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The forebrain develops into the telencephalon, diencephalon, and optic vesicle (OV). The OV further develops into the optic cup, the inner and outer layers of which develop into the neural retina and retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE), respectively. We studied the change in fate of the OV by using embryonic transplantation and explant culture methods. OVs excised from 10-somite stage chick embryos were freed from surrounding tissues (the surface ectoderm and mesenchyme) and were transplanted back to their original position in host embryos. Expression of neural retina-specific genes, such as Rax and Vsx2 (Chx10), was downregulated in the transplants. Instead, expression of the telencephalon-specific gene Emx1 emerged in the proximal region of the transplants, and in the distal part of the transplants close to the epidermis, expression of an RPE-specific gene Mitf was observed. Explant culture studies showed that when OVs were cultured alone, Rax was continuously expressed regardless of surrounding tissues (mesenchyme and epidermis). When OVs without surrounding tissues were cultured in close contact with the anterior forebrain, Rax expression became downregulated in the explants, and Emx1 expression became upregulated. These findings indicate that chick OVs at stage 10 are bi-potential with respect to their developmental fates, either for the neural retina or for the telencephalon, and that the surrounding tissues have a pivotal role in their actual fates. An in vitro tissue culture model suggests that under the influence of the anterior forebrain and/or its surrounding tissues, the OV changes its fate from the retina to the telencephalon.  相似文献   

Dorsal and ventral specification in the early optic vesicle plays a crucial role in vertebrate ocular morphogenesis, and proper dorsal‐ventral polarity in the optic vesicle ensures that distinct structures develop in separate domains within the eye primordium. The polarity is determined progressively during development by coordinated regulation of extraocular dorsal and ventral factors. In the present study, we cultured discrete portions of embryonic chick brains by preparing anterior cephalon, anterior dorsal cephalon and anterior ventral cephalon, and clearly demonstrate that bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) and Sonic hedgehog (Shh) constitute a dorsal‐ventral signaling system together with fibroblast growth factor 8 (FGF8). BMP4 and Shh upregulate Tbx5 and Pax2, as reported previously, and at the same time Shh downregulates Tbx5, while BMP4 affects Pax2 expression to downregulate similarly. Shh induces Fgf8 expression in the ventral optic vesicle. This, in turn, determines the distinct boundary of the retinal pigmented epithelium and the neural retina by suppressing Mitf expression. The lens develops only when signals from both the dorsal and ventral regions come across together. Inverted deposition of Shh and BMP4 signals in organ‐cultured optic vesicle completely re‐organized ocular structures to be inverted. Based on these observations we propose a novel model in which the two signals govern the whole of ocular development when they encounter each other in the ocular morphogenic domain.  相似文献   

Summary In an attempt to prolong the survival of the explanted early chick embryo heart, hearts at stages 10 to 28 were cultured in supplemented Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium with or without the perfluorocarbon, perfluorotributylamine. The perfluorocarbon was added to the standard culture medium in a 50∶50 (vol/vol) mixture. Explants were evaluated daily and were harvested for light microscopy after 2 to 10 d in culture. The tubular shape of the explants was generally maintained for 2 d in culture, after which the hearts became dilated or spherical. Beating was noted in some of the explants on Day 2 in culture but not thereafter. Microscopic evaluation showed patchy areas of necrosis in all explants by Day 3, although large areas of viable epithelioid cells were documented as long as 7 d after explantation. State 16 to 18 hearts cultured in the presence of perfluorocarbon were more likely to maintain tubular architecture on microscopy than hearts cultured in standard medium. Hearts cultured from later stages showed no improvement in appearance with the presence of perfluorocarbon and there was a suggestion of increased necrosis in later-stage explants cultured with pefluorocarbon for 4 d. Further modification of the culture system will be required to prolong explant survival and development beyond 2 d.  相似文献   

The optic nerve, as a part of the central nervous system (CNS), has been used to study axonal transport for decades. The present study has concentrated on the axonal transport of synaptic vesicle proteins in the optic nerve, using the “stop-flow/nerve crush” method. After blocking fast axonal transport, distinct accumulations of synaptic vesicle proteins developed during the first hour after crush-operation and marked increases were observed up to 8 h postoperative. Semiquantitative analysis, using cytofluorimetric scanning (CFS) of immunoincubated sections, revealed that the ratio between distal accumulations (organelles in retrograde transport) and proximal accumulations (organelles in anterograde transport) was much higher (up to 80–90%) for the transmembrane proteins than that for surface adsorbed proteins (only 10–20%). The pattern of axonal transport in the optic nerve was comparable to that in the sciatic nerve. However, clathrin and Rab3a immunoreactivities were accumulated in much lower amounts than that in the sciatic nerve. Most synaptic vesicle proteins were colocalized in the axons proximal to the crush. A differential distribution of synaptobrevin I and II, however, was observed in the optic nerve axons; synaptobrevin I was present in large-sized axons, while synaptobrevin II immunoreactivity was present in most axons, including the large ones. The two isoforms were, thus, partially colocalized. The results demonstrate that (1) cytofluorimetric scanning techniques could be successfully used to study axonal transport not only in peripheral nerves, but also in the CNS; (2) synaptic vesicles are transported with fast axonal transport in this nerve; and (3) some differences were noted compared with the sciatic nerve, especially for Rab3a and clathrin. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 32: 237–250, 1997.  相似文献   

