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Potassium channels catalyze the selective transfer of potassium across the cell membrane and are essential for setting the resting potential in cells, controlling heart rate and modulating the firing pattern in neurons. Tetraethylammonium (TEA) blocks ion conduction through potassium channels in a voltage-dependent manner from both sides of the membrane. Here we show the structural basis of TEA blockade by cocrystallizing the prokaryotic potassium channel KcsA with two selective TEA analogs. TEA binding at both sites alters ion occupancy in the selectivity filter; these findings underlie the mutual destabilization and voltage-dependence of TEA blockade. We propose that TEA blocks potassium channels by acting as a potassium analog at the dehydration transition step during permeation.  相似文献   

The receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) is a pattern recognition receptor involved in?inflammatory processes and is associated with diabetic complications, tumor outgrowth, and neurodegenerative disorders. RAGE induces cellular signaling events upon binding of a variety of ligands, such as glycated proteins, amyloid-β, HMGB1, and S100 proteins. The X-ray crystal structure of the VC1 ligand-binding region of the human RAGE ectodomain was determined at 1.85?? resolution. The VC1 ligand-binding surface was mapped onto the structure from titrations with S100B monitored by heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy. These NMR chemical shift perturbations were used as input for restrained docking calculations to generate a model for the VC1-S100B complex. Together, the arrangement of VC1 molecules in the crystal and complementary biochemical studies suggest a role for self-association in RAGE function. Our results enhance understanding of the functional outcomes of S100 protein binding to RAGE and provide insight into mechanistic models for how the receptor is activated.  相似文献   

MlotiK1 is a prokaryotic homolog of cyclic-nucleotide-dependent ion channels that contains an intracellular C-terminal cyclic nucleotide binding (CNB) domain. X-ray structures of the CNB domain have been solved in the absence of ligand and bound to cAMP. Both the full-length channel and CNB domain fragment are easily expressed and purified, making MlotiK1 a useful model system for dissecting activation by ligand binding. We have used X-ray crystallography to determine three new MlotiK1 CNB domain structures: a second apo configuration, a cGMP-bound structure, and a second cAMP-bound structure. In combination, the five MlotiK1 CNB domain structures provide a unique opportunity for analyzing, within a single protein, the structural differences between the apo state and the bound state, and the structural variability within each state. With this analysis as a guide, we have probed the nucleotide selectivity and importance of specific residue side chains in ligand binding and channel activation. These data help to identify ligand-protein interactions that are important for ligand dependence in MlotiK1 and, more globally, in the class of nucleotide-dependent proteins.  相似文献   

In vertebrate olfactory receptors, cAMP produced by odorants opens cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels, which allow Ca(2+) entry and depolarization of the cell. These CNG channels are composed of alpha subunits and at least two types of beta subunits that are required for increased cAMP selectivity. We studied the molecular basis for the altered cAMP selectivity produced by one of the beta subunits (CNG5, CNCalpha4, OCNC2) using cloned rat olfactory CNG channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Compared with alpha subunit homomultimers (alpha channels), channels composed of alpha and beta subunits (alpha+beta channels) were half-activated (K(1/2)) by eightfold less cAMP and fivefold less cIMP, but similar concentrations of cGMP. The K(1/2) values for heteromultimers of the alpha subunit and a chimeric beta subunit with the alpha subunit cyclic nucleotide-binding region (CNBR) (alpha+beta-CNBRalpha channels) were restored to near the values for alpha channels. Furthermore, a single residue in the CNBR could account for the altered ligand selectivity. Mutation of the methionine residue at position 475 in the beta subunit to a glutamic acid as in the alpha subunit (beta-M475E) reverted the K(1/2,cAMP)/K(1/2,cGMP) and K(1/2, cIMP)/K(1/2,cGMP) ratios of alpha+beta-M475E channels to be very similar to those of alpha channels. In addition, comparison of alpha+beta-CNBRalpha channels with alpha+beta-M475E channels suggests that the CNBR of the beta subunit contains amino acid differences at positions other than 475 that produce an increase in the apparent affinity for each ligand. Like the wild-type beta subunit, the chimeric beta/alpha subunits conferred a shallow slope to the dose-response curves, increased voltage dependence, and caused desensitization. In addition, as for alpha+beta channels, block of alpha+betaCNBRalpha channels by internal Mg(2+) was not steeply voltage-dependent (zdelta approximately 1e(-)) as compared to block of alpha channels (zdelta 2.7e(-)). Thus, the ligand-independent effects localize outside of the CNBR. We propose a molecular model to explain how the beta subunit alters ligand selectivity of the heteromeric channels.  相似文献   

