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Outer membrane protein F, a major component of the Escherichia coli outer membrane, was crystallized for the first time in lipidic mesophase of monoolein in novel space groups, P1 and H32. Due to ease of its purification and crystallization OmpF can be used as a benchmark protein for establishing membrane protein crystallization in meso, as a "membrane lyzozyme". The packing of porin trimers in the crystals of space group H32 is similar to natural outer membranes, providing the first high-resolution insight into the close to native packing of OmpF. Surprisingly, interaction between trimers is mediated exclusively by lipids, without direct protein-protein contacts. Multiple ordered lipids are observed and many of them occupy identical positions independently of the space group, identifying preferential interaction sites of lipid acyl chains. Presence of ordered aliphatic chains close to a positively charged area on the porin surface suggests a position for a lipopolysaccharide binding site on the surface of the major E. coli porins.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations were used to study the structure and dynamics of the Escherichia coli OmpF porin, which is composed of three identical 16-stranded beta-barrels. Simulations of the full trimer in the absence of water and the membrane led to significant contraction of the channel in the interior of each beta-barrel. With very weak harmonic constraints (0.005 kcal/mol A2/atom) applied to the main-chain C alpha atoms of the beta-barrel, the structure was stabilized without alteration of the average fluctuations. The resulting distribution of the fluctuations (small for beta-strands, large for loops and turns) is in good agreement with the x-ray B factors. Dynamic cross-correlation functions showed the importance of coupling between the loop motions and barrel flexibility. This was confirmed by the application of constraints corresponding to the observed temperature factors to the barrel C alpha atoms. With these constraints, the beta-barrel fluctuations were much smaller than the experimental values because of the intrinsic restrictions on the atomic motions, and the loop motions were reduced significantly. This result indicates that considerable care is required in introducing constraints to keep proteins close to the experimental structure during simulations, as has been done in several recent studies. Loop 3, which is thought to be important in gating the pore, undergoes a displacement that shifts it away from the x-ray structure. Analysis shows that this arises from the breakdown of a hydrogen bond network, which appears to result more from the absence of solvent that from the use of standard ionization states for the side chains of certain beta-barrel residues.  相似文献   

Deep rought mutants, which produce very defective lipopolysaccharides, are unable to export normal levels of porins into the outer membrane. In this study, we showed that lipopolysaccharides from such mutants were also unable to facilitate the trimerization, in vitro, of monomeric OmpF porin secreted by spheroplasts of Escherichia coli B/r. In contrast, lipopolysaccharides containing most or all of the core oligosaccharides were able to facilitate trimerization.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic patterns of the outer membrane proteins of agar-entrapped Escherichia coli cells were found to be different from those of free organisms. In particular, the porin protein OmpF was underexpressed in immobilized bacteria, that displayed enhanced resistance to latamoxef.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation and characterization of mutations in ompF that alter the pore properties of the OmpF porin. The selection makes use of the fact that maltodextrins larger than maltotriose are too large to diffuse through the normal OmpF pore. By demanding growth on maltodextrins (Dex+) in the absence of the LamB protein, which is normally required for the uptake of these large sugars, we are able to obtain ompF mutations. These include transversions, transitions and small deletions. We obtained almost exclusively ompF mutations in spite of the fact that analogous alterations in ompC can result in similar phenotypes. Fifteen independent point mutations identify residues R42, R82, D113 and R132 of the mature peptide as important in pore function. The alterations result in uncharged amino acids being substituted for charged amino acids. Growth tests, antibiotic sensitivities and rates of [14C]maltose uptake suggest that the alterations result in an increased pore size. Small deletions of six to 15 amino acid residues in the region between A108 and V133 of mature OmpF dramatically alter outer membrane permeability to hydrophobic antibiotics and detergents as well as conferring a Dex+ phenotype. We suggest that these mutations affect both the pore function and interactions with other outer membrane components. A model of OmpF protein structure based on general rules for folding membrane proteins and these mutations is presented.  相似文献   

