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The mechanical extensibilities of stage IVb Phycomyces were measured before and after a humidified wind stimulus. We find that when the humidity of the wind is greater than that of the ambient air, there is an increase in the mechanical extensibility of the cell wall. We also find that a step decrease in wind humidity results in a decrease in the mechanical extensibility of the cell wall.  相似文献   

In several species of obese animals, a group of phenethanolamine β-agonists stimulates lipolysis and thermogenesis, resulting in the loss of body fat and weight. Brown adipose tissue is considered to be the major target tissue for the antiobesity activity of these compounds. Independent of this antiobesity activity, some of these compounds are also antidiabetic and increase muscle mass. Based on the pharmacological profile of these com-pounds, a npeceptor was proposed and character-ized in mouse, rat, and humans. The 133-receptor in brown adipose tissue has been suggested to mediate the antiobesity activity of these 13-agonists. Whether this receptor is responsible for the antidiabetic activ-ity and whether there is a linkage between the antiobesity/antidiabetic activity and the nutrient par-titioning activity is not clear. Clinical trials with these mixed 13-agonists showed marginal antiobesity effects when caloric intake of subjects was restricted. Insulin sensitivity was also improved in some of the trials designed to test the antidiabetic activity of these compounds. Side effects included tachycardia and tremor. To eliminate these side effects, a second generation of compounds was selected for its agonist activity on rat D3-receptors. Clinical trials with these compounds have shown lit-tle increase of energy expenditure even at high doses. Successful development of an antiohesity and antidi-abetic drug from this class of compounds will require the elucidation of the physiological role of the human 133-receptor and the regulatory mecha-nism between fuel efficiency and feeding behavior.  相似文献   

Numerous net photosynthetic and dark respiratory measurements were made over a period of 4 years on leaves of 24 sour orange (Citrus aurantium) trees; 8 of them growing in ambient air at a mean CO2 concentration of 400 microliters per liter, and 16 growing in air enriched with CO2 to concentrations approaching 1000 microliters per liter. Over this CO2 concentration range, net photosynthesis increased linearly with CO2 by more than 200%, whereas dark respiration decreased linearly to only 20% of its initial value. These results, together with those of a comprehensive fine-root biomass determination and two independent aboveground trunk and branch volume inventories, suggest that a doubling of the air's current mean CO2 concentration of 360 microliters per liter would enhance the growth of the trees by a factor of 3.8.  相似文献   

Two methods were used to estimate construction costs for leaves,stems, branches and woody roots of yellow-poplar (LiriodendrontulipiferaL.) trees grown at ambient (35 Pa) and elevated (65Pa) CO2for 2.7 years and trees of white oak (Quercus albaL.)grown at these same CO2partial pressures for 4 years. Samplecombustion in a bomb calorimeter combined with measurementsof ash and nitrogen content provided the primary method of estimatingtissue construction costs (WG; g glucose g-1dry mass). Thesevalues were compared with a second, simpler method in whichcost estimates were derived from tissue ash, carbon and nitrogencontent (VG). Estimates of WGwere lower for leaves, branchesand roots of yellow-poplar and for leaves of white oak grownat elevated compared with ambient CO2partial pressures. TheseCO2-induced differences in WGranged from 3.7% in yellow-poplarroots to 2.1% in white oak leaves. Only in the case of yellow-poplarleaves, however, were differences in VGobserved between CO2treatments.Leaf VGwas 1.46 g glucose g-1dry mass in ambient-grown treescompared with 1.41 g glucose g-1dry mass for CO2-enriched trees.Although paired-estimates of WGand VGclustered about a 1:1 linefor leaves and branches, estimates of VGwere consistently lowerthan WGfor stems and roots. Construction costs per unit leafarea were 95 g glucose m-2for yellow-poplar trees grown at ambientCO2and 106 g glucose m-2for trees grown at elevated CO2partialpressures. No differences in area-based construction costs wereobserved for white oak. Whole-plant energy content was 1220g glucose per tree in ambient-grown white oak compared with2840 g glucose per tree for those grown at elevated CO2partialpressures. These differences were driven largely by CO2-inducedchanges in total biomass. We conclude that while constructioncosts were lower at elevated CO2partial pressures, the magnitudeof this response argues against an increased efficiency of carbonuse in the growth processes of trees exposed to CO2enrichment. Bomb calorimeter; construction costs; elevated CO2; energy allocation; global change; growth respiration; heat of combustion; respiration; Liriodendron tulipifera; Quercus alba  相似文献   