The voltage-gated potassium channel KCNQ2 is responsible for M-current in neurons and is an important drug target to treat epilepsy, pain and several other diseases related to neuronal hyper-excitability. A list of synthetic compounds have been developed to directly activate KCNQ2, yet our knowledge of their activation mechanism is limited, due to lack of high-resolution structures. Here, we report cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structures of the human KCNQ2 determined in apo state and in complex with two activators, ztz240 or retigabine, which activate KCNQ2 through different mechanisms. The activator-bound structures, along with electrophysiology analysis, reveal that ztz240 binds at the voltage-sensing domain and directly stabilizes it at the activated state, whereas retigabine binds at the pore domain and activates the channel by an allosteric modulation. By accurately defining ligand-binding sites, these KCNQ2 structures not only reveal different ligand recognition and activation mechanisms, but also provide a structural basis for drug optimization and design.Subject terms: Cryoelectron microscopy, Mechanisms of disease  相似文献   

A topochemical model to explain the biological activity of dendrotoxin-I (DTX-I), a potent blocker for potassium channels, was developed by searching common spatial arrangements of functionally important residues between DTX-I, alpha-dendrotoxin, dendrotoxin-K, BgK, ShK, and charybdotoxin. The first three are structurally and functionally related to one another, and specifically target to Kv1 type potassium channels. The last three are structurally unrelated to the first three but have the ability to displace (125)I-labeled dendrotoxins on the same types of potassium channels. In order to obtain the correct electronic surface potential, thought to be crucial for the DTX-I function, we determined the three-dimensional solution structure of DTX-I by nmr spectroscopy using its correct amino acid sequence recently determined by our group. The most interesting characteristic of our model is that DTX-I has two binding sites to potassium channels: one is the cationic domain made up of Lys residues at positions 5 in the 3(10)-helix, 28 and 29 in the beta-turn, and the other is the Lys19/Tyr17/Trp37 triad located in the antiprotease domain. The cationic domain and the triad are located at the opposite sides of the molecular structure and are separated by about 25 A between Lys29 Calpha and Tyr17 Calpha. The functional triad is characterized by three distances, d(1) approximately 7.5 A (Lys19 Calpha-the center of the Tyr17 aromatic ring), d(2) approximately 8.1 A (Lys19 Calpha-the center of the 6-membered ring of the Trp37 indole group), and d(3) approximately 7. 3 A (the center of the Tyr17 aromatic ring-the center of the 6-membered ring of the Trp37 indole group). This model should aid in the pharmaceutical design of peptide and nonpeptide drugs with potassium channel blocking potencies, as well as in understanding of the physiology, pharmacology, biochemistry, and structure-function analysis of potassium channels.  相似文献   

In addition to suggesting that fatty acids are endogenous ligands, our recent crystal structure of HNF-4alpha showed an unusual degree of structural flexibility in the AF-2 domain (helix alpha12). Although every molecule contained a fatty acid within its ligand binding domain, one molecule in each homodimer was in an open inactive conformation with alpha12 fully extended and colinear with alpha10. By contrast, the second molecule in each homodimer was in a closed conformation with alpha12 folded against the body of the domain in what is widely considered to be the active state. This indicates that although ligand binding is necessary, it is not sufficient to induce an activating structural transition in HNF-4alpha as is commonly suggested to occur for nuclear receptors. To further assess potential mechanisms of activation, we have solved a structure of human HNF-4alpha bound to both fatty acid ligand and a coactivator sequence derived from SRC-1. The mode of coactivator binding is similar to that observed for other nuclear receptors, and in this case, all of the molecules adopt the closed active conformation. We conclude that for HNF-4alpha, coactivator rather than ligand binding locks the active conformation.  相似文献   

