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Productivity and longevity decreased in a laboratory colony of the parasitoid wasp Microplitis croceipes (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Using light microscopy, it was determined that the colony was free of microsporidia. However, samples of the colony examined for pathogens by electron microscopy revealed three types of viruses: a nonpathogenic polydnavirus which is produced by all female wasps; a nonoccluded baculovirus which is pathogenic to late-stage pupae and adults; and a picorna-like virus which is present in larvae, pupae, and adults. The nonoccluded baculovirus was eliminated from the laboratory colony of M. croceipes by selection of progeny from wasps which had oviposited within 2 to 3 days after emergence from the cocoons and which had lived for at least 14 days post-emergence. Upon death, the wasps were examined by negative stain electron microscopy and only progeny from baculovirus-free wasps were retained. Parasitoid colonies should be systematically examined for pathogenic viruses that may reduce their productivity and efficacy as biological control agents. In addition, exotic parasitoids and predators should be evaluated for viruses and other pathogens while in quarantine.  相似文献   

Morphological defense traits of plants such as trichomes potentially compromise biological control in agroecosystems because they may hinder predation by natural enemies. To investigate whether plant trichomes hinder red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), as biological control agents in soybean, field and greenhouse experiments were conducted in which we manipulated fire ant density in plots of three soybean isolines varying in trichome density. Resulting treatment effects on the abundance of herbivores, other natural enemies, plant herbivory, and yield were assessed. Trichomes did not inhibit fire ants from foraging on plants in the field or in the greenhouse, and fire ant predation of herbivores in the field was actually greater on pubescent plants relative to glabrous plants. Consequently, fire ants more strongly reduced plant damage by herbivores on pubescent plants. This effect, however, did not translate into greater yield from pubescent plants at high fire ant densities. Intraguild predation by fire ants, in contrast, was weak, inconsistent, and did not vary with trichome density. Rather than hindering fire ant predation, therefore, soybean trichomes instead increased fire ant predation of herbivores resulting in enhanced tritrophic effects of fire ants on pubescent plants. This effect was likely the result of a functional response by fire ants to the greater abundance of caterpillar prey on pubescent plants. Given the ubiquity of lepidopteran herbivores and the functional response to prey shown by many generalist arthropod predators, a positive indirect effect of trichomes on predation by natural enemies might be more far more common than is currently appreciated.  相似文献   

Many species of parasitoids can increase their reproduction through feeding on supplemental sugar sources. We evaluated the longevity both with and without hosts and progeny production of a uniparental strain of Meteorus pulchricornis by varying concentration of the sugar solution and feeding frequency. A 1:1:1 sucrose–glucose–fructose-mixture was tested in a range of concentrations (0–70% (w/v)). The parasitoid lifespan did not increase with the concentration of sugar solutions, but parasitoids feeding on a 30% sugar solution attained greater longevity than parasitoids feeding on other sugar concentrations in the absence of hosts. The same effect of sugar concentration was also observed on progeny production, where when the parasitoid was fed 30% (w/v) sugar solution, its lifetime progeny production doubled in comparison to that fed water, and increased by 50% compared to those fed the other sugar solutions. In the last experiment, we studied the effect of feeding intervals on the longevity and progeny production of M. pulchricornis. Parasitoids fed with a 30% (w/v) 1:1:1 sucrose–glucose–fructose-mixture continuously lived six times longer than unfed parasitoids, three times longer than parasitoids fed only once and two times longer than parasitoids fed once every two days in the absence of hosts. Parasitoids with continuous access to the sugar solution produced considerably more progeny than those with fewer feeding frequencies. This increasing progeny production was accomplished more through an increase in daily offspring production rather than through extending reproductive lifespan.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of the predatory mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot (Acari: Phytoseidae), as a suppressive agent of the twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae), was evaluated on greenhouse ivy geraniums at predator:prey release ratios of 1:60, 1:20, and 1:4. Releases at each predator:prey ratio were made at moderate and high T. urticae densities to determine if initial pest population size influenced the suppressive ability of the predator. At ratios of 1:4 and 1:20, P. persimilis significantly reduced T. urticae populations 1 week after release and kept them at low levels thereafter. Plant damage also was significantly reduced at these densities. After 4 weeks, the P. persimilis that were released at a ratio of 1:4 consistently reduced T. urticae populations from densities as high as 30 T. urticae per leaf to fewer than 0.6 per leaf. We found no interaction between release ratio and T. urticae density, indicating that predator effectiveness remains constant, at least within the range of T. urticae densities used. Our work demonstrates the potential of P. persimilis to provide effective control of T. urticae on a greenhouse-grown floricultural crop at a moderately low predator:prey ratio (1:20) and over a range of initial pest densities. However, we recommend that P. persimilis be released at a ratio of 1:4 for greatest reliability and successful control of T. urticae on ivy geraniums.  相似文献   