The phenotypic plasticity of global regulatory networks provides bacteria with rapid acclimation to a wide range of environmental conditions, while genetic changes in those networks provide additional flexibility as bacteria evolve across long time scales. We previously identified mutations in the global regulator-encoding gene fis that enhanced organismal fitness during a long-term evolution experiment with Escherichia coli. To gain insight into the effects of these mutations, we produced two-dimensional protein gels with strains carrying different fis alleles, including a beneficial evolved allele and one with an in-frame deletion. We found that Fis controls the expression of the major porin-encoding gene ompF in the E. coli B-derived ancestral strain used in the evolution experiment, a relationship that has not been described before. We further showed that this regulatory connection evolved over two different time scales, perhaps explaining why it was not observed before. On the longer time scale, we showed that this regulation of ompF by Fis is absent from the more widely studied K-12 strain and thus is specific to the B strain. On a shorter time scale, this regulatory linkage was lost during 20,000 generations of experimental evolution of the B strain. Finally, we mapped the Fis binding sites in the ompF regulatory region, and we present a hypothetical model of ompF expression that includes its other known regulators.  相似文献   

Assembly of the OmpF and LamB proteins was kinetically retarded in deep rough lipopolysaccharide mutants of Escherichia coli K-12. OmpF assembly was affected at the step of conversion of metastable trimers to stable trimers, whereas LamB assembly was influenced both at the monomer-to-metastable trimer and metastable-to-stable trimer steps. These assembly defects were reversed in the presence of the sfaA1 and sfaB3 suppressor alleles, which were isolated by using ompF assembly mutants.  相似文献   

J M Pages  J M Bolla  A Bernadac  D Fourel 《Biochimie》1990,72(2-3):169-176
Various monoclonal antibodies (MoF) directed against cell-surface-exposed epitopes of OmpF, one major outer membrane pore protein of Escherichia coli B and K-12, have been used to study the assembly and the topology of the protein. This paper firstly describes the characterization of the OmpF epitopes recognized by the various monoclonal antibodies. A comparison between OmpC, OmpF and PhoE porins with respect to their primary amino acid sequence and their cell-surface exposed regions allows us to propose a rough model including 2 antigenic sites. The second part is focused on the assembly of the OmpF protein in the outer membrane. Various forms, precursor, unassembled monomer, metastable oligomer (pre-trimer) and trimer are detected with immunological probes directed against OmpF during a kinetic analysis of the process. The requirement for a concomitant lipid synthesis during the trimerization has been demonstrated by investigating the presence of a specific native epitope. The role of lipopolysaccharide during the stabilization of the conformation is discussed with regard to the various steps of assembly.  相似文献   

We used patch clamp analysis to compare the electrophysiological behavior of two related porins from Escherichia coli, the anion-specific PhoE and the cation-selective OmpF. Outer membrane fractions were obtained from strains expressing just one of these porin types, and the channels were reconstituted into liposomes without prior purification. We show that the orientation of the reconstituted channels is not random and is the same for both PhoE and OmpF. Like cation-selective porins, PhoE shows fast and slow gating to closed levels of various amplitudes, testifying that the channels visit multiple functional states and behave as cooperative entities. The voltage-dependence of PhoE closure is asymmetric, but strikingly, occurs at voltages of inverse polarity from those promoting closures of OmpC and OmpF. Both slow kinetics and inverse voltage-dependence are removed when 70 amino acids from the N-terminal of OmpF are introduced into the homologous region of PhoE. This novel observation regarding the voltage-dependence of the two channel types, along with published results on PhoE and OmpF mutants, allows us to propose a molecular mechanism for voltage sensing and sensor charge movements in bacterial porins. It also offers new cues on the possible physiological relevance in bacteria of this common form of channel modulation.  相似文献   

Determinants of OmpF porin antigenicity and structure.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Sixty-six murine hybridomas raised to Escherichia coli B/r porin were used to identify and differentiate the epitopes of this outer membrane protein. Anti-porin monoclonal antibodies (mAb) were raised against outer membrane fragments, purified native trimeric porin (trimer), and purified sodium dodecyl sulfate-denatured monomeric porin (monomer). Immunochemical and flow cytometric methods identified five distinct cell surface-exposed determinants on OmpF. The peptide composition of porin epitopes was determined by analysis of mAb reactivity with cyanogen bromide-generated peptide fragments. Four of 43 anti-monomer mAb reacted with surface exposed sites on OmpF, defining epitopes that consist of residues within CNBr peptides d2, d3, and B. The anti-porin mAb panel was also used to evaluate changes in porin antigenic structure in strains with short ompF deletions. Flow cytometric experiments indicated that despite changes in porin permeability, little if any alteration of surface epitopes occurred in these strains. Western immunoblot analysis of the mutant porins showed loss of reactivity with numerous mAb, which was caused by changes in three spatially distinct epitopes at residues 108-111, 118-123, and 124-129. Our findings indicate that in these ompF mutants the residues responsible for altering porin permeability are not exposed on the cell surface, but are buried within the tertiary structure of the protein. One of these regions, which is apparently involved in the determination of channel permeability characteristics, is conserved among 15 of 16 different porin molecules which were screened with the anti-OmpF mAb panel.  相似文献   

