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The aim of the current study was to determine possible differences in ovarian and pituitary features explaining lower fertility rates in sheep with oestrus induced with intravaginal progestagens or prostaglandin analogues (group FGA and PGF, n=8 in both) when compared to a control group (group C, n=8). The growth profiles and the mean individual sizes of preovulatory follicles were similar between groups; however, the number of preovulatory follicles per ewe and, consequently, the number of ovulations were higher in groups FGA and PGF (2.3±0.3 and 2.0±0.1, respectively) than in group C (1.4±0.1, P<0.05). However, plasma oestradiol concentrations were similar between groups suggesting a defective function in some preovulatory follicles of groups FGA and PGF. In group FGA, the basal LH levels during the follicular phase were lower (0.21±0.0 ng/mL, P<0.005) than in groups C (0.41±0.1 ng/mL) and PGF (0.55±0.1 ng/mL); the onset of preovulatory discharge being later (21.0±2.3h vs. 12.8±1.5 in C and 14.5±1.5 in PGF; P<0.05 for both). Finally, luteal activity was also found to be affected in group FGA; the rate of progesterone secretion per total luteal tissue was lower (range: 0.46-0.65 ng/mL/cm(2)) than in ewes treated with cloprostenol (2.1-3.3 ng/mL/cm(2)) and control sheep (2.0-3.4 ng/mL/cm(2)).  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of prostaglandin administration on ovarian follicular dynamics, conception, prolificacy, and fecundity in sheep. During the breeding season, multiparous Corriedale ewes were randomly allocated to two groups: 1) PG group (n = 15 and n = 135 in Experiments I and II, respectively): synchronized with two injections of DL-Cloprostenol (125 μg) given 7 d apart, and inseminated at a fixed time (Day 0), 48 h after the second injection; and 2) Control group (n = 15 and n = 73 in Experiments I and II): ewes in spontaneous estrus inseminated at detected estrus. Ewes received 100 × 106 sperm by intrauterine AI. Ultrasonography was used to evaluate growth of the ovulatory follicle, ovulation rate (OR), conception rate, and prolificacy on Days 30 and 60. Ewes from the group PG had a larger (4.8 ± 0.5 mm, mean ± SEM; P < 0.05) ovulatory follicle that grew faster (1.2 ± 0.3 mm/d, P = 0.08), and a lower OR (1.37 ± 0.1, P < 0.05), compared to ewes from the Control group (3.9 ± 0.2 mm, 0.7 ± 0.2 mm/d, and 1.61 ± 0.1 respectively). Plasma progesterone concentrations from Days −6 to 1 were lower in the PG group (P < 0.05), but plasma estradiol concentrations were similar between groups (P > 0.05). Progesterone concentrations were similar between groups during the early luteal phase and on Days 12 and 17 (P > 0.05). The embryo recovery rate (Day 7) tended to be lower in the PG group (39 vs 64%, P = 0.08), but embryo quality did not differ between groups. Conception, prolificacy and fecundity, were lower in the PG than in the Control group (P < 0.05). Cumulative reproductive losses were similar between groups, but more twins were lost in the PG group (P < 0.05). We concluded that in ewes synchronized with PGF given twice, 7 d apart, lower reproductive performance was associated with an environment dominated by lower progesterone concentrations that stimulated the preovulatory follicle to grow faster and become larger; this was associated with lower rates of ovulation, conception, prolificacy, and fecundity.  相似文献   

Four experimental sheep with ovarian autotransplants were infused with prolactin (10 or 100 μg/h), into the ovarian artery, for 6 hours and then prolactin together with prostaglandin F (PGF) (5 μg/h) for a further 6 hours. A control sheep received PGF alone, for 6 hours on two separate occasions. Prolactin failed to overcome the luteolytic action of PGF in 3 of the 4 experimental sheep.  相似文献   

