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Siunova  T. V.  Kochetkov  V. V.  Validov  Sh. Z.  Suzina  N. E.  Boronin  A. M. 《Microbiology》2002,71(6):670-676
Plasmid pBS501, responsible for the resistance of the wild-type Pseudomonas sp. BS501(pBS501) to cobalt and nickel ions, was conjugatively transferred to the rhizosphere Pseudomonas aureofaciens strain BS1393, which is able to synthesize phenazine antibiotics and to suppress a wide range of phytopathogenic microorganisms. The transconjugant P. aureofaciens BS1393(pBS501) turned out to be resistant to cobalt and nickel with an MIC of 8 mM. When grown in a synthetic medium with 0.25 mM cobalt, the transconjugant accumulated 6 times more cobalt than the wild-type strain BS501(pBS501) (1.2 versus 0.2 g Co/mg protein). Electron microscopic studies showed that cobalt accumulates on the surface of transconjugant cells in the form of electron-opaque granules. In a culture medium with 2 mM cobalt or nickel, strain BS1393 produced phenazine-1-carboxylic acid in trace amounts. The transconjugant P. aureofaciens BS1393(pBS501) produced this antibiotic in still smaller amounts. Unlike the parent strain BS1393, the transconjugant P. aureofaciens BS1393(pBS501) was able to suppress in vitro the growth of the phytopathogenic fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici1818 in a medium containing 0.5 mM cobalt or nickel.  相似文献   

Summary A DNA amplification is correlated with the dominant, unstable cob-354 cobalt resistance trait in the cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum. The amplified DNA is present as about 50 copies of an extrachromosomal element. Cells grown under nonselective conditions in the absence of cobalt ions lose both the cobalt resistance trait and all extrachromosomal copies of the amplified DNA. The amplified DNA is transferrable to new genetic backgrounds by parasexual genetic crosses. These results explain the inability to map the cob-354 trait to a linkage group. The chromosomal origin of the amplified DNA is group III or VI. Thus the resistance trait appears to be independent of the previously known cobalt resistance locus, cobA, which maps to group VII. A developmental defect involving the production of multiply-tipped aggregates that do not complete fruiting body formation also is correlated with the presence of the amplified DNA.  相似文献   

Cobalt is an important element with magnetic properties used in various industrial applications, but is also needed for biological activity. Very little is known about the cellular response of living systems to cobalt stress. Towards investigating this mechanism, we isolated individual Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells resistant to high cobalt concentrations up to 8 mmol l−1, by employing four different ‘in vivo’ evolutionary engineering strategies: selection under constant or gradually increasing stress levels, and selection under continuous or pulse exposure to cobalt stress. Selection under continuous exposure to gradually increasing cobalt stress levels yielded the most resistant cell population to cobalt. However, the resistance was highly heterogeneous within the mutant populations ranging from 3- to 3700-fold survival rate of isolated individuals to 8 mmol l−1 CoCl2 in the most resistant population. Moreover, cobalt-resistant individual colonies were associated with 2–4-times lower intracellular cobalt contents as compared to wild-type, and with cross-resistance to metals such as nickel, zinc, manganese, but not to copper and chromium ions. Contrary to mutants evolved under continuous exposure to cobalt, those isolated by pulse exposure strategy also exhibited resistance to heat shock and hydrogen peroxide stress. Taken together, this study reinforced the fact that evolutionary engineering is useful in selecting strains with very specific phenotypes, and further illustrated the importance of the strategy chosen to isolate the best evolved strain.  相似文献   

Summary Pot trials were carried out on plants ofHaumaniastrum katangense, Haumaniastrum robertii andAeolanthus biformifolius. These metallophytes from Zaïre were grown in substrates containing from 0–10,000 g/g (0–1%) copper or cobalt. The tolerance of each species was determined and for cobalt was highest inH. robertii (4000 g/g) and for copper was highest inAeolanthus biformifolius (9000 g/g). Discontinuities in the plant-soil curves for each element indicate an exclusion mechanism operating for all three species at lower concentrations of the element in the soil. All species would grow in soils containing only traces of cobalt or copper and this indicated that uptake of heavy metals was not linked to a physiological requirement for either element. The plant-soil relationship for cobalt (P<0.001) was sufficiently good for all three species for them to be useful in biogeochemical prospecting for this element.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were carried out on the tolerance to and uptake of copper and cobalt by three members of a phylogenetic series of taxa within the genusSilene from Zaïre which were reputed to represent a progression of increasing adaptation to metalliferous soils. Plants studied were the widespread and presumably non-tolerantSilene burchelli var.angustifolia (B), a more tolerant variant of this taxon (E) designated an ecotype, and the metallophyteS. cobalticola (C). Studies on the effects of both metals, singly and in combination, on seed germination, seedling and plant performance and yield, and metal uptake from soil cultures, confirmed in general the sequence B<E<C in relation to tolerance of both copper and cobalt. The experimental evidence also supports the ecotypic status of E and points to E and C being relatively more tolerant to copper than to cobalt.  相似文献   