We conducted laboratory and field experiments to elucidate the life history of Ixodiphagus hookeri, a parasitoid of the ixodid tick Amblyomma variegatum in Western Kenya. Ixodiphagus hookeri females oviposited in unfed host nymphs as well as engorged nymphs, but rarely in engorged larvae. While I. hookeri developed to adults in engorged nymphs, the eggs laid in unfed nymphs disappeared within 2 days after oviposition. As temperature increased, development time of I. hookeri from oviposition to adult emergence in engorged nymphs decreased from 46 days at 23 °C to 35 days at 28 °C, and their immature survival in engorged nymphs decreased from 67% at 23 °C to 22% at 28 °C. No parasitoid adult emerged from hosts at 30 °C. Individual hosts parasitized by single females produced 42–53 adult wasps, 73% of which were females. As a typical pro-ovigenic species, I. hookeri females had an average of 84 mature eggs at emergence and lived only for a few days. When laboratory-reared, unfed nymphs of A. variegatum were attached to cattle for 4–9 days in subsistence farmers’ fields in Western Kenya, 25% of the engorged nymphs and 4% of the unfed nymphs on cattle were parasitized by I. hookeri, demonstrating that I. hookeri females search for and oviposit in A. variegatum nymphs on cattle. Unlike other strains of I. hookeri that overwinter as eggs in unfed nymphs, I. hookeri could continuously reproduce throughout the year in Western Kenya.  相似文献   

Fopius arisanus (Sonan) and Diachasmimorpha tryoni (Cameron) are two important solitary endoparasitoids of tephritid fruit flies. The former species attacks host eggs while the latter attacks host larvae, and both species emerge as adults from the host puparium. This study investigated intrinsic competition between these two parasitoids, as well as aspects of intraspecific competition within each species in the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). Parasitization by F. arisanus resulted in direct mortality of host eggs and prolonged development of host eggs and larvae. Superparasitism by F. arisanus was uncommon when mean parasitism per host patch was <50%, but increased with rising rates of parasitism. Superparasitism by D. tryoni was more common. In superparasitized hosts, supernumerary individuals of F. arisanus were killed through physiological suppression, while supernumerary larvae of D. tryoni were killed mainly through physical attack. In multiparasitized hosts, dissections showed that 81.6% of D. tryoni eggs in the presence of F. arisanus larvae died within 3 days, indicating physiological inhibition of egg hatch. Rearing results further showed that F. arisanus won almost all competitions against D. tryoni. The ratio of D. tryoni stings to ovipositions was lower in hosts not previously parasitized by F. arisanus than in parasitized hosts, suggesting that D. tryoni can discriminate against parasitized hosts. The mechanism that F. arisanus employs to eliminate D. tryoni is similar to that it uses against all other larval fruit fly parasitoids so far reported. The results are discussed in relation to the competitive superiority of early acting species in fruit fly parasitoids, and to a possible competitive-mediated mechanism underlying host shift by D. tryoni to attack non-target flies following the successful introduction of F. arisanus in Hawaii.  相似文献   

Fopius arisanus is a polyphagous parasitoid of Tephritidae, which has been recently introduced to La Réunion Island as part of a classical biological control programme. We carried out laboratory experiments to assess the host specificity of this parasitoid, initially reared on Bactrocera zonata, and then offered for parasitization the eight local tephritid pest species. Naive or experienced parasitoid females were given tephritid eggs in no choice tests. Fopius arisanus females parasitize all fly species but parasitism varies with host species. No adult wasps emerge from Bactrocera cucurbitae and the survival of this species is only slightly affected by parasitism. Dissections show that the late instars of this fly may eliminate the parasitoid by encapsulation. When developing on Ceratitis capitata, Ceratitis rosa, Dacus ciliatus, Dacus demmerezi, and Neoceratitis cyanescens, parasitoid survival rate ranges from 10 to 25%. Bactrocera zonata and Ceratitis catoirii are the best hosts, yielding parasitoid survival rates of more than 70% with no premature mortality. The egg-larval mortality of C. capitata, C. rosa, D. ciliatus, and N. cyanescens, and the pupal mortality of D. demmerezi, are significantly increased by parasitism. The size of emerging adults is affected by host species and is correlated to pupal weight. Bactrocera zonata would be a favorable host to support routine colonization of F. arisanus for mass production of this parasitoid.  相似文献   