Using a highly purified enzyme preparation of uridine phosphorylase from Escherichia coli B, we have performed detailed kinetic studies which include initial-velocity and product-inhibition experiments in the forward and reverse directions of the reaction. These studies indicate a rapid-equilibrium random mechanism for this enzyme with the formation of an enzyme . uracil phosphate abortive complex. Lack of formation of the enzyme . uridine . ribose-1-phosphate abortive complex suggests that the ribosyl moiety of the two ligands compete for the same binding site. The random mechanism is different from the ordered addition of substrates found for uridine phosphorylase from other sources. All the kinetic constants in the forward and reverse directions and the Keq of reaction for E. coli uridine phosphorylase are reported herein.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the properties of pores formed by OmpF porin from Escherichia coli, based on a molecular dynamics simulation of the OmpF trimer, 318 palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylethanolamine lipids, 27 Na+ ions, and 12,992 water molecules. After equilibration and a nanosecond production run, the OmpF trimer exhibits a C-alpha root mean square deviation from the crystal structure of 0.23 nm and a stable secondary structure. No evidence is found for large-scale motions of the L3 loop. We investigate the pore dimensions, conductance, and the properties of water inside the pore. This water forms a complicated pattern, even when averaged over 1 ns of simulation time. Around the pore constriction zone the water dipoles are highly structured in the plane of the membrane, oriented by the strong transversal electric field. In addition, there is a net orientation along the pore axis pointing from the extracellular to the intracellular side of the bilayer. The diffusion coefficients of water inside the pore are greatly reduced compared to bulk. We compare our results to results from model pores (Breed et al., 1996. Biophys. J. 70:1 643-1 661; Sansom et al. 1997. Biophys. J. 73:2404-241 5) and discuss implications for further theoretical work.  相似文献   

Porin is a trimeric membrane protein that functions as a diffusion pore in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli. We report the existence and purification of porin heterotrimers between the ompC, ompF, and phoE porin gene products. Separation was achieved using a high resolution anion exchange column. The amount of each heterotrimer species present depended on the level of expression of the subunits and was consistent with random mixing of trimer subunits. A strong effect of bacterial lipopolysaccharide on the chromatography of porin was also detected. These results imply that assembly of porin trimers occurs between subunits synthesized on different polysomes and that subunit contacts between the porin subunits occur in conserved regions of the primary sequence.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli EnvZ-OmpR regulatory system is a paradigm of intracellular signal transduction mediated by the well-documented phosphotransfer mechanism, by which the expression of the major outer membrane proteins, OmpC and OmpF, is regulated in response to the medium osmolarity. Although it is clear that the EnvZ histidine(His)-kinase is the major player in the phosphorylation of OmpR, it has been assumed for some time that there may be an alternative phospho-donor(s) that can phosphorylate OmpR under certain in vitro and in vivo conditions. In this study, to address this long-standing issue, extensive genetic studies were done with certain mutant alleles, including delta envZ, delta(ackA-pta), and delta sixA, as well as delta ompR. Here, for the first time, genetic evidence is provided that, in addition to EnvZ, acetyl phosphate and an as yet unidentified sensor His-kinase can serve as alternative in vivo phospho-donors for OmpR, even in the envZ+ background. A model for the alternative phosphotransfer signaling pathway involved in the phosphorylation of OmpR is proposed.  相似文献   

OmpF and PhoE from Escherichia coli and related homologous proteins from other Gram-negative bacteria allow the passive transport of small polar molecules across the bacterial outer membrane. In vitro, they exhibit voltage gating depending on the experimental conditions. We review current hypotheses on the underlying molecular mechanism of voltage gating of OmpF porin and show how computer simulations can be used to examine each of the proposed mechanisms.  相似文献   

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