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PHB(polyP) complexes bind calcium and form calcium channels in the cytoplasmic membrane in Escherichia coli and are likely to be important in Ca2+ homeostasis in this organism. E. coli N43, which lacks the AcrA component of a major multidrug resistance pump, was shown to be defective in calcium handling, with an inability to maintain submicromolar levels of free Ca2+ in the cytoplasm. Therefore, using an N-phenyl-1-napthylamine (NPN)-dependent fluorescence assay, we measured temperature-dependent phase transitions in the membranes of intact cells. These transitions specifically depend on the presence of PHB(Ca2+polyP) complexes. PHB(Ca2+polyP) channel complexes, particularly in stationary phase cultures, were detected in wild-type strains; however, in contrast, isogenic acrA strains had greatly reduced amounts of the complexes. This indicates that the AcrAB transporter may have a novel, hitherto undetected physiological role, either directly in the membrane assembly of the PHB complexes or the transport of a component of the membrane, which is essential for assembly of the complexes into the membrane. In other experiments, we showed that the particular defective calcium handling detected in N43 was not due to the absence of AcrA but to other unknown factors in this strain.  相似文献   

The AcrAB system of Escherichia coli is a multidrug efflux system composed of an RND-type transporter AcrB and a periplasmic accessory protein AcrA, and pumps out a wide variety of lipophilic and amphiphilic inhibitors directly into the medium, presumably through the TolC outer membrane channel. AcrA, a highly elongated protein, is thought to bring the outer and inner membranes closer. It forms a trimer that interacts with a monomeric AcrB, which was shown by in vitro reconstitution to be a proton antiporter. Details of interaction between the  相似文献   

Control of the AcrAB multidrug efflux pump by quorum-sensing regulator SdiA   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
SdiA is an Escherichia coli protein that regulates cell division in a cell density-dependent, or quorum-sensing, manner. We report that SdiA also controls multidrug resistance by positively regulating the multidrug resistance pump AcrAB. Overproduction of SdiA confers multidrug resistance and increased levels of AcrAB. Conversely, sdiA null mutants are hypersensitive to drugs and have decreased levels of AcrB protein. Our findings provide a link between quorum sensing and multidrug efflux. Combined with previously published reports, our data support a model in which a role of drug efflux pumps is to mediate cell-cell communication in response to cell density. Xenobiotics expelled by pumps may resemble the communication molecules that they normally efflux.  相似文献   

A major tripartite multidrug efflux pump of Escherichia coli, AcrAB–TolC, confers resistance to a wide variety of compounds. The drug molecule is captured by AcrB probably from the periplasm or the periplasm/inner membrane interface, and is passed through AcrB and then TolC to the medium. Currently, there exist numerous crystallographic and mutation data concerning the regions of AcrB and its homologues that may interact with substrates. Starting with these data, we devised fluorescence assays in whole cells to determine the entire substrate path through AcrB. We tested 48 residues in AcrB along the predicted substrate path and 25 gave positive results, based on the covalent labelling of cysteine residues by a lipophilic dye‐maleimide and the blocking of Nile red efflux by covalent labelling with bulky maleimide reagents. These residues are all located in the periplasmic domain, in regions we designate as the lower part of the large external cleft, the cleft itself, the crystallographically defined binding pocket, and the gate between the pocket and the funnel. Our observations suggest that the substrate is captured in the lower cleft region of AcrB, then transported through the binding pocket, the gate and finally to the AcrB funnel that connects AcrB to TolC.  相似文献   

AcrAB of Escherichia coli, an archetype among bacterial multidrug efflux pumps, exports an extremely wide range of substrates including solvents, dyes, detergents and antimicrobial agents. Its expression is regulated by three XylS/AraC family regulators, MarA, SoxS and Rob. Although MarA and SoxS regulation works by the alteration of their own expression levels, it was not known how Rob, which is constitutively expressed, exerts its regulatory action. We show here that the induction of the AcrAB efflux pump by decanoate and the more lipophilic unconjugated bile salts is mediated by Rob, and that the low-molecular-weight inducers specifically bind to the C-terminal, non-DNA-binding domain of Rob. Induction of Rob is not needed for induction of AcrAB, and we suggest that the inducers act by producing conformational alterations in pre-existing Rob, as was suggested recently (Rosner, Dangi, Gronenborn and Martin, J Bacteriol 184: 1407-1416, 2002). Decanoate and unconjugated bile salts, which are present in the normal habitat of E. coli, were further shown to make the bacteria more resistant to lipophilic antibiotics, at least in part because of the induction of the AcrAB efflux pump. Thus, it is likely that E. coli is protecting itself by the Rob-mediated upregulation of AcrAB against the harmful effects of bile salts and fatty acids in the intestinal tract.  相似文献   