Mating with attractive or dominant males is often predicted to offer indirect genetic benefits to females, but it is still largely unclear how important such non-random mating can be with regard to embryo viability. We sampled a natural population of adult migratory brown trout (Salmo trutta), bred them in vitro in a half-sib breeding design to separate genetic from maternal environmental effects, raised 2098 embryos singly until hatching, and exposed them experimentally to different levels of pathogen stress at a late embryonic stage. We found that the embryos' tolerance to the induced pathogen stress was linked to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) of their parents, i.e. certain MHC genotypes appeared to provide better protection against infection than others. We also found significant additive genetic variance for stress tolerance. Melanin-based dark skin patterns revealed males with 'good genes', i.e. embryos fathered by dark coloured males had a high tolerance to infection. Mating with large and dominant males would, however, not improve embryo viability when compared to random mating. We used simulations to provide estimates of how mate choice based on MHC or melanin-based skin patterns would influence embryos' tolerance to the experimentally induced pathogen stress.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to study the effect of a preparation of human recombinant gonadotrophins (r-FSH and r-LH) on the in vitro maturation (IVM) and development of sheep oocytes. In addition, the viability of fresh and vitrified blastocysts obtained after transfer was tested. Oocytes collected from slaughtered animals were divided into five different maturation groups. All groups were matured in a medium containing TCM199 with 4 mg/ml BSA, 100 microM cysteamine and 1 microg/ml estradiol-17beta. Each group was also treated with one of the following: 0.1 UI/ml r-FSH (r-FSH group), 0.1UI/ml r-LH (r-LH group), 0.1 UI/ml r-FSH and 0.1 UI/ml r-LH (r-FSH/r-LH group), 5 microg/ml FSH and 5 microg/ml LH hypophysial gonadotrophins (h-G group) as a control, or no gonadotrophins (no-G group). After in vitro fertilization with fresh ram semen, presumptive zygotes were cultured in vitro for 6-7 days and a total of 109 blastocysts were then transferred in pairs into synchronized ewes. To determine the viability of embryos after vitrification, 36 blastocysts from the r-FSH/r-LH group and 30 from the h-G group were vitrified in 10% ethylene glycol (EG) and 10% dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) for 5min, followed by 20% EG, 20% DMSO and 0.5M Sucrose (S) for <45 s. They were loaded into open pulled straws (OPS) and plunged into LN(2). After warming, the blastocysts were transferred in pairs into synchronized ewes.The highest maturation rate was reached in the r-FSH/r-LH group (91.9%). However, no statistical difference was found when this group was compared with the h-G group (84.0%). Likewise, the cleavage rate of the r-FSH/r-LH group (81.4%) was not significantly different from that of the h-G group (82.3%). The cleavage rates of all other groups, however, were significantly lower than the r-FSH/r-LH and h-G groups. The blastocyst rate was highest in the h-G group (53.6%), and it was statistically higher than in the r-FSH/r-LH group (41.5%). The blastocyst rate was very similar between groups r-FSH and r-FSH/r-LH (42.0 and 41.5%, respectively). The lowest lambing rate (31.8%) was in the no-G group. The highest lambing rate was achieved in the r-FSH/r-LH group (66.6%). The vitrified embryos of h-G and r-FSH/r-LH groups had a very similar lambing rate (16.6% and 19.4%). In conclusion, these data provide support for the hypothesis that sheep oocytes respond to human recombinant gonadotrophins used for in vitro embryo production.  相似文献   

The exposure of pregnant sheep to high ambient temperatures (43 degrees C) for 8 hours, sufficient to significantly elevate maternal and fetal body temperature +2.0 degrees C (p less than 0.001) and +1.9 degrees C (p less than 0.001) respectively, resulted in significant increases in PGE2 plasma concentrations in both the maternal and fetal circulations. Plasma PGF2 alpha concentrations were significantly raised in the fetal circulation but not the maternal during hyperthermia. The increase in prostaglandin concentrations were correlated with the magnitude of the increase in maternal and fetal body temperature. Uterine activity also increased during hyperthermia, probably as a result of the increase in prostaglandin concentrations. We propose that increased synthesis and release of prostaglandins from the uterus and/or placenta is an adaptive response to hyperthermia, and may protect the fetus from the consequences of heat stress.  相似文献   