The passion in the scientific endeavors of Marshall Warren Nirenberg had been his quest for knowledge regarding the storage, retrieval, and processing of information in the cell. After deciphering the genetic code for which he shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1968, Nirenberg devoted his attention to unraveling the mysteries in the most complex cellular organization in the body, i.e., the nervous system, especially those governing neuronal development, plasticity, and synaptogenesis. During the tenure of the primary author (RR) as a postdoctoral Staff Fellow in the Nirenberg laboratory in the late seventies to early eighties, he had the opportunity of working on projects related to what Nirenberg used to broadly define as the “synaptic code.” The major aspects of these projects dealt with the functional macromolecules relevant to neuronal growth, organization, lineage, selectivity, stabilization, synaptogenesis, and functions such as neuroexocytosis. This author’s emphasis was particularly on voltage-gated calcium channels that regulate stimulus-induced neurotransmitter release. One central as well as crucial theme in these studies was the fact that the neurons had to be mature and differentiated in order to study these entities (Science 222: 794–799, 1983; Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol 48: 707–715, 1983). In this communication, we illustrate how did this basic knowledge, i.e., cell maturation-dependent properties being essential for neuronal functions, led to a successful experimental design and demonstration of the validity of the targeted neurologic therapeutic delivery approach based on recombinant botulinum toxin serotype A (BoNT/A) heavy chain (rHC) serving as a neuron-specific targeting molecule (BMC Pharmacol 9: 12, 2009).  相似文献   

Both structural and functional approaches to restoration of eastern deciduous forests are becoming more common as recognition of the altered state of these ecosystems grows. In our study, structural restoration involves mechanically modifying the woody plant assemblage to a species composition, density, and community structure specified by the restoration goals. Functional restoration involves reintroducing dormant‐season, low‐severity fire at intervals consistent with the historical condition. Our approach was to quantify the effects of such restoration treatments on soil organic carbon and soil microbial activity, as these are both conservative ecosystem attributes and not ones explicitly targeted by the restoration treatments, themselves. Fire, mechanical thinning, and their combination all initially resulted in reduced soil organic C content, C:N ratio, and overall microbial activity (measured as acid phosphatase activity) in a study site in the southern Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina, but only the effect on microbial activity persisted into the fourth post‐treatment growing season. In contrast, in a similar forest in the central Appalachian Plateau of Ohio, mechanical thinning resulted in increased soil organic C, decreased C:N ratio, and decreased microbial activity, whereas fire and the combination of fire and thinning did not have such effects. In addition, the effects in Ohio had dissipated prior to the fourth post‐treatment growing season. Mechanical treatments are attractive in that they require only single entries; however, we see no indication that mechanical–structural restoration actually produced desired belowground changes. A single fire‐based/functional treatment also offered little restoration progress, but comparisons with long‐term experimental fire studies suggest that repeated entries with prescribed fire at intervals of 3–8 years offer potential for sustainable restoration.  相似文献   