The enterobacterium Erwinia amylovora causes fire blight on members of the family Rosaceae, with economic importance on apple and pear. During pathogenesis, the bacterium is exposed to a variety of plant-borne antimicrobial compounds. In plants of Rosaceae, many constitutively synthesized isoflavonoids affecting microorganisms were identified. Bacterial multidrug efflux transporters which mediate resistance toward structurally unrelated compounds might confer tolerance to these phytoalexins. To prove this hypothesis, we cloned the acrAB locus from E. amylovora encoding a resistance nodulation division-type transport system. In Escherichia coli, AcrAB of E. amylovora conferred resistance to hydrophobic and amphiphilic toxins. An acrB-deficient E. amylovora mutant was impaired in virulence on apple rootstock MM 106. Furthermore, it was susceptible toward extracts of leaves of MM 106 as well as to the apple phytoalexins phloretin, naringenin, quercetin, and (+)-catechin. The expression of acrAB was determined using the promoterless reporter gene egfp. The acrAB operon was up-regulated in vitro by the addition of phloretin and naringenin. The promoter activity of acrR, encoding a regulatory protein involved in acrAB expression, was increased by naringenin. In planta, an induction of acrAB was proved by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Our results strongly suggest that the AcrAB transport system plays an important role as a protein complex required for virulence of E. amylovora in resistance toward apple phytoalexins and that it is required for successful colonization of a host plant.  相似文献   

Summary The relative contributions of the Na+/Ca2+ exchange and the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump to active Ca2+ efflux from stimulated rat pancreatic acini were studied. Na+ gradients across the plasma membrane were manipulated by loading the cells with Na+ or suspending the cells in Na+-free media. The rates of Ca2+ efflux were estimated from measurements of [Ca2+] i using the Ca2+-sensitive fluorescent dye Fura 2 and45Ca efflux. During the first 3 min of cell stimulation, the pattern of Ca2+ efflux is described by a single exponential function under control, Na+-loaded, and Na+-depleted conditions. Manipulation of Na+ gradients had no effect on the hormone-induced increase in [Ca2+] i . The results indicate that Ca2+ efflux from stimulated pancreatic acinar cells is mediated by the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump. The effects of several cations, which were used to substitute for Na+, on cellular activity were also studied. Choline+ and tetramethylammonium+ (TMA+) released Ca2+ from intracellular stores of pancreatic acinar, gastric parietal and peptic cells. These cations also stimulated enzyme and acid secretion from the cells. All effects of these cations were blocked by atropine. Measurements of cholecystokinin-octapeptide (CCK-OP)-stimulated amylase release from pancreatic acini, suspended in Na+, TMA+, choline+, or N-methyl-d-glucamine+ (NMG+) media containing atropine, were used to evaluate the effect of the cations on cellular function. NMG+, choline+, and TMA+ inhibited amylase release by 55, 40 and 14%, respectively. NMG+ also increased the Ca2+ permeability of the plasma membrane. Thus, to study Na+ dependency of cellular function, TMA+ is the preferred cation to substitute for Na+. The stimulatory effect of TMA+ can be blocked by atropine.  相似文献   

A study examining the influence of TolC on AcrA, AcrR, and MarR1 mutants indicates that functional TolC is required for the operation of the AcrAB efflux system and for the expression of the Mar phenotype. That the effect of TolC on the AcrAB pump is not regulatory in nature is shown by studies measuring the influence of a tolC::Tn10 insertion mutation on the expression of an acrA::lacZ reporter fusion. These results are compatible with the hypothesis that TolC is a component of the AcrAB efflux complex.  相似文献   