M-channels are voltage-gated potassium channels that regulate cell excitability. They are heterotetrameric assemblies of Kv7.2 and Kv7.3 subunits. Their opening requires the presence of the membrane phospholipid phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P(2)). However, the specificity of PI(4,5)P(2) as a binding and activating ligand is unknown. Here, we tested the ability of different phosphoinositides and lipid phosphates to activate or bind to M-channel proteins. Activation of functional channels was measured in membrane patches isolated from cells coexpressing Kv7.2 and Kv7.3 subunits. Channels were activated to similar extents (maximum open probability of ~0.8 at 0 mV) by 0.1-300 μM dioctanoyl homologs of the three endogenous phosphoinositides, PI(4)P, PI(4,5)P(2), and PI(3,4,5)P(3), with sensitivity increasing with increasing numbers of phosphates. Non-acylated inositol phosphates had no effect up to 100 μM. Channels were also activated with increasing efficacy by 1-300 μM concentrations of the monoacyl monophosphates fingolimod phosphate, sphingosine 1-phosphate, and lysophosphatidic acid but not by phosphate-free fingolimod or sphingosine or by phosphate-masked phosphatidylcholine or phosphatidylglycerol. An overlay assay confirmed that a fusion protein containing the full-length C terminus of Kv7.2 could bind to a broad range of phosphoinositides and phospholipids. A mutated Kv7.2 C-terminal construct with reduced sensitivity to PI(4,5)P showed significantly less binding to most polyphosphoinositides. We concluded that M-channels bind to, and are activated by, a wide range of lipid phosphates, with a minimum requirement for an acyl chain and a phosphate headgroup. In this, they more closely resemble inwardly rectifying Kir6.2 potassium channels than the more PI(4,5)P(2)-specific Kir2 channels. Notwithstanding, the data also support the view that the main endogenous activator of M-channels is PI(4,5)P(2).  相似文献   

The current of the outward K+ channel in the cell of horseradish treated with La3+ and the direct interaction between La3+ and the K+ channel protein were investigated using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique, molecular dynamics simulation, and quantum chemistry calculation methods. It was found for the first time that La3+ decreases the current of the K+ channel in the horseradish mesophyll cell. The decrease results from the formation of a coordination bond and hydrogen bond between La3+ and the K+ channel protein in the plasma membrane. The direct interaction destroys the native structure of the K+ channel protein, disturbing the function of the K+ channel protein in the cells. The results can provide the theoretical foundation for understanding the interaction between metal ions (especially high-valence metal ions) and the channel protein in organisms, including animal and plant cells.  相似文献   

Purified calmodulin-stimulated cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase from brain, a homodimer of 59-kDa subunits, was activated by limited proteolysis with trypsin, alpha-chymotrypsin, Pronase, or papain and could not be further stimulated by addition of Ca2+ and calmodulin. Proteolysis increased Vmax and had little effect on the Km for cGMP. Treatment with alpha-chymotrypsin in the presence of ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) produced, sequentially, 57- and 45-kDa peptides from the bovine and 55-, 53-, and 38-kDa peptides from the ovine enzyme. This protease-treated phosphodiesterase exhibited a Stokes radius of 3.9 nm and an S20,w value of 4.55; comparison with the hydrodynamic properties observed for native enzyme (4.3 nm, 5.95 S) strongly suggests a dimeric protein of Mr approximately 80,000-90,000. The proteolyzed species does not interact significantly with calmodulin immobilized on agarose, nor does it show complex formation with 2-dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulfonyl-calmodulin even at micromolar concentrations of protein. Proteolysis, in the presence of calmodulin plus Ca2+, fully activated phosphodiesterase, producing the same intermediate peptides; however, final peptides from the bovine and ovine enzymes were 47 and 42 kDa, respectively, indicating a new, specific conformation of the enzyme. When EGTA was added to such incubations, these peptides were cleaved to those of the size seen when proteolysis was carried out entirely in the presence of EGTA. The initial rate of activation was increased by the presence of Ca2+ and calmodulin, suggesting that, in complex, phosphodiesterase exhibits a site with increased susceptibility to proteolysis. Since calmodulin can still interact with a fully activated form of the enzyme, it appears that retention of calmodulin binding can occur concomitantly with damage to that portion of the phosphodiesterase molecule responsible for suppression of its basal catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Potassium (K+)‐channel gating is choreographed by a complex interplay between external stimuli, K+ concentration and lipidic environment. We combined solid‐state NMR and electrophysiological experiments on a chimeric KcsA–Kv1.3 channel to delineate K+, pH and blocker effects on channel structure and function in a membrane setting. Our data show that pH‐induced activation is correlated with protonation of glutamate residues at or near the activation gate. Moreover, K+ and channel blockers distinctly affect the open probability of both the inactivation gate comprising the selectivity filter of the channel and the activation gate. The results indicate that the two gates are coupled and that effects of the permeant K+ ion on the inactivation gate modulate activation‐gate opening. Our data suggest a mechanism for controlling coordinated and sequential opening and closing of activation and inactivation gates in the K+‐channel pore.  相似文献   