The compositions of the volatile and polar fractions from two coexisting Black Sea invertebrates, the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and the beadlet anemone Actinia equina, were established. The main metabolites in the volatile fraction from the investigated animals appeared to be methyl esters of fatty acids and fatty aldehydes. In the polar fraction from both animals low concentrations of free acids and nitrogen-containing compounds were obtained. Free carbohydrates were in much higher concentrations in M. galloprovincialis than in A. equina. Some sterols, probably as polar conjugates, were identified mainly in A. equina. Significant changes among all compounds appeared after treatment of both invertebrates with two different concentrations of cobalt ions. The variety of changes in each invertebrate could be due to their different evolutionary status. The effect of cobalt ions was often stronger at medium cobalt-ion concentrations.  相似文献   

Tolerance to current velocity was compared among six stream gobies of the genus Rhinogobius (cross-band, dark, large-dark, cobalt, and orange types, and R. flumineus). Each individual of the six gobies was exposed to incremental increases in current velocity within a laboratory flume. The current velocity at which each individual was dislodged was recorded and compared by species. Results from comparisons showed that the tolerance of gobies declined in the following order: cobalt, large-dark, dark, cross-band, R. flumineus, and orange type. This interspecific difference in velocity tolerance is consistent with their habitat segregation patterns as previously reported by field observations.  相似文献   

A cobalt-resistant wall-less mutant (slime) of Neurospora crassa was obtained by repeated sub-culturing of the sensitive wall-less mutant (W-sl) on agar medium containing toxic concentrations of cobalt. Resistance was stable on culturing Cor-sl on cobalt-free medium up to 15 weekly subcultures. Cor-sl is 10-fold more resistant to cobalt when compared to W-sl. It is also cross-resistant to Cu (10-fold) and Ni (3-fold). Cobalt accumulated by Cor-sl during growth and in short-term uptake experiments was lower when compared to W-sl. Cells previously loaded with cobalt was released into medium in both mutants, while in case of Cor-sl most of cobalt taken up (>80%), was released back into the medium when compared to W-sl. Metabolic inhibitor (Sodium azide) and magnesium ions inhibited cobalt uptake in both the mutants. Fractionation of cell-free extracts showed that most of the cobalt (70%) taken up by Cor-sl was bound to an inducible protein fraction which bound to DEAE-Cellulose, while in W-sl only 20% of cobalt was associated with this fraction. Subcellular localization of cobalt in W-sl indicated most of it to be cytoplasmic (70%) while nuclei and mitochondria had 10% and 5% respectively. In case of Cor-sl, mitochondrial cobalt accounted for only 2% while no significant differences were noted for other fractions. Our data implicate both transport block and intracellular sequestration of cobalt to play a major role in resistance.  相似文献   

Summary The anatomical organization of the two dorsal giant fiber systems of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris is demonstrated in whole mounts and serial-section reconstructions based on backfillings of the ventral nerve cord with cobalt chloride. Both the medial and lateral fiber systems can be labeled selectively over more than ten body segments. They show a characteristic segmental pattern of collaterals with some modification in tail segments and of dorsal plasma protrusions in the unpaired medial giant fiber presumably representing openings in the myelin sheath. We found no multisegmental cobalt transport in other large neurons of the nerve cord. Cobalt passes through the segmentai septa between consecutive axonal elements of the metameric giant fibers and presumably also through commissural contacts between specific collaterals of the lateral giant fibers. Since these sites of contact are known to represent electrical synapses, cobalt coupling may, in L. terrestris, correlate with functional electrotonic coupling.Abbreviations CL collateral of lateral giant fiber - CM collateral of medial giant fiber - GIN giant interneuron - LGF lateral giant fiber - MGF medial giant fiber - SN segmental nerve  相似文献   

Cobalt is one of the possible contaminants originating from radioactive wastes or from metal mines and refineries. This paper describes sorption of cobalt by the foliose lichen Hypogymnia physodes from CoCl2 solutions spiked with 60Co2+ in laboratory experiments. Maximum uptake was reached within 1 hour; the biosorption after 24 hours is not pH-dependent within the range of pH 4–7, negligible at pH 2 and is not dependent on metabolic activity. The process can be described by the Freundlich adsorption isotherm with ln k = 2.77, 1/n = 0.22 and R 2 = 0.94. Bivalent metal ions showed a concentration-dependent competitive effect on cobalt biosorption, decreasing in the order: Cu > Ni > Ca > Mg. Monovalent ions, such as K+ and Na+, showed only very weak competitive effect. Up to 98% of Co taken up by lichen can be removed by washing with 0.1 M NiCl2 at 20°C. This means that only a small fraction of the cobalt is localized intracellularly. These results can be used for elucidating the behaviour of lichens as bioindicators of cobalt pollution in water systems, including the risk of cobalt leakage from lichen probes under the influence of rain, snow and atmospheric humidity.  相似文献   