The tripartite AcrAB–TolC multidrug efflux pump of Escherichia coli is the central conduit for cell‐toxic compounds and contributes to antibiotic resistance. While high‐resolution structures of all three proteins have been solved, much remains to be learned as to how the individual components come together to form a functional complex. In this study, we investigated the importance of the AcrB β‐hairpins belonging to the DN and DC subdomains, which are presumed to dock with TolC, in complex stability and activity of the complete pump. Our data show that the DN subdomain β‐hairpin residues play a more critical role in complex stability and activity than the DC subdomain hairpin residues. The failure of the AcrB DN β‐hairpin deletion mutant to engage with TolC leads to the drug hypersensitivity phenotype, which is reversed by compensatory alterations in the lipoyl and β‐barrel domains of AcrA. Moreover, AcrA and TolC mutants that induce TolC opening also reverse the drug hypersensitivity phenotype of the AcrB β‐hairpin mutants, indicating a failure by the AcrB mutant to interact and thus induce TolC opening on its own. Together, these data suggest that both AcrB β‐hairpins and AcrA act to stabilize the tripartite complex and induce TolC opening for drug expulsion.  相似文献   

VceC is the outer membrane component of the major facilitator (MF) VceAB-VceC multiple-drug-resistant (MDR) efflux pump of Vibrio cholerae. TolC is the outer membrane component of the resistance-nodulation-division AcrAB-TolC efflux pump of Escherichia coli. Although these proteins share little amino acid sequence identity, their crystal structures can be readily superimposed upon one another. In this study, we have asked if TolC and VceC are interchangeable for the functioning of the AcrAB and VceAB pumps. We have found that TolC can replace VceC to form a functional VceAB-TolC MDR pump, but VceC cannot replace TolC to form a functional AcrAB-VceC pump. However, we have been able to isolate gain-of-function (gof) VceC mutants which can functionally interface with AcrAB. These mutations map to four different amino acids located at the periplasmic tip of VceC. Chemical cross-linkage experiments indicate that both wild-type and gof mutant VceC can physically interact with the AcrAB complex, suggesting that these gof mutations are not affecting the recruitment of VceC to the AcrAB complex but rather its ability to functionally interface with the AcrAB pump.  相似文献   

The multidrug efflux system AcrA-AcrB-TolC of Escherichia coli expels a wide range of drugs directly into the external medium from the bacterial cell. The mechanism of the efflux process is not fully understood. Of an elongated shape, AcrA is thought to span the periplasmic space coordinating the concerted operation of the inner and outer membrane proteins AcrB and TolC. In this study, we used site-directed spin labeling (SDSL) EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) spectroscopy to investigate the molecular conformations of AcrA in solution. Ten AcrA mutants, each with an alanine to cysteine substitution, were engineered, purified, and labeled with a nitroxide spin label. EPR analysis of spin-labeled AcrA variants indicates that the side chain mobilities are consistent with the predicted secondary structure of AcrA. We further demonstrated that acidic pH induces oligomerization and conformational change of AcrA, and that the structural changes are reversible. These results suggest that the mechanism of action of AcrA in drug efflux is similar to the viral membrane fusion proteins, and that AcrA actively mediates the efflux of substrates.  相似文献   

H Okusu  D Ma    H Nikaido 《Journal of bacteriology》1996,178(1):306-308
Multiple-antibiotic-resistance (Mar) mutants of Escherichia coli are resistant to a wide variety of antibiotics, and increased active efflux is known to be responsible for the resistance to some drugs. The identity of the efflux system, however, has remained unknown. By constructing an isogenic set of E. coli K-12 strains, we showed that the marR1 mutation was incapable of increasing the resistance level in the absence of the AcrAB efflux system. This experiment identified the AcrAB system as the major pump responsible for making the Mar mutants resistant to many agents, including tetracycline, chloramphenicol, ampicillin, nalidixic acid, and rifampin.  相似文献   

Thiolactomycin (TLM) and cerulenin are antibiotics that block Escherichia coli growth by inhibiting fatty acid biosynthesis at the beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase I step. Both TLM and cerulenin trigger the accumulation of intracellular malonyl-coenzyme A coincident with growth inhibition, and the overexpression of synthase I protein confers resistance to both antibiotics. Strain CDM5 was derived as a TLM-resistant mutant but remained sensitive to cerulenin. TLM neither induced malonyl-coenzyme A accumulation nor blocked fatty acid production in vivo; however, the fatty acid synthase activity in extracts from strain CDM5 was sensitive to TLM inhibition. The TLM resistance gene in strain CDM5 was mapped to 57.5 min of the chromosome and was an allele of the emrB gene. Disruption of the emrB gene converted strain CDM5 to a TLM-sensitive strain, and the overexpression of the emrAB operon conferred TLM resistance to sensitive strains. Thus, activation of the emr efflux pump is the mechanism for TLM resistance in strain CDM5.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, the intrinsic levels of resistance to multiple antimicrobial agents are produced through expression of the three-component multidrug efflux system AcrAB-TolC. AcrB is a proton-motive-force-dependent transporter located in the inner membrane, and AcrA and TolC are accessory proteins located in the periplasm and the outer membrane, respectively. In this study, these three proteins were expressed separately, and the interactions between them were analyzed by chemical cross-linking in intact cells. We show that AcrA protein forms oligomers, most probably trimers. In this oligomeric form, AcrA interacts specifically with AcrB transporter independently of substrate and TolC.  相似文献   