Photoreceptor channel activation by nucleotide derivatives   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Cyclic nucleotide activated sodium currents were recorded from photoreceptor outer segment membrane patches. The concentration of cGMP and structurally similar nucleotide derivatives was varied at the cytoplasmic membrane face; currents were generated at each concentration by the application of a voltage ramp. Nucleotide-activated currents were analyzed as a function of both concentration and membrane potential. For cGMP, the average K0.5 at 0 mV was 24 microM, and the activation was cooperative with an average Hill coefficient of 2.3. Of the nucleotide derivatives examined, only 8-[[(fluorescein-5-yl-carbamoyl)methyl]thio]-cGMP (8-Fl-cGMP) activated the channel at lower concentrations than cGMP with a K0.5 of 0.85 microM. The next most active derivative was 2-amino-6-mercaptopurine riboside 3',5'-monophosphate (6-SH-cGMP) which had a K0.5 of 81 microM. cIMP and cAMP had very high K0.5 values of approximately 1.2 mM and greater than 1.5 mM, respectively. All nucleotides displayed cooperativity in their response and were rapidly reversible. Maximal current for each derivative was compared to the current produced at 200 microM cGMP; only 8-Fl-cGMP produced an identical current. The partial agonists 6-SH-cGMP, cIMP, and cAMP activated currents which were approximately 90%, 80%, and 25% of the cGMP response, respectively. 5'-GMP, 2-aminopurine riboside 3',5'-monophosphate, and 2'-deoxy-cGMP produced no detectable current. The K0.5 values for cGMP activation, examined from -90 to +90 mV, displayed a weak voltage dependence of approximately 400 mV/e-fold; the index of cooperativity was independent of the applied field.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Mutations in the cyclic nucleotide binding domain (CNBD) of the human ether-a-go-go-related gene (HERG) K+ channel are associated with LQT2, a form of hereditary Long QT syndrome (LQTS). Elevation of cAMP can modulate HERG K+ channels both by direct binding and indirect regulation through protein kinase A. To assess the physiological significance of cAMP binding to HERG, we introduced mutations to disrupt the cyclic nucleotide binding domain. Eight mutants including two naturally occurring LQT2 mutants V822M and R823W were constructed. Relative cAMP binding capacity was reduced or absent in CNBD mutants. Mutant homotetramers carry little or no K+ current despite normal protein abundance and surface expression. Co-expression of mutant and wild-type HERG resulted in currents with altered voltage dependence but without dominant current suppression. The data from co-expression of V822M and wild-type HERG best fit a model where one normal subunit within a tetramer allows nearly normal current expression. The presence of KCNE2, an accessory protein that associates with HERG, however, conferred a partially dominant current suppression by CNBD mutants. Thus KCNE2 plays a pivotal role in determining the phenotypic severity of some forms of LQT2, which suggests that the CNBD of HERG may be involved in its interaction with KCNE2.  相似文献   

Phosphoprotein phosphatase IA, which represents the major glycogen synthase phosphatase activity in rat liver cytosol, has been purified to apparent homogeneity by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, histone - Sepharose-4B and Sephadex G-100. The molecular weight of the purified enzyme was 40 000 by gel filtration and 48 000 by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis, Phosphatase IA is therefore a monomeric protein. When treated with 80% ethanol at room temperature, phosphatase IA underwent an inactivation which was totally prevented by 2 mM MgCl2. Catalytically, phosphatase IA has a preference for glycogen synthase D compared with phosphatases IB and II and obligatorily requires Mg2+ or Mn2+ for activity. Maximum activity was attained at 5 mM MgCl2. Since Mg2+ does not activate other phosphoprotein phosphatases in rat liver cytosol, we propose the term 'Mg2+-dependent glycogen synthase phosphatase' for phosphatase IA.  相似文献   