Wind tunnel experiments were conducted to determine roles of odor learning in food foraging of the larval parasitoid,Microplitis croceipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Females that had neither fed on sucrose water nor experienced any odor and females that had experienced an odor without feeding failed to respond to any odors in a wind tunnel. Most of the females that had fed without an odor also did not respond to odors. However, most of the females that had experienced an odor during feeding on sucrose water flew to the odor. These results indicate that when females experience an odor during feeding, they learn to associate the odor with food and subsequently respond to the odor. As age of females increased, their response to an experienced odor increased, peaked 2 to 5 days after emergence, and then decreased. With an increasing number of odor experiences while feeding, accuracy of females choosing the experienced odor increased. Females that experienced an odor while feeding three to five times chose the experienced odor 90% of the time. When females experienced an odor while feeding five times, the memory of food associated odor lasted at least 2 days. When they experienced food with two odors successively, they could memorize both odors, and multiple experiences did not cause memory interference. Even when females had learned a food-associated odor, their response to the learned odor ceased after several visits on patches containing the odor but no food. Such negative experience may cause switching of food searching to new odors by females.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Fopius ceratitivorus Wharton, a recently discovered African parasitoid, was studied in quarantine in Hawaii to facilitate its mass production for biological control of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata. Mean longevity of host-deprived and ovipositing females was 17.3 ± 0.9 d and 16.2 ± 0.5 d, respectively. Ovarian maturation peaked at 61.6 mature eggs per female on the fifth day after eclosion and declined thereafter. Mean number of offspring produced per day by mated females was 5.1 ± 0.4, and realized fecundity expressed as total eggs deposited during the female’s life time was 107.8 ± 12.8. Females were more attracted, to and reproduced significantly more, in fruit substrates containing odors of adult flies and eggs rather than fruit substrates artificially inoculated with fly eggs. Our findings suggest that F. ceratitivorus is a promising new parasitoid for biological control of C. capitata in Hawaii.  相似文献   

The effect of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana on the biological characteristics and life table of Aphidius matricariae, a parasitoid of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae, was studied under laboratory conditions. Aphids were first infected with twice the LC95 of B. bassiana for third-instar M. persicae (2 × 108 conidia/ml). Subsequently, at different intervals they were exposed to 1-day-old mated parasitoid females for 24 h. The number of mummies produced per female and the percentage emergence of the F1 generation differed significantly as a function of the time interval between application of the fungus and exposure to the parasitoid. The interference of B. bassiana on parasitoid development was also studied by first exposing the aphid hosts to the parasitoid for 24 h and subsequently applying B. bassiana. The number of mummies produced by a female A. matricariae varied from 11.8 to 24.8 and was significantly different when the aphids were first exposed to the parasitoids and then treated with B. bassiana 24, 48, 72, and 96 h after exposure. There were no significantly different effects of B. bassiana on net reproductive rate (R0), mean generation time (T), intrinsic rate (rm) and the finite rate of increase (λ) of A. matricariae as a result of development in hosts exposed to low or high conidial concentrations (1 × 102, 2 × 108 conidia/ml). The parasitoids developed in infected hosts had lower rm, λ, T and DT (doubling time) values compared with those that developed in uninfected hosts but no differences were observed in R0 values. With proper timing, A. matricariae and B. bassiana can be used in combination in the successful biological control of M. persicae.  相似文献   

Wolbachia is an endosymbiotic bacterium that infects a large percentage of arthropods and can affect the fitness of its host. Here we verified for the first time that the biological control agent Aphytis melinus DeBach is infected with a Wolbachia that causes complete cytoplasmic incompatibility, and conducted an insectary and field survey to determine the infection frequency. A. melinus appears to suffer fitness costs associated with infection based on measurements of longevity and fecundity. We also quantified the Wolbachia titers of A. melinus reared at different temperatures and found that, although not completely cured, increased temperature resulted in a significant reduction in the number of Wolbachia copies found in an individual wasp. Implications of our results for biological control are discussed.  相似文献   

The ability of free- ranging parasitoids to discriminate between previously visited and unvisited sites containing host kairomone (caterpillar frass) but not hosts was tested. Females of Microplitis croceipes,a host specialist and plant generalist larval parasitoid of Helicoverpa (Heliothis) zea,were allowed to fly freely in a simulated plant patch in a flight chamber. Wasps spent less time searching frass sites previously searched by themselves or by conspecifics than unsearched frass sites. In addition to chemical marking, spatial memory of visual cues was implicated as a mechanism for discriminating against self-visited, host-free sites.  相似文献   