Du Cloux, H. C, André, M., Daguenet, A. and Massinuno,J. 1987. Wheat response to CO2 enrichment: Growth and CO2 exchangesat two plant densities.—J. exp. Bot. 38: 1421–1431. The vegetative growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum L., var. Capitole)was followed for almost 40 d after germination in controlledconditions. Four different treatments were carried out by combiningtwo air concentrations of CO2, either normal (330 mm3 dm 3)or doubled (660 mm3 dm 3) with two plant densities, either 200plants m 2 or 40 plants m 2. Throughout the experiment the CO2gas exchanges of each canopy were measured 24 h d1. These provideda continuous growth curve for each treatment, which were comparedwith dry weights. After a small stimulation at the start (first13 d), no further effect of CO2 enrichment was observed on relativegrowth rate (RGR). However, RGR was stimulated throughout theexperiment when plotted as a function of biomass. The finalstimulation ol dry weight at 660 mm3 dm 3 CO2 was a factor of1·45 at high density and 1·50 at low density,contrary to other studies, no diminution of this CO2 effecton dry weight was observed over time. Nevertheless, at low density,a transient additional enhancement of biomass (up to 1·70)was obtained at a leaf area index (LAI) below 1. This effectwas attributed to a different build up of the gain of carbonin the case of an isolated plant or a closed canopy. In theformer, the stimulation of leaf area and the net assimilationrate are both involved; in the latter the enhancement becomesindependent of the effect on leaf area because the canopy photosynthesisper unit ground area as a function of LAI reaches a plateau. Key words: Triticum aestuum, L. var. Capitole, Vegetative growth, Canopy  相似文献   

为了探究大气CO2升高对沉水植物光合生理的影响,利用便携式植物效率分析仪(Handy PEA),在无损的情况下测定不同CO2浓度处理下的苦草(Vallisneria natans)叶绿素荧光诱导曲线,并采用JIP-test分析方法分析数据,研究CO2浓度对苦草叶片叶绿素荧光特性的影响。结果表明在实验进行60 d后,与对照相比,高CO2浓度处理下的苦草叶片PSⅡ反应中心受体侧荧光参数Vj、Mo显著升高,Sm、ψo、φEo显著降低,叶片电子传递能力减弱;K相相对可变荧光Wk显著提高,PSⅡ反应中心供体侧放氧复合体OEC受到伤害;ABS/RC、DIo/RC、TRo/RC、DIo/CSo显著升高,ETo/RC、REo/RC、ETo/CSo、REo/CSo显著降低,苦草叶片用于热耗散的能量显著增加,导致用于电子传递及传递到电子链末端的能量显著减少;性能参数Fv/Fm、PIabs显著降低,苦草叶片PSⅡ潜在活性和光合作用原初反应过程受到抑制。以上结果表明,在长期高CO2浓度处理下,苦草叶片光合机构功能受到抑制,PSⅡ反应中心活性降低,光合功能下调,发生光适应现象。  相似文献   

Cancer progression and organ development are similar phenomena. Both involve rapid bursts of proliferation, angiogenesis, tissue remodeling, and cell migration. Therefore, it is not surprising that both processes utilize similar signaling machinery. In fact, many recent studies have suggested that cancer is a disease triggered by the erroneous re-activation of signaling pathways that are typically down-regulated after the completion of embryonic development. This link between embryonic development and cancer is particularly exciting because it suggests that we might be able to exploit the knowledge gained in studies of Developmental Biology to obtain novel insights into tumor biology. Our evolving understanding of pancreatic adenocarcinoma is an excellent example of this relationship between development and cancer. Here we discuss recent studies have indicated important roles for two major developmental signaling pathways in pancreatic cancer: Notch and Hedgehog (Hh).  相似文献   