Summary The antennal lobe of both sexes of the silk moth Bombyx mori contains 55–60 ventrally located antennal glomeruli; in addition, that of the male contains a dorsal macroglomerular complex (MGC). A group of identifiable glomeruli consisting of two lateral large glomeruli (LLG) and four medial small glomeruli (MSG) is present in both sexes, but the LLG are greatly enlarged in the female. A MGC is also present in the male gypsy moth Lymantria dispar and male giant silk moth Antheraea polyphemus. The MGC in all of these species is organized into 3–4 distinct levels of glomeruli. Antennal sensory fibers were stained by cobalt backfills in B. mori, A. polyphemus, and L. dispar. Most fibers stained from cut long hairs (sensilla trichodea) projected to MGC in males and LLG in both sexes of B. mori. The distribution of fibers in the MGC of B. mori was topographically biased in that a majority of fibers from anterior branches projected medially in MGC while most fibers from posterior branches projected laterally or anteriorly. Terminal arborizations of single fibers were each restricted to a single glomerular level of the MGC. Fibers projecting to the posterior antennal center were frequently stained in cut-hair and control preparations, apparently by uptake of cobalt through intact sensilla on flagellar branches.  相似文献   

Mutants of Corynebacterium glutamicum that were unable to grow under mild alkaline pH conditions were isolated by mutagenesis. Strain AL-43 exhibiting the highest sensitivity to alkaline pH among the mutants was selected and used to clone a DNA fragment that could complement the phenotype. Sequencing and subcloning of the cloned 4.0-kb EcoRI DNA fragment showed that the Cgl1281 gene was responsible for the complementation. The deduced amino acid sequence of Cgl1281 was found to show significant sequence similarity with CzcD, a Me2+/H+(K+) antiporter, from Bacillus subtilis and also possess the features of the cation diffusion facilitator (CDF) family: the presence of 6 putative transmembrane segments and a signature sequence, indicating that the gene product is a member of the CDF family. Chromosomal disruption of the Cgl1281 rendered C. glutamicum cells sensitive to alkaline pH as well as cobalt, while expression of the gene from a plasmid restored alkali-tolerance to the wild-type level and also led to increased cobalt resistance. These results demonstrated that the putative transporter of the CDF family mediates resistance to cobalt and also plays a physiological role in alkaline pH tolerance in C. glutamicum.  相似文献   