The Neurospora plasma membrane Ca2+ pump   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Plasma membrane vesicles isolated from the eukaryotic microorganism Neurospora crassa by the concanavalin A method catalyze Mg2+-ATP dependent 45Ca2+ accumulation. Since the ATP-responsive vesicles are functionally inverted, the Ca2+ transport system presumably operates as a Ca2+ exit pump in the intact cell. The mechanism of the Ca2+ pump system involves two components: 1) an electrogenic, proton-translocating ATPase (EC, which utilizes the chemical energy of ATP hydrolysis to generate a transmembrane electrical potential and pH gradient, and 2) a Ca2+/H+ antiporter, which utilizes the transmembrane pH gradient to energize the active transport of Ca2+. Evidence for this mechanism is presented and the possible implications of these findings for the mechanisms of Ca2+ pumps in other cells are discussed.  相似文献   

The major Escherichia coli multidrug efflux pump AcrAB-TolC expels a wide range of antibacterial agents. Using in vivo cross-linking, we show for the first time that the antiporter AcrB and the adaptor AcrA, which form a translocase in the inner membrane, interact with the outer membrane TolC exit duct to form a contiguous proteinaceous complex spanning the bacterial cell envelope. Assembly of the pump appeared to be constitutive, occurring in the presence and absence of drug efflux substrate. This contrasts with substrate-induced assembly of the closely related TolC-dependent protein export machinery, possibly reflecting different assembly dynamics and degrees of substrate responsiveness in the two systems. TolC could be cross-linked independently to AcrB, showing that their large periplasmic domains are in close proximity. However, isothermal titration calorimetry detected no interaction between the purified AcrB and TolC proteins, suggesting that the adaptor protein is required for their stable association in vivo. Confirming this view, AcrA could be cross-linked independently to AcrB and TolC in vivo, and calorimetry demonstrated energetically favourable interactions of AcrA with both AcrB and TolC proteins. AcrB was bound by a polypeptide spanning the C-terminal half of AcrA, but binding to TolC required interaction of N- and C-terminal polypeptides spanning the lipoyl-like domains predicted to present the intervening coiled-coil to the periplasmic coils of TolC. These in vivo and in vitro analyses establish the central role of the AcrA adaptor in drug-independent assembly of the tripartite drug efflux pump, specifically in coupling the inner membrane transporter and the outer membrane exit duct.  相似文献   

AcrA/B in Escherichia coli is a multicomponent system responsible for intrinsic resistance to a wide range of toxic compounds, and probably cooperates with the outer membrane protein TolC. In this study, acrAB genes were cloned from the E. coli W3104 chromosome. To determine the topology of the inner membrane component AcrB, we employed a chemical labeling approach to analyse mutants of AcrB in which a single cysteine residue had been introduced. The cysteine-free AcrB mutant, in which the two intrinsic Cys residues were replaced by Ala, retained full drug resistance. We constructed 33 cysteine mutants in which a single cysteine was introduced into each putative hydrophilic loop region of the cysteine-free AcrB. The binding of [(14)C]N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) to the Cys residue and the competition of NEM binding with the binding of a membrane-impermeant maleimide, 4-acetamide-4'-maleimidylstilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (AMS), in intact cells were investigated. The results revealed that the N- and C-terminals are localized on the cytoplasmic surface of the membrane and the two large loops are localized on the periplasmic surface of the membrane. The results supported the 12-membrane-spanning structure of AcrB. Three of the four short periplasmic loop regions were covered by the two large periplasmic loop domains and were not exposed to the water phase until one of the two large periplasmic loops was removed.  相似文献   

The Ca2+ pump of the plasma membrane.   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  

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