Stomatal Responses of Variegated Leaves to CO2 Enrichment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The responses of stomatal density and stomatal index of fivespecies of ornamental plants with variegated leaves grown attwo mole fractions of atmospheric CO2 (350 and 700 µmolmol-1) were measured. The use of variegated leaves allowed anypotential effects of mesophyll photosynthetic capacity to beuncoupled from the responses of stomatal density to changesin atmospheric CO2 concentration. There was a decrease in stomataldensity and stomatal index with CO2 enrichment on both white(unpigmented) and green (pigmented) leaf areas. A similar responseof stomatal density and index was also observed on areas ofleaves with pigmentation other than green indicating that anydifferences in metabolic processes associated with colouredleaves are not influencing the responses of stomatal densityto CO2 concentrations. Therefore the carboxylation capacityof mesophyll tissue has no direct influence on stomatal densityand index responses as suggested previously (Friend and Woodward1990 Advances in Ecological Research 20: 59-124), instead theresponses were related to leaf structure. The stomatal characteristics(density and index) of homobaric variegated leaves showed agreater sensitivity to CO2 on green portions, whereas heterobaricleaves showed a greater sensitivity on white areas. These resultsprovide evidence that leaf structure may play an important rolein determining the magnitude of stomatal density and index responsesto CO2 concentrations.Copyright 1995, 1999 Academic Press Leaf structure, photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, CO2, stomatal density, stomatal index  相似文献   

Restoration ecology requires theoretical consideration of a habitat’s former structure and function before the practice of ecological restoration is applied. However, experience has shown that this does not always occur and aspects such as soil ecology have often been an afterthought. Here, case study material relates the use of earthworms at selected sites in the United Kingdom. Due to their soil‐forming capabilities, these organisms may be essential to reconstruction of soils when drastic activities have despoiled an area. While describing in brief the type of work undertaken, these case studies seek to illustrate some of the misunderstandings/problems/deliberately negative acts that have too often accompanied use of earthworms in soil restoration. From such experiences, implications for practice are suggested that should lead to a greater understanding and appropriate utilization of earthworms in future projects.  相似文献   

The CO 2 fertilization hypothesis stipulates that rising atmospheric CO 2 has a positive effect on tree growth due to increasing availability of carbon. The objective of this paper is to compare the recent literature related to both field CO 2 -enriched experiments with trees and empirical dendrochronological studies detecting CO 2 fertilization effects in tree-rings. This will allow evaluation of tree growth responses to atmospheric CO 2 enrichment by combining evidence from both ecophysiology and tree-ring research. Based on considerable experimental evidence of direct CO 2 fertilization effect (increased photosynthesis, water use efficiency, and above- and belowground biomass), and predications from the interactions of enriched CO 2 with temperature, nitrogen and drought, we propose that warm, moderately drought-stressed ecosystems with an ample nitrogen supply might be the most CO 2 responsive ecosystems. Empirical tree-ring studies took the following three viewpoints on detecting CO 2 fertilization effect in tree-rings: 1) finding evidence of CO 2 fertilization effect in tree-rings, 2) attributing growth enhancement to favorable climate rather than atmospheric CO 2 enrichment, and 3) considering that tree growth enhancement might be caused by synergistic effects of several factors such as favorable climate change, CO 2 fertilization, and anthropogenic atmospheric deposition (e.g., nitrogen). At temperature-limiting sites such as high elevations, nonfindings of CO 2 fertilization evidence could be ascribed to the following possibilities: 1) cold temperatures, a short season of cambial division, and nitrogen deficiency that preclude a direct CO 2 response, 2) old trees past half of their maximum life expectancy and consequently only a small increase in biomass increment due to CO 2 fertilization effect might be diminished, 3) the elimination of age/size-related trends by statistical detrending of tree-ring series that might remove some long-term CO 2 -related trends in tree-rings, and 4) carbon partitioning and growth within a plant that is species-specific. Our review supports the atmospheric CO 2 fertilization effect hypothesis, at least in trees growing in semi-arid or arid conditions because the drought-stressed trees could benefit from increased water use efficiency to enhance growth.  相似文献   