Anagrus epos Girault (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) is a natural enemy candidate for a classical biological control program targeting the glassy-winged sharpshooter (GWSS), Homalodisca vitripennis (Germar) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), in California. Little is known about the biology or ecology of A. epos when it utilizes GWSS eggs as a host. Here, we report the results of laboratory studies that describe the host age preference for oviposition, longevity of A. epos adults provided with different food sources, and developmental rates at six different constant temperature regimes. Anagrus epos is a gregarious parasitoid in GWSS eggs with up to 14 adults emerging from each GWSS egg. In choice and no-choice tests for oviposition, A. epos females successfully parasitized all developmental ages of GWSS eggs (1–8 days old). In choice tests, parasitism rates were significantly higher in 1-, 3-, 4-, and 5-day-old GWSS eggs than in 2-, 6-, 7-, and 8-day-old eggs. If provided with honey and water, honey only, water only, or no food or water, A. epos females lived on average 8.2, 4.7, 2.6, and 1.6 days, respectively. Anagrus epos required 294.1 degree-days above a lower temperature threshold of 12.4 °C to develop from egg to adult (eclosion). Our results provide baseline information useful in the development of an efficient parasitoid mass rearing program for A. epos release and evaluation in California.  相似文献   

Superparasitism frequency and its effects on the quality of mass-reared Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead) parasitoids were investigated under laboratory conditions. Percentage of adult emergence, sex ratio, survival, fecundity and flight ability of adult parasitoids that emerged from Anastrepha ludens (Loew) pupae with different levels of superparasitism were determined. A high prevalence of superparasitism was observed. The number of scars per pupa, produced by insertion of the parasitoid ovipositor, ranged from 1 to 30, with an average (±SD) of 8.3 ± 6.2. Adult parasitoid emergence decreased as the level of superparasitism increased. However, the fraction of females rose with increasing superparasitism and the flight ability was lower in adults emerging from pupae with only one scar, compared with adults emerging from superparasitized hosts. Female longevity and fecundity were not affected by superparasitism. Our results support the hypothesis that superparasitism in D. longicaudata might be adaptive, since adults emerging from hosts with moderate levels of superparasitism showed the highest percentage of emergence and there were no significant differences in the other quality control parameters tested. Our findings are relevant to the mass rearing process, where the ratio of hosts to parasitoids can be optimized as well as the distribution of eggs deposited in host larvae. This contributes to efficient mass rearing methods for augmentative biological control programs.  相似文献   

The relative suitability of four plants was studied for larvae of Pieris rapae L. and its parasitoid Cotesia rubecula (Marshall). For unparasitized P. rapae, pupal dry weight and egg-pupa growth rate were higher on cabbage, radish and nasturtium than on Indian hedge mustard. Larval developmental rate and size were greatest for C. rubecula when its host was feeding on nasturtium. Wasp survival was not affected by the host insect/plant combination in which the parasitoid developed. These results indicate that the plant on which host larvae feed is an important factor in development of the parasitoid.  相似文献   

We propose a method for using the literature to evaluate host ranges of parasitoids that are candidates for biological control introductions. Data on the parasitoids that attack a given host species can be used as negative evidence concerning the candidate whose host range is being evaluated. By compiling studies for a variety of host species, one can delineate those taxa unlikely to be attacked by the candidate. Using a retrospective case study of a parasitoid introduced into North America, we describe (1) this approach to using the literature to evaluate host range and (2) how well predictions based on such an evaluation match actual host range. Based on the host range of Macrocentrus grandii in Eurasia as reported in the literature, we predicted that the species in the genus Ostrinia are the most likely hosts. Of native North American species, Ostrinia obumbratalis is the only non-target species likely to be attacked by M. grandii. The predicted host range for North America matched the actual host range found in the field. This suggests that a careful literature review could be used as an important source of data on host range of parasitoid species proposed for introduction into a new environment.  相似文献   

Biological control offers potentially effective suppression of the diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella, a serious pest of Brassica crops. Little is known of whether multiple natural enemies have additive, antagonistic, or synergistic effects on DBM populations. No-choice and choice tests were conducted to assess predation by Podisus maculiventris on DBM larvae parasitized by Cotesia plutellae and unparasitized larvae. In no-choice tests, P. maculiventris preyed on greater numbers of parasitized than unparasitized larvae and greater numbers of young larvae than old larvae. In choice tests with early third instar DBM, there was no difference in predation between parasitized or unparasitized larvae. However, in choice tests with older prey, P. maculiventris preyed on more parasitized than unparasitized larvae. Two field studies were conducted to test if this predator and parasitoid have additive, antagonistic or synergistic effects on DBM populations and plant damage in cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata). In 2002, DBM populations were significantly lower in the presence of C. plutellae but not in the presence of P. maculiventris. There was not a significant interaction between the natural enemies. Plant damage was reduced only with C. plutellae. In 2003, DBM populations were significantly lower in the presence of C. plutellae and P. maculiventris, although the combination of natural enemies did not lead to a non-additive interaction. Plant damage was unaffected by the presence of either natural enemy. Because of its greater predation on parasitized larvae, P. maculiventris could be an intraguild predator of C. plutellae. Yet, their overall combined effect in the field was additive rather than antagonistic.  相似文献   