The effects of (a) 4, 5, 6-trinor-3, 7-inter-m-phenylene PGE1 methyl ester, (b) 4, 5, 6 trinor-3, 7-inter-m-phenylene 3 oxa PGE1 and (c) 4, 5, 6 trinor-3, 7-inter-m-phenylene 3 oxa PGE1 methyl ester on human and guinea pig respiratory tract muscle in vitro and in vivo have been studied. All the analogues relaxed the isolated preparations of guinea-pig tracheal chain, human tracheal, bronchial and bronchiolar muscles and decreased histamine-induced lung resistance in the anaesthetised guinea pig. On some preparations the effects of the analogues were more pronounced than those of PGE1. The results suggest that some of the inter-m-phenylene analogues of PGE1 may be bronchodilators in asthmatics.  相似文献   

Rabbit ovarian follicles were incubated without stimulation, with LH and with LH + an inhibitor or steroid biosynthesis. Formation of prostaglandins PGE and PGF and of progesterone and estradiol was measured in these incubates. It was found that aminoglutethimide phosphate (AGP) inhibited the LH stimulated biosynthesis of both prostaglandins and steroids. However U 30870 and Metyrapone, while completely inhibiting the LH stimulated biosynthesis of progesterone and estradiol respectively, had no effect on the formation of prostaglandins. Further, the inhibition of prostaglandin formation by AGP could not be reversed by exogenou steroids. It, therefore, appears that the effect of AGP on prostaglandin biosynthesis may not be related to its effect on steroid biosynthesis. However, the response of rabbit follicles to AGP is contrary to that reported for rat follicles and indicates different control mechanisms for prostaglandin formation in the follicles of the two species.  相似文献   

Rabbit ovarian follicles were incubated without stimulation, with LH and with LH + an inhibitor of steroid biosynthesis. Formation of prostaglandins PGE and PGF and of progesterone and estradiol was measured in these incubates. It was found that aminoglutethimide phosphate (AGP) inhibited the LH stimulated biosynthesis of both prostaglandins and steroids. However U 30870 and Metyrapone, while completely inhibiting the LH stimulated biosynthesis of progesterone and estradiol respectively, had no effect on the formation of prostaglandins. Further, the inhibition of prostaglandin formation by AGP could not be reversed by exogenous steroids. It, therefore, appears that the effect of AGP on prostaglandin biosynthesis may not be related to its effect on steroid biosynthesis. However, the response of rabbit follicles to AGP is contrary to that reported for rat follicles and indicates different control mechanisms for prostaglandin formation in the follicles of the two species.  相似文献   

Embryo production is a useful tool for ex situ conservation of endangered species and breeds, despite a high variability in the ovarian response to superovulatory treatments. The current study evaluated the incidence and mechanisms of genetic factors in such variability, by determining the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a standard treatment with ovine FSH (oFSH) in two endangered Spanish sheep breeds (Rubia del Molar, R, and Negra de Colmenar, N) in comparison to Manchega ewes (M, control group). In the first experiment, pharmacokinetics of an i.m. single dose of 1.32 mg of oFSH was evaluated in seven animals of each breed. Plasma FSH concentrations reached their maximum at 4h post-administration in all the ewes, but several of the kinetic parameters (plasma FSH concentration at 4h post-administration, maximum plasma FSH concentration, C(max), and both the area under the plasma concentration-time curve extrapolated to the infinite, AUC(inf), and to the last moment of sampling, AUC(last)) were higher in the N group. In the second trial, 10 animals of each breed were superovulated using eight decreasing doses of oFSH (3 x 1.32 mg, 2 x 1.10 mg, and 3 x 0.88 mg). The R group, when compared to N and M, showed both a higher number of corpora lutea (13.7+/-0.6 versus 10.0+/-0.4 in N and 9.8+/-0.6 in M, P<0.05 for both) and embryos (7.9+/-0.8 versus 4.3+/-0.4 in N, P<0.05, and 6.7+/-0.5 in M, n.s.). Evaluation of pharmacokinetic and dynamic parameters showed that, although there was a trend for a higher hormone availability in R sheep, mean FSH plasma concentrations were similar between breeds (0.54+/-0.08 ng/ml for R, 0.45+/-0.05 ng/ml for N and 0.35+/-0.05 ng/ml for M). However, differences were found in the number of preovulatory follicles growing in response to the FSH treatment between R (24.4+/-2.2), M (18.9+/-1.5, n.s.) and N sheep (14.1+/-1.4; P<0.01). Thus, differences in embryo yields between breeds would be related to differences in the pattern of follicular growth in response to FSH treatment.  相似文献   