We designed a technique that directly determines binding of cyclic nucleotides to the prokaryotic cyclic nucleotide modulated ion channel MloK1. The ability to purify large quantities of MloK1 facilitated equilibrium binding assays, which avoided the inherent problem of relatively low affinity binding which hindered the use of eukaryotic channels. We found that MloK1 specifically binds cAMP and cGMP with affinity values in the range of those observed for activity assays for eukaryotic channels. Notably, the concentration of ligand that elicited 50% of maximum response in (86)Rb flux assays (K1/2), also referred to as ligand sensitivity, was smaller than the corresponding value obtained from binding assays (Kd) potentially indicating significant channel activity in partially liganded states. To gain further insight into the mechanism of binding and activation of these channels, we mutated several amino acids in the ligand-binding pocket of MloK1, known from electrophysiological studies of homologous eukaryotic channels to affect ligand selectivity and binding efficacy. The S308V MloK1 mutant (a mutation which decreases cGMP selectivity in eukaryotic channels) decreased both the observed cGMP binding affinity and the sensitivity to cGMP relative to the wild-type (WT) channel, leaving those for cAMP unchanged. Conversely, the A352D MloK1 mutant (a mutation which increases cGMP selectivity in eukaryotic channels) increased both the affinity and the sensitivity for cGMP relative to the WT channel, again leaving those for cAMP unchanged. Mutations at R307 in MloK1, the most conserved residue in the binding pocket of cyclic nucleotide-binding proteins, were not tolerated as these mutants do not form functional channels. Furthermore, for each mutation, changes in binding affinities were mirrored by equivalent changes in ligand sensitivity. These data, together with the evidence that partially liganded channels open significantly, suggested strong coupling between cyclic nucleotide binding and MloK1 channel opening.  相似文献   

Actin is a ubiquitous eukaryotic protein that is responsible for cellular scaffolding, motility, and division. The ability of actin to form a helical filament is the driving force behind these cellular activities. Formation of a filament depends on the successful exchange of actin's ADP for ATP. Mammalian profilin is a small actin binding protein that catalyzes the exchange of nucleotide and facilitates the addition of an actin monomer to a growing filament. Here, crystal structures of profilin-actin have been determined to show an actively exchanging ATP. Structural analysis shows how the binding of profilin to the barbed end of actin causes a rotation of the small domain relative to the large domain. This conformational change is propagated to the ATP site and causes a shift in nucleotide loops, which in turn causes a repositioning of Ca(2+) to its canonical position as the cleft closes around ATP. Reversal of the solvent exposure of Trp356 is also involved in cleft closure. In addition, secondary calcium binding sites were identified.  相似文献   

Structural basis for ligand recognition by integrins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Integrins, the major cell surface receptors mediating cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) adhesion, are central to the basic physiology underlying all multicellular organisms. As the complexity of animal body architecture increased, integrins were forced to acquire recognition capabilities toward the wide variety of ECM ligands and cell surface counter-receptors that emerged during evolution. Structural determination of the integrin-ligand complexes for both I domain-containing and non-I domain-containing integrins revealed two fundamentally different types of integrin-binding surfaces. In addition, recent advances in the biochemical and pharmacological characterization of the integrin-ligand interactions are beginning to reveal how integrins achieve specific recognition of wide variety of ligands using a small binding cleft at the subunit interface common to all integrins.  相似文献   

A search of prokaryotic genomes uncovered a gene from Mesorhizobium loti homologous to eukaryotic K(+) channels of the S4 superfamily that also carry a cyclic nucleotide binding domain at the COOH terminus. The gene was cloned from genomic DNA, and the protein, denoted MloK1, was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified. Gel filtration analysis revealed a heterogeneous distribution of protein sizes which, upon inclusion of cyclic nucleotide, coalesces into a homogeneous population, eluting at the size expected for a homotetramer. As followed by a radioactive (86)Rb(+) flux assay, the putative channel protein catalyzes ionic flux with a selectivity expected for a K(+) channel. Ion transport is stimulated by cAMP and cGMP at submicromolar concentrations. Since this bacterial homologue does not have the "C-linker" sequence found in all eukaryotic S4-type cyclic nucleotide-modulated ion channels, these results show that this four-helix structure is not a general requirement for transducing the cyclic nucleotide-binding signal to channel opening.  相似文献   

Sin resolvase is a site-specific serine recombinase that is normally controlled by a complex regulatory mechanism. A single mutation, Q115R, allows the enzyme to bypass the entire regulatory apparatus, such that no accessory proteins or DNA sites are required. Here, we present a 1.86 ? crystal structure of the Sin Q115R catalytic domain, in a tetrameric arrangement stabilized by an interaction between Arg115 residues on neighboring subunits. The subunits have undergone significant conformational changes from the inactive dimeric state previously reported. The structure provides a new high-resolution view of a serine recombinase active site that is apparently fully assembled, suggesting roles for the conserved active site residues. The structure also suggests how the dimer-tetramer transition is coupled to assembly of the active site. The tetramer is captured in a different rotational substate than that seen in previous hyperactive serine recombinase structures, and unbroken crossover site DNA can be readily modeled into its active sites.  相似文献   

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