The fire regime of ponderosa pine forests in the southwestern United States has shifted over the past century from historically frequent, low-intensity surface fires to infrequent, stand-replacing crown fires. We quantified plant and soil carbon (C) responses to this new fire regime and assessed interactions between changes in fire regime and changes in precipitation regime predicted by some climate models (specifically, an earlier monsoon rain season). We hypothesized that soil C pools and carbon dioxide (CO2) efflux rates would decrease initially following stand-replacing fires (due to low plant C inputs and the loss of the soil surficial organic (O) horizon), but then increase with time-after-fire (as plant C inputs increase). Water availability often limits soil biological activity in these forests, but we predicted that low soil C availability following fire would constrain soil CO2 efflux responses to precipitation. In a series of sites with histories of stand-replacing fires that burned between 2 and 34?years prior to sampling, burned patches had lower soil C pools and fluxes than adjacent unburned patches, but there was no evidence of a trend with time-after-fire. Burned forests had 7,500?g C m?2 less live plant biomass C (P?<?0.001), 1,600?g C m?2 less soil total C (P?<?0.001) and 90?g C m?2 less soil labile C (P?<?0.001) than unburned forests. Lower soil labile C in burned patches was due to both a loss of O horizon mass with fire and lower labile C concentrations (g labile C kg?1 soil total C) in the mineral soil. During the annual drought that precedes summer monsoon rains, both burned and unburned patches had soil CO2 efflux rates ranging from 0.9 to 1.1?g CO2-C m?2 day?1. During the monsoon season, soil CO2 efflux in unburned patches increased to approximately 4.8?g CO2-C m?2 day?1 and rates in paired burned patches (3.4?g CO2-C m?2 day?1) were lower (P?<?0.001). We also used field irrigation to experimentally create an earlier and longer monsoon season, and soil CO2 efflux rates at both burned and unburned plots increased initially in response to watering, but decreased to below control (plots without irrigation) rates within weeks. Watering did not significantly change cumulative growing season soil CO2 efflux, supporting our prediction that C availability constrains soil CO2 efflux responses to precipitation. This research advances our understanding of interactions among climate, fire, and C in southwestern forests, suggesting that climate-induced shifts toward more stand-replacing fires will decrease soil C for decades, such that a single fire can constrain future soil biological responses to precipitation regime changes.  相似文献   

Future climate scenarios predict simultaneous changes in environmental conditions, but the impacts of multiple climate change drivers on ecosystem structure and function remain unclear. We used a novel experimental approach to examine the responses of an upland grassland ecosystem to the 2080 climate scenario predicted for the study area (3.5°C temperature increase, 20% reduction in summer precipitation, atmospheric CO2 levels of 600 ppm) over three growing seasons. We also assessed whether patterns of grassland response to a combination of climate change treatments could be forecast by ecosystem responses to single climate change drivers. Effects of climate change on aboveground production showed considerable seasonal and interannual variation; April biomass increased in response to both warming and the simultaneous application of warming, summer drought, and CO2 enrichment, whereas October biomass responses were either non-significant or negative depending on the year. Negative impacts of summer drought on production were only observed in combination with a below-average rainfall regime, and showed lagged effects on spring biomass. Elevated CO2 had no significant effect on aboveground biomass during this study. Both warming and the 2080 climate change scenario were associated with a significant advance in flowering time for the dominant grass species studied. However, flowering phenology showed no significant response to either summer drought or elevated CO2. Species diversity and equitability showed no response to climate change treatments throughout this study. Overall, our data suggest that single-factor warming experiments may provide valuable information for projections of future ecosystem changes in cool temperate grasslands.  相似文献   