The effects of PGF2alpha infusion in a dose of 25 micrograms/min for 5 hours on serum levels of estradiol-17beta, progesterone, LH, FSH, TSH and prolactin, and on the pituitary hormone responsiveness to LRH and TRH were studied in 10 apparently healthy cycling women in the mid-luteal phase. No systematic alteration was seen in the pituitary and ovarian hormone levels during PGF2alpha infusion, and the pituitary hormone responses to releasing hormones were unaffected. Ovarian steroid production increased in response to increased gonadotropin levels after LRH injection during PGF2alpha administration. These results confirm that PGF2alpha is not luteolytic in humans and no apparent relationship between PGF2alpha and pituitary hormone secretion exists.  相似文献   

The Ogt gene encodes a glycosyltransferase that links N-acetylglucosamine to serine and threonine residues (O-GlcNAc) on nuclear and cytosolic proteins. Efforts to study a mammalian model of Ogt deficiency have been hindered by the requirement for this X-linked gene in embryonic stem cell viability, necessitating the use of conditional mutagenesis in vivo. We have extended these observations by segregating Ogt mutation to distinct somatic cell types, including neurons, thymocytes, and fibroblasts, the latter by an approach developed for inducible Ogt mutagenesis. We show that Ogt mutation results in the loss of O-GlcNAc and causes T-cell apoptosis, neuronal tau hyperphosphorylation, and fibroblast growth arrest with altered expression of c-Fos, c-Jun, c-Myc, Sp1, and p27. We further segregated the mutant Ogt allele to parental gametes by oocyte- and spermatid-specific Cre-loxP mutagenesis. By this we established an in vivo genetic approach that supports the ontogeny of female heterozygotes bearing mutant X-linked genes required during embryogenesis. Successful production and characterization of such female heterozygotes further indicates that mammalian cells commonly require a functional Ogt allele. We find that O-GlcNAc modulates protein phosphorylation and expression among essential and conserved cell signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Sheep were treated for 10 or 17 days with triamcinolone acetonide, 0.1 mg/kg body weight/day, or desoxycorticosterone acetate, 0.1 mg/kg body weight/day, and the results of renal function studies during hydropenia and mannitol diuresis were compared with respective control periods. GFR was increased and urine concentration was unimpaired by treatment with triamcinolone. A consistent decrease in mannitol-induced Na excretion was observed, but with large variations in the mean change, in triamcinolone treatment periods. Treatment with desoxycorticosterone resulted in an increased GFR but with impaired urine concentrating capacity. The hypokalemia produced by desoxycorticosterone was not accompanied by an increase in urinary K excretion. During mannitol diuresis in sheep treated with desoxycorticosterone, there was a significant decrease in Na excretion when compared with control periods.  相似文献   

Early morphological changes in the ultrastructure of CL of ewes treated with prostaglandin F2alpha were examined in relation to luteal function as judged by plasma progesterone concentration. The luteolytic effect of prostaglandin F2alpha was confirmed, but there was little synchrony between morphological and functional luteolysis. Significant changes included a decrease in the amount of smooth endoplasmic reticulum, a change in the shape of mitochondria and a decrease in the number of membrane-bound granules. There was also an accumulation of lipids.  相似文献   

