally thought that cell growth and metabolism regulate cell division and not vice versa. Here, we examined Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells growing under conditions of continuous culture in a chemostat. We found that loss of G1 cyclins, or inactivation of the cyclin-dependent kinase Cdc28p, reduced the activity of glutamate synthase (Glt1p), a key enzyme in nitrogen assimilation. We also present evidence indicating that the G1 cyclin-dependent control of Glt1p may involve Jem1p, a DnaJ-type chaperone. Our results suggest that completion of START may be linked to nitrogen metabolism.Communicated by C. P. Hollenberg  相似文献   

We reported previously that the product of DIN7, a DNA damage-inducible gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, belongs to the XPG family of proteins, which are involved in DNA repair and replication. This family includes the S. cerevisiae protein Rad2p and its human homolog XPGC, Rad27p and its mammalian homolog FEN-1, and Exonuclease I (Exo I). Interestingly, Din7p is the only member of the XPG family which specifically functions in mitochondria. We reported previously that overexpression of DIN7 results in a mitochondrial mutator phenotype. In the present study we wished to test the hypothesis that this phenotype is dependent on the nuclease activity of Din7p. For this purpose, we constructed two alleles, din7-D78A and din7-D173A, which encode proteins in which highly conserved aspartates important for the nuclease activity of the XPG proteins have been replaced by alanines. Here, we report that overexpression of the mutant alleles, in contrast to DIN7, fails to increase the frequency of mitochondrial petite mutants or erythromycin-resistant (Er) mutants. Also, overproduction of din7-D78Ap does not result in destabilization of poly GT tracts in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), the phenotype observed in cells that overexpress Din7p. We also show that petite mutants induced by enhanced synthesis of wild-type Din7p exhibit gross rearrangements of mtDNA, and that this correlates with enhanced recombination within the mitochondrial cyt b gene. These results suggest that the stability of the mitochondrial genome of S. cerevisiae is modulated by the level of the nuclease Din7p.Communicated by R. Devoret  相似文献   

A class of ribonucleases termed S-RNases, which control the pistil expression of self-incompatibility, represents the only known functional products encoded by the S locus in species from the Solanaceae, Scrophulariaceae and Rosaceae. Previously, we identified a pollen-specific F-box gene, AhSLF (S locus F-box)-S2, very similar to S2-RNase in Antirrhinum, a member of the Scrophulariaceae. In addition, AhSLF-S2 also detected the presence of its homologous DNA fragments. To identify these fragments, we constructed two genomic DNA libraries from Antirrhinum self-incompatible lines carrying alleles S1S5 and S2S4, respectively, using a transformation-competent artificial chromosome (TAC) vector. With AhSLF-S2-specific primers, TAC clones containing both AhSLF-S2 and its homologs were subsequently identified (S2TAC, S5TACa, S4TAC, and S1TACa). DNA blot hybridization, sequencing and segregation analyses revealed that they are organized as single allelic copies (AhSLF-S2, -S1, -S4 and -S5) tightly linked to the S-RNases. Furthermore, clusters of F-box genes similar to AhSLF-S2 were identified. In total, three F-box genes (AhSLF-S2, -S2A and -S2C) in S2TAC (51 kb), three (AhSLF-S4, -S4A and -S4D) in S4TAC (75 kb), two (AhSLF-S5 and -S5A) in S5TACa (55 kb), and two (AhSLF-S1 and -S1E) in S1TACa (71 kb), respectively, were identified. Paralogous copies of these genes show 38–54% identity, with allelic copies sharing 90% amino acid identity. Among these genes, three (AhSLF-S2C, -S4D and -S1E) were specifically expressed in pollen, similar to AhSLF-S2, implying that they likely play important roles in pollen, whereas three AhSLF-SA alleles showed no detectable expression. In addition, several types of retroelements and transposons were identified in the sequenced regions, revealing some detailed information on the structural diversity of the S locus region. Taken together, these results indicate that both single allelic and tandemly duplicated genes are associated with the S locus in Antirrhinum. The implications of these findings in evolution and possible roles of allelic AhSLF-S genes in the self-incompatible reaction are discussed in species like Antirrhinum.Sequence data from this article have been deposited with the EMBL/GenBank databases under accession numbers AJ300474, AJ515534, AJ515536 and AJ515535  相似文献   

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