The effect of cobalt chloride, salicylic acid, and silver nitrate for embryogenesis was studied in in vitro cultures of Coffea canephora. Murashige and Skoog (in Physiol. Plant. 15:473–497, 1962) medium containing 20 and 40 μM either of cobalt chloride, silver nitrate, or salicylic acid supplemented with 1.1 μM N 6 benzyladenine and 2.85 μM indole-3-acetic acid was used for the study. At 20 and 40 μM silver nitrate treatment, 35–48% explants responded for embryogenesis, and 38 ± 7 and 153 ± 27 embryos were produced from each callus mass, respectively, whereas only 5% control explants responded on medium devoid of silver nitrate, cobalt chloride, or salicylic acid. Secondary embryogenesis was observed in 70–90% of the explants, and around 100–150 embryos were produced from each explant cultured on a medium containing silver nitrate, and only a 3% response was noticed in control embryo explants. Yellow friable embryogenic calluses were obtained from the cut edges of most of the tissues grown in a medium supplemented with cobalt chloride. The results clearly demonstrated that, among the tested ethylene inhibitors, silver nitrate is very effective in reprogramming the cellular machinery toward embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Leaching of copper converter slag of M/s Hindustan Copper Ltd, Ghatshila (Bihar, India) was carried out usingAspergillus niger culture filtrate. The effects of the duration of leaching, temperature, pulp density and the addition of hydrochloric acid were studied.A. niger culture filtrate solubilized metals from the converter slag at levels of 18.70% copper, 7.40% nickel and 4.00% cobalt. Addition of hydrochloric acid was found to improve copper, nickel and cobalt solubilization to 46.52, 27.90 and 37.96%, respectively. HPLC analysis of the fungal culture filtrate revealed the presence of succinic and citric acids. Therefore, leaching of the slag was also carried out with matching concentrations of these organic acids individually as well as with both mixed together. Results are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Accumulation of cobalt (60Co) by the estuarine microalgaChlorella salina has been characterized. At cobalt concentrations ranging over 3.125–100 M, a significant amount of cobalt was bound within 1 min. This was metabolism-independent and unaffected by incubation in light or dark conditions. This initial rapid phase of biosorption was followed by a slower phase of uptake which was apparently active and inhibited by incubation in the dark, or by the uncoupler dinitrophenol and the respiratory and photosynthetic inhibitor potassium cyanide in the light. For cells suspended in 10 mM Taps pH 8, cobalt biosorption followed a Freundlich adsorption isotherm. However, in the presence of 0.5 M NaCl, biosorption deviated from the Freundlich model because of competition by Na+. Cobalt biosorption was decreased by increasing concentrations of Na+, decreasing pH and the presence of Cs+, Li+, Rb+, Zn2+. Mn2+ and Sr2+ (added as chlorides). This was a result of competition between Co2+ and the other cations, including H+, for available binding sites on the cell wall and was confirmed by increased desorption of cobalt by solutions of low pH or high salinity. Increasing cell density resulted in increased removal of cobalt from solution but decreased the specific amount of cobalt taken up by the cells.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to investigate the possible inhibition of growth in Pseudomonas aeruginosa by interfering with its iron-uptake mechanism. Cobalt was employed as a possible competitive inhibitor of iron-uptake because of its similar size. The results indicate that cobalt competes effectively with iron for uptake by the bacterial cells and interference with iron-uptake could provide an effective means for inhibiting growth in P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Summary Primary olfactory projections in king salmon fry, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, were studied with the cobaltlysine technique and after sectioning the entire head in a frozen state. The labeled axons can be traced from the olfactory epithelium, where cobalt was applied, into the olfactory bulb and to the ventral and lateral regions of the ventral telencephalon. The latter projection has not previously been reported, and may in actuality represent a transneuronal transport of cobalt. The terminations in the glomerular layer and in the external cellular layer of the bulb appear to be distributed differently in different parts of the bulb, suggesting regional specializations. A few neurons in the bulb were also always labeled suggesting that they may project to the olfactory epithelium.  相似文献   

Summary We describe the cannulated Rana pipiens, tadpole preparation that allows for stable recording in the tectum of the extracellular potential elicited by optic nerve stimulation. The largest components of the evoked tectal response consist of two previously identified waves and a major third, long-latency wave of long duration. These components were reversibly eleminated by perfusion of high magnesium/no calcium Ringer's solution or Ringer's solution containing cobalt chloride. In contrast, perfusion of high calcium/no magnesium Ringer's increased the amplitude and area of these components. We conclude that these components represent post-synaptic activity.Additionally, small, short-duration waves were identified as arising from the activity of retinal afferents. They consisted of a short-latency (3.1–7.6 ms) and a long-latency (12–23 ms) group. Waves belonging to both of these classes were still visible in both high magnesium/ no calcium Ringer's solution or Ringer's solution containing cobalt chloride and were unaffected by high calcium/no magnesium Ringer's. The average conduction velocities of the short- and long-latency groups matched the conduction velocities of, respectively, edge and convexity detectors in the adult. This indicates that retinal afferent input may already be present in adult patterns at the time that tectal circuitry is developing.Abbreviations TTX tetrodotoxin - NMDA N-methyl-D-aspartate - APV 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid  相似文献   

Limited proteolysis of intact yeast methionine aminopeptidase (MAP1) with trypsin releases a 34 kDa fragment whose NH2-terminal sequence begins at Asp70, immediately following Lys69. These results suggest that yeast MAP may have a two-domain structure consisting of an NH2-terminal zinc finger domain and a C-terminal catalytic domain. To test this, a mutant MAP lacking residues 2–69 was generated, overexpressed, purified and analyzed. Metal ion analyses indicate that 1 mol of wild-type yeast MAP contains 2 mol of zinc ions and at least 1 mol of cobalt ion, whereas 1 mol of the truncated MAP lacking the putative zinc fingers contains only a trace amount of zinc ions but still contains one mole of cobalt ion. These results suggest that the two zinc ions observed in the native yeast MAP are located at the Cys/His rich region and the cobalt ion is located in the catalytic domain. The k.at and Km values of the purified truncated MAP are similar to those of the wild-type MAP when measured with peptide substrates in vitro and it appears to be as active as the wild-type MAP in vivo. However, the truncated MAP is significantly less effective in rescuing the slow growth phenotype of map mutant than the wild-type MAP. These findings suggest that the zinc fingers are essential for normal MAP function in vivo, even though the in vitro enzyme assays indicate that they are not involved in catalysis. In addition, a series of single mutations were generated by changing the cysteines and the histidines in the zinc finger region to serines and arginines, respectively. Analyses of these point mutations provide further evidence that the cysteines and histidines are important for the growth promotion function of yeast MAP.  相似文献   

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