Recent studies have reported that beta-adrenergic agonists stimulate the production of stimulatory prostaglandins (PGs) by intrauterine tissues in vitro. These drugs are used clinically to inhibit uterine contractions; consequently an increase in stimulatory PGs in vivo might have potentially adverse effects. We have, therefore, investigated whether beta-adrenergic agonists increase plasma PG concentrations in vivo. Samples of peripheral (aorta) and uterine venous enriched (vena cava) blood from nonpregnant sheep were collected at 15-min intervals for 1 h before, 3 h during, and 1 h postinfusion of either (a) the beta-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol (Isop) at a dose of 0.16 microgram.kg-1.min-1; (b) Isop at a dose of 0.08 microgram.kg-1.min-1; or (c) saline, 1 mL/h via a jugular vein catheter. The sheep were also equipped with intrauterine recording balloons to record intrauterine pressure and myometrial electromyographic (EMG) electrodes to measure EMG activity. Infusion of Isop at 0.16 microgram.kg-1.min-1 produced a significant initial inhibition of uterine activity, although contractions returned (within 60 min) despite continued administration of Isop. Plasma PGE2 (but not PGF2 alpha or 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGF2 alpha (PGFM] concentrations were significantly elevated during the Isop infusion. Administration of Isop at 0.08 microgram.kg-1.min-1 produced no effects on uterine contractile activity but was associated with a significant elevation in plasma PGE2 (but not PGF2 alpha or PGFM) concentrations. No changes in plasma PGE2, PGF2 alpha, or PGFM occurred during saline infusion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate differences in the expression of estrogen receptor-alpha (ERalpha), progesterone receptor (PR) and the proliferative indexes (Ki-67), in the uterus and oviduct of sheep with estrus synchronized either by prostaglandin analogues (Group PA, n=27) or by treatment with progestagens (Group P, n=29) on days 4 and 7 (day 0=estrus), when the embryos were collected. Immunohistochemical methods were used to quantify ERalpha, PR and Ki-67 in six superficial and deep compartments in the uterus and oviduct. The expression of ERalpha was significantly (P<0.01) lower in progestagen treated ewes than in prostaglandin analogues treated group in the luminal epithelium, superficial glands and superficial stroma in the uterus on day 4. The expression of PR was significantly lower in progesterone treated ewes than in the PA Group in the superficial gland (P<0.05) in both days studied. The lowest expression of PR was observed in the luminal caruncular epithelium and superficial glands in both treatments, obtaining the lowest levels on day 4 (P<0.05). There were significant differences between days 4 and 7 in the Ki-67 immunostaining in the luminal epithelium (P<0.01) and superficial glands (P<0.05). A higher cell proliferation was observed in the uterine epithelium (P<0.05) on day 4 in the animals treated with progestagens. Results indicate that sheep with synchronization of estrus with progestagens showed a reduction of ERalpha and PR protein expression in most of oviductal and uterine cells.  相似文献   

The effects of intravenous infusion of ornithine-vasopressin (OVP) and desamino-D-arginine-vasopressin (dDAVP) were studied in normal and hydrated Merino sheep. In normal sheep, OVP resulted in a diuresis, increased urinary sodium and potassium excretion, and a fall in the plasma potassium concentration. Renal plasma flow remained constant but glomerular filtration rate and filtration fraction rose markedly. dDAVP in normal sheep was antidiuretic, but its only significant effect was a small decrease in plasma osmolality. In the hydrated sheep OVP was antidiuretic and resulted in increased urinary excretion of sodium and potassium, and a fall in the plasma potassium level. Renal plasma flow fell, but glomerular filtration and filtration fraction tended to rise. dDAVP in the hydrated sheep was also antidiuretic but urinary sodium and potassium excretion was reduced. Renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration fell, with a small decrease in filtration fraction. These results suggest that the diuretic effect in normal sheep and the electrolyte-excreting effects in both normal and hydrated sheep of OVP are related to the increase in glomerular filtration, which in turn is dependent on the vasopressor activity of the hormone. The increase in glomerular filtration caused by OVP is due to an increase in the filtration fraction of an unchanged renal plasma flow, which could be brought about by an increase in renal efferent arteriolar tone. The effects of hydration of the sheep were the conventional increased urine flow, decreased urine osmolality and decreased solute-free water reabsorption. Sodium and potassium excretion rose slightly and plasma osmolality fell. Renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration both increased with little change in filtration fraction. These effects could be brought about by suppression of endogenous vasopressin and a decrease in both afferent and efferent renal arteriolar tone.  相似文献   

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