Russian wheat aphid,Diuraphis noxia(Mordvilko), as a pest of small grains, has prompted research into biological control and host plant resistance. In the presence of Russian wheat aphid, leaves of a susceptible barley (Morex) are curled and chlorotic and sustain large densities of this aphid, while leaves of a resistant barley (STARS-9301B) remain flat and green and sustain fewer aphids. Might parasitism of Russian wheat aphid byAphelinus albipodusHayat & Fatima andDiaeretiella rapaeMcIntosh be affected differently by these plant types? When presented the plants separately and based on parasitism rate relative to aphid density, the largerD. rapaewas more effective in parasitizing relatively high densities of aphids within curled leaves of Morex than relatively low densities of aphids on uncurled leaves of STARS-9301B. Parasitism byA. albipodusdid not significantly differ among the plants. When given a choice of plants, approximately equal rates of parasitism occurred on the two plant lines for both parasitoid species, and parasitism byD. rapaewas greater thanA. albipodus.These data indicate that using parasitoid size as an indicator of success in a physically restricted environment may be misleading, when considered in a plant environment responsive in several manners to aphids (chlorosis, curling, and ability to sustain Russian wheat aphid). We expect that use of resistant barley will result in decreased parasitoid abundance as aphid densities decrease. However, parasitism rates are expected to be approximately equal on resistant and susceptible barley. In this system, plant resistance and biocontrol are compatible management strategies.  相似文献   

The silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia tabaci biotype B (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), is a key pest of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and other vegetable crops worldwide. To combat this pest, a non-crop banker plant system was evaluated that employs a parasitoid, Encarsia sophia (Girault & Dodd) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) with whitefly, Trialeurodes variabilis (Quaintance) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), as an alternative host for rearing and dispersal of the parasitoid to the target pest. (a) Multi-choice and no-choice greenhouse experiments were conducted to determine host specificity of T. variabilis to papaya (Carica papaya L.) and three vegetable crops including tomato, green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), and cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.). The result showed that papaya was an excellent non-crop banker plant for supporting the non-pest alternative host, T. variabilis, whose adults had a strong specificity to papaya plants for feeding and oviposition in both multi-choice and no-choice tests. (b) The dispersal ability of E. sophia was investigated from papaya banker plants to tomato and green bean plants infested with B. tabaci, as well as to papaya control plants infested with T. variabilis; and (c) the percent parasitism by E. sophia on T. variabilis reared on papaya plants and on B. tabaci infested on tomato plants was also evaluated. These data proved that E. sophia was able to disperse at least 14.5 m away from papaya plants to target tomato, bean or papaya control plants within 48–96 h. Furthermore, E. sophia was a strong parasitoid of both T. variabilis and B. tabaci. There was no significant difference in percent parasitism by E. sophia on T. variabilis (36.2–47.4%) infested on papaya plants or B. tabaci (29–45.9%) on tomato plants. Thus, a novel banker plant system for the potential management of B. tabaci was established using papaya as a non-crop banker plant to support a non-pest alternative host, T. variabilis for maintaining the parasitoid to control B. tabaci. The established banker plant system should provide growers with a new option for long-term control of B. tabaci in greenhouse vegetable production. Ongoing studies on the papaya banker plant system are being performed in commercial greenhouses.  相似文献   

Most studies on size–fitness relationships focus on females and neglect males. Here, we investigated how body size of both sexes of an aphid parasitoid, Aphidius ervi Haliday, affected the reproductive fitness. Reproductive fitness was generally positively correlated with body size for both sexes in this species. Large individuals of both sexes had greater longevity, large males fathered more progeny, and large females had higher fecundity, parasitism, and greater ability in host searching and handling. We demonstrated in this study that size effects of males and females were asymmetric on different reproductive fitness parameters. With increasing body size females gained more than males in longevity and fecundity while males gained more than females in the number of female progeny. Regardless of female size, large males sustained a female-biased population longer than small males. These results suggest that male body size should also be considered in the quality control of mass-rearing programs and the evaluation of parasitoid population growth.  相似文献   

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