Emissions of CO2 from soils make up one of the largest fluxes in the global C cycle, thus small changes in soil respiration may have large impacts on global C cycling. Anthropogenic additions of CO2 to the atmosphere are expected to alter soil carbon cycling, an important component of the global carbon budget. As part of the Duke Forest Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) experiment, we examined how forest growth at elevated (+200 ppmv) atmospheric CO2 concentration affects soil CO2 dynamics over 7 years of continuous enrichment. Soil respiration, soil CO2 concentrations, and the isotopic signature of soil CO2 were measured monthly throughout the 7 years of treatment. Estimated annual rates of soil CO2 efflux have been significantly higher in the elevated plots in every year of the study, but over the last 5 years the magnitude of the CO2 enrichment effect on soil CO2 efflux has declined. Gas well samples indicate that over 7 years fumigation has led to sustained increases in soil CO2 concentrations and depletion in the δ13C of soil CO2 at all but the shallowest soil depths.  相似文献   

为了探讨淡水绿藻在适应CO2浓度变化过程中细胞形态和结构的变化,通过普通显微镜和电子显微镜观察了在不同CO2浓度培养下的莱因衣藻(Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dang)和斜生栅藻(Scenedesmus obliquus Kütz)细胞.结果表明,CO2浓度变化对莱因衣藻细胞体积没有明显的影响,但斜生栅藻在低浓度CO2培养下细胞体积明显增大,并可见细胞内含有大量颗粒.两种绿藻细胞的超微结构显示,在低浓度CO2培养下,细胞内叶绿体数目明显减少,并可见明显的淀粉盘包围的蛋白核;细胞内还可见大量的淀粉粒.而在高浓度CO2培养下,这两种绿藻细胞内均未见明显的蛋白核和大量淀粉粒出现.  相似文献   

During the period of most active leaf expansion, the foliar dark respiration rate of soybeans (Glycine max cv Williams), grown for 2 weeks in 1000 microliters CO2 per liter air, was 1.45 milligrams CO2 evolved per hour leaf density thickness, and this was twice the rate displayed by leaves of control plants (350 microliters CO2 per liter air). There was a higher foliar nonstructural carbohydrate level (e.g. sucrose and starch) in the CO2 enriched compared with CO2 normal plants. For example, leaves of enriched plants displayed levels of nonstructural carbohydrate equivalent to 174 milligrams glucose per gram dry weight compared to the 84 milligrams glucose per gram dry weight found in control plant leaves. As the leaves of CO2 enriched plants approached full expansion, both the foliar respiration rate and carbohydrate content of the CO2 enriched leaves decreased until they were equivalent with those same parameters in the leaves of control plants. A strong positive correlation between respiration rate and carbohydrate content was seen in high CO2 adapted plants, but not in the control plants.

Mitochondria, isolated simultaneously from the leaves of CO2 enriched and control plants, showed no difference in NADH or malate-glutamate dependent O2 uptake, and there were no observed differences in the specific activities of NAD+ linked isocitrate dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase. Since the mitochondrial O2 uptake and total enzyme activities were not greater in young enriched leaves, the increase in leaf respiration rate was not caused by metabolic adaptations in the leaf mitochondria as a response to long term CO2 enrichment. It was concluded, that the higher respiration rate in the enriched plant's foliage was attributable, in part, to a higher carbohydrate status.


Effects of CO2 Enrichment on Four Poplar Clones. I. Growth and Leaf Anatomy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The poplar clones Columbia River, Beaupre, Robusta and Raspaljehave been investigated under the present (350 µmol mol–1)and double the present (700 µmol mol–1) atmosphericCO2 concentration. Cuttings were planted in pots and were grownin open-top chambers inside a glasshouse for 92 d. The number of leaves, total length of stem, total leaf area,overall growth rate, total leaf, stem and root d. wt respondedpositively to increased CO2 but the leaf size and biomass allocationshowed no change with CO2 enrichment. Beaupre and Robusta showeda larger growth response than either Columbia River or Raspalje. The effects of CO2 enrichment were restricted to the early phaseof growth at the beginning of the growth season. Leaf cell numbers in all the clones were not affected by CO2enrichment. Leaf thickness was affected; this was mainly theresult of larger mesophyll cells and more extensive intercellularspaces. Poplar clones, CO2 enrichment, growth, leaf anatomy, leaf cell number  相似文献   

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