The roles of beta-catenin in evagination of the optic primordium in rat embryos were studied using immunostaining. High levels of beta-catenin appeared transiently in the evaginating optic primordium. Evagination of the optic primordium was suppressed in embryos treated with LiCl. In deficient optic vesicles of these embryos, accumulation of beta-catenin was decreased. Deficient optic vesicles also showed suppression of cyclin D1 accumulation and bromodeoxyuridine incorporation, no break in the deposition of laminin and type IV collagen at the basement membrane (BM) and prevention of the change in distribution of microtubules and microfilaments. These results suggest that beta-catenin regulates cell proliferation, breakdown of BM and changes in cell shape in the evaginating optic primordium to cause optic vesicle formation.  相似文献   

Dorsal and ventral specification in the early optic vesicle appears to play a crucial role in the proper development of the eye. In the present study, we performed embryonic transplantation and organ culturing of the chick optic vesicle in order to investigate how the dorsal-ventral (D-V) polarity is established in the optic vesicle and what role this polarity plays in proper eye development. The left optic vesicle was cut and transplanted inversely in the right eye cavity of host chick embryos. This method ensured that the D-V polarity was reversed while the anteroposterior axis remained normal. The results showed that the location of the choroid fissure was altered from the normal (ventral) to ectopic positions as the embryonic stage of transplantation progressed from 6 to 18 somites. At the same time, the shape of the optic vesicle and the expression patterns of Pax2 and Tbx5, marker genes for ventral and dorsal regions of the optic vesicle, respectively, changed concomitantly in a similar way. The crucial period was between the 8- and 14-somite stages, and during this period the polarity seemed to be gradually determined. In ovo explant culturing of the optic vesicle showed that the D-V polarity and choroid fissure formation were already specified by the 10-somite stage. These results indicate that the D-V polarity of the optic vesicle is established gradually between 8- and 14-somite stages under the influence of signals derived from the midline portion of the forebrain. The presumptive signal(s) appeared to be transmitted from proximal to distal regions within the optic vesicle. A severe anomaly was observed in the development of optic vesicles reversely transplanted around the 10-somite stage: the optic cup formation was disturbed and subsequently the neural retina and pigment epithelium did not develop normally. We concluded that establishment of the D-V polarity in the optic vesicle plays an essential role in the patterning and differentiation of the neural retina and pigment epithelium.  相似文献   

To investigate the, interaction between -aminobutyric acid (GABA) and benzodiazepine (BZD) receptor sites during development, the time-course of appearance of flunitrazepam (FNZ) binding sites and their pharmacological characterization were studied in developing chick optic lobe. At the earliest stage examined, embryonic day (Ed) 12, the receptor density was 30.9 % (0.05±0.01 pmol/mg protein) of that found in the chick optic lobes of adult chicks. The adult value was achieved on Ed 16 (0.16±0.01 pmol/mg protein). After this stage there was a sharp and transient increase in specific [3H]FNZ binding of about two-fold reaching a maximal value between hatching and the postnatal day (pnd) 2 (0.33±0.01 pmol/mg protein). Scatchard analysis at different stages of development revealed the presence of a single population of specific FNZ binding sites. The increase in [3H]FNZ binding during development was due to a large number of binding sites while their affinity remained unchanged. Competition experiments in the chick optic lobe revealed that the order of potency for displacement of specific [3H]FNZ binding paralleled the pharmacological potency of the BZDs tested. The IC50 s for clonazepam, flunitrazepam, Ro 15-1788 and chlordiazepoxide were 3.02, 4.30, 0.32, and 4778.64 nM respectively. Ro 5-4864, a potent inhibitor of BZD binding to peripheral tissues, had no effect on specific [3H]FNZ binding indicating that only central BZD binding sites are present in the chick optic lobe. The peak of maximal expression of BZD receptor sites precedes in 5–6 days the peak of GABA receptor sites indicating a precocious development of BZD receptor sites. The different appearance of both peaks may represent important events during development probably related to synaptogenesis.  相似文献   

The early development of several species involves the segregation of cytoplasmic components into different regions of the egg. In Xenopus zygotes, a 30° rotation displaces the central animal cytoplasm to the future dorsal side of the embryo. To elucidate the role of the central animal cytoplasm in dorsal determination, we induced germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) closer to the equator by cold/centrifugation treatment of oocytes. Centrifugation moved the germinal vesicle to the centripetal side; eggs with such displaced GVBD fertilized and began to develop normally. Dorsal embryonic structures tended to develop on the GVBD side of the egg, but displacement of the GVBD was insufficient to rescue dorsal structures in axis-deficient embryos. The labeling of yolk platelets of oocytes with Trypan Blue revealed similar cytoplasmic patterns in control and treated eggs. Furthermore, 67% of treated eggs had Danilchik's swirl, indicative of the dorsal side, on the GVBD side. In conclusion, both the swirl and dorsal development tend to occur on the GVBD side of cold/centrifuged eggs; however, displaced GVBD cannot by itself determine dorsality.  相似文献   

The present review covers all the published data on neuron death in the developing avian isthmo–optic nucleus (ION), which provides a particularly convenient situation for studying the causes and consequences of neuron death in the development of the vertebrate central nervous system. The main conclusions are as follows: The naturally occurring neuron death in the ION is related both temporally and causally to the ION's formation of afferent and efferent connections. The ION neurons need to obtain both anterograde and retrograde survival signals in order to survive during a critical period in embryogenesis. They may compete, at least for the retrograde signals, but the nature of the competition is still unclear. The retrograde signals are modified by action potentials. Neurons dying from a lack of anterograde survival signals can be distinguished morphologically from ones dying from a lack of retrograde signals. The neuron death refines circuitry by selectively eliminating neurons with “aberrant” axons projecting to the “wrong” (i.e., ipsilateral) retina or to the “wrong” (topographically inappropriate) part of the contralateral retina. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Different organotypical culture methods are used to test the direct effects of serotonin and ketanserin, a S2, α1, and H1 receptor antagonist in vascular tissue, on fibroblasts and epidermal cells of embryonic chick skin in vitro. From light microscopic and electron microscopic analyses, we learn that serotonin enhances keratinization and differentiation, whereas ketanserin reduces differentiation in comparison to the control cultures. Incorporation data of fragments cultured with [3H]thymidine show that ketanserin, within a dose range from 0.05 to 5 μg/ml, stimulates proliferation. Serotonin at a concentration of 10 μg/ml slightly slows down proliferation, whereas lower doses of 0.1 and 1 μg/ml result in tritium activities that do not differ from control cultures. This investigation was financially supported by the National Fund of Scientific Research, Belgium, 3.0022.87.  相似文献   

Elucidating the mechanisms underlying eye development is essential for advancing the medical treatment of eye‐related disorders. The primordium of the eye is an optic vesicle (OV), which has a dual potential for generation of the developing neural retina and retinal pigment epithelium. However, the factors that regulate the differentiation of the retinal primordium remain unclear. We have previously shown that overexpression of Lhx1 and Lhx5, members of the LIM‐homeobox genes, induced the formation of a second neural retina from the presumptive pigmented retina of the OV. However, the precise timing of Lhx1 expression required for neural retina differentiation has not been clarified. Moreover, RNA interference of Lhx5 has not been previously reported. Here, using a modified electroporation method, we show that, Lhx1 expression in the forebrain around stage 8 is required for neural retina formation. In addition, we have succeeded in the knockdown of Lhx5 expression, resulting in conversion of the neural retina region to a pigment vesicle‐like tissue, which indicates that Lhx5 is also required for neural retina differentiation, which correlates temporally with the activity of Lhx1. These results suggest that Lhx1 and Lhx5 in the forebrain regulate neural retina differentiation by suppressing the development of the retinal pigment epithelium, before the formation of the OV.  相似文献   

Elongation of the efferent fibers of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons toward their peripheral targets occurs during development. Attractive or permissive systems may be involved in this elongation. However, the molecular mechanisms that control it are largely unknown. Here we show that class 5 semaphorin Sema5A had attractive/permissive effects on DRG axons. In mouse embryos, Sema5A was expressed in and around the path of DRG efferent fibers, and cell aggregates secreting Sema5A attracted DRG axons in vitro. We also found that ectopic Sema5A expression in the spinal cord attracted DRG axons. Together, these findings suggest that Sema5A functions as an attractant to elongate DRG fibers and contributes to the formation of the early sensory network.  相似文献   

Elongation of the efferent fibers of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons toward their peripheral targets occurs during development. Attractive or permissive systems may be involved in this elongation. However, the molecular mechanisms that control it are largely unknown. Here we show that class 5 semaphorin Sema5A had attractive/permissive effects on DRG axons. In mouse embryos, Sema5A was expressed in and around the path of DRG efferent fibers, and cell aggregates secreting Sema5A attracted DRG axons in vitro. We also found that ectopic Sema5A expression in the spinal cord attracted DRG axons. Together, these findings suggest that Sema5A functions as an attractant to elongate DRG fibers and contributes to the formation of the early sensory network.  相似文献   

The chick embryonic eye is an excellent model for the study of vertebrate organogenesis. Key events in eye development involve thickening, invagination and cytodifferentiation of the lens primordium. While these events occur successively at different developmental stages, the extent to which these events are temporally related is largely unknown. Here we show that the lens invagination is highly sensitive to temperature. Lowering of incubation temperature to 29°C at embryonic day 2 delayed the onset of invagination of the lens, but not thickening and cytodifferentiation, leading to abnormal protrusion of the eye. The temperature shift also delayed the inward bending of the underlying retinal primordium, even in the absence of the lens. Taken together, our results suggest that lens invagination is initiated independently of thickening and cytodifferentiation, possibly by mechanisms associated with morphogenesis of the primordial retina.  